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FINA6000 Asssessment 2 Brief Individual Presentation. (With Tasks)

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Subject Code and Name FINA6000 Managing Finance

Assessment Assessment 2 Presentation

Individual/Group Individual

Length (15 mins +/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes a) Critically analyse goals of financial management

within an organisation and explain how a good corporate
governance underpins pursuance of such goals.

b) Analyse financial information and evaluate financial

performance of a business.

c) Apply time value of money to the valuation of a

variety of cash flows, securities and projects leading to
sound investment and financing decisions.
d) Analyse risk and return associated with investments.

Submission Final Submission Sunday Week 8 11.55 PM

Weighting 15%

Total Marks 100 marks

Task Summary
Students are expected to utilise publicly available financial market information and prepare an
efficient frontier of two assets which are shares of companies listed on the Australian Securities
Exchange. They must apply the concepts of risk, return and portfolio diversification.
Students are expected to prepare 10 - 12 ppt slides and record a 15 minutes presentation addressing
the assessment tasks.

FINA6000 Assessment 2 Brief Individual Presentation 1|Page

Finance theory relies on the assumption that investors are risk averse. This means that they would
want to maximise returns for a given level of risk or minimise risk for a given level of return. In this
assessment you are required to construct an efficient portfolio frontier and show how portfolio risk
would be minimised in a two-asset portfolio. The period of analysis would be one year from 11
March 2020 to 10 March 2021. The period starts on the day the World Health Organisation (WHO)
declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic.

This assessment aims at:

• Testing the students’ understanding of the concepts of risk and return, and their ability to
evaluate how stocks (shares) have been affected by the emergence of the COVID-19
• Assessing students’ ability to determine stock mean returns, standard deviation, covariance
and correlation
• Construct portfolios consisting of two assets and determine their returns and standard
• Assessing students’ ability to construct an efficient portfolio frontier.

Assessment Tasks:
Task 1
Your Facilitator will allocate to you, a pair of companies drawn from ASX100 companies which are
listed on the Australia Securities Exchange (ASX). The list is below the Marking Rubric. You should
download daily (closing) stock prices from yahoo finance ( for the
period 10 March 2020 to 10 March 2021. Calculate daily returns, standard deviation and coefficient
of correlation between the returns of these two stocks. (15 marks)

Task 2
Using various proportions (weights), prepare a table that reports the mean return, variance and
standard deviation of each portfolio. Identify the minimum variance portfolio from the table.
(15 marks)

Task 3
Using the information in Task 2, construct an efficient portfolio frontier. (7.5 marks)

Task 4
Critique the use of standard deviation as a measure of risk and suggest two alternative measures of
risk that could be used. You should not use beta in your answer. (7.5 marks)

FINA6000 Assessment 2 Brief Individual Presentation 2|Page

• Prepare a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides (maximum 12 slides) to be presented in 15
minutes addressing all assessment tasks.
• Record a 15-minute video in which the presenter’s face is seen. You are recommended
to use zoom and if not available, you can use any other recording platform.
• The PowerPoint slides are to be submitted via Blackboard. You should also submit the
EXCEL document with your calculations.
• Remember to cite the sources of information used. Include a list of reference in the last
slide of your presentation.
• Students will be assessed on how well they address the assessment tasks, how well they
demonstrate the knowledge of risk and return on equity investment. Ability to apply the
knowledge to making a sound investment decision will also be evaluated. The quality of
the presentation will be a crucial component of determining the final mark. Please refer
to the learning rubric for more details.

