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Empowerment Technology Q1 - Module2 - For Upload

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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Contextualized Online
Search and Research Skills
and Developing ICT Content
for Specific Purposes
Compiler/Contextualizer: Wilfredo R. Tura Jr.
Quarter 1 - Module 2, Week 2 Contextualized Online Search
and Research Skills and Developing ICT Content for Specific

Content Standard : The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. ICT in the context of global communication
for specific professional track.
2. The use of advanced tools and techniques
found in common productivity and software
applications in developing ICT
content for specific professional tracks.
Performance Standard : The learners shall be able to:
1. independently compose an insightful
reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the
context of their lives, society, and
professional tracks (Arts, Tech Voc,
Sports, Academic).
2. Independently apply advanced productivity
tools to create or develop ICT content for
use in specific professional tracks.
Competencies :
1. Use the internet as a tool for credible
research and information gathering to best
achieve specific class objectives or address
situational challenges.
2. Uses common productivity tools
effectively by maximizing advanced
application techniques.
Learning Objectives :
1. Use search engines efficiently and properly to
give useful results for your academic and
chosen career.
2. Use some advanced capabilities of Microsoft
Word and Excel commonly used to increase
productivity and efficiency.
3. Create form letters, labels, envelopes, and
media-rich documents for specific purposes.

What I Know

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What feature of Microsoft Word allows you to efficiently create

documents that have the same general content but may have different
recipients or purpose?
A. mail merge C. send merge
B. print merge D. view merge
2. Which of the following is not a component of the mail merge?
A. address C. file name
B. data file D. form document
3. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?
A. file tab C. mailings tab
B. home tab D. references tab
4. What types of documents can you create using mail merge?
A. envelopes C. letters
B. labels D. posters
5. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even
before you print or send it out?

A. address block C. insert merge field B. field

greeting line D. preview results
6. What program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be

used to analyze statistical data?

A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft Publisher B.
Microsoft One Note D. Microsoft Word
7. Which of the following number formats puts a dollar symbol before
each value by default?
A. accounting C. date/time
B. comma D. percent
8. What function adds a range of cells?
9. Which tab in the Format Cells dialog box where you can change
the orientation of a text.?
A. alignment C. orientation
B. file D. view
10. What function that gets the average of a range of cells?

Lesson Contextualized Online Search and
1 Research Skills

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you will be a better user of search engines
through guided search techniques. These will give efficient results from the
most credible source of information that are useful for your academic and
chosen career.
If you feel you are lost, then just go over the pages where you still
want to master. Enjoy learning the lesson.

What’s In

Most teenagers like you, spend time online therefore, it is very

important to consider what type of information you are to share because
internet is a public place. What tips you can give to online users for them to
be safe and protected? What do you mean by “think before you click”?

What’s New

Are you a smarter user of search engines such as Google and Yahoo?
Do you always rely on the first search results online? Have you ever
searched the internet for certain information where the search engine
returned a different result? For example, if you were to search for “The
Madonna” as the representation of Mary in the form of an art, you would
probably use the keyword “Madonna” to search for it on the net. But if you
use that same keyword nowadays, you are more likely to stumble upon
“Madonna”, the music artist instead. And if you used “The Madonna” to
search for “The Madonna” in the first place, you will be directed in the right

What is It

Online Research

The information that we need is more likely already in the internet.

It is just a matter of how to look for it and how to use information from the
most credible source.

Tips in Conducting Online Research

1. Have a question in mind. Focus on a question you want answered.

2. Narrow it down. Search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo use
several filters to determine the most appropriate result for you. These
search engines use your previous search history and geographical
location then, send you the result which is the most related to you.
For example, if you were to look for Tom Sawyer, the animation series,
you would better use the keywords “Tom Sawyer animation” rather
than just “Tom Sawyer”.
3. Advanced Search. This is the best way to filter information you get
from search engines allowing you to filter out information you do not
In Google,
simply search
a word like
you would
normally do,
then click the
search option
on the setting
options button located at the upper right corner of the page.
Once you are done you can now filter your search results.
4. Look for a credible source. Credible sources maybe scientific journals,
established news and magazine websites, online encyclopedias, and
scholarly databases.
5. Give credit. If you are going to use the information from a source for
educational purposes, give credit to the original author of the page or
Lapiz, Adrian Harold L. “Oleander’s Fun Facts about Bananas”.
Viewed on September 7, 2015.

