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Empowerment Technologies

Quarter 1
Introduction to Information and
Communication Technologies

Learner’s Packet

Empowerment Technologies
Grade 11
Learner’s Material
Quarter 1

First Edition, 2020

Published by: Department of Education Division Rizal

Schools Division Superintendent: Cherrylou D. Repia

Content Standard:
• ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional track.

Performance Standard:

• Compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of

their lives,
society, and professional tracks (Arts, TechVoc, Sports, Academic).

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and con-

tent to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges.


1. Explain the importance of the different Information Technologies to our daily life.

2. Conduct a survey/ interview of the business owner using the guide questions


3. Explain the current state of ICT technologies ( Web 2.0, Web 3.0, convergent

technologies, social, mobile, and assistive media.

4. Evaluate ten websites as static or dynamic.

Activity 1: Pre-Assessment

Instructions: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Answer the 5-
item multiple choice test on what you know about Introduction to Information and
Communication technologies.

1. A web page that allows users to interact with the information that is listed
on the page.

a. static c. social

b. dynamic d. comment

2. A user-generated system of classifying and organizing online content into

different categories by the use of metadata such as electronic tags.

a. hashtags c. taxonomy

b. folksonomy d. rich user experience

3. A web applications that are more pervasive, dynamic, and interactive.

a. rich user experience c. user participation

b. long tail d. mass participation

4. An extension of the World Wide Web through standards set by the World
Wide Web consortium.

a. W3C c. Web 1.0

b. Semantic Web d. Web 2.0

5. A proprietary mobile operating system designed specifically for Research In

Motion's (RIM) BlackBerry devices.

a. iOS c. Blackberry OS

b.Symbian d. Windows Mobile

Activity 2:

Instructions: Take turns answering the questions below. Answer the following


1. How many times a day do you check your phone?

2. Is social media becomes part of your life?

3. Do you spend hours scrolling mindlessly reading news and updates that have no
meaning at all?

4. Do you check all notification all the time?

5. Do you crave for internet connection?

You are considered a digital native, if you are guilty in most of the questions. It
only means that, from the moment you were born, you were already surrounded by

Activity 3: Static vs. Dynamic

Instructions: Give at least 5 websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What
makes each website stationary or dynamic? Use the table below.

Website Stationary Dynamic Reason

Activity 4: Reading Activity
Lesson Notes: Read and understand the lesson being presented.

Information and Communication Technology

Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to
handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audio-
visual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring func-
tions. ICT is very important for businesses to meet their day to day operational tasks and es-
tablish a secure and hassle-free communication flow. It helps in automating day to day manual
processes to increase productivity and improve accuracy.

ICT in the Philippines

ICT played a very important role in the history of the Philippines. Many of the campaigns
that call for social change would not have been successful if it were not for ICT. As the Philip-
pines struggle to demonstrate unity for a call to action or social change, ICT has always been
there to help. ICTs are influencing both as an industry that creates jobs and as a tool that em-
powers workers to access new forms of work, in new and more flexible way. The emerging ICT
-enabled employment opportunities matter because countries around the world are looking to
create more good jobs, which have positive economic and social implications for workers and

WEB 1.0: Static Pages

Static Web page refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely
made up of web pages connected by hyperlinks. Static (also known as flat page or stationary
page) in the sense that the page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user. This is re-
ferred to as web 1.0.
WEB 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages
The term Web 2.0 refers to websites that integrate user-generated content, place an em-
phasis on user experience, and offer improved interoperability. Web 2.0 is the term that was
coined out of a desire to differentiate between the simple static websites that first populated the
web, and the web applications cropping up to take their place. Web 2.0 sites are marked by six
characteristics that set them apart from their Web 1.0 predecessors:
1. Folksonomy-allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using freely cho-
sen keywords (e.g. tagging). Popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Face-
book, etc. use tags that start with a pound sign (#) or hashtag. It is also known as social tag-
ging, collaborative tagging, social classification and social bookmarking. It is the process of us-
ing digital content tags for categorization or annotation to classify websites, pictures, docu-
ments and other forms of data so that the content may be easily categorized and located by

2. Rich User Interface-content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input. An example would
be a website that shows local content. In the case of social networking sites, when logged on,
your account is used to modify what you see in their website.