Submission Instructions:

Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in the FINA6000 Managing
Finance folder. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is
my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy
and Procedure viewable online at

FINA6000 Assessment 2 Brief Individual Presentation 3|Page

Learning Rubric
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Assessment Criteria (Unacceptable) 0- (Functional) (Proficient) 65-74% (Advanced) (Exceptional)
49% 50-64% 75 -84% 85-100%
Knowledge and understanding of Limited Knowledge or Thorough knowledge or Highly developed A sophisticated
risk and return concepts and stock understanding of understanding of the understanding of the field understanding of the field or understanding of the field or
markets required concepts field or discipline. or discipline/s. Supports discipline/s. discipline/s.
and knowledge personal opinion and
General criterion to adapt:
Resembles a recall or information substantiated Discriminates between Systematically and critically
Students should be able to
Key components of summary of key ideas. by evidence from the assertion of personal discriminates between
• collect correct share price and research/course materials.
the assignment are opinion and information assertion of personal
index data
not addressed. Often confuses assertion substantiated by robust opinion and information
• calculate accurately the risk Demonstrates a capacity evidence from the substantiated by robust
of personal opinion with
and return measures required to explain and apply research/course materials evidence from the
in the assignment relevant concepts. and extended reading. research/course materials
substantiated by
• discuss alternative risk evidence from the and extended reading.
measures to standard research/course Well demonstrated capacity
deviation Mastery of concepts and
materials. to explain and apply application to new
relevant concepts. situations/further

Content, Audience and Purpose Demonstrates no Demonstrates limited Demonstrates consistent Demonstrates an advanced Consistently demonstrates a
(broad and specific content) awareness of context awareness of context awareness of context and integrated systematic and critical
Students should show an and/or purpose of and/or purpose of the and/or purpose of the understanding of context understanding of context
understanding of the essence of the assignment. assignment assignment. and/or purpose of the and purpose of the
the assignment, the central assignment. assignment.
idea(s) to be addressed and
pitch the presentation
Analysis and application with Limited synthesis and Demonstrated analysis Well-developed analysis Thoroughly developed and Highly sophisticated and
synthesis of new knowledge analysis. and synthesis of new and synthesis with creative analysis and creative analysis, synthesis
application of synthesis with application of

FINA6000 Assessment 2 Brief Presentation Page 4 of 5

General criterion to adapt: Limited application/ knowledge with recommendations linked to pretested models and / or of new with existing
recommendations application. analysis/synthesis. independently developed knowledge.
Ability to analyse and interpret based upon analysis. models and justified
Strong application by way of
the information correctly in Shows the ability to recommendations linked to
pretested models and / or
identifying the minimum variance interpret relevant analysis/synthesis.
independently developed
portfolio. Critically discussing information and models. Recommendations
alternative risk measures to literature. are clearly justified based on
standard deviation (excluding the analysis/synthesis.
beta) Applying knowledge to new
situations/other cases.
Excellent presentation which is Difficult to Information, arguments Information, arguments Information, arguments and Expertly presented; the
well structured, flowing, understand for and evidence are and evidence are well evidence are very well presentation is logical,
informative, relevant and audience, no presented in a way that presented, mostly clear presented; the presentation persuasive, and well
logical/clear is not always clear and flow of ideas and is logical, clear and well supported by evidence,
supported by properly prepared
structure, poor flow logical. arguments. supported by evidence. demonstrating a clear flow
visual aids of ideas and arguments.
of ideas, argument
lacks supporting Line of reasoning is often Line of reasoning is easy to Demonstrates cultural
30% Engages and sustains
evidence. difficult to follow. follow. sensitivity. audience’s interest in the
topic, demonstrates high
Audience cannot levels of cultural sensitivity
follow the line of
reasoning. Effective use of diverse
presentation aids, including
graphics and multi-media.
Correct citation of key resources Demonstrates Demonstrates use of Demonstrates use of high Demonstrates use of good Demonstrates use of
and evidence inconsistent use of credible and relevant quality, credible and quality, credible and highquality, credible and
good quality, credible resources to support and relevant resources to relevant resources to relevant resources to
5% and relevant develop ideas, but these support and develop support and develop support and develop
resources to support are not always explicit or ideas. arguments and statements. arguments and position
and develop ideas. well developed. Shows evidence of wide statements. Shows evidence
scope within the of wide scope within and
organisation for sourcing without the organisation for
evidence sourcing evidence

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LIST OF COMPANIES IN THE ASX100 as at 01 October 2019

