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Saint James Academy

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter discusses the introduction, objectives of the study, hypothesis

significance of the study, scope and delimitation, conceptual framework,

conceptual framework, and definition of terms.


The world is still uncertain about the things that will happen because of the

Coronavirus pandemic. Different nations deliberate and in turmoil to prevent this

spreading plague. Covid resulted severe economic and social impacts around the

world. It has affected our businesses, disrupted the world trade and the healthcare

professionals face a lot of difficulties in maintaining the quality healthcare in

these days. To lessen the community spread, many countries around the world

tend to lockdown, people isolate themselves from others “social distancing” and

everyone is necessary to wear face shield and face mask.

Imagine a group of balls which are very close to each other and, as soon as

another ball comes into attack; they will all be in chaos. This is how virus

attacked to the people who did not follow physical distancing rules, once the virus

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attacked on the person, then everybody around him will be in trouble of having

that kind of virus.

In today’s innovation aligned on what is demanding so far, the researchers

propose for a technology called Safe Proximity Detector: Arduino Nano Based

Physical Distancing Sensor which could serves as physical gadget that will

trigger its alarm once it notices the possible violation of not following social or

physical distancing.

To give you an example, there is a situation in Christmas and New Year’s

eve, where everybody is swarming the market place especially in our

municipality in Ibaan public market, buying their Noche Buena, Media Noche,

Christmas gifts, and other stuffs – wherein customers are very close to each other

that even they themselves were not able to observe health protocols, especially

the physical distancing.

Researchers confidently believe that it is time for innovation in facilitating

implementation of health protocols, especially this one with two purposes – to

ease the burden of the law enforcers in ensuring the public’s safety and for the

people to remind that they are bind to follow safety and distance protocols to

prevent the spread of COVID19 within the group, and possible within their


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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

In speaking of preventing virus spread, the researchers believe that this

technology will contribute a lot in flattening the curve of number of confirmed

infected individuals. Hence, when achieving this one, public and private hospitals

will not be overwhelming more in accommodating virus patients.

This technology can save lives from the mere negligence and ignorance of

both authorities and the people by simply not observing health protocols.

Aside of wearing facemasks and face shield, Harvard Health (2021) also

advises to maintain of at least six feet of distance between yourself and others,

especially to devoid of close contact with any individual who can possibly be the

virus carrier.

Concurred to the mentioned argument above, they believe also that

following health protocols especially this social and physical distancing can help

the curve of virus transmission be flatten, as well to prevent some hospitals to be


Hence, it will be of help to the municipality of Ibaan, Batangas and the

government to further implement health protocols since breaching the protocols

by not following social and physical distancing are at a rise.

There is a part that recognizes that uniformed military personnel can lead

to strict implementation of health protocols, especially for those in Ibaan

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marketplaces where mass swarming is always expected. The “new normal” of

market interaction make some difficult for both law enforcer and public, since

they morally immunized themselves to the threat of COVID19.

Once the policemen leading the charge, there is always an expectation that

it may draw criticism from the citizens since they are right-conscious resulting in

their awareness from violations on health protocols which sadly committed by the

high officials of the enforcement field.

Reuters (2020) reported that Philippine police already been an hot eyed

from the citizens after their announcement of more strict and tighter protocols that

once violated will face additional fines and charges. This was the mere awareness

of authoritarianism and double standards.

In order to draw the line and end the undying clash between the authorities

and the public especially in municipality of Ibaan, researchers proposed this

technology that will gain convenience and practicality for both parties – the

policemen will not bother anymore to enforce the protocol by means of force, and

the public who using this gadget will initiate to correct themselves.

However, it is admitted that it may question of funds, but this is not a

government project but more technological innovations that may create trend in

this new normal of market interaction within the economy. Hence, the private

company will able to bid in the production of this one since it may contribute a

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

big help in two significant facts – the totally flatten the curve of virus

transmission and to have harmony in the implementation of health protocols in

government-public approach.

Moreover, be confidently that this timely relevant especially this time of

pandemic because of the public’s demand to slow down the transmission of virus.

It can use in the future occasions.

Objectives of the Study

The main extent of the study is to produce a prototype that tells the user

when the social distance entry limit is reached through the use of Arduino Nano.