3. User Participation-the owner of website is not the only one who is able to put content. Oth-
ers are able to place content on their own by means of comments, reviews, and evaluation.

4. Long Tail-services are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is syn-
onymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent on
Internet or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you used.

5. Software as a service-users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than pur-
chasing them.

6. Mass Participation- sharing through universal web access.

Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web

It is a movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The semantic web pro-
vides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content specifically
targeting the user.

Factors for not fully recognizing semantic as web 3.0:

1. Compatibility-HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web 3.0.
2. Security-The user’s security is also question since the machine is saving his or her
3. Vastness-The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.
4. Vagueness-Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small” would depend to the
5. Logic- since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to be able to
predict whatthe user is referring to at a given time.

Trends in ICT
1. Convergence-It is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or
task. For example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can
now use your smart phone. It is a platform that can create multiple tasks.

2.Social Media-is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create,
co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content.
Six types of social media:

a. Social Networks-These are sites that allow you to connect with other people with the
same interests or background. Once the user creates his/her account, he/she can set
up a profile, add people, share content, etc. Example : Facebook and Google+ b.
b. Bookmarking Sites-These are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various
website and resources. Ex. : StumbleUpon/Pinterest.

c. Social News-These are sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to
other news sources. The users can also comment on the post and comments may also
be rank. Example: reddit and Digg.

d. Media Sharing-These are sites that allow you to upload and share media content like
images, music and video. Example: Flickr, Youtube and Instagram.

e. Microblogging-These are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those that
subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. Example: Twitter & Plurk.

f. Blogs and Forums-These websites allow user to post their content. Other users are able
to comment on the said topic. Example: Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr.

3. Mobile Technologies-The popularities of smart phones and tablets has taken a major rise
over the years. This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were origi-
nally found in PCs.

Several of these devices are capable of using high-speed internet. Today the latest model
devices use 4GNetworking (LTE), which is currently the fastest mobile network.

Mobile OS

a. iOS-use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad.

b. Android-an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile
phone companies use this OS for free.
c. Blackberry OS-It is use in Blackberry devices.
d. Windows Phone OS-a closed source and proprietary operating system developed by
e. Symbian-the original smart phone OS; used by Nokia devices.
f. Web OS-originally used in smart phones; now used in smart TVs.
g. Windows Mobile-developed by Microsoft for smart phones and pocket PCs.4.

4. Assistive Media-is a non- profit service designed to help people who have visual and
Reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user.

Activity 5:
To fully understand the importance of ICT, let us first look at our community.
Look for a small business around your community.
Conduct a short interview of the business owner using the following guide.

Company/Establishment Name:_____________________________________


Nature of Business:_________________________________________________

Guide Questions:

1. Does your establishment have internet connection? If yes,

what is its purpose? If no, would you consider having it in the

future? Why or why not?

2. Does your business have a website? If yes, how does it help the

company? If no, would you consider having one in the future?

Why or why not?

3. (If applicable ) Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the

future? If you already have it, does it help boost sales?

Ask you classmates about the results of the interviews and notice the trend on
most of the responses.

Activity 6: Identifying the Correct Web Platform for Social Change
1. Identify a problem in your community.
2. Think that you are going to create a website to persuade both community leaders
and members to solve this problem.
1. Fill out the form below.

Community Problem:_____________________________________________
Campaign Name:_________________________________________________
Type of Social Media Used:________________________________________
Website Used:____________________________________________________

What is the content of your social media site?


Why did you choose that particular type of social media?


Why did you choose that website?


10 pts – Content
5 pts – Creativity
5 pts – Organization of idea
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 7:

1. Why do you think microblogging platforms have become popular when

regular blogging platform already exist?






2. What do you think of web 3.0? Do you think it will be realized someday

In the future?






10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 8:

Write T if the sentence is correct, otherwise, write F on the blank before each item.

_____1. According to Nielsen, users who use the internet spend more time in social
media sites than in any other type of site.

