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dy Gary Gygax

This module was originally used for the OfficiaIDUNGEONS & DRAGONS tournament at Originsi. The author wishes
to express his thanks to Mr. Alan Lucien who was kind enough to submit the ideas for this dungeon. This version has
been revised and updated to conform to ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Included herein are background
information for players, including the Legend of the Tomb-as is true of all TSR DUNGEON MODULES. the location of
this area is upon the Map of the World of Greyhawk (WORLD OF GREYHAWK from TSRI-DM notes, level map and
matrix. player character statistics for varying numbers of participants. and over two dozen special illustrations to
graphically enhance your players' enjoyment of the adventure, as the drawings are keyed to various scenes and
encounters i n the Tomb.
If you enjoy this module, be sure to t r y any of the many other unique offerings i n this line from TSR!
0 1978, TSR Games

TSR Games
POB 756

ISBN 0935696124 PRINTED IN U S A 9022

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)


II '

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)


by Galy Gygax

This module was originally used for the OfficialDUNGEONS & DRAGONS tournament at Origins 1. The author wishes
to express his thanks to Mr. Alan Lucien who was kind enough to submit the ideas for this dungeon. This version has
been revised and updated to conform to ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Included herein are background
information for players, including the Legend o f the Tomb-as is true of all TSR DUNGEON MODULES. the location of
this area is upon the M a p o f the World o f Greyhawk (WORLD OF GREYHAWK from TSRI-DM notes, levelmap and
matrix, player character statistics for varying numbers of participants. and over two dozen special illustrations to
graphically enhance your players’ enjoyment of the adventure. as the drawings are keyed to various scenes and
encounters in the Tomb.
If you enjoy this module, be sure to t r y any of the many other unique offerin s in this line from TSRl
Distributed ta the baak trade in the Uniied States by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by andom Hause of Canada, Lid.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.

TSR Games
POB 756
ISBN 0-93569612-4 PRINTED IN U.S.A. B 1978. TSR Garner
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
LEGEND OF THE TOMB but nefer give any addbionai informationwhich player charae
ten would hove no way ot knowing. and avoid foci01expressions
The legend of the tomb is an old story with many parts, same of or mice tones which might give heipfui hints or mislead players.
which may be lost or obscured. Characters attempting to glean The reo1 enjoyment of this module is manoglng to cope, and
special information by consulting sages or through legend lon those players who manage to do so even semi-successtullywill
spells may still hove dimcully obtaining as much background as appreciateyour refereeing properly and allowing them t o " l i o r
they desire, for the scraps of information are often minimal and die" on their own.
The starting informationtor the module depends upon whether
These blts of information are available as clues. and characters you are using the Tomb as an insertion into your own campaign.
con make of them what they wish Ancient Burial Places: Ancient as a section of THE WORLD OF GRDMAWK.or simply as a oneshot
Tombs: Sorcerous Kings:Challenges,Surpassing (Certain Death): exercise for your players. Because of the variableness. the
Soul Eaters;Treasure, Greot . . . Theotherpartsoftheiegendcon information for stoning is Stated so as to assume the expedition
be furnished by the Dungeon Master from the descriptionwhich has arrived at the site of the TOMB OF HORRORS As Dungeon
follows: Master. you may RIi in whatwer background is needed,and itthn
The Tomb ot Haron: Somewhere under a lost and ianety hili of is a section of a campaign. players cannot have obtained the
grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt. it is filledwith legend informotion without consulting soges. casting legend
tenibktrapsandnotafewstrangeandferociousmonsterstoslay Ion spells, finding the informotion in some arcane work, or
the unwory. It is filled with rich treasures both precious and whatever; all prior to locoting the octuol iocole of the Tomb and
magical, but in addition to the afarementmned guardians, there then getting to it, so thot background will have been accom
is said to be a demi-lichwho still wards his final haunt. (Bewarned plished (When this module wos used at Origins I, refereeswere
that tales told have it that this being possesses powers which instructedthot the hill had been found inthevost Swomp, and the
make him nearly undefeatable!) Accounts relote that it is quite porn/ had arrived there in borges.)
unlikely that any adventurerswilleverfind thechamberwherethe
demklich Acererak lingers. for the possages and rooms of the
Tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and mogical Starl: The paw has anhred at the sHe of the deml-licl
protections. Furthermore. the demklich has so well hidden his lair, Before them is a low. Rot topped hili, about 200 varus W I U ~m u
that wen those who avoid the pitfolls will not be likely to locate 300 yards long. Only uglyweeds. thorns. ond briarsgrowuponthe
their true goal. So only large and welkprepared parties of the steep sides and bald top ofthe 60' high mound. lhere ore block
bravest and strongest should even consider the attempt, and if rocks upon thetopofthe hill,ond ittheseareviewedhomoheight
they do locate the Tomb, they must be prepared to fail. Any of about 200 orsoobovethe mound. flwill beseen thatthe whole
expedition must be composed of characters of high level and is shaped like o human skull. with the piles of rock oppeonng os
varied class. They must have magical protections and weapons, eye holes, nose hole, and the jagged teeth ot o grlnning aeoths
and equip themsehres with evew sort of device possibleto insure heod. A thorough inspection and searcn of the entire area will
their survival. reveal only thot the north side of the hili nos a crumoling cliff of
sand and grovel 0t)out 2 0 high in ooout the middleofthe whole.
PorrlMe locale ol Ihe Tomb: (This is the area 34 squares wide which formsthe eost-westoxisof
1) The hlghest hili on the Plains of iuz your dungeon mop) A low stone ledge overhangs this eroded
2) An island (unmapped) in the Ny Dyv o m . ona Shrubs and bushes obscure it from ObseNolion a1 o
3) In the Bright Desert distance.
4) At the western border of the Duchy of Geoff it will require a full turn for searching each 10' of this cliff area.
5) Somewhere in the Vast Swamp south of Sundl Search must be done from a distance with a long spear or 10
6) On on island beyond the realm of the Sea Barons pole. Proddlng must be high in order to collapse suficlent
matefiai to expose a portion of a tunnel entronce. Once an
entrance is exposed, it will require about 1 hour tor 6 characters
NOTES W R THE DUWEON MASTER working in teoms of 3 to thoroughly clear a passage. but o crowi
As clever players will gather from a reading of the Legend of the space con be Opened in 1 turn by 3 chorocters digging w i n
Tomb, this dungeon has more tricks and traps thon it has swords and hands.Notethatproaingofthegrovelondsondfoce
monsten to fight. WIS IS A THlNKiNG PERSONS MODULE, AND IF can begin wherever the players choose-eost, west, middle.
YOUR GROUP IS A HACK AND SLAY GATHERING, THEY WILL BE sweral iocations or merely a single one at a time. Leove this
UNHAPPV! In the latter case, it is betterto skip thewholething than strictly to the ployers to decide. Ihe best manner to handle if is 10
come outandteilthemthattherearefewmonsters.itisthiswfitet's ask whwe they will search. once they have determined that they
belief that brainwork is good for all players. and they will certainly will investigote the area and have stated how it will be done ond
beneM from playingthis module, for indMdual lweisofskillwillbe with what. Remember low probing. or probing with shod
improved by reasoning and experience. If you regularly pose implements (daggers. swords, elc.) will not rweol anylhing.
problems to be soh& by brains and not brawn.your players will As soon as any entrance is cleared and entered, go to the KEY
find thls module immediately to their liking.
Note: Characters who become astral orethereal in theTombuill
Negotiation of the Tomb will require quite a long time, s a be attract a type I-IV demon 1 in 6.wifh a check made each rouno.
prepared to spend sweral sessions with thls module. When the
game ends for the day, assume the expedition is spending the
intervening time until play again commences resting and
recovering from adventudng up to thot point. Allowing actual/
game days on a 1f1 basis gives players a chance to recover
some lost hit points, too. As there are no monstersto be randomly
encountered within the Tomb, the porn/ might be allowed to
encamp close to the entrance without fear of random encoun-
ters. but if you do so opt, do not inform the players of this.
Please read and review ail of the material herein, and become
thoroughly familiar with it, before beginning the module. As
players enter keyed areas, you will note from appropriate
information whether or not the area has one or more illustrations
for visually hlghlighting play. Read aloud appropriate sections,

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)

