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Maximum Publications Title 10-18 Words: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Kewirausahaan

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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan
Month Year Vol.xx No.xx

Maximum Publications Title 10-18 Words

(Center, Times New Roman 14)

First Author*1, Second Author2, Third Author3

Department, Institution/affiliation, Country
Management Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Corresponding E-mail:

Abstract A maximum of 200 words printed in italics with Times New Roman 11 point. The abstract
should be clear, descriptive and should provide a brief overview of community service issues
undertaken / researched. Abstracts include reasons for the selection of topics or the importance
research, research methods, and research result and summary. The abstract should end with a
comment about the importance of the result or a brief conclusion. (Times New Roman 12, 1 space,

Keywords— one; two; three (consist of 3-5 words that describe important concepts or variables in the
article, to facilitate the searching. Times New Roman 12, italic)
Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia dengan menggunakan ketentuan yang sama dengan abstrak
versi Bahasa Inggris diatas.

Kata kunci: one; two; three (consist of 3-5 words that describe important concepts or variables in the
article, to facilitate the searching. Times New Roman 12, italic)

The introduction consists of (1) the background of the study, (2) the formulation of the research
problem, (3) the purpose of the study, (4) the summary of theoretical studies relating to the problem
or phenomenon being studied. The introduction is written in Times New Roman 11, 1.15 Space, with
an indentation of 1 cm at the beginning of a new paragraph. Foreign languages are italicized. Writing
abbreviations and acronyms is written in parentheses after its actual extension words. After the first
writing the new acronym can be written directly without its extension. For example, Human Resource
Management (HRM).

Literature review contains related theories about variables or topics raised in the article.
Literature reviews must be containing the results from previous studies related to the research topic.

Article info
Received (dd/month/year)
Revised (dd/ month/year)
Accepted (dd/month /year)
Corresponding_ author:khusnulrofida@umm.acid
Author Last Name Jamanika (Vol,Page,Year)

In this section, quantitative research indicators are also used to measure research variables. Literature
reviews can also contain research hypotheses, research questions, or propositions. Articles that
include figures (charts, pictures, photographs and histograms) must be written in the following format.
Figures in the article must be accompanied by sources, image titles, and sequential image
numbers. Writing the figure title is placed below the figure, and the source is written below the
figure’s title. The source of the image is written in Times New Roman font size 10. The format of the
image text wrap is "in line with text". Examples of including images are as follows:

Example 1 (Pictures taken from references or other researchers):

Source: Kotler and Armstrong (2012)

Figure 1. The Five Stage Model of the Consumer Purchase Decision Process

Example 2 (Image created by the author of the article himself):


Service Customer
Quality Loyalty


Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the Antecedents of Customer Loyalty

Articles that include tables must be written in the following format. Tables, written in articles
must be accompanied by sources, table titles, and sequential table numbers. Writing the title of the
table is placed above the table, and the source is written below the table. The source of the table is
written in Times New Roman size 10. The contents of the table are typed in Times New Roman, size
10pt due to the limited space. Writing number in decimals using point (.) not a comma. All tables
must be followed by its explanation or description. Table contents number is written in bold. Table
border style is like the following example:

Table 1. Respondent Demography

Particulars Items Frequency Percentage (%)

Gender Male 00 00
Female 00 00

Age (years 20 – 25 00 00
26 – 30 00 00
31 – 35

Tenure 1 – 3 years 00 00
4 – 6 years 00 00
7 -10 years 00 00

Author Last Name Jamanika (Vol,Page,Year)

Source: Own Primary Data

In this section contains the type of research conducted, population and sample research,
research locations, data collection methods and data analysis techniques used. If there are figures or
tables from the results of the data analysis, then use the provisions that have been explained in the
sample figures and tables above.


Please provide the results systematically, concisely, and clearly. Next, compare your findings
with various literatures, both of which tend to support or contradict. If there is a contradiction, convey
the possible cause based on your analysis accompanied by supporting theories or other relevant
research results.

Based on the discussion you have made, conclude the finding. The conclusion must answer the
research objectives in the introduction. Conclusions must contain clearly the results obtained and
written in narrative form (not in bullet form).

REFERENCES (Min 15 References)

Please use reference managers like Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote to manage the citation
manual write doesn’t allow), use primary references from journals for a maximum of the last ten
years. Use APA Style. The reference must match or synchronize with the citation used in the article.
The bibliography is adjusted according to the procedure below and is sorted alphabetically in the APA
style (based on the author's last name). Bibliography is written in a hanging format with a distance of
1 cm.

Author Last Name Jamanika (Vol,Page,Year)

Example of writing article’s references:

Central Bureau of Statistics BPS Malang. 2000. Figures Malang in 2000. Jakarta: BPS.
LIPI. 2016. Data Perkapita Penduduk Indonesia Dalam Angka. Jakarta: LIPI Press
Luthans, Fred. 2005. Organizational Behavior 10th Edition. New York. The McGraw-Hill
Moh'd, M.A., L.G. Pery., and N.J. Rimbey. 2001. The Impact of Ownership Structure on Corporate
Debt Policy: A Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis. Financial Review. August, Vol. 33, 8599
Subambang, Budiono, 2004. Kajian Inkubator Investasi Daerah Sebuah Pemikiran untuk Mendukung
Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal. Online at: http://www/
Weston, J.F. and T.E. Copeland. 2002. Managerial Finance. Ninth Editions. Orlando: The Dryden
Widagdo, Bambang., Widayat., Yuliati, Uci., Rumijati, Aniek., dan Irawati, Sandra. 2014. Guidelines
for Writing Article. Malang : UMM Press
Widayat. 2008. “Penentu Perilaku Berinvestasi”.Ekonomika Bisnis. Vol.01 No.02. Thn 2008. Pp.
Wilber, Ken. 2000. A Theory of Everything (third ed.). Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

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