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Introducing STYROFOAM™ Solutions For Flooring and Cellars: Performance, Product Overview and References

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Dow Building Solutions

Introducing STYROFOAM™ Solutions for flooring and cellars:

performance, product overview and references

In the demanding conditions of today’s building and STYROFOAM™ Solutions are available in a number of different
engineering projects STYROFOAM™ blue extruded foamed grades which are designed to meet the performance
polystyrene boards can deliver the thermal performance requirements of specific applications.
and strength you require - for the lifetime of the structure. For construction applications they are marketed under the
brands FLOORMATE™ (for flooring), ROOFMATE™ (for roofing)
As a world-class producer of thermal insulation products, and PERIMATE™ (for below ground and basement applications).
Dow Building Solutions can provide help, advice and
information in order to help you achieve the solutions
you’re looking for.


STYROFOAM™ has been manufactured by Dow since the 1940s. The process of extruding foamed polystyrene results in a material
with uniformly small, closed cells, a smooth ‘skin’ and an unrivalled set of properties which make it the choice of specifiers
in a wide range of demanding insulation applications:

-- low thermal conductivity - minimising the board thickness -- user-friendliness - STYROFOAM™ is easily worked with
needed to achieve a specific U-value, thus allowing the normal hand tools
designer greater flexibility -- hygiene - STYROFOAM™ boards have low susceptibility to rot,
-- high compressive strength - in load-bearing applications, meaning mould or fungal growth is minimised.
the closed cell structure gives the foam great rigidity They are clean, odourless and free from irritating dust.
and makes it highly resistant to compression
-- low water absorption - STYROFOAM™ has natural resistance
to rain, snow, frost and water vapour which makes it an
exceptionally stable material, which retains its initial
insulation performance and physical integrity in exposed
conditions over the very long term.
It was this unusual property that made the inverted warm
flat roof concept possible, an idea pioneered by Dow

pg 2 ®™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“DOW”) or an affiliated company

Developing your STYROFOAM Solution

Each construction project has its own unique combination You will find each STYROFOAM™ Solution detailed in a series
of insulation requirements, and developing an insulation of guides available from Dow Building Solutions.
project specification can be a time consuming process. These can be found on our website at,
However, the designer now has available a range of options by calling 020 3139 4190 or by emailing
in the form of STYROFOAM™ Solutions, as well guidance
for using STYROFOAM™ to maximum effect in a wide selection
of typical application areas.


STYROFOAM™ is manufactured under the BS EN ISO 9001: 2008 STYROFOAM™ products comply with BS EN 13164: 2012
Quality Management System (BSI certificate Q05968). Thermal insulation products for buildings - factory made
Dow also operates an Environmental Management System products of extruded polystyrene (XPS) - specification.
which has accomplished ISO 14001:2004 (BSI Certificate EMS

Meeting environmental standards

Concern about ozone depletion in the stratosphere has STYROFOAM™-A products use carbon dioxide as the main
led to international agreements to phase out the use of blowing agent - the Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) is zero
ozone depleting chemicals. All STYROFOAM™ products are and the Global Warming Potential (GWP) is less than five.
hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) free and comply with the
requirements of EC Regulation No 2037/2000 (1 October 2000)
on substances which deplete the ozone layer.

