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Domain 4 Lesson 3 Workbook 3

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Domain 4 Lesson 3

68 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Common Shortcuts IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Instructions: While watching Domain 4 Lesson 3, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the
instructor. [References are found in the brackets.]

1. Anytime a user downloads something, the file will save in the folder, and pictures will
automatically be saved to the Pictures folder. [Organize, Store, and Retrieve Data and Content]

2. Compressing a file reduces the quality of bits used to store the information, making the file smaller; this makes
transferring a file quicker and takes up less on the computer. [Compressing Files]

3. Each file has an owner. The owner is the person who the file. [Ownership of Data in Storage

4. When users open read-write files, they can read and make to them. Read-only files can
only be read and not modified. [Read-Only and Read-Write Files]

5. Documents encrypted with a password cannot be without the password. [Implement Password

6. The feature can be helpful if users work on a document, delete a few paragraphs, and later
decide to include those paragraphs. [File Versions]

7. A is an exclusive right to copy, modify, distribute, display, or perform original work.

[Intellectual Property Rights]

8. Companies can use shared to unify the company’s work. [Unify Design Elements]

9. The more you know about your audience, the better you can the information you share.
[Customize Information for a Given Audience]

10. The most common file format for small images used for websites or small print sizes is a . . [Determine
the File Format]

69 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Fill-in-the-Blanks IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Project Details
Organize, Store, and Retrieve Project file

Data and Content


Estimated completion time

5 minutes
When it comes to staying organized online, users should know where their files
come from and where they should be saved. Users can create folders and save Video reference
Domain 4
their files in the cloud, on their desktop, USB, or on an external hard drive. Topic: Manage Digital Information
and Files
Purpose Subtopic: Organize, Store, and
Retrieve Data and Content
Upon completing this project, you will understand how to organize and save
data. Objectives covered
4 Content Creation
Steps for Completion 4.2 Manage digital information and
1. Files saved to the computer can be viewed in the 4.2.1 Organize, store, and retrieve
. data and content

2. Anytime you download something, the file will save to the Notes for the teacher
Encourage students to organize their
files into well-named folders.
3. Pictures automatically save to the folder.

4. can be used to organize files into categories, making finding files later easier.

5. can keep files and folders organized and consistent.

70 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Organize, Store, and Retrieve Data and Content IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Compressing Files Project Details
Project file
Storing and sending files is a massive part of the digital world. Often, users need 422.docx
to send a lot of data, and attachments can get too large to send. Many email
Estimated completion time
providers limit the attachment size that can be sent through email.
5 minutes
To avoid this, users can split large files into multiple small files and send them Video reference
individually. However, this option is time-consuming and tedious. Instead, users Domain 4
can compress their files. Compressing a file reduces the quality of bits used to Topic: Manage Digital Information
store the information, making the file smaller; this makes transferring a file and Files
quicker and takes up less storage space on the computer. Subtopic: Compressing Files

Objectives covered
A common form of file compression is zipping. If the files users want to
4 Content Creation
compress are huge, they can use a .zipx extension. .zipx files contain multiple 4.2 Manage digital information and
compressed files, and these files are known as archives. macOS computers files
cannot handle archives and must use a third-party application to view this type 4.2.2 Explain benefits and methods
of file. A popular third-party compression application is 7-Zip. of compressing files

Notes for the teacher

The reference project,,
Upon completing this project, you will be able to compress files. is in the Finished folder. There is no
reason to open the file. Students are to
demonstrate the ability to create a
Steps for Completion
zipped file.
1. Navigate to the 422.docx file found in your Domain 4 Student folder.

2. Zip the file (on a Windows computer) or compress the file (on a Mac).

3. The file should automatically save as

4. Google will not send attachments larger than MB.

71 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Compressing Files IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Ownership of Data in Storage Project Details
Project file
Location 423.docx

Estimated completion time

Each file has an owner. The owner is the person who created the file. Users can 5 minutes
view the ownership of a file through the file’s properties. Video reference
Domain 4
Purpose Topic: Manage Digital Information
and Files
Upon completing this project, you will be able to view the ownership of a file.
Subtopic: Ownership of Data in
Storage Location
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Navigate to the file 423.docx found in your Domain 4 Student folder. 4 Content Creation
4.2 Manage digital information and
2. View the owner information for this file. files
4.2.3 Explain and identify
3. What is the owner’s name?
ownership of data in various
storage locations
4. Users can check data ownership on a macOS operating system using
the keyboard shortcut . Notes for the teacher
There is no finished file for this project.

