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Research Proposal: "Bongga Ka Day": It's Effect To The Growth of Abelmoschus Esculentus (Okra)

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Research proposal

“Bongga ka Day”: It’s effect to the growth of

Abelmoschus Esculentus (okra)


Nixon B. Divinagracia Jr.

Rechel M. Bañas

Katherine V. Presbitero

Evelyn D. Evangelio

Devien H. Bañas


Table of Content
Chapter 1
Introduction 1

Background of Study 2- 4
Theoretical Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 6
Hypothesis 6
Conceptual Framework 7
Scope and Delimitation 8
Significance of the Study 8
Definition of Terms 8

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
Related Studies 9-17
Related Theories 18-19
Summary 20-22

Chapter 3
Research Design and Methodologies
Research Design 23
Locale of the Study 23
Respondent/Subject of the Study 23
Sampling Techniques 24
Sample Size 24
Research Instrument 24
Data Gathering Procedure 25
Data Analysis Procedure 26

References 27

Chapter 4
Result and Discussion
Descriptive Analysis 28-29

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation
Summary 30
Conclusion 31
Recommendation 31

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

According to Megan Ware (2017) Okra is a warm-season vegetable, also known as gumbo or

lady’s fingers .It is a good source of minerals, vitamins, and fiber. It contains a characteristics

viscous juice that can be used to thicken sauces.

Gumbo is popular in the Southern United States (U.S), parts of Africa and the Middle East, the

Caribbean, and South America. It is considered an important crop in many countries, because

of its nutritional value, and because many parts of the plant can be used, including the fresh

leaves, buds, flowers, pods, stems, and seeds. The taste in mild, but it has a unique texture with

peach-like fuzz on the outside and small, edible seeds on the inside of the pod.


Publish in October 20, 2017

The purpose of the researchers conduct this study is to inform and to share to the farmers,

teachers, students, and to the next generation that can read this study. That there is good effect

of applying liquid fertilizer to the okra. Because the researchers noticed that some of the people

especially to the farmers that they spend their money to buy expensive chemical fertilizer to

fertilize there any kind of plant. So the reason and mission that the researchers conduct this

study is to share them that they can use “Bongga Ka Day” liquid fertilizer, compose of


GRASS. As their fertilizer because this fertilizer is priceless. And this kind of fertilizer is very

beneficial to your plant and to our environment.

Okra-is also known as lady’s finger, gumbo, or bhindi—is the most important vegetable crop of

the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It belongs to the genius abelmuschus and the

family malvacae. Okra is the multipurpose crop valued for its tender and delicious pods. In West

Africa, leaves, buds, and flowers of okra are also consumed. The dried seeds provide oil,

protein, vegetable curd, and a coffee additive or substitute. Okra dry seeds contain 18-20% oil

and 20-23% crude protein. Foliage can be used for biomass, and the dried stems serve as a

source of paper pulp or fuel. To a limited extent, okra is used in canned, dehydrated, or frozen

forms. It has an average nutritive value of 3.21, which is higher than tomato, eggplant, and most

cucurbits except bitter gourd. The cultivation of okra extends throughout the tropics and warmer

parts of temperate Asia. It is commercially grown in India, Turkey, Iran, West Africa, Yugoslavia,

Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West Bengal, Burma, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, Ghana,

Ethiopia, Cyprus, and the southern USA. This chapter provides an overview of cytology,

genetics, germplasm resources, and reproduction biology of okra. The chapter focuses on the

breeding objectives and breeding methods of okra. It also discusses the results of the

application of biotechnology in the okra breeding along with the future prospects in the okra


Author: B.R.SHARMA,

Publish: 1993


Okra is one of the low fat foods with unique nutrients and phytochemical profiles and is

particularly rich in diatary fiber, potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin k as well as

bioactive components, such as flavonoids, especially quercetin and phytosterols.