Specifically, it aims:

1. To design and to develop a safe proximity-based warning system

considering the following:

1.1. system components;

1.2. material specification

2. To program different sensors and to test their sensitivity considering the


2.1. Passive Infrared Sensor

2.2. Ultrasonic Sensor

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3. To conduct the preliminary testing of the Safe Proximity Detector

considering the following:

3.1. placement of sensors

3.2. maximum/minimum distance

3.3. responsive time

4. To evaluate the efficiency of the sensors of the Safe Proximity Detector in

terms of:

4.1. Responsiveness

4.2. Sensitivity

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework illustrates and shows the components such as

ideas in the study. The study is about a Safe Proximity Detector using Arduino,

wherein it focuses at observing physical distances of one another in the times of a

pandemic such as the Covid-19.

In order to accomplish the study an overview of the study is needed.

Henceforth the researchers constructed a Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate or

CDIO model for their conceptual paradigm. The model would showcase the

development and the stages of the research study.

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In the Conceived stage, the researchers would gather and collect the

knowledge and the hardware requirements that is needed for the study.

Knowledge about the basic principles of electronics and electricity, programming

and troubleshooting, and the mechanism of hardware. On the other hand,

hardware requirements include Arduino’s Nano, Thermal sensors, Ultrasonic

sensors, Buzzer, and a Battery which are essentials for the study to work. In the

programming department the Arduino Ide and Javascript which are the most

applicable for the researchers to undergo and accomplish the study.

In the Design stage, the researchers will use the sketch up and the ibis

Paint X program in order to construct a plan for the device’s structure and design.

In the Implement stage, preparation for the prototype design would be

sorted. The hardware requirements will be blended together and a program would

be created to judge the distance of the device towards the surrounding people.

Afterwards, the hardware and the program will be combined to start the tests for

the prototype. The tests will be about the efficiency and the comfortability of the

device. Lastly, troubleshooting the device will be done to rid and help the

prototype of its flaws.

In the Operation stage, the researchers will be able to attain a physical

distancing with the help of the prototype. The sensors will be detecting the

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surroundings for human life within its proximity and buzzer will alert the user of

its distance.

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Conceptual Paradigm


Knowledge requirements System
Create and conceptualize components
a prototype design for the physical distancing sensor.

Conceive Safe Proximity

Design Detector: Arduino Nano Based Physical Distancing Sensor Operate

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Figure 1.0
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This research study aimed to identify the difference between wearing a

social distancing device and just wearing only facemask and face shield to lessen

the increasing cases of corona virus. This section provided a formulated

hypothesis that served as a guide for the researchers in the conduction of the


𝐇0: There is no significant difference in terms of reducing the spread of corona

virus and maintaining social distancing using the safe proximity detectors that tell

users when the limit distance is reached and merely wearing facemask and face


H1: There is significant difference in terms of reducing the spread of corona virus

and maintaining social distancing using the safe proximity detectors that tell users

when the limit distance is reached and merely wearing facemask and face shield.

Significance of the Study

This capstone study is imperative to the community especially to the

government offices of the safety approximation that regards to the protocols held

in the municipality. In addition, the study will be handled and guided in the

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

process of Arduino system bringing a prototype production of the safe proximity

detector. This will serve as a guide in explaining the importance of the study and

why it is conducted.

The significance of the study also caters benefits to the following:

To the Community. The study let the public to still be aware of the

ongoing spread of the corona virus in the community. This will help to utilize the

effectiveness of having a safe proximity detector physical based to the physical

distancing protocol and the prevention of mass gatherings.

To the Government Offices. The study will be specifically essential to the

Government Offices in the community of Ibaan. As this proximity detector is

physically based, the employees and the employers will be more alert in

preventing their contact against each other. This will also guide the Government

offices in Ibaan to be mentally and physically disciplined as this virus is a human

to human transmission and can cause severe diseases especially to older ones.

To the Researchers. This will serve as a good foundation to the present

researchers in the field of electrical engineering boosting their intellectual

creativity and ability to produce such a product helpful in this kind of situations.

To the Future Researchers. The study can provide reviews and resulted

information for different future studies that could be taken in any particular local

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area. This will also help them develop more advanced ideas in terms of designs

and function of machines relating to safe proximity detector using the arduino

nano based physical distancing sensor.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the study will focus on the safe proximity detector using the

arduino nano based physical distancing sensor for minimizing the spread of

corona virus in the government offices of Ibaan. Production of the safe proximity

detector will consider the materials of arduino nano, 3.5V battery, a charging

module ultrasonic sensor to send signal and to recognize the standard length of

distance entry limit, passive infrared sensor and the buzzer that will alert its user

to step back and maintain the safe distance.