Company Sector Company Sector

Afterpay Touch Technology Link Admin HLDG Information Technology
AGL Energy Limited Utilities Macquarie Group Limited Financials
Als Limited Industrials Magellan Fin Group Limited Financials
Altium Limited Technology Medibank Private Limited Financials
Mirvac Group FP Ordinary/Units
Alumina Limited Materials Stapled Securities Real Estate
Amcor Plc Cdi 1:1 Foreign Exempt NYSE Materials National Aust. Bank Financials
AMP Limited Financials Newcrest Mining Materials
Ansell Limited Health Care Nib Holdings Limited Financials
ANZ Banking Group Limited Financials Nine Entertainment Consumer Discretionary
APA Group FP Units Stapled Securities Utilities Northern Star Materials
Aristocrat Leisure Discretionary Oil Search Limited 10 Toea Energy
ASX Limited Financials Orica Limited Materials
Atlas Arteria Stap US Prohibited Excluding QUP Industrials Origin Energy Energy
Aurizon Holdings Limited Industrials Orora Limited Materials
Ausnet Services Limited Utilities OZ Minerals Materials
Bank of Queensland Financials Qantas Airways Industrials
Beach Energy Limited Energy QBE Insurance Group Financials
Bendigo and Adelaide Financials QUBE Holdings Limited Industrials
BHP Group Limited Materials Ramsay Health Care Health Care
Bluescope Steel Limited Materials REA Group Information Technology
Boral Limited Materials Reliance Worldwide Industrials
Resmed Inc Cdi 10:1 Foreign
Brambles Limited Industrials Exempt NYSE Health Care
Caltex Australia Energy RIO Tinto Limited Materials
Information Limited Technology Santos Limited Energy
Scentre Group FP
Ordinary/Units Stapled
Challenger Limited Financials Securities Real Estate
Charter Hall Group Stapled Securities US Prohibited Real Estate Seek Limited Industrials
Cimic Group Limited Industrials Sonic Healthcare Health Care
Cleanaway Waste Limited Industrials Soul Pattinson (W.H) Energy
Coca-Cola Amatil Consumer Staples SOUTH32 Limited Materials
Spark Infrastructure Stapled
$0.65 Loan Note and Unit US
Cochlear Limited Health Care Prohib Utilities
Stockland FP Ordinary/Units
Coles Group Consumer Staples Stapled Securities Real Estate
Commonwealth Bank Financials Suncorp Group Limited Financials
Information SYD Airport FP Ordinary/Units
Computershare Limited Technology Stapled Securities Industrials
Crown Resorts Limited Discretionary Tabcorp Holdings Limited Consumer Discretionary
CSL Limited Health Care Telstra Corporation Services
Xero Limited Technology The a2 Milk Company Consumer Staples
Dexus FP Units Stapled Securities Real Estate The Star Ent Group Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Telecommunication
Domino PIZZA Enterprise Discretionary TPG Telecom Limited Services
Transurban Group FP
Ordinary/Units Stapled
Downer Edi Limited Industrials Securities Industrials
Evolution Mining Limited Materials Treasury Wine Estate Consumer Staples
Consumer Unibailrodawestfield Cdi 20:1
Flight Centre Travel Discretionary Foreign Exempt Xpar Real Estate
Vicinity Centres FP
Ordinary/Units Stapled
Fortescue Metals Group Materials Securities Real Estate
Goodman Group FP Ordinary/Units Stapled Securities Real Estate Wesfarmers Limited Consumer Discretionary
GPT Group FP Ordinary/Units Stapled Securities Real Estate Westpac Banking Corp Financials
Iluka Resources Materials Whitehaven Coal Energy
Incitec Pivot Materials Wisetech Global Limited Information Technology
Insurance Australia Financials Woodside Petroleum Energy
James Hardie Indust Chess Depositary Interests 1:1 Materials Woolworths Group Limited Consumer Staples
JB Hi-Fi Limited Discretionary Worleyparsons Limited Energy

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