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Liquid by A: Electrolysis Accompanied

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llin the Blanks

entirely of
10. Pure water consists almost
1. Electrolysis is the passage of through
. . .
a (b) atomns
a solution accompanied
liquid or by a .
(a) ions
change. () ions and molecules (d)
acidulated water, oxygen is
(a) chemical, electricity 11. In the electrolysis of
of... .ions at
(b) electricity, chemical produced by the discharge
(c) electrons, chemical the anode.
(a) OH (b) SO
(d) electricity, physical None of these
() Both (a) and (b) (d)
2. An electrically charged atom is called.. e******

12. lonisation is a . . . . process.

(a) a proton (b) an ion (6) reversible
(a) irreversible
(c) an electron (d) a cyclotron
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
The solution of substance which conducts
3. The gas given offat cathode during the electrolysis
electricity is called. . of acidulated water is..
(a) an electrolyte (b) a conductor (b) Hydrogen
(a) Nitrogen
(c) an insulator (d) None of these (d) None of these
(c) Oxygen
4. An electrolyte is a . . 14. With platinum electrodes, hydrogen is
(a) metal at the.... and oxygen at the.... during
the electrolysis of acidified water.
(6) sugar
(a) cathode, anode (b) anode, cathode
(c) cell
(c) anode, anode (d) cathode, cathode
(d) liquid that conducts electricity
15. As we descend in the electrochemical series
5. A weak electrolyte is one which . .

cations, the tendency of the cations to

(a) dissociates completely
get . at the
.... cathode increases.
(b) is feebly ionised in the solution (a) oxidised (b) reduced
() ionises completely None of these
(C) increased (d)
(d) is having high electrical conductivity 16. The electrode where the current enters thee
6. A strong electrolyte is one which . . .

electrolyte is called the.. *****°°

(a) is completely ionised in the (a) electric current (b) conductor

b)dissociates partially in solution (c) cathode (d) anode
c) is having low electrical conductivity 17. The negative electrode in electrolysis is called
(d) lonises partially the..
7. Sodium chloride is... (a) anode (b) cathode
(b) weak electrolyte
(a) strong electrolyte (C)gaselectrode (d) None of these
(d) None of these 18. Cations migrate to....during electrolysis.
(C) non-electrolyte
8. Water is (a) electrode (b) anode
... b) non-electrolyte
(a) strong electrolyte (c) cathode (d) None of these
(c)weakelectrolyte (d) None of these 19. During electrolysis, anions undergo..
9. at the..
* .. is a non-electrolyte.
(a) Acetic acid (b) Sugar (a) reduction, anode (b) oxidation, anode
(c) Calcium
(d) Potassium (c) oxidation, cathode (d) oxidation, cathode
at the cethode during 31 When fused lead bromide is
2 The reactions oxcuTinE electrolysed
eiectrokysisinvoive. observe
(a) reduction b oxidation (a) silver grey deposit at anode and
(d None of these
a a
c)Tevere brown deposit at cathode
21 in a voltaic cels, the sait bridge. b) asilver grey deposit at cathode and a
(2) s o t necessar in order for the cell to work brown deposit at anode
as a mechanism to allow mechanical (c) a silver grey deposit at cathode and red
mising of the soiutions brown fumes at anode
allkws harge balance to be maintained in the (d)silver grey fumes at anode and reddishbo
fumes at cathode.
d) is tightiy plugged with firm agar gel through 32 The vessel in which electrolysis of lead bromde,
which ions car1not pass carried out is:
22 In a solution o molten state, a (a) Clay crucible b) Glass vessel
electrolyte comsists almost entirely of ions. (c) Silica cruáble (d) Aluminium vess
(a) non b) strong 33. The ion which is discharged at the cathode durs
(9 weak (d) None of these
the electrolysis of copper sulphate solutions us
Multiple Choice Questions copper electrodes as anode and cathode?
(b) OH
23. identify the weak electrolyte from the following (a) Cu2
(SO2 (d) H
(a) Sodium chioride solution 34. An aqueous electrolyte consists of the ia
b) Dilute hydrochloric acid mentioned in the list, the ion which could ?
(c) Dilute sulphuric aid discharged most readily during electroBysis ?
(d) Aqueous acetic acid (a) Fe2 (b) Cu2
24. The particies present in strong electrolytes
(d) H
(b) mainly ions
( Pb
(a) oniy molecules molten lead bromià
(cionsand molecules (d) only atoms 35. During the electrolysis of
which of the following takes place:
25. Whidh of these will act as a non-electrolyte?
(a) Bromine is released at the cathode
(a) Liquid carbon
b) Lead is deposited at the anode
(b) Acetic acid
solution (c) Bromine ions gain electrons
c) Sodium hydroxide aqueous
solution (d) Lead is deposited at the cathode
(d) Potassium chloride aqueous dissociates int
this 36. An electrolyte which completely
26. During ionisation metals .lose electrons, ICSE 2019
ions is
change can be called:
b) Reduction (a) Alcohol b) Carbonic acid
(a) Oridation
() Redo (d) Displacement (c) Sucrose (d) Sodium hydroxide
take in 37. During silver plating of an article using potassiur
27. The metallic electrode which does not part
an electrolytic reaction ? (Inert electrode) the anot
argentocyanide as an electrolyte,
(a) Cu (b) Ag material should be
cj Pt (d) Ni (a) Cu (b) Ag
28. Wheri dilute sodium chloride is electrolysed using (c) Pt (d) Fe
cation is discharged at
graphite electrodes, which 38. The electrolysis of acidified water is an examp
the cathode most readily? ICSE 2018
(ay Na (b) OH (a) Reduction (b) Oxidation
f H (d) C (c) Redox reaction (d) Synthesis
29. During electrolysis of NaCI, the gas dischargedat 39. Which electrolyte completely dissociates mn
the anode is:
(a) Chlorine (b) Oxygen (b) Carbonic acid
(a) Alcohol
(c) Hydrogen (d) None of these
(c) Sucrose (d) Sodium hydroxide
30. A compound which liberates reddish brown gas
around the anode during electrolysis in its molten 40. Level of electrolyte in a cell should be
state is level of plates
(a) Sodium chloride (b) Copper (11) oxide (a) below (b) equal to
(e) Coppert) sulphate (d) Lead (11) bromide (c) above (d) None of these

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