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Wonderware PAC User Guide (PDFDrive)

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Wonderware PAC

User Guide
HA030834 Issue 8
September 2017
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................... 2
Preface ........................................................................................... 5
Revision Information .......................................................................................... 5
Documentation Conventions .............................................................................. 5
Acronyms ........................................................................................................... 5
Reference Documents ....................................................................................... 6
Technical Support............................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Wonderware PAC ................................................... 8
Overview ............................................................................................................ 8
System Architecture ................................................................................... 10
Supported Devices..................................................................................... 12
System Limits................................................................................................... 12
Changes to The IDE Interface.......................................................................... 13
Menu and Toolbar options.......................................................................... 13
Wonderware PAC Object Templates.......................................................... 15
PAC Strategies Tab .................................................................................... 17
LIN Data Browser....................................................................................... 19
PAC Binding Tool ....................................................................................... 19
LIN Connection Setup Tool ........................................................................ 20
Configure UStoreForward Tool .................................................................. 20
Using Managed Applications (EurothermSuite Project Link) ..................... 21
Wonderware PAC Workflow ............................................................................. 24
Wonderware PAC Basics ............................................................. 27
Overview .......................................................................................................... 27
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration.......................................... 28
Editing the Strategy for a Eurotherm PAC Instrument ............................... 32
Changing the Instrument Version ........................................................ 33
Using the LIN Connection Setup Tool ........................................................ 36
Downloading Strategies to a PAC Instrument ............................................ 38
Stage 2: Creating the Execution Platform for the PAC DAServer .................... 38
Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object)...................................... 39
Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork ............................ 41
Working with Redundancy ......................................................................... 44
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects............................ 44
Manually Binding Objects .......................................................................... 44
Using the LIN Data Browser to Bind Objects ............................................. 47
Using the PAC Binding Tool ....................................................................... 51
Block Binding tab ................................................................................. 54
Field Binding tab .................................................................................. 58
Post–Configuration Procedure ......................................................................... 59
Using Store and Forward ........................................................................... 59
Improving Productivity with the PAC Binding Tool............................................ 60
Instrument Diagnostics ................................................................ 61
Overview .......................................................................................................... 61
Operator Interface ............................................................................................ 62
Overview Display ....................................................................................... 62
Example Overview Display – No Faults............................................... 64
Example Overview Display – Faulty Modules...................................... 64
Example Overview Display – Communications Fault .......................... 65
Example Overview Display – Multiple Instruments .............................. 66
Detailed Display ......................................................................................... 67
Configuration.................................................................................................... 70
Working with Redundancy ............................................................................... 72
Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references.................................... 72

2 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix A – Licensing ................................................................ 76

Overview .......................................................................................................... 76
Appendix B – Advanced Binding Tool Operation ......................... 78
Overview .......................................................................................................... 78
Exporting Binding Configuration....................................................................... 79
Manipulating Binding Configuration ................................................................. 79
Adding a Binding Entry .............................................................................. 80
Using the PAC Binding Tool to Create Instances Without Binding............. 81
Importing Binding Configuration....................................................................... 81
Validation.......................................................................................................... 82
Appendix C – Configuring Store and Forward ............................. 85
Overview .......................................................................................................... 85
Using the Configure UStoreForward tool ......................................................... 86
Preparing the tool to run ............................................................................ 87
Analysing the results.................................................................................. 87
Appendix D – Importing Existing LIN Strategies to The Galaxy ... 90
Overview .......................................................................................................... 90
Importing Existing Strategies Into The Galaxy ................................................. 91
Appendix E – Troubleshooting Communication Errors ................ 93
Troubleshooting Procedures ............................................................................ 93
Troubleshooting at Strategy Download Time ............................................. 94
Troubleshooting Deployed Devices ........................................................... 94
Troubleshooting Write Failures .................................................................. 96
Troubleshooting InTouch Data Communications ....................................... 97
Troubleshooting Tools ...................................................................................... 97
Network Explorer ....................................................................................... 99
Network UNH ........................................................................................... 100
Ping.......................................................................................................... 100
Windows Networking Configuration ......................................................... 100
Object Viewer........................................................................................... 101
LINTools ................................................................................................... 101
Shutdown LINOPC Utility......................................................................... 102
System Management Console................................................................. 102
Wonderware Logger .......................................................................... 105
Windows Event Viewer ............................................................................ 105
IDE Object Configurator........................................................................... 106
Windows / Third–Party Firewall ............................................................... 106
LIN Ports Editor Control Panel................................................................. 107
ArchestrA Security Editor ......................................................................... 108
Windows Regional Settings ..................................................................... 108
Eurotherm PAC Diagnostic Symbol ......................................................... 108
Namespace Updates...................................................................................... 109
Appendix F – Using LINtools in a Wonderware PAC Context .... 110
Overview .........................................................................................................110
Disabled Commands.......................................................................................110
Wonderware PAC User–Interface Changes....................................................110
Instrument Name ...................................................................................... 111
Read-only Configurations ......................................................................... 111
General User–Interface Changes ................................................................... 111
Instrument Properties................................................................................ 111
Instrument Options....................................................................................112
Workflow Changes ..........................................................................................112
Changing the Instrument Version or Type.................................................112
Appendix G – Enabling Cross-Subnet Communication ............. 113
Overview .........................................................................................................113

3 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

Instrument Configuration...........................................................................114
Engineering Workstation Configuration ....................................................115
Deployed DINetwork Configuration...........................................................116
Appendix H – Windows Firewall Configuration .......................... 117
Glossary ..................................................................................... 121
Index .......................................................................................... 128

4 HA030834
Revision Information Wonderware PAC User Guide

This guide provides an introduction to Wonderware® PAC. It provides details on the
changes to the ArchestrA® platform allowing PAC instruments to be configured and
maintained. Guided walk-through examples help to explain the key concepts.

You can view this document online or you can print it, in part or whole, by using the
print feature in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

This guide assumes you know how to use Microsoft Windows®, including navigating
menus, moving from application to application, and moving objects on the screen. If
you need help with these tasks, see the Microsoft Help.

In some areas of the product, you can also right-click to open a menu. The items
listed on this menu change, depending on where you are in the product. All items
listed on this menu are available as items on the main menus.

Revision Information
This is the fifth release of this document, which adds information on how to configure
the Windows 7 Firewall to allow successful EuroPRP communications.

Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:

Convention Used for

Initial Capitals Paths and file names.

Bold Menus, commands, dialog box names, and dialog

box options.

Monospace Code samples and display text.

The following table elaborates on the acronyms used in this document:

Acronym Description

csv Comma Separated Value

ELIN Ethernet Local Instrument Network; the LIN protocol

running over Ethernet.

FQN Fully Qualified Name to uniquely identify a LIN block field in

a specific instrument, on a specific network.

IDE Integrated Development Environment – the main

configuration tool in the Wonderware PAC platform

LIN Local Instrument Network that sits underneath a PAC

Control System. LIN instruments comprise of Eurotherm
PAC Instruments, and/or generic legacy LIN instruments.
LIN instruments are programmable and execute a strategy
that is downloaded into the instrument. A strategy consists
of, amongst other items, small blocks of functionality which
are virtually wired together to form a control strategy.

5 HA030834
Reference Documents Wonderware PAC User Guide

Acronym Description

PAC Programmable Automation Controller. Used to refer to the

control modules themselves, or as a generic name for a
complete system including controllers, IO modules and
associated software.

SMC System Management Console

UDA User-Defined Attribute. Provides the ability to add

functionality to an object.

Reference Documents
The Wonderware PAC system is based on the ArchestrA System Platform and
incorporates several Wonderware products. All of the documentation written by
Wonderware is relevant, and installed during the System Platform installation. In
addition to the base System Platform documentation, there are documents that
describe Wonderware PAC-specific features.

System Platform documentation can be viewed by clicking the start > Programs >
Wonderware > Books menu. Additional help can also be found within the IDE in the
help menu by clicking help topics or pressing F1.

Documentation specific to Wonderware PAC can be found in the Start menu

located at Program Files > Eurotherm PAC Documentation. A list of those
documents is shown below.

Book Contents

Eurotherm PAC Software Provides instructions on how to install

Installation Guide Eurotherm PAC Software. Provided as an
HTML-formatted file, this help is available
during installation. The file is located on the
root of the software installation disk, called
“Installation Guide.html”.

Wonderware PAC User’s Provides an introduction to Wonderware PAC.

Guide It provides details on the changes to the
ArchestrA platform allowing PAC instruments
to be configured and maintained. Guided
walk-through examples help to explain the key

Wonderware PAC Device Help for the Device Integration Objects, the
Integration, Instrument Instrument Configuration templates, and
Configuration and Wonderware PAC-specific ApplicationObjects
Application Objects are available online within the IDE. To access,
right-click on a template or instance, and
select Object Help, or click in the upper-right
section of an object’s configuration screen.

Technical Support
Eurotherm Support offers a variety of support options to answer any questions on
products and their implementation.

Before you contact Technical Support, refer to the relevant section(s) in this
documentation for a possible solution to the problem or check the Eurotherm
Technical Support web site for reported issues. If you need to contact local technical
support for help, have the following information ready:

6 HA030834
Technical Support Wonderware PAC User Guide

• The type and version of the operating system you are using.

• The firmware version and hardware configuration of the instruments being used.

• The exact wording of the error messages you saw.

• Steps taken to reproduce the problem.

• Any relevant diagnostics or output listing from the Event Viewer, Log Viewer,
instrument log files, or any other diagnostic applications.

• Details of what you did to try to solve the problem(s) and your results.

• If known, the local Technical Support case number assigned to your problem, if
this is an ongoing problem.

7 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Introduction to Wonderware PAC

This chapter provides an overview of Wonderware PAC. It provides details of the key
components, the supported devices, and where to obtain additional help and support.
This section also provides a brief overview of the changes to the ArchestrA IDE.

Wonderware PAC is built upon the flexible ArchestrA® framework, allowing system
integrators to architect a supervisory control system using a familiar platform, and
with familiar tools. A simplified overview of Wonderware PAC is shown in the
following figure. The interconnections shown are logical connections, and not
necessarily physical connections making up the control or supervisory network.

G alax y d atab ase

S u p e rv iso ry sy ste m

H M I co n tro l &
H isto rian
alertin g

W o n d erw are P A C
(b a sed on A rch estrA )

C o n tro l sy s te m

D A S erve r D A S erver

E u ro th erm P A C L IN co n fig u ratio n L eg acy L IN

in stru m en ts to o ls in stru m en ts

Using Wonderware PAC, a system’s integrator can define, deploy and maintain a
supervisory platform for Wonderware PAC control instruments, and other generic
LIN–based devices. ApplicationObjects providing two-way communication between
the ArchestrA environment and the physical instrument can be created and utilised
on Human–Machine Interfaces (HMIs) to provide control and feedback of the control
system. Being based on the ArchestrA platform, the system can utilise the logging
features of Historian, complete with the unique Store and Forward functionality,
ensuring any holes in the logs are filled, should network connectivity fail at any point.

In addition, the Wonderware PAC IDE allows control engineers to define the
instrument configuration strategies that are downloaded into both Eurotherm PAC
Instruments, and other generic LIN–based devices. LIN devices execute these
configuration strategies to provide autonomous control over a system. The
configuration strategies consist of, amongst other items, small blocks of functionality
(LIN function blocks) which are wired together in a virtual software environment. This
then forms the control strategy for the instrument.

8 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Using Wonderware PAC, it is therefore possible for system integrators to architect

the supervisory control aspects using the familiar ArchestrA platform, whilst in
parallel, control engineers can create the control system and program individual
Eurotherm PAC and legacy LIN–based devices. From a control engineer’s
perspective, the following figure shows how Wonderware PAC can be used to create
and download instrument configurations into Eurotherm PAC and legacy LIN–based
devices. The strategy can be downloaded directly from the LIN configurator software
(LINtools, for example), or from the Wonderware PAC IDE.

Instrument configuration saved to the Galaxy

Galaxy database IDE workstation LIN configuration editor

LIN instrument configuration Download direct from IDE Download direct from LIN editor
stored within the Galaxy

Instrument Configurations
downloaded to physical LIN

LIN instruments:
- Eurotherm PAC T2750 or T2550, and
- legacy LIN-based devices

In Wonderware PAC, the ArchestrA IDE is the start point for any configuration of the
LIN control system. Wonderware PAC allows the user to create, manage, and
download LIN instrument configuration files from within the IDE, using device
configuration object templates. From an instance of one of these objects, the user
can launch LINtools (and subsequently other configuration tools) to configure the
strategy. All configuration files are automatically associated with the instrument
configuration object, and stored in the ArchestrA Galaxy.

In order to communicate with Eurotherm PAC Instruments (and generic LIN devices),
a Wonderware PAC DAServer can be deployed and configured through the IDE to
any number of remote nodes. This is accomplished through the use of a DINetwork
object, which handles the deployment of the DAServer, including the installation of
associated support software and automatic configuration. A DIDevice object,
deployed to a DINetwork, provides access to the actual instrument data, supplying
the entry point when referencing block fields. Thus the instrument’s process values,
alarms, and status is exposed to the ArchestrA framework.