_____2. Blogging sites are sites that focus on short updates from the user.

_____3. Android is a mobile operating system for Apple devices.

_____4. Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual
and reading impairments.

_____5. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) deals with the use of differ-
ent communication technology to locate, save, send, and edit information.

can achieve

Activity 9:

I understand that __________________________


I realize that ______________________________


Activity 1:
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C

Activity 2:
Answers vary

Activity 3:
Answers vary

Activity 4:

Activity 5:
Answers vary

EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES, Innovative Training Works, INC. Second


Activity 6:
Answers vary

Activity 7:
Answers vary

Activity 8:
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T

Activity 9:
Answers vary

Empowerment Technologies

Grade 11

Learner’s Material

Quarter 1

First Edition, 2020

Published by: Department of Education Division Rizal

Schools Division Superintendent: Cherrylou D. Repia

Content Standard:
• ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional track.

Performance Standard:

• Compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of

their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, TechVoc, Sports, Academic).

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in

the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks


1. Learn that it is important to consider one’s and others’ safety & reputation
when sharing information using digital media.

2. Determine and avoid the dangers of internet.

Activity 1: Pre-Assessment

Instructions: Write Yes if you agree with the statement and No if you disagree on the
blank before each number.

_____1. My computer has an antivirus so it is okay to open most email attachments

like e-cards and video files.

_____2. Your friend told you that his college application was rejected due to the fact
that you posted a video of him doing crazy stuff at a party. You posted the video

several years ago but later took it down to protect your friend’s reputation. Can your
friend be right that the college found the video.

_____3. You and your best friend play a lot of video games. One time, she asks you
for your password so she can help you level up and get in-game money. She promis-
es to keep your password a secret. Is it okay to give away your password?

_____4. You received an email stating that your mother’s bank account is going to be
forfeited if you do not respond to the email. Is it safe to reply?

_____5. You forgot that your essay for English class is due tomorrow. While doing
your research, you found a website offering free essays. Is it oaky to use the essays
from this free essay website?

Activity 2:

Instructions: Most of us use the Internet every day. Sometimes, we do not pay
attention on how much information we share online. Below is a questionnaire about
how much information you have shared so far. Put a check (✓) under Shared or Not

How Safe Are You?

Type of Information Shared Not Shared

1. First name

2. Last name

3. The name of your mother & father

4. Your address

5. Your home phone number

How many checks did you put for Shared? If you put checks on the first

two items under Shared then there is a big possibility that your profile page can

easily be located by search engines. Is there any danger of being found by search


Activity 3:

Instructions: Research for several news and events related to cybercrime. Using
your cellphone or any video-recording device, report it as if you were a newscaster.
Present in 1-2 minutes recording.

Note: Send your video files on my FB messenger for checking.

Activity 4: Reading Activity

Lesson Notes: Read and understand the lesson being presented.

Online safety and Security

Internet safety, or online safety, is the knowledge of maximizing the user's
personal safety against security risks to private information and property associated
with using the Internet, and the self-protection from computer crime in general.

How Safe are You?

Let us visit each item and see how risky it is to share them.


1. First name There is a risk in sharing your first
name. Chances are, a hacker may
already know plenty of stuff about
you even if you only give out your
first name.

2. Last name If sharing your first name is a small

risk, having both your first and last
is more risky. You will be vulnera-
ble to being searched for using
search engines, which include im-
age search. Matching a name and a
face is a modus to several cyber-
crimes like identity theft.

3. The name of your mother and Risky, yet not as risky as posting their full
father names, especially your mother’s maiden
name. In fact, you may have already encoun-
tered many websites that require your moth-
er’s maiden name as an answer to a secret
question whenever you lose your password.

4. Your address Hopefully, you answered no to this one. Giv-

ing the internet your number is one thing;
giving them your address is a whole other
level. It would be much easier for criminals
to find you.

5. Your home phone number This shared information is more risky than
sharing your personal phone number. Scams
usually use this information to deceive you,
one of which is when a stranger pretends to
know your parents or pretend to be you.

Tips to Stay Safe Online

The internet is a public place and it is up to you to protect yourself. Here are
some tips to help you stay safe when using the internet.

