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Client Care and Communication

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Client Care and Communication in Beauty Related Industries

Describe how to adapt methods of communication to suit the client and their needs
There are various ways to communicate with clients and the following should be
taken in to consideration
 The clients Age should be considered e.g. if it’s an older client they may be hard of
hearing, a younger client may not be as worldly wise.
 The amount of time you have available to spend with the client.

 The treatment might need detailed explanation and you may have to visually
demonstrate or show them pictures.
 The clients may have forgotten their glasses and need help filling out the form.

 They might not be able to hear properly so the therapist might need to write things
down or face them so they can lip read.
 Clients with different cultural backgrounds and languages may need longer to explain
and make sure they understand.
 You shouldn’t use technical jargon with clients as they may not understand what you
are saying.
G.Explain what is meant by the term professionalism within beauty related industries

When working in a professional manner you must abide by salon regulations and codes of conduct,
you must encourage your clients to ask questions throughout if unsure of anything.
You must also be sensitive to client’s personal details and privacy avoiding any inappropriate
conversations and remembering to use positive body language and looking professional all the time.
The therapist should be looking immaculate and professional always the therapist should be
wearing a professional overall or suitable clothing, making sure all hair is tied back neatly and
all the jewellery is removed, light day make up should be worn and nails in good condition
ensuring no polish or nail extensions are worn as this will avoid clients having any reactions,
personal hygiene is important we must ensure that not only do we look professional but we
must oral and bodily cleanliness to have had a shower or bath and that deodorant has been
applied but avoiding over powering perfume or deodorants,
we must also cover any cuts or abrasions.

When in the place of work, we must ensure that we as therapists are respecting other colleagues we
should avoid all gossip, we must take consultation communications
pride in our work at all time

rembering to be punctual, we must always be polite cheerful and of a friendly manner,

with a positive attitude good eye contact and open body language.
we must always be honest and be loyal to all our client’s colleagues and our employer.
H. Explain the importance of respecting a client’s personal space

There should be space between the client and the therapist as if you are too close they might
feel uncomfortable or intimidated, it is always advisable to find a suitable location that is
private and unobtrusive for the consultation. When performing treatments client’s privacy and
modesty should be maintained always to ensure client comfort.
I. Describe how to use suitable consultation techniques to identify treatment objectives

it is essential that a consultation is carried out, this is a good opportunity for the therapist to
get to know the client, this is also to understand clients expectations and requirements for the
treatment and to assess clients’ needs and for the therapist to give appropriate advice and to
determine suitability for the treatment, this gives an opportunity to discuss if they will need
further treatments and determine how much the treatment will cost with a realistic goal for
both client and therapist this will also be able to determine the duration for the end result the
consultation gives time for the client to relax and feel comfortable in the therapists company
this starts to gain trust as many clients will be nervous the first time they visit a new therapist
or salon.
In consultation, you should ask to declare any current or previous health problems or
medical conditions e.g. previous surgery or medical condition as this might affect the
treatment that you will deliver and in some cases their might be contraindications.
while filling out the consultation form it is vital that the therapist listens carefully to the
client throughout, aftercare advice to follow when leaving the salon e.g.: drinking plenty of
water after treatment to flush out toxins from the body when completed the consultation
form must be signed by both the client and the therapist.
A client record card should also be filled out this is to maintain and update any information
relevant to the client and the treatment plan, this this ensures that the treatments are
continuous but that all staff that may treat the customer in the future may know of any
medical conditions that the client may suffer from.
The therapist should have good understanding of the treatment being carried out and have a
range of terminology linked to every treatment, rembering good eye contact is key, verbal
communication and nonverbal communication also to be used as well as visual and manual
questioning rembering to listen to the client always.
J. Explain the importance of providing clear recommendations to the
client It is important to provide clear recommendations to the client
 They need to understand fully the treatment process and Any expected sensations,
Skin reactions and outcomes, if the client has unrealistic expectations they will be
satisfied and may complain. You must recommend the correct treatment for the client
you should complete a through consultation to find out the most suitable treatment
for the client, also if they know what to expect they might be able to relax more
during the treatment.
 aftercare advice must be clear so that they can follow it carefully to get the best
results and maintain the treatment longer. If aftercare is not followed correctly they
may have a contra action e.g. going on the sunbeds after a treatment they may have a
 They may need to make some lifestyle changes or buy retail products to achieve the
best results and this must be explained and agreed by the client.
 Sometimes more than one treatment is required this should be explained and agreed
with the client beforehand.
 Recommendations should be given to clients to help get repeat clients and increase
profits, this should be handled in a professional manner so that the client trusts you
will return and recommend the salon to friends and family.
Outcome 2
C.Evaluate Client Feedback