All accesible data within Eurotherm PAC Instruments and generic LIN devices are
avilable through the PAC namespace. This is a complete virtual representation of the
data that exists in a set of instrument configurations (offline namespace) and running
instrument databases (runtime namespace). An ArchestrA browser plug-in enables
the user to browse the namespace across multiple LIN instruments. The namespace
is thus browsable and hierarchical and each LIN function block field is accessible
through the use of this namespace via a block’s reference string in the format:
<PAC Device Integration object name>.<LIN function block>.<LIN field>

9 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

To provide integration with control and other functions supported within LIN
instruments, Wonderware PAC includes a set of ArchestrA ApplicationObjects and
symbols, that allow these functions to be driven from the Human-Machine Interface
(HMI), and provide simple implementation from a project engineering perspective. A
selection of alarms from the LIN instruments are brought up into ArchestrA through
these objects, including diagnostic information. An ArchestrA IDE extension provides
a fast and easy way of binding (associating) these ApplicationObjects to the correct
LIN function blocks.

System Architecture
The following figure shows an example network topology of a high–availability
Wonderware PAC system.

Information server
Galaxy database server Historian server InTouch operator clients (optional) Web clients

Engineering station with

ArchestrA IDE plus PAC
configuration tools

Supervisory Ethernet Data Network (with Firewall)

Redundant (optional) DA Redundant (optional) DA

Server (DINetwork) for Server (DINetwork) for
4000 LIN blocks 4000 LIN blocks

LIN “Control” Ethernet Network

Eurotherm T2550 PAC instruments Eurotherm T2750 PAC instruments Generic LIN devices, eg, T940

The top half of the figure shows a standard ArchestrA configuration connected to the
supervisory network. Connected to this network is:

• Engineering station — The workstation PC running Wonderware PAC, allowing

the control strategy to be defined, distributed and maintained. In addition to the
ArchestrA framework, PAC configuration tools are available allowing the
configuration of LIN–based instruments.

• The Galaxy Database Server — The storage capability for the Galaxy database,
which drives the whole Wonderware PAC solution.

• A Historian Server — A highly scalable industrial SQL database providing full

archiving services for all events and alarms.

10 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

• InTouch Operator Clients — Standard Human–Machine Interface display and

control terminals allowing operators to observe and control the automation

• Information Server (optional) — Provides remote access server capabilities,

allowing the distributed web clients to observe an overall summary and control
the system. Detailed examination of some symbols is not possible using the web

• Web clients — Remote clients able to connect to the Information Server using a
standard web browser.

Shown in the lower half of the figure is the LIN (or control) network. Multiple
Eurotherm PAC Instruments and generic LIN devices can be attached to this

The two networks (supervisory and LIN) are bridged through the DAServers, shown
in a redundant configuration in the figure. Each redundant pair of DAServers provides
communication to and from LIN function blocks within the PAC instruments and
generic LIN devices. The DAServers (DINetwork objects in Wonderware PAC)
translate the LIN–based communication in to a format that Wonderware PAC can
understand. Each Eurotherm PAC Instrument or generic LIN device is represented as
a DIDevice in Wonderware PAC, and these DIDevices provide the entry point to
access the LIN data.

In order to download a strategy to any of the LIN-based instruments, a direct network

connection is required between the engineering station and the LIN network as
shown in the figure.

Note: The network connection between the engineering station and the LIN
network is only required to update the strategy on Eurotherm PAC Instruments (or
generic LIN devices). The network connection is not required at run-time, and can be
removed if desired or company policy dictates.

To implement the above, Wonderware PAC-specific object templates are available.

These are:

• Eurotherm PAC Instrument configuration templates. To support the Eurotherm

PAC Instruments, pre-defined instrument configuration templates are available
which can be used to store the strategy of an instrument within the Galaxy. The
Eurotherm PAC Instrument templates are:

◦ $T2750

◦ $T2550

• Generic LIN template ($GenericLIN) — used to support other legacy LIN-based

devices, for which only a blank template is created.

• $PAC_DINetwork template — used to represent a LIN network, and provides the

connectivity between the LIN network and ArchestrA.

• $PAC_DIDeviceDiag template — used to define the PAC instruments and

provide access to the actual instrument data by providing the entry point to
individual LIN function blocks. In addition, provides diagnostic information on the
PAC instrument, and provides an HMI interface to control and monitor the
instrument. This object should only be used for T2550 and T2750 instruments.

11 HA030834
System Limits Wonderware PAC User Guide

• $PAC_DIDevice template — similar to the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag template, but

without the diagnostic functionality supported in the T2550 and T2750
instruments. Used to define any generic LIN, or non-Eurotherm PAC Instrument
and provide access to the actual instrument data by providing the entry point to
individual LIN function blocks. This object should be used for non-T2550 or
T2750 instruments. For T2550 and T2750 instruments, use the
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag template instead.

• A collection of ApplicationObjects to map LIN function blocks to an ArchestrA

equivalent object. These support the functionality required at the supervisory
level (alarming, HMI display and interaction, logging and historising).

Hierarchically, the DINetwork and DIDevice(s) combine as in the following figure,

deployed under WinPlatform and AppEngine objects. Each DIDevice has an
associated instrument configuration (defined using the object editor).

Detailed health and diagnostics information is available from a comprehensive

DIDevice symbol which brings many of the status and alarm blocks from a LIN
instrument into the ArchestrA environment.

Supported Devices
The following instruments are directly supported in Wonderware PAC:

• T2750

• T2550

• Generic LIN, providing support for any legacy LIN-based device.

System Limits
The recommended maximum number of objects supported by Wonderware PAC, per
AppEngine is 2500, where:

• 20% of these (500 objects) are customer objects, and

• 80% of these (2000 objects) are Wonderware PAC objects.

The exact ratio of customer objects to the provided Wonderware PAC objects is not
important and the figures above just reflect typical usage.

If the limit of 2500 objects is exceeded, the AppEngine on the WinPlatform which the
DINetwork (DAServer) is installed can become unstable.

There is no theoretical limit to the number of AppEngines per Galaxy but these
recommendations are based on a single AppEngine per WinPlatform.

12 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Changes to The IDE Interface

To facilitate the ability to manage Eurotherm PAC Instruments within the ArchestrA
framework, the IDE interface has changed in a number of areas when compared to a
standard System Platform environment. Additional menu options and toolbar buttons
are available, together with a PAC Strategies tab, an enhancement to the Galaxy
Browser tool, and a Binding Tool. The following graphic shows some of the more
obvious changes.

Wonderware PAC toolbar buttons

templates PAC Binding
tool, showing
all current
bound objects

Wonderware PAC Strategies tab

The following sections outline the changes to the IDE.

Menu and Toolbar options

Three Wonderware PAC-specific toolbar buttons are appended to the main
ArchestrA IDE toolbar. The toolbar is displayed by default, but the visibility can be
toggled using the View > Toolbars > Main Toolbar menu option.

The four Wonderware PAC toolbar buttons are shown in the following figure.

Manage EurothermSuite Applications.

Displays the EurothermSuite Project Link

PAC Strategies. Configure UStoreForward.

Displays the PAC Displays the UStoreForward
Strategies window. configuration window.
PAC Binding. Displays Help Topics (F1).
the PAC Binding tool. Displays the standard
ArchestrA help.

The four Wonderware PAC buttons are explained in further detail below.

• PAC Strategies — Displays the PAC Strategies instrument view window, allowing
the creation and management of instrument strategy configuration files. Refer to
"PAC Strategies Tab" on page 17 for further information.

13 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

• PAC Binding — Displays the PAC Binding dockable window, if hidden, allowing
the browsing and automatic association between LIN function blocks and
ArchestrA objects. By default, the PAC Binding window is displayed on the
right-hand side of the IDE, but can be repositioned or hidden. Refer to "PAC
Binding Tool" on page 19 for further information.

• Configure UStoreForward — Displays the UStoreForwardConfig window that is

used to automatically create Store and Forward mapping files (.usf files) between
ArchestrA objects and LIN fields. With this information, gaps in Historian and the
Wonderware Alarm Database can be restored from Eurotherm PAC Instrument’s
.uhh files using the Store and Forward feature. Refer to "Appendix C –
Configuring Store and Forward" on page 85 for further information.

• Manage EurothermSuite Applications — Allows the editing and publishing of

Managed InTouch applications. Refer to "Using Managed Applications
(EurothermSuite Project Link)" on page 21 for further details.

Like the toolbar buttons, the View menu also allows control of the visibility of the PAC
Strategies tab and the PAC Binding tool.

Click to show
the PAC
tab or PAC
Binding tool

The Eurotherm PAC menu also duplicates two of the buttons on the toolbar, allowing
you to:

• Configure UStoreForward

• Show the EurothermSuite Project Link window in order to make, edit and
publish managed applications. Refer to "Using Managed Applications
(EurothermSuite Project Link)" on page 21 for further details.

14 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

The LIN Connection Setup tool can be launched from within the PAC Strategies
window, as shown in the following figure.

Click this button to

launch the LIN
Ports Setup tool

Wonderware PAC Object Templates

When creating a new Galaxy, Wonderware PAC-specific templates should be
imported. They are installed to the template toolbox window within the folder tree.
Specifically, they are installed:

• Device Integration templates ($PAC_DIDeviceDiag and $PAC_DINetwork) —

installed to the Eurotherm PAC > Device Integration folder (with the exception
of the $PAC_DIDevice, which is installed to the Eurotherm PAC > Base folder).

• Wonderware PAC base templates — installed to the Eurotherm PAC >

Application > Base folder. These are generally only used for custom template

• ApplicationObject templates ($PAC_PID, $PAC_VLV2IN and $PAC_AI_UIO, for

example) — installed to the Eurotherm PAC > Application folder

• Eurotherm PAC and generic LIN instrument configuration templates

($GenericLIN, $T2550 and $T2750)— installed to the Eurotherm PAC >
Strategies folder

15 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

The following figure shows the location of the Wonderware PAC-specific templates.

PAC Base templates. Generally only used

when building custom templates.

Wonderware PAC ApplicationObjects

Device Integration objects

($PAC_DIDeviceDiag and $PAC_DINetwork)

Instrument configuration templates

($GenericLIN, $T2550, and $T2750)

Note: The $PAC_DIDevice template is located within the PAC Base folder tree.
Use the $PAC_DIDevice instance to communicate with non-Eurotherm PAC
Instruments (that is, instruments other than the T2550 and the T2750). For T2550
and T2750 instruments, the use of a $PAC_DIDeviceDiag instance (under the Device
Integration folder tree) is recommended.

The following table lists the primary Wonderware PAC object templates.

Template Description

$T2750 A PAC instrument configuration template for the

T2750 controller.

$T2550 A PAC instrument configuration template for the

T2550 controller.

$GenericLIN A generic LIN device template for any legacy

LIN-based instruments or displays.

16 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Template Description

$PAC_DINetwork A Device Integration Network template providing

information to the Galaxy about the LIN network’s
configuration. Deploying this template installs and
configures a PAC DAServer to a remote node.

$PAC_DIDeviceDiag A device template that defines the PAC instrument

on the LIN network and provides access to the
actual instrument data by providing the entry point
to individual LIN function blocks. Thus the
instrument’s process values, alarms, status, etc,
are exposed to the ArchestrA framework.
The $PAC_DIDeviceDiag template also provides
diagnostic information for the instument, and
provides a means to support HMI control and
Note: The $PAC_DIDeviceDiag can only be
used with PAC instruments (which have in-built
support for the neccessary diagnostic blocks).
Other instruments should use the $PAC_DIDevice
device integration object.

In addition to the primary Wonderware PAC object templates, a variety of

ApplicationObject templates are supplied and continually being added, matching
many of the blocks found inside a Eurotherm PAC Instrument. These include a varity
of analogue and digital control function templates. For full information on each
Wonderware PAC object, refer to the online object help within the IDE, retrieved in
the usual manner.

PAC Strategies Tab

A Wonderware PAC–specific tab showing all instrument configuration strategies can
be found in the Application Views window, called PAC Strategies. This provides a
single location to find all strategies for PAC and generic LIN instruments.

Click to launch the LIN

Connection Setup tool Extract LIN Project

configuration templates

PAC Strategies tab

The instrument configurations located within the PAC Strategies tab, can be defined,
maintained, configured and subsequently downloaded to the instrument. Setup of the
local LIN network can be performed using the LIN Connection Setup tool, available
by clicking the LIN Ports button at the top of the PAC Strategies tab.

17 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: Instrument configurations are not deployed to remote devices through the
ArchestrA framework, and consequently they are only visible in the PAC Strategies
and Derivation tabs. They are not visible in the Deployment tab. Only DIDevice
instances that reference an instrument configuration listed in the PAC Strategies tab
can be deployed. Instrument configurations can be downloaded to physical
instruments, however, using the IDE or LINtools.

The Extract LIN Project drop-down located at the top of the PAC Strategies tab
provides the ability to export the configuration files from PAC Startegy Objects to an
Operations Server and Viewer (OPSS) project. If clicked, the user can select the
location of the project root (or create a new one) to export the strategy, as shown in
the following figure.

18 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

LIN Data Browser

To facilitate the manual binding of Eurotherm PAC Instruments (or generic LIN
devices) to ArchestrA objects, a tab on the Galaxy Browser called LIN Data Browser,
is available. This allows browsing of the namespace covering all Eurotherm PAC and
generic LIN instruments defined within a Galaxy, and is available whenever the
configuration of an attribute requires a reference string to be entered.

PAC Binding Tool

Manually linking individual Eurotherm PAC Instrument (or generic LIN devices)
blocks to ArchestrA object attributes is an essential operation at times, especially
when making changes to an existing configuration. However, it can also be a time
consuming task if the links are being made by hand, or even when using the LIN Data
Browser within the Galaxy Browser tool.

To increase productivity, the PAC Binding tool can automatically bind a predefined
set of LIN function block fields on a Eurotherm PAC Instrument to an instance of an
ApplicationObject within ArchestrA.