Development of a safe proximity detector will be done on which

researchers will consider the system components and materials need in creating a

safe proximity detector that a person can wear to help maintain physical

distancing. The system components to be examined include the significant

combination of software and hardware, buzzer sound signals, device case

structure, wires, battery charging points and sensors that are use as the core of an

excellent productiveness of the Arduino Nano in utilizing social distancing or

safe proximity detector.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

On the responsiveness on time of the device, the safe proximity detector

has its limitations due to the capability of the power of the conductor. It has its

maximum time of use or a charging time and it should be used in the government

offices in Ibaan Batangas only.

The initial testing will be conducted to test the effectiveness of a safe

proximity detector using the arduino nano, its sensors, and its charging battery.

This will be conducted in the government offices inside the municipality of Ibaan.

This prototyping process will focus only on the physical/social distancing

measures of the Department of Health to lessen the spread of corona virus and

will not include other protective measures. Moreover, this study will not conduct

to stop the corona virus but to slowdown the rate of Corona virus in the

municipality of Ibaan. No microcontrollers other than those mentioned in the

study will be used by the researchers.

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Definition of Terms

The present study dealt with the production of Safe Proximity Detector:

Arduino Nano Based Physical Distancing Sensor for the Government Offices in

the Municipality of Ibaan. For further understanding, different terminologies are

defined and used:

Arduino. Arduino is an open hardware development board which tinkers,

professionals and builders can use to design and build technologies that interact

with the world of real life. [ CITATION Red151 \l 13321 ].

Coronavirus. A new respiratory virus called the 2019 Novel Coronavirus,

or COVID-19 is making headlines for causing an outbreak of respiratory illness

throughout the world. The outbreak began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and

quickly spread internationally including to the United States. Thousands of

people have become sick and public health officials are keeping a close watch on

how the virus is spreading[ CITATION Kri20 \l 13321 ].

Durability. As to be used in the study, it is to know the durability of the


Distance. As to be used in the study, is to know the distance span of the

sensor of the device.

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Microcontroller. A microcontroller is an integrated circuit (IC) device

used for controlling other portions of an electronic system, usually via a

microprocessor unit (MPU), memory, and some peripherals[ CITATION Rob19 \l

13321 ].

Passive Infrared Sensor. Often referred to as sensors for PIR, Passive

Infrared, Pyroelectric, or IR motion. PIR sensors allow you to sense

movement, which is commonly used to detect whether a person moved into

or outside the range of sensors. [ CITATION Lad21 \l 1033 ]

Sensor. Sensors are devices that detect the feature quantity of a

measurement object and convert this quantity into a readable signal, which is

displayed on an instrument. Sensing is simply a technique using sensors for

information acquisition by detecting and transforming quantities of physical,

chemical or biological property into legible signal[ CITATION Dan19 \l 13321 ].

Software. Guides telling a computer what to do. Software comprises the

entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of

a computer system [ CITATION Bri20 \l 13321 ].

Social Distancing. Social distance is a practice in public health that aims

to prevent the sick from coming into close contact with healthy people in order to

reduce transmission possibilities. It can include large-scale measures like

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canceling group events or closing public spaces, as well as individual decisions

such as avoiding crowds[ CITATION Kat20 \l 13321 ].

Time. As to be used in the study, it is to measure the speed of the sensor

taking up by the device.

Ultrasonic Sensor. An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device which, by

emitting ultrasonic sound waves, measures the distance of a target object, and

converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal. It is mainly used as a

proximity sensor.[ CITATION Dan19 \l 1033 ]

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter presents the literature and studies gathered by the researchers

in order to develop an absolute understanding and deeper insight into previous

works which are relevant to the subject and as well as to reach specific goals of

the study.

These references were assembled through books and other reading

materials. It also includes references acquired through internet, and past theses

with the same discipline. The presentation started with the conceptual literature,

which gave more in-depth information associated with the current study. It also

contained local and foreign related studies that supported and was used as basis.

I. Conceptual Literature

1. Coronavirus

Corona virus not only caused disease and death, it also affected almost

every aspect of human life. It has resulted in the disruption of daily lives with

cities and countries under lockdown, social events, businesses, marriages and

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other ceremonies being postponed, triggering a global economic crisis [ CITATION

Tay20 \l 1033 ].

According to UNICEF, COVID-19 may be a disease caused by a

replacement strain of coronavirus. 'CO' means Corona, 'VI' means Virus, and

'D' means Disease [ CITATION Ben20 \l 1033 ]. Formerly, this illness was said as

‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’The COVID-19 virus may be a new

virus linked to an equivalent family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold [ CITATION Ben20 \l 1033 ].