KEY TO THE TOMB them 4 in 6 (46.14). lhose who step upan a p#lid wiii have o
buse 100%01 failing. modified downwards by 1% pef point of
dexterity through 12. and 2% for eoch point obove 12. i.e.
1. FALSE ENTRANCETUNNEL:The conldorisof plainstone, roughly dexterlly of 13 = 14%chonceofnotfolling intoo pit,dexterityof
worked, and it is doh and full of cobwebs. The roof 2 0 I 4 - 16%.15 = 18%.16 =20%.17 = 22%,and18dederlty=24%
overhead is obscured by these hanging stronds, so cosuol chance of not going in. A?the bottom of each plt are 5 iron
observation will not reveal thot it is composed of badtyfming spikes coated with poison. Roll 46 to determine how many
stones. Doylight will be Sufficient to revealthat there Is a pair of spikes wound the victim; I, 2. and 3 meaningthot number of
oaken doors at the end of the passageway. If the roof is spikes have wounded the victim. 4-6 equal NONE HAVE
proddedwith ony force. or ifthe doors ore opened,the roofof WOUNDED the character. Each spike couses 1-6hil points of
the tunnel will collapse and inflict 550 (5d10) hit points of domoge. and the wctim must moke a saving throw versus
damage upon each chorocter inside of it, with no swing poison for eoch spike which wounds him or her. Any failure
throw The doors ooen OUtwOrds bv oreot iron rina DuiIs. The meons the victim is killed by the poison.
I cobwebs must be' bumed away t o k e oble to kspect the
tunnel ceiling. THIS AREA IS ILLUSTRATED BY GRAPHIC #I. A. This orea is where the torture chomber is pointed,and the
,i 2. FALSE ENTRANCETUNNEL This is another plain stone passage
wall hiding this possoge shows 0 painting 01 the iron door
which evidently confines some sort of a hornd creature (its
i woy, but the ceiling is Only 10' high. Doylight will enobie toloned ond scaled honds grasp the bois of Its smoll
odventurers to dimiy see what oppear to be two separate window) which con be loosed to torment prisoners. If the
doors ot the end of the conidor. The floor poving at 50' ploster ond loth behind it is oroken owoy. 0 normal.inward
distance wlthln the passagewill shift slightiywhen chorocters opening door will be revealeo.
treod upon its surface. They will heor o rumblingfrom behind
(or beside ifsome ore at 3 0 within) them.Atthis instantbegin B. If the pattern of the floor has been corefully observed and
counting slowfyto 90-obout 1'/I seconds per count-and il studied from the entronce to this point. the individualwah
you reoch 10 beforeany player has reacted as noted below, such perseverance will be reworded by suddenly unoer-
the huge stone block, 10 thick. hos slid shut and completeiy standing that a message is conloined in borely notice
sealed off the possagewoy. This block connot be moved or able runes in the mosoic floor. It says "ACERERAK
forced bock. Trapped chorocters con escape only by the CONGRATULATESYOU ON YOUR POWERSOFOBSEWATION.
following meons: dislntegrate, phasedoor. stone-flesh SO MAKE OF THIS WHATEVER YOU WISH, FOR YOU WILL BE
(ossuming 0 sufficient quantity of the block can be MINE IN THE END NO MATIER WHAT1
chonged), transmute rock-mud.wish. Ployers giving notice
that their chorocter is running out will be oble to cover I'of Go bock to the tormentor or through the arch.
distonce/l" of movement rotefortheircharocter/count. Thus, ond the second great holi you'll discover.
a base 6" movement rate meons that the chorocter can Shun green ifyou con, but night's good color
cover 6' of distance in the space of o single count. Mentolly is for those 01 greot voior.
note such character's octions, and when the 10 count Is If shades of reo stand for blood the wise
finished, compute where eoch chorocter is. The block begins will not need Sacrifice aught but a loop of
slow movement, so that ot the count of 1 only o slight bit magical metal - you're well along your march.
protrudes,ot 2itiS2'+abitOutintotheconldor,ot3itis4+,at4 Two plts oiong the way will be found to lead
it is6't. ot 5 it is 9', ot 6 It is II'+.
at 7 it is I 3 + . a t 8 it is at16'.ot9 to o lortuitous fall. so check the wall.
the block is la'+ across, and at 10 it has slammed shut and lhese keys and those are most important of all.
crushed anything between it and thewali. EXCEPTi0N:Aniron and bewore of trembling honds and what will maul.
bor will stop the block, but only if the bar is plocedon the floor It you find the false you find the true
where it will wedge the block. A bor elsewhere will bend and ond into the columned holl ~OU'II come,
ollow the block to come shut, but 1 count will be gained as and there the throne that's key and keyed.
the bor bends. The doors at the end of the passage ore folse
The iron men of visage grim do more than
meets the viewers eye.
You've ien and leff and found my Tomb
3. ENTRANCE TO THE TOMB OF HORRORS Even a brt of doylight
ond now your soul will die."
enterlng through a crawl space or a torch will reveal that this
is an unusual tunnel. Bright. brilliont colors are to be seen 4. FRESCO OF THE WIZARDLY WORK ROOM: The most ovtstand-
everywhere, the stones and pigments undimmed by the ing feature 01 this orea is octuolly outstanding! Two jackok
passage of decades. (USE ILLUSTRATION+3NOW.) The floorof heoded human figures (USE ILLUSTRATION -4AS SOON ASTHE
the corridor is a colorful mosoic of stone, with a distinct, PARTY EXAMINES THIS AREA CLOSELY) ore pointed so os to
windina Doth of red tiles about 2' wide (the line snakina its oppeor to be holding o reo1 bronze chest. If this b o x is
woy sgih down the corridor) easiiy visible to the onloGker. exomined closely. theviewer will note that it is hinged on the
(See special note regording the pil trops at the end 01 this bottom s o os to allow the lidto swing down if a catch on top is
poragroph.) No stonework con be seen on the wolls or the pressed. The catch hos an easiiy detectable poison needle
ceiling 2 0 obove. for some sort of cement or ploster has been trap. and this con oe woided eosiiy by pressing the stud with
smoothed over oil of these surfaces ond then illustrated Ihe o dagger pommel. etc. However. when the box opens. it wlll
scenes painted show fields with kine grazing, a copse with oppear to be obsolutely empIy. but if o choracter octuolly
severol wobes in the bockground.slaves (human, orc. eiven. feels inside the chest he or she will find a rod which stonos
ono strange human-onimol mixiure - piphuman. ope- verticaliy hom the bottom. This lever moves easily, and if it is
human,and dophumon) going obout varioustosks. Certain pulled with ony force it will open the Shaded tropdoor which
of the frescoes show rooms 01 some building 0 librow Riled- covers o 30' deep pit (spiked ond poisoned as are 011 traps of
with mony books ond scrolls, a torture chomber. 0 WIZord's this sort here) which will Inflict318(3 66) hit points of damage
wol* room (see 4 below for more details 01 this area). There to all whofallwithin,exclusNeofspikedamage.No(o:lhistrop
ore choirs, windows, boxes, boles, doors. chests. birds. bats, door is 3' thick and connot be detected by sounding or oy
spiders and oll manner of things shown on the wolls. any mogic which detects secret doors. or even trops. True
seeing will reveol o Rne rectanglewhere the stone plug is, but
All plh (except where noted to the conhaw) throughout the il will not show what it does. Once triggered, the pit remoins
Tomb are 10 deep and concealed by o counter-weighted open thereafter.
trop door which opens os soon os any person steps on it.
Thrusting wlth force upon these trops wlth o pole will reveal 5. THE ARCH OFMIST: Onesectionofthepaihshownonthefloor
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
leads directly Intothis archway. If any character stands within open as follows:
I'of the entronceway upon the path, the base stones will A. pull down
glow yellow on the left,orange on the right, and the keystone B. pivots centrally
7' above will glow blue. (When this happens, SHOW YOUR C. pull inward and up ot bottom
PLAYERS ILLUSTRATION #5.) There is a misty veil across the D. slides up
archway, and nothing will cause the vapors to clear. nor will E. double panels pull inward
ony sort of magic allow sight into the oreo. untll the glowing F. slide left
stones are pressed in the proper sequence - YELLOW, BLUE, G. 7 studs - press a11 and
ORANGE. If this sequence is pressed, the vapors disappear, door opens, IR 7 bring
and the path appears to go eastwards. Ifthe archway is door falling Inwards
entered when It is clouded, those characters doing so will be for 3-18 h.p. damage
instantly teleported to 7. (see below). If it is passed through
after pressing the glowing stones in proper sequence, those 10. GREAT HALL OF SPHERES This area is similar to 3., for the Raor
stepping through ON the poth will be teleported to 11..those is of Inlaid tiles and the walls and ceiling are painted with
who pass through offthe path will be sent back to 3. Rgures of animals, strange signs and glyphs (which mean
6. THE FACEOFTHEGREATGREENDEVIL Theotherforkofthepath absolutely nothing), and humans and humamlike creatures
leads right up to an evil-appearingdevil face set in mosaic at with spheres of different colors. These globes are 2-dlmen-
the corridor's end. (SHOW YOUR PLAYERS GRAPHIC 3%). The sional. of course, and their significance and pattern are
face has a huge 0 of a mouth; it is dead black. The whole described below. (AS SOON AS THE PARWARRIVES HERE SHOW
orea radiates evil and magic if detected for. The mouth THEM GRAPHIC #IO.) From north to south, with the west wall
opening is similar to a (fixed) sphere of annlhllation, but it is being the first column, and the east the second, the figures
about 3' in diameter - plenty of room for those who wish to and spheres appear as follows:
leap in and be completety and forever destroyed. GOLD held high above head' PALE BLUE at shoulder
(False door) SILVER at feet
7. THE FORSAKEN PRISON: This miserable cubicle appears to ORANGE held waist high (secret oneway door")
have absolutely no means of egress, and even a magical (False door) GREEN held high a m head
means of detection will not indicate any. There are 3 iron PURPLE at feet YELLOW at shoulder
levers (about l'long) onthesouthwallofthechamber.These BRONZE held waist high PINK held high above head
levers will move horizontally or vertically, singly or in GRAY at shoulder BLACK at feet"'
combination. Only the act of moving 011 3 togelher upwards (none) PALE WOLET at shoulder
or downwards will have any results. Moving them straight up BRIGHT BLUE at feet (none)
opens a smoll trapdoor in the center of the ceiling (IO WHITE held high above head RED held waist hlgh""
above). Pushingthem simultaneously down opens the entire TURQUOISE at shoulder BUFF at feet
Roortoa 100'deep pitwith noexit.Damagefromthefallis10 SCARLET held waist high (none)
100 (IO d10) hit points, and the floor will automatically return PALE GREEN at feet INDIGO held high above
to o closed position in 1 turn, thus seollng any inside the pit head
there until another victim triggers the drop away again.
an illusion covering a crawlway to 11.
Theceilingrouteisacr~spacesome3'square.Attheplace ** thls door can be opened by a knack, disintegrate,
it turns east there is a plug in the ceiling which can be rock to mud, or stone to flesh spell
detected only with magicalvisionmeans or If a character has **. an illusion covering a crawhvay to 14.
sense enough to test for secret doors by rapping.Secret door
'**' an illusion covering a crawhvay to 13.
detection will not be of avail here except as noted. Eventually
the small tunnel leads to a magical onewoy door which A. Magic Archway When the party examines thls arch give
opens in the pit side as shown, and players are back to them ILLUSTRATION #5, and inform them that the stones
square one . . . glow in these colors whenever any person comes within 3
8. GARGOYIE LAIR: When any door leading to thls room is of the portal: lower left. OLIVE; keystoneRUSSET: lower right,
opened, it frees a mutated 4-armed gargoyle from temporal CITRON. No matter which stones ore pressedInwhat order,
rtaslr. This monster is a huge (H.P.: 6 4 19 strength) the archway remains clouded and veiled with a haze
monstrosity that attacks 6 times/round as a 12 hn dice which nothing can enable the onlookers to see through.
creature inflicting damage as follows: 2-8 x 4/3-12/1-6, and if All living matter which goes through the arch will be
any 2 of the clawlng attacks (2-8 x 4) hR. the creature will do teleported to 3.. while non-living matter is teleported
an additional 7 hit points of rending damage to the simultaneously to 33.. i.e. characters stepping through will
opponent so struck. Around the creature's neck is a collar appear at the start totally nude, while evelything else with
studded with huge, gleaming gems (blue quartz stones of them will go to the ctypt of the demi-lich. (Cruel, but most
100 9.p. value each, 10 gems total). Hidden in a secret entertaining for the DM .. .)
compartment of the collar is a slip of parchment with the 11. THE THREE ARMED STATUE: When players find this smallish
following written on it In magical runes which require a read room they will immediatelyseewhat appears to be0 broken,
magic spell to understand: "Look low ond high for gold, 8' tall statue of a &armed gargoyle (GRAPHIC M I ) , with a
to hear a tale untold. The archway at the end, and on your broken off4th arm on the floor nearby. No amount offooling
way you'll wend." Beneath the runes Is the initial " A . (USE around with the broken arm will enable itto bereplaced, and
ILLUSTRATION #8 FOR THIS ENCOUNTER). the statue wlll do nothing at all meanwhile.A close look at Its
9. COMPLEX OF SECRET DOORS Each of these portals must be open and outstretched hands. however, will detect that a
opened by hand, and each requlres a different method of large gem (a 100 g,p. blue quam one Rts Perfectly)will fit in
opening. Meanwhile,each round that there are characters in a cawed depression in each ofthe 3 remaining hands, while
a shaded room, a number of bolts will be fired into the area the broken one has no such concavity. If 3 large gems Ofany
from hidden devices in the walls and ceilings. and 1 sort are placed within the hands, the StOney digits wlll Close
character, randomly determined, in each such area. will be and crush them to powder,dump the grains on the floor, and
hlt for I d points of damage unless he or she makes a saving return to their normal positions. If this Is repeated twice more,
throw versus magic. There is absolutelv no wayto prevent the and 9 gems are so crushed, a 10th (or more) will cause the
bons from being trlggered and from hifling. and armor and triggering of a maglc mouth spell to speak the following
spells will NOT have any effect either. Thevarious secret doors words:

Bob Walters (Order #12642680) 4

'YOUR SACRIFICE WAS NOT INVAIN. LOOK TO THE FOURTH people have rotting flesh, skeletal hands. worms eatlngthem,
TO FIND YOUR GAIN." etc. Yet there are also depicted various religious symbols of
good alignment, and a faint aura of good can be magically
As these words ore spoken. an Invisible gsm ot teeing will detected. What a puzzle! Could the demi-lich actually have
come into being in the palm of the broken off arm of the been of good alignment?There is a mosaic path leading to
statue. The gem must be found and the choracter so dolng the altar, and to either Side great wooden pews face the
will need to wipe it free of a magical substance before it can worship area. (All of these benches have hinged seats. The
be seen or used. Note that ifthe arm is carelessly moved, the back polr of pews have 4,000 s.p. each hidden therein, the
gem will fall off and roll away. Detect Invisibility or any other next pair have 3,000electrum pieces each, the next have
sort of searching except by careful feeling wlll be useless.
Describe the gem, once wiped clean and visible, as an oval
2,000g.p. each, and the front pair havegashaps a cloud -
of gas will fill the whole chapel in 2 rounds atter opening the
diamond. with two Rat and polished sides, very clear, and pew bottom, andallintheplacewilllose2-8pointsofstrength
obout one inch diameter by one-quarter inch thick. It will for48 hours!) A wooden railing divides theroom. and south of
operate only 12 time$,then shatter. it is the altar, a tiered dais with a wooden chair (nicelycONed
12. TRAPPED FALSE DOOR: At this location, as well as several and podded but unremarkable), 2 large brass candelabra
others throughout the Tomb, there are false doors which holding 5 white candles each, and in each comer a large
screen a spear trap. (When one of these doors is opened, white pottery urn stoppered with o brass and wood plug. A
hand the players ILLUSTRATION #12.) A spear will shoot out, human skeleton in black chain mail (badly NSted and tom)
and the door opener(s) or any others standing before it are points to orea B. (Now show your players ILLUSTRATION#14.)
subject to be struck. Determine at random, if need be. which A. Opalescent Blue Altar: This block of strange material
I choracter is the target, and that player must then make a glows with an inner light. (Avwfaint evil can be detected
saving throw versus magic to avoid taking 2-16 (2 d8) hit
2 in 6 per round of detection.) If the thing is touched by
points of damage. When the door is closed and reopened, living matter it will send a lightning boit 40' long and 8'
another spear will fire. wide shooting up the aisle - base 40 hit points of
13. CHAMBER OF THREE CHESTS When the party enters the damage, save versus magic reduces the hit points to 20.
crawlway hidden by the sphere illusion of a red calor, they After this bolt streaks forth. the altar turns a fiery bluered
will come to an apparent dead end, but a b t of examination and if it istouched byany objectitwillexplodedoing base
will easily discover (4 In 6) a secret door. The character 60 hit points of damage to all creatures within a 30' radius
opening the door will be precipitatedto the floor Io' below by (saving throw reduces damage by 50%).
o tilting stone at the mouth of the crawlway. and an 8. Archway of Glowing Orange: As already stated. the
automatic 1-6 hit points damage sustained (a mere skeleton on the floor of the chapel room is outstretched
annoyance, but it erodes the strength of the paw). At this and pointing to the orch. (ShowyourployersGRAPHICU5.
juncture show the players ILLUSTRATION #I3 (A). The large and explain that none of the Stones of the arch glow, but
chests are affixedfirmly to the fiooc the 1 st is of gold, the 2nd that the entranceway is filled with luminous orangevapors
of silver, the 3rd of oak bound with thick bronze bands. Each of an exciting hue.) These vivid orange mists cannot be
is about 4' long, 2'wige, and Yhigh. In these containers are: penetrated with any sort of vision or magic. The skeleton,
Oald (Plate only over iron) 12 large asps (H.P.: 9 each; of course, misleads the party, for any character passing
AC 6; attack as 3 hit dice monsters; cause 1 h.p. of through the portal will enter a IO' x IO' room where their
damage only when biting, but saves versus their sex and alignment are reversed by a terrible curse.
poison are at -2) will slither out and attack next (Although restoration of alignment and sex to original is
round. They are fast (12 move) and will continue difficult, the curse once reversed will not alter paladin-
biting until all are killed. (USE GRAPHIC #I3 (E).) hood, ranger stotus, etc.) Reentering the archway will
restore original alignment, but 1-6 hit points of damage
Silver: (Plate only over iron) holds a ring (pmtedon +4) in a will be sustoined in so dolng. Going bock a 3rd time will
cleor crystal box (worth 1,000g.p.). When this box is reverse sex again, but the individual will be teleported as
lifted from the supposed bottom of the chest, 8 dolts arch 10. A. does. Only a wish or altec realily spell will
will fire upwards, ond 1-2characters (moximum which restore both alignment and sex. However, if alignment is
can be in the line offire) will take 1-4hnseoch iftheyare restored by enterlng the orange portal. a remove curse
exposed to the path of these missiles. (Actually spell will then restore original sex. Prior to alignment
reochina in and removina the case is exDosure!l restoration,no spells other than the those stated will affect
Domag; is 1-6hit points pe;dart,with nosavingthrows. the cursed character.
C. Careful inspection here has a 4 in 6 chance of noticing a
W o o d When the lid is opened, an animated skeleton of a small slot with o letter 0 faintly traced above It. This is a
giant will be instantly teleported into the chest, and it moving stone block described below. It cannot be
will alwaysstrlkefirst.Thethingwields2(non-magical) magically detected, nor will it open by physical or
scimitars, and it attacks iwice/round for 2-12h.p. of magical means other than the method given in 15.
damage per hit. The skeleton has 32 h.p.. AC 2,and
ottocks as a 10 hit dice monster. All edged weapon 15. STONE GATEThisstoneisonly2'wide,4'hlgh,andIO'thickin
hits upon it cause only 1 h.p. of domoge, but blunt a wedge shape. It is impregnated wth strong antkmagics
ones score normal damage. Mogic does not affect which prevent its detectlon or removal or change to another
this monster. and it cannot be turned. Holy water will form or substonce. The slot (C. above) is of sufficientsize to
couse 1-4 h t points of damage. (USE GRAPHIC #I3 accept a coin or a Rat gem. It is also just right for insertlon of a
(D1.1 magic rlng, and only such an item will actually trigger the
mechanism which causes the block to slnk slow into the
14. CHAPEL OF ML By passing through the Illusionor/ black Roorsoastoallowentryintothepassage beyond.Thering(or
sphere the partywill havecrawledalongthesmolltunneluntil ony other object deposited into the slot) is forever lost. as the
reachingthe end, onlyto find it is solid stone. It requiresa 1 in 6 sinklng stone crushes all to pieces. The gOte opens easily
to find thesecret dooratthe passageend.nomatterwhatthe from the other (east) side. and no special item is requiredto
roce of the character examining the area, ond no form of trigger its opening from that side.
magic will detect it, save the gem of seeing. Once inside,
they will see what is obviously some form of temple orea. The conidor widens to IO' and turns southward where steps
There are scenes of normal life painted on the walls. but the lead down steeply to a conidor west. The Series of 3 doors in