1. Be mindful of what you share online.

2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.

3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website handles

the information you share.

1. Know the security features of the social networking site you use.

2. Do not share your password with anyone.

3. Avoid logging in to public network/Wi-Fi.

4. Do not talk to strangers online.

5. Never post anything about future vacation.

6. Add friends you know in real life.

7. Avoid visiting untrusted websites.

8. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer.

9. Make your Wi-Fi at home private by adding a password.

10. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.

11. Do not use pirated software.

12. Do not click links from suspicious emails.

Internet Threats

Here are some of the threats you should be aware of when using the internet:

1. Malware– stands for malicious software.

a. Virus-a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one
computer to another either through the internet and local networks or data storage
like flash drives and CDs.

b.Worm-a malicious program that transfer from one computer to another by

any type of means. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself.

c.Trojan-a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once

downloaded or installed, leaves you PC unprotected anf allows hackers to get you

*Rogue security software-tricks the user into posing that it is a security soft-
ware. It asks the user to pay to improve his/her security but in reality, they
are not protected at all.

d. Spyware-a program that runs in the background without you knowing it

(thus called “spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing
and typing through keylogging.

*Keyloggers-used the record the keystroke done by the users. This is done to
steal their password or any other sensitive information.

e. Adware-a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop ups

2. Spam– unwanted emails mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be used to

send malware

3. Phishing-Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords

and credit cards details. This is done by sending you an email that will direct
the user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, pass-
word, credit card, or personal information.

Protecting Reputation Online

Make no mistake, you and your family's online reputation is a big deal.
There are myriad individuals, including business associates, neighbors, other fam-
ily members, and yes, even potential identity thieves searching for you on a regular

Think Before You Click

Here are things you might want to consider before posting something over the


1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself:

Would you want your parents or grandparents to see it?

2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reoutation online. Talk to your
friends about this serious responsibility.

3. Set your post to private. In this way, search engines will not be able to scan
that post.

4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan.

5. If you feel that post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the one who
posted iy to pull it down or report it as inappropriate.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement pertains to the violation of someone's intellectual prop-

erty (IP). It is another term for piracy or the theft of someone’s original creation, es-
pecially if the one who stole recoups the benefits and not the creator of the


Here are some tips that could help you avoid copyright infringement:

1. Copyright laws are designed to protect the creator of original works, which
are creative expressions from others using and profiting their work, without


2. Use Caution If It's Not Your Original Work.

3. Read, Read, Read.

4. Don't Believe the Urban Legends.

5. Look for Fair Use.

Activity 5:

Answer the following using Microsoft Word. Once done, save your file with your

name. Send it on my FB messenger for checking:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the provisions of the copyright law? Defend your

2. How would you feel if someone posted something embarrassing about you?
What would you do?

10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 6:

Create campaign materials promoting “Think before you click.” It could be in a

form of small posters. When you are done, send your work as a pdf file on my FB mes-


10 pts – Graphics-Relevance
5 pts – Attractiveness
5 pts – Grammar

Activity 7:

You are going to construct an essay about your digital media life like.
You will be graded by the given Rubric below.

“The Role of Social Media in my Life”

10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure

Activity 8:

Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space before each number.


____1. virus a. designed to send your advertisements

____2. rogue b. tricks the user into posing that it is a security


____3. spam c. unwanted email mostly from bots

____4. fair use d. allows you to use copyrighted work without

consent with certain limitations.

____5. adware e. replicates and can transfer from one computer

to another

f. exploits the DNS system

can achieve

Activity 9:

I understand that __________________________


I realize that ______________________________


EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES, Innovative Training Works, INC. Second


Activity 1:

1. NO

2. YES

3. NO

4. NO

5. NO

Activity 2:
Answers vary

Activity 3:
Answers vary

Activity 4:

Activity 6:
Answers vary

Activity 7:
Answers vary

Activity 8:

1. e

2. b

3. c

4. d

5. a

Activity 9:

Answers vary

Empowerment Technology
Grade 11
Learner’s Material
Quarter 1
First Edition, 2020

Published by: Department of Education Division Rizal

Schools Division Superintendent: Cherrylou D. Repia

Management Team:

Content Standard:
Contextualized Online Search and Research Skills

Performance Standard:
• The learners shall be able to compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives,
society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech Voc, Sports, Academic) .