In addition, once one object has been bound, a facility exists to export this
information from the Galaxy to a comma separated value (csv) file. The exported file
can be used as a template to create more complex setups. The file can be edited in
any editor that supports the csv file type (Microsoft Excel® or Notepad, for example),
duplicated or modified, and then reimported into the Galaxy using the PAC Binding
tool. This allows, for example, multiple PAC instrument blocks to be bound to multiple
object instances in an extremely efficient manner.

Note: If a particular object referenced in the imported file already exists in the
Galaxy, the entry is ignored and the next line is processed. Existing objects are not
overwritten or modified.

19 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

The feature allows system integrators to quickly create those objects required for the
supervisory control aspects, even if the strategies within the LIN instruments have yet
to be created and downloaded to the instruments.

LIN Connection Setup Tool

To enable the local engineering workstation to connect to the appropriate local LIN
network, the LIN Connection Setup tool allows a user to specify which LIN network
the engineering workstation should communicate with. The list of available
connections is automatically generated based on the instrument configurations within
the Galaxy, and any existing configuration already on the workstation. The
configuration of the LIN network at a remote DAServer node is automatically
configured when the DAServer is deployed.

Configure UStoreForward Tool

The Store and Forward tool automatically attempts to fill in gaps in Historian that may
exist, typically created when the data flow from an instrument to ArchestrA is
interrupted. The Store and Forward tool examines .uhh files FTP’d from Eurotherm
PAC Instruments, and compares the contents of these files against the data held in
Historian. Where possible, Store and Forward then attempts to fill in the gaps if the
data is available in the .uhh files.

Event messages (usually generated when a LIN function block enters an alarm state)
for blocks within a Eurotherm PAC strategy can also be forwarded to the
Wonderware Alarm Database for the associated area.

For this mechanism to work, there needs to be a mapping of LIN fields to Historian
tags and LIN Recording Groups to ArchestrA Areas for the Wonderware Alarm
Database. Store and Forward uses a .usf configuration file that provides this mapping
information. The Configure UStoreForward tool, accessed from the ArchestrA toolbar
or Eurotherm PAC menu, automatically creates this .usf file by examining the fields
that are in a Recording Group within a Eurotherm PAC Instrument strategy and maps
these against the ArchestrA objects that have the History Extension enabled.

20 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

An example of theConfigure UStoreForward window is shown below.

Using Managed Applications (EurothermSuite Project Link)

Traditionally, an end-user HMI (InTouch application) was configured using
Eurotherm’s Project Organiser, which allowed the launching of WindowMaker to
customise the graphics, symbols and text outside of Wonderware PAC.

However, this approach meant the large collection ArchestrA symbols could not be
used in the published InTouch application.

From release 8.0 of Eurotherm PAC, it is possible to create new EurothermSuite

Projects that are known as "Managed applications" (rather than Published
applications), which can be simply edited from within the Archestra IDE, and take full
advantage of the suite of ArchestrA symbols. The creation of such projects is
performed using the traditional New Eurotherm Project Wizard, and then managed
and edited using the Eurotherm Suite Project Link window within the ArchestrA

21 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

To launch the EurothermSuite Project Link window, click on the Manage

EurothermSuite Applications toolbar button, or select Configure EurothermSuite
Apps in the Eurotherm PAC menu. The EurothermSuite Project Link window is
displayed, as shown in the following example.
Make managed
InTouch application name. If this application
doesn’t exist in the Galaxy yet, the
Edit application
Name of Project Make button is available to click.
Publish app

List of
Projects found in
the root folder
(default of

Log and message


Path where
projects are

Refresh list of projects displayed at the top Close this window

When the EurothermSuite Project Link window is first opened, the projects stored
in the default location of C:\EuroPS are scanned and listed. This path can be
changed by updating the contents of the Full path to the root of all projects field
and clicking the Refresh button. Any Intouch applications associated with the
projects are also shown in the InTouch Application column. Supplementary
information is shown in brackets, if applicable. Next to each project are three buttons
(Make, Edit and Publish) which perform the following functions when clicked:

22 HA030834
Changes to The IDE Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

• Make — This button is only available if the current Galaxy does not contain this
project as a managed application; if it is not available, the button is replaced with
n/a. Clicking this button makes a managed application with the same name as
the Project. This task may take several minutes to complete whilst the template
application is copied into the Galaxy. An example is shown in the figure below.

• Edit — This button allows the InTouch application to be edited. A confirmation

dialogue is displayed before WindowMaker is launched.

23 HA030834
Wonderware PAC Workflow Wonderware PAC User Guide

• Publish — This button publishes the InTouch application into the correct folder in
the correct project. A confirmation window is displayed before the selected
application is published.

The tool then publishes the InTouch application, which may take a few minutes
to complete. An example of a completed publish operation is shown in the
following figure.

Once the application has been published, it can be deployed to the computers
in the system, if required, using the deploy function from within Project

Wonderware PAC Workflow

Users who are familiar with LIN-based instruments and devices will notice a change
in workflow. In particular, the Galaxy is used to store the instrument configuration
files, rather than the files being stored locally on a workstation. Downloading of the
strategies can be performed both within LINtools, or directly from within the
ArchestrA IDE. The editing of the instrument configuration files is always invoked
using the ArchestrA IDE, and not edited directly with tools such as LINtools which
have been launched independently from the Start menu. Strategy files can be lost if
they are edited in instances of LINtools not launched from within the IDE on a
Wonderware PAC installed workstation.

24 HA030834
Wonderware PAC Workflow Wonderware PAC User Guide

The basic workflow, which is a top-down methodology, is as follows:

1. Create an instance of a Eurotherm PAC Instrument configuration object and

define the strategy.
An instance of a Eurotherm PAC Instrument configuration template is a
place-holder to allow the configuration of the instrument’s strategy to be stored
within the Galaxy, and to define the namespace for a PAC instrument Device
Integration Object (step 4). Configure the object with the desired port name and
node address so the DAServer (DINetwork object) can connect to the instrument
later on.

Multiple instrument configurations can be created at this stage, prior to

continuing to step 2. This allows a system integrator to define place-holders for
the instrument configurations, which can be managed and incrementally
developed at a later stage by control engineers.

Once the instance of the PAC instrument configuration template is created, the
strategy can be defined. Using the ArchestrA IDE, launch LINtools to edit the
instrument configuration for the device. Other supporting configuration
software tools can then be launched from within LINtools. The instrument
configurations, which include the strategies, are located in the PAC Strategies

After the strategy has been created, the local communication configuration is
defined using the LIN connection setup tool. This configures the
communication from the engineering workstation to the LIN instruments,
enabling the instrument configuration to be downloaded to the LIN
instruments. The download can be performed from either within LINtools or the
ArchestrA IDE.

2. Create an instance of the platform for the PAC DAServer.

A PAC DAServer is deployed to an Application Server AppEngine. Create a
WinPlatform and AppEngine object in the normal manner. The PAC DAServer
will be deployed and configured to this platform.

3. Create a PAC network object.

A PAC device integration network object (PAC DINetwork) provides information
to the Galaxy about a LIN network’s configuration. Deploying this object to a
remote AppEngine installs and configures a PAC DAServer to the remote (or
local) node as well. It provides the connectivity between the LIN network and
ArchestrA. To the network object, device integration (DIDevice) instances are
deployed to faciliate communication with the physical instruments.

Note: Only deploy one DA Server (PAC DINetwork object) to any single node.

4. Specify which instruments the DINetwork can access.

For each physical instrument connected to the network, create an instance of a
DIDevice object. This object provides access to the actual instrument data by
providing the entry point to the individual LIN function blocks. Thus, the
instrument’s process values, alarms, status, etc, are addressable by the
ArchestrA framework. A DIDevice object brings together the instrument
configuration defined in step 1 to the DINetwork object defined in step 3. It also
provides the full namespace for the Galaxy Browser extensions.

25 HA030834
Wonderware PAC Workflow Wonderware PAC User Guide

5. Bind PAC instrument blocks to ArchestrA object instances.

For a deployed DIDevice instance to expose its runtime values (process values,
alarms, status, etc), the LIN data must be mapped – or bound – to an ArchestrA
object’s User Defined Attributes (UDAs). Equivalent ArchestrA objects (to those
blocks in the LIN instrument) are first created and then bound to the LIN function
blocks. This binding can be performed manually, by the use of the namespace
browser, or automatically by the PAC Binding tool. The PAC Binding tool can also
create the object instances and bind the attributes on mass using the import

26 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Wonderware PAC Basics

This chapter provides an overview of creating ArchestrA objects that, when deployed,
connect to Eurotherm PAC Instruments (or other legacy LIN–based instruments) on a
LIN network and expose the LIN data to the ArchestrA framework. A series of
walkthrough examples are used to aid understanding.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Overview

• Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration

• Stage 2: Creating the Execution Platform for the PAC DAServer

• Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object)

• Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork

• Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects

• Post–Configuration Procedure

• Improving Productivity with the PAC Binding Tool

To deploy a Eurotherm PAC Instrument within the ArchestrA framework, a series of
steps must be followed to expose an instrument’s LIN data to the ArchestrA
framework. The necessary steps to create such an installation are shown in the figure

Create an instance of Create an instance of a Eurotherm PAC

1 a PAC instrument instrument configuration (eg, T2750) to allow
configuration the strategy to be stored within the Galaxy.

Prepare a node for Prepare a node onto which the Device

2 the Device Integration Network object (and Eurotherm PAC
Integration Network DA Server) can be deployed (in the next step).

Create an instance of a Device Integration

Create an instance of Network. This represents a LIN network, and
3 a DINetwork object provides the connectivity between the LIN
network and ArchestrA.

Create a Device Integration object, representing

Create an instance of
4 a DIDevice object
the physical LIN instrument, providing an entry
point to the individual LIN blocks and fields.

Bind blocks from the Create the mapping between the PAC
5 PAC instrument to instrument’s tags, alarms and process values to
an ArchestrA ApplicationObject.

27 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration

This section explains how to create an instance of a Eurotherm PAC Instrument
configuration, how to edit the strategy, and finally download it to the instrument. In
addition, this section describes the method to change the instrument version, and to
configure the LIN connection to enable local communication with the LIN device.

An instance of a PAC strategy object represents the configuration of an instrument. It

contains the complete strategy definition for the device, allowing the Galaxy to store
the information and build the namespace necessary for successful communication
between any Eurotherm PAC Instrument (or generic LIN device), and an ArchestrA
object. The configuration can be downloaded directly to a Eurotherm PAC Instrument
from within the ArchestrA IDE framework, or by using LINtools – the primary strategy

Two primary supported Eurotherm PAC Instrument configuration templates are

available, the:

• $T2750 template, representing the T2750, and the

• $T2550 template, representing the T2550.

When either of these instrument configurations are created, Wonderware PAC

automatically creates an appropriate blank strategy with the correct the device type
defined and of the latest version (based on the latest version supported by LINtools).

To deploy a LIN–based instrument other than a T2550 or T2750, the generic

template, $GenericLIN, should be used instead. The process to create a
configuration for a generic LIN device is similar to that for a Eurotherm PAC
Instrument, except that the instrument type and version need to be defined at
the time of strategy creation.

Note: If the strategy for a T2750 or T2550 instrument has already been created,
but the instrument has not yet been added to the Galaxy (the strategy was created
before ArchestrA was installed, for example), then a special procedure must be
followed to import the strategy into the galaxy. Refer to the "Appendix D – Importing
Existing LIN Strategies to The Galaxy" on page 90 for more information.

The following procedure provides a step–by–step example of creating a Eurotherm

PAC Instrument configuration instance for a T2750 device.

To instantiate a new Eurotherm PAC Instrument configuration

1. Ensure the PAC Strategies view window is visible. To view the PAC Strategies
view window:

◦ select the PAC Strategies tab, or

◦ click the PAC Strategies toolbar button, or

28 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

◦ select PAC Strategies from the View menu.

The following figure shows the three ways of viewing the PAC Strategies view

View the PAC strategies tab by clicking in the View menu ...

... clicking
the PAC
button ...

... or clicking the PAC Strategies tab

2. In the Template Toolbox, expand the Strategies folder within the Eurotherm
PAC folder, and drag–and–drop a $T2750 instrument configuration template
from the toolbox to the PAC Strategies view window, as shown in the following

Drag the $T2750

template to the
PAC Strategies
window, as shown

PAC Strategies tab


The default name for the new instrument configuration is T2750_nnn, where
nnn is a sequential number starting from 001. The PAC instrument can be
renamed in the usual manner within ArchestrA, if required.

29 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: Instrument configurations are not deployed to remote devices through the
ArchestrA framework, and consequently they are only visible in the PAC Strategies
and Derivation tabs. They are not visible in the Deployment or Model tabs. Only
DIDevice instances that reference an instrument configuration listed in the PAC
Strategies tab can be deployed. Instrument configurations can be downloaded to
physical instruments, however, using the IDE or LINtools.

3. Check out and edit the new instrument configuration so it can be configured. As
with all ArchestrA instances, double–click on the object to check it out from the
Galaxy and open it. The instrument configurator opens in the main workspace of
the IDE, with the single PAC Strategy Instrument Configuration tab displayed,
as per the following figure.

Editable fields

The PAC Strategy Instrument Configuration tab allows configuration of the

necessary information that the PAC DAServer needs to know in order to
connect to the instrument later on.

