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DLP Prac. Research I

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Estancia, Iloilo
Lesson Plan in Practical Research I

February 19,2019

I. Objectives
A. Express thoughts and feelings using new learned words
B. Enumerate the purposes of citations
C. Compare and contrast the styles and patterns of citations
D. Value the importance of citations in research through varied activities

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
B.Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of:
 the criteria in selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature
 ethical standards in writing
C. Performance Standard: The learner is able to select, cite, and synthesize
properly related literature
D. Topic: Standard Styles in Related Literature Citations or References
E. Materials: Laptap, projector, book reference
F. References: Practical Research I by E. Baraceros pp.73-77
Internet Sources:
III. Strategy
A.Engage( Warm Up Activity)
A game: Ownership game.
Mechanics: A student(the It) is tasked to guard a thing from others. He makes
sure that no one enters his post to get such from him. The one who is caught by the
It becomes the next It.

*Introduction of the concept

Questions(The teacher processes the responses of the students)
1. Do you have something of which you value very much?What is it?
2. Do you love sharing it to others?Why?
3. How would it feel if someone uses or takes it from you without your

B. Activity(Explore)
*Let students compare the text with the essays they have read before.
*Give them copies of the text they're about to read and have them stress out
additional ideas they have about the text.

C. Analysis (Assumption)

Assign a topic and ask the students to analyze the transcript by answering the

following questions .(done by groups) Each group will share their understanding
about the assigned topic.

 What is the text all about?

 What is the “idea” or “feature” of the data.?

D. Abstraction (Explain)

 Generalized discussion about the text by the teacher

 Showing students a videoclip about the importance of citation

E. Evaluation
(Differentiated Instructions)
Have students express the value of citation through the following:
Group I: Poem
Group II: Rap
Group III: Song


Originality 20%
Creativity 15%
Content/Relevance to 40%
the topic
Mechanics/Organization 25%
Total 100%


Assign specific topics for each group. Ask them to select relevant
literature about their topics on metacards.
(The teacher also provides scrambled texts about the topic of which the group
should select and cite these in their assigned topic.)

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Subject Group Head



Asst. Principal II- SHS Academics

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Estancia, Iloilo
Lesson Plan in Practical Research I

January 4,2019

A. Define research question and research problem
B. Give the relationship between research question and research problem
C. Formulate correct research questions
D. Justify the value of research questions and research problem

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
B.Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of:
 the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
C. Performance Standard: The learner is able to: formulate clearly statement
of research problem
D. Learning Competencies: The learner:
 designs a research project related to daily life(CS_RS11-IIIc-e-1)
 writes a research title( CS_RS11-IIIc-e-2)
 describes the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
 states research questions (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-4)
D. Topic: Research Problem and Research Question
E. Materials: Laptap, projector, book reference
F. References: Practical Research I by E. Baraceros pp.45-53
Internet Sources:
III. Strategy

A.Engage( Warm Up Activity)

A situation problem(Brain Teasers): Have the students express their opinions and
solutions about the problem.

*Introduction of the concept

Questions(The teacher processes the responses of the students)
1.What is your definition about “problems’?
2. Do you love problems? Why?
3. What is your opinion about the statement that says, “Problems are
important”.? Do you agree with this? Why?

*The teacher shows a videoclip about some environmental issues. Elicit stidents’
responses through the following question:
 What are some of the problems that you encountered in your locality? Is
research important in situations such as those?How?
*The teacher leads the students to the significance of identifying research

B. Activity(Explore)

 Give students the list of the topics and let them examine it. Then let them
answer the following questions:
oIf you decide to talk or write about any of these topics, which
among them would you like to focus on? Why do you like that and
not others
C. . Analysis (Assumption)

 Let the students compare and contrast PROBLEM and QUESTION. Have
them express their ideas trough a Venn Diagram.

D. Abstraction

.Students are assigned topics to consider in their group discussion.A group

facilitator leads out the group discussion through the following guide questions:

 . What is your topic all about? Discuss its details

 How important is your topic in conducting research?
 If given the chance the conduct a research, what is the most interesting
topic you want to research about?

*A group representative will then share the group’s answers in front of the class
* The teacher does a generalized discussion of the points considered.

E. Evaluation

Group Work: Keeping in mind what you have learned in this lesson, do the following with
your partner:


1. On a piece of paper, make a list of some problems in your environment that

need immediate solutions.

2. Choose one problem in the list. Based on this problem, identify your research
topic, give or describe the justifications/reasons behind your decision to do a research
work,and mention the benefits and beneficiaries of your research work.

3. Formulate one general or mother question to reflect your research problem or

topic and five research questions or sub-problems that are closely related to the
general question.