Okra is a funny little green vegetable with a funny little name. A small, spear-shaped green

veggie with a mild taste, okra resembles a pepper and has been cultivated as a food source for

hundreds of years. While okra might be easy to overlook in the produce section, don’t overlook

it in your health and weight loss regimen. Okra packs impressive amounts of nutrients into its

little pods. Here are 20 impressive benefits of the deceptively simple looking okra. The health

benefits of okra include it ability to improve digestive health, manage diabetes, reduce fatigue,

and increase endurance levels. It also helps reduce stress and lowers cholesterol as well as

triglyceride levels in the body.

Okra may not be the most conventional vegetable in the garden, but it has a rich content of

vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins as well as vitamin A, C, E, and K, as per the USDA

National Nutrient Database. The vegetable also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium,

and zinc. Furthermore, it contains high levels of nutrient mucilaginous fiber, colloquially called

“okra slime”. Most of the health benefits are due to the presence of minerals, vitamins and

organic compound found it.

Author: MeenakshiNagdeve

Publish: November 6, 2019


Theoretical framework


Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) (L.) Moench), a healthy vegetable, is a widely spread in tropical

and subtropical areas. Previous studies have proven that okra pods possess anti- fatigue

constituents. To achieve this, we divided okra pods (OPD) into seed (OSD) and skin (OSK), and

compared the content of total polysaccharides, total polyphenols, total flavonoids, isoquercitrin,

and quercetin-3-O-gentiobiose and the antioxidant activity in vitro and anti-fatigue activity in vivo

between OSD and OSK. The contents of total polyphenols and total polysaccharides were

29.5% and 14.8% in OSD and 1.25% and 43.1% in OSK, respectively. Total flavonoids,

isoquercitrin and quercetin-3-0-gentiobiose (5.35%, 2.067% and 2.741% respectively) were only

detected in OSD antioxidant assays, including 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging,

ferric-reducing power test, and weight-loaded swimming test showed OSD possessed

significant antioxidants and anti-fatigue activity of OSD is caused by reducing the levels of blood

lactic acid(BLA) and urea nitrogen (BUN) enhancing hepatic glycogen sotagre and promoting

antioxidants ability by lowering malondialdehyde (MDA) level and increasing superoxide

disputase (SOD)) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) levels. These result proved okra seeds

were the anti-fatigue part of okra pods and polyphenols and flavonoids were active constituents.


Author: Fangbo Xia, Yu Zhong and Ruile Pan

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the average height of okra in the control group?

2. What is the average height of okra in the experimental group?

3. Is there a significant difference between the average height of okra’s between control

group and experimental groups.


There is no significant difference between the average height of okra’s between control

and experimental groups.

Conceptual Framework

This diagram show the relationship of dependent and independent variables .

The independent Variables The intervening Variables The dependent Variables

The number of height

Okra “Bongga Ka Day” on the growth of okra

Liquid Fertilizer

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focus on the effect of applying liquid fertilizer on the growth of okra.

And the materials use in this study is Annatto, Coconut Milk, Cucumber tree or tree sorrel,

Gliricidia and lemon Grass.

Significance of the Study

The following are those peoples that can benefits this study:

 Farmers can benefits this study,

 The teachers are also can benefits,

 The future researchers.

 The next generation of the student that can read this study.

 And also who conduct this study are also can benefits.

Definition of terms

The following terms are define for easily understanding for the reader.

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), known in many English-speaking countries as Lady’s finger

or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is a valued for its edible green seed pods.

The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West African, Ethiopian, and

south Asian origins. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperature regions

around the world.

Okra is the main subject of this study.

Source: https//

Publish in July 11, 2019

Author: Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD

Annatto-- is an orange red condiment and food coloring derived from the seeds of the Achiole

tree (Bix Orellana) native to tropical regions from Mexico to Brazil. It is often used to impart a

yellow or orange color to foods, but sometimes also for its flavor and aroma. Its scent is

described as “slightly peppery with a hint of nutmeg” and flavor as “slightly nutty, sweet and


Annatto is the first ingredients of “Bongga Ka Day liquid fertilizer” to fertilize the okra.

