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Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) D1 L2 Projects

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Domain 1 Lesson 2

10 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Import Data From Online Files Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition
Search for Data Project Details
Project file
The Find tool allows users to search a workbook for data. Searching is often the 121-activity list.xlsx
best way to find a specific piece of data in a large table or chart. Find can search
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just one worksheet or an entire workbook, offering many settings to refine a
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Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Navigate Within Workbooks
Upon completing this project, you will become more familiar with how to search Subtopic: Search for Data
for data within a workbook.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1.2 Navigate within workbooks
1. Open the 121-activity list.xlsx file from your Domain 1 Student folder. 1.2.1 Search for data within a
2. Use Find to answer the following questions.
Notes for the teacher
a. How many times does the word, Winter, appear on this worksheet? If time permits, show students how
changing the Look in option from
i. formulas to values affects their search.

b. How many times does the word, Winter, appear in a cell by itself?


3. Name two options available for refining a search using Find.


11 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Search for Data Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition
Navigate to Specific Areas Project Details
Project file
In addition to Find, there are more tools under Find & Select for navigating to 121-activity list.xlsx
named cells, ranges, or workbook elements. A named range is a specific set of
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cells marked as a group, and the Go To feature will bring the user to these
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specifically marked cells. The Name Box is another mechanism used to get to
these named areas and Go To Special will take one to workbook elements, such Video reference
as notes, comments, or formulas. Domain 1
Topic: Navigate Within Workbooks
Purpose Subtopic: Navigate to Specific
Upon completing this project, you will better understand how to navigate using
Objectives covered
named cells, ranges, and workbook elements. 1 Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1.2 Navigate within workbooks
Steps for Completion 1.2.2 Navigate to named cells,
ranges, or workbook elements
1. Open the 121-activity list.xlsx file from your Domain 1 Student folder.
Notes for the teacher
2. Use Go To to answer the following questions. Ensure students understand that a
named range can consist of single and
a. What range of cells is named February_All? multiple cells.


b. Which cell contains a note?


c. How many named ranges are there?


3. Where is the Name Box?


4. Name three workbook elements one can search for using the Find & Select dropdown arrow.


12 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Navigate to Specific Areas Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition
Hyperlinks Project Details
Project file
Hyperlinks allow people to navigate to a different part of a workbook or 123-activity list.xlsx
information outside the workbook, such as a website. They make it easier to find
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information and utilize a workbook effectively. When removing a hyperlink from
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a cell, be careful to select and hold (or right-click), as selecting the cell will take
one to the link. Video reference
Domain 1
Purpose Topic: Navigate Within Workbooks
Subtopic: Insert and Remove
Upon completing this project, you will become more familiar with adding and Hyperlinks
removing hyperlinks to a workbook.
Objectives covered
1 Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
Steps for Completion 1.2 Navigate within workbooks
1.2.3 Insert and remove hyperlinks
1. Open the 123-activity list.xlsx file from your Domain 1 Student folder.
Notes for the teacher
2. Link the word, February, in cell F1 to the named range in cell A19. For this project, students should
understand that a hyperlink does not
3. Link an activity of your choice from the list to an article about that
just lead to a site outside the workbook
activity. but can also lead to internal locations.

4. Link the word, Weather, in cell G1 to

5. Remove the hyperlink to Microsoft from cell H1.

6. Save the file as 123-activity list completed

13 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Hyperlinks Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition
Page Setup Project Details
Project file
Page setup allows users to change the page size, margins, and orientation of 131-semester grades.xlsx
their documents. Most of these settings are only visible when viewing how the
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document will appear when printed, and users can see lines representing where
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pages will break or hide those lines from view.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Format Worksheets and
Upon completing this project, you will better understand the settings available Workbooks
for page setup in Excel. Subtopic: Modify Page Setup

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

1 Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1. Open the 131-semester grades.xlsx file from your Domain 1 Student 1.3 Format worksheets and
1.3.1 Modify page setup
2. Change the orientation from Portrait to Landscape. Notes for the teacher
Ensure students understand that many
3. What does a page break look like in an Excel workbook?
changes will not be visible until the
a. document is previewed for printing.

4. Open the Page Setup dialog box.

5. Center the content horizontally on the page.

6. Take a screenshot of the dialog box.

7. Save the screenshot as 131-margins completed

14 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Page Setup Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition
Adjust Rows and Columns Project Details
Project file
Adjusting row height and column width helps one fit data in a functional and 132-semester grades.xlsx
aesthetically pleasing way. Users can adjust rows and columns by selecting and
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dragging the separators between them. More precise adjustments can be made
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using the ribbon. AutoFit can ensure cells are the correct size to hold the data
within them without being adjusted individually. Video reference
Domain 1
Purpose Topic: Format Worksheets and
Upon completing this project, you will become more familiar with methods for Subtopic: Adjust Row Height and
adjusting row height and column widths. Column Width

Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1.3 Format worksheets and
1. Open the 132-semester grades.xlsx file from your Domain 1 Student
folder. 1.3.2 Adjust row height and
column width
2. Apply AutoFit to the columns of the entire worksheet.
Notes for the teacher
3. Adjust the height of rows 3 and 15 to 20. Ensure students understand all three
options they have when adjusting
4. Adjust the widths of columns B and M to 12.
heights and widths and are comfortable
with them.
5. Save the file as 132-semester grades completed

15 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Adjust Rows and Columns Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition
Headers and Footers Project Details
Project file
Headers and footers are special sections on the top or bottom of a document’s 133-semester grades.xlsx
pages that identify file characteristics. Examples of characteristics include file
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names, draft statuses, and dates. In Excel, headers and footers do not display in
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the default view but will display in Print Preview or the Page Layout view. Some
characteristics can be added through the ribbon, but any text can be added Video reference
manually through headers and footers. Domain 1
Topic: Format Worksheets and
Purpose Workbooks
Subtopic: Customize Headers and
Upon completing this project, you will better understand how to add and Footers
customize headers and footers to an Excel workbook. Objectives covered
1 Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
Steps for Completion 1.3 Format worksheets and
1. Open the 133-semester grades.xlsx file from your Domain 1 Student 1.3.3 Customize headers and
folder. footers

2. Add the file name to the center header of the worksheet. Notes for the teacher
You may need to change student
3. Add the current data to the left footer and the current time to the right workbooks to the Page Layout view to
footer. check their work. Be prepared to help
students with any issues switching views
4. Use print preview to check your work. while working on their headers and
5. Save the file as 133-semester grades completed

6. What are the two ways to add headers and footers to a document?


16 | Domain 1 Lesson 2: Headers and Footers Excel 365 Apps (MO-210) Project Workbook, First Edition

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