In March 2020, COVID-19 was recognized by the World Health

Organization as pandemic. Coronavirus is a disease caused by severe acute

respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The virus that causes COVID-19 is

especially transmitted when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales

through droplets generated. If a person is breathing in the virus, close to

someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then

your eyes, nose or mouth, the virus may also infect that person. [ CITATION Raj20 \l

1033 ]

1.1 Covid Cases

Everyday there is a new record number of reported Covid-19

coronavirus cases. Around 80 percent of those who died of Covid were over the

age of 60 where 75 percent of them had pre-existing health conditions, such as

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cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, according to early estimates by

China's National Health Commission (NHC). All ages can be infected by the

novel coronavirus. People with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma,

diabetes, heart disease) and usually older people appear to be more susceptible to

becoming severely ill with the virus.

According to the World Health Organization, there were 538,995

confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 11,231 deaths in the Philippines as of

February 9, 2021. Physicians and health professionals have built up knowledge of

prevention, precautionary measures, diagnosis and treatment of this

disease[ CITATION Jie20 \l 1033 ].

1.2 Precautionary Measures

These are the preventative, anticipatory actions in order to be

safe. Fighting this disease is our joint responsibility. In order to be protected by

Covid there are simple precautions like clean your hands often, avoid touching

your eyes, nose and mouth, wear face mask, limit social gatherings and time spent

in crowded places, avoid close contact with someone who is sick or do social

distancing, clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

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2. Safe Proximity

Six feet is the average distance or safe proximity that respiratory

droplets travel from a sneeze or cough before they settle, and they are no longer

likely to be inhaled by others. Several places and malls have marked off 6-foot

distances in their lines to make sure that folks are following social distancing

[ CITATION Raf20 \l 1033 ].

3. Social Distancing

In order to prevent the spread of a highly contagious disease,

social distancing can be a term used for certain actions taken by public

health officials. Social distancing measures are taken to limit when and

where people can gather to prevent or slow the spread of infectious diseases.

Social distancing measures include limiting large groups of

individuals coming together, closing buildings, canceling events and

keeping a minimum of 6 feet faraway from others. As communities

reopen and other people are more often publicly, the term, “physical

distancing” (instead of social distancing) is getting used to strengthen the

necessity to remain a minimum of 6 feet from others, as well as wearing

facemasks. However, social distancing is a strategy distinct from the

physical distancing behavior [ CITATION Lis20 \l 1033 ].

4. Social Distancing Device

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Social distancing device measure the distances between people in real

time and thus help to comply with protective measures. It is important to create

an environment where people feel safe – both physically and mentally – and not

like they are surrounded by threat. It is far more important to ensure you have

clear protocols in place; that people know what is expected of them and that you

communicate effectively to keep each other safe[ CITATION Ash20 \l 1033 ].

4.1 Basic Electronics

The knowledge and ability to apply the concepts, terms, and

principles involved in working on or near electrical and electronic equipment is

measured by basic electronics. Electronics is the branch of science and

engineering concerned with the theory and use of a class of devices in which

electrons are transported through a vacuum, gas or semiconductor. [ CITATION

Pau17 \l 1033 ].

4.2 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting requires for measurements to be made and tests to

be performed. When measurements give outcomes far different than they would

be in a properly operating unit, or when a test fails, the defective component(s) is

isolated. Some failures happen which is a reason why troubleshooting is needed.

Some major types of failures are complete failures, intermittent fault, poor

performance, and induced failures. The easiest issues to repair are often complete

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failures. On the other hand, intermittent faults are usually the most difficult to

repair since troubleshooting can only be done when the equipment is

malfunctioning. Equipment that is functioning below specified operational

standards is said to have poor system performance characteristics that requires

troubleshooting. For critical communications systems, regular performance

checks are necessary. Induced failures often come from abuse of equipment. By

exercising proper equipment care, induced failures can be eliminated. Repairs

should be done by experienced technicians or supervised by them. Voltage and

resistance checks are done to isolate defective components once the trouble has

been pinpointed to a specific stage of the equipment [CITATION Bes17 \l 13321 ].

4.3 Social Distancing Device using Arduino

4.3.1 Arduino

An Arduino is a small computer that is programmable between your

device and external components to process inputs and outputs. It is a computer

platform that is physical or embedded, meaning it is an interactive system that

interacts with its environment An Arduino is a small computer that can be

programmed to process inputs and outputs between your device and external

components. It is a physical or embedded computer platform, which means that it

is an interactive system that interacts with its surroundings [ CITATION MMc10 \l

1033 ].