What’s More

True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is not.
Place the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Search engines use your previous search history and geographical

location then, send the result which is the most related to you.
2. The best way to filter information from search engines is by default.
3. Internet has all the information we need. We just must look and use
information from the most credible source.
4. Wikis are credible source of information even if anyone can edit its
5. Give credit to the original author of the information if you are going to
use it for educational purposes.

What I Have Learned

Elaborate or expound the statement in a paragraph form with a

maximum of 5 sentences and write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

I have learned that when researching online, I have to remember to


Advanced Word Processing Skills

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will explore some features of Microsoft Word

necessary for mail merge and label generation and integrating images and
external materials to your document. It is designed for you to create form
letters or documents to various recipients, labels and envelopes for
distribution and media-rich documents for printing or publishing.

What’s In

What are the things to consider in conducting online research?

What’s New

Read the following scenarios and describe briefly what is being asked.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Scenario 1:
You were tasked to create and send out formal invitations for the 18th
birthday party of your younger sister. You were also initially given a list of
twenty names of her close friends to send to.

Task: Describe briefly how you would most likely complete the task of
sending twenty invitations with individual names of recipients using
Microsoft Word.

Scenario 2:
You are making a report on the effects of COVID-19 on person’s
mental health. To make your report more appealing, you thought of putting

a picture of the disease into your report. You also considered presenting
graphical data on the trends of COVID-19 cases in Cebu City.

Task: Describe briefly how you can insert pictures or images in a Word

What is It

In the professional world, sending out information to convey

important information is vital. Because of ICT, things are now sent much
faster than the traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now use the
internet to send out information you need to share much faster.

Mail Merge and Label Generation

Mail Merge is one of the most powerful and commonly used features
of Microsoft Word. It allows you to create documents and merge them with
another document. It is commonly used when sending out advertising
materials to various recipients.

Two components of Mail Merge

1. Form Document is the first component of our mail merged document
that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or
• Place holders are data fields or merge fields which marks the
position on your form document where individual data or
information will be inserted and are denoted by the text with
double-headed arrows (<< >>) on each side.

2. List or Data File. This is where the individual information or data that
needs to be plugged in (merged) to the form document is placed and

Label Generation
Label Generator is a mail merge feature included on Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word will print individual addresses to a standard form that it has
already pre-formatted. It creates a blank form document that simulates
either a blank label or envelope of pre-defined size and will use the data file
that you selected to print the individual addresses.

Steps in Creating a Simple Mail Merge:
1. Open Microsoft Word and start a new
blank document. You can use the
keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ N after
Microsoft Word has been loaded or
2. On the Mailings tab, from the Start Mail
Merge group, choose Start Mail Merge →
Letters. Type the letter below. You’ll be
typing in only the common parts of the
letter. The text does not change for each
copy you print.

3. Save your letter and name it “Sample Letter”.

4. Insert the fields you need in the letter (Name, Company, Address Line
1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, and the Title.)

5. Save the main document once more.

6. On the Mailings tab in the Start Mail
Merge group, choose Select
Recipients then, Type a New List.

7. Click the customize Columns button

on the dialog box for the New
Address List.

8. Select a field that you do not need then
click the Delete button. A confirmation
dialog box appears.
9. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
The dialog box closes, and the
unnecessary field disappears.
10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for each field you do not
need. After removing the excess fields, the next
step is to add the fields you need.
11. To add a field that you need in your document, click the Add button.
12. Type the field name on the prompt inside a small Add Field dialog box
and click the Ok button.

13. Repeat Steps 11 and 12 for each new field you need in your main
14. Click the OK button on the Customize Address List dialog box to
confirm your changes.
15. The New Address List dialog box will appear again ready for you to
type in your data.
16. Type the individual data from your list corresponding to Name,
Company, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3 and Title.
17. Press the Tab key each time to enter the next field.
18. To add a new record, press the Tab key on the last field in a record, a
new record is automatically created and added on the next line.
19. Repeat Steps 16 through 18 until you enter all the records you want.
Once you are done typing your data, click the OK button on the Add
New List dialog
box to save your
data. A special
Save Address
List dialog box
pops up,
allowing you to
save the
recipient list.