Source: https//

Coconut milk-- is an opaque, milky-white liquid extracted from the grated pulp of mature

coconuts. The opacity and rich taste of coconut milk is due to its high oil contents, most of which

is saturated fat.

Coconut Milk is the second ingredient of “Bongga Ka Day liquid fertilizer” to fertilize the okra.

Source: https//

Cucumber tree or tree sorrel-- Scientific Name “Averrhoa” (commonly known as bilimbi) is a

fruit-bearing tree of the genus averrhoa, family oxalidaceae. It is a close relative of carmbola


Cucumber tree or tree sorrel is the third ingredient of “Bongga Ka Day Liquid fertilizer” to fertilize

the okra.

Source: https//

Edited by Ho Dinh Hai

Publish: February 09, 2015

Gliricidia Sepium-- often simply referred to as Gliricidia is a medium size leguminous tree

belonging to the family fabaceae. The bark is smooth, and its color can range from a whitish

gray to deep red brown.

Gliricidia is the fourth ingredient of “Bongga Ka Day liquid fertilizer” to fertilize the okra

Source: https: //

Lemon Grass or Cymbopogon-- is a genus of Asian, African, Australian and Tropical Island

plants in the grass family. It is commonly cultivated as culinary and medicinal herbs because of

their scent, resembling that of lemon (citrus lemon).

Lemon Grass is the last ingredient of “Bongga Ka Day liquid fertilizer” to fertilize the okra.

Source: https//


Review of related Literature

Related Studies



In the present investigation effect of the organic and inorganic fertilizer on the growth and

nutrient status of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra plant) was studied. Observation for physical

parameters like plant height, number of leaves and stem circumference were recorded at four

important growth stage in life cycle of the okra plant. Leaf chlorophyll content, fresh and dry

weight of plants/pods as well as protein, fat and carbohydrate content in the okra fruit were

estimated at 72 DAS ( days after sowing). For the experiment, various combinations of fertilizers

were prepared and applied such as Vermicompost (VC), chemical fertilizer (CF) and farmyard

manure (FYM). The plots prepared were T1=control.T2= (FYM 100%), T3= (VC 100%), T4= (CF

100%), T5= (VC 75%+CF 25%), T6= (VC 75%+FYM 25%), T7= (VC 50%+ FYM 50%) AND T8=

(VC 50%+ CF 50%). Nutrient requirement for okra crop in experimental soil in the field was

67kg/ha potassium.

The perusal of the data revealed that with the use of inorganic fertilizer plants physical

characteristics were enhanced compared to other treatment, whereas nutrient status of okra

fruit was recorded maximum in treatment T3 (VC 100%) and followed by T6(VC 75%+FYM

25%). Although, treatment T4 has high potential for rapid growth of plant comparatively similar

results in the growth of plant were observed in treatment T5 (VC 75%+ CF 25%). Thus,

combination of organic fertilizer along with inorganic fertilizer is beneficial for the physical growth

of okra plant while nutrient content of okra fruit are dependent only on organic fertilizer dose.


Publish in October 2012

Author: S.D. AttardE, S.D.Narhede, S.D Patil, R.P Patil



Foliar fertilizer successfully supplements plant nutrition, in integration with soil applied chemical

fertilizers, under adverse soil, plant and environmental conditions. A field study was conducted

to evaluate the growth the yield response of okra to three newly introduced foliar fertilizer

product, viz. Super-dawn, Agri-power and And Unigrow-C, either alone or integrated with soil

applied recommended nitrogen and phosphorus. The result endorsed the benefits of foliar

fertilization of crops by witnessing the improved growth traits of okra plants, viz. days to

flowering , plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of fruits-1 and fruit length, couple

with the better crop yield of okra by the integration of all three foliar fertilizers with the

recommended soil applied chemical fertilizers. Okra yield was significantly (p<0.01) correlated

with all the above stated plant growth traits of okra. The regular testing of such effective foliar

fertilizers and their use, after extensive controlled condition and field scale studies, is

recommended for sustainable okra production.