4. In the LIN Port Name field, enter the appropriate name for the LIN network, if the
default of NET is not appropriate.

5. In the Node Address (Hex) field, enter a unique node address for the
instrument, corresponding to the configuration switches on the T2750. The entry
should be a two–digit hex value between 01 and FE.

Note: For Eurotherm PAC Instruments (T2750 or T2550), use only even node
address numbers. Odd numbers are reserved for redundant pairs. For Generic LIN
devices, odd or even node addresses are valid.

If the node address matches that of another device configured in the Galaxy, a
warning is given to the user during the object check in process.

Three other instrument fields are automatically completed, as follows:

• The Instrument Type field is based on the template used to create the instance.
In this case, T2750.

30 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

• The Instrument Version is based on the version of LINtools installed, and

selects the most up–to–date version available in the first instance. At the time of
the first release of Wonderware PAC, this is v1.0 for a T2750 instrument, and
v7.0 for a T2550 instrument.

• The Default DBF field is set to T2750.DBF. This can be changed if the user
wishes, and must be manually configured if the instrument is a generic LIN
device. The Default DBF is the database that is downloaded and run in the
instrument. The Default DBF field can be changed within LINtools using the File
> Instrument Folder Properties menu command.

Note: If a generic LIN device were being created, the Instrument Type,
Instrument Version and Default DBF fields are blank. These can be set by using
the Instrument Folder Properties option within LINtools.

Three additional buttons are available to continue configuring the instrument. They

• Run LINtools — Click this button to run LINtools and to automatically open the
default DBF file. Additional configuration tools can be launched from the Tools
menu from within LINtools. Once the strategy has been defined, close LINtools to
return to the IDE. When the instrument instance is checked back into the Galaxy,
any configuration files created by LINtools and additional configuration tools are
also saved. Refer to "Editing the Strategy for a Eurotherm PAC Instrument" on
page 32 for further information.

• Instrument Options — Click this button to display the LIN Instrument Options
window. Use this window the modify various instrument-specific parameters. On
the Instrument Options tabs, this includes options such as configuring ports, time
zone, and the archiving of recorded data. On the Network Settings tab,
Ethernet-related parameters for the instrument can be configured, including
DHCP or static IP address configuration.

31 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

• Download — Click this button to download the instrument’s strategy to the

physical device. The engineering workstation needs to be configured to
communicate with local LIN instruments before this operation can be
successfully completed. Refer to "Using the LIN Connection Setup Tool" on
page 36 for further information.

• Explore Folder — Click this button to view the strategy files in a Windows
Explorer window.

Editing the Strategy for a Eurotherm PAC Instrument

The process for launching LINtools, and other LIN–based software support tools to
create strategies for Eurotherm PAC Instruments (or generic LIN devices) is critical.

The method of editing a strategy for Eurotherm PAC Instruments or Generic LIN
devices is nearly identical. The only difference is that for Eurotherm PAC Instruments,
a predefined LIN database with an appropriate LIN header block is created. For
Generic LIN devices, the database is blank, and the appropriate device type and
version must be defined by the user.

To launch LINtools Engineering Studio and edit the strategy, open the instrument
configurator by checking out the instrument configuration. From here, click the Run
LINtools button. LINtools launches with the correct strategy file opened.

Important: Always launch any LIN software support tools (including

LINtools) from within the ArchestrA IDE. Making changes to LIN strategies by
launching LIN software support tools outside of the ArchestrA IDE (eg, from
the Start menu) will not be reflected within the galaxy and may cause any
changes to be discarded.

When LINtools Engineering Studio is running, any of the additional software support
tools (eg Modbus Tools) can be launched from the tools menu from within the
LINtools user interface.

If the user decides to open a read–only version of the configuration from the Galaxy,
or if another user has already checked out the instrument configuration, then this is
indicated in LINtools by the addition Read Only in the title bar. In this mode, LINtools
opens the configuration as read–only, so no modifications can be saved. It is
possible, however, to download the strategy or go online to the instrument.

Some functionality within LINtools Engineering Studio is disabled when used within
the Wonderware PAC environment, as it is not relevant. For example, the Get Me
Started and New LIN Instrument Folder options within the File menu are not

32 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

If a strategy for a Generic LIN device is being defined, ensure the instrument type
and version is set using the Instrument Folder Properties window (select Instrument
Folder Properties from the File menu within LINtools). An example is shown in the
following figure.

For Generic LIN

devices, set the device
Type and Version using
these drop–down

If a strategy already exists outside of the Wonderware PAC environment (the strategy
was previously defined, for example), then it is possible to import an existing strategy
into the Galaxy. It is important that a strategy is imported into the correct Eurotherm
PAC Instrument configuration type (eg, a T2750 configuration imported into a T2750
instrument configuration instance). Refer to Appendix D, "," for information on how to
complete this task.

Once the strategy is defined, close LINtools to return to the ArchestrA IDE. Check the
instrument instance back into the Galaxy in the normal manner to store the strategy
and configuration files in the Galaxy.

Note: The object cannot be checked back into the Galaxy if LINtools is still editing
the strategy.

Changing the Instrument Version

By default, the version of the database for an instrument configuration strategy is the
latest major version that LINtools supports for a specific device. There may be
circumstances when the user needs an older instrument version (for example, when
working with a legacy system).

In these cases, the following procedure can be performed to change the instrument

The following procedure shows an example of changing a T2550 instrument from

version 7.0 to version 6.0.

33 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

To change the instrument version for a strategy

1. Check out an instance of a T2550 instrument configuration from the Galaxy.

version of the

The current instrument version is shown at the Instrument Version field. In

the example, it is v7.0.

2. Click Run LINtools to launch LINtools.

3. In LINtools, display the Instrument Folder Properties window by doing one of the

◦ right–click the top–level folder in the Contents pane, and select Properties.

◦ Select Instrument Folder Properties from the File menu.

The Instrument Folder Properties window appears, as shown in the following


Current instrument
version is shown

34 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

4. Click the drop–down menu next to the Version field and select a different
instrument version.

Use the drop–down

menu to show a
list of available

Note: The instrument type cannot be changed if the device is a T2550 or a T2750.
The Node address cannot be changed, regardless of the type, as this is controlled via
the PAC Strategy Instrument Configuration properties within the IDE.

5. Click OK to close the window, and after any other edits are complete, close

6. The PAC Strategy Instrument Configuration page within the IDE is updated
with the new version number.

changed to
version v6.0

Advisory that
has changed
and therefore
needs to be
checked in

7. Check the instrument configuration in to the Galaxy to save the changes.

35 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

Using the LIN Connection Setup Tool

When a Wonderware PAC DIDevice is deployed to a remote node, the DAServer is
automatically configured to permit communication to and from an instrument.
However, in order for the IDE engineering workstation to be able to communicate with
the local Eurotherm PAC Instrument (or generic LIN device), the following
requirements need to be met:

• the engineering workstation needs to be physically connected to the LIN network

• Communication between the local PC and the LIN network needs to be


The LIN Connection Setup tool can be used to configure the LIN connection between
the local engineering workstation and the LIN network.

It is not possible to download a strategy to an instrument unless this procedure is

completed. A warning message is displayed to the user if a strategy download
operation is attempted, or if LINtools is run without the LIN connection being
configured. Once configured, however, downloading of the strategy, going online,
and making live changes to a device is possible all from within LINtools, launched
from the IDE.

Note: The LIN Connection Setup tool is not required on remote nodes to which a
DINetwork is being deployed. The configuration is automatic in these cases.

To configure the local LIN port:

1. Launch the LIN Connection Setup tool by clicking the LIN Ports button located at
the top of the PAC Strategies tab, as shown in the following figure.

Click here to
open the
Setup tool

36 HA030834
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

The LIN Connection Setup window opens, as shown in the following figure. All
configured connections are listed, though in normal situations, this would only
consist or one or two entries.


status area

To allow the engineering workstation to communicate with instruments on

remote subnets, tick the Enable cross-subnet communication checkbox.

The Port Name, Enabled state, and Node Address (address of local PC on
the LIN network), are shown, together with an indicator status column. The
icon shown in the Indicator column represents:

Icon Description

The connection is required by instruments in the

current Galaxy, and is currently enabled.

The connection is required by instruments in the

current Galaxy, but is currently not enabled.

The connection is enabled, but its configuration is

invalid (such as using the same node address as an
instrument in the Galaxy)

<blank> The connection exists on the engineering station but is

not required by this Galaxy.

2. Locate the desired connection from the list, and enable it by selecting the
corresponding check box in the Enabled column.

The Node Address is blank for any ports required in a Galaxy, but not yet
configured on the engineering workstation. When the Enabled box is ticked, a
node address is automatically chosen. This node address should be manually
checked that there is no conflict with another engineering workstation on the
supervisory network. The automatically chosen node can be manually
overridden by clicking in the Node Address column, in the appropriate port
row, and typing the address (in hex between 01 and FE).

Tip: The automatically chosen node address is based upon a check that it
does not conflict with any instrument configuration objects or PAC_DINetwork
objects already configured in the Galaxy. The address is also always an even
number, to avoid any conflict with a redundant processor pair on a Eurotherm
PAC Instrument.

37 HA030834
Stage 2: Creating the Execution Platform for the PAC DAServer Wonderware PAC User Guide

The engineering workstation is now configured to communicate with a LIN network

on the chosen port(s). The LIN Connection Setup tool can be used to change the
port at any time.

Downloading Strategies to a PAC Instrument

To download a strategy for an instrument from Wonderware PAC, a network
connection from the IDE engineering workstation to the LIN network must exist. In
addition, the LIN connection must be configured to allow communication between the
engineering workstation and the LIN network. Refer to "Using the LIN Connection
Setup Tool" on page 36.

Note: It is not possible to download a strategy to a device unless the local LIN
connection has been configured using the LIN Connection Setup.

To download the strategy to the device:

• From within the IDE, check out the appropriate instrument configuration, and in
the PAC Strategy Instrument Configuration tab, click the Download button.

A window appears confirming the user choice to download the configuration.

Click OK to confirm.

• From within LINtools: To download the strategy from within LINtools, perform one
of the following:

◦ Click the Download button on the Contents window.

◦ Select Download This File from the File menu.

◦ Right–click on the Instrument folder within the Contents window and select
Download Configuration.

◦ Right–click on the actual instrument (for example, T2750) within the

Contents window and select Download This.

◦ For further information on using LINtools, refer to the LINtools online help or
the LINtools Engineering Studio User Guide, HA263001U055.

If there is a problem downloading the strategy to the device, ensure the engineering
workstation is physically connected to the LIN network, and that the configured port
for the instrument is currently selected using the LIN Connection Setup. If problems
are still encountered, refer to the "Troubleshooting at Strategy Download Time" on
page 94.

Stage 2: Creating the Execution Platform for the PAC DAServer

A PAC DAServer resides on a standard ArchestrA execution platform. To create the
platform for a PAC DAServer, create WinPlatform and AppEngine objects in the
normal manner, arranging them in the Deployment view tab. The following figure
shows this completed.

WinPlatform and
AppEngine objects

38 HA030834
Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object) Wonderware PAC User Guide

The DINetwork object, which encapsulates a connection to a PAC DAServer through

the Galaxy, will be deployed to this ArchestrA server in the next stage.

Note: The first WinPlatform created in a Galaxy must be the Galaxy Repository
(GR) node. Therefore, ensure that if the Galaxy is running on a separate node, that
this WinPlatform is first defined prior to creating the execution platform for any other

A valid license is required for every instance of a deployed PAC DAServer. If no

license is installed, the DAServer runs for 120 minutes in a demonstration mode,
allowing the configuration to be tested during development. Refer to Appendix A, ","
for further details of the licensing model.

Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object)

A DINetwork object instance is deployed under an AppEngine as created in Stage 2.
The DINetwork provides information to the Galaxy about the LIN network’s
configuration. Deploying a DINetwork object instance deploys (installs and
configures) a PAC DAServer to the remote node.

To create a LIN network instance

1. Ensure the Deployment view window is visible. To view the Deployment view

◦ select the Deployment tab, or

◦ click the Deployment View toolbar button, or

◦ Press Control + Shift + D keyboard shortcut combination.

2. In the Template Toolbox, expand the PAC Device Integration folder, and drag–
and–drop a $PAC_DINetwork template to under the Unassigned Host folder in
the Deployment view window. The completed step is shown in the following

Drag the
template to the
Unassigned Host
folder, as shown

The default name for the new DINetwork instance is PAC_DINetwork_nnn,

where nnn is a sequential number starting from 001. The DINetwork instance
can be renamed in the usual manner within Wonderware PAC, if required.

39 HA030834
Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object) Wonderware PAC User Guide

3. Drag the newly created DINetwork instance to the WinPlatform/AppEngine

created in Stage 2, as shown completed in the following figure.

object moved from
the Unassigned Host
folder to under the

4. Check out and edit the new object so it can be configured. As with all ArchestrA
instances, double–click on the object to check it out from the Galaxy and open it.
The Network Configuration tab is opened which allows the LIN network to be
defined, as shown in the following figure.

Specify the LIN port name (maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters) and

node address (two–digit hex number between 01 and FE) for the LIN network
in the ELIN Port Name and Node Address fields respectfully. If
communication across a different subnet is not required, proceed to step 6.

5. If the server needs to communicate with PAC instruments residing on a different

subnet, tick the Enable cross–subnet communication check box. An extra field
is displayed, PR IP Addresses, but no entries need be made in this field for
cross-subnet functionality to be enabled.