pg 3
Characteristics and performance

Surface characteristics Biological

Dow STYROFOAM™ boards are blue. All boards have a STYROFOAM™ has a low susceptibility to rot, and mould
smooth homogeneous skin on both sides with the exception or fungal growth is therefore minimised.
Structural STYROFOAM™ boards are compatible with most commonly
STYROFOAM™ boards are available in a range of compressive occurring construction materials such as lime, cement, plaster,
strengths to suit different load bearing requirements. anhydrous gypsum, solvent-free bituminous compounds,
water-based wood preservatives, as well as alcohols, acids
Fire and alkalis.
Information on aspects of fire performance of extruded
polystyrene in building applications is given in BS 6203: Certain organic materials such as solvent-based wood
2003, ‘Guide to fire characteristics and fire performance preservatives, coal tar and derivatives (creosote), paint thinners
of expanded polystyrene materials (EPS and XPS) used in and common solvents (e.g. acetone, ethyl acetate, petrol,
building applications’. toluene and white spirit) will attack STYROFOAM™, resulting
in softening, shrinkage and possible dissolution, with a
STYROFOAM™ products contain a flame retardant additive to consequent loss of performance.
inhibit accidental ignition from a small fire source.
STYROFOAM™ is, however, combustible and if exposed to The use of solvent-free adhesives is advised.
an intensive fire may burn rapidly. During shipment, storage, Compatibility with STYROFOAM™ should be checked
installation and use STYROFOAM™ products should not be with the adhesive suppliers.
exposed to flames or other ignition sources.
Fire classification is based on small scale tests, which may not Protect STYROFOAM™ from prolonged exposure to sunlight
reflect the reaction of the product in its end use state under to prevent degradation of the surface of the board.
actual fire conditions.
STYROFOAM™ products should, when installed, be adequately Durability
protected from direct exposure to fire. Properly installed, STYROFOAM™ boards have a service life
STYROFOAM™ products achieve Euroclass E (reaction to fire). comparable with that of the building or structure.

Temperature Environmental
Polystyrene products will melt when brought into direct contact STYROFOAM™ is non bio-degradable and does not present
with high temperature heat sources: for STYROFOAM™ boards an environmental hazard.
the recommended maximum continuous working temperature
is 75°C. Disposal
Where circumstances allow STYROFOAM™ can be:
Water/moisture -- recycled
STYROFOAM™ is: -- disposed of as landfill
-- highly resistant to water absorption -- incinerated to recover the energy content.
-- very resistant to the passage of water vapour
-- highly resistant to repeated freeze/thaw cycles.

pg 4 ®™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“DOW”) or an affiliated company

Product overview

Table 1: Common properties of STYROFOAM™ products

Properties Standard Unit Value

Specific heat − kJ/kgK 1.4

Coefficient of linear thermal expansion BS 4370: Part 3: 1988:Method 13 mm/mK 0.07

Working temperature range − °C -50 to +75

Fire classification: reaction to fire BS EN 13164 + BS EN 13501: Euroclass E


FLOORMATE™-A is the STYROFOAM™ Solution for insulating floors, PERIMATE™ DI-A is the STYROFOAM™ Solution for insulating
and is currently available in three grades, structures below ground.
FLOORMATE™ 300-A, 500-A and 700-A. FLOORMATE™-A PERIMATE™ DI-A boards have vertical channels cut into
insulation is available in a range of compressive strengths one face, to drain water away, with a filter fabric bonded to
to match the loading requirements of individual projects. the face to prevent soil particles blocking the channels.

FLOORMATE™-A insulation can be installed under or over

the slab in ground bearing concrete floors and is suitable
for use with suspended beam and block and timber floors.

Product data tables

Declared thermal resistance (RD) - m2.K/W


50 1.50 1.45 1.45 −
75 2.20 2.15 − −
80 − − − −
100 2.95 − 2.85 2.95
120 − − − −
125 3.65* − − −
* Made to order

