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ABB Installation and Maintenance

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The document provides information on installation, maintenance, transport, storage and disposal of a synchronous generator.

The main components that contain copper mentioned are the stator winding, rotor coils, rotor connections and clean copper in the terminal box.

It mentions that using a gas burner to separate copper connections from the rotor is only to be done in an oven with proper filters to prevent hazardous emissions, and it may be easier if first heating the rotor to carbonize the epoxy resin.

Installation and Synchronous generator,

maintenance type AMS 1250A LG

Project: Cartagena
Project no.: L 002331

Original issue
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB AB,
Machines. ABB AB, Machines assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind arising from the use
of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidential or consequential damages arising from the use of any software or
hardware described in this document.
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB AB, Machines’s written permission, and the
contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose.

©Copyright 2010 ABB. All rights reserved.

Skeleton No. 3BSM005467, EN, Rev. F
Synchronous generator, type AMS
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 General information.................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Contact information ................................................................................... 7
1.2 Safety .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 General....................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Emergency precaution ............................................................................... 8
1.2.3 Safety symbols........................................................................................... 9 Safety symbols in the manual .............................................9 Safety symbols on the generator .........................................9
1.3 Site conditions........................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Prerequisites.............................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Contraindications ...................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Control panel (not ABB scope of supply) ................................................................ 11
1.7 Manual system and related documents ..................................................................... 12

Chapter 2 - Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.1 Transport and unpacking .......................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Protective measures prior to transport ..................................................... 13
2.1.2 Check upon arrival................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Transport anchor points ........................................................................... 14
2.1.4 Transport anchor points ........................................................................... 15
2.1.5 Lifting of crated equipment ..................................................................... 16
2.1.6 Unpacking................................................................................................ 16
2.1.7 Lifting of equipment ................................................................................ 17
2.2 Storage (this generator is prepared for long term storage) ....................................... 20
2.2.1 Short term storage of crated generator..................................................... 20
2.2.2 Long term storage of crated generator..................................................... 21
2.2.3 Short term storage of uncrated generator................................................. 22
2.2.4 Long term storage of uncrated generator................................................. 22
2.3 Preparation for erection ............................................................................................ 23
2.3.1 Check of foundation................................................................................. 23
2.3.2 Vertical and horizontal positioning.......................................................... 24
2.3.3 Removal of the transport locking device ................................................. 26

Chapter 3 - Alignment
3.1 Preparations for generator installation...................................................................... 27
3.2 Rough levelling of generator after erection .............................................................. 28
3.2.1 Rough alignment...................................................................................... 28
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3.3 Grouting .................................................................................................................... 29

3.4 Correction for thermal expansion ............................................................................. 30

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Table of Contents

3.5 Final alignment and inspection ................................................................................. 30

Chapter 4 - Mechanical and electrical installation

4.1 Mechanical installation ............................................................................................. 31
4.1.1 Cooling arrangement................................................................................ 31
4.1.2 Connection of oil pipes ........................................................................... 31
4.1.3 Mounting of main terminal box ............................................................... 33
4.2 Electrical installation ................................................................................................ 35
4.2.1 External cable connection........................................................................ 35
4.2.2 Connection of control equipment ............................................................ 35
4.2.3 Connection of high voltage cables........................................................... 35
4.2.4 Earth connection ...................................................................................... 35 Neutral point .....................................................................35
4.3 Site arrangements...................................................................................................... 36
4.3.1 Coupling protection ................................................................................. 36
4.3.2 Jacking oil pipes....................................................................................... 36
4.3.3 Main terminal box safety area ................................................................. 37

Chapter 5 - Commissioning
5.1 Check of mechanical installation.............................................................................. 38
5.2 Check function of jacking oil system
(the main oil supply need to be switched on) ........................................................... 39
5.3 Check of electrical installation ................................................................................. 40
5.4 Electrical checks ....................................................................................................... 41
5.5 Before the first start attempt ..................................................................................... 46
5.6 The first start attempts .............................................................................................. 46
5.6.1 Start interlocking...................................................................................... 46
5.7 Checks during running of the generator ................................................................... 46
5.7.1 Normal vibration levels ........................................................................... 46 Bearing housings ...............................................................47 Structural vibrations ..........................................................47 Shaft vibrations .................................................................47
5.7.2 Temperature levels................................................................................... 48
5.8 Check list .................................................................................................................. 48
5.8.1 Page 1....................................................................................................... 49
5.8.2 Page 2....................................................................................................... 50
5.8.3 Page 3....................................................................................................... 51
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Chapter 6 - Operation
6.1 Start up procedure..................................................................................................... 52
6.2 Continuous supervision............................................................................................. 53

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Table of Contents

6.3 Shut down procedures............................................................................................... 53

6.4 Alarm during operation............................................................................................. 53

Chapter 7 - Maintenance
7.1 Preventive maintenance ............................................................................................ 56
7.2 Before all maintenance work .................................................................................... 56
7.3 After all maintenance work....................................................................................... 57
7.4 Recommended maintenance program....................................................................... 58
7.4.1 Generator ................................................................................................. 59
7.4.2 Stator........................................................................................................ 60
7.4.3 Stator terminal.......................................................................................... 61
7.4.4 Rotor ........................................................................................................ 62
7.4.5 Bearings ................................................................................................... 64
7.4.6 PMG (Permanent magnetic generator) .................................................... 65
7.4.7 Exciter and Rectifier ............................................................................... 66
7.4.8 Rotor earth brush ..................................................................................... 67
7.4.9 Cooling system ........................................................................................ 68
7.5 Main rotor coil turn insulation (voltage drop test).................................................... 69
7.6 Fault finding.............................................................................................................. 69
7.6.1 Diode fault ............................................................................................... 70
7.6.2 Altering the firing voltage........................................................................ 72
7.6.3 Lubrication............................................................................................... 73
7.6.4 High temperature in bearing .................................................................... 75 Trouble shooting 1 ............................................................75 Trouble shooting 2 ............................................................76 Trouble shooting 3 ............................................................77
7.6.5 High winding and/or air temperature....................................................... 78 Trouble shooting ...............................................................78
7.6.6 Water leakage detector............................................................................. 79 Trouble shooting ...............................................................79

Chapter 8 - Disposal and Recycling

8.1 General...................................................................................................................... 80
8.2 Dismantling the machine .......................................................................................... 80
8.3 Separation of different types of material .................................................................. 80
8.3.1 Normal carbon steel ................................................................................. 80
8.3.2 Electrical silicon steel non oriented ......................................................... 81
8.3.3 Special high quality steel ......................................................................... 81
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8.3.4 Mixed metallic material ........................................................................... 81

8.3.5 Stainless steel........................................................................................... 81

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Table of Contents

8.3.6 Cast iron................................................................................................... 81

8.3.7 Aluminium ............................................................................................... 82
8.3.8 Copper...................................................................................................... 82
8.4 Waste as land fill....................................................................................................... 83
8.5 Hazardous waste ....................................................................................................... 84
8.6 Final comments......................................................................................................... 84
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XYK 210 090- GCR en iv

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General information

The AMS synchronous generator often forms a part of a larger installation and is i.e. coupled to
and driven by a turbine. For order specific information refer to the Technical Specification
(included in binder “Users Manual”).
• This installation and maintenance manual for the generator is a part of the main
documentation for this project. (refer to Section 1.7).
• This document is a manual for the generator with serial number 8268 483, 8268 484, 8268
485 and manufacturers order number L 002331.
• Actions described in this manual are only to be performed by trained personnel with
previous experience in similar tasks, and authorized by the user.

1.1.1 Contact information

Elmotorgatan 2, Building 394, Lunda
721 70 Västerås, Sweden
Spare parts:
Technical support:

1.2 Safety

1.2.1 General
The machine is manufactured and intended for use only as described by this manual.
Modification, alteration, or lack of maintenance as described in the manual, may
adversely affect the safety and efficacy of this machine. The manufacturer is not
responsible for malfunctions that comprise machine safety as a result of alteration, use of
non ABB replacements parts, neglect or misuse.
The generator may not be used in such a way as to exceed the values that are described in the
technical specification and the information on the nameplate. If the generator will be used for
anything else please contact ABB.
Replacements parts may vary from those shown in this manual. Should you have questions on
those parts please contact ABB AB, Machines.
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The actual appearance of the machine may vary from the illustration in this manual.
Should pre-owned ABB AB equipment be purchased and reconditioned, the equipment should
not be used until testing and analysis demonstrate that the equipment meets the original or
upgraded specifications.
The use of solvents as cleaning agents, the use of lubricants and handling glycol can involve
health and/or safety hazards. The recommended precautions and procedures of the manufacturer
should be followed.

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 1 Introduction

Lifting of equipment/parts must be performed by trained personnel, and with lifting equipment
approved for the load.
Be aware of that the machine sound level is louder than 70dBA, use ear protectors when
entering the machine room during operation.
If part of the jacking oil equipment fails and a person is exposed to a “cutting stream” of oil and
the oil penetrates the skin, it is important to seek medical advice immediately.
The machine operator must follow local requirements for use of personal protective equipment.
If no local requirements, shall the requirements below for maintenance personnel be followed.
Make sure before maintenance work, together with factory electrical responsibility manager,
that the machine is electrical dead, grounded and mechanical blocked. Permit to work system
should be applied.
Maintenance personnel shall wear personal protective equipment such as safety helmet, safety
glasses, flame resistance coverall, gloves, safety shoes and ear protectors.
Use safe ladders and scaffolds, safe step when climbing the machine. A safety harness shall be
used when working on heights, local regulations about working on heights shall be followed.
There are very strong magnetic forces between the PMG rotor and stator. Keep a safe distance
from the PMG stator housing to avoid damage to digital equipment i.e. wrist watch and credit
cards. People with pacemaker shall not be in the vicinity of the PMG, keep a safe distance on
approx 10m.
Be aware that edges, lifting ears etc. might cause a risk of injury depending of the actual
mounting of the machine at site. Parts on the machine causing a potential injury risk are
highlighted with black/yellow tape.

1.2.2 Emergency precaution

In case of a short-circuit which triggers the main terminal box pressure relief hatch, personnel
shall not stay in the premises due to toxic fumes that may be formed when e.g. copper, zinc etc.
is heated.
Follow local regulations for handling the evacuation of toxic fumes before entering the premises
again. If no local regulations exist, evacuate the premises immediately and wait for emergency
services for further instructions.
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.2.3 Safety symbols Safety symbols in the manual
Safety instructions in this manual are marked as follows:

Warning/Caution: Risk of danger with

supplementary text, a risk to personal
health or damage to the machine.