72 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Ownership of Data in Storage Location IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Read-Only and Read-Write Project Details
Project file
Files 424a.docx

Files can be read-only or read-write files. Read-only files can only be read and Estimated completion time
not modified. Read-only documents protect others from modifying them, but 5 minutes
others can later make the file a read-write. Read-write refers to the data. When Video reference
users open read-write files, they can read and make modifications to those files. Domain 4
Topic: Manage Digital Information
Purpose and Files
Subtopic: Read-Only and Read-
Upon completing this project, you will be able to determine if a file is read-only Write Files
or read-write.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 4 Content Creation
4.2 Manage digital information and
1. Navigate to the 424a.docx file found in your Domain 4 Student folder. files
4.2.4 Distinguish between read-
2. View the general properties for this file. only and read-write files

3. Is the file read-only or read-write? Notes for the teacher

There is no finished file for this project.
4. Navigate to the 424b.docx file found in your Domain 4 Student folder.

5. View the general properties for this file.

6. Is the file read-only or read-write?

73 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Read-Only and Read-Write Files IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Implement Password Project Details
Project file
Protection 425.docx

Estimated completion time

Another way to protect a document is to protect it with a password, which is 5 minutes
different from making a document read-only because documents that have Video reference
been encrypted with a password cannot be viewed without the password. If a Domain 4
user has the password, they can access the document and edit it if they choose. Topic: Manage Digital Information
A password cannot be recovered if it becomes lost or forgotten. and Files
Subtopic: Implement Password
Purpose Protection

Upon completing this project, you will be able to encrypt a document with a Objectives covered
4 Content Creation
4.2 Manage digital information and
Steps for Completion 4.2.5 Implement password
1. Open 425.docx, found in your Domain 4 Student folder.
Notes for the teacher
2. Encrypt the document with a password of your choice. The reference project, 425-Finished, is
in the Finished folder. The document
3. Save the file as 425-Completed
should be password-protected.

74 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Implement Password Protection IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
File Versions Project Details
Project file
Microsoft Word has a way to view, compare, and restore versions of a file. This N/A
feature can be helpful if users delete sections of a document and later decide
Estimated completion time
they want those sections back. Instead of retyping the text, users can restore the
5-10 minutes
previous version containing those sections. Another way a version is created is
through Word’s AutoRecover feature. This feature saves users’ work periodically. Video reference
This feature is handy if a computer shuts off before users have saved their work. Domain 4
Topic: Manage Digital Information
Purpose and Files
Subtopic: File Versions
Upon completing this project, you will be able to view different file versions.
Objectives covered
4 Content Creation
Steps for Completion 4.2 Manage digital information and
1. Open a blank Word document.
4.2.6 Explain file versioning
2. Type Hello concepts

Notes for the teacher

3. Save the file as 426.docx to your Domain 4 Student folder.
The reference project, 426-Finished, is
4. Type friends and then save your work. in the Finished folder. The screenshot
should show the original version, the
5. Open the Version History pane. revised version, and the compared
version of the document.
6. Open the previous version of the document.

7. Compare the documents and take a screenshot.

8. Save the screenshot as 426-Completed

9. View the AutoRecover settings and set them to your preference.

10. Exit without saving the Word document.

75 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: File Versions IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Project Details

Intellectual Property Rights

Project file

Estimated completion time

Intellectual property is property that is an idea, invention, or process. This 15 minutes
property can be protected to prevent others from copying one’s ideas, using
them as their own, or selling them. One can protect their work by obtaining a Video reference
Domain 4
copyright, patent, or trademark. A Creative Commons (CC) license can be Topic: Repurpose Digital Resources
obtained and applied to a copyright license, allowing authors to give others the Subtopic: Intellectual Property
right to use their work. There are also intellectual property rights considerations Rights
for AI.
Objectives covered
4 Content Creation
4.3 Responsibly repurpose digital
Upon completing this project, you will better understand intellectual property. resources
4.3.1 Understand the rights and
obligations of using or sharing
Steps for Completion intellectual property
1. Match the legal and ethical terms to their definition. Notes for the teacher
A. Copyright C. Trademark E. Fair use Students may need to do some
research to find answers.
B. Permission D. Patent F. Derivative work
G. Public domain
a. A creation that comes from an original work or works. It can
contain some or all of the original material but must include enough new elements to consider it an entirely new

b. Asking for a license to use someone else’s copyrighted work.