Refer to "Appendix G – Enabling Cross-Subnet Communication" on page 113

for additional steps that need to be performed in order to enable cross-subnet

40 HA030834
Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork Wonderware PAC User Guide

6. The Automatically select network adapter option is ticked by default, and can
be left on in the majority of cases (especially true if there is only a single network
adapter in the target machine this DINetwork is being deployed to). If this option
is deselected, two additional fields are displayed, IP Address and IP Address

A typical scenario whereby the completion of the IP Address and IP Address

Mask fields is recommended when there are two or more network adapters on
the target machine, both connected to LIN networks, and both using the same
Port Name.

The IP Address field configures the IP address to which this port expects to
find the network adapter.

The IP Address Mask has special rules for the value entered here. Refer to
the LIN Ports Editor control panel applet and additional online help provided for
the IP Address Range field.

Note: The IP Address Mask field should not be confused with a subnet mask.
They are not the same thing.

7. The object now has enough information to be able to create an appropriate LIN
port when the object is deployed. Check-in the DINetwork instance. At this stage,
the object can be deployed, if desired, and communications can be tested. This
results in the PAC DAServer being installed and correctly configured on the
remote node. The PAC DAServer is now able to communicate with LIN

Note: Deploying a DINetwork instance for the first time can take several minutes to
complete whilst the PAC DAServer is being installed and configured.

Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork

Having created a DINetwork instance (a PAC DAServer) which provides the interface
between the LIN network and the Galaxy, it is necessary to assign the physical
instruments (DIDevices) to the DINetwork instance. This ensures the PAC DAServer
is able to communicate with the PAC instruments (and any generic LIN devices).

$PAC_DIDevice and $PAC_DIDeviceDiag objects provide the mechanism for a

DINetwork to communicate with the LIN device. Each DIDevice instance is
associated with an instrument configuration strategy found in the PAC Strategies tab,
created in Stage 1.

In addition, a $PAC_DIDeviceDiag object monitors the health of a PAC instrument,

and is the recommended DIDevice for Eurotherm PAC Instruments (T2750 and
T2550). Non-Eurotherm PAC Instruments (legacy and Generic LIN devices) do not
support the necessary diagnostic LIN function blocks, and therefore cannot use the
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag functionality. In these cases, it is recommended that the
$PAC_DIDevice object is used instead.

To add an instrument to a LIN network

1. Ensure the Deployment view window is visible. To view the Deployment view

◦ select the Deployment tab, or

◦ click the Deployment View toolbar button, or

◦ Press Control + Shift + D keyboard shortcut combination.

41 HA030834
Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork Wonderware PAC User Guide

2. In the Template Toolbox, expand the PAC Device Integration folder and drag–
and–drop the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag Object to under the Unassigned Host folder
in the Deployment view window. The completed step is shown in the following

Drag the
template to the
Unassigned Host
folder, as shown

The default name for the new DIDevice instance is PAC_DIDeviceDiag_nnn,

where nnn is a sequential number starting from 001. The DIDevice instance
can be renamed in the usual manner within Wonderware PAC, if required.

3. Drag the newly created DIDevice instance to the DINetwork instance created in
Stage 3, as shown completed in the following figure.

object moved from
the Unassigned Host
folder to under the

4. Check out and edit the new object so it can be configured. As with all ArchestrA
instances, double–click on the object to check it out from the Galaxy and open it.
The DIDevice configuration window opens, with the General tab displayed.

42 HA030834
Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork Wonderware PAC User Guide

5. Under the PAC Instrument field, select the appropriate PAC instrument
configuration (strategy) that was configured in Stage 1. This specifies which
specific LIN instrument the DIDevice represents.

Select the instrument configuration

from the drop–down list

Each DIDevice object connects to a single PAC instrument object. A PAC

instrument object, may however, be used by multiple DIDevice objects.

6. If the instrument in step 5 above is a legacy device (Generic LIN), then skip this
step and proceed directly to step 7. The following step prepares the object for
use with the diagnostic symbol. Refer to Chapter 3, "Instrument Diagnostics," for
further information.

Select the UDAs tab and locate and select the Simplex
[$PAC_DIDeviceDiag] entry in the Inherited UDAs section.

Locate the True/False checkbox, and tick appropriately depending on whether

the Eurotherm PAC Instrument has a single processor (ticked), or a duplex
processor (unticked).

UDAs tab selected

Select the Simplex ... and tick the checkbox according to

UDA ... whether the instrument is operating in a
simplex mode (ticked) or a duplex mode

7. Check-in the DIDevice instance to the Galaxy. Other objects within the ArchestrA
framework can now access the LIN data through this DIDevice object. To bind
the LIN data to an ArchestrA object, refer to the next section.

43 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

Working with Redundancy

Redundancy within Wonderware PAC works in the standard ArchestrA manner
utilising the $RedundantDIObject. A DAServer can be installed in a redundant
configuration, and instances of the $RedundantDIObject can be created, configured
to reference two DIDevice (PAC instrument or generic LIN) instances.

In a situation where redundancy is not required, the instrument diagnostic symbol for
a DIDevice can be attached to the DIDevice itself (refer to "Instrument Diagnostics"
on page 61 for details on the diagnostic symbol), providing diagnostic information for
the DIDevice. In the case of a redundant setup, however, the instrument diagnostic
symbol should be attached to the $RedundantDIObject instead, and thus continues
to provide diagnostic information on the DIDevice regardless of a failure of a PAC

Monitoring of the redunancy status can be performed using the standard ArchestrA
RedundantDIObjectDisplay symbol. The primary and backup DIDevices can be
referenced from this symbol, thus providing an HMI interface to the redundancy
status for the DIDevice.

For further information on working with redundancy within the Wonderware PAC
framework, refer to the System Platform documentation, "Working with Redundancy"
Chapter in the Application Server User’s Guide.

Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects

When a Wonderware PAC ApplicationObject is created, upon instantiation, a set of
User–Defined Attributes (UDAs) need to be linked to LIN field references in order to
produce a fully functional and deployable object. The process of performing this
linking is referred to as binding. Without the binding operation, the runtime values
within a LIN instrument cannot be exposed to the Wonderware PAC environment.

The process of binding writes a predefined set of LIN function block fields to the
InputSource or OutputSource fields of a corresponding set of attributes on an
instance of a particular Wonderware PAC object.

Once an ApplicationObject has been bound, the LIN data can be presented to HMIs
allowing a user to view and interact with the instrument.

There are three ways to perform this binding:

• Manually, by typing the PAC instrument’s reference string into an

ApplicationObject instance’s InputSource or OutputSource field

• Semiautomatically, by using the Galaxy Browser to view and select the relevant
LIN field

• Automatically, by using the PAC Binding Tool

The technique used to bind the LIN data to an object is a user–choice, largely
dependant upon the nature of the binding task. The following examples show each
method, and when each method may be the most suitable choice.

Manually Binding Objects

To manually bind LIN function blocks to an ArchestrA object instance attribute, the
reference string of the LIN function block must be known. If only a single bind is
required, manually entering the data is one of the quickest method to create the bind.

44 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

For this example, a PAC_PID object is used. The aim is to map the PV value in the
LIN PID block to the PV attribute in the PAC_PID ApplicationObject. The following
assumptions are made:

• the DIDevice to which the physical instrument is associated with is called


• A PID block already exists in a strategy for an instrument configuration, with the
name of MyPID.

• The MyPID block has a field called PV, representing the process value. This is a
standard field for all LIN PID blocks.

The reference string for the PV block within the PAC instrument is therefore:

This reference string will be entered manually in to the input extension Source field
for the PAC_PID object in the following example.

To manually bind an object

1. Create an instance of a PAC_PID object, check it out and open for edit within the
IDE. In the example, the PAC_PID object is called PAC_PID_001.

2. Select the Extensions tab to view the Extendable attributes, as shown in the
following figure. These attributes are automatically created during the creation of
the instance of the PAC_PID ApplicationObject.

3. Scroll the list of Extendable attributes until the PV attribute is visible.

45 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

4. Highlight the PV attribute and locate the Source text entry box in the Input
extension group, as shown in the following figure.

Highlight the PV attribute... ... then click in the Source field

within Input extension group.

5. In the Source field within the Input extension group, enter the reference string
determined earlier on. The following figure shows this completed.

Manually entered binding

The binding of the PAC instrument’s PV value to the ArchestrA PID object is
complete. The object can now be checked back in. In order to check the binding, the
Object Viewer utility can be opened and the PAC_PID_001.PV can be added as an
Attribute Reference to a Watch window. If the configuration is correct, the live PV
value is displayed. For information on the Object Viewer utility, see the Object Viewer
User’s Guide.

If the reference string is not known, it can be looked up using the LIN Data Browser.
Refer to the next section, "Using the LIN Data Browser to Bind Objects" on page 47.

46 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

Using the LIN Data Browser to Bind Objects

Wonderware PAC provides an additional tab, within the Galaxy Browser, which
allows browsing of the namespace specific to PAC instruments and other generic LIN
devices. This facility can be used to help create a bind between a PAC instrument
and a Wonderware PAC object, and eliminates the need to know (or work out) the
reference string. The procedure is very similar to that for manually binding objects.
Therefore, refer to "Manually Binding Objects" on page 44 and follow the procedure
up to, and including, step 3. Then continue with the procedure below.

To look up a reference string using the Namespace Browser tool:

1. Highlight the PV attribute and click the ellipses button next to the Source text
entry box in the Input extension group, as shown in the following figure.

Highlight the PV attribute... ... then click the ellipses button for
the Input extension group.

47 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

2. The Galaxy Browser window displays. Click on the LIN Data Browser tab to
display the namespace for all LIN instruments, as shown in the following figure.

LIN Data Browser tab MyPID LIN block

Click to show LIN block fields that are writable

Click to show LIN block fields that are read-only

The LIN Data Browser window is divided into two. In the left–hand section of
the window, all the known DIDevice instances are shown. If any PAC strategies
are associated with the instruments, the PAC strategy is shown next to the
DIDevice. In the example above, the DIDevice PAC_DIDeviceDiag_001 has
the PAC strategy, T2550_001 associated with it; the PAC_DIDeviceDiag_002
has the PAC strategy T2750_001 associated with it, and so on.

Note: Redundant DIDevices are only shown in the left-hand section of the window
if the RDI object references PAC DIDevices.

On the right–hand section of the window, all the known LIN function blocks
within the selected DIDevice’s PAC strategy are shown. In the example above,
the PAC_DIDeviceDiag_001 has the strategy T2550_001, which has, amongst
other blocks, the MyPID block. Information for each of the LIN function blocks
can be found in the LIN Blocks Reference Manual.

48 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: The blocks and fields shown in the right–hand section of the window do not
contain live data. The information is taken from the configuration files stored within
the Galaxy. To view live data, use the Object Viewer utility. For information on using
the Object Viewer, see the Object View User’s Guide.

The content of the right–hand section of the window can be filtered in two
ways. Firstly, the field data type can be specified in the Field Type Filter drop
down menu, so for example, only those fields that are of the Boolean data
type, or Integer data type are shown.

The second type of filter that can be applied is to show only those fields that
are writable, or read–only. Use the small buttons to the right of the Field Type
Filter drop down menu to toggle the filter mode. When a filter is applied, the
button highlights in orange. The filtering functions as shown in the following

Buttons Description

No filter applied. Both writable and read-only LIN

function blocks are shown.

Only write able LIN function block fields are shown –

read-only fields are hidden.

Only read-only LIN function block fields are shown –

write able fields are hidden.

Both write able and read-only LIN function block

fields are shown. This produces the same results as
no filter being applied.

49 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

3. Select the appropriate DIDevice to display the LIN function blocks within the
strategy. In this example, select PAC_DIDeviceDiag_001 in the left–hand section
of the window. Expand the MyPID block in the right–hand section of the window
to display the fields available within the MyPID block, as shown in the following

Writable LIN block fields

Read–only LIN block fields

To aid linking the correct LIN function block field, each field is highlighted as
being write able or read–only. A filter can be applied if necessary to only show
write able or read–only fields (see step 2 above).

4. Click on PV, which is located within the MyPID block. Notice that the LIN
Reference field now correctly identifies part of the reference string as MyPID.PV,
as shown in the following figure.

50 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

5. Click the OK button to automatically populate the Source in the Input extension
group with the selected reference string.

Reference string automatically entered into the Source field

The binding of the PAC instrument’s PV value to the Wonderware PAC PID object is
complete, and the attribute PAC_PID_001.PV now refers to the LIN data at
PAC_DIDeviceDiag_001.MyPID.PV. This attribute and can be used to display the
value of the process value (PV) to an operator using an HMI, for example.

The object can now be checked back in. In order to check the binding and
communications are functioning, the Object Viewer utility can be opened and the
PAC_PID_001.PV can be added as an Attribute Reference to a Watch window. If the
configuration is correct, the live PV value is displayed. For information on the Object
Viewer utility, see the Object Viewer User’s Guide.

Using the PAC Binding Tool

The PAC Binding tool provides an extremely efficient method of mapping LIN function
blocks to Wonderware PAC objects, by automatically associating the correct fields for
a given LIN function block to a Wonderware PAC object. The PAC Binding tool also
provides support for exporting and importing binding configurations, which permits
mass binding operations. The import facility is capable of creating instances of PAC
instruments automatically, which allows automatic population of a Galaxy with a set
of fully configured PAC instruments. Refer to "Overview" in Appendix B, "," for further
information regarding the more advanced features of the Binding Tool.

Note: This tool overwrites any previously defined manual binding on an object.