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• Use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best achieve specific class objectives or
address situational

• Motivate students to demonstrate resourcefulness and creativity in generating search terms using a search engine

• Facilitate the practice of discernment in judging the credibility, value, and usefulness of researched materials.

• Are you a smarter user of search engines?
• Do you always rely on the first search results online?
• Have you googled yourself lately? Are you happy with the results?
• How do you find answers to questions from the simple to the complex?

Activity 3: Reading Activity
Concepts Notes: Read and understand the ideas and concept being presented.

Google has transcended from being just another search engine. It has become ubiqui-
tous, often used as a transitive verb. If you have any doubts, just Google it!

With its ever-evolving algorithms, a dominant online advertising platform, and personal-
ized user experience, Google has amassed a global market share of 87%.No one serves up
better search results than Google. At least that’s the common perception. But is that always the
case? Google’s easy-to-use interface and personalized user experience comes at a cost. It’s
no secret the search engine giant catalogs the browsing habits of its users and shares that in-
formation with advertisers and other interested parties.

If you are unwilling to trade privacy for convenience or have specific search needs,
there are a number of Google alternatives that offer a better search experience.

1. Bing- One could argue that Bing actually outperforms Google in certain respects. For
starters, Bing has a rewards program that allows one to accumulate points while
searching. These points are redeemable at the Microsoft and Windows stores, which is
a nice perk. In my view, the Bing image search GUI is superior to its rival’s and much
more intuitive. Bing carries that same clean user experience to video, making it the go-to
source for video search without a YouTube bias.

2. Yandex -Looking for a search perspective outside of the United States? Yandex is used
by more than 45% of Russian Internet users. It is also used in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tur-
key, and Ukraine. Yandex is an overall easy-to-use search engine. As an added bonus,
it offers a suite of some pretty cool tools

3. CC Search-CC Search should be your first stop on the hunt for nearly any type of copy-
right-free content. This search engine is perfect if you need music for a video, an image
for a blog post, or anything else without worrying about an angry artist coming after you
for ripping off their work. The way CC Search works is simple – it draws in results from
platforms such as Sound cloud, Wikimedia, and Flickr and displays results labeled as
Creative Commons material.

Activity 2: Semantic Web Map
Instructions: Name 5 different search engine you know. Write your answer on the circle pro-


Common applications of Internet research include personal research on a particular sub-
ject students doing research for academic projects and papers, and journalists and other writ-
ers researching stories. Research is a broad term. It includes any activity where a topic is iden-
tified, and an effort is made to actively gather information for the purpose of furthering under-
standing. The Internet can be a researcher's dream come true. By browsing the Internet, much
as you would browse the shelves of a library, you can access information on seemingly limit-
less topics. In addition, web-based catalogs are available in many libraries to assist research-
ers in locating printed books, journals, government documents, and other materials. Possibly
the biggest obstacle facing researchers on the Internet is how to effectively and efficiently ac-
cess the vast amount of information available with the simple click of the mouse. A few simple
guidelines can make conducting research more manageable, reliable, and fun.
The research process Lessons and projects should be designed so that research time on the
Web can be maximized in terms of efficiency.
This may mean gathering necessary information beforehand, having students work in groups,
or focusing on whole-class projects. Barron and Ivers (1996) outlined the following cycle for
online research projects.
Step 1: Questioning --- Before going on the Internet, you should structure their questions.
Step 2: Planning --- Develop a search strategy with a list of sites to investigate.
Step 3: Gathering --- Use the Web to collect and gather information.
Step 4: Sorting & Sifting --- Analyze and categorize the data they gathered on the Web.
Step 5: Synthesizing --- Integrate the information into the lesson, and draw conclusions.
When entering a keyword into a search engine, you will receive a list with the number of hits or
results and links to the related sites. The number of hits you receive may vary a great deal
among different search engines. Some engines search only the titles of the web sites, and oth-
ers search the full text. Techniques for using the different search tools vary. For best results,
read the search tips or hints that are provided at each search site. Also, note that some of the
search engines do not allow Boolean searches that combine words with the logical connectors
of AND, OR, or NOT.
Common commands for search engines include:
1. Quotation Marks ( " ) Using quotation marks will help to find specific phrases involving more
than one word. For example: "Martin Luther King"
2.Addition Sign ( + ) Adding a + sign before a word means that it MUST be included in each
site listed. For example: + Florida + taxes
3. Subtraction Sign ( - ) Adding a - sign before a word means that it will NOT appear in the
sites listed. For example: + Washington -DC
4. Asterisks ( * ) Asterisks can be used for wild-cards in some search engines. For example:
Mexic* will look for Mexico, Mexican, Mexicali, etc. .