F. Enrichment

Engage yourself in a conversation with some teachers and professionals you know. Ask
them what research problem they worked on, the research questions they formulated and their
reasons for engaging themselves in such kind of research.Describe or comment on their
justifications for conducting a research. Write a written report of your findings based on what
you learned about research problem, research question, research goals and objectives.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject Group Head

Noted: Approved:


Asst. Principal II, SHS- Academics Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Estancia, Iloilo
Lesson Plan in Practical Research I

November 6,2018

A. Explain the term “inquiry”.
B. Outline ideas about “inquiry”
C. Enumerate the benefits of Inquiry-based learning
D. Express appreciation of the importance of “inquiry-based learning”

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: Nature of Inquiry and Research
B.Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:

the importance of research in daily life

the characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
C. Performance Standard: The learner is able to: use appropriate kinds of
research in making decisions.
D. Learning Competencies The learner:
 shares research experiences and knowledge CS_RS11-IIIa-1
 explains the importance of research in daily life CS_RS11-IIIa-2
D. Topic: Nature of Inquiry
E. Materials: Laptap, projector, book reference
F. References: Practical Research I by E. Baraceros pp.1-7
Internet Sources:

III. Strategy

A. Engage
Picture Analysis: Show pictures and videos about most interesting places in
the Philippines. Let students examine such pictures and ask to answer the
questions them the written on metacards.have some students pick up the

 Which of the shown pictures and videoclips interest you the

 Would you like to know more about them? How?

B. Activity

 Let students complete a bubble graph or concept map by writing words

associated with the middle word. Have them then use the new words in
sentences that express their understanding about ”inquiry-based

C. Analysis
 Let students make inferences about “Inquiry-based Learn
D. Abstraction

*Discussion about the concept through a whole class activity. Group

students and assign each group items to discuss on:
Group I-
 Compare and contrast the three foundations theories behind inquiry-
based Learning
 Describe one who thinks in a linear fashion
 How do you learn something through inquiry?
Group II
 Why is inquiry a scientific way of teaching?
 Is this an effective learning method? Why or why not?
 What kind of thinking is involved in this kearning?
Group III
 Do you agree that inquiring on something means you are researching
about it? Explain.
 Do you know someone in your school or community who often does
this kind of learning? How did he/she do it?

 Generalization of the points learned

E. Evaluation
Group work presentation(Differentiated Instruction)

 Was there an instance in your life when you too did a sort of inquiry or
research? Describe your experience through:

Group I. Interpretative dance

Group II. Role Playing
Group III. Poem
Group IV: Song/rap

Write an essay about inquiry-based learning and send such to the
teacher’s facebook account.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject Group Head

Noted: Approved:


Asst. Principal II-SHS Academics Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Estancia, Iloilo
Lesson Plan in Practical Research I

December 04, 2018

I. I.Objectives
A. Identifies the right descriptive word for the given research topics
B. Displays appreciation on the importance of good research topic through varied

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: Nature of Inquiry and Research
B.Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:

the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
C. Performance Standard: The learner is able to: formulate clearly statement
of research problem
D. Learning Competencies The learner:
 Writes a research title CS_RS11-IIIc-e-2-2
E. Topic: Identifying the Inquiry and stating the problem(Writing a research Title)
F. Materials: Laptap, projector, book reference
G. References: Practical Research I by E. Baraceros pp.43-44
Internet Sources:

III. Strategy

A. Engage
Video: Show pictures and videos about many problems in the Philippines,
then situations in Estancia, Iloilo.
. Let students examine such pictures and ask to answer the
questions them the written on metacards.have some students pick up the

 Which of the shown pictures and videoclips interest you the

 Would you like to know more about them? How?

B. Activity

 Let students complete a concept map by writing words associated with

the middle word. Have them then use the new words in sentences that
express their understanding about “Research problem”

C. Analysis
 Let students make inferences about “Research Problem”.
D. Abstraction

*Discussion about the concept through a whole class activity. Group

students and assign each group items to discuss on:
Group I-
 Cite problems areas in daily life which you think qualitative research
can address and discuss why.
Group II
 Cite tentative research problems or inquiry you can work on as
requirements in the shs track you have chosen and discuss its
Group III
 Think of an appropriate research topic useful to you in the SHS track
you are in and discuss as briefly as you can the importance of your
research study in your field or track.
E. Evaluation
Group work presentation(Differentiated Instruction)

 Cite your significant learnings about the topic. Discuss your points
Group I. Role Playing
Group II. Poem
Group III: Song/rap

Discuss as you can the points to consider in identifying a research
problem and in forming a research title.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject Group Head

Noted: Approved:


Asst. Principal II-SHS Academics Principal III

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