51 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

The PAC Binding tool is integrated into the ArchestrA IDE as a dockable extension
view which can be displayed (if closed) by selecting PAC Binding within the View
menu, or by clicking the PAC Binding toolbar icon. By default, the PAC Binding tool
is docked on the right–hand side of the IDE. The location of the tool can be changed
by dragging the extension to an alternative position. The following figure shows the
two methods to show the PAC Binding tool. To hide the tool, click the x in the top–
right corner of the PAC Binding tool window.

The Binding tool can be opened .. or using the toolbar

from the View menu... button.

The PAC Binding tool has two tabs: Block Binding and Field Binding. The Block
Binding tab allows the automatic creation of associations between an object and a
LIN function block. The Field Binding tab presents view of the individual field
bindings of the currently selected instance on the Block Binding tab (including those
made manually — refer to "Manually Binding Objects" on page 44, and "Using the
LIN Data Browser to Bind Objects" on page 47).

52 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

The following figure shows the Binding Tool with the Block Binding tab selected.

Refresh button to Check in automatically Import and Export configurations

manually force the checked out objects
Validation button
tool to refresh object
information or
revalidate bindings
Displays the objects
that can be bound

Displays a read–only List of available

list of bindings for the objects that the
currently selected Binding tool can
instance process. Any
objects are

LIN block
bindings still
being loaded by
the Binding Tool

Progress bar indicating remaining time until all LIN

block bindings are loaded in the tool

The toolbar is common to both the Block Binding tab and the Field Binding tab,
and contains the following buttons:

• The Import and Export buttons allow the current binding configuration to be
exported or imported from or into the Galaxy database, thus providing a means
for rapid configuration. Refer to "Appendix B – Advanced Binding Tool Operation"
on page 78 for further information.

• The Refresh drop-down menu button serves two purposes. It can refresh the
instances list, or perform two types of validation on the bindings. The options
under the Refresh button are:

◦ Refresh Instances list updates the tool with the currently available set of
objects. This is necessary if PAC-based objects have been added, renamed
or deleted from the Galaxy. The Refresh button can be used at any point,
including during the initial loading of the tool so the user does not need to
wait before creating and binding new instances.

◦ Validate LIN block bindings updates the validation status of the block

◦ Validate LIN Block and field bindings updates the validation status of the
block bindings, and also the field bindings.

• The Check In button checks in all automatically–checked–out objects, that

occurred during a binding operation. This allows multiple objects to be checked in
at once.

53 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

• The Validation button displays the Block Binding Validation window, showing
any validation issues with the binding data. The Validation button is only visible
when there are validation issues.

When the tool first loads, a large amount of information concerning the bindings is
loaded. During this process, a progress bar at the bottom of the window shows an
estimated time to completion for this operation. For very large configurations, this can
be several minutes. However, the loading of the binding information is performed as a
background task, and operation of the tool (or any other feature within Wonderware
PAC) can be used during this processing.

For information regarding the Block Binding tab, and how to use it to automatically
bind objects, refer to the next section, "Block Binding tab" on page 54. For
information regarding the Field Binding tab, refer to the section, "Field Binding tab"
on page 58.

Block Binding tab

If the Block Binding tab is selected, the lower half of the PAC Binding tool window
displays all the ApplicationObject instances eligible for binding. As the information
shown in this tool requires the processing of a large amount of data from the Galaxy,
there can be a short delay before all shown information can be edited. In this case,
for each instance shown, Please Wait is shown in the LIN Block column until the
data is editable. It is not necessary to wait for the tool to finish loading before
continuing, however.

The data is presented in four columns, as described in the following table.

Column Description

Instance An ArchestrA object instance for which binding is


Template The name of the template from which the instance was

Types The LIN function block types defined by the

ApplicationObject template as suitable for binding.
Information is taken from the template’s binding rules.

LIN Block Shows the LIN function block that has been mapped
to the ArchestrA object. Refer to the table below for

The value shown in the LIN Block column represents one of three states as
described in the following table.

LIN Block value Description

LIN block name, for The name of the LIN function block that has been
example: mapped to the object instance.

54 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

LIN Block value Description

Please wait The information is being read from the Galaxy and
not yet available for use within the PAC Binding
tool. Wait for this message to disappear before
attempting to perform any binding operation for this

{blank} No binding has been created for this ArchestrA


To automatically create a bind between an instance of an object and a LIN function

block, the instance must be checked out for edit. The Binding Tool checks out any
objects that are not already checked out by the user. Once the binding operation is
complete, those automatically checked out can be checked back in by pressing the
Check In button.

Note: If an object is already checked out by a different user, and the Binding Tool is
used on that object, a message is displayed informing the user that the bind was not

To automatically perform a binding operation

1. Ensure the Binding Tool is open, and select the object instance to be bound.
Click anywhere in the LIN Block column on the appropriate object instance row.
An ellipses button appears, as shown in the following figure.

Click the ellipses button on the row of the instance to be bound

55 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

2. Click the ellipsis button on the row of the desired instance. The Browse for LIN
blocks window opens, as shown in the following figure.

PAC DIDevice instance ...

... and associated strategy configuration

Blocks within
the strategy
that are of
the correct
type to be
bound to the

for selected
Type of

The left–hand side of the window shows the DIDevice instances (sorted
alphabetically in ascending order, by default), together with any associated
PAC strategy next to them. The right–hand side of the window shows the
blocks within the associated PAC strategy, filtered to only show blocks of the
suitable type(s) for the associated ApplicationObject.

Note: The same LIN function block may be selected for different ApplicationObject

3. Select the desired DIDevice in the left–hand side of the window. In this example,
PAC_DIDeviceDiag_001 has been selected.

4. In the right–hand side of the window, select the desired PID block. In this
example, the MyPID block has been selected. The LIN Reference field and Type
fields are change to reflect the selection. Alternatively, the block name can be
typed manually in the LIN Reference field if it is known. As each part of the
reference string is entered, the text is displayed in red until an exact match is
found in the tree-view displayed in the right-hand window; at which point, the text
turns black. When a period is entered, to continue refining the reference string,
the tree view updates expanding the relevant section providing information on
the available LIN fields.

56 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: The reference string is case-sensitive. If entering the reference string

manually, be sure to observe the correct case.

5. Click the OK button to automatically bind the object. (Clicking Unbind removes
any previously defined binding information from the Galaxy).

The PAC Binding tool now shows the appropriate object with the binding
information, as shown in the following figure. Any unresolved LIN block
references are displayed in red text in the LIN Block column. If validation
errors are detected, the validation toolbar button appears which can be clicked
for further information.

This ApplicationObject is now bound to ... ... this LIN block

6. If the object was not checked out for edit before the binding process was
performed, the PAC Binding tool checks the object out automatically. At this
stage, the Check In button becomes available, and can be used to check in all
the objects automatically checked out in one operation. Click the Check In button
to automatically check these objects in.

Note: Any objects already checked out prior to the binding operation are not
checked using the Check In button. These objects need to be checked in manually.
The Check In button only functions for those objects that were automatically checked

57 HA030834
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects Wonderware PAC User Guide

Field Binding tab

The Field Binding tab shows a read–only view for all bound attributes of a selected
instance. It shows which LIN field references have been assigned to each
ApplicationObject’s UDA extension. Select the ApplicationObject instance whilst
viewing the Block Binding tab, and then select the Field Binding tab. Refer to the
following figure as an example of the Field Binding tab, with PAC_PID_001 having
been selected in the Block Binding tab.

The binding information is presented in three columns. Refer to the following table for
an explanation of each column.

Column Description

Instance The object instance that has binding information

associated to it.

UDA Extension The User Defined Attribute (UDA) reference for

the specified instance.

LIN Field selection The block and field in the LIN instrument that the
UDA extension of the instance maps to. Clicking
the ellipsis button on the LIN Field selection
column displays the LIN Data Browser window,
allowing individual block fields to be browsed to
and edited.

58 HA030834
Post–Configuration Procedure Wonderware PAC User Guide

The items in the UDA Extension column are a complete list of expected bindings. If
no binding information is available against a single (or multiple) UDA Extensions, the
associated LIN Field selection entry shows "---". Fields showing "---" can be
indicative of incorrect or incomplete binding. This may occur if only manual binding
has been performed on a subset of available UDA extensions, or the tool has been
upgraded since the binding was last set and addition attributes that can be bound are

Post–Configuration Procedure
Having completed stages 1 to 5, the Eurotherm PAC Instrument exposes its runtime
values to the ArchestrA environment. Other LIN–based instruments can now be set
up in a similar manner, or InTouch can be used to build pages in order to visualise
and control the instruments.

Wonderware PAC DINetworks and DIDevices are deployed in the usual manner as
with all other ArchestrA objects. Initial deployment of a DINetwork can take some
time, whilst the DAServer is installed and configured on the remote node. Once a
DINetwork has been deployed, the DAServer runs in demo mode if no license is
found. The demo mode functions for 120 minutes allowing time to check the
configuration, before having to undeploy and redeploy the DINetwork to restart the

After deployment of a DINetwork or DIDevice, it is recommended that the Object

Viewer, launched from within the IDE, is used to test communication between the LIN
instrument and ArchestrA. Checking that the instrument can communicate (in both
directions) at this stage can be helpful in diagnosing any subsequent communication
issues. If communication issues do occur after deployment, it is recommended that
the steps in Appendix E, "," are followed before contacting the various support routes.

Using Store and Forward

If Store and Forward is configured (the Eurotherm PAC Instrument strategy has
Recording Groups defined, and the History Extension is enabled for ArchestrA
objects), the Store and Forward tool can be used to avoid gaps in Historian data if the
communication between the LIN instrument and ArchestrA ever fails.

The Store and Forward tool automatically attempts to fill in gaps in Historian that may
exist, typically created when the data flow from a Eurotherm PAC Instrument to
ArchestrA is interrupted. The Store and Forward tool examines .uhh files FTP’d from
Eurotherm PAC Instruments, and compares the contents of these files against the
data held in Historian. Where possible, Store and Forward then attempts to fill in the
gaps if the data is available in the .uhh files.

Alarm events for function blocks within a Eurotherm PAC strategy can also be
forwarded to the Wonderware Alarm Database for the associated area.

For this mechanism to work, there needs to be a mapping of LIN fields to Historian
tags and LIN Recording Groups to ArchestrA Areas for the Wonderware Alarm
Database. Store and Forward uses a .usf configuration file that provides this mapping
information. The Configure UStoreForward tool, accessed from the Wonderware PAC
toolbar, automatically creates this .usf file by examining the fields that are in a
Recording Group within a Eurotherm PAC Instrument strategy and maps these
against the ArchestrA objects that have the History Extension enabled.

59 HA030834
Improving Productivity with the PAC Binding Tool Wonderware PAC User Guide

For information on how to automatically create the Store and Forward mapping
configuration file using the Configure UStoreForward button on the Wonderware
PAC toolbar, refer to "Appendix C – Configuring Store and Forward" on page 85. For
a detailed explanation on how to use and configure Store and Forward, refer to the
Eurotherm PAC Store and Forward User’s Guide (HA030835).

Improving Productivity with the PAC Binding Tool

The PAC Binding tool has the ability to import and export binding data. This allows a
user to save a current configuration to a comma separated values (csv) file. This can
be used to import into a different Galaxy, or used as a template and then modified
before subsequently reimporting it.

The import function automatically creates instances of objects listed in the csv file.
Any instance listed in the file that already exists in the Galaxy are overwritten
provided they are not currently checked out.

The import function discreetly validates the name of the DIDevice object in each
specified block binding and whether the LIN block exists in the namespace of a PAC
Strategy object associated with that DIDevice object. Any validation errors are logged
and made available afterwards.

The advantage of the import/export feature is that the user can populate a Galaxy
with a set of bound ApplicationObject instances having created a csv configuration

Refer to "Appendix B – Advanced Binding Tool Operation" on page 78 for full

information on using these advanced features of the PAC Binding tool.

60 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Instrument Diagnostics
This chapter provides information on obtaining diagnostic information from a
Eurotherm PAC Instrument using the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag object.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Overview

• Operator Interface

• Configuration

• Working with Redundancy

• Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references

A DINetwork instance (a PAC DAServer) provides the interface between the LIN
network and the Galaxy. It is necessary to assign the physical instruments
(DIDevices) to the DINetwork instance. This ensures the PAC DAServer is able to
communicate with the PAC instruments (and any generic LIN devices).

PAC DIDevice objects provide the mechanism for a DINetwork to communicate with
the LIN device. Each DIDevice instance is associated with an instrument
configuration strategy, found in the PAC Strategies tab.

Eurotherm PAC Instruments (T2550 and T2750) can provide diagnostic information
and present this to the operator through the HMI. The $PAC_DIDeviceDiag
application object provides this functionality, and offers graphic symbols to give a
clear indication of the nature and detail of any fault conditions should they arise. In
addition to fault conditions, the symbols also allow the condition of the I/O modules,
the strategy running on the PAC device, communication and time settings to be
monitored. The $PAC_DIDeviceDiag object is an extension to the $PAC_DIDevice
object (which can be used for non-T2550/T2750 instruments).

The diagnostic symbol relies on specific LIN function blocks within the strategy. The
required LIN function blocks are automatically added to a blank strategy when a
T2550 or T2750 instrument strategy is created through the IDE. If existing T2550 or
T2750 strategies are imported into Wonderware PAC, care must be taken to ensure
the required LIN function blocks are also created, and appropriate alarms enabled.

Legacy devices, or Generic LIN devices which do not support the use of the following
LIN function blocks cannot use the diagnostic capability of the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag,
and should instead use a $PAC_DIDevice object which provides support for the LIN
device, but without the diagnostics capability.