20. Type a name for the address list. Name it “Client List”.
21. Click the Save button. You should be back on your main document
soon after.
22. Select a field placeholder (ALL CAPS) in the main document.
23. Click the Insert Merge Field
command button.
24. Choose the proper field to
insert into your text. For
example, if you are replacing
the text name in your
document with a name field, choose the Name Field from the Insert
Merge Field menu. The field is inserted into your document and
replaces the ALL CAPS text.
25. Continue adding fields until the document is complete. Repeat steps
22 through 24 as necessary to stick all fields into your document.
26. Save the main document.
27. Choose Finish & Merge to edit, print, or send your merged documents
through email.
28. Or you may want to choose Preview Results to check your work before
you send it.
29. Save and close your document.

Integrating Images and External Materials

Inserting pictures in your document like creating a resume improves
the impression of it. Though seemingly simple to do, your knowledge on the
different kinds of materials that you can insert in a Word document and its
characteristics can help you create a more efficient, richer document not
only in content but also in physical form.

A. Kinds of Materials
There are various kinds of materials Microsoft Word can integrate to
make the documents richer, more impressive, and more informative.

Figure 1. The illustrations group menu under the insert tab showing the kinds of materials you can
integrate with Microsoft Word. (Note: The interface will vary depending on the version of Microsoft
Word use. The version used above is Microsoft Word 2016).

1. Pictures. These are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have

saved in any local storage device.
a. .JPG/JPEG. This is the short form of Joint Photographic Experts
Group. It identifies the kind of data compression process that it uses to
make it more compatible and portable through the Internet.
b. .GIF. This stands for Graphics Interchange Format which can
display transparencies good for blending with other materials in your
document and can display simple animation

c. .PNG. It stands for Portable Network Graphics built around the
capabilities of .GIF for the purpose of transporting images on the Internet at
faster rates but does not support animation.
2. Clip Art. This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images
used as generic representation for ideas and objects that you might want to
integrate in your document.
3.Shapes. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in
your document to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and
representing ideas.
4. Smart Art. These are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together
to form ideas that are organizational in nature.
5.Chart. It allows you to represent data characteristics and trends in a
graphical manner.
6.Screenshot. A more realistic image to integrate in creating reports or

Image Placement
Inserting images into your document seems quite easy but the
challenge is where to place or move it. You will now study the different
characteristics of text wrapping options that you can use with the image you
integrated in your document.
1. In Line with Text. It treats your image like a text font with the
bottom side totally aligned with the text line and is used when you
need to place your image at the beginning of a paragraph.

The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from the
Latin word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors,
from the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or
purple roses.

2. Square. This allows the inserted image to be placed anywhere within

the paragraph with the text going around the image in a square
pattern like frame.
The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from
the Latin word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many
different colors, from the well-known red rose or yellow or
roses and sometimes white purple roses.

3. Tight. This is almost like the Square setting where the text “hug” or
conforms to the general shape of the image.
The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from the Latin
word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors,
from the well- known red rose or yellow roses and
sometimes white or purple roses.

4. Through. This allows the text on your document to flow even tighter
taking the contours and shape of the image.
The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from
the Latin word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many
different colors, from the well-known red rose or yellow roses

and sometimes white or purple roses.

5. Top and Bottom. This pushes the texts away vertically to the top
and/or the bottom of the image so that the image occupies a whole
text line on its own.
The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from the Latin
word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors,

from the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or
purple roses.

6. Behind Text. It allows the image to be dragged and placed anywhere

on your document but with all the texts floating in front of it.
The rose is a type of flowering. Its name comes from the Latin
word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from
the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or purple

7. In Front of Text. This allows your image to be placed right on top of

the text as if your image was dropped right on it.
The rose is a type of flowering. Its name comes from the Latin
word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from
the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or purple

What’s More

Search for the terms in the word puzzle related to Word Processing
Skills. From the searched terms, select five (5) and briefly define each. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

What I Have Learned

Complete the table below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of


Features Description

Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

What I Need to Know

This lesson is designed for you to familiarize Microsoft Excel.

What’s In

What features of Microsoft Word do you think will be of great help

to you in your chosen future career?

What’s New

Are you familiar with this logo? What features of Microsoft Excel
you are acquainted with?

