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HHW Class 10

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HHW of English for class 10

Literature module -(To be done in
BBC) Solve MCQ's of the poem- Dust
of Snow, Fire and Ice, The Tiger in the
Reading module
Solve the following comprehensions
in BBC CA 1 page no. 3 (type 1)
CA 5 page no. 1 5 (type 2)
Writing Module
Analytical Paragraph (To be done in
HA 15 page no 185
Additional practice Task pie chart
page no 176
* Page numbers are according to the
new Edition of BBC

*Learn all work done in the class.

*Take printout of CBL worksheets
and complete them.
1. Chapter - A Letter to God

Aim To write an informal letter to a dear one

Resources A4 paper and pens

Process to follow the implementation of the project

• Not applicable
• Write an Informal letter to a dear one of yours on any topic of your choice.
• Follow tl1e proper steps of format of letter writing.
• Post writing, answer t11e following questions based on your letter:

Whom did you write the letter to?

On which date and month was the letter written?
How is the receiver connected to you?
What is the letter about?
What is the address of the receiver?
When did you last meet that person?
Why did you choose that particular person and not anybody
Will you send your letter to the person or not?
2. Poem - ATiger in the zoo

Aim To create a poem on the importance of fr,eedom for animals

Resources Internet and/or any reading material like books
Process to follow for the Imple men tation of the project
Pre-prepa ration
• Not applicable

• Choose a character (animal) about whom you want to create a poem.
• Write a poem based on that animal
• In the poem:
o Write about the behaviour of the animal you have chosen.
o Describe difficulties that animals face because of human beings.
o Use poetic devices like personification.
o Use other poetic devices as well in the poem.
o Use a particular rhyme scheme.
o Draw an innovative and colourful portrait of the animal.
• Do this project In a project file.
• Explain different poetic devices and rhyme schemes used in their poems in the project Ille.
Class 10th Hindi Holiday
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5. q~csi'tf cf q lcfll fcr~ lSI 01 J.ilru)c1, ~q

6. corlf lTIZii.=tl- BRT, ~~1<01 "T<f,

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Holiday homework of class 1 O
Odisha project
Geographical effects: -
* Major rivers/ Dams
* Soil type/ crops
* Vegetation
* Minerals, mining dites
Historical and political effects
*Culture/ Language/ Religion /
Ruling political party
*Transport, Occupation,
population, Sex ratio, Literacy
Do this project in a creative way.
Class 10th IT
Create a blog on any one of the
a) If you have to change 3 things
about India ,what would they be?
b) My Classroom Tour
c) List the must see attraction in
a location
d) What makes you happy?
Class X*
Draw the diagram of (i) Digestive
system (ii) Respiratory system
(iii)human heart (iv) Excretory
2.Do Experiment in lab manual
1.Temporary mount of leaf peel
to show stomata
2.C02 is evolved during
3. Performing and observing
following reactions
(i) combination reaction
(ii) Decomposition
(iii) Displacement
(iv) Double displacement
4.Make a chart depicting all
charged ions done in class.
Do assignment of physics sent in
1. Take 2 pipes, 2 plastic bottles, scissors, fevi-quick. coffee or mud, clay, tissue papers, funnel, water
and 2 beakers/ glasses.

2. Cut the bottle as shown and then give It to the learners.

3. Ask learners to insert the pipe in the bottle cap as shown.

4. Ask learners to insert the tissue paper in the bottle as shown.

5. Ask learners to mix the coffee or mud in the water.

6. Help learners to set up the material as shown in the image and ask them to pour water(with coffee or
mud) from the top

7. Ask learners to observe water being collected

., In the beaker/glass.

Answe r the following questio ns:

• Do other ani mals also urinate? Do other a nimals also have similar excretory systems? Find out and
discuss in detail.
• What happens if the kidney of a person stops working?
Students you have to prepare this
model and answer the questions
given at the end.Also make a
project file and mention the
content given at page nos. 1,2,3
and 4 (aim objectives etc.)
Class 10
Make a Power point
representation on the following
*Climate comparison of Odisha
and Punjab
*Literacy rate in Odisha and
*Male and female ratio in Odisha
and Punjab
*Comparison of Urban and
rural population in Odisha and
Punjab.This presentation has to
be sent to followi'ng email. I'd
1. In the ri\ en l'igurl!, DF II B.C'.

s- --- --- -~
Find J\1).
2. In L\Al3C, D and E ai e points on the sides AJJ and
AC re~pc ctivcl v, such that DE II BC. If AD = x,
DB = x - 2. \1 = x + 2 and EC = x - J
Find the value of x.
3. ,vhat value (s) of l \\·ill make DE II AB in the given
figure ?