61 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: If more than one block of the above types is running in the PAC device, then
it cannot be defined which block will be used.

In addition to the above LIN function blocks, various alarm fields must also be
enabled in the TACTICIAN and EIO_DIAG blocks. If the Wonderware PAC strategies
were created through the IDE, these alarms are already enabled by default. Refer to
"Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references" on page 72 for details of
which alarms need to be enabled.

Full support for redundant configurations is provided. Refer to "Working with

Redundancy" on page 72 for details on how to configure the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag
object for use in redundant systems.

Operator Interface
Two primary views are offered for the diagnostics symbol:

• An graphical overview of the health of the Eurotherm PAC Instrument, for general
use, including the use of a traffic light display to represent the health of the

• A detailed view, which contains more specific status information and the ability to
control the instrument where it is configured to run in duplex mode.

Overview Display
The overview display indicates fault conditions through the use of a traffic light
system as follows:

62 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Traffic Light Description

Red. When illuminated, indicates a major fault.

Failure in any of the following areas are classified as
major faults:
• block RAM checksum

• hardware fault

• block software fault

• I/O block RAM checksum

• primary processor fault

• secondary processor fault

• battery failure

• real-time clock status

• brown out

• power failure

• temporary power failure

• device communications

• strategy communications

• primary synchronisation status

Amber. When illuminated, indicates a minor fault.

Failure in any of the following areas are classified as
minor faults:
• battery low

• primary license failure

• secondary license failure

Green. When illuminated, the health of the

Eurotherm PAC Instrument is good (no major or
minor faults detected).

Refer to "Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references" on page 72, for
additional information on the alarm conditions that trigger the major and minor fault

The overview symbol also shows the hardware configuration of the Wonderware PAC
device, showing the configuration (simplex or duplex processors), and the I/O
modules assigned to the various slots (sites). If an issue is identified on one of the I/O
modules, a red border is displayed around the faulty module. The object name is also
shown on the symbol to enable identification of the device.

There are two properties that can be configured to influence the overview symbol

63 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

• BaseSize allows the view to be set to correspond to the number of I/O sites
available. Allowed values are 0, 4, 8 and 16. The default default value is 8.

• ShowDetail determines whether details are shown on the symbol (normally set to
TRUE), or should be hidden (FALSE). Hiding the symbol details can enhance the
appearance of the symbol when shrunk to a small size.

Click anywhere on the overview symbol to display the detailed symbol window, which
provides additional information on the status of the instrument, including any faults.

Example Overview Display – No Faults

The following figure shows the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag overview symbol in the following

• A BaseSize set to 8 sites

• ShowDetail set to TRUE

• Two-processor duplex configuration

• No faults reported

As there are no faults, and everything is reported as healthy, the traffic light symbol
on the left illuminates green.

Example Overview Display – Faulty Modules

The following figure shows a $PAC_DIDeviceDiag overview symbol in a major fault
condition. The configuration of the Eurotherm PAC Instrument is as follows:

• A BaseSize set to 8 sites

• ShowDetail set to TRUE

• Two-processor duplex configuration

64 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

• A module fault being shown for the modules at site one and site three, causing
the symbol to report a major fault. This would be the case where the expected
module does not match that fitted, or when the primary (or secondary in duplex
operation) does not report a healthy status for the site exhibiting a faulty
condition. Any sites that do not have a module fitted (not shown in this example),
are shown as empty.

Example Overview Display – Communications Fault

The following figure shows a $PAC_DIDeviceDiag overview symbol experiencing a
communications fault. The configuration of the instrument is as follows:

• A BaseSize set to 8 sites

• ShowDetail set to TRUE

• Two-processor duplex operation

• A communications fault, represented by the large red X’s underneath the

processors. The fault is reported when the Online attribute is FALSE. The
number of processors shown will always reflect the setting of the Simplex symbol

65 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: Without healthy communications to the device, it is not possible to determine

what hardware is fitted in each site, so empty sites are displayed until communication
is restored.

Example Overview Display – Multiple Instruments

The following figure shows two Eurotherm PAC Instruments, shrunk in size to fit
side-by-side on the HMI. The configuration of the instruments is as follows:

• A BaseSize set to 16 sites

• ShowDetail set to FALSE (making the symbol clearer when reduced in size)

• Single processor, simplex operation

• Empty sites shown in both of the Eurotherm PAC Instruments (four spare sites on
one; six empty sites on the other).

• No faults reported

66 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

Detailed Display
The detailed view symbol is displayed when the overview symbol is clicked. The
detailed view contains a set of tabs categorising the information available. These
categories are:

Major fault Current time and

conditions being date in the device,
monitored and the and associated
current status settings

Communication configuration of
Minor fault conditions being the instrument, including the
monitored and the current status instrument’s IP address and LIN
node address

Modules configured in the strategy and Information related to the loaded strategy
those actually fitted to the instrument. and the synchronisation state. Control of
duplex operation can be performed here.

If a major or minor fault condition is present, then the corresponding indicator light on
the appropriate tab is illuminated.

An example of the Major Faults tab is shown in the following figure. The status for all
criteria which constitutes a major fault are shown, and are updated in real-time. Any
field which is in alarm is highlighted in red.

Note: Seconday-processor related information is hidden when the object’s Simplex

attribute is set to TRUE.

An example of the Minor Faults tab is shown in the following figure. Like the Major
Fault tab, the status of the minor fault criteria are shown, and updated in real-time.
Any field which is in alarm is highlighted in red.

67 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

An example of the I/O Modules tab is shown in the following figure. For each site
number, this tab shows the expected module (based on the strategy) and compares it
against the Actual module fitted. A discrepancy results in a Major alarm being raised,
the line being highlighted in red, and the inequality symbol ’< >’ shown in the I/O
Modules tab against the relevant site. In the following example, it can be seen that
the module that was expected in site 2 has been inserted into site 1.

An example of the Strategy tab is shown in the following figure. The Strategy tab
shows information on the current loaded strategy and the synchronisation status.
Control of the processor’s role (in a duplex configuration, only) is by use of the Sync,
Desync and Changeover buttons. To Avoid accidental or unwanted synchronisation
control, access restrictions are applied to these buttons. The user requires the "tune"
or "supervisor" level of access permissions by default. Any field which is in alarm is
highlighted in red.

Note: The Sync, Desync and Changeover buttons are not enabled, and any
duplex-related fields are not visible, when the Simplex object attribute is set to TRUE.

The buttons perform the following functions.

• Sync. Clicking this button enables the two processors on the Eurotherm PAC
Instrument to be synchronised, provided all the standard LIN instrument
synchronisation requirements are met.

68 HA030834
Operator Interface Wonderware PAC User Guide

• Desync. Pressing this button unsynchronises the two processors on the


• Changeover. Pressing this button switches the control from the primary
processor to the secondary processor. This may be useful if a fault on the
primary processor means it needs to be swapped out without affecting service.

Note: The processors must be in a synchronised state to be able to perform a

processor changeover. After changeover, the processors are unsynchronised. Press
the Sync button to resynchronise the processors.

An example of the Communications tab is shown in the following figure. Here the
communication configuration of the instrument can be viewed, along with the
database resources related to communications.

An example of the Time tab is shown in the following figure. The Time tab shows the
instrument’s current date and time, along with the time configuration mode.

69 HA030834
Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

Standard ArchestrA icons are used for the data quality status for each of the
parameters in the detailed view symbol tabs. These can be changed for a Galaxy
from within the ArchestrA IDE (see ArchestrA IDE help topic for "Setting the
Appearance of a Status Element"). By default, the icons used are shown in the
following table:

The PAC_DIDeviceDiag is configured using the Object Editor like other standard
ArchestrA objects. The symbol also has two attributes that need to be set prior to

Note: Before configuring a PAC_DIDeviceDiag, be sure that the Instrument

Configuration instance that the PAC_DIDeviceDiag represents has been created; it
need not be fully configured, but the instance should exist.

To configure a PAC_DIDeviceDiag:
1. Open the PAC_DIDeviceDiag object in the Object Editor by double clicking on
the DINetwork instance. The Object Editor opens with the General tab displayed.

2. From the drop-down list under the Configuration Object field, select an
Instrument Configuration previously defined which matches the strategy stored
within the LIN instrument, as shown in the following figure.

3. Select the UDAs tab and locate and select the Simplex [$PAC_DIDeviceDiag]
entry in the Inherited UDAs section.

70 HA030834
Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

4. Locate the True/False checkbox in the Value section, and tick appropriately
depending on whether the Eurotherm PAC Instrument has a single processor
(ticked), or a duplex processor (unticked).

UDAs tab selected

Select the Simplex ... and tick the checkbox according to

UDA ... whether the instrument is operating in a
simplex mode (ticked) or a duplex mode

5. Close the object and save the changes. The object is now ready for deployment.

Once the above procedure is complete, the diagnostic symbol can access data from
a range of device function blocks without any need to setup further references.
However, two symbol attributes need to be configured during commissioning that are
contained within the overview symbol itself. These attributes control the overview
display as described in the following table.

Symbol attribute description

BaseSize An integer value dictating how many I/O sites

are shown when the overview symbol is
displayed. This should be set to correspond to
the number of physical I/O sites. Valid values
are 0, 4, 8 and 16. The default is 8.

ShowDetail A boolean attribute that allows better display

of the overview symbol when it is resized to
very small. The default value is TRUE,
allowing detail to be shown in the symbol.

71 HA030834
Working with Redundancy Wonderware PAC User Guide

When placing the symbol on a page within InTouch WindowMaker, double-click on

the symbol to display the Custom Properties window, an example of which is shown
in the following figure.

Edit the two custom properties as appropriate.

Working with Redundancy

Redundancy within Wonderware PAC operates in the standard ArchestrA manner
utilising the $RedundantDIObject. Instances of the $RedundantDIObject (RDI) can
be created and configured to reference two $PAC_DIDeviceDiag instances. In the
case of a redundant setup, however, a symbol needs to be attached to the
$RedundantDIObject so it can provide diagnostic information on the DI Device
regardless of a failure of a PAC DAServer.

The required symbols should have been imported into the current Galaxy as part of
the installation process. Refer to the Installation Guide help file on the root of the
installation CD-ROM, if required. The symbol to attach to the RDI is the
PAC_DIDeviceDiagOverview, which can be found in the Eurotherm PAC >
DeviceDiag folder under the Graphic toolbox.

Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references

This section acts as a reference, detailing which symbol parameters map to which
LIN function blocks within a strategy. In order for the diagnostic symbol to function
correctly, the LIN function block alarm field references need to be enabled within the

The following table shows those LIN function block alarm field references which need
to be enabled to support the major faults functionality. Symbol parameters that apply
to duplex operation will be shown as not applicable for a simplex configuration.

72 HA030834
Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references Wonderware PAC User Guide

Symbol Parameter
(read-only) Description Function block field reference

Block RAM checksum Checksum error in block’s RAM TACTICIAN.Alarms.Software


Hardware Fault Hardware failure (absent or TACTICIAN.Alarms.ComH/W

defective). Asserted if a hardware
alarm occurs in this instrument.

Block Software Fault Common "local" block software TACTICIAN.Alarms.ComS/W

error. Indicates a "local" software
alarm occuring in any block in the

I/O Software RAM Block RAM data sum check error / EIO_DIAG.Alarms.Software
sumcheck network failure

Primary Fault Set if the primary processor EIO_DIAG.Alarms.PrMajFlt,

detects a major hardware fault. EIO_DIAG.Alarms.PrMinFlt,
This is usually a hardware fault EIO_DIAG.PrFault
that affects the system. Also set if
any expected I/O module in
PrFault field is set "UNHLTHY"
(unhealthy) according to the
primary processor.

Seconday Fault Set if the secondary processor EIO_DIAG.Alarms.SeMajFlt,

detects a major hardware fault. EIO_DIAG.Alarms.SeMinFlt,
This is usually a hardware fault EIO_DIAG.SeFault
that affects the system. Also set if
any expected I/O module in
SeFault field is set "UNHLTHY"
(unhealthy) according to the
secondary processor. Shown as not
applicable (N/A) when only a
simplex processor is fitted.

Battery Fail Battery failure (absent or TACTICIAN.Alarms.BattFail


Real-time Clock Real-time clock failure. TACTICIAN.Alarms.RTCFail

Brown Out Asserted if a power failure in TACTICIAN.Alarms.BrownOut

excess of the time duration set in
the BrownOut field has occureed.

Power Failure Set if the LIN database was TACTICIAN.Status.PwrFail

started by a power-up (rather than
by a user request).

Temp Power Failure As PwrFail, but auto-resets on TACTICIAN.Status.TmpPFail

second database iteration.

Device Monitors the communications Mapped to the Online attribute

Communications health from the supervisory of the application object.
system to the PAC device. During
start-up, there is a 30 second delay
before this failure triggers a major

73 HA030834
Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references Wonderware PAC User Guide

Symbol Parameter
(read-only) Description Function block field reference

Strategy This bit is set if any cached block TACTICIAN.StatusCommsAlm

Communications within the Tactician unit is in
software alarm due specifically to a
communications failure (not a
checksum error).
The CommsAlm signal can
therefore be used by a supervisory
instrument to monitor the health
of all inter-Tactician
communications, even when the
affected blocks themselves are not
visible from the supervisor. It is
only necessary to cache the
communicating Tactician blocks, to
make their CommsAlm bits
This bit can be used in conjunction
with the ComS/W alarm to
determine if either a
communications failure or a
checksum failure has occurred.

Primary Sync Status Overall synchronisation status; RED_CTRL.PrSyncSt

primary’s view-point. Shown as not
applicable (N/A) when only a
simplex processor is fitted.