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
the corridor are easily opened on any roll of 6 in 6.2 In 6 (1 or c o w , and upon a solid gold couch (50,000 g.p. value) a
2) indicating that the door opener falls through as the door lich-like figure with a crown on Its head will be s l w rising
opens so easily, plunging into the pit (see 3. above for pit (and throwlng up Its hands in apparent fear if the mace is
details). Of course, if the door Is not violently pushed against, being carried). A booming mice from the whale of the
it swings inward, and the partywill have standard chances of chamber will demand "WHO DARES TO DISTURB THE REST OF
falling in when the characters leading the woy step on the ACERERAK? IT ISVOUR DEATH WHICH YOU HAVE FOUND." (Mer
cover. By the time the 3rd door ond pit have been reached, this announcement you should show your players GRAPHIC
they will certainly expect the pIt. and will be likely to ignore it. #I&) The purported lich is actually 0 magically-prepared
This carelessness will prevent them from examining the pit zombie with spells upon him which give the following stots:
from within, as o wooden door pointed to look like stone will AC-4: move base 1 2 ; H.P.: 32; attacks I/round as a 6 hid dice
be ObSeNed 5 in 6.immediately felt if a tactile investigation monster for 2-10 h.p. damoge; and antiimogic chorms will
of the wolls ore made. It is most probable that the paw will absorb 12 levels of spells cast before anywill take effect (any
proceed to ore0 16. spell partially absorbed is spoiled). Between strikes the
16. LOCKED OAKEN DOOR: The gate Is heovlly bound with iron zombie will gesture mogicolly with its hands as if readying a
bands and there ore several locks apporent. If a character spell. If it is StNCk by the golden mace it will make o roaring
listens with an ear to the door, he or she will hear far-offmusic bellow (magic mouM spell), and the weapon will obviously
and happy singing. obviously coming from somewhere stagger it (roll dice and shake your head). The 3rd time it is
beyond. The door radlates a dim mogical aura. and no struck by the gold mace the zombie will instantlywitherand
forcing or knack spells will open it. A disintegrate speii, or disappear in a puff of dust. the mace will shatter. and at this
moment the room will start to shake and stones will begin to
physically chopping it to pieces, provide the only means to
come down from the ceiling. OBVIOUSLY THE PLACE IS
continue past it. Once the door is destroyed, sounds of
BEGINNING TO COLLAPSE, but take your time detailing the
confusion and running (away) con be heard from the north
-all music and singing has ceased. There is a faint glow rumblings, tremors, grinding noises, falling hunks of ceiling,
(torchlight?) northwards. The walls of the passage are of and so forth; and if players inquire they con seeajade coffer,
the deod monster's fallen crown, and a fine leather bag (a
smooth white alabaster, and the floor is o very smooth. highly
give-away-it isn't rotten) within easy reoch. All other items
polished smoke gray marble. The destruction of the door
are iron, locked. etc. NOW BEGIN COUNTING SLOWLY TO I O .
triggered an audible giamef spell to produce the noise
heord. The tunnel floor is a counterweighted beam. Its and it is odds on that therewill beastampedeupthestairsto
get away! A programmed Illusionfrom the pseudocrypt will
overbalancing point is the 3rd square from the door, and
when 1 or more charactersstep there the floor will begintotilt give the full effects of 0 cave-in,ond actual dust will billow up
downward from the door north. with the north end slowly the stairs. while bits of stone begin to fall in the eastwest
sinking. (AT THIS MOMENT SHOW YOUR PLAMRS GRAPHIC tunnel and then the north-south tunnel and stain reached
#I&) Quickly state the floor is beginning toslant asexplained fromthe plt.ifthepartyrunsout,askthem iftheythought itwas
above. Begin counting sioW (as per 2. above) to 5. All too hard a dungeon . . .
characters still north ofthedoolwayattheconclusionofthe5 The jade coffer is worth 5,000 9.p. and contains 6 W l i n g
count will fall and begin sliding downwards to the north at potions. The crown is begemmed and worth 25.000 g.p. The
1O/segment. When the 4 0 point is marked each will take 1-6 -smallsack holds 278 p.p., 29 base 10 g.p. gems. o scroil of 7
h.p. of heat damage, 2-12 h.p. ot 50, and thereafler they are magic-userspells (pretend to roll, butthey arealllst and 2nd
plunged into a pit of names and molten ICNOwhich will level). and a mop showing a location severoi hundred miles
absolutely snuff them out. Retreat from the area during the awoy which supposedly has a rich treasure (It is a fake,
count is at the I'll'' of base movement rote per count. naturally). Ifthis doesn't moke them suspicious enough to
toke another runthrough tocheckthingsout, putthemodule
17. MAGICAL SECRET DOORThisentrancetotheremalnderofthe owoy for use when you have a different group (or the Same
Tomb is along thestolmaywhichleadsdown. ltcan befound ones) inquiring about one of the key references in the
by any means. but nothing will enable it to be opened until Legend. Notethat something so simple os a commune spell
the area is eiiher viewed through a gem of seelng. a similar will reveal that the demkllch hos not been destroyed. In any
Spell is cast, or a detect magic spell is used to pinpoint the went, Acererokwill see to the righting ofthings eventually.The
rnogic aura. When the rnogic of the door is found, it will only treasure lefl in the pseudecrypt is the gold couch.
require o dispel maglc or remove curse spell to remove the
guard which prevents the door from being opened. Once
accomplished, the secret door con be opened easily from 19. LABORATORY AND MUMMY PREPARATION ROOM Although
either side. there is only 1 item of eventual use within this totally plainand
cluttered place, the volume of items within it is calculated to
18. FALSE CRVFT PROTECTED BY FEAR GAS: Before the party can waste timefartheplayers.Allofthewallsafeiinedwithshetves,
enter this area, they must descend the stairs and enter the and upon these ore old jars filled with dust and impotent
slightly cloudy west passage.The tunnel is fear gas filled, and ingredients of oll sorts. There is a large desk and stool. 2
unless charocters announce they are holding their breath workbenches. and 2 mummy preporotion tables. Cloy pots
before entering its 4 0 length, they will breothe in the gas- and urns on these tables and the Roor obviously once
save versus poison or run away at top speed for 2-8 turns. contained unguents, ointments. oils, perfumes. etc. Linen
Beyond the first IO'. the gas becomes thlcker, and it Irritates wrappings are in roils or strewn about. Driedherbs of unidentk
the eyes. so ii Is only 3 in 6 for any character to notice the fiablenature. bones,skullsondthelikelltterthework benches.
south door. Once the south door is opened, the gas In the south are 3 vats of about 7' diameter ond 4 depth
dissipates. which contain muw liquids. (SHOW THE PLAYERS GRAPHiC
The False Crvpt: The steps down to the chamber at the end #19.) The 1st holds 3' of dirty water. The 2nd contains 0 slow-
are filled with webs which can only be removed by magical acting acid which will cause 2-5 h.p. of damage the round
fire (burning hands, a flaming sword, etc.). Any character after it comes in substantial (immersed arm, splashed on,
trying to break through them will become hopelessly etc.) contact with flesh-minor contact will cause only a mild
entangled and can not getfree unless magically burnedfree itch; at the bottom of this vat is one-half of a golden key. The
or wished out. At the very foot of the staimay is 0 silver-inlaid 3rd vat contains a gray ochre jelly (H.P.: 48: 4-16 h.p. of
mace which will begin to glow with o bright golden light damage due to its huge size) with the other half of the gold
when it is picked up byonychoracter.Wheneverthisweapon key beneath it. Thevats are affixed to thefloorond too heovy
is swung at the pseudeiich.itwill hit.Thepseudmcryptis filled to move.The key parts are magical and will not be harmed by
with rotting ond decayed furnishings which were once most onyihing. and if the ports are joined together they form one
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
solid kw, hereal?- called the FIRST KEY. As the acid will harm Dice 4: H.P.: 2 0 Magic Resistance20%:High intelligence:and
even maglcal weapons, the playerswill have to figure some spell powers as follows: charm person (by song) at +2. all
way to neutralize or drain offthe contents ofthe 2nd vat, as a within 3", lmrlrlblliiy, suggestlon, polymorph sell - each
reachin-and-grope-for4 technlque has a 1% cumulathe usableonce perday.Anycreaturewhomthesirentouchesin
chance per round of belng successful. anger must save versus poison or become an idiot (2
intelligence) for 5-20 turns. She has the power to cure idiocy
20. HUGE PIT FILLED WITH 200 SPIKES (SHOW GRAPHIC #20.) Thls so caused (or that of the mists) by touch also. There are 2
1 0 deep, open pit completely fills the passageway and sacks with the siren, a large one, ond a small one, both of
extends soas to make jumping acrossittotally impossiblefor which will disappear ifshe is asked to accompany the pow.
most creatures. Ergo, the pit must be crossed by climbing If either is touched the siren and the other sack disappear.
down and walking across it, then climbing up the other side. These sacks are:
Simple! Wrong-any footstep upon the last 3' (east portion)