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Back in 2005, Massimo Banzi launched Arduino in Italy as a way

for non-engineers to have access to a low-cost, simple tool for creating hardware

projects. As the board is open-source, it is released under a license from Creative

Commons that allows anyone to create their own board. You will find there are

hundreds of Arduino compatible clones and variations available if you search the

web, but the only official boards have Arduino in their name. Since the launch of

the Arduino open-source platform, the brand has established themselves at the

center of an expansive open-source community. A diverse combination of

hardware and software is part of the Arduino ecosystem. Arduino's versatility and

simple interface make it a leading choice for a wide range of users worldwide,

from hobbyists, designers and artists to prototype products.[ CITATION Eve18 \l 1033 ]

Arduino is a great tool for projects and inventions to create

prototypes. The Arduino is a platform for the development of microcontrollers

coupled with an intuitive programming language that you develop using the

Arduino Integrated development environment. You can the Arduino into a

programmable “brain” for just about any control system by equipping the

Arduino with sensors, lights, speakers, additional module (called shields) and

other integrated circuits[ CITATION Blu13 \l 1033 ].

4.3.2 Arduino Nano

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One type of microcontroller board is the Arduino Nano, and it is

designed by It can be built with an Atmega328-like microcontroller.

It is a small board and flexible with a wide range of applications. It is possible to

communicate with an Arduino Nano board using various sources, such as using

an additional Arduino board, a computer, or using microcontrollers. The Arduino

software comprises of a serial monitor to allow easy textual information to

transmit and receive from the board [ CITATION AnO21 \l 1033 ].

Arduino UNO looks quite similar in terms of features and pinouts,

but has replaced UNO due to its small size. Since you all know, size also matters

a lot in embedded. It is preferred that embedded devices are smaller in size

[ CITATION Bas18 \l 1033 ].

4.3.3 Arduino Micro-controller

Micro-controller is a small computer that carries out small decision-

making tasks that can be too tedious, too fast, too slow or irritating for an

individual to do. It can be meaningful and respond to real-world events by doing

something [ CITATION BCr13 \l 1033 ] . An Atmel microcontroller unit (MCU) is at the

heart of each Arduino. For portable devices running on batteries, such as digital

cameras, microcontrollers are often used. So they are often low powered with a

small current consumption A microcontroller is a type of computer in the form of

an integrated circuit (IC) or "chip" that is often used in electronic products that

involve electronic circuits[ CITATION Eug20 \l 1033 ].

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4.4 Arduino Coding Environmet

4.4.1 Arduino Sketch

An Arduino board can only occupy one sketch at a time and

perform it. IDE, which stands for Integrated Development Environment, is the

software used to create Arduino Sketches[ CITATION Eve18 \l 1033 ]. A sketch is the

name for a program that Arduino uses. The code unit to and from the Arduino

board is uploaded. The Sketch is a set of instruction that tells the board what

function it needs to perform.

There are two main components to each Arduino sketch:

1. void loop (): The code written in this space will run over and over

again unless Arduino is interrupted using an interrupt or the USB cable

is disconnected from the USB port.

The various functions often used in void loops are:

 DigitalWrite: This feature is used to make a specific pin

HIGH or LOW logically on Arduino.

 DigitalRead: This function is used when a sensor needs to

read digital data or when we have to use a switch/push

button to control something.

 AnalogRead: This function is useful if we have to read

analog data from a sensor, for example. When there is a

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need to read data from a potentiometer, analog reading is


 AnalogWrite: This function is used to supply analog voltages

to a component when a user wants to. The best example of

analog writing is when a potentiometer and analog writing

function control the intensity of the LED.

2. void setup (): This is the location where a user can initialize all the

variables that will be required during the course of programming a

system. This function as the name suggests, used to set up an Arduino

before interfacing it with other circuits. It is also possible to use this

area to include libraries of different sensors. The popularly used

functions in void setup are:

 pinMode: Use this function to declare Arduino pins as input

or output.

serial.begin: When Arduino communicates with other sensors or

devices, this function is used. For communication purposes, this allows

a user to set a particular baud rate.

4.4.2 Arduino IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino

Software (IDE) - provides a code writing text editor, a message box, a text

console, a common function button toolbar, and a set of menus. It is easy to write

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code and upload it to the board with the open-source Arduino Software (IDE).

People can use this software on any Arduino board. It connects to the Arduino

and Genuino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them [ CITATION

Dan15 \l 1033 ].

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is free to download and

will run on Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux. This enables the users to

write computer programs (a set of step-by-step instructions, known as sketches in

the Arduino world) that will then be uploaded to the Arduino using USB cable.

