1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers: Predicate Logic
1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers: Predicate Logic
1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers: Predicate Logic
• Variables: x, y, z, etc. (the subject of a sentence), can be substituted with an element from a
Propositions must be definitive (not vague or undefined). So, a Propositional Function is not a
Proposition until all variables are defined (or “bound”).
• Q(x, y) has two unbound variables (x and y), and is not a proposition.
• Q(1, y) = 1 + y > 2 [Not a proposition] one bound variable (x = 1) and one unbound
variable (y).
Quantifiers provide a notation that allows us to quantify (count) how many objects in the universe
of discourse satisfy the given predicate.
1.4 pg. 53 # 5
Let P (x) be the statement “x spends more than five hours every weekday in class,” where the
domain for x consists of all students. Express each of these quantifications in English.
a) ∃xP (x)
There exists a student who spends more than five hours every weekday in class.
[INT 1358]: Discrete Mathematics I
b) ∀xP (x)
Every student spends more than five hours every weekday in class.
c) ∃x¬P (x)
There exists a student who does not spend more than five hours every weekday in class.
d) ∀x¬P (x)
No student spends more than five hours every weekday in class.
1.4 pg. 53 # 11
Let P (x) be the statement “x = x2 .” If the domain consists of all the integers, what are these truth
a) P (0)
c P (2)
e ∃xP (x)
f ∀xP (x)
1.4 pg. 54 # 25
Translate each of these statements into logical expressions using predicates, quantifiers, and logical
connectives. The domain of x is all people.
[INT 1358]: Discrete Mathematics I
1.4 pg. 55 # 33
Express each of these statements using quantifiers. Then form the negation of the statement, so
that no negation is to the left of a quantifier. Next, express the negation in simple English. (Do not
simply use the phrase “It is not the case that.”)
1.4 pg. 55 # 35
Find a counterexample, if possible, to these universally quantified statements, where the domain
for all variables consists of all integers.
a ∀x(x2 ≥ x)
No counter example. See Example 13 in section 1.4.
c ∀x(x = 1)
2. Since 2 is not 1, 2 is a counter example.
1.4 pg. 56 # 59
Let P (x), Q(x), and R(x) be the statements “x is a professor,” “x is ignorant,” and “x is vain,”
respectively. Express each of these statements using quantifiers; logical connectives; and P (x),
Q(x), and R(x), where the domain consists of all people.
[INT 1358]: Discrete Mathematics I