Publish in January 2010

Author: Abbasi F.F, M.A Baloch, Zia-ul-hassan, K.H Wagan




This study was conducted to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer application rates and method

of application on growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) (L. Moench) at the

teaching and the research farm. University of ado ekiti. Okra seed variety LD88 were treated to

three levels of NPK fertilizer rates (0, 150 and 300 kg NPK ha-1) and two methods of fertilizer

application (ring and band method). Treatment were arranged in a split-plot design with fertilizer

application method as main plot factor and NPK rates sub-plot factor. The treatment were

replicated three times to give a total of eighteen experimental fields plots. The result indicated

that the fertilizer NPK significantly increase growth parameters (plant height, leaf area, root

length, number of leaves). Yield and yield components with optimum yield of okra obtained at

150 NPK kg ha-1 and ring method of application seems appropriate for okra production.


Publish 2017

Author: S. O Omotoso, O.S Shittu



This study sought to determine the effects of the different kinds of organic fertilizers on the

growth and yield performance of okra (abelmoschus esculentus) (L.) Moench). Variety smooth

green using the recommended rate of application of 9 tons/hectare. The experiment was laid out

in RCBD [randomized complete block design] using six treatments T1= control (no fertilizer), T2

= inorganic fertilizer (IF) T3 cow manure based on organic fertilizer (CMBOF) T4= chicken

manure based on organic fertilizer (VCOF). Each plot was replicated three times.

Experimentation was limited to one trial. The okra plants fertilized with organic fertilizers were

smaller than those plants applied with inorganic fertilizer 47 days after planting, however, those

plants applied with VCOF have comparable height with those plants fertilized with IF at the end

of experimentation. Plants with CMBOF, CHMBOF, AND BPOF have the same height and

comparable with the control plants. The application of organic and inorganic fertilizers has no

influence on the performance of okra in terms of leaf length, stem diameter, and days to first

harvest, fruit length, basal fruit diameter, and number of fruit per plant. Those plants applied with

different organic fertilizers produced the same weight of fruits, significantly heavier than the

fruits harvested from the control and comparable with those plants applied with IF. Hence, the

application of organic fertilizer could be a good alternative to inorganic fertilizers.

Source: https//

Publish in 2010

Author: Mateo, N.F Abrazado. A.M Cruz

HETEROSIS STUDIES IN OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) FOR SOME


Okra is one of the important vegetables grown in India during both summer and rainy seasons.

This is an often cross-pollinated crop showing 4- 19% cross pollination. Emasculation and

pollination processes are easier due to large flower and monoadelphous stamens. This enables

the breeder to exploit the hybrid vigor through manual hybridization. Considering the importance

of bhindi, an investigation was carried out with five lines and two testers with three replications

at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madural during 2001-2002 in order to determine

the extent to which the heterosis is manifested.

The observation recorded were plant height, days to first flowering, number of fruits/plant, fruit

length, fruit girth, number of fruits/plant, single fruit weight, number of seed/fruit, 100 seed

weight, crude fibre content, protein content, and yield/plant. The results revealed highly

significant differences for all the characters among the parent and genotypes studied indicating

wider range of variability. Among all the crosses evaluated, the cross combination for all the

character studied.

Author: K. Shoba, S. Mariappan


POTINTIAL USE OF OKRA SEED (Abelmuschus esculentusMoench) FLOUR FOR FOOD


Okra flour has huge potential to be used to enrich for foods in order to provide adequate

nutrients for individuals for whom daily nutritional needs are not being met. Based on the

nutrient profile of okra, including the amino profile and the effect of processing on this, human

consumption of okra flour can be promoted because of its positive health. However

considerable efforts needs to be directed at addressing associated technology issues regarding

effective utilization of the food product in food fortification, including the following:

 The constituent gossypol or gossypol-like compounds and cyclopropenoid fatty acids in the


 The constraint of dehulling to produce high-quality okra products for effective utilization in

food fortification programs.