The Arduino will carry out the instructions based on its interaction with the

outside world [ CITATION MGe16 \l 1033 ]. With its simple interface and a

community-driven system, Arduino IDE is a coding software that makes the

globe more accessible to beginners. The language used in the IDE is standard C+

+, because the GNU C++ compiler implements it.

4.4.3 C++ Based Arduino Programming Language

Language support for C++ uses specific code structuring rules. The

original Arduino uses its IDE which, with additional support for C++, supports a

basic C version. Because of the two methods, setup and loop, Arduino

applications differ from regular C. Both Wiring and Arduino use C/C++ as

Arduino uses programming languages and a simplified version [ CITATION KIT17 \l

1033 ]

4.4.4 Arduino Codes

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The basic Arduino code logic is an “if-then” structure and can be divided

into 4 blocks[ CITATION MGe16 \l 1033 ]:

 Setup - usually written in the Arduino code setup section, and

performs things that need to be done only once, such as calibration

of the sensor.

 Input - read the inputs at the start of the loop. These values are

used as conditions ("if") such as an LDR environmental light with

analogRead ().

 Manipulate data - this section is used to convert or calculate the

data into a more convenient form. AnalogRead() provides, for

example, a reading of 0-1023 that can be mapped to a range of 0-

255 to be used for PWM (see analogWrite())).

 Output - The final outcome of the logic ("then") is described in this

section according to the data determined in the previous step. Turn

on an LED only when the ambient light level goes below a certain

threshold, looking at our example of the LDR and PWM.

To include outside libraries in your sketch, #include is used. This

enables the programmer to access a large number of standard C libraries

(premade function groups) as well as libraries specially designed for

Arduino [CITATION Int18 \l 1033 ].

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#define is a useful component of C++ that allows the programmer

to give a constant value a name before compiling the program. In

Arduino, defined constants do not take up any program memory space on

the chip. At compile time, the compiler will replace references to those

constants with a defined value. [CITATION Int18 \l 1033 ].

#int are the primary data-type for number storage [CITATION Int18 \l

1033 ].

4.4.5 Javascript

JavaScript is a script language for dynamic content, i.e. creation and

control. It is anything on your screen that moves, refreshes, or otherwise changes

without requiring you to reload a web page manually. It has features such as

animated graphics, photo slideshows, suggestions for auto complete text and

interactive forms. [ CITATION Sco21 \l 1033 ]

5. Ibis PaintX

Ibis Paint X is a drawing application for the creation of thousands

of detailed diagrams. Most of its features may remind you of the tools that can be

found on essential design programs such as Adobe Photoshop.

This app offers endless possibilities. You can create what you want

in the smallest detail by selecting various kinds of canvases, 142 different pencils,

and tons of various tools that you can use according to your heart. You can import

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images from your gallery and drag them on the layers, making the whole process

much easier [ CITATION Tec21 \l 1033 ]

6. Sensor

A sensor is a measuring device that measures and converts physical

input into data, which can be interpreted either by a human or by a machine. Most

sensors are electronic, but some are simple, such as a glass thermometer that

creates visual input. Sensors are used in temperature measurement, distance

gauge, smoke detection, pressure regulation and many other uses [ CITATION Jos19 \l

1033 ].

6.1 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasound sensing is one of the best ways of feeling closeness and

detecting reliable levels. An ultrasonic sensor is an instrument that uses ultrasonic

waves to measure the distance to an object. It uses an ultrasonic pulse to send and

receive information relay about the proximity of an object. The sound waves are

highly frequent and reflect boundaries to produce separate echo patterns [ CITATION

Rod20 \l 1033 ].

6.2 Passive Infrared Sensor

The Passive Infrarot Sensor (PIR) detects thermal energy in the

surrounding environment through a pair of pyroelectric sensors. Both sensors sit

next to each other and the sensor moves when the signal difference between the

two sensors changes (for instance, if a person enters the room). This may lead to

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an alarm, notification to the authorities, or a turn of the floodlight [ CITATION

Jer18 \l 1033 ]

6.3 Breadboard

A breadboard is a solderless device with electronics and test circuit

designs for a temporary prototype. In electronic circuits, most electronic

components can be interconnected by inserting their leads or terminals into the

holes and then connecting them via wires if necessary [CITATION Wir \l 1033 ].

6.4 Jumper Wires

Jumper wires are just wires with connector pins on each end,

allowing them to connect two points on each other without welding. Jumper

wires are typically used for easy changing a circuit as needed with

breadboards and other prototyping tools. Actually, it's not much more

fundamental than jumper wires [ CITATION BCr13 \l 1033 ].

