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Pretest g9 Eng

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TEST I: Multiple Choice- Encircle the letter of the 11.

When the wind became chilly, the woman

best and correct answer. pulled the shawl tightly against her
1. He is known as “The England’s greatest shoulders.
poet” who happens to be professor at a. garment
Harvard University. b. hat
a. Percy Shelly c. dress
b. William Wordsworth d. shoes
c. William Shakespeare 12. The following is an example of contraction
d. Homer EXCEPT:
2. He is called as the father of modern poetry a. ‘98
who used free verse to capture the various b. Won’t
rhythms and moods of American Life. c. Cannot
a. Daniel Steel d. O’clock
b. Veronica Ruth 13. All are examples of adverb of time
c. John Green EXCEPT:
d. Walt Whitman a. After
3. It is a poem about grief over the death of a b. First
great and beloved leader. c. Before
a. Rain d. Fast
b. The Gettysburg Address 14. The famous love poem written after Edgar
c. O Captain! My Captain! Allan Poe’s young wife, Virginia, died of
d. Desiderata tuberculosis.
4. What do you call a short poem that presents a. The Illiad
a single speaker who expresses his b. The man with the hoe
innermost thoughts and feelings about an c. Annabel Lee
experience or incident? d. Desiderata
a. Lyric Poem 15. If I were you, I __________ her right away.
b. Sonnet a. will tell
c. Elegy b. shall tell
d. Ballad c. would tell
5. A style of writing that conveys facts and d. must tell
data about real-life event. 16. I can’t find _______ calculator; may I use
a. Formal Writing _____, Richard?
b. Informative writing a. My,his
c. Persuasive writing b. my, yours
d. Classical Writing c. She, my
6. The following are the rules in using capital d. Mine, yours
letters EXCEPT: 17. My brother and I ran into a friend of _____in
a. Always capitalize the pronoun I the park.
b. Capitalize the last word in every a. Ours
sentence b. Mine
c. Capitalize the salutation and the closing c. She
of letters d. It
d. Capitalize proper nouns 18. When preparing ingredients, she is always
7. The spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics in careful not to hurt _____.
which words are recited rapidly and a. Myself
rhythmically over a prerecorded. b. Herself
a. Song c. Himself
b. Rap d. Themselves
c. Spoken poetry 19. A verb forms that are used as some other
d. Short Story parts of speech.
8. A technique to use when you want to make a. Gerund
sure you really understand what someone is b. Infinitives
saying is called ________. c. Verbals
a. Paralyzing d. Participle
b. Reciting 20. Conditional that is used for things that are
c. Paraphrasing always true as long as the condition is met.
d. Speaking a. Zero
9. It is the hints that the authors give to help b. First
define a difficult or unusual word. c. Second
a. Synonyms d. Third
b. Context Clues 21. The man ______ alone when I ____ him.
c. Homonyms a. were; saw
d. Antonyms b. was; saw
10. After being chased by the cat, the mouse c. has; see
finally escaped through a slit in the wall. d. have; see
a. large gap 22. The cat _______ the mouse.
b. narrow opening a. catch
c. wide space b. catched
d. open gate c. catches
d. have catch
23. Some of my classmates _____ angry.
a. are c. exempting
b. Is d. exempted
c. Was 25. My brother ____ a nurse.
d. Were a. was
24. All of you are ________ from taking the b. has
finals. c. are
a. exempts d. is
b. exempt

TEST II: Modified Identification B. Instruction: Box the infinitives used in each
A. Instruction: Encircle the gerund used in each sentence.
sentence. 6. To sleep is the only thing Eli wants after his
1. I enjoy skiing, surfing, and playing tennis. double shift waiting tables at the
2. I don’t mind working overtime. neighborhood café.
3. He stopped smoking ten years ago. 7. Emanuel turns his head and refuses to look.
4. Finding the money wasn't easy. 8. Jay’s greatest aspiration was to climb
5. I don't like people bossing me around. 9. Pablo is an important person to know.
10. They struggled to resist.
TEST III: Matching Type
Match the words in COLUMN A with its corresponding meaning in COLUMN B. Write the letter of your answer
on the space provided.

__________ 1. poetry A. poetry to be presented on theater
__________ 2. sonnet B. poem for the death
__________ 3. elegy C. composed of sentences and
__________ 4. short story D. two or more plot
__________ 5. myths E. 14 lines poem
__________ 6. fables F. God and goddesses
__________ 7. parable G. composed of lines and stanzas
__________ 8. diary H. life story written by yourself
__________ 9. journals I. spiritual and moral values
__________ 10. autobiography J. animals
__________ 11. fiction K. about personal experience
__________ 12. novel L. fantasy
__________ 13. nonfiction M. daily records
__________ 14. prose N. one plot
__________ 15. dramatic poetry O. reality

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G7 AND G8 Academic Coordinator

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