What is It

Whether you work in the field of accounting or not, the truth is

whatever you do should be accounted for because the resources you use
cost you expenses. Whether what work you will have in the future, it is
important to understand how a company spends to be able to deliver a
product or service. These factors could easily be computed using
spreadsheet programs. Spreadsheet Software allows users to organize data
in rows and columns and perform calculations on the data. These rows and
columns collectively are called worksheet. Examples of Spreadsheet

Software: LibreOffice Calc, Calc, Google Sheets, Apple iWork
Numbers, Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets, StarOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel.

To open Microsoft Excel, Press “Windows Logo” + R then type

“excel” then enter.

Key Terms in MS Excel:

1. Row is the horizontal line of entries in a table.

2. Column is the vertical line of entries in a table.
3. Cell is the place where information is held in a spreadsheet.
4. Spreadsheets consist of several individual sheets; each sheet
containing cells is arranged in rows and columns.
5. Active Cell is the selected cell.
6. Column Heading is the box at the top of each column containing a
7. Row Heading is the row number.
8. Cell Reference is the cell address of the cell usually combine letter
and number (ex. A1, B4, C2).
9. Merge is combining or joining two or more cells.
10. Formula is an expression which calculates the value of a cell.
11. Functions – are predefined formulas and are already available in
12. Formula Bar is the bar that displays the contents of a cell.

Other terms:

1. Accounting Number Format – a number format that is used for

2. Orientation – the angle at which a text is displayed.
3. Count – a function used to count the cells with content in a range.
4. Sum – a function used to compute for the summation of the number
of a range.
5. Average – a function used to compute for the average of the number
of a range.
6. COUNTIF – a function used to count the cells with a specified content
within a range.
7. SUMIF – a function used to compute for the summation of a range if a
certain condition is met.
8. AVERAGEIF – a function used to compute for the average of a range if
a certain condition is met.
9. Range – the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria.
10. Criteria – a value or label that determines if a cell is part of the range
to be averaged.
11. Average Range – the actual range of cells that will be averaged, if
omitted, the range will be used instead.
12. =MIN(range) – returns the smallest number within the range.
13. =MAX(range) – returns the largest number within the range.

What’s More

Exploring Microsoft Excel

A. Open Microsoft Excel and create a spreadsheet file named

“MyExcel_(type your last name)”.
1. Using the worksheet sheet1, go to cell B1 and enter the data
as shown below.

2. You should be able to enter the value for Quantity, Purchase

Price, Retail Price, Price, and Profit. Remember that:
a. Quantity is the number of purchased items.
b. Purchase Price is the cost of item from supplier.
c. Retail Price is the selling price in the market.
d. Price is the sub-total per item obtained by computing the
product of Quantity and Retail Price.
e. Profit is the difference between Purchase Price and Retail Price
multiplied by Quantity.
Required: (Always start the formula with “=” sign) Example:

3. Fill in the table above by computing for the
a. Price
=C2*E2 press “enter”
=C3*E3 press “enter”
=C4*E4 press “enter”
=C5*E5 press “enter”
=C6*E6 press “enter”

b. Profit
=(E2-D2)*C2 press “enter”
=(E3-D3)*C3 press “enter”
=(E4-D4)*C4 press “enter”
=(E5-D5)*C5 press “enter”
=(E6-D6)*C6 press “enter”

c. In cell C7, compute for the sum of all the items

sold; =SUM(C2:C6) press “enter”.

d. In cell C9, compute for the 12% of the Total Price;
=(SUM(F2:F6)*0.12) press “enter”.

e. In cell C8, compute for the difference of the Total Price and
the 12% Vat; =(SUM(F2:F6)-C9) press “enter”.

f. In cell C10, compute for the sum of sub-total and 12% Vat;
=SUM(C8:G9) press “enter”.

g. In cell C11, compute for the sum of all the profits earned;
=SUM(G2:G6) press “enter”.

h. Save the file.

4. Copy the given table above with your answers on a separate
sheet of paper or you may take screen shot and submit it to your

What I Have Learned

Fill in the missing letters to get the desired term. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It provides an automated way of displaying any statistical
data. M _ _ r _ _ _ _ t E _ _ e l
2. It is combining or joining two or more cells. _ e _ g _
3. Predefined formulas and are already available in Excel.
4. An example of a spreadsheet software. G _ _ g _ e S _ e _ _ s
5. These are rows and columns in a Microsoft
Excel. W _ _ _ s h _ _ t _

What I Can Do

For learners with computer at home, you may do these:

1. Create a simple mail merge document following the steps presented in

lesson 2.
2. Integrate images and external materials to your word document.
Download the following files through the following links or URLs and
save them on your Desktop:
• Solar.jpg-
• Joe.png-
• Sample letter.doc-

a. Open the Sample Letter.docx from your desktop.

b. Place your insertion point or cursor to where you want the image
or picture to appear.
c. Go to the illustrations group under the Insert tab on the ribbon or
d. Click on Picture, then Insert Picture from File.
e. The Insert Picture dialog box will pop up almost like your file
explorer window. Navigate your Desktop and click on the Solar.jpg
f. Click the Insert button to insert a copy of the Solar.jpg picture on
your document.
g. Right-click on the image then click on the Wrap Text sub-menu.
On the fly out, click on the Square option.
h. Drag your image to the desired location on the document.
i. Repeats steps 2 through 6. Place the insertion point at the very
end of the document and insert the Joe.png image.
j. Right-click on the image then click on the Wrap Text sub-menu.
On the fly out, click on the Behind Text option.
k. Now to insert chart on your document, place your insertion point
or cursor on the position where you want the chart to appear.

l. In the Illustrations group under the Insert tab, click on Chart.
m. On the right pane, inside the Insert Chart dialog box, scroll down
to the Pie row, and select Exploded Pie in 3D.
n. An Excel worksheet will pop up showing the default data that
Microsoft Word uses for the chart. Modify the data by changing
“Sales” to “Volume” and the labels 1st to 4th QTR to “Europe”,
“America”, “Middle East”, and “Asia” respectively.
o. Drag the chart’s corner handle to suitable size.
p. Click on the chart’s Text Wrap option and select Top and Bottom.
q. Drag the chart to the center of the page in between the third and
fourth paragraph of your document.
r. Save your document.
3. Send your output via any platform available or take a screenshot and
send it to your teacher through messenger.

Rubrics for What I can Do 1 and 2.

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Content The output The output is The output is The output is
exceeds the complete. somewhat incomplete.
expectations complete.
Skills All skills in Most skills in Some skills in Few or no skills
Advanced Word Advanced Word Advanced Word from Advanced
Processing are Processing are Processing are Word Processing
applied. applied. applied. are applied.
Correctness The output is The output The output has The output
free from errors. contains minimal several errors. contains many
errors. errors.

For learners without computer at home, do this:

1. On a short size bondpaper, create a simple flow chart that

summarizes the steps in creating a merge document. Insert
objects/pictures in your chart by drawing it manually. Be creative in
your presentation. Your teacher shall rate your output using the
rubric below.

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Content The output The output is The output is The output is
exceeds the complete. somewhat incomplete.
expectations complete.
Attractiveness The flow chart is The flow chart is The flow chart is The flow chart is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive messy or very
terms of design, layout, and though it may be poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. a bit messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.


Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on a separate paper.

1.What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?

A. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print
B. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print
C. Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print
D. Create main document; create data source; insert place holders;
2.What tells Microsoft® Word exactly where to place the information coming

from the data file to the main document?

A. data source C. insertion tag B.

insertion line D. place holder
3. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main
A. address book C. data file
B. contact list D. directory
4. What image compression/file type can display simple animation?
A. .bmp C. .jpg
B. .gif D. .png
5. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or
external material in line with the text, treating the image just like how a
text is treated?
A. in line with text C. through
B. square D. tight
6. When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft® Office
application pops up to allow you to enter and manage the parameters of
your chart?
A. access C. note
B. excel D. word
7. What program is designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used
to analyze statistical data?
A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft Publisher
B. Microsoft One Note D. Microsoft Word
8. Which among the following is not part of the syntax for AVERAGEIF?
A. average range C. logical test
B. criteria D. range
9. What function to be used in counting the number of cells that contains
something in them if the criteria are met?
10. What syntax in the AVERAGEIF function that includes the value or

label that determines if the cell is part of the range to be averaged?

A. Average Range C. Logical Test B. Criteria D. Rang

Answer Key



Empowerment Technologies : Rex Book Store, Inc. and Innovative

Training Works, Inc., 2016, 26-82
Empowerment Technologies Student Reader : Department of
Education, 2016, 17-26
Empowerment Technologies Teacher’s Guide : Department of
Education, 2016, 6-9

Online Sources
“Online Etymology Dictionary” 9April2010
Solar.jpg- Joe.png-
Sample letter.doc-


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