4. If D and E are respectively the points on the side _..\B

and AC of a triangle ABC such that AD = 6 cn1. BD
= 9 cm, AE = 8 cm and EC = 12 cm, then sho,\ that
S. In figure, D and E are points on AB and . -\ l'
respectively, such that DEII BC'. If AD = :\BD,

AE = 4.5 c1n, find AC.


L If P = L RTS, 5. l n figure,tu>QR ~h.XYZ. tf PQ = 4cm, QR= 5cm
Then show that LPQR = LRST. and XY = 6 cm, lhen find YZ.

rvR6 a
X 6 y
lCBSE 2015]

2. The perimeters of two similar triangles are 25 cm 6. In the figure, if LA= LCED, AB = 9 cm, AD =
and LS cm respectively. If one side of first triangle
= =
7 cm, CD 8 cm and CE 10 cm. Find DE.
is 9 cm., what is the corresponding side of the other
3, 6ABC is a right triangle right angled al A and
AD .l BC. Show that AD = AC.

4. In lig L I= L3, L2 == L4 A 9cm 8

1. In the given figure, MCB-MQP. U BC= 8 cm,
PQ = 4 cm, BA = 65 cm. AQ = 2.8 cm, find CA
and PA.

De = 4. CE =x + l, AE = 2r + -t BE = 4x - 2.
Fine.I\·. C
ti, III I h,• 1\1\ ,•11 I111111,
Ft11d 1h1• ,11hw 11 1 I ll',
Ill I

I 111111 \II
I' Ill


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l<'ns, 2u111
0 ,,,. ,\ II( 'I) ill II t111pczi11111 wlllt AB II, nc Ill Whacti
dl1111111111l s ,\C 1111d 111) lllh't 'S~C I ,ll Land hJ\Im"'
IJ. In 11 11 IM's,·d,· \, \I •t ', 1h1• b·,.._, \ll is p 111d111 ell
Alll•l ', l'10Vl' thul Al> II(
'"''""·""h>l',111110 ...11d11h111 \fl ' Ill) l \(')'.
f'(ll\l' lhlll \ \l 'P • t\ llCQ. 17 , I11 /\J\11( •, /. /\ j.,, ol1t11sc, I'll I AC aml OC l AU.
141. I h,• dit1S1Hl,II HD ,,t
,l p,1111lkl11gt 1111 \ IH 11
inlcn;, ,.,.._ th,• "fi:m,·m \I ,11th, p11int I, \\lw11• I~
is RI\) point on tlw "ill1 ll( l'h\\'\' thnt I )I,' x H ~
• HF x F,\.
11. In the 81\CII figm'l' \ \l\tB \( Ml>.
I} C

Prove thnl : A ll X AO= ACX AP [CHSE2014J

18. 111 ri~111c, L\H ' (' /\GHD and L l = L2. Prove that
J\/\1>1• /\/\BC

Determine MD in 1c1 ms or,, y and~-
1:. Inn A.ABC, P and O an.: points on sides AB 1111d
AC rc,pccti\ch such 1ha1 PO II BC. 1£ AP 4 cm,
PB • 6 an and PQ 3 cm, cle1c1 mine DC.
I~. State which of the 1wo trinnglcs given in 1he figure
are similar Also, slate lhc similarity crilerion used. G
(CIISK201 5]
19. In 1hc figure, PQR and QST arc two nght triangles.
right angled at R and T respectively.
A Prove that QR X QS = Q P x QT


B 4 cm C E 45 cm F R
14. In the givc;n figure, if ABilDC, find the value of x.
a---- ~-- -~s
fCRSE 2015] [CBSE 2015)
20. In i\ARC, f.. and D nrc points o n .\ 13 Jnd AC
rcspcctivcl~, such th,\t ./ \DL ::: . B. lt AD = 1.S
cm . \ l 1.6 cm. BC' = '2.1 cm and BC = 4.2 cm,
A - - - -----"'B 1hcn rind OE. (CBSE 2014)
15. lo figure A B II PO II CO, A B = x units, CO y

. prove tIlilt -l + -I = -I .
. anu., PO = z units,
.\' y z

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