pg 5

Properties Standard Unit CE Code 300-A 500-A 700-A DI-A

Thermal conductivity*
≤ 70mm BS EN 12667 W/mK λD 0.033 0.034 0.034 –
71-80mm BS EN 12667 W/mK λD 0.033 0.035 – –
81-100mm BS EN 12667 W/mK λD 0.034 – 0.035 0.034
101-120mm BS EN 12667 W/mK λD 0.034 – – –
≥ 121mm BS EN 12667 W/mK λD 0.036 – – –
Compressive strength or compressive BS EN 826 kPa CS(10/Y) 300 500 700 300
stress at 10% deformation (90 days)
Compressive creep (design load) BS EN 1606 kPa CC 130 180 250 –
max 2% deflection after 50 years (2/1.5/50) σc
Water vapour diffusion resistance factor BS EN 12086 – MU 80-200 80-200 80-200 80-200
EN ISO 10456
Water absorption
Total immersion BS EN 12087 Vol-% WL(T) ≤0.7 ≤0.7 ≤0.7 ≤0.7
≥ 50mm < 80mm BS EN 12088 Vol-% WD(V) – ≤2 ≤2 –
≥ 80mm BS EN 12088 Vol-% WD(V) – ≤1 ≤1 ≤1
Freeze/thaw, after 300 cycles BS EN 12091 Vol-% FTCD – ≤1 ≤1 ≤2
Deformation under load and BS EN 1605 % DLT(2)5 ≤5 ≤5 ≤5 –
temperature168 hrs at 40kPa/70°C
Density (aim, foam only) BS EN 1602 kg/m3 – 33 38 42 33
Length BS EN 822 mm – 2500 1250 1250 1250
Width BS EN 822 mm – 600 600 600 600
Thickness BS EN 823 mm T 50, 75, 50, 75 50, 100 100
100, 125
Fire classification
Reaction to fire BS EN 13164 – Euroclass E E E E
BS EN 13501
Surface – – – skin skin skin grooved face
& geotextile
Edge profile – – – butt edge shiplap shiplap shiplap

Application – – – Floors - Floors - Floors - Basement walls

domestic and high very highload external
medium load loadbearing bearing
The properties given are typical (unless stated otherwise)
* declared 90/90 value - BS EN 13164

pg 6 ®™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“DOW”) or an affiliated company

Useful references

Building regulations Part 1: 2005: Code of practice for dead and imposed loads.
-- Structure part A Part 2: 2005: Code of practice for wind loads.
-- Conservation of fuel and power (new dwellings) part L1A Part 3: 2005: Code of practice for imposed roof loads.
-- Fire safety - volume 1 dwelling houses part B -- BS 8000: Workmanship on building sites
-- Fire safety - volume 2 buildings other than dwelling houses part B Part 4: 1989: Code of practice for waterproofing.
-- Site preparation and resistance to moisture part C -- BS 8102: 2009: Code of practice for protection of below
-- Conservation of fuel and power (existing dwellings) part L1B ground structures against water from the ground
-- Conservation of fuel and power (new buildings other than -- BS 8103-1:2011 Structural Design of low-rise buildings
dwellings) part L2A Part 1: 2011: Code of practice for stability, site investigation,
-- Conservation of fuel and power (existing buildings other than foundations and ground floor slabs for housing.
dwellings) part L2B -- BS EN 1992-1-1:2004: Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures.
--Appoved document - basements for dwellings General rules and rules for buildings
-- Technical Handbooks to Building Standards Scotland Regulations. Part 1: 1997: Code of practice for design and construction.
-- BS 8201:2011 Code of practice for flooring of timber, timber
BRE publications products and wood based panel products
-- Thermal insulation: avoiding risks BR 262:2002 -- BS 8204-1: 2003+A1: 2009: Screeds, bases and in situ floorings.
-- Conventions for U-value calculations Concrete bases and cementitious levelling screeds to receive
·· B. Anderson BR443: 2006 floorings. Code of practice
-- BRE 460: 2003. Building Elements: ‘Floors and Flooring’ -- BS 8218: 1998: Code of practice for mastic asphalt roofing
-- Foundations, basements and external walls BR 440: 2002
-- BRE Digest 295: Stability under wind load of looselaid external European standards
roof insulation boards -- BS EN 12056-3: 2000: Gravity drainage systems inside buildings.
-- BRE Digest 311. Wind scour of gravel ballast on roofs Roof drainage, layout and calculation
-- BRE IP 1/06. Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions -- BS EN 13164: 2012: Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory
and around openings. made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS). Specification
-- BS EN 13501-1:2007+A1: 2009: Fire classification of construction
British Standards products and building elements.
-- BS 476-10: 2009: Fire tests on building materials and structures. Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests
Guide to the principles, selection, role and application of fire Part 1: Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests
testing and their outputs -- BS EN ISO 13370:2007: Thermal performance of buildings.
-- BS 476-21: 1987: Fire tests on building materials and structures. Heat transfer via the ground. Calculation methods
Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing -- BS EN 13788: 2012 Hygrothermal performance of building
elements of construction components and building elements
-- BS 476-3: 2004: Fire tests on building materials and structures. ·· Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface
Classification and method of test for external fire exposure to roofs humidity and interstitial condensation
-- BS 5250: 2011: Code of practice for control of condensation ·· Calculation methods.
in buildings. -- BS EN ISO 13789: 2007: Thermal performance of buildings. Transmission
-- BS EN 1995-1-1:2004+A1:2008. Design of timber structures. and ventilation heat transfer coefficients. Calculation method
General. Common rules and rules for buildings
Part 4: Fire resistance of timber structures. International standards
·· Section 4.2: 2004: Recommendations for calculating fire -- BS EN ISO 6946: 2007: Building components and building elements.
resistance of timber stud walls and joisted floor constructions. Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance. Calculation method
Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables.
·· Section 7.1: 2004: Domestic floor joists. Other publications
-- BS 6203: 2003 Guide to fire characteristics and fire performance -- CIBSE Guide A (2006)
of expanded polystyrene materials used in building applications -- DEFRA/DTLR Robust Details - Limiting thermal bridging and air
-- BS 6229: 2003 Code of practice for flat roofs with continuously leakage: Robust Construction details for dwellings and similar
supported coverings buildings. 2002
-- BSEN 1991-1-1: 2005: Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. -- BBA information bulletin 4 2012
General actions. Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings -- European organisation for technical approvals ETAG 031
pg 7