 Studies on the physiocochemical properties of okra products to provide a suitable

benchmark for the development of functional okra processing equipment.

 Determined of the effect of variety and agronomical traits on nutritional and physicochemical

parameters of all known okra lines to present okra to wider population groups as a vital food


Author: Oluyemisi Elizabeth Adelakun, Olusegum James Oyelade.

Publish: 2011


Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of okra (Abelmuschus

esculentusMoench) Seed.

Present-Day Cultivation and Usage.

Okra is presently grown in large quantities in different parts of Nigeria and other West Africa

countries because of the favorable climatic conditions. Okra which is specially valued for its

tender and delicious fruits, has been reported to have an average nutritive of 3.21, which is

higher that of Tomato, eggplant, and most cucurbits except bitter gourd (Sahoo& Srivastava,

2002). Okra fruit is commonly processed into soups and stews. The process involves slicing,

drying, and grinding, and then resulting material can then mixed with other ingredients to make

soup. In addition to its use in stews, okra can be used in the processing of other food items,

such as candies, salad dressings, and cheese spreads. Apart from its food usage,, the tree and

pods have a number of additional economics benefits. The tree can be used to make rope and

paper, while the pod (fruits) can be used, in extract form, as a fat substitute in brownies.

Nutritionally, the richest part of the okra plant is the seed. Although the oil of the okra seed after

processing is edible, and the residual meal following oil extraction is significantly rich in protein,

the seed is not traditionally used for either oil or protein, but rather for seedling and regeneration

purposes. This probably explains why there are only fragmentary accounts of the use of okra

seed as a food (Karakoltsidis&Constantinides, 1975). However, large quantities of seeds are

discarded as unfit for seedling purposes. The seeds of mature okra pods, sometimes used as

poultry feed, are also consumed after roasting, and as a coffee substitute. The volatile

compounds in the coat of okra seeds, which can be released by simply rubbing the seeds, have

been reported to have biological activity, and some of these compounds, including farnesol

derivatives and aliphatic esters, seem to support the hypothesis of their role in defense against

seed-eating insect(Camcium et al., 1998). By-products of okra seed have also been found to

have industrial usage. Biodiesel was recently derived from okra (Hibiscus esculentus) seed oil,

by methanol- induced trans-esterification using an alkali catalyst. It was concluded that okra

seed oil is an acceptable feedback for biodiesel production (Anwar et al., 2010).

Author: Oluyemisi Elizabeth Adelakun, Olusegum James Oyelade.

Publish: 2011




In the present study, an attempt has been made to validate the claimed uses of ‘okra’ Hibiscus

esculentus in liver disease. The preventive action of ethanolic extract of okra (EEO) against liver

injury was evaluated in rodents using carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity model. EEO,

at 250 and 500 mg/kg body weight, exerted significant dose-dependent hepatoprotection by

decreasing the CCI4-induced elevation of serum SGOT, SGPT, ALP, GGT, Cholesterol,

triglycerides and malondialdehyde (MDA) non-proteinsulfhyydryls (NP-SH) and total protein

(TP) levels in the liver tissue. A significant reduction was also observed in pentobarbital-induced

sleeping time in mice. The hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the extract are being

comparable to standard silymarin. These findings were supported by histological assessment of

the liver biopsy. The ability of okra extract to protect chemically induced liver damage may be

attributed to its potent antioxidant property.

Author: S.I.Alqasoumi

Publish: 2011


Related Theories

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database, one cup of

raw okra, weighing around 100 grams (g).


 33 calories

 1.93g of protein

 O.19 of fat

 7.45 g of carbohydrate

 3.2 g of fiber

 1.48 g of sugar

 31. Milligrams (mg) of vitamin K

 299 mg of potassium

 7 mg of sodium

 23 mg of vitamin C

 O.2 mg of thiamin

 57 mg of magnesium

 82 mg of calcium

 0.215 mg of vitamin B6

 60 micrograms (mcg) of folate

 36 mcg of vitamin A

Source: https//

Publish in October 20, 2010

Author: Megan Ware RDN, LD

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), eating foods that are high in fiber can

reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood.