7. Sound Signals

Sound signal contains, carries, or has the frequency of sound waves.

Its signals are important in the way in which they regulate the life of a community

and reflect its character [ CITATION Bar99 \l 1033 ].

7.1 Buzzer

Buzzer is a kind of voice system that converts a sound signal to an

audio model. It is primarily used for prompting or alarming. Music sound, flute

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sound, buzzer, alarm sound, electric bell and other distinct sounds can be

produced according to distinct design and application [ CITATION Qui20 \l 1033 ].

II. Research Literature

1. Foreign Studies

A study done by Sergio Saponara, Abdussalam Elhanashi, and

Alessio Gagliard (2020) entitled “Implementing a real-time, AI-based, people

detection and social distancing measuring system for Covid-19” dwells in the

physical distancing because of the COVID-19 virus. With the prototype that they

created with Jetson Nano a device which allows detection towards objects much

like the Arduino Nano that the researchers would be using. They stated that “ it

showed better results for real-time performance vs other object detectors.”

furthermore they are implying that it could be further enhanced and develop.

Without being bounded to a device and only towards covid-19 Afiq Harith

Ahamad, Norliza Zaini, and Mohd Fuad Abdul Latip (2020) develop a research

studying with a goal for social distancing. According to the study “Person

Detection for Social Distancing and Safety Violation Alert based on Segmented

ROI” they used a camera to determine if people are practicing social distancing,

although there are some complications which the current researchers would be

trying to solve. The detector for persons is having the difficulty in detecting

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people correctly in the outdoor environment and difficult scenes. Hence they

recommended to further improve the usage of these detectors.

The study “Monitoring COVID-19 social distancing with Person

detection and tracking via fine-tuned YOLO V3 and Deepsort techniques” by

Narinder Singh Punn, Sanjay Kumar Sonbhadra and Sonali Agarwal (2020) also

deals with the same problem as with Ahmad’s. Both research used a camera more

specifically a security camera to determine the location of people in the vicinity.

An added problem with this research is having lots of false reading. Which is the

reason they proposed for finer tuned cameras for identifying. They did however

produced results which as stated “YOLO v3 illustrated the efficient performance

with balanced FPS and mAP score”. With contrast to the previous study, one

done by Reena Pagare, Pradnya Kedari, Pradum Kumar Dubey ,and Sahil

Khanolka (2021) entitled “Face Mask Detection and Social Distancing” in which

YOLO v3 showed the best performance. The biggest concern that the current

researchers have is that both the research by Pagar and Punn only dwells on

security camera. As they have stated “Automating the task will lead in effective

moves taken in short time hence equipping us better to address the situation.”

using technology as a means of social distancing shows a good result.

A recent study done by Hani Al-Mimi, Ali Al-Dahoud, Mohamed Fezari,

and Mohammad Sh. Daoud entitled “ Study on New Arduino NANO Board for

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WSN and IoT Applications “ (2020) deals with the use of Arduino Nano the

same materials that will be used for the research study. The study done by the

Hani Al-mimi and his group are composed of finding the difference of the

different Arduino Nano types. They have found out that “ using the new Nano 33

IoT or Nano 33 BLE or BLE Sense will reduce components on old boards” these

materials range from $18-21 or Php 900-1050 which are relatively cheap and

better than other products. Furthermore, some of them include sensors for

example temperature, humidity, movement detection which are vital for physical


A related study entitled “Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04

Motion Detector with Display of Distance in the LCD” by Mutinda Mutava

Gabriel, and Kamweru Paul Kuria (2020) is the closest relevant to the research

study. The research gained results showing different hues corresponding to the

appropriate distance the device is compared to the surroundings. As they have

stated it could be used in different applications in which case the new research

would be centred on physical distancing sensor. It could be noted that Mr.

Mutinda and Mr. Kamweru used almost the same materials as the researchers

except for the version of Arduino.

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2. Local Studies

Studies about the development of Safe Proximity Detector with the power

of Arduino System are now being utilize in the Philippines. Different related

studies which covers the topic were established locally.

In the study conducted by Alvarez, Garcia, & Alvarez (2020), entitled

‘‘Automated Social Distancing Gate with Non-Contact Body Temperature

Monitoring using Arduino Uno’’ that physical/social distancing of 1 meter has

been recommended as one of the best solutions to stop the spread of COVID-19.

The coming in and out of people in public entrance and exit gates is one of the

scenarios wherein people tend to come in close contact with each other.

