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Identify each of the following statements as true, false, or Identify the letter that corresponds to the best answer to
incomplete. If the statement is false or incomplete, rewrite each of the following questions.
it as a true statement.
19. A redox reaction involves
1. In a redox reaction, electrons are transferred from the (a) a transfer of electrons from the oxidizing agent to
reducing agent to the oxidizing agent. the reducing agent.
2. Reduction is the gain of electrons and occurs at the (b) a transfer of electrons from the reducing agent to
anode of any cell. the oxidizing agent.
(c) either a reduction or an oxidation.
3. Oxidation is the decrease in oxidation number and
(d) a transfer of a proton between two agents.
reduction is the increase in oxidation number.
(e) a transfer of electrons through a porous barrier.
4. For both electric and electrolytic cells, electrons flow
from the anode to the cathode. 20. The metal molybdenum, Mo(s), reacts to form
MoO2(s). The half-reaction equation that explains the
5. Inert electrodes are required for all electrolytic cells.
change in oxidation state of molybdenum can be
6. Galvanic cells are based on spontaneous redox written as
reactions; electrolytic cells are based on (a) Mo(s)  2 e → Mo2 (s)
nonspontaneous redox reactions. 
(b) Mo(s) → Mo2 (s)  2 e
7. The hydrogen half-cell at standard conditions is 
(c) Mo4(s)  4 e → Mo(s)
defined as the reference half-cell for assigning 
(d) Mo(s) → Mo4
(s)  2 e
reduction potentials.
(e) Mo(s) → Mo4 
8. The cell potential is determined by adding the (s)  4 e

reduction potentials for the two half-cell reactions. 21. During the process of photosynthesis,
9. In a standard cell, a porous boundary allows ions to
6 CO2(g)  6 H2O(g) → C6H12O6(aq)  6 O2(g)
pass through while preventing immediate mixing of
the solutions in each half-cell. (a) carbon in carbon dioxide is oxidized.
10. A standard hydrogen-cobalt cell has a cell potential of (b) hydrogen in water is reduced.
0.28 V. (c) oxygen in carbon dioxide and/or water is
11. In a standard copper-lead cell, lead is the cathode and oxidized.
copper is the anode. (d) oxygen in glucose is oxidized.
12. The power supply in an electrolytic cell must supply a (e) carbon in glucose is oxidized.
potential difference at least equal to the absolute 22. When copper metal is immersed in aqueous silver
value of the calculated cell potential. nitrate, a spontaneous reaction is observed. This
13. The charge transferred by a 1.5-A current in a time of reaction is best explained by stating that
2.0 min is 3.0 C. (a) copper(II) ions have a greater attraction for
14. Metals are always plated at the cathode of a cell. electrons than do silver ions.
(b) copper(II) ions have a lesser attraction for
15. If we assume a constant current, twice the mass of a
electrons than do copper atoms.
metal can be refined in twice the time.
(c) silver ions have a greater attraction for electrons
16. Corrosion of a metal can be described as an electro- than do copper(II) ions.
chemical cell in which the metal is the anode. (d) silver ions have a lesser attraction for electrons
17. Both tin and zinc plating work equally well in than do silver atoms.
inhibiting the corrosion of iron. (e) silver atoms have a lesser attraction for electrons
18. Large galvanic cells are used to refine metals and to than do copper atoms.
produce nonmetals like chlorine. 23. Rank the following solutions in order of strongest
oxidizing agent to weakest oxidizing agent.
1 sulfuric acid
2 lithium hydroxide
3 gold(III) fluoride
4 chromium(II) nitrate
764 Unit 5 An interactive version of the quiz is available online. NEL
Unit 5