of the pit will cause a volley of spikes to be dischorged large Sack This bag contains 50 pieces each of copper,
upwards, ond each person in the pit or leaning over its edge silver. electrum,gold and platinum. It appearsto
will be StNCk by 2-5 spikes, each hlt causlng Id hit points of be a normal sack, but it radiates magic if R is
damage, no saving throw. Some magical means must be checked, for it is a small bag of holdlng (filled
used to get across, for new spikes will come up where the weight 5 pounds, 250 pound weight limit inside,
Ones which were discharged came horn. 30 cubic feet volume capacity).
21. THE AGITATED CHAMBER: The secret door to this place is a Small Sack l a determinethecontentsofthesmallsack roll o
normal sort, so it can be found without undue dficulty. It d10
appears to be filled with funerafy offerings and furniture. 1-2 fllled with wool
(SHOW GRAPHIC #21). There are 4 rotting sofas, several 34 5 pieces of jewelry
throne-like chairs, vases, and urns which ore dented, chipped 5 6 1-6 potions of exirehealing
and broken. stands, small tables, and broziers. all jumbled 7 1-6 scrolls
together. Only the rather plain tapestries hanging upon the 8 4-48 base 100 g.p. gems
east and west walls appear to have been spared a rough 9 bracers d defense, AC 6
looting. There are 6 locked trunks and 24 locked coffers 0 ring of feather falling
amidst the generol havoc. The heavy trunks are empty. but
It is not possibleto gain both the large and the small sacks. If
thesmall coffershold either1-3angryasps(H.P.:4each;AC6;
attack as 2 hit dice monsters; normal poison + 1h.p.damage a character or characters state they will grab them simul-
forthe bite) if 1-3 on d6 is rolled, 8-80p.p. if44 on 66 is rolled,or taneously. dice to see which is touched a haction of a
2-8 base 10 9.p. gems if 6 is rolled. The weight of the players second sooner. The other disappears - along with the siren
upon the bolanced floor will have set a mechanism into - forever.
motion, and each round they remain in the place a d6 must The siren will converse in a friendly fashion only, asking how
be rolled.Any add number resultingfrom a roll meons that on choracters are and if they find the going hard in the Tomb.
the next turn the floor of the room will jump and buck up and She will answer any direct questions with an evasive reply:
down violently. Each player must be rolled for, with a 2 in 6 "I cannot say." "That is unknown to me." "Possibly," etc. until
chance to fall and sustain 1 hit point of damage from she is heed. She knows nothing of the Tomb in any event.
abrasions and contuslons.
23. FALSEPRUE DOOR: When the porty reaches this point and
The tapestries. which appear to feature weedgrown rocks opens the door, it is probable that they will believe it to be
and green and golden tan scenes of undersea life. are nothing more than a false door, but the seemingly blankwall
specially antkmagic treated creations of green slime and of solid stone behind the false door hides a secret door. Note
brown mold. Ifthey are torn, they instantly turn into green that just beyond the secret door is a secret trap door in the
slime and cover each and every player choracterfcharacter corridor floor.This opens to a steep flight of narrow stairswhich
standing beforethem, i.e.each covers a 2 0 long by 1 0 deep spirol down to a 5 wide passagewaywhich emerges at area
are0 of floor when it falls. Covered characters are turned to 24.
green slime and gone, with no recourse possible due to the
amount of slime. Note that the tapestries can be handled A The most llkely place that will be found, however, is the
normally,justnotyonKedsoastotearthem (andthey arewell passage full ot sleep gas which is reached by the east
affixedat the top); however, if any character is holding one door. When the doors to the north (which open to the
when the room becomes agltated, it is 75%proboblethatthe sleep gas area) are opened, everyone inthat passagewill
jerking motion will tear the thing. If these hangings ore instantly collapse in slumber for 2-8 turns. Each turn of
subjected to burning they instantly turn to brown mold and slumber roll a 44, and ifa 4 results, a stone juggernaut
drain 4-32 (4d8) h.p. orheatfrom all characterswithin 5'ofthe (rather like a steam roller) comes out of the 20'x20' room
mold (and itgetsworsefromthere . . .).Notethesecretdoor to the north and rolls 1-6 spaces (1 0' - 60) south then west
behind the tapestry on the west wall. as determined by a roll of d6. Evetvthing it rolls over is
squashed to a pulp. There is no appeal. (if the party is in
22. THE CAVERN OF GOLD AND SILVER MISTS As a private joke. this way destroyed. show them GRAPHIC #23 )
Acererak has caused a beautiful and good aligned siren to 24. ADAMANTITE DOOR: Although it is marked secret, it is very
be placed into this cavern under an enchantment. She must evident: the marking is simply to make certain that its actual
be asked to came out to breakthe spell, and she can give no nature is known.It has permanent anti-magicson it,and there
clues os to the nature of her duronce. (DISPLAY GRAPHIC is no magical orphysicalwayofforcingentfy.Thereare3slots
#22.) in the door at about waist height. If 3 sword blades are shoved
The mists are sihefy and shot through with delicate streamers sirnultoneously into the slots, the I ' thick panel will swing
of golden color. Vision extends only 6'. There is a dim aura of open.THlS ISAONEWAYDOORWHICHCANNOTBEPRMNTED
good if detected for. Those who step into the mist must save FROM CLOSING IN 5 ROUNDS!
versus poison or become idiots until they can breath the 25. THE PILLARED THRONE ROOM: There are scores of massive
clean air above ground under the warm sun. At the center of columns in the hugechomber,ondeachofthese3'diameter
the cavem is a beoutiful grotto in which dwells the siren. pillars radiates magic when detected for. Any characterwho
If she is asked to come with the party, she will do so,stay with touches a pillar with or without intent will uncontrollablyfloat
them through the adventure. and thereafter be theirfriend for upwards (IevRaHon) until he or she bounces gently around
life. She has the fallowing statistics: AC 5 Move 12"//24"; Hit on the ceiling just as a child's helium balloon. To stop this
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
effect a dispel maglc or re- curse spell must be placed grow bright. A brass pull beckons to be used, and the dooi
upon each such individual.(Use GRAPHIC #25 to display this willopen easily. Insidethewesternroomthereisonlydust.The
110 square, 3 0 high room.) There seems to be a gentle eastern room is another matter:
breeze in the room, for any charocter floating amongst the If this door Is opened. the characters will see a low stone
many-hued columns will begin driffing northeastwards or table uponwhich rests a largewoodensarcophagus.Various
northwestwards (towards locations A or 6). From the entiy broken and looted chests, ums. and coffers are scattered
the observant character wlll be able to Observe part of the about. Inside the sarcophagus are the parts of a mummy
dais (D) or room 27. if a bullseye lanthorn is employed. (not an undead. exactly, for at this time it is the mummified
A. Devil Face (ILLUSTRATION #6.) About 24' above the floor remains of a human) with wrappings partially undone and
is o mosaic of a green devil which appears to beexactly tattered. and a huge amethyst just barelyvlsible between the
the same as that first encountered in the entrance hall to wrappings covering the head.This 5,000 g.p. gem has an evil
the Tomb. Any creature coming within 3'of its goping jaw magic placed upon it,and ifIt is removed from theeyesocket
will be sucked in ond instantly teleported to be "spot out" the remalns become a true mummywith the followingspecs:
nude from location 6.. while all non-livingmatter with the H.P.: 39; 2 attocks/round due to haste; 2-13 h.p. damage;
character goes to location 33. resist flre upon the wrappings make them impervious to
8. Devil Face: This is identicalto A. above, but it is tinged with normal flames, and the creature wears a ring of fire
a bluish color over the green and any character drawn resistance.
into this mouth opening is teleported into location 27A. 27. THE PORTAL OF SCINTILLATING VIOLET Thls appears to be
(4.4. another small IO' x IO' room much like the 2 numbered 26.
C. Charred Remains: Cinders, ashes, charred bones and When the door is touched a faint lilac color which glowed
skulls, the crisped and blackenedremalnsofclothlngand faintly from a distance wlll shine forth a bright and cor-
gear. arms and armor - a thoroughly awful and ruscating purple with tinges of sickly green. If the door is
frightening sight -encircle a huge, glowing orangegem. pulled open, the characterswillsee a bare chamber, with a
(DISPLAY ILLUSTRATION #25(C).) If evil/rnagic is/are small door before them on the north wall, and pairs of
detected for, the gem will send out pulses of wickedness swords crossed behind shields hung upon the walls. There
and a strong aura of dweomer - so strong that the are 3 such sets on each of the wolls to either hand, and 2
sets on the north wall, Iflankingeach side of the door. Ifthe
detecting character will get the vague feeling that the
magic is wish connected. The gem is a cursed wish threshold Is crossed by any creature, 1 set will ny off the wall
magic item, and no matter what is desired by the and attack the IndNidUOl so doing. The 2 swords will both
charocter daring to touch it and wish, a reverse or attack at the beginning and the end of each round, striking