XENERGY™ products contain a flame retardant additive to inhibit

accidental ignition from a small fire source. XENERGY™ is however,
combustible and if exposed to an intensive fire may burn rapidly.

During shipment, storage, installation and use XENERGY™ products

should not be exposed to flames or other ignition sources.
Fire classification is based on small scale tests, which may not reflect the
reaction of the products in its end use state under actual fire conditions.
XENERGY™ products should, when installed, be adequately protected
from direct exposure to fire.

Recommendations about the methods, use of materials and construction

details are given as a service to designers and contractors. These are
based on the experience of Dow with the use of XENERGY™ products.
Any drawings offered by Dow are meant only to illustrate various possible
applications and should not be taken as a basis for design.
Since Dow is a materials supplier and exercises no control over the
installation of XENERGY™ products, no responsibility is accepted for such
drawings and recommendations.

In particular, no responsibility is accepted by Dow for the systems in which

XENERGY™ products are used or the method of application by which they
are installed. The legal obligations of Dow in respect of any sale of
XENERGY™ products shall be determined solely by the terms of the
respective sales contract.

Visit for further information Dow Chemical Company Limited
on XENERGY™ SL insulation products as well as Diamond House, Lotus Park
adhesives and sealants from Dow Building Solutions. Kingsbury Crescent, Staines,
For technical enquiries email TW18 3AG
Tel.: 020 3139 4000

Note: The information and data contained in this brochure do not represent exact sales specifications. The features of the products mentioned may vary. The information contained in this document has been
provided in good faith, however Dow excludes as far as possible any liability relating to it and does not give any guarantee or assurance of product performance. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to determine
whether these Dow products are suitable for the application desired and to ensure that the site of work and method of application conform with current legislation. No licence is hereby granted for the use of
patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. If Dow products are purchased, we advise following the most up-to-date suggestions and recommendations.

This document supersedes all previous versions and editions

®™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“DOW”) or an affiliated company Updated June 2017 S06-291-18225-0617

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