Note: If any of the LIN blocks described above are not in the PAC strategy, then the
MajorFaultAlm UDA is set.

The following table shows those LIN function block alarm field reference which need
to be enabled to support the minor faults functionality.

Symbol Parameter
(read-only) Description Function block field reference

Battery Low Battery supply low. TACTICIAN.Alarms.BattLow

Primary Licence Primary licence exceeded. TACTICIAN.Alarms.PLicence

Seconday Licence (Redunant system only). Asserted TACTICIAN.Alarms.SLicence

if the current configuration
exceeds the licence levels of this
product on the seconday unit in a
2-processor redundant system.
Shown as not applicable (N/A)
when only a simplex processor is

Note: If any of the LIN blocks described above are not in the PAC strategy, then the
MinorFaultAlm UDA is set.

74 HA030834
Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references Wonderware PAC User Guide

Run-time attributes for the other detailed view symbol fields can be found in the
online help within the Wonderware PAC IDE for the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag object.

75 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix A – Licensing
This appendix provides information on the licensing system used in Wonderware

The PAC DAServer requires a license in order to operate. A license is required for
each machine hosting an instance of a DINetwork.

The Wonderware PAC system uses the same style of license as the System
Platform, and the process to install and maintain licenses is the same.

To install a license, the System Platform License Utility is used. Follow the procedure
below to install a license.

To install a license
1. Launch the License Utility from the Start menu by selecting Start > All Programs
> Wonderware > Common > License Utility.

2. Select Install License File from the File menu.

3. Navigate to the CD-ROM drive that contains the Wonderware PAC software and
license, and open the license file (the filename is wwsuite.lic).

4. Confirm the defaults shown in the Destination Computer for Installation

dialogue window, and click OK.

5. When the Installing a license file dialogue window appears, ensure the Add
button is pressed. Do not select the Overwrite option.

Note: Depending on your geographic location, a USB dongle may also be required
to license the software.

If no valid license is found at startup, the Wonderware PAC DAServer runs in a

special demonstration mode for 120 minutes, during which time full functionality is
provided. After the 120 minutes has lapsed, the PAC DAServer enters a limited
functionality state in which:

• The system item $sys$Licensed it set to FALSE

• Tag updates are disabled

• Tag writing is disabled

• All items have BAD quality status

• No new items are accepted

If a valid license is detected at any point during the demonstration or limited

functionality mode, full functionality is restored and an entry is written to the logger.
The check for a valid license is performed every 30 seconds during the
demonstration and limited functionality modes, and each time no license is found, an
entry is written to the logger.

If a valid license is found, but then subsequently removed, the PAC DAServer
continues to operate and provide valid data. This allows for instances where the
licensing server falls over, but without interrupting the runtime operation of
Wonderware PAC. In this instance, $sys$Licensed remains set to TRUE. The check
for a valid license will be next initiated at the next startup.

76 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

System items, such as the $sys$Licensed attribute are added at the DINetwork level
(for example, PAC_DINetwork_001.$sys$Licensed), whereas LIN data is available at
the DIDevice level. The $sys$Licensed attribute is displayed on the DINetwork
diagnostic symbol, providing the operator with license confirmation on an HMI.

The figure below shows the license detection sequence.

DA Server starts

Yes License exists?


Run in

Yes Pause 30
License found?


Run in licensed Running time

mode <120 mins?


Run in limited
functionality mode.

77 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix B – Advanced Binding Tool Operation

This appendix provides information on the more advanced capabilities of the PAC
Binding tool. In particular, it discusses the import and export capabilities.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• Overview

• Exporting Binding Configuration

• Manipulating Binding Configuration

• Importing Binding Configuration

• Validation

The PAC Binding tool allows the current binding configuration to be exported to a
comma separated value (csv) file, which can be subsequently edited in any text
editor, or in other csv-compatible readers (such as Microsoft Excel™).

Once exported, the configuration can be edited and duplicated so as to enable a

quick and efficient method to import large and complex configurations. Using an
appropriate editor, the configuration file can be used to quickly define the mappings
between ApplicationObjects and LIN blocks, which when reimported into the Galaxy,
can be automatically instantiated and bound.

During an import operation, new instances are created and bound using the
information specified in the imported file. Block bindings on pre-existing objects are
overwritten if those instances are not checked out.

The following figure shows the concept that a small exported configuration file can be
edited (duplicated and manipulated), before being reimported in the Galaxy and the
new ApplicationObjects automatically created and bound to the correct Eurotherm
PAC Instruments.

ArchestrA PAC Instrument /

ApplicationObject Generic LIN Device

Manually created in Binding information

Application Object #1 LIN block reference
Eurotherm PAC

Binding information
Application Object #1 LIN block reference

Exported as a csv file,

duplicated and manipulated, Binding information
Application Object #2 LIN block reference
and re-imported into the

Binding information
Application Object #3 LIN block reference

Binding information
Application Object #n LIN block reference

78 HA030834
Exporting Binding Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

Exporting Binding Configuration

The export function of the PAC Binding tool writes binding data for all bindable
instances to a file, including instances that have not yet been bound using the tool.

To export binding configuration

1. Ensure the PAC Binding tool is visible by clicking the PAC Binding toolbar icon, or
by selecting PAC Binding from the View menu.

2. Click the PAC Binding Export toolbar button.

Note: The Export button is disabled whilst the PAC Binding tool loads the binding
information from the Galaxy. In a large configuration, this background task can take
several minutes to complete.

3. The Export Bindings File window appears. Navigate to a convenient location to

store the binding file, provide a filename, and click the Save button.

The file is saved at the chosen location.

Note: The export function only saves block binding information. It does not save
the individual field mappings that may have manually been created by the user.

Manipulating Binding Configuration

To manipulate the binding configuration using the exported PAC Binding data, an
editor which supports the import of csv files is required. Most text editors can open
csv files, or a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel can be used.

The format of the exported binding file is shown in the following figure. A separate
line is created in the exported file for each instance of a bindable object.

Optional: only included if an

ArchestrA object
instance is bound to more than
one LIN block
Object template

Instance Template Block 1 Type Block 2 Type Block 3 Type

Ref of LIN block

Repeated as many times
The type of block that
as necessary
has, or could be bound

If an ApplicationObject is bound to multiple LIN blocks, then the last two fields (Block
n and Type) are repeated as many times as necessary. The ApplicationObject
configuration is regarded as complete when the line ends.

The following table describes the individual fields in more detail.

79 HA030834
Manipulating Binding Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

Field Description

Instance The ArchestrA object instance that was created

from a Wonderware PAC template and can be
bound to a LIN block.

Template The Wonderware PAC template that was used to

create the instance. Based on this field, the
appropriate predefined set of LIN blocks can be
written to the instance’s attributes.

Block 1 The reference string of the LIN block, if bound.

If this field is blank, the instance has not been
bound to any LIN block. The type(s) of block that
the object could be bound to is shown in the Type
field during export (though this is optional).

Type A list of LIN block types that are compatible with

the instance’s template ($PAC_PID can bind to
three types of LIN block for example: PID,
If there are more than one bindable LIN block
types, then they must be grouped using square
brackets [ ]. All exported Type fields have square
brackets, regardless of the number of bindable
LIN block types.
The field is information–only; no processing is
performed based on the contents of this field. The
field is written to the exported file for
documentation completeness.
For importing purposes, this field can be left
blank if desired.

Adding a Binding Entry

For a basic setup, the following is an example exported binding configuration file:

Instance,Template,Block 1,Type,Block n,Type


The first line is a header line, and is not part of the configuration. The line can be
deleted, but it is recommended it remains as a guide to the field contents. It is
especially useful when the file is viewed as a spreadsheet.

The second line indicates the following:

• The object instance is called PAC_PID_001

• The object instance was created from a template called $PAC_PID

• The object is already bound to a LIN block called MyPID, with a reference string
of PAC_DIDevice_001.MyPID

• The binding is of the PID, PID_CONN, or PID_LINK type. Square brackets must
be included around the type field where more than one entry is listed, separated
by commas.

80 HA030834
Importing Binding Configuration Wonderware PAC User Guide

If a second PID block existed in the same LIN instrument, called MyPID_02, then a
second line could be added to the exported configuration file. For example:


If this were added to the configuration file, the entire file would look as shown below:

Instance,Template,Block 1,Type,Block n,Type


This file could then be imported into the Galaxy using the PAC Binding Import tool.

Note: If the ArchestrA object, PAC_PID_002 already existed, the line defining
PAC_PID_002 is ignored.

For more details on the import process, and how existing objects are handled, refer
to "Importing Binding Configuration" on page 81.

Using the PAC Binding Tool to Create Instances Without Binding

During the manipulation of an exported binding configuration file, it is possible to add
entries to the configuration that automatically create instances of objects but without
performing binding function.

To do this, add a line to the configuration file in only the Instance and Template fields.
The omission of a Block 1 field causes the binding tool to create the instance but not
bind it to any LIN block (and the Type field is optional, anyway).

For example, the following configuration lines would cause the PAC Binding tool to
create instances of PAC_PID_010 and PAC_PID_011 during an Import operation, but
bind them to nothing:


Importing Binding Configuration

Previously exported, and then modified binding configuration, can be reimported into
the Galaxy using the PAC Binding tool.

During an import operation, new instances are created, based on the object template
field, and then bound to the LIN instance. Block bindings on pre-existing objects are
overwritten if those instances are not checked out.

To import binding configuration data

1. Ensure the PAC Binding tool is visible by clicking the PAC Binding toolbar icon, or
by selecting PAC Binding from the View menu.

2. Click the PAC Binding Import toolbar button.

3. The Import Bindings File window appears. Locate the binding file, select it, and
click the Open button.

81 HA030834
Validation Wonderware PAC User Guide

4. The Importing PAC Instances window appears, and provides an indication as to

the status of the import operation. An example is shown in the following figure.

Existing objects
are skipped.

New objects are


... and then


5. After the binding operation is complete, new objects need to be checked in. This
is an automatic operation, but if enabled in the User Information configuration
window, a comment can be set for the check in operation.

The import operation completes. When the Importing PAC Instances window is
closed, the PAC Binding tool refreshes to show all the known bindings in the galaxy.

Following the import function, a validation routine runs to highlight any unresolved
LIN block references. If at least one validation issue exist, the Block Binding
Validation window appears to explain each issue. These should not be regarded as
errors; instead the content highlights those DIDevices, PAC strategy instances or LIN
blocks that are incomplete at this stage. For more information on validation, refer to
"Validation" on page 82.

Note: Depending on the number of lines in the import file, the import operation can
take considerable time to complete. A very large file can take over an hour for
example. The operation can be cancelled at any time.

The import function (see "Importing Binding Configuration" on page 81) allows the
user to populate the Galaxy with a set of bound ApplicationObject instances with a
.csv file which has been manually edited. At the stage of importing, none of the
specified DIDevice instances, associated PAC Strategy instances or actual LIN
blocks need exist. This allows the user the import the configuration and then develop
the DIDevice instances and instrument strategies afterwards.

Having potentially imported User-Defined Attributes with missing LIN references, the
validation function detects and then alerts the user if there are any validation issues.
The validation is performed:

82 HA030834
Validation Wonderware PAC User Guide

• when the binding tool first loads

• when the Refresh button is pressed in the binding tool window

• an import operation finishes.

Any unresolved LIN block references are displayed in red on the Block Binding tab,
and details of all validation errors are listed in the Block Binding Validation window
that appears automatically after an Import. The Block Binding Validation window
can also be displayed at any time by clicking on the validation toolbar button that
appears on the Binding tool’s toolbar. The validation toolbar button is only visible
when at least one ApplicationObject instance has an invalid LIN Block reference.

As an example, assume the following data is imported into the Galaxy:

Instance,Template,Block 1,Type

There are four issues in this example. They are:

• PAC_DIDevice001 has a PAC Strategy instance associated with it, but this does
not have a block called PID1 in its namespace.

• PAC_DIDevice002 does not have a PAC Strategy instance at all.

• PAC_DIDevice003 does not exist.

• PAC_PID_004 does not specify any binding information.

Based on the imported data in this example, the following figure shows the resultant
Block Binding tab with validation errors.

Validation toolbar button. Indicates validation issue(s) detected. Click

to view the Block Binding Validation window for more information.

Red text indicates unresolved LIN Block references.

83 HA030834
Validation Wonderware PAC User Guide

Clicking the validation toolbar button, displays the Block Binding Validation window
(which also automatically appears when an import operation is complete). The
following figure shows an example of the Block Binding Validation window with the
four issues detected.

84 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix C – Configuring Store and Forward

This appendix provides information on the configuration and generation of the
mapping file for Store and Forward.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• "Overview" on page 85

• "Using the Configure UStoreForward tool" on page 86

Historical data is an important part of any production quality requirement. Therefore,
loss of any data resulting in gaps in the historic information is not acceptable for
many batch and monitoring systems.

Within a fully configured and functioning Wonderware PAC environment, data from
Eurotherm PAC Instruments flows into a WinPlatform object (LINOPC and a PAC
DAServer) and into Historian (and the Wonderware Alarm Database). Should this
communication fail, it is possible that Historian will develop gaps in the historical data.

If Store and Forward is configured (the Eurotherm PAC Instrument strategy has
Recording Groups defined, and the History Extension is enabled for ArchestrA
objects), the Store and Forward tool can be used to repair gaps in Historian data if
the communication between the Eurotherm PAC Instrument and ArchestrA fails.

For this to function, the following setup is required:