pelversion will bring doom to that character and all as if they were wielded by a 1st level fighter, but being +I on
named in the wish. Immediatelyafter causing theevil wish both "to hit" ond damage. This trio will so attack until theyare
to transpire, the gem begins to pulse with reddish lights, destroyed or the one who violated thelr area is dead. Each
growing progressively stronger, brighter and hotter. Count item is AC 3 ond requires 11 h.p. of damageto destroy: all hits
to 10 os usual. The stone then explodes, absolutely killing will be taken by the shield first, as it atways interposes itself.
any charocter within a 15' radius with a wave of searing (SHOW GRAPHIC #27.) Sufviving weopons and shields return
radiations and flomes. The gem remains os a noisome to their former positions afterthe offender is hackedto pieces.
moss of stinking purplish mold which bubbles and The following spells will affect these items, and only the
chuckles. In 1 week the mass will reform as a glowing following spells: repulsion sends all 3 back to their original
orangegem . . . position; heat metal (or a rodof cancellation) will cause 1to
fall to pieces; transmute metal to wood will cause 2 to foll to
D. Ebony Dall and Slhrer Throne: (USE GRAPHIC #25.(D).) the ground as motionless hunks of timber; dlslntegrate will
Contrasting with the pastel colors of the floor and pillarsof destroy any and all of a set; enchant weapon will couse o
the hall is the stark blackness ofthe huge dais atop which sword to become a plain iron weapon. Worse still, if the
rests an obsidian throne inlaid with silver and ivory skulls. threshold is crossed 0 2nd time, still another poir of blades
Upon the throne rest o crown and a scepter, both ofwhich and o shield will attack, and each set will attack at 1 level
will give off an aura of magic. The uawn of gold negates better than the last set (Znd, 3rd. 4th. etc., all the way to 8th),
the pillars' levitationeffects and enables the wearer to see eachwill hove 1 greaterplus(theIstare+I,the2nd+2,etc.all
within the hall as if he or she were in normal daylight, but the way to +8 for the 8th set), each set is 1 armor class better
outside this place the wearer is blind! Furthermore, the (set 2 is AC 2, set 3 Is AC 1,set 4 is AC 0, etc.. all the way to the
wearer knows that the crown can be removed only by 8thwhich isAC4),andeochsetisI hitpointhardertodestroy
touching the scepter to its top. The scepter is of electrum, (theZndhos12h.p.each,the3rdhas13h.p.each,etc.,allthe
with a gold ballatoneendandasilverknobattheother.If way to the 8th which has 18 ha points per item).Only mer oll
the silver end is touched to the crown, the weorer is sets are destroyed is it possible to enter the room.
instontly snuffed out, turning t o ' a fetid powder which
cannot be brought back to life no motter what (wishes A. The Chamber of Hopelessness: Any creature unfortunate
notwlthstanding). If the golden knob is used upon the
enough to be teleported here from area 25.6. is doomed.
crown, the wearer can lift it from his or her heod. Examina- for their fate is clearty stated in glowlng letters magicalty
tion of the throne will reveal a small replica of the crown written on the north wall of the place:
inloid in silver upon the lower front panel oftheseat. If the
sitver end of the scepter is applied to this inlay.the throne "YOU WHO DARED TO VIOLATE MY TOMB NOW PAY THE
sinks and reveals a 5' wide passageway. PRICE. STAY HERE AND DIE SLOWLY OF STARVATION. OR
Each of these Items is obviously valuoble (25,000 g.p. for
the crown, 12.500g.p.forthescepter).but both arecursed. CHOOSE, KNOW THAT I, ACERERAK THE ETERNAL. WATCH
and ifthey are removed from the Tomb the possessor of AND SCOFFATYOUR PUNYEFFORTSAND ENJOY YOURDEATH
either will be visited by a demon (type I) sent to reclolm THROES "
theitem and return ittothethroneroom-2suchdemons
if a single character hos both. A small fountainof water spills Into a woll basin and drains
away through side holes, so there Is atways plenlyto dnnk
26. SMALL ROOM WITH A DOOR OF ELECTRIC BLUE The dwi (It is impossible to flood the place. for there are hundreds
actually shimmers with a faint blue lightwhenobserved horn 01 small droin holes in the walls and floor) (DISPLAY
within 1 0 or so. When the door is touched, thls gleaming ILLUSTRATION s27(A) ) There are numerous skeletons here,
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
rotting equipment, and 30300 each ofs.p., e.p., g.p., and poison gas which iS absolutelyfdai,and 011charocters in the
P.P. hurledabout.CNshedgemsandbrokenmagicitems foyer area are dead. with no soving throw, while any in the 5
are littered about - the work of insane victims and possage to the area of the throne will be slain unless they
attacking swords. (Careful searching will find 2-20 save versus poison at -4.
UnCNShedgems of 10g.p. basevaiue, 1 unused potion of
dirnlnuation, and a +Rail.)I If the door to the south is 30. THE FALSE TREASURE ROOM: This imposing chamber hos o
opened from this side, all oftheswordsandshieidsswoop siivered ceiling, iuStasthefoyerhas,soitisbright.Thewollsare
from the walls to attack, but they will cease as soon os the of ivory with gold inlaid. The floor is polished (but common)
agate. in each corner hulks a 9'tall statue of black iron. Thot
chorocter(s) retreats into the chamber to the north.
to the northeast stands with a saw-toothed hvo-handed
28. THE WONDROUS FOYER The narrow passage behind the sword raised to strike; that to the northwest o huge, spike-
throne leads to a landing and steps which funnel out to the ended mace; to the southeast the sculpture reodies o
south as they ascend. The 4 steps are made of onyx. pink wickedly spiked morning stor. and the one in the southwest
marble. lapis, black marble. serpentine (golden) and has a vouige. Each has a mogicai ouro, but they are merely
malachite.The walls ofthechamberarecopper(untarnished hunks of metal: they do nothing. Each has on evil aura os well,
and gleaming) paneis set between rare woods inlaid with and the visage of each oftheseiron statues is mostfeorsome
ivory. The ceiling is Silver. formed so as to reflect and multiply and terrifying. The room itself is lined with lead and hos onti-
llght withln the place. (USE GRAPHIC H E . ) Uponthe4th step is magical properties. so no speliswiliworkwithintheroom,ond
a large. cylindrical key of bronze (the SECOND KEY) for all to no mogicol properties of items of any sort will properly
behold. It has an antipathy spell cast upon it, and any function except to detect auras such os magic or evil.
creature touching it must saveversus mogic at-2 (due to the (DISPLAY GRAPHIC #30.)
strength of the dweomer). Those who fail the throw will never
A. Bronze Urn: This gold filigreedcontainer is very large. and o
touch the key or allow it within 2' of their person under any
circumstances. At the head of the steps are a pair of huge thin stream of smoke issues from a tiny vent in its brass
stopperwhich issealedshutwithgoldfili.Thisgoldmust be
doors, and the key found upon the stair appears to fit these
pried out to open the urn. Ifthe stopper isvemoved, on
efreet will come forth. if the urn has been bottered,
29. THE VALVES OF MiTHRIL These doors are 14' wide and 28'tall. knocked about, shaken. overturned, etc.. the creature will
They are made of solid rnithril. 3' thick, and impregnatedwith be in a fury and attack. Otherwise. it will perform 3 services
great magicks in order to make them absolutely spell and for the pariy and then depart.
magic proof. Where thesevaives meet, at about waist height,
is a cuplike depression. a hemispherical concoviiy, with a El. OrankSarcophagus:The huge outer shell has theglyphs
central hole. The latter appears to be the keyhole for the spelling ACERERAK on the lid in platinum (insets equal to
SECOND KEY, but if this is inserted,the character so doing will 100coinswhichcan bepriedout).Thefarendofthething
is stove in and shattered. inside can be seen bits of a
receive 1-10 points of electrical damage, while the FIRST KEY
wooden inner sheii. a few bones, destroyed jewelry
will cause double that amount of damage to any so foolish
(stones pried out), tom bits of robes and windings. dust,
as to insert it! The real key to these great gates is the scepter and a broken staff of the magi (evident from the runes
from 25.D. Ifthe gold ball is inserted into the depression. the
mithrii valves will swing silently open. if the silver sphere is upon it). A shattered skull will roil out if the contents ore
poked around. (Why, the demi-lich has long been
touched to the hemispherical cup the holder of the
instrument will be teleported instantly to be spot out of the destroyed. but his mogicol traps somehow SUNiVed!)
devil's mouth at 6.. nude, while ail nornliiing materials with C. lmn Chest%Each of these massive iron boxes is set into
him or her go to area 33.. and the crown and scepter Rash the stone and has triple locks setwith poison needletraps.
back to the throne. if the door is attacked by force t will not Neither can possibiv be moved, and both show marks of
budge, but if it is scratchedor nicked it wiii show red and if cut prying, battering, etc.Theeastern chest holds 10.000gems
by a sharp weapon it will begin to gush forth blood - the which will appear to be of not less than base 50 g,p.value
blood of all those who have died within the area oftheTomb! each, no matter howtheyaretestedinthedungeon.Each
The r e d Row will cascade down the steps and 611 the area to is actually a 1 g.p. quartz gem. The other contains 10,000
the top of the 1st step in 4 rounds, and each roundthereafter it copper pieces magickedtoappear as platinumuntilthey