c. An exclusive right to create, use, or sell a specific invention for a determined period of time .

d. Protections that give the creator of a work the exclusive rights to reproduce or distribute said work.

e. A doctrine allowing the use of portions of a copyrighted work so that it does not harm, in a financial
sense, the author of the original work.

f. An exclusive right to use a specific work connected to goods or services in commerce.

g. A status of a work where the work is free to use in any capacity; this typically happens 50 to 100 years
after an author’s death.

2. Match the Creative Commons symbols to their license descriptions.

A. B. C. D.

a. ShareAlike means that after a work is copied or modified, it must be licensed under the same terms
as the original work.

b. Attribution means that you have to give the author credit to use the work.

c. NoDerivative means that you can use or display an original work, but you cannot change it in any

d. NonCommercial means that you can use or change the work as long as you are not profiting from it.

3. With AI, people create videos, images, and audio recordings that imitate a person's
likeness or voice.

78 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: File Versions IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Project Details

Unify Design Elements Project file


Design unity helps communicate a message. Elements of a project, such as a Estimated completion time
5 minutes
theme and style, should work together to communicate users’ messages visually
and conceptually. Video reference
Domain 4
Purpose Topic: Repurpose Digital Resources
Subtopic: Unify Design Elements
Upon completing this project, you will understand how to unify a design.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 4 Content Creation
4.3 Responsibly repurpose digital
1. What are some design elements that users should keep consistent within resources
a project? 4.3.2 Unify design elements by
using design themes and artistic
a. styles

b. Notes for the teacher

There is no finished file for this project.

2. Companies can use shared to unify the

company and their work.

77 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Unify Design Elements IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Customize Information for an Project Details
Project file
Audience N/A

Estimated completion time

Before any presentation, users should get to know their audience. Learning 5 minutes
about the audience can help users prepare the best information and methods to Video reference
present. The more users know about their audience, the better they can Domain 4
customize the information they share, and the greater their success will be. Topic: Publish or Present Content for
a Specific Audience
Purpose Subtopic: Customize Information
for a Given Audience
Upon completing this project, you will know how to customize information for
an audience. Objectives covered
4 Content Creation
Steps for Completion 4.4 Publish or present content for a
specific audience
1. List at least three pieces of information you should know about an 4.4.1 Determine how to customize
information for a given audience
Notes for the teacher
a. There is no finished file for this project.

2. You have been invited to teach a class on cybersecurity at your local

community center. The organizer let you know that 75% of those planning to attend are local high school
students interested in pursuing a cybersecurity career. What demographics did the event organizer provide you,
and how do they help you customize the information you share with your audience?


78 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Customize Information for an Audience IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition
Determine File Format Project Details
Project file
Users need to know the appropriate file format for their projects when creating N/A
content. There are many different file types, as there are many types of
Estimated completion time
applications and software.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 4
Upon completing this project, you will be able to determine file formats and Topic: Publish or Present Content for
their uses. a Specific Audience
Subtopic: Determine the File
Steps for Completion Format

1. Match each file format to its use. Objectives covered

4 Content Creation
PDF RTF TIFF PNG 4.4 Publish or present content for a
TXT JPG GIF specific audience
4.4.2 Determine the file format
a. This is the most common file format for small images
that will work for a given user
used for websites or small print sizes.
Notes for the teacher
b. This file type is commonly used for text files and can Discuss different file formats with
support text, objects, and images within the file. students and their experience with each
c. This file format is used for logos and color images
and can support multiple compressed images within one file.

d. This is a good file format to use when printing text files.

e. This file format is commonly used with scanned documents, professional photography images,
and printing larger photographs because of its high quality.

f. This file format is used for logos and color images and can support transparency.

g. This file type contains unformatted text and can be processed by most text editing and word
processing software.

79 | Domain 4 Lesson 3: Determine File Format IC3 GS6 Level 2 Project Workbook, First Edition

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