Higher-fiber foods lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Fiber can

also slow heart disease in people who already have it.

Women aged 19 to 30 years old should aim to consume at least 28 grams of fiber each day in

vegetables, fruit, legumes, and whole grains, while men need 33.6 grams a day. Okra has 3.2

of fiber per cup.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NDDKD),

high- oxalate foods can increase the risk of these stones in people who have had them

previously. Other high oxalate foods include spinach, rhubarb, and swiss chard.

Source: https//

Publish in October 20, 2010

Author: Megan Ware, RDN, LD


According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (2010)

(NDDKD) high- oxalate foods can increase the risk of these stones in people who have had

them previously. Other high oxalate foods include spinach, rhubarb, and swiss chard.

According to S.O Omotoso and O.S Shittu (2017) Okra seed variety LD88 were treated to three

levels of NPK fertilizer rates (0, 150 and 300 kg NPK ha-1) and two methods of fertilizer

application (ring and band method). Treatment were arranged in a split-plot design with fertilizer

application method as main plot factor and NPK rates sub-plot factor. The treatment were

replicated three times to give a total of eighteen experimental fields plots. The result indicated

that the fertilizer NPK significantly increase growth parameters (plant height, leaf area, root

length, number of leaves). Yield and components with optimum yield of okra obtained at 150

NPK kg ha-1 and ring method of application seems appropriate for okra production.

According to the American Heart Association (2010) (AHA), eating foods that are high in fiber

can reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood.

Higher-fiber foods lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Fiber can

also slow heart disease in people who already have it.

Women aged 19 to 30 years old should aim to consume at least 28 grams of fiber each day in

vegetables, fruit, legumes, and whole grains, while men need 33.6 grams a day. Okra has 3.2

of fiber per cup.


Research Design and Methodology

Research Design

The research design of this study was use Experimental.

According to Kerry Taner (2018) experimental research is undertaken when a researcher

wishes to trace cause-and-effect relationship between defined variables. However, there are

major constraints on causal inference in experimental research, and the type of experimental

design chosen has a significant influence on the inferences that can be validly drawn from

experimental results. Within the information field, experimental designs are much more common

in information systems research than in library and information management research.

Locale of the Study

The researchers conduct a research study in Santiago National High School in Barangay

Santiago Barotac, Viejo Iloilo

Subject of the Study

The subject of this research study is okra. 5 okra’s in control group and also 5 okra’s in

experimental group. All in all 10 pieces of okra are planted. And this okra are native variety of

okra that were commonly planted here in the Philippines.

Sampling Techniques

The researchers use simple random sampling techniques.

According to Pual J. Lovrakas (2008) random sampling refers to a variety of selection

techniques in which sample members are selected by chance, but with a known probability of

selection. Most social science, business, and agricultural surveys rely on random sampling

techniques for the selection of survey participants or sample units, where the sample units may

be persons, establishment, land points, or other units for analysis. Random sampling is a critical

element to the overall survey research design.

Sample Size

There are 10 okra’s use in this study compose of 5 okra’s in the control group and 5 okra’s in

the experimental group.

Research Instrument

The researchers use the teacher made instrument and this will be use the list of the average

heights of okra’s in every plot.

Data Gathering Procedure

First the researchers clean the area, second the researchers make two plot, the right side for

control group and the left side for the experimental group, third the researchers sows the seed

in the seed box, fourth the researchers get the stone and pulverizing the soil, fifth the

researchers get the 5 okra’s in the seed box and put it into the control and experimental group,

sixth the researchers put a compost into the 5 okra’s in the control and experimental group,

seventh the researchers watering the 5 okra’s in control and experimental group. Eight the

researcher apply the liquid fertilizer in the experimental group, And lastly the researchers

measure the height of okra’s in experimental group.

The step for making” Bongga Ka Day” liquid fertilizer are the following:

Step 1: The researchers find ANNATTO and the researchers get the seed and then put into the

water and squeeze it to get the juice and transfer into the 1.5 Liter.