Direction: identify the following statement below.

_________1. Develop a search strategy with a list of sites to investigate.

_________2. Use the Web to collect and gather information.

_________3. Integrate the information into the lesson, and draw conclusions.

_________4.Analyze and categorize the data they gathered on the Web.

_________5.Develop a search strategy with a list of sites to investigate.

Activity 4.

Give the 5 steps by step procedure for the.cycle of online research projects.

Activity 4

TRUE/FALSE. Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if

you think a statement it TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the state-
ment is FALSE.

________1. Using a + sign will help to find specific phrases involving more than
one word.

________2.. Adding a “” quotation mark before a word means that it will NOT
appear in the sites listed.

________3. Minus - sign can be used for wild-cards in some search engines.

________4.Adding a + sign before a word means that it MUST be included in

each site listed.


1. Use email. Email is a lot like regular mail and you can use it in many of the same ways. You'll
need to sign up with an email service in order to get an address, though. Many email services
are free and good ones include Gmail and When you go to check your email,
you will go to the website for the service you signed up with and only the service you signed
up with in order to read your mail.

Email addresses don't look like street addresses. They are in a format like your- For example, the email to reach us here at wikiHow is If your name is John Doe and you sign up with Gmail, your address
could look like,,, or even
something totally different like

2.Use Social Media. Social media is a term that encompasses a lot of different kind of websites,
all for connecting and communicating with other people. Commonly used forms of social me-
dia include:

Facebook, which is used for lots of different purposes, from messaging to sharing pictures and

Twitter, which is used for sending very short updates and thoughts about your life.

Instagram, which is used for sharing pictures.

|Pinterest which is for sharing items you find on the internet.

3. Read or write blogs. A blog, which was derived from the term web log, is an online journal.
You can put text, pictures, and even videos in a blog. You can write your own or you can read
someone else's. Blogs cover all sorts of different subjects, and are starting to replace certain
sections of the newspaper in their function.

4. Chat! You can use the internet to talk directly with people you know (or even people you don't
know). If you want to talk face-to-face or with voice like a phone, you can use services like
Skype, which is often free or a low price. You can also type-chat, which is like talking but with
just text, using a number of different services (like AOL's Instant Messenger service AIM).

5. Start dating! You can also date online! There are sites that are free, as well as sites that you
pay for, all with the goal of helping you meet someone that's right for you. There are even
specialty dating websites, for people in particular professions or with special interests. Match
and eHarmony are the most common. Meet me is a popular free dating site and app for
smartphones, tablets, and computers.

I understand that __________________________

I realize that ______________________________


Identify the following statement below.
___________1. Used for sending very short updates and thoughts about your life.
___________2. Used for sharing pictures
___________3. Messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to
one or more recipients via a network.
___________4. Used for lots of different purposes, from messaging to sharing pic-
tures and videos
___________5. Discussion or informational website published on the World Wide
Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries


• Empowerment Technology, Unit 3: Contextualized Online Search and Research Skills

• Empowerment Technology –Readers Guide Deped– page 21-22


Activity 2
1.Yahoo Search
2. Ask
3.Aol Search
5. MyWebSearch
Activity 3

1. Planning

2. Gathering


4. Sorting and Sifting

5. Planning

Activity 4.

1. F


3. F


Activity 5

1. Twitter

2. Instagram

3. Email

4. Social Media


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