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411 - Word - Finished PG 38

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Instructions: While watching Domain 4, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor.
[References are found in the brackets.]

Lesson 1
1. Endnotes appear at the end of a while footnotes appear at the end of a page. [Insert Footnotes
and Endnotes]

2. A footnote can be configured to take up a fixed number of of text. [Modify Footnote and Endnote

3. Citations that are can be used to build a bibliography when needed. [Create and Modify Citation

4. A citation and its can be entered at the same time. [Insert Citations]

37 | Domain 4: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Project Workbook, First Edition

Insert Footnotes and Endnotes Project Details
Project file
The difference between a footnote and endnote is the placement in a document. 411-term paper
Footnotes will be placed at the bottom of the page. If a page has more than one
Estimated completion time
section on it—separated by a section break—footnotes on that page can be
5 minutes
configured to appear right after the section break. Endnotes can also be placed in
a group at the end of the section or at the end of the document. Both footnotes Video reference
and endnotes are added notes that are used to add explanatory notes, extra Domain 4
Topic: Create and Manage Reference
information, or external references to a document. Footnotes and endnotes are
added from the Reference tab. Subtopic: Insert Footnotes and
Objectives covered
Upon completing this project, you will be able to add footnotes and endnotes to 4 Create and Manage References
a document. 4.1 Create and manage reference
Steps for Completion 4.1.1 Insert footnotes and
1. Open the .docx file named 411-term paper and scroll down to the
Overview of 2001 section on page 3. Notes for the teacher
The finished project is saved in the 411-
2. After the word, HAL, at the end the first paragraph, add the footnote: Word-finished file.
Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic Computer

3. Add an endnote to the end of the first paragraph in the Overview of 2001 section. Type: HAL became live and
functional in 1992.

4. Save the project as a .docx file named 411-Word-finished in the Student folder.

5. (True or False) You may insert only one footnote per page.

6. (True or False) You may insert only one endnote per page.

38 | Domain 4: Insert Footnotes and Endnotes Word 2019 Project Workbook, First Edition
Modify Footnote and Endnote Project Details
Project file
Properties 412-term paper

Estimated completion time

To modify the location and styling of existing footnotes or endnotes, the Footnote 5 minutes
and Endnote dialog box can be accessed by clicking the Footnotes group dialog Video reference
box launcher on the Reference tab or by right-clicking an endnote or footnote Domain 4
and clicking Note Options. Topic: Create and Manage Reference
Purpose Subtopic: Modify Footnote and
Endnote Properties
Upon completing this project, you will be able to modify the properties of
footnotes and endnotes using the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. Objectives covered
4 Create and Manage References
Steps for Completion 4.1 Create and manage reference
1. Open the .docx file named 412-term paper and scroll down to the 4.1.2 Modify footnote and
endnote properties
bottom of the page with the first footnote.
Notes for the teacher
2. Change footnotes to display below text in a single column. The finished project is saved in the 412-
Word-finished file.
3. Change endnotes to a lowercase letter format.

4. Save the project as a .docx file named 412-Word-finished in the Student


5. What will happen to footnotes with a fixed number of columns when the document’s column layout is

6. Can the footnote number format be changed like the endnote number format can?

39 | Domain 4: Modify Footnote and Endnote Properties Word 2019 Project Workbook, First Edition
Create and Modify Bibliography Project Details
Project file
Citation Sources 413-term paper

Estimated completion time

A bibliography is the reference information for books used in any publication. 5 minutes
Word has the ability to save you time creating a bibliography by collecting all the Video reference
marked citations and managing the sources for you. Domain 4
Topic: Create and Manage Reference
Purpose Elements
Subtopic: Create and Modify
Upon completing this project, you will be able to create and modify bibliography Citation Sources
citation sources.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 4 Create and Manage References
4.1 Create and manage reference
1. Open the .docx file named 413-term paper elements
4.1.3 Create and modify
2. Create a source for the book Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. bibliography citation sources
Clarke, and the Making of a Masterpiece by Michael Benson. The book was
Notes for the teacher
published by Simon & Schuster in New York City in 2018. The finished project is saved in the 413-
Word-finished file.
3. Change the year of the 2001: A Space Odyssey film source to 1968.

4. Save the project as a .docx file named 413-Word-finished in the Student


40 | Domain 4: Create and Modify Bibliography Citation Sources Word 2019 Project Workbook, First Edition
Insert Citations for Project Details
Project file
Bibliographies 414-term paper

Estimated completion time

A citation can be sourced in the document ahead of time, even without reference 5 minutes
information, and the details can be added or changed using Source Manager Video reference
later. A bibliography placeholder can be inserted as a reminder that a citation will Domain 4
need to be added in the future. Topic: Create and Manage Reference
Purpose Subtopic: Insert Citations

Upon completing this project, you will be able to insert an already marked Objectives covered
citation, create and add a citation, and use a bibliography placeholder to create a 4 Create and Manage References
4.1 Create and manage reference
4.1.4 Insert citations for
Steps for Completion bibliographies

1. Open the .docx file named 414-term paper Notes for the teacher
The finished project is saved in the 414-
2. After the final period at the bottom of page 3, insert a citation to the Word-finished file.
Michael Benson book that is in the source list.

3. After the second paragraph on page 5 (ending with the word bottle), cite
a new website source. The name of the webpage is Hal 9000, its URL is,
and it was retrieved in 2018.

4. Create a citation placeholder at the end of the paragraph above the Theory Concepts heading on page 4. Use the
default name and click the OK button.

5. Save the project as a .docx file named 414-Word-finished in the Student folder.

41 | Domain 4: Insert Citations for Bibliographies Word 2019 Project Workbook, First Edition

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