Moreover, in the Philippines, human body temperature is simply monitored

manually in every public entrance. This poses additional risk of contracting the

virus with the social distancing being held at stake. Thus, this proposal of

automating the social distance and body temperature monitoring in public

entrance gates using robotics emerged. The study has come up with an automated

social distancing gate and body temperature machine using Arduino Uno driven

ultrasonic, infrared and infrared thermometer sensors. The use Arduino Uno has

been proposed to solve environmental and health issues like the segregation of

garbage and health monitoring with LM35 temperature sensor.

In addition, the study of Shinde et al. (2019) also used the same type of

body temperature sensor with NodeMCU and their data were stored in the Cloud

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thereafter. While the use of LM35 is cost-effective, its direct contact sensing

feature makes it a possible medium for virus contagion when used for mass body

temperature monitoring.


Foreign Study

Several researchers conducted studies to create a device that will be useful

for physical distancing because of the threat of COVID-19. The studies indicated

that the most effective prevention for the virus is to distance every individual

from the other. If the research is successful, the device created will be helpful to

keep the people aware and to maintain physical distancing.

A study was done by Sergio Saponara, Abdussalam Elhanashi, and Alessio

Gagliard (2020) which is “Implementing a real-time, AI-based, people detection

and social distancing measuring system for Covid-19” created a prototype that

allows detection towards objects and showed better results for real-time

performance vs other object detectors.

On the other hand, the research entitled “Person Detection for Social

Distancing and Safety Violation Alert based on Segmented ROI” made by Afiq

Harith Ahamad, Norliza Zaini, and Mohd Fuad Abdul Latip (2020) is all about a

security camera that will serve as surveillance for every individual to determine if

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they’re practicing social distancing. This is helpful for the authorities in charge of

monitoring the people during the pandemic. This device is said to have

difficulties in detecting people correctly in the outdoor environment and difficult

scenes. Hence, this would be rather useless if not developed.

The third study is “Monitoring COVID-19 social distancing with Person

detection and tracking via fine-tuned YOLO V3 and Deepsort techniques”

conducted by three researchers namely, Narinder Singh Punn, Sanjay Kumar

Sonbhadra, and Sonali Agarwal (2020) who created a device that also has a

security camera to determine the location of people in the vicinity. Just like the

previous study, it also has a problem with false reading, which tends to cause a

false alarm.

Meanwhile, a recent study was done by Hani Al-Mimi, Ali Al-Dahoud,

Mohamed Fezari, and Mohammad Sh. Daoud (2020) “Study on New Arduino

NANO Board for WSN and IoT Applications “ studied a device that involves

sensors for temperature, humidity, movement detection which are essential for

physical distancing. In other words, this is an effective device that can be used in

everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, Mutinda Mutava Gabriel and Kamweru Paul Kuria (2020) had

a study that focused on the appropriate measure of distance for the given device

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to work effectively. This sensor can be used in different applications to be able to


All the research conducted were implied that they could be still improve

and enhance. In addition, the studies also have a relation to Arduino Nano, which

they used as a basis to innovate the said devices. Furthermore, these studies

proved that using technology as a means of physical distancing shows a good sign

of resilience and progress for today’s generation to fight the COVID-19 virus.

Local Study

The Philippines has also been active in pursuing research to determine the

perfect social distancing device for the country that will be effective against the

COVID-19 virus. The local study of Alvarez, Garcia, & Alvarez (2020), entitled

‘‘Automated Social Distancing Gate with Non-Contact Body Temperature

Monitoring using Arduino Uno’’ come up with a body temperature machine and

physical distancing gate with the use of driven ultrasonic, infrared, and infrared

thermometer sensors.

Similarly, Shinde et al. (2019) had a study that focuses on the same type of

body temperature sensor which makes the data of individuals that will use this to

be stored in a Cloud. However, the use of this is cost-effective. But this will be

useful and the most possible instrument especially when used for the monitoring

of the mass body temperature.

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Both studies conducted by the respective researchers were about the

development of Safe Proximity Detector with the power of Arduino System that

are being utilized in the Philippines. These systems still need to be enhanced for

the good of the whole country and its people.

In conclusion, the studies have both similarities and differences with the

present study. The research made by local and foreign is focusing on the devices

and systems that can be used for physical distancing. These were created and

developed to ensure that the prevention for the COVID-19 virus is doubled and

strengthened. But it is a must that people would still be responsible for their

actions since these systems or devices are made to help them be safe. The

researchers find substantial number of related studies and literature that will be

used as references of ideas, which will provide viable information that, will

improve the results. The information source will be able to help in developing a

safe proximity detector due to having supporting details that will prove reliability

and accuracy in the study and its functionality and purpose.

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