will rise higher by 1 step. In 20 rounds it will completelyfilithe are removed to a distance of 13 miles from the Tomb,
foyer to the ceiling. when their true nature becomes evident.
A cure crtllcal wounds applied to the valve will staunch the D. Itwiiirequire3personsof14orbetterstrengthtomoveany
flow of blood, as will o heal, 2 cure serious wounds, or 4 cure of the iron statues. This one hides a ring pullwhich will raise
llghtwounds spells. If magic is used against the blood, only a small plug of stone andenabiethepariytoenterasmall
the following spells will have any effect: chute which tokes them 1 0 down to the corridor to the
Spell Results
cone of cold freezes blood and flow for 3 rounds 31. The2 onswaydoorsto the northareactuailyaformofphase
create water turns blood to normal water doorwhich enable characters approachingfromthe north to
disintegrate destroys a11 blood go through corrldors which are not actuoih/ existing in the
ievitclte coogulates the blood and moves it normal world. No amount of trying can make it possible to
upwards to become a huge red ochre find these passages from the south - be it pasmall,wish, or
ielly whatever. Opening ether of these doors. or the one to the
polymorph creates 312 wights which attack east from the far side, causes a covered pit to come into
PUWwater turns ail blood to a gas which phase in the area it is shown. This pit is othemise exactly the
weakens ai1 In the area to 3 strength for same as others in the place.
1 doy 32. SECRET DOOR The portal cannot be detected by any magic
raise dead/ either spell destroys the blood and will means. but carefulinspectionwill discover that thewaliotthis
resunecfion bring a shade to stand on the top stair location has a smaii opening that is metablined- obviously
and bless ail the poriy SO that they a keyhole! Any attempt to force the door open by physicalor
regain up to 10 lost hit points each magicalmeans will be useless. lfthe FIRST (gold keyfrom 19.)
and are completely refreshed KEY is inserted. the door will sink into the Roor, a stone
Fire of any sort, magical or othemise. turns the blood to a sheathed adamantie Slab of tremendous thickness. There
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
can be no real doubt that the end of the adventure one - g.p.). The demi-lich can tell which member of the pow is the
way or another - is near. most powerful. ond il will usually select a magic-user aver o
33. THE CRYFT OF ACERERAK THE DEMI-LICH:The smallish 1O'x 20' fighter, fighter Over a Cleric. a cleric over a thief.The soul ofthe
burial vault has an arched ceiling with a 25' peak. There is strongest will be drown instontly horn his or her body and
absolutely nothing in the room, olthough there is a small troppedwithintherighteyejewel.andthegemeyewillgleam
depression a few inches deep and about 2' square In the wlth wickedly evil lights as the charactel's body collopses in
center of the floor. Careful inspection will discover a smoll a moss of conuption ond moulders in o single round - totally
hole in the mlddle of this depression onother keyhole! lfthe gone.The skull will then sink down agoin. soted. IfIt is struckor
touched a second time. it will agoin rise ond drain the soul
FIRST KEY is inserted herein, the IndMdual doing so is blown
upwards bytheforceoftheresultingexploslonofthekey,and of the next strongest character into its other eye. This process
5-30 (5 d6) h.p. ofdomogewillbesustainedbythatlndhridual repeats through 011 6 of the dlamond teeth. and if the skull is
only. The SECOND KEY (from 28.) will fit within the hole ond still intoct and still molested. it will pronounce o curse upon
nothing untowardwlll occur. In foct. nothingwhatsoever will the remaining characters which will teleport them randomly
happen until it is turned 3 times to the right in succession. In a 100600 mile roaius. each cursea to some fate similar to
Immediatelywhen this is done o trembllngwill befelt.and the a) always be hit by ony opponent attacking or b) never
center of the south 15 feet of the crypt floor will peok. (AT THIS making a saving throw or c) olways losingall treosurewithout
MOMENT BEGIN A COUNT TO 5. ANY CHARACTER UPON THE goining any experience hom it.The latter pari of the curse con
SOUTH 15'OFTHEFLOORATTHEENDOFTHECOUNTHASRlSEN be removed M/ a remave curse spell, out the charisma of the
UPWARDSWITH THE ASCENDINGVAULT AND HAS BEEN SQUASHED choracter so treatea will drop 2 points immediotelythereofter
TO JELLY AGAINST THE ARCHED ROOF!) The south 15' of the and remain there permanently (unless some magicalmeans
crypt now is filled with a mithril vault. There is a door in the ot increosing it is found).
center of the device, with an inset ring. A hard pull will swing The demi-lich's skull can be harmed only as follows
open 0 thick door. (DISPLAY GRAPHIC #33.) Inside are the - atorgetspellwill forcetheskulltosinkdownwithouttaking
following: away a soul
- all items ham choracters teleported nude - each shatter spell thrown at It Inflicts 10 h.p. ot damage
- 97 base 10 g.p. gems and 3 huge gems (a 10,MM g.p. - a power word, kill pronounced horn an ashol orethereal
peridot. a 50.000 g.p. emerald, and a 100,000 g.p. block magic-user will aestroy it.
opal) - onlyofighterwithavofpalblade,arangerwlthaswordof
- 12 potions and 6 scrolls (determined randomly) sharpness, +5, or vorpal weapon. or a poladin with the
- 1 ring, 1 rod, 1 staff, and 3 miscellaneaus magic items like or even a +4 weapon can inflict damoge upon the
- o +4 sword ot defendlng and 2 cursed words and 1 skull
cursed spear of backbiting - an exmlse spell will cause it to sink as a kwgd does
The demi-lich Acererak also lingers In the crvpt . . , - 0 dispel evil spell inflicts5 h.p. of damage
- a holy word pronounced against It will inflict 20 h.p. 01
T h e Deml-Uch Ages past, a human maglc-user/cleric of domage
surpassing evil took the steps necessary to preselve his life - a thief slingingoneofthelargegemsfoundinthecryptmil
force beyond the centuries he had alreody lived, ond this inflict 1 h.p. of damage per 10.000g.p.otvalue.i.e.1.5,or
creature became the lich. Acererak. Over the scores of years 10 h.p. damage, but the gem is thereby shattered and
which followed, the lich dwelled with hordes of ghastly even misses must be saved for versus a crushing blow or
sewants in the gloomy stone halls of the very hill where the the gem is Shattered from hming a crypt wall.
Tomb is. Eventually even the undead lie force of Acererak
began to wane, so for the next 8 decades,the lich's sewants Acererok's skull takes 50 hit points beforeIt is destroyed. and it
labored to create the Tomb of Horrors. Then Acererok Is AC -6. Ifthe skull is destroyed. each gem trapping a soul
destroyed all of his slaves and sewiton. magically hid the must make a saving throw versus magic as if It were the
entranceto his halls, and went to his final haunt,while hissoul character trapped within. Those lailing their s m contain no
roamed strange planes unknown to even the wisest ofsages. lite force - the aemi-llch droined the soul ond devoured if
Joining the halves of the FIRST KEY colls his soul back to the before being destroyed. Those which succeed still contoin
Prime Materio! Plone, and use of the SECOND KEY alerts the the charactel's soul. and this is evidenced by a faint inner
now demi-lichthot he must be prepared to do bottle in order light (and vislble as a tiny figure within the gem it viewed with
to suwive yet more centuries. true seeing, true slgW or a gem of seeing.) The soul con oe
freed by crushing the gem. out some material body must ae
All that now remains of Acererak ore the dust of his bones and ready within 10' distance to receive it - a clone, o
his skull resting in the far recesses of the vault. This bit Is simulocrum. o souless body of some sort.
enough! If the treasure in the crypt Is touched, the dust swirls
into the air and forms a man-like shape. If this shape is DESTRUCTION OF THE DEMI-LICHEARNS A SUGGESTED 1W.OOO
ignored, it will dissipate in 3 rounds, for it can only advonce EXPERIENCE POINTS.THIS CONSIDERS ALL ACTIONS WITHIN IHE
and threaten, not horm.Anyphysicalattockwillgiveit1 factor TOMB OF HORRORS TO GAIN IHE CRYPT. TREASURE TAKEN OUT
of energy, however, ondspellattacksgive it 1 energyfoctorfor SHOULD ADD AN ADDITIONAL 1 EXPERIENCE POINT FOR M R V
evew level of the swll used. i.e. a 3rd level bestows 3 2 G.P. OF VALUE.
energy factors. Each factor Is equal to 0 hit point. and I 5 0 Thisends theexpeditiontoTheTombofHomm.Wehopeyou
energy foctors are gained, the dust will form into o ghost (see and your playerswillhave found it exciting. challenging,and
controlled by Acererok, and this thingwillattackimmedlatetv.
(The dust will waver and fall bock If ltis struck oy blow or swil.
as if suffering octual damoge. so tormatlon of the ghost SI not
too Improboble.)
Ifany chorocter is so foolishas to touch the skull of the demC
lich. a terrible thing occurs. (USE ILLUSTRATION33(A).) Theskull
of Acererak rises into the air upon the touch. and it slow
scans the POW. There are 2 jewels set into the eyesockets
(50.000 g.p. rubies) ond there are 6 pointed (marquk cut)
diomonds set as teeth In the jaw (each diamond worth 5.000
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Class and Level
NO. Race Cl. U. M-U Th. sir. I W D C Cha.
I. H 14 I1 18 10 17 15 12
2 H 14 16 12 18 16 16 Id
3. H 12(P) 17 14 15 18 16 17
4. H 130) 16 15 14 17 18 16
5. E 5 I1 17 18 12 15 15 I4
6. D 9 18/91 9 11 17 18 I1
7. I1 10 11 12 18 16 12
-. D
- 7 8 16 12
.- 9 17
.. 18
.- -

