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I Have Been One Acquainted With The Night. I Have Walked Out in Rain-Back in Rain. I Have Out Walked The Farthest City Light

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LET Reviewer for General Education GENED: a. Gerald Ford

English Part 1 b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Henry Truman
1. Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted with the d. John F. Kennedy
Night from which the stanza is taken:
8. History is the witness that ______ passing of time.
I have been one acquainted with the night. a. testifies
I have walked out in rain-back in rain. b. will testify
I have out walked the farthest city light c. testifies for
The poet in the stanza talks of? d. testifies for the
a. isolation and loneliness
b. joy getting out of the house 9. When I met Liza yesterday, it was the first time I
_____ her since Christmas.
c. youthful delight playing in the rain
a. saw
d. happiness in having been acquainted with the b. had seen
night c. have seen
d. have been seen
2. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined
portion of this sentence? Researchers also speculate 10. The commander ordered his men to hold on the
that some teachers might have given boys more fort. What was the message?
a. Surrender in arms
computer time because parents and
b. Keep on with the fight
teachers expected boys to need computers for future c. Disregard the peace negotiation
careers. d. Rescue the hostage victims fast and early
a. expected
b. expecting 11. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.” This
c. will expect stands for the following EXCEPT
d. will have expected a. Loveliness
b. Comeliness
c. Homeliness
3. The wounded soldiers were visited by the d. Physical beauty
president who honoured them with ____ for their
_____. 12. The Nibelungenlied is a
a. medals – valor a. Latin Myth
b. gun salute – bravery b. Chinese legend
c. Russian folk song
c. appointments – dedication
d. Medieval German epic
d. money – sacrifice
13. An association wherein the name of something is
4. Every June, Manila has its festival of outstanding substituted by something that represents it.
Filipino films. This was a project initiated by a. Metonymy
a. Arsenio Lacson b. Comparison
b. German Moreno c. Euphemism
d. Personification
c. Antonio Villegas
d. Ramon Bagatsing 14. Because the moon rotates on its axis at the same
time as it ______ around the earth, we see the same
5. Which among the sounds below is voiceless? side
a. /b/ a. Revolve
b. /z/ b. Revolves
c. /g/ c. Is revolving
d. Has been revolving
d. /p/
15. In English verse, a poetic foot having 1 stressed
6. “Only the heart can see rightly.” This statement is syllable followed by 1 unstressed syllable is ______.
lifted from what particular novel? a. Trochaic
a. The Prince and the Pauper b. Iambic
b. The Little Prince c. Dactylic
c. The Right One d. Anapaestic
d. The Pearl
16. Senators were accused by activists of washing
their hands with the perfumes of Arabia. This state is
7. He was the American President who said, “Ask not
commonly known as
what America will do for you, but what together we
a. Guilt
can do for the freedom of man.”

b. Triumph read
c. Indecision b. Write a comprehensive reaction paper regarding
d. Aggression the selection or story read
c. Present an argument that the selection or story
17. It is a collection of religious poetry written by read was not properly written
Rabindranath Tagore. d. Manifest an expected and commensurate
a. Mahabharata emotional reaction to the selection or story read
b. Gitanjali
c. The Ramayana 25. What does this mean: Excuses are for losers…
d. Bhagavad Gita those who take responsibility for their actions are
real winners in life. This tells of?
18. I suggest that he _____ in the room for one week. a. losers often fail because they find reasons for
a. Stay losing
b. Stayed b. a winner can also be a quitter
c. Staying c. accountability of one’s action tells of bravery
d. Stays d. excuses are needed to justify any failure

19. The manager told his workers, “We have to 26. A couple accepted a wedding invitation. They
reduce our workforce.” What did he mean? showed pleasure in these remarks
Workers are free to leave a. All guests congratulated the organizers and the
Workers are warned of possible lay off couple
Workers have to double time on their jobs b. Guests came in and out of the ceremonies
Workers should submit themselves to a reducing c. The ceremonies were very impressive
gym d. The couple felt uneasy with the priest

20. The parent remarked, “__________ I come late, just 27. What correction should be made to this sentence?
lock the door.” One of the theories is that the first child receives
a. In the absence more of the parents' attention than other children so
b. In the process first-borns tend to be more intellectual.
c. In the event a. Change is to are
d. In the case b. Insert a comma after children
c. Change parents' to parent's
21. The copyreader found the news story boring. He d. Change theories to theory's
found it full of _____.
a. Adjectives 28. Carl Sundburg wrote "Jazz Fantasia" which has
b. Verbs for its first stanza:
c. Pronouns
d. Adverbs Drum on your drums, batter on your banjos, sob on the
long cool winding saxophones. Go to it, O jazzmen.
22. There were three guests on the stage. They were Which words illustrate alliteration?
made up of a parent, the governor and the principal. a. Batter and banjos
Who should be acknowledged first by the b. Sob and winding
valedictorian? c. Long and cool
a. The classmates d. To and it
b. The principal
c. The governor 29. What is meant by AT SIXES AND SEVENS in this
d. The parent sentence?
We moved into the house last week, but I'm afraid
23. What is suggested in the opening line? June 13, everything, is still at sixes and sevens.
1986 - they came from all over America - 200,000 a. The things have not been shipped.
heroes strong, with their families. b. In a state of confusion
a. The writer holds great admiration for the veterans c. In an orderly manner
b. The writer is opposed to the Vietnam War d. The boxes are still intact
c. The writer was a veteran of the war
d. The writer is a flag-waving patriot 30. What is the mood of these lines?

24. A readability mismatch happens when the Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
reading levels of books exceed the reading levels of I must think of a new life
the students. In this situation, the students And I mustn't give in.
experience frustration and they fall short of the When the dawn comes
expected or desired output. A student who finds tonight will be a memory, too
himself/ herself in such a mismatch will likely do And a new day will begin.
which of the following? a. Afraid
a. Give an intelligent critique of the selection or story b. Sarcastic

c. Depressed
d. Hopeful

Answers: 1A 2D 3A 4C 5D 6B 7D 8D 9C 10B 11C 12D

13A 14B 15A 16A 17B 18A 19B 20C 21C 22C 23A
24C 25C 26C 27B 28A 29B 30D

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