(a) 2 3 1 4 (c) 2 4 1 3 (e) 1 2 3 4 30. Standard reduction potentials for half-cells are based
(b) 3 4 1 2 (d) 3 1 4 2 on the strengths of
(a) oxidizing agents relative to hydrogen gas.
24. Which of the following equations describes a redox
(b) oxidizing agents relative to hydrogen ions.
(c) reducing agents relative to hydrogen ions.
(a) HCOOH(aq) → CO(g)  H2O(l)
(d) reducing agents relative to a standard acidic
(b) H 
(aq)  OH(aq) → H2O(l) solution.
(c) Ag 
(aq)  Cl(aq) → AgCl(s) (e) reducing agents relative to an inert electrode.
(d) HMnO4(aq) → H 
(aq)  MnO4 (aq)
31. In the plating of nickel from a nickel(II) ion solution,
(e) C2H4(g)  3 O2(g) → 2 CO2(g)  2 H2O(g)
the mass of nickel obtained from the transfer of
25. A high school laboratory’s waste container is used to 0.250 mol of electrons is
dispose of aqueous solutions of sodium nitrate, (a) 0.125 g. (c) 7.34 g. (e) 21.9 g.
potassium sulfate, hydrochloric acid, and tin(II) (b) 0.250 g. (d) 14.7 g.
chloride. The most likely net redox reaction predicted
32. How long does it take to produce 4.50 g of scandium
to occur inside the waste container is represented by
metal in the electrolysis of molten scandium chloride
the equation:
using a current of 8.5 A?
(a) 2 H 
(aq)  2 K(aq) → H2(g)  K(s)
(a) 57 min (c) 6.3 min (e) 0.54 min
(aq)  2 NO3(aq)  4 H(aq) →
(b) Sn2 (b) 19 min (d) 1.1 min
2 NO2(g)  2 H2O(l)  Sn4 (aq)
  33. The process of corrosion is most similar to the prin-
(c) SO42(aq)  4 H(aq)  2 Cl(aq) →
H2SO3(aq)  H2O(l)  Cl2(g) ciple behind
(a) a simple decomposition reaction.
(d) Cl2(g)  Sn(aq) → Cl
(aq)  Sn(s)
(b) a combustion reaction.
(e) SnSO4(s) → Sn2 (aq)  SO42
(aq) (c) an electric cell.
26. All galvanic and electrolytic cells require (d) an electrolytic cell.
(a) an external power supply. (e) a metal plating circuit.
(b) a voltmeter.
34. Why does the use of salt on the roads in the winter
(c) one electrode and two electrolytes.
promote the rusting of objects containing iron?
(d) two electrodes and one electrolyte.
(a) Salt lowers the freezing point of water.
(e) a porous barrier.
(b) Salt bonds to the iron objects.
27. In a galvanic cell, the reduction potentials of two (c) Salt contains sodium which is an active metal.
standard half-cells are 0.35 V and 1.13 V. The (d) Salt is an electrolyte which improves the charge
predicted cell potential of the galvanic cell transfer.
constructed from these two half-cells is (e) Salt contains chlorine, which is a corrosive
(a) 1.48 V. (c) 0.78 V. (e) 0.13 V. element.
(b) 1.13 V. (d) 0.35 V.
35. Which one of the following metals would be most
28. If we assume standard conditions, the minimum likely to oxidize if a clean surface of the metal were
potential difference required to electrolyze a solution exposed to the atmosphere?
of nickel(II) sulfate is (a) aluminum (c) silver (e) gold
(a) 0.17 V. (c) 0.97 V. (e) 2.06 V. (b) iron (d) zinc
(b) 0.43 V. (d) 1.49 V.
36. A sacrificial anode for the protection of iron is
29. When molten aluminum bromide is electrolyzed, the (a) a metal less easily oxidized than iron.
products are (b) a metal more easily oxidized than iron.
at the cathode at the anode (c) any substance that is connected to an anode of a
(a) Al3
(l) Br(l) battery.
(b) H2(g) Br2(g) (d) an inert electrode.
(c) Al(s) O2(g), H (e) a metal that does not corrode.

(d) H2(g), OH(aq) O2(g), H(aq)
(e) Al(l) Br2(g)
NEL An interactive version of the quiz is available online. Electrochemistry 765

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