9. H 9 17 10 17 15 15 13
10. HE 5 7U) 6 18/62 15 17 16 16 12
11. E 7 9 I1 16 10 18 15 16
12. H 9 8 17 9 17 16 10
13 H 8 15 12 13 I8 I8 10
14. H 8 12 14 16 17 15 18
15. %E 5 6 13 8 13 17 16 I1
16. H 6 12 13 18 17 16 15
17. H 14 10 10 15 15 17
18. G 4 5(i) 9 18 9 18 16 7
19. H 6 18/00 I1 10 12 14 13
20. Hg 4 5 10 10 8 17 16 I1
CIoss: (i) = ILLUSIONIST: (p) = PALADIN (r) = RANGER


Character Character
Number Items Number Items

I. dlrplaMn cloak, +I ring of pmtecnon, +2 dagger, 13. +I splint mail, +I shleld, +3 spear, potion of
wand of magic mlsslles pobmorph
2. +3 plote mail, +3 shield, +3mace 14. +I plate mail, +I shield, stafl of striking. dust of
3. +I plate mail, +2 shield, +I flaming sword,ring of appearance
Rre resistance 15. cbakofprOtOCtion+1.+3swOrd.+I dagger,potion
4. +2 splint moil, +2 shield, magic bow, 10 +I magic of heallng
a m s , +I sword 16. +I scole mall, +I shield, cloak and boots of e k n -
5. +I chain mail, +3shield, +2 short sword, scroll of kind, +I mace
4 spells (burning hands, dirlntegrate, dispel 17. +I chainmoii,ringofpmtacnon+I,crossbowand
magic, levitale) 12 +2 bolts, potion of healing
6. +I ring mail, +3shield, gauntlett of ogre paver, 18. bKIcertofprate&m1AC4, boohofmfdlngand
+2 hammer springing, +1 oxe. +I dagger
7. +I leather armor, +I ring of protcctlon.+I dagger, 19. +I plate mail, +I shield. 2 jcmlins of iighining.
boottofSp.3ed +I hommer, potion of Wng
8. cloak of proteelion +3, ring of Invlsiblllty,+I short 20. robe of Mendlng. +I ring of prohctian. sllng of
sword. +I dagger, bag of holding (lorgest) seeking. +I short word
9. +I plate moil, +I shield, stafl of mfklng, scroll of
2 spells (cure crltfwl wounds, resurrection) Ployers must rollfor their own hit points, decide upan what spells
10. +2 choln moil, +I shield, ievltatlon boots, +I mace they wlll toke, and list oll equipment and other weapons they are
taking. As these are all substantial characters, it is safe to assume
11. bracers of defense AC 5, wand of ilghtnlng, they could have any items listed as normol~ being for sale, but
+2 dagger do not ollow anytoover-encumberthemsehs.Theycantokeup
12. +4 ring of prohction, wand of magic ddecllan, to 1,000 in coins of any type. and 5.000 9.p. in gems of any base
rape of climbing volue. each If desired.
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
ASSIGNING CHARACTERS TO PLAYERS Skill L.wi and Magic Item Ifyour players are not expects. it is
suggested that YOU allow them each on addnional potion (but
N u m b c4 S u g g n h d Cha& Midurn for 8.rt h u h you should exclude glant strengih and oil ol ethmalnsu) and
F'tayen Optionl option I1 Option 111 possibly a cleric scroll of 3 or 4 spells. It the pafly is relatively small
and of lesser lwels. plck one or more items of magic hom those
2 1/2/3/8 1 I2i5110 1/2/8/9/17/20 shown on the table above and distribute them omongst the
3 1/2/3/15/18/20 1/2/4/5/9/16 5 IhN 13 chorocters odvenfuring. IIyour players are few, their skill level is
5/10/11/12/17 1/2/6/8/13/14 thN 2o near novice, and you do not believe that they will be able to
/18/19/20 /18/20 handle multiple choracters, add the magic items as suggested
and then up each 1 lwei of experlence horn tnat shown on the
raster. Do the same lor total novices. and allow them a mon-at-
arms each as torch bearer ond pack comer.
NOTE Your players are hee. of course, to take in their own
choracters should you decide to incorporate the TOMB OF
HORRORS into your own campaign. but they should be of
wuivalent strength in terms 01 levels and magic iierns mailable
9 4thN12 1 thru 9 5 IhN 13 to those given obove. Ittheyareconsiderablyweaker,youshould
conslael 1) delaying use of this module until your players hove
10 5 IhN I4 1 mru 1 0 10thw 19 obtoined odditlonal levels andlor magic items. or 2) offering
Number ol Characters pcr PI-: It is diicult for the best of "ossistonce" hom some non-player source. say o local baron
players to handle 3 characters, especioliy when these are not who'o like to build a Summer castle on the spot ofthe TOMB and
sends your players to "clean up" the afeo.Other similar iaeos will
their own characters which they hove grown familiar with overthe
readily suggest themselves with a link careful thought. out care
course of many adventures. It is recommendedthat each ployer
should oe token to mesh the scenario with ore-existing
control no more than 2 characters, and if there are 6 or more
conditions in your compoign.
pioyers, each should hove but a single character.

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)

by Gary Gygax
ooklet is specially designed for use with the module. It contains 32 illustmtions showing wrious features of
iould be used by Dungeon Masters to show appropriate views to the players as they adventure. Each illustra-
aoklet carries a number which corresponds to the rooms ond locations on the master map (note that not all
swn and that some appear more than once). The descriptive copy within the other booklet indicates when a p
tions should be shown. The illustration on this page carries no number and can be shown as the adventure
the players begin their search for the entrance.
fill be noted, has an additional cross-fold. This allows the Dungeon Master to fold the booklet horizontally as
y along the binding, and in this manner reveal to the viewing players only o single illusfration o f the a p
re DM can place his finger or thumb over the number appearing on each picture to avoid giving any clues as
or location to the viewing players.
the w t r a d e In theUnlted%tesby RandarnHape,inc. and in Conoda WRandOm House dCanado,M.

TSR Games
Po6 756

PRINTED IN U.S.A. 0 1978, Tu( G a m a

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)

Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)
Bob Walters (Order #12642680)

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