STEP 2: The researchers get the coconut in the coconut tree and break it to get the COCONUT

MILK and transfer into the 1.5 Liter.

Step 3: The researchers find the CUCUMBER TREE or TREE SORREL and squeeze it to get

the juice and transfer into the 1.5 Liter.

Step 4: The researchers cut the GLIRICIDIA leaves into smaller pieces and squeeze to get the

juice and transfer into the 1.5 Liter.

Step 5: The researchers cut also the LEMON GRASS into smaller pieces and squeeze it to get

the juice and transfer into the 1.5 Liter.

Data Analysis Procedures

The following statistical tool in this study.

The mean was used to identify the average height of okra’s in the control and experimental


Mean—is the procedures of all number and is sometimes called the arithmetic mean. To

calculate mean, add together all of the numbers in a set and then divide the sum by the

total count of numbers.

The mean is used in calculating by adding the value of each individual item in a group

and dividing it by the total. Also it can be used with both discrete and continuous data,

although its use is most often with continuous data.

Average—a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular

the mode, median or most commonly the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum

of the values in the set by their number.

T-test to identify if there’s a significant difference between the average heights of okra’s

between the control and experimental group.

T-test—is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test static fallows a student’s

distribution under the null hypothesis. A t-test static would follow a normal distribution if

the value of a scaling term in the test statistic were known.

Standard Deviation—in statistic, the standard deviation is a measure that is used to

quantity the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values.

Chapter 4
Results and Discussion

In this chapter present the result and discussion of this study.

Descriptive Analysis

In the control group, the average height is 7.6cm. The table 3. Shows the average height in the

control group.

Table 3. Height in the control group.

Pot number Height

1 7cm
2 9cm
3 8cm
4 6cm
5 8cm
Total 7.6cm

In the experimental group, the average height is 11cm. Table 4. Shows the number height in the

experimental group.

The table 4. Average height in the experimental group.

Pot number Height

1 15cm
2 13cm
3 14cm
4 7cm
5 6cm
Total 11cm


Group Mean Df SD T-test

Control group 7.6 4 1.14 1.47

Experimental group 11 4 5.65

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation


This study identified the effect of “Bongga ka Day” liquid fertilizer on the growth of okra.

Specially, this study answer the following question.

1. What is the average height of okra in the control group?

2. What is the average height of okra in the experimental group?

3. Is there a significant difference between the average height of okra’s between control and

experimental groups?

This study tested the following hypothesis.

1.) There is a significance difference between the average height of okra’s between the

control and experimental group.


The following are the answer to the problems

1. The average height of okra’s in control group is 7.6cm.

2. The average height of okra’s in experimental group is 11cm.

3. There is a significance difference between the average height of okra’s between the

control group and experimental group.


The researchers recommending this “Bongga Ka Day” liquid fertilizer especially to the farmers

that can’t buy expensive chemical fertilizer to use this us their fertilizer because this fertilizer is

priceless and you don’t need to waste your money. Also one of the reason that the researchers

conduct this study because some people do not considered “Bongga ka Day” as liquid fertilizer,


or TREE SORREL. But due to our experimental research, the researchers have proven that we

can use “Bongga ka Day” liquid fertilizer to fertilize the plant therefore the researchers are

recommending you to apply this fertilizer to your okra, because this kind of liquid fertilizer is very

beneficial to your plant and to our environment.

Control group

Pot number Height

1 7cm

2 9cm

3 8cm

4 6cm

5 8cm

Total 7.6cm

Experimental group

Pot number Height

1 15cm
2 13cm

3 14cm

4 7cm

5 6cm

Total 11cm

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Publish in January 2010

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Publish in 2017

Mateo, N.F Abrazado, A.M Cruz. Performance of okra in response to determined kinds of
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Publish in 2010

Megan Ware, RDN, LD. According to USDA and U.S department of agriculture and according to
the American Heart Health Association or AHA.

Publish in October 20, 2017


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