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Subject Code and Title MGT502 Business Communication

Assessment Forming an Argument

Individual/Group Individual

Length Up to a page

Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful

completion of the task below include:
a) Apply research, academic and communication skills
appropriate to the level of study and observe academic
referencing requirements.
b) Critically analyse texts and/or multimedia material in both a
business and academic context.
c) Identify and apply effective communication methods within
a business and academic environment.

Submission 12 Week Delivery: Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module

4.1 (Week 7)
Intensive class: Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4.1
(Week 4)

Weighting 20%

Total Marks 100 marks

Assessment Task
Write a critical argument on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography.
Provide supporting evidence for the argument from the resources used in Assessment 1 Part A.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.

This assessment has been prescribed to appraise your’ ability to think critically and form an
argument supported by evidence. It allows you to demonstrate your ability to understand the
material you are using and to apply it in ways that go beyond what has been read.

This assessment has been designed to:

• Appraise your ability to critically evaluate academic and other research to form
an argument on an organisational topic that is supported by evidence.
• Enhance your writing skills so they are able to form persuasive and
convincing arguments and communicate them effectively.

The resources used in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography are expected to be utilised in
this assessment to support the argument.

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1. Write a critical argument up to a page on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A.

2. Use the annotated bibliography resources from Assessment 1 Part A for sourcing
evidence and ideas for your argument. Review the resources critically and select at
least 5 to be used as references for this assessment.

3. Please consider the following factors, when forming the argument:

• A good argument is convincing whereby the premises are acceptable, the supporting
evidence is relevant to the claim and provides sufficient grounds for acceptance of
the claim.
• You will be expected to form an academic and financial argument in favour, or
against, utilizing the communications solution in the modern workplace.
• Make a clear point and justify it.

4. Please structure your argument as follows:

• Title page
• Introduction: provide a short introduction with a claim.
• Main body: with a logical structure including supporting evidence from
academic sources.
• Conclusion: a concise conclusion which restates your claim and summarises
your argument.
• References: please provide the reference list on a separate page.

5. Please use at least 5 in-text citations. Indicate logical connections and use connecting words

6. You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for
grading your assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful forming an
argument looks like.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.

Submission Instructions:
Submit the Forming an Argument document via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in
MGT502: Business Communication.

The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can
be viewed in My Grades.

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Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need
to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

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Assessment Rubric
Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(Yet to achieve
Assessment Attributes (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
minimum standard)
50-64% 65-74% 75-84% 85-100%

Evaluation of Limited understanding Resembles a recall Supports personal Discriminates between Systematically and
information selected to of key concepts or summary of key opinion and information assertion of personal critically discriminates
support the argument required to support the ideas. substantiated by evidence opinion and between assertion of
argument. from the research/course information personal opinion and
Personal opinion without materials. substantiated by information substantiated
Percentage for this Confuses logic and reflection, expert robust evidence from by robust evidence from
criterion = 50% emotion. Information judgment or rigor, Demonstrates a capacity to the research/course the research/course
taken from reliable unsubstantiated by apply and justify the use of materials and materials and extended
sources but without a evidence from the relevant concepts. extended reading. reading.
coherent analysis or research/course
synthesis. materials. Well demonstrated Information is taken from
capacity apply and justify sources with a high level of
relevant concepts. interpretation/evaluation
to develop a
Analysis and evaluation comprehensive critical
reflect growing analysis or synthesis.
judgement, intellectual
independence, rigor and Exhibits intellectual
adaptability independence, rigor, good
judgement and adaptability.

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Effective Difficult to understand Information, arguments Information, arguments and Information, arguments Expertly presented; the
Communication for audience, no and evidence are evidence are well presented, and evidence are very presentation is logical,
logical/clear structure, presented in a way that mostly clear flow of ideas well presented; the persuasive, and well
poor flow of ideas, is not always clear and and arguments. presentation is logical, supported by evidence,
Percentage for this argument lacks logical. clear and well supported demonstrating a clear
criterion = 15% supporting evidence. Line of reasoning is easy to by evidence. flow of ideas.
Line of reasoning is often follow.
Audience cannot follow difficult to follow. Argument is convincing Engages and sustains
the line of reasoning. and persuasive. audience’s interest in
the topic and
demonstrates a
persuasive and

Correct citation of key Demonstrates inconsistent Demonstrates use of Demonstrates use of credible Demonstrates use of good Demonstrates use of high-
resources and evidence use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and quality, credible and quality, credible and
credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas. relevant resources to relevant resources to
resources to support and develop ideas, but these support and develop support and develop
Percentage for this develop ideas are not always explicit or arguments and arguments and position
criterion = 35% well developed. statements. statements.

Show evidence of wide Show evidence of wide

scope within the scope within and without
organisation for sourcing the organisation for
evidence. sourcing evidence.

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