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10th Pre Board

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(Physies) Marks: 20]

c a n nnt see
. In Myopiu, a person
(A) Nearby objects (B) Distant objects
and (B) (D) None of these
(C) Both (A)
main reason
behind the advanccd sunrise and delaycd sunset is the f light.
2. The
(A) Refraction
(B) Reflection
and (B) (D) None of these
(C) Both (A)
Which of the 1ollowing
can be used to measure the potential
(A) Ammeter
(B) Voltmeter

(D) Nonc of these

C)Both (A) and (B)
of candle, the chemical energy converts into:
During the burning
(A) Heat energy (B) Light energy
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
oI source of ?
5. What are the properties a good energy
give a total resistance of 1 2?2
of resistances 2 2, 3 2 and 6 2 be connected to
6. How can three resistors

must have c o n e across the three 'R's to save the environment:

7. You
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. Explain Recycle in detail.
in between the main focus (F) and optic centre (0) of a
8. (a) An object is situated at a position
nature of the image formed. 2
convex lens. Draw the ray diagram showing the position, size and
(1 D) power of a lens.
(b) What is the power of a Lens ? Define one Dioptre
in detail, the principle, construction and working
of an clectric motor. Or
9. Explain
What the two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits and appliances ? Explain
(a) are

their working.
(b) Draw the magnetic ficld lines around a bar mnagnet.

SECTION-B [Marks: 19
exothermic reaction ?
Which of the following is

A) Decomposition of caleium carbonate by heat

Decomposition of silver chloride by sunlight
Sclence |HHJ 10th (8)

C)Decompostiom of vegeluble muatter nto conpost

D) Decomponilion of leud nitrate by
trcatment with chlorine yields bleachingg powder :
Name the substunce which
(B) Sluked lime |Ca(OH),1
(A) Gypum (CasO 21,0)
(D) Lime stone (CaCO,)
(C) Quick lime (Ca0)
clement has a total ol Iwo shells, wilh th*e elcetrons in its valence shell?
12. Which of the lollowing
(B) Carbon (C)
(A) Bomn (B)
(D) Oxygen (0)
C) Nitrogeu (N)
13. Write the balanced chemical cquation lor the following

Aluminium+ Copper Chloride Aluminium Chloride + Copper

BraSS and CopPper vessels ?
14. Why should curd and sour substances not be kept in

1S. What are Isotopes 7 Give oe cxample.

16. (a) Dillerentiatle betwcen Calcnation and Roasting. 2

and two metals which will not. 2
(b) Numne fwo metals whieh will displace hydrogen from dilute ucids
17. (a) Define the terms Heteo atom und a sultiN. Expluin wilh exanples.

the formation of bond in CH;C1 2

(b) Explain the nature of covalent bond using
(C) Draw siructure of Cyclohexane Or
Give one exunple.

() What do you mean by stnuctural ismers

and why ?
()Which is good for health- 4
vegetable oil or Animal fat
(ii) Detergents are etlective in Hard Water also. Comment.

Nebo (Life Science) IMarks: 211

I8. Which of the tollowing

A) Panereas
gland secrectes growtlh hormone?

(B) Adrenal
(C) Pituitary (D) Parathyroid

19. ln which of the 1ollowing muluple Tission oCcur

(A) Amoebu (B) Leishmania

(C) Both (A) and (B)
Whuch of the tollowing hormone promote he growih in plants
(D) Plasodum
(A) Auxin (H) Gibberellins
(D) All of these
21. Whal is the function ol sperm tail

22. Origin of Honosapicns Ccurred in

2. Wnte down vanous toos which are used to study human cvolution,

24. "Flow of energy Is unidirectional in ccosystem, cplain

25. What happens at synape between two neurons

26. Describe the importance f vanation

27. What is Excretion "Deserie the stnture of nepthron with the help uf well labelled diagram

How do iving things get their toxd anrho

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