Warning: Risk of flammable substances

with supplementary text, a risk to personal

Warning: Risk of corrosive substances

with supplementary text, a risk to personal

Warning: Risk of electrical hazard with

supplementary text, a risk to personal
health. Safety symbols on the generator

The following symbols may be on the generator.

Warning/Caution: Risk of danger with

supplementary text, a risk to personal
health or damage to the machine.

Warning: Risk of electrical hazard with or

without supplementary text, a risk to
personal health.

Warning: Risk for hot surfaces, a risk to

personal helth.
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Forbidden to open during operation.

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3 Site conditions

This generator is to be used on a site with conditions according to ABB AB, Machines´s
Technical Specification (included in binder “Users Manual”), clause D “Site conditions” and
nowhere else.
The area around the generator must be equipped with lighting of at least 300 Lux during
operation. During maintenance work additional spotlighting may be needed.
Necessary space must be provided around the machine so that maintenance personnel and
operator can perform their work task without difficulty.
It is the customers responsibility that service platforms to facilitate proper service are built
according to the applicable standard.
When setting up service platforms and similar arrangements, notice the placement of the main
terminal box pressure relief hatch. The pressure relief hatch is normally fitted on the side of the
main terminal box facing the machine housing. The pressure relief hatch is equipped with an
“explosion hazard” sign.
Never build e.g. footbridges so that personnel might be exposed to a triggered pressure relief
hatch. Se also section 4.3.3 on page 37.

1.4 Prerequisites

The operator must:

• be proficient in the application of the machine and electricity.
• be thoroughly trained in the skills and have the knowledge required to operate this
• be thoroughly familiar with the contents of this manual and other operator´s manuals that
deals with the machine and accessory devices that may be used with this machine.
• be fully qualified and trained in the operation of this machine and able to distinguish
normal from aberrant device behaviour.
• never reset an alarm or trip until the reason for the alarm/trip has been located and
necessary remedy has been made to make a safe restart of the machine.

The persons working with maintenance must:

• be proficient in the application of the machine and electricity.
• be thoroughly trained in the skills and have the knowledge required to maintain this
• be thoroughly familiar with the contents of this manual and other operator´s manuals that
deals with the machine and accessory devices that may be used with this machine.
• be fully qualified and trained in the operation of this machine and able to distinguish
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normal from aberrant device behaviour.

• use checked and assigned equipment for the job. Protect the objects by a roped-off area.

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Contraindications
The machine is not designed, sold or intended for any use except as indicated above.
Furthermore, it is not intended to be used outside of the machine specifications or limitations.
The machine must be in good working order. For order specific information refer to the
Technical Specification (included in binder “Users Manual”).

1.6 Control panel (not ABB scope of supply)

The control panel for this order is not supplied by ABB. The control panel must fulfill following
requirements to be integrated with the machine:
• When the machine shall fulfill the Machine Directive 2006/42/EC the control panel have
to fulfill relevant directives and standards belonging to the directives.
• A risk analysis must exist for the control panel (regarding start, stop, emergency stop,
monitoring functions etc.). See also chapter 5 about starts of the motor.
• The operating interface and control system shall be designed to prevent unintentionally
start/stop of the machine.
• The operator must be able to stop the machine from each operating station if more than one
operating station exists.
• The machine shall be equipped with one or several emergency stop devices to avert an
imminent danger or an already arised situation which is to be considered dangerous.
• The stop and emergency stop commands shall be superior to the start command.
• The emergency stop must not trip the oil lube unit at the same time as the motor, of the
reason that oil drop down may damage the bearing.
• If the area where the machine to be started cannot visually be monitored, a start-up signal
must be implemented into the system. The start-up signal shall give personnel enough time
to leave the area before the machine is started.
• If more than one machine drives an object and injury risk is present if only one machine is
stopped, the stop commands and emergency stop commands must stop all machines.
• All cables and wires shall be protected from being damaged by properly mounting and
cable routing.
• For protection of AMS synchronous generator see the document “Recommended
generator protections” included in the binder “Users Manual”.
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XYK 210 090- GCR en 1-11

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.7 Manual system and related documents

Project: Cartagena
Project number: L 002331
Serial number 8268 483, 8268 484,
8268 485

Users Manual
for the generator
General ABB AB, Machines
AMS Synchronous generator

Technical Specification

Drawings for the generator

Circuit Diagrams

Machine part list

Installation & Maintenance manual

Test Reports
Accessories & Instructions

Main terminal box

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XYK 210 090- GCR en 1-12

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.1 Transport and unpacking

2.1.1 Protective measures prior to transport

• Irrespective of the method of transport or the distance, all generators are provided with an
axial movement locking device on the drive end bearing, to protect the bearings against
damage during transport.
• Machined metal surfaces, such as the shaft extension, are provided with an anti-corrosive
coating before delivery.
• The bearings are flooded with oil during the tests prior to delivery. This gives sufficient
protection against corrosion for even the longest transport distances.
• The cooler should drain (blow) off water.
• For shipping overseas a generator of this size is packed in a strong wooden crate and
should be located under deck. The wooden crate is provided with metal plates for
protection and indications showing where the lifting wires are to be applied.

2.1.2 Check upon arrival

When the transport company delivers a generator to the customer, the responsibility for the
handling passes to the customer or other party. Any transport damage must be reported within
less than one 1 week after arrival if the transport insurance is to be claimed. It is therefore
important that evidence of careless handling are to be checked and reported immediately to the
transport company and the supplier.
A generator which is not to be installed immediately upon arrival must not be left without
neither supervision nor without protective precautions. If the storage period is to be 9 months or
more special precautions must be taken.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005471, EN, Rev. H

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.1.3 Transport anchor points

CAUTION - Risk of component damage

Components on the generator housing can get damage during transport.
1. Make sure the anchoring is tight so no movement is allowed in either direction.

Anchoring point

It is important to be careful within this area.

Figure 2-1
Anchor points during transport on lorry. Beware of area that is dotted in accordance with Figure
2-1 on page 14.
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.1.4 Transport anchor points

CAUTION - Risk of component damage

Components on the generator housing can get damaged during transport.
1. Make sure the anchoring is tight so no movement is allowed in either direction.

Anchor point

Figure 2-2
Anchor points during transport on lorry or by vessel, located on both sides of the crate.
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.1.5 Lifting of crated equipment

WARNING - Heavy lift

The crate with equipment is very heavy.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, the weight is written on the wooden
2. Lifting must be performed with great care and using steel cables long enough to assure the
angle requirements shown in Figure 2-3 on page 16. Centre of Gravity is shown on each



Figure 2-3

2.1.6 Unpacking
Place the generator so that it is out of the way of any other goods handling and on a flat,
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vibration-free surface.
Remove top and sides of the wooden crate.
When the crating has been removed a check should be made to see that the generator is not
damaged and that all accessories are included. Tick off the accessories on the packing list which
is enclosed. Report immediately to the supplier if there is any damage, suspected damage or if
accessories are missing.

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.1.7 Lifting of equipment

WARNING - Heavy lift

The generator and the cooling top are very heavy units.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “Outline drawing” included in
the “Users Manual” for weight.

When lifting the machine, with the cooler top delivered separate, ensure to have accurate angle
on lifting slings, as shown in Figure 2-4 on page 17. (Otherwise there will be risk of damaging
the upper sheet metal housing).

> 60o

Figure 2-4
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

WARNING - Heavy lift

The generator and the cooling top are very heavy units.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “Outline drawing” included in
the binder “Users Manual” for weight.

When lifting the machine, with the cooler top delivered separate, ensure to have accurate angle
on lifting slings, as shown in Figure 2-5. (Otherwise there will be risk of damaging the upper
sheet metal housing).

60o 60o

Figure 2-5

WARNING - Heavy lift

The generator and the cooling top are very heavy units.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “Outline drawing” included in
the “Users Manual” for weight.

When lifting the cooling top see Figure 2-6 and also the instruction “Mounting of cooler top”
included in the binder “Users Manual”
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

NOTE: When the cooler needs to be lifted after that the generator has been in operation,
the cooler must be emptied of water before lifting.

Lifting hooks (not D=30, Ellipsed

included) position
towards lifting device

Lifting device 4 Lifting points,approx.

lifting angle 45o

Figure 2-6
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

WARNING - Heavy lift

The terminal box is very heavy.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “Outline drawing” included in
the binder “Users Manual” for weight.

Figure 2-7 on page 20 shows an example how the main terminal box should be lifted. As an
option a smaller box could be included in the scope of supply, instead of as shown in Figure 2-7
on page 20. Then it will just be supplied with two lifting loops on top.

Not included

Figure 2-7

2.2 Storage (this generator is prepared for long term storage)

2.2.1 Short term storage of crated generator
Storage < 9 month
Measures to be taken by customer or other part.
• The machine should be left in the crate.
• The crate should preferably be stored indoors and shall be placed on a vibration-free, flat
and well-drained surface. If the crate is to be stored outdoors, the crate must be covered
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with a tarpaulin on the top extending at least 1 meter out from the crate to avoid direct rain
on the crate.
• The crate should be kept dry, protected from rain and moisture.
Before commissioning the following items should be carried out:
• Visual external inspection of bearings and entering shaft
• Check insulation resistance in accordance with section 5.4

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.2.2 Long term storage of crated generator

Storage > 9 month

Long-term storage must be notified before delivery, so that the machine can be prepared and
packed for the actual condition. If an unscheduled long-term storage is needed, please contact
The machine should preferably be stored indoors and shall be placed on a vibration-free, flat
and well-drained surface.
Measures to be taken by customer or other part.
If the machine is to be stored outdoors, it must be covered with a tarpaulin on the top extending
at least 1 meter out from the crate to avoid direct rain on the machine.
1. Remove top and sides of the wooden crate. (Indoors)
2. Open the plastic protection to allow for a good ventilation.
3. If cooler top is delivered separate, the cooler top must be mounted immediately on the
machine or if not applicable don’t remove the temporary transport covers. (Indoors)
4. The machine should be protected from rain and moisture. If the machine is stored in a
harsh environment measures should be taken to protect it against dust and dirt.
5. To avoid condensation in the machine, the heating elements in main machine and exciter
must be connected according to the circuit diagram, included in the binder “Users
6. Check regularly the anti-corrosion coating on NOT painted areas like shaft, flanges etc.
and touch up if necessary.
7. Measures should be taken to ensure that the heaters work properly at all time.
8. Corrosion preventive oil should be filled in the bearings, according to section 3.1 on page
27, once every 12 month. Rotation of the rotor is not required.
9. The axial transport-locking device must always be mounted during transportation of the
Before commissioning the following items should be carried out:
• Visual external inspection of bearings and entering shaft.
• Visual inspection of exciter.
• Visual inspection of rotor and stator windings.
• The corrosion preventive oil in the bearings must be drained before rotation.
• Check insulation resistance in accordance with section 5.4.
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.2.3 Short term storage of uncrated generator

Storage < 9 month

The machine should preferably be stored indoors and shall be placed on a vibration-free, flat
and well-drained surface.
Measures to be taken by customer or other part.
If the machine is to be stored outdoors, it must be covered with a tarpaulin on the top extending
at least 1 meter out from the crate to avoid direct rain on the machine and be placed on at least
100 mm high rigid supports, as to make sure that no water can enter the machine from below.
1. Open the plastic protection to allow for a good ventilation.
2. If cooler top is delivered separate, the cooler top must be mounted immediately on the
machine or if not applicable don’t remove the temporary transport covers. (Indoors)
3. The machine should be protected from rain and moisture. If the machine is stored in a
harsh environment measures should be taken to protect it against dust and dirt.
4. To avoid condensation in the machine, the heating elements in main machine and exciter
must be connected according to the circuit diagram, included in the binder “Users
5. Check regularly the anti-corrosion coating on NOT painted areas like shaft, flanges etc.
and touch up if necessary.
6. Measures should be taken to ensure that the heaters work properly at all time.
7. The axial transport-locking device must always be mounted during transportation of the
Before commissioning the following items should be carried out:
• Visual external inspection of bearings and entering shaft.
• Check insulation resistance in accordance with section 5.4.

2.2.4 Long term storage of uncrated generator

Storage > 9 month

Long-term storage must be notified before delivery, so that the machine can be prepared and
packed for the actual condition. If an unscheduled long-term storage is needed, please contact
The machine should preferably be stored indoors and shall be placed on a vibration-free, flat
and well-drained surface.
Measures to be taken accordance with section 2.2.3 ” Short term storage of machine, <
9 month” and in accordance to below:
Skeleton No. 3BSM005471, EN, Rev. H

• Corrosion preventive oil should be filled in the bearings, according to section 3.1 on page
27, once every 12 month. Rotation of the rotor is not required.
Before commissioning the following items should be carried out:
• Visual external inspection of bearings and entering shaft.
• Visual inspection of exciter.

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

• Visual inspection of rotor and stator windings.

• The corrosion preventive oil in the bearings must be drained before rotation.
• Check insulation resistance in accordance with section 5.4.

2.3 Preparation for erection

The structural design of the foundation is not included in ABB´s undertaking, the customer or a
third party is therefore responsible for this. Furthermore, the grouting operation is normally also
outside ABB´s undertaking and responsibility.
The installation should be planned as early as possible.

2.3.1 Check of foundation

Before lifting the generator onto the foundation a check should be made to ensure that the
foundation fulfils the following requirements:
• The foundation must be carefully cleaned.
• It must be flat. (If any inclination has been agreed upon the permissible inclination must be
stated on the installation drawing.)
• Check that the position of the anchoring holes and the height of the foundation are in
agreement with corresponding measurements in the inspection and test record, “Magnetic
neutral position”, included in binder “Users Manual”.
• Attach a steel wire to the foundation to indicate the centre line of the generator. Mark also
the axial position of the generator.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005471, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 2-23

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.3.2 Vertical and horizontal positioning

CAUTION - Risk of personal injury

Use a piece of carboard to insert the shims under the generator to avoid jamming your
fingers if the jacks should fail.

The vertical positioning of the generator is made with hydraulic jacks (optional equipment)
placed as tight as possible to the two footplates in the middle and tight to the two outer
footplates as shown in Figure 2-8 on page 24 and Figure 2-9 on page 25. As alternative if
vertical adjustment screws are included the vertical positioning of the generator is made with
ABB AB, Machines´s delivery includes shims with 1 mm thickness, placed as shown in Figure
2-10 on page 25. Shims needed with other thicknesses are to be provided by the customer.
Bracket plates (optional equipment), with adjusting screws for horizontal positioning of the
generator are placed at its corners, as shown in Figure 2-8 on page 24.
The bracket plate is to be placed against the foundation edge and the bracket is to be tied down
by using an expansion bolt or welding.
Hydraulic jacks
Guiding pin Vertical adjustment parallel connected
only on D-end screws, if included


Guiding pin
only on D-end
Bracket w.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005471, EN, Rev. H

adj. screw

Figure 2-8

XYK 210 090- GCR en 2-24

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection



Hydraulic jack,
recommended NIKE CLF 220-13

Figure 2-9

Shaft height acc. to outline drwg.

machine Shims

Footplate in foundation
Figure 2-10
Skeleton No. 3BSM005471, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 2-25

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 2 Transport, Storage and Preparation for erection

2.3.3 Removal of the transport locking device

WARNING - Heavy lift

The transport locking device is a heavy unit (approximately 50 kg).
1. Support the transport locking device by proper means when removing the fasteners.

• The transport locking device is screwed into the shaft on the drive end side of the
generator. The transport locking device consists of a beam, two long bolts and a plate
which lock the rotor against axial movements and rotation. See Figure 2-11 on page 26.
• Remove the screws which are screwed into the shaft. Observe the plate between the beam
and the shaft.
• Loosen the beam from the bolts and remove the bolts from the bearing ring. (Save the
locking device for future needs).

Figure 2-11
Skeleton No. 3BSM005471, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 2-26

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 3 Alignment

Chapter 3 Alignment

Good planning and preparation result in fast, simple and correct installation. Safe running
conditions with maximum of accessibility are assured.

3.1 Preparations for generator installation

Auxiliary tools for the erection should be made and assembled at site if required:
• Suitable material for set-up and shimming as well as other auxiliary tools for erection are
normally not included in ABB's delivery. (Auxiliary tools for erection, like hydraulic jack
and bracket plates with adjusting screws, can be purchased from ABB as generator
• Attachments for gauges, extension brackets and other alignment tools are to be made.
• Before the rotor is turned, oil must be poured into the bearings, by using an extender
piping connected to the oil inlet pipe on the bearing or alternatively use the jacking oil
system. The funnel has to be placed above the bearing as the Figure 3-1 on page 27 shows.
The outlet pipe should be open.

Connect to the oil inlet pipe

Figure 3-1.
A simple lever is needed for turning the rotor. While turning the rotor, oil must be continuously
poured into the funnels at both end of the generator.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005472, EN, Rev. G

• When jacking-oil is used, the rotor will be raised and for alignment this must be
• If the generator is to be erected outdoors, sun and rain protection must be provided to
eliminate measuring errors.

NOTE: When the surroundings are neither heated nor dry, heating equipment must be

XYK 210 090- GCR en 3-27

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 3 Alignment

3.2 Rough levelling of generator after erection

Check that the generator is radially and axially level.
Make adjustments by placing shims under the four feet. The generator must be sitting on all
feet on each side.

3.2.1 Rough alignment


Warning - Heavy lift

The generator is a very heavy unit.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “Outline drawing” included in
the binder “Users Manual” for weight.
2. If the unit has a cooling top, never lift the unit in the lifting ears of the cooling top.

Lift the generator onto the foundation plates as close to the actual position as possible.

NOTE: The rotor is “NOT” in the magnetic neutral position when the generator is
The rotor is in the magnetic neutral position when the dimension B and C is fulfilled, see Figure
3-2 on page 28. Read the correct distance in the Inspection and Test record “Magnetic neutral
position”, included in the binder “Users Manual”.

to D-end
to N-end

Figure 3-2.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005472, EN, Rev. G

NOTE: It is important that the rotor is “IN” the magnetic neutral position when the
generator is in operation.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 3-28

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 3 Alignment

3.3 Grouting
When the generator has been properly aligned, its base elements are attached to the foundation
by grouting. Use only non-shrinking concrete for grouting to ensure proper adhesion between
the base frame and grouting. Make sure that the grouting fills properly the whole space around
and under the base element. Do not use a vibrator in order to avoid any disturbance in the
After the grouting has set (cured), adjust vertically to the final elevation by putting shims
between the base frame and the base element. Check also the other alignments of the generator
and adjust, if necessary.
Non-shrink grout is recommended for the best results. For shaping and grouting, the
manufacturers instructions to be followed.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005472, EN, Rev. G

XYK 210 090- GCR en 3-29

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 3 Alignment

3.4 Correction for thermal expansion

Temperatures have a considerable influence and should be considered during the alignment. The
temperature of the generator is lower during erection than it will be under operating conditions.
For this reason the shaft centre is going to lie higher during operating conditions.
Depending on the type of coupling, the distance between the generator and driven equipment,
etc. compensating alignment may be necessary.
The vertical movement of the shaft of due to thermal expansion the electrical generator is in acc.
to drawing “shaft displacement”, included in the binder “Users Manual”.

3.5 Final alignment and inspection

After the generator has been roughly positioned, as described before, the final alignment can
Lubricate the bearings at regular intervals during the final alignment in accordance with section
3.1 on page 27.
The normal fault tolerance for alignment which ABB accepts is below 0.1 mm at operating

Radial misalignment 'r

Gap (angular displacement) 'b
Axial displacement 'a

Figure 3-3.
The tolerances given by the coupling manufacturers must not be used in deciding how accurate
the alignment should be because these tolerances indicate what the coupling can accept.
Excessive tolerances will give rise to vibrations, bearing damage etc. and therefore should
tolerances as narrow as recommended above be aimed at.
Finally check the axial distance between the two coupling halves.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005472, EN, Rev. G

An alignment record should be drawn for future checks.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 3-30

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

4.1 Mechanical installation

4.1.1 Cooling arrangement

Air to water
If the cooler housing is delivered separately the following action needs to be taken:
1. Remove the transport roof on the generator.

WARNING - Heavy lift

The cooler housing is a heavy unit.
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “ Outline drawing” for weight.

2. Lift the cooler housing over the generator. Connect the hoses for the water leakage
detector to the cooler drain, according to drawing 3BSM 001483-A .
3. Lower the cooler housing until it’s almost resting on the generator (if possible), this will
make it easier to adjust the housing to the generator. After all the bolts have been put in
place lower the housing completely and tighten the bolts.
4. Connect the cooler pipes.
– The cooling water pipes shall be laid so that they do not obstruct service and
maintenance. The water pipes should be designed so that only a short part needs to be
dismantled to allow cooler removal.
– The piping should be designed so that no stress is applied to the cooler flanges.
Before the pipes are connected to the cooler they should be properly cleaned.
– If a cooler element is equipped with an over pressure safety valve, the safety valve
shall be connected via a hose/pipe to a reservoir. This to prevent equipment and
personnel to be exposed to the cooling medium in case of an over pressure in the

4.1.2 Connection of oil pipes

The bearings are made for flood lubrication, the inlet pipe can be provided with an orifice to
avoid overfilling.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

The return pipes should have an incline of 40-50 mm/m in order to guarantee trouble-free oil
circulation. The oil pipes should be designed so that they do not obstruct service and
maintenance. The pipes should be designed so that no stress is applied to the flanges on the

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-31

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

Jacking oil

WARNING - Risk of personal injury

If part of the jacking oil equipment fails and a person is exposed to a “cutting stream” of oil and
the oil penetrates the skin, it is important to seek medical advice immediately.

The connection point, required flow and pressure for jacking oil is marked on the outline
Jacking oil motor should be protected from overload and the operation supervised for alarm and
trip handling of the main generator.

NOTE: When loosen the plug or the jacking oil connection, be careful not to remove the
Use two wrenches, one to loose the plug/jacking oil connection and one to hold the
bulkhead in place. If the bulkhead will be moved the jacking oil connection inside
the bearing housing will fall down to the bottom of the bearing housing.
Bulkhead for connection of jacking oil



Figure 4-1

WARNING - Oil leakage

Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

Flushing with the bearings connected might cause oil leakage.

1. Bypass the generator before flushing the oil system.

For required oil flow and pressure see outline drawing. The oil pipes should be carefully flushed
before they are connected to the generator.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-32

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

4.1.3 Mounting of main terminal box

CAUTION - Component damage

Great care should be taken when handling the main terminal box as it contains delicate

WARNING - Heavy lift

The terminal box is very heavy
1. Use lifting equipment that is appropriate for the load, see “Outline drawing” included in
the binder “Users Manual” for weight.

To be able to transport the machine the main terminal box for the high voltage connection is
delivered separately and must be fitted at site.
The terminal should be supported so that no stress is applied to the generator.
1. Remove the protection cover fitted over the generator bushings.
2. Align the main terminal box by shimming so that no stress will be introduced to the
generator bushings when they are connected to the busbars in the main terminal box.
3. The joint between the main terminal box and the generator should be tightened according
to instruction 3BSM 001263R0001, included in the binder “Users manual”.
4. Before the high voltage cables are connected to the main terminal box the insulation
resistance (megged) should be checked. Check both the generator insulation resistance
(stator winding resistance) and the insulation resistance of the main terminal box
according to instruction in Section 5.4. For recommendations how to clean current-
carrying busbars, see instruction 3BSM 001263R0001, included in the binder “Users
5. The joint between the main terminal box and the generator should be insulated according
to instruction 3BSM 004941, included in the binder “Users manual”.
6. The main terminal box shall be secured to the foundation after installation and alignment.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-33

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

The joint between the incomming

cables/busbars and the terminal
inside the main terminal box.

Incomming cables/busbars

The joint between the

main terminal box and the machine

Figure 4-2
Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-34

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

4.2 Electrical installation

4.2.1 External cable connection
Screened cables shall be used for all low voltage, low power signal circuits such as 4 - 20 mA,
r10 V, thermocouples, RTD’s, vibration detectors, speed pulse transmitters etc. Single screened
cables may be used.
The signal circuit shall be earthed to avoid uncontrolled potential in the circuit. Preferably the
negative (reference) pole at the source end of the signal is connected to earth.
The cable screen shall be earthed in one end only, and in same end as in which the signal circuit
is earthed. The screen shall follow the cables as close as possible to the terminals, and the screen
wire length from cable to the earth connection shall be as short as possible, preferable less than
50 mm.
Regular, non screened cables can be used for all other circuits such as digital input and output
control signals and power supplies.
Power cables shall be sized for a maximum voltage drop of 5% at the terminals in the terminal
It is recommended to keep external cables for signals and power well separated to avoid
disturbances due to induced voltages. External cables shall be protected from mechanical
damages according to local installation requirements.
Requirements for electrical connections (e.g.voltage, current etc.) of the control equipment see
the circuit diagram included in the binder “Users Manual”

4.2.2 Connection of control equipment

For terminal box location and content see outline drawing (included in binder “Users manual”).
Connections should be made according to circuit diagram.

NOTE: Space heaters in exciter and stator should be connected as soon as possible after
unpacking. If the permanent supply is not available a temporary supply should be
4.2.3 Connection of high voltage cables
The fasteners for connecting the high voltage bus bars shall be arranged as in document 3BSM
001263R0001, tightening torque shall be adapted to the fasteners size.
The high-voltage cables are connected according to the terminal markings. Striping, splicing
and insulation of the high voltage cables should be performed according to the instructions from
the cable manufacturer.
The high voltage cables are connected according to the terminal markings. The stator insulation
resistance should be checked before final connection of the cables.
The main terminal box cable gland arrangement must fulfill the IP-class requirements for the
4.2.4 Earth connection
The earth lead shall be connected either inside or outside the terminal box and to both sides of
the generator frame.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

For connection points on the generator see outline drawing (included in binder “Users manual”). Neutral point

Neutral point connection inside the cubicle.
Each conductors shall be sized, unless otherwise specified:
- 2//95mm2 CU.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-35

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

4.3 Site arrangements

4.3.1 Coupling protection
A coupling protection shall be mounted over the shaft end. The coupling protection must be
designed to withstand airborne screws, nuts, keys etc. due to a breakdown.

4.3.2 Jacking oil pipes

WARNING - Risk of personal injury

If part of the jacking oil equipment fails and a person is exposed to a “cutting stream” of oil and
the oil penetrates the skin, it is important to seek medical advice immediately.

The jacking oil pipes shall be shielded to prevent personnel from being exposed to high pressure
oil in case of a leak in the jacking oil pipes.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-36

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 4 Mechanical and electrical installation

4.3.3 Main terminal box safety area

WARNING - Risk of personal injury!

If there is a short circuit inside the main terminal box a risk of personal injury is present if
personnel is standing to close to the main terminal box. To prevent personal injury the
following shall be done:
1. A safety area for the main terminal box should be highlighted, see Figure 4-3. Staying
outside the safety area will prevent personal injury.
2. Evacuation routes must be provided and marked, so that people not have to pass the
generator if an accident occurs. Se also section section 1.3 on page 10.

3m 3m Safety area

Main terminal box

Figure 4-3
Skeleton No. 3BSM005473, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 4-37

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

Chapter 5 Commissioning

On the commissioning personnel lies a great responsibility for a safe and trouble free operation
of the generator during its lifetime.
Commissioning should only be made by qualified personal.
The following are tests and checks on the generator that are recommended by the manufacturer.
If other tests are to be performed, the manufacturer should be consulted.

5.1 Check of mechanical installation

Check alignment of the generator prior to commissioning.
• Go through the alignment report and ensure that if the generator is accurately aligned
according to ABB AB, Machines´s alignment specifications.
See Chapter 3 Alignment.
• Alignment protocol should always be included in the commissioning report.

Check that the generator is properly anchored to the foundation.

• Check for cracks in the foundation and the general condition of the foundation.

Bearing insulation
• “Megging” of bearings should be performed before the generator is coupled to the
turbine. See section 5.4 on page 41.

Other checks
• Open the generator at both ends and check that no loose parts are present inside the
generator. Check that no parts have come loose during transportation and that the air-gap is
• If possible, turn the rotor and make sure that the rotor turns freely and that no abnormal
sound can be heard. See section 3.1 on page 27.
• Check the airgap between the exciter stator and rotor, see the test record “Air gap
measurement” (included in binder “Users manual”).

WARNING - Magnetic force

There are very strong magnetic forces between the PMG rotor and stator.
1. Remove your own wrist watch, credit cards and other digital equipment before working
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

around those strong magnetic forces.

2. Personnel with pace maker should not be working in the vicinity of the PMG..

• Check the air gap between the PMG stator and rotor, see the test record “Air gap
measurement” (included in binder “Users manual”).

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-38

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

NOTE: The lubrication system must be commissioned and running before the rotor is
• Check the assembly of the main terminal box and cooling system.
• Check pressure and flow for oil and cooling system according to the technical
specification (included in binder “Users manual”).
• If the cooler is not designed for glycol, don’t add glycol into the cooling water. Glycol
decrease cooling capacity.

5.2 Check function of jacking oil system

(the main oil supply need to be switched on)

WARNING - Risk of personal injury

If part of the jacking oil equipment fails and a person is exposed to a “cutting stream” of oil and
the oil penetrates the skin, it is important to seek medical advice immediately.

The jacking oil pump shall be started before the generator is started. The time between starting
of jacking oil pump and generator start must be sufficient to allow for proper pressure build up.
When the high pressure oil (jacking oil) is supplied by other means the time needed for
sufficient pressure build up needs to be checked during commissioning before first start of the
generator. To establish the time needed before start up perform the following procedure:
1. Apply a pressure gauge in the system as close to the bearings as possible.
2. Measure the time from starting of the pump until a stabilized pressure is read on the
pressure gauge (normally the pressure peaks before the rotor is lifted and then stabilizes on
a lower value).
3. Add margin to cover possible longer pressure build up time due to drained pipes if this is a
possible scenario.
Operation modes for the jacking oil system:
Operation modes Normal Lubrication Jacking oil pump
1) Start for rotate the generator On 20 min On X*)
before start before start
2) Speed on generator < 200 rpm On On
3) Speed on generator > 200 rpm On Off
4) At stop of generator, 250 rpm On On
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

5) After stop of generator 0 rpm Off 20 min after stop On from 250 rpm-0 rpm

*) Time according to description above.

For installations in cold environments. The lubrication system should be run until the bearing
temperature has stabilized and the min. oil temperature according to technical specification,
included in the binder “Users Manual”, is reached. If the pipes between the lube oil unit and the
generator are run in areas with very low temperatures, pipe heating maybe required.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-39

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.3 Check of electrical installation

When the stator has been megged (See section 5.4 on page 41) the cables can be permanently
connected to the busbars in the main terminal box.
Check connection of high-voltage cables observing the following.
• Make sure the busbars and insulators do not have any cracks or other damage.
• Check the the bolt connections between stator busbars and terminal box, and make sure it
has been tightened with a torque wrench and that a spring washer has been used.
For mounting instruction and tightening torque see instruction 3BSM 001263R0001,
included in the binder “Users manual”.
• Check all busbars, insulators and connections in terminal box.
• Make sure the incoming high-voltage cables are suitably routed and the bracing suitably
carried out.
• Make sure the incoming cables are stress-relieved in a proper way.
• Check phase sequence of incoming cables.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-40

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.4 Electrical checks

Bearing insulation resistance check

WARNING - High voltage

This work involves the main circuits of the generator normally connected to the high
voltage supply net. Before you start to work:
1. Make sure the generator is disconnected from the high voltage net and that the circuit
breaker is locked in the open position so it not accidentally (or otherwise) can be closed
during the measurements.
2. Note also that capacitors can contain dangerous voltages, so be sure to ground all details
before you touch them.

All connections of control equipment are to be checked and function tested.

A bearing insulation check should be carried out before the generator is connected to the
Remove the earth device located on the bearing on the drive end side. Megger the shaft to
ground using no more than 500 Volt DC. See Figure 5-1 on page 41 and Figure 5-2 on page 42.

Loosen the hub for the

earth device and pull
out the earth connector
and connect for megging
Figure 5-1
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-41

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

Figure 5-2
Insulation resistance is acceptable if the megger value is more than 1 Mohm.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-42

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

General for rotor and stator

The winding shall be dry during the test and therefore the standstill heating elements should
have been active for at least some days before the megging is performed.
The winding temperature should also be recorded. According to normal standards the winding
insulation resistance is to be stated at a winding temperature of 40 o C. The value measured is
therefore converted to a corresponding 40 o C-value, with the help of the following diagram.

Conversion factor, k







-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( C)
Winding temperature
14 32 50 68 86 104 122 140 158 176 194 212 (oF) when meggering
R = Megger-value at a specific temperature
R40 = Equivalent insulation resistance at 40oC
R40 = k x R Example:
R = 30 M: measured at 20oC
k = 0.25
R40 = 0.25x30=7.5 M:
Recommended minimum insulation resistance at 40oC must exceed the following value
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

R(40)> U+1 Mohm

Where R(40)= Equivalent insulation resistance at 40 oC.
U = Rated generator voltage in kV (stator or rotor).
The insulation resistance of a new generator, having a clean and dry winding, is considerably
higher as will be found in the test report of the generator.
If the measured value is considered too low the winding must be cleaned and/or dried.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-43

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

Main stator winding insulation resistance check

WARNING - High voltage

This work involves the main circuits of the generator normally connected to the high
voltage supply net. Before you start to work:
1. Make sure the generator is disconnected from the high voltage net and that the circuit
breaker is locked in the open position so it not accidentally (or otherwise) can be closed
during the measurements.
2. Note also that capacitors can contain dangerous voltages, so be sure to ground all details
before you touch them.
3. When testing the insulation resistance of the stator winding disconnect the surge
capacitors, lighting arresters and the fuses to the PT’s, if such equipment is installed.
4. If a neutral resistor is installed be sure that it is disconnected.
5. Be sure that the secondary connections of the CT’s and spare cores ARE NOT OPEN.

Megging should be performed in the terminal box and from the synchronizing circuit breaker
(when the high voltage cables has been connected).
If the insulation resistance is low when measuring from the synchronizing circuit breaker,
disconnect high voltage cables and perform the megging direct on the terminals in the terminal
A 5000 Volt DC megger should be used. Reading should be made after 1 minute.

Main stator Polarization Index check

The Polarization Index Test (dielectric absorption test) is an extension of the conventional one-
minute resistance test, where the testing time is extended to 10 minutes. To make the test a
motor-driven or an electronic megger is necessary to give a sufficiently steady voltage during
the testing.
The insulation resistance shall be read every minute.
The ration of the resistance value after 10 minutes to the resistance value after 1 minute is called
the Polarization Index.

R10 R1 = Insulation resistance after 1 - minute

R1 R10 = Insulation resistance after 10- minute

The Polarization Index should exceed t2.

Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

Field circuit insulation resistance (main- and exciter rotor)

Meggering should be performed at the exciter rotor connection to the main rotor.
A 500 V DC megger should be used. Reading should be made after 1 minute.

NOTE: If 1000V DC megger is used the rectifier has to be short circuit before measuring.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-44

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

PMG- and Exciter stator winding insulation resistance

A 500 V DC megger should be used. Reading should be made after 1 minute. (When the cables
to the terminal box have been disconnected).

Drying high-voltage windings

The drying process generally takes several days and the insulation resistance, in principle,
follows the curve shown below:

1 2 3 Time (Days)
Figure 5-3
During the drying process it is important that the temperature does not increase too rapidly and
that the final temperature is not too high. The temperature increase may not exceed 5 oC per
hour and the final temperature may not exceed 100 oC. The temperature must be watched
carefully throughout the drying process and the insulation resistance measured at intervals.
When a steady value for the insulation resistance has been achieved, the winding is dry.

Cleaning high-voltage windings

The following cleaning precautions are recommended.
• When the outer casing and winding cover have been dismantled, first remove as much as
possible of the extraneous matter with a paintbrush, stiff brush and a vacuum cleaner. Note
that dirt may be blown into cooling ducts and pockets and lodge there if compressed air is
• If the winding is covered with oil or oil mixed with dust, it should be cleaned using a
suitable solvent: “HAKU 1025/920” (ABB AB, Machines part number: 1245 0011-175),
varnolene or white spirit may be used. Take great care, see manufacturers recommended
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-45

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.5 Before the first start attempt

Check that the Motor Excitation Control Panel (MCP) is equipped for starting this type of
The motor must be started and synchronized with reluctance torque. The field current must be
applied after synchronization.
Correct procedure is to measure the stator current during the start to set correct time for field
apply see startprocedure curve according to the technical specification included in binder
“Users manual”.
Stator voltage, stator current and field current to exciter stator need to be recorded versus time
during the commissioning.

5.6 The first start attempts

During the first starts of a synchronous motor the following parameters should be observed,
noted and included in the commissioning report.
• Starting time
• Starting current
• Voltage drop
• Time after start when field current is applied
• Vibration levels.

5.6.1 Start interlocking

If the lubricating or cooling systems are provided with pressure or flow monitors, should these
also be included in the start interlocking systems.
A counter for the number of start up and a duty time meter should be included in the equipment.

5.7 Checks during running of the generator

During the first hours/days of running it is important to keep a close surveillance of the
generator in case of any changes in vibration or temperature levels or abnormal sounds should
Check the connection of oil and cooling water pipes and check for leaks when running the

5.7.1 Normal vibration levels

The vibration levels given in the table below is intended for protecting the generator from
damage during operation and indicating normal and acceptable levels. Please note that transient
conditions, such as starting or synchronization, are excluded from these recommendations.
Important for vibration monitoring is to detect deviations from normal levels during operation,
and the following guidlines are recommended:
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

• Set the alarm level at 2 times the normal level during operation
• Set the trip level at 4 times the normal level during operation
The alarm and trip levels should in no case be above what is given in the tables below.
Example: The normal vibration level during operation at site is 1.5 mm/s. The alarm level
should then be set at 3 mm/s, and the trip level at 6 mm/s.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-46

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning Bearing housings

Vertical/horizontal Axial
mm/s in/sec micron mills mm/s in/sec micron mills
rms rms p-p p-p rms rms p-p p-p
1.8 0.07 32.4 1.3 2.3 0.9 41.4 1.63
Alarm 4.5 0.18 81.0 3.2 7.0 0.28 126.0 5.0
Trip 8.0 0.31 144.1 5.7 15.0 0.59 270.1 10.6

Table 5-1: Acceptable vibration levels for bearing housings. The values are valid for all speeds.
(Measured frequency range 10-1000 Hz) Structural vibrations

The following values are valid for structural vibrations in the supporting structure of the
generator, covers etc are excluded.

Vertical/horizontal Axial
mm/s in/sec micron mills mm/s in/sec micron mills
rms rms p-p p-p rms rms p-p p-p
4.5 0.18 81.0 3.2 4.5 0.18 81.0 3.2
Alarm 7.0 0.28 126.0 5.0 11.0 0.43 198.1 7.8
Trip 15.0 0.59 270.1 10.6 20.0 0.79 360.1 14.2

Table 5-2: Acceptable vibration levels for supporting structures. The values are valid for all
speeds. (Measured frequency range 10-1000 Hz) Shaft vibrations

The following values are valid for shaft vibrations measured with eddy-current probes.

mm/s in/sec micron mills
rms rms p-p p-p
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

- - 50.8 2.0
Alarm - - 76.2 3.0
Trip - - 101.6 4.0

Table 5-3: Acceptable vibration levels for shaft vibrations. The values are valid for all speeds.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-47

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.7.2 Temperature levels

The temperatures of the bearings and stator winding and air should be checked when the
generator is running for the first time.
The bearings reach a stable temperature after about 45 to 60 minutes when running at full speed
if the temperature of the oil to the bearings is about 40 oC.
The stator winding temperature depends on the load of the generator. If full load cannot be
obtained during or soon after commissioning, the present load and temperature should be noted
and included in the commissioning report.
Recommended settings for alarm and trip levels, see the test record “Setting List” included in
the binder “Users manual”.

5.8 Check list

The following checklist and protocols should be completed during commissioning and returned
to ABB AB, Machines together with the commissioning report after completed commissioning.
Checks to be made during operation, please see Chapter 6 Operation.
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.8.1 Page 1
Customer: Name and company of responsible commissioning engineer:
Site name:
Serial number:
Order number: Date:

?First run up, date .....................................

? Direction of rotation: clockwise (Seen from D-end)
? Direction of rotation: counterclockwise (Seen from D-end)
? No abnormal noise
Comments ...............................................................................................................................................................

?Second run up (to full speed), date ................................

Starting time ............................. s
Retardation time .................. min
Comments ...............................................................................................................................................................

Generator data
Output: kVA Power factor: Voltage: V
Frequency: Hz Speed: r/min Current: A
Excitation: V A Oil quality:
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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.8.2 Page 2
Customer: Name and company of responsible commissioning engineer:
Site name:
Serial number:
Order number: Date:

Time Bearing temp. Inlet Oil Vibr. Winding Cooling Comments

(oC) (mm/s, Pm) temp. air/water Vibrations, noise, etc.

D- N- (oC) (l/s) D- N- max min m3/h o

side side side side
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-50

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 5 Commissioning

5.8.3 Page 3
Customer: Name and company of responsible commissioning engineer:
Site name:
Serial number:
Order number: Date:

Time Stator Exciter Load Comments

Field (A) (MW) Vibrations, noise, etc.
(A) (cosM) (V)
Skeleton No. 3BSM005474, EN, Rev. J

XYK 210 090- GCR en 5-51

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 6 Operation

Chapter 6 Operation

Safety precaution
Read and follow the information in the following sections:
• Section 1.2, safety precautions.
• Section 1.4, prerequisites.

6.1 Start up procedure

Before start up of the generator a check has to be made that:
– Beware that all protection covers and other equipment is correctly installed and that no
unauthorized person is close to voltage carrying equipment or rotating parts.
– Before start and during operation of the generator all protections, supervisions functions
and auxiliary system as cooling, oil etc. shall be in running conditions and in full service.
– Nobody (unauthorized or authorized person) is standing within the safety area as defined
in section 4.3.3.
– Authorization has been given to start and that there is no risk of personal or property
– Required oil supply is fulfilled in accordance to the “Technical specification”, included in
the binder “Users Manual”.
– The lube oil unit shall be started before the generator is started, to ensure that the run-down
tank is filled with oil before start of the generator.
– If not the run-down tank is provided with a level sensor, a visual control must be made
through the sight glass on the run-down tank to ensure that enough oil have been filled in
the run-down tank.
– Required cooling media is fulfilled in accordance to the “Technical specification”,
included in the binder “Users Manual”. If the cooler is not designed for glycol, don’t add
glycol into the cooling water. Glycol decrease cooling capacity.
– No shut down means are in operation.
– Personnel and equipment associated to the generator are ready for start up of generator.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005475, EN, Rev. G

XYK 210 090- GCR en 6-52

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 6 Operation

6.2 Continuous supervision

The operating personnel should inspect the generator at regular intervals.
This means that they should listen, feel and smell the generator and its associated equipment in
order to obtain a feeling for normal operating condition.
The object of the supervision inspection is to thoroughly familiarize personnel with the
equipment. This is imperative if abnormal occurrences are to be detected and remedied in time.
It is therefore recommended that a “supervision inspection sheet” (attached) will be filled in.
Data from a supervision inspection should be kept for future reference and can be of great help
at maintenance work, trouble shooting and repairs.
The programme for suitable supervision inspections can be found below.
The border between supervision and maintenance is rather diffuse. Normal supervision of
operation includes logging of operating data such as load, temperatures etc., and the comments
made are used as a basis for maintenance and service.
• During the first period of operation (- 200 hours) supervision should be intensive.
Temperature of bearing and winding, load, current, cooling, lubrication and vibration shall
be checked frequently and logged.
• During the following duty period (200 - 1000 hours) a check-up once a day is sufficient. A
record of supervision inspection should be used and filed with the customer. Thereafter the
time between inspections may be further extended if operation is continuous and stable.

6.3 Shut down procedures

During shutdown of the generator, lubrication oil and cooling media supply has to be ensured.
When the generator not is in operation, cooling water has to be switched off and the
anticondensation heaters to be switched on. Those actions are to be made to avoid condensation
within the generator.
If the generator is to be barred, jacking oil supply has to be used. It is recommended that jacking
oil will be applied when speed falls below 50 rpm.

6.4 Alarm during operation

If alarm during operation e.g.:
• Cooling
• Water
• Lubrication
• Temperature
• Vibration
• etc.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005475, EN, Rev. G

The generator has to be unloaded and deenergized (triped).

After coasting down the generator make necessary investigation to find out the reason for the
alarm before next start. See chapter 7 Fault finding.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 6-53

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 6 Operation


Customer: Name and company of responsible commissioning engineer:

Site name:
Serial number:
Order number: Date:

Time Bearing temp. Inlet Oil Vibr. Winding Cooling Comments

(oC) (mm/s, Pm) temp. air/water Vibrations, noise, etc.

D- N- (oC) (l/s) D- N- max min m3/h o

side side side side
Skeleton No. 3BSM005475, EN, Rev. G

XYK 210 090- GCR en 6-54

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 6 Operation

Customer: Name and company of responsible commissioning engineer:

Site name:
Serial number:
Order number: Date:

Time Stator Exciter Load Comments

Field (A) (MW) Vibrations, noise, etc.
(A) (cosM) (V)
Skeleton No. 3BSM005475, EN, Rev. G

XYK 210 090- GCR en 6-55

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.1 Preventive maintenance

A generator often forms an important part of a larger installation and if it is supervised and
maintained properly it will be much more reliable in operation.
The border between supervision and maintenance is rather diffuse. Normal supervision of
operation includes logging of operating data such as load, temperatures etc., and the comments
made are used as a basis for maintenance and service.
After commissioning or maintenance supervision should be intensive. Temperature of bearing
and winding, load, current, cooling, lubrication and vibration shall be checked frequently.
Local condition has to be considered when decision of maintenance interval and level.
It is the ABB customer responsibility to make sure that installations/components that is not
ABB scope of supply but connected/mounted to the machine are serviced according to a
maintenance schedule.

7.2 Before all maintenance work

Safety precaution
Read and follow the information in the following sections:
• Section 1.2, safety precautions.
• Section 1.4, prerequisites.

WARNING - Risk of personal injury

Before any maintenance or test is performed the following must be done:
1. Make sure before maintenance work, together with factory electrical responsibility
manager, that the machine is electrical dead, grounded and mechanical blocked.
2. Before working on any electrical equipment, general electrical safety precautions are to be
taken and local regulation are to be respected, according to instructions of the customers
personnel in charge of security, in order to prevent personnel accidents.
3. Employees who perform maintenance on electrical equipment and installations shall be
qualified persons as required and shall be trained in and familiar with the specific
maintenance procedures and tests required.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-56

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

Preparation and preplanning of maintenance

Preparation and preplanning is recommended before all maintenance, special level 3 and 4.
Requirements of:
• Tools including rotor removal at level 4.
• Manpower and needed competence.
• Spare parts and other overhaul kit (replacement and consumables).
• Lifting capacity, see table below::

Level 1 (L1) Level 2 (L2) Level 3 (L3) Level 4 (L4)
Weight capacity
N/A N/A 2 000 kg *

* AMS 1000 - 1120 The required weight to lift the rotor = rotor weight on outline + 2 000 kg.
* AMS 1250 - 1250A The required weight to lift the rotor = rotor weight on outline + 2 600 kg.

7.3 After all maintenance work

After completed maintenance work on all removed covers, protections etc. must be mounted
before the machine is put into operation.
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XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-57

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4 Recommended maintenance program

Level 1 (L1) Level 2 (L2) Level 3 (L3) Level 4 (L4)
max. 10 000h (equivalent max. 20 000h (equivalent max 40 000h (equivalent max 80 000h (equivalent
Interval hours) of operation hours) of operation hours) of operation hours) of operation
or yearly or max. 3 years or max. 6 years or max. 12 years

Preparation for Open inspection covers. Open inspection covers. Disassembly covers. Open bearings.
inspection Disassembly PMG stator. Removal rotor
Open bearings. and exciter.
Open water coolers. Open water coolers.
Instrument/ Megger, stator. Megger, stator Megger, stator.
Tools Megger, rotor. Megger, rotor Megger, rotor.
Fibre-optic or video Rotor removal equipment.
borescope. Torque wrench.
Oscilloscope/Test Oscilloscope/Test
equipment. equipment.
Parts/ Bearing liners, Acc. to L1 and suggestion Acc. to L2 and suggestion Acc. to L3 and suggestion
Spare parts Brushes, from inspection L1. from inspection L1 and from inspection L1, L2
Air-lock filter (bearing), Silicon tape. L2. and L3.
Control pulse unit, Water cooler. Rotor kit.
Thyristors, Diodes. Rectifier kit.
Other order specific Bearing kit.
parts. Gaskets.
Expected Approx. 1 day. Approx. 2 days. Approx. 5 days. Approx. 10 days.

Option: Diagnostic insulation test of the stator winding.

Equivalent hours = Total operation hours + No of starts x 20

Example of maintenance schedule:

Interval 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Hours x 1000

Program L1 L2 L1 L3 L1 L2 L1 L4

Timing of the inspection and overhauls are largely determined by the number of operating hours, the mode of operation and
the number of starts of the generator. Local condition has to be considered.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

The maintenance intervals shall be co-ordinated for the generator, in a suitable way.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-58

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.1 Generator
Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Generator X X X X 1. Look through all logged or recorded data available;

load, temperature, vibrations etc. Fill in the report. If
values deviate from time of commissioning or earlier
inspection please contact supplier.
X X X X 2. Inspect exterior of generator for rust, leaks or other
X X X X 3. Check tightness of all fastenings.
X X X X 4. Replace air filter, if necessary.
X X X X 5. Ensure ventilation ducts are clean and free of obstruction
if connected to external air.
2. Foundation X X 1. Inspect grouting and anchored bolts. Check for excessive
clearances and correct as required. Inspect for cracks in
the foundation.
3. Service/Repair X X 1. Replacing, cleaning and modification acc to
recommendation in earlier inspections and suppliers
service bulletin.

General cross-section
AMS machine (actual
design acc. to outline
included in binder
“Users Manual”.)

Inspection covers
on both ND- and
D-end sides.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Figure 7-1.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-59

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.2 Stator
Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Stator winding X X X X 1. Inspect winding connections.

X X X X 2. Inspect winding and bracing rope.
X X 3. Inspection for cleanliness, discoloration, condition of
insulation, looseness, movement and wear.
Clean if necessary.
X X X 4. Measure and record insulation resistance. Refer to
section 5.4.
X X X 5. Measure Polarization Index. Refer to instruction
“Commissioning” section “Electrical checks”, included
in the binder “Users Manual”.
2. Pressure finger X X X X 1. Inspect for discoloration.
3. Air cover X X X X 1. Check sealing.
4. RTDs X X X X 1. Verify function of all RTDs.
5. Heaters X X 1. Function check.

Air cover

Sealing Air cover

Stator coils

Bracing rope
Pressure finger
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Figure 7-2.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-60

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.3 Stator terminal

Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

Terminal box X X X X 1. Check all line- and neutral connections.

X X X X 2. Check general condition.
X X 3. Check tightening torque at all connections and insulation
behind the terminals.
X X 4. Test e.g. Current transformers (CT), etc. if applicable.

Example of a terminal box for a generator (actual design acc. to outline for terminal box).
See drawing in Users manual XYK 210780-GCR.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-61

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.4 Rotor
Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Rotor X X 1. Check all brazed connections for cracks.

X X X 2. Measure field circuit insulation resistance, 500V DC
megger. Refer to section 5.4.
2. Rotor coils X X X X 1. Check turn insulation, discoloration etc.
X X 2. Check inter connections.
X X 3. Check turn insulation (voltage drop test).
Refer to section 7.5.
3. Rotor coil X X X X 1. Inspect coil supports, screws, washers and insulation.
X X 2. Check upper coil support insulation plate, Max.
movement, 10mm radially out of original position.

Brazed connection Lower coil

Inter connection support

Connection rotor and

exciter rotor Rotor coils
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Upper coil support

Insulation plate
Figure 7-3.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-62

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity
ABB Cust.
4. Pole shoes X X X X 1. Check pole shoes for discoloration.
5. Pole bolts X 1. Inspect by knocking on bolt head.
If pole bolts are loose or corroded, ABB has to be
6. Fan X X 1. Inspect fan blades and weldings.
7. Balancing X X 1. Inspect balancing weights and fastening details.
8. Air gap X 1. Check air gap after assembling of machine.

Fan Balancing weights

Pole shoes Pole bolts
Figure 7-4.
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XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-63

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.5 Bearings
Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Bearing X X 1. Open bearings.

2. Bearing X X X X 1. Inspect for leaks.
housing and
X X X X 2. Inspect all bolted joints.
X X X X 3. Inspect guide support.
3. Shaft seals X X X X 1. Check for leaks. If leaks check wear and damages.
X X 2. Clean drain holes in the shaft seals.
3. Check the clearance between the shaft seals and shaft
with a feeler gauge after assembling.
4. Shaft surface X X 1. Verify that sealing surface are free from corrosion and
5. Bearing liners X X 1. Visual inspection of contact surfaces.
6. Bearing X X 1. Measure insulation resistance. Refer to section 5.4.
7. Oil piping X X X X 1. Inspect for leaks.
8. Measuring X X X X 1. Verify function of all measuring instrument.
9. Lube oil X X 1. Analyse oil for contamination and replace oil and clean
the system if necessary. Refer to section 7.6.3.
2. Check for water in each bearing and remove if
10. Air filter X X X X 1. If necessary replace filter for air intake to the air-lock
seals, located on bearing pedestals.

Air-lock seals

Shaft seal
Bearing liners

Bearing shell
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Bearing housing Bearing insulation

Figure 7-5.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-64

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.6 PMG (Permanent magnetic generator)

WARNING - Magnetic force

There is a very strong magnetic forces between the PMG rotor and stator.
1. Be extremely careful when removing the PMG stator housing to avoid damage to
components due to magnetic forces.
2. Remove your wrist watch, credit cards and other digital equipment before working around
those magnetic forces.
3. Personnel with pace maker should not be working in the vicinity of the PMG.

Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. PMG Stator X X 1. Visual inspection.

X X X 2. Measure insulation resistance, 500V DC megger. Refer
to section 5.4.
2. PMG Rotor X X 1. Visual inspection.
3. Air gap X X 1. Check air gap.

PMG stator

PMG rotor

Permanent magnets
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Figure 7-6.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-65

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.7 Exciter and Rectifier

Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Exciter Rotor X X X X 1. Visual inspection.

X X X 2. Measure insulation resistance, 500V DC megger. Refer
to section 5.4.
2. Diodes, X X 1. General cleaning.
X X 2. Check all bolts fastening.
and RC-circuit
(Rectifier) X X 3. Inverse voltage test. Refer to section 7.6.1.
3. Control pulse X X 1. Check wiring to and from the unit.
unit (Rectifier)
X X 2. Check firing level. Refer to section 7.6.1.
4. Rotor X X 1. Check all connections to the exciter.
5. Exciter stator X X X X 1. Visual inspection.
X X X 1. Measure insulation resistance, 500V DC megger. Refer
to section 5.4.
6. Air gap X X 1. Check air gap.
7. Heaters X X 1. Function check.

Exciter stator
Exciter rotor


Connection rotor and

exciter rotor
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Figure 7-7.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-66

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.8 Rotor earth brush

Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Brush and X X X X 1. Visual inspection of brush. Replace if shorter than

brush holder 15 mm.


+ +

+ + Brush holder
+ +

+ +


Figure 7-8.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-67

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.4.9 Cooling system

Location L1 L2 L3 L4 Activity Approved

1. Coolers X X X X 1. Visual inspection.

X*) X*) X X 2. Check for cleanliness, corrosion and erosion of air and
Refer to the
water sides.
instruction in X*) X*) X X 3. Clean air and water sides.
included in the
binder “Users X X 4. Inspect protection anodes (placed in tube sheet) for
manual”. proper activity and replace if necessary.
X*) X*) X X 5. Pressure test.
X X X X 6. Function check of casing water leakage detector.

*) If bad efficiency clean the heat exchanger by using brush or chemical rinsing.


Tube plate

Water box


Figure 7-9.
If temperature detectors show normal temperature, usually no additional maintenance to
supervision inspection is required for the cooling system. If the coolers have to be cleaned, find
instruction included in binder “Users Manual”.
If temperature detectors show an abnormal temperature, or close to alarm level, in winding or
cooling air a check of the cooling system has to be made. If the coolers have to be cleaned, find
instructions included in binder “Users Manual”.

Water leakage detector

Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

To empty the water leakage detector of water, open the ball valve at the bottom of leakage
detector, see drawing included in the binder “User Manual”.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-68

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.5 Main rotor coil turn insulation (voltage drop test)

WARNING - Electricity 230 V or 400 V 50 Hz / 208 V or 480 V 60 Hz

During the voltage drop test there is a AC-voltage over the field windings. Be careful so no
personal injury occur.
1. Connect all measuring cables before start of measurement.
2. Connect an earth current circuit breaker as protection.

The test is carried out by applying an AC-voltage over the entire field winding and measuring
the current and the voltage drop across the total winding as well as each single coil, see Figure
The applied voltage should be 230 V or 400 V 50 Hz / 208 or 480 V 60 Hz depending on the
rated frequency of the machine.

+ 'U1
The voltage over a single coil ('U) should

not differ more than ±3% from U/4.




Figure 7-10

7.6 Fault finding

The generator is protected with alarms and trips for most kinds of abnormal running conditions,
both electrical and mechanical. Some of these protections can be reset and the generator
restarted directly as the fault is known or easy to locate.
Examples of protections that if they give an alarm or trip, may need further investigations to be
located are:
• Diode fault protection.
• High temperature in bearing.
• High temperature in winding or in cooling air.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

• Vibration protection.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-69

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.6.1 Diode fault

In case any of the diodes in the rotating rectifier should fail, the “diode fault” protection will
pick up and trip the generator. To determine and locate a faulty diode, open the cover of the
rotating rectifier and megger with an ohm-meter over one of the diodes. If a faulty diode is
detected, disconnect all diodes and test them separately to locate the faulty diode.

NOTE: If a faulty diode or thyristor the recommendation is to replace all diodes,

thyristors and control pulse unit.
Refer to the instruction “Replacement of diodes and thyristors” included in the binder “Users
To test the thyristors, firing unit and diodes the following method can be used:
• Open the cover of the rotating rectifier.
• Disconnect the rotor winding from the rectifier.
• Apply alternating voltage to the plus and minus bars of the diode bridge according to
figure 7-11. A 600 ohm resistor shall be connected to limit the current flow as shown
in figure 7-11.
Note: An equipment specially made for this test is possible to buy from ABB AB, Machines.

Test equipment - Rectifier unit

voltage osc side


Figure 7-11
• Increase the voltage and check with an oscilloscope the triggering voltage level of the
firing unit and the thyristors as shown in figure 7-12 chart 2 and 3.
• Decrease the voltage to a level under the firing units trigger level, see figure 7-12
chart 1 and measure over each diode separately. A shorted diode will show zero (0)
volt on the oscilloscope.
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XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-70

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

Test result for healthy rectifier

1. Û< Triggering voltage level Ûac < UT

Triggering voltage UT
Test Voltage
2. Û = Triggering voltage level Ûac = UT

3. Û > Triggering voltage level Ûac > UT


Figure 7-12
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-71

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.6.2 Altering the firing voltage

To alter the firing level on the control pulse unit, the cable have to connected to the terminal
corresponding to the new firing level.

NOTE: Before altering the firing level, write down the original connections for firing
level, thyristors, etc.

Thyristor B Thyristor A

K K-G K K-G +

x Drawing number
Seriel number

Connect to right firing level

Figure 7-13
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-72

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.6.3 Lubrication
The generators are provided with sleeve bearings with an almost unlimited service life provided
that the lubrication functions continuously and that the oil is changed at suitable intervals.

To enable the bearing temperature to stabilize at a normal level, the correct amount or flow of
oil is required. The normal bearing temperature is 65 - 85 oC.

NOTE: The oil may be warm.

Characteristic properties of the oil qualities listed are:

The oil is a lubricant based on paraffin having high viscosity coefficient (VI>90) and a
particularly low fluid temperature. It includes the following additives:
• oxidation inhibitor
• anti-foaming
• mild EP action, anti-wear additive
• rust inhibitor

Condition of the lubricant

Check the oil with respect to colour, smell, turbidity and deposits in a test bottle.
The following requirements shall be fulfilled:
• The oil should be clear or negligibly turbid. The turbidity may not be caused by water.
• Strong acid or burnt smell is not acceptable.
• The quantity of metal impurities may not exceed 0.05% by weight.
• The original viscosity must be maintained within a tolerance of ±10-15%.
• The original acid number should not be exceeded by more than 1 mg KOH per gram oil.
An oil check should be performed a few days after the first test run of the generator and
subsequently as required. If the oil is changed just after the commissioning, it can be used again
after removing wear particles by filtering or centrifuging.
In doubtful cases an oil sample may be sent to the laboratory to determine viscosity, acid
number, foaming tendency, etc.
A duty period of 3-8 years before an oil change is necessary is not unusual.
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XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-73

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

Oil qualities
Unless otherwise stated on ABB AB, Machines drawing “Outline synchronous generator”
included in the binder “Users Manual”, the bearings are designed for any of the following oil

Oil 7 1201-301 (Oil 7061)

Viscosity 32 cSt at 40qC (20 at 50qC)
Pour point max. -30qC.
BP: Energol HLP 32
Castrol: Hyspin AWS 32
Esso: Nuto HP 32
Gulf: Harmony 32 AW
Klüber: Lamora 32
Mobil: D. T. E. 24
Optimol: Ultra 5025
Shell: Tellus Oil 32
Texaco: Rando Oil HD A 32

Oil 7 1201-302 (Oil 7071)

Viscosity 46 cSt at 40qC (28 at 50qC)
Pour point max. -30qC.
BP: Energol HLP 46
Castrol: Hyspin AWS 46
Esso: Nuto HP 46
Gulf: Harmony 46 AW
Klüber: Lamora 46
Mobil: D. T. E. 25
Optimol: Ultra 5035
Shell: Tellus Oil 46
Texaco: Rando Oil HD B 46

Oil 7 1201-303 (Oil 7081)

Viscosity 68 cSt at 40qC (40 at 50qC)
Pour point max. -27qC.
BP: Energol HLP 68
Castrol: Hyspin AWS 68
Esso: Nuto HP 68
Gulf: Harmony 68 AW
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Klüber: Lamora 68
Mobil: D. T. E. 26
Optimol: Ultra 5045
Shell: Tellus Oil 68
Texaco: Rando Oil HD C 68

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Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.6.4 High temperature in bearing Trouble shooting 1

Customer : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine type : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine serial no : .......................................................................................................................................

Insufficient section


Oil temperature Faulty oil cooler Replace the

too high cooler

High axial forces Faulty coupling

Faulty assembled Has bearing been Open and adjust

bearing disassembled?

Damaged liners Impurities in the Change oil


Inductive bearing Repair bearing

currents? insulation

Complete seizure Repair bearing

of bearing journal
Replace liners
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-75

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance Trouble shooting 2

Customer : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine type : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine serial no : .......................................................................................................................................

Oil pump not generator Fault finding

reliable? protection trips? and action

Low Oil filter Check main-

oil flow clogged? tenance status Replace filter

Reduction valve Latest

Adjust flow
shut? adjustment?

Too low oil Faulty oil Fault finding

temperature heater and action

Check with
Unsuitable oil Change oil
quality Machines´s quality

Oil Check status of

worn out oil change Replace the oil
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-76

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance Trouble shooting 3

Customer : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine type : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine serial no : .......................................................................................................................................

Oil worn out Replace the oil

Unstable bearing
Impurities in the
Replace the oil

Damaged shaft
Repair the seals

Air-lock seal the air-lock seal
out of action and check the
air filters
Oil leaks
Too high oil
flow Correct oil flow

Problem in oil
inclination of
flow return
the return pipe?
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-77

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.6.5 High winding and/or air temperature Trouble shooting

Customer : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine type : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine serial no :.......................................................................................................................................

Faulty sensor

Check fan motor if

Low cooling
included/ Repair or
water flow
replace if necessary

Cooling water Check fan motor if

temperature to included/ Repair or
high replace if necessary
High winding and/or
air temperature
Dirty or plugged
Clean the cooler

Replace the
Leaking cooler cooler

Air inside the Bleed the cooler


Overload Process control

Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

Dirty stator Clean the stator

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-78

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 7 Maintenance

7.6.6 Water leakage detector Trouble shooting

Customer : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine type : .......................................................................................................................................
Machine serial no :.......................................................................................................................................

Check if Verify running

condensation parameters

Signal from water

leakage detector
Replace the
Leaking cooler cooler or gasket

Broken detector/ Broken detector/

cable breakdown cable breakdown
Skeleton No. 3BSM005477, EN, Rev. H

XYK 210 090- GCR en 7-79

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 8 Disposal and Recycling

Chapter 8 Disposal and Recycling

8.1 General
The manufacturing process of the machine is carried out in accordance with the Environmental
Management System ISO 14001.
This instruction concerns the disposal and recycling of Large AC-machines. The machines are
designed in a way that it is easy to separate the different components and types of material from
each other, making it easier to recycle.

NOTE: The methods are described in a very general way. All instructions are to be
performed by personnel which is trained and skilled for the procedure.

8.2 Dismantling the machine

Warning - Heavy components

Risk of personal injury when dismantling the machine.
1. Only skilled and trained personnel should carry out the dismantling.

Dismantling the machine is done by simply separating all the components of the machine. Since
the machine mainly is assembled with screws and nuts, it is rather simple to carry out the
dismantling. When the machine has been dismantled into its different components, the different
components has to be separated and grouped together dependent upon the different types of

8.3 Separation of different types of material

8.3.1 Normal carbon steel

The following components is separated into one group for normal carbon steel:
• Rotor body
• Stator ends
• Bearing supports
• Foot plates
Skeleton No. 3BSM005478, EN, Rev. G

• Encapsulation
• Side plates
• Roof

XYK 210 090- GCR en 8-80

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 8 Disposal and Recycling

• Oil tubes from the lubrication system.

If the tubes are made of stainless steal, it is necessary to separate them from the rest of the
steel components. If not the stainless steel will cause a very low quality of the total steel
collected - it is a poison for the steel manufacturer.
• Terminal box with the copper separated
• Bolts and nuts
• etc ... etc.

8.3.2 Electrical silicon steel non oriented

The following components is separated into one group for electric silicon steel non oriented:
• Stator lamination
• Lamination of the exciter stator
• Lamination of exciter rotor.
These laminations are welded to respective components and can be separated with a gas burner.

8.3.3 Special high quality steel

The following component is separated into one group for special high quality steel:
• Pole tips of the rotor.

8.3.4 Mixed metallic material

The following components are separated into one group for mixed metallic material:
• Coolers.
The coolers often contains Cu/Ni tubes or stainless steel tubes. In the cases of stainless steel
these may be separated by using a gas burner or similar and collected in the group for stainless
steel. The rest of the cooler may be considered as mixed material.

8.3.5 Stainless steel

The following components are separated into one group for stainless steel:
• Oil tubes from the lubrication system.
If the tubes are made of stainless steal, it is necessary to separate them from the rest of the
steel components. If not the stainless steel will cause a very low quality of the total steel
collected - it is a poison for the steel manufacturer.
• Tubes from coolers. See Section 8.3.4 Mixed metallic material.

8.3.6 Cast iron

Skeleton No. 3BSM005478, EN, Rev. G

The following components are separated into one group for cast iron:
• Bearing housing
• Bearing spheres.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 8-81

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 8 Disposal and Recycling

8.3.7 Aluminium
The following components are separated into one group for aluminium:
• Coil supports of the rotor
• Heat sinks for thyristors and diodes in the exciter.

8.3.8 Copper
Copper is mostly integrated in the actual components and require some effort in order to be
separated. There exist some special tools for making the separation but normally wedges, large
hammers, gas burners and manpower is used.
The following components are separated into one group for copper:
• Stator coils
The copper is integrated in the stator and is glued to the stator by use of an impregnation
resin. Thereafter the copper in the stator is surrounded by several mm of micabased
insulation. The separation of copper from the insulation is done by the method granulation,
which is used by larger recycling companies. The granulation method cuts the copper into
pieces and the copper is then separated from the insulation by a mechanical process. This
can also be done by manpower using hammer and wedges. The amount of copper in the
stator is large.
• Stator connection
The copper is integrated within the stator winding. It may be cut off and separated from its
insulation by granulation or by manpower.
• Rotor coils in the machines rotor
This is clean copper mixed together with layers of insulation. It may be separated from the
rotor by loosening the pole bolts of the rotor body and by removing the coil supports. This
copper is of high quality and value, and the amount is large. The copper from the rotor
coils is to be kept separate from all insulated copper.
• Rotor connections in the machines rotor
This is cable copper that may be separated from the rotor by a gas burner combined with

WARNING - Dangerous gas

This method is only to be performed in an oven with proper filters in order to prevent
hazardous emissions to enter the air.

It might come off easier if first heating up the rotor until the epoxy resin within the rotor
shaft is carbonised.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005478, EN, Rev. G

• Clean copper in the terminal box

This is the best quality of copper and has to be separated from all types of insulated copper.
• Stator coils in the exciter stator
This is enamelled copper that is glued together with the stator by impregnation resin. It
may be separated from the exciter stator by manpower or by using special equipment.

XYK 210 090- GCR en 8-82

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 8 Disposal and Recycling

WARNING - Dangerous gas

This method is only to be performed in an oven with proper filters in order to prevent
hazardous emissions to enter the air.

It might come of easier if first heating up the stator until the impregnation resin is
• Rotor coils in the exciter rotor
This is enamelled copper that is glued together by impregnation resin. It may be separated
from the exciter by manpower or using special equipment.

WARNING - Dangerous gas

This method is only to be performed in an oven with proper filters in order to prevent
hazardous emissions to enter the air.

It might come of easier if first heating up the rotor until the impregnation resin is

8.4 Waste as land fill

All insulation material is not to be considered as hazardous waste. It may be used as land fill or
sent to power plants to be burned.

NOTE: Make sure the power plant is adapted for this kind of fuel and have the proper
types of filter etc. in order to prevent gases and dust to enter the environment.
Skeleton No. 3BSM005478, EN, Rev. G

XYK 210 090- GCR en 8-83

Synchronous generator, type AMS
Chapter 8 Disposal and Recycling

8.5 Hazardous waste

The oil from the lubrication system is to be considered as hazardous waste and have to be taken
care of according to regulations. The oil is to be sent for destruction or to be burned in specially
prepared power plants.

WARNING - Hazardous waste

The epoxy resin is to be considered as hazardous waste and has to be taken care of according to
local regulations.

The following components contains epoxy:

• Rotor
• Stator
• Exciter stator/rotor
• PMG-stator
• Stator terminals
• Slipring device.

8.6 Final comments

If there is some questions of environmental matters not considered in this instruction we ask the
user to get in contact with the Environmental Coordinator of the Machine Division.
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