It is very important to evaluate clients feedback, there are many ways that this can be done

 Clients can be asked verbally if they were happy and enjoyed their treatment.

 they can be asked to complete an evaluation form after the treatment

 salons can have customer comment boxes for feedback

 If they rebook or tell friends to book in means that they have been happy with the
 it is also possible to tell by client’s body language if they are happy or not. Crossed
arms usually indicate they are not happy whereas a happy smiling relaxed client is usually
satisfied with the treatment.
When the feedback is being received it is important to act on it. You should relate to it in a
constructive way. You should be professional and polite and courteous always whether the
feedback is good or bad. Then if any actions need to be made they should be done efficiently
and effectively.
If client satisfaction is improved the salon will have a good reputation, repeat business, additional
treatments booked in and increased revenue.
Any employee training that might be required to improve client satisfaction should be arranged and
regular meetings to discuss any issues should take place.
It is good for team building, career development and if staff are happy and confident this
reflects in the atmosphere of the salon and clients are happy.
D.Evaluate measures used to maintain client confidentiality

There are various ways that you can maintain your clients Confidentiality, this is important to
comply with the Data protection act and so that you don’t lose clients. Clients information
should be stored safely in a locked cabinet and their information should never be given to
anyone who is not employed at the salon.
Any information that is stored on a computer must have a password and only be accessible to
authorised people.
Only information that is relevant and up to date should be obtained from the client.
Data that is no longer needed (e.g. records cards after the required length of time that they
should be kept.) Should be disposed of in a secure manner.
Clients are allowed access to their records at any time so care should be taken when making any
E.Explain the importance of adapting retail sales techniques to meet client requirements

Different clients will respond to different sales techniques. It is important to try to get to know
your client and build up rapport so that you know the best methods to use.
Treatment and product knowledge is vital as you need to be confident when trying to sell.
Some clients are happy to just let you tell them how it works, others prefer to see a
demonstration or visually see the treatment in process. E.g. A video
It is best to try and relate the treatment or product to their individual needs and tell them how
they will benefit from it
You should observe and be aware of their body language and have positive body language yourself.
And be aware of buying signals. E.g. how much is it?
Sometimes it can help if the client can try the product so taters or samples can be used.
F.Identify methods of improving own working practices
It is vital to have good working practises and to constantly evaluate and update them to
ensure the smooth and efficient running of the salon.
You can perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to business)
and put an action plan in place.
Things that should be identified and improved are sales, productivity, checking Feedback from
clients, monitoring repeat business and new trends.
It is also recommended to carry out peer assessments observations and appraisals. Some salons
also arrange for a mystery shopper to come in and give unbiased feedback.
This will also help to keep and improve standards and increase revenue.
G.Describe how to resolve client complaints

Clients complaints should be dealt with in a polite courteous and professional manner, staff
should know who to refer complaints too and they should only be dealt with the relevant
person who can resolve the situation e.g. senior staff or manager. It is very important to use
good communication and techniques including verbal and non-verbal body language.
Situations should be dealt with promptly calmly and in an area away from other clients.
There should be a procedure in place and a method of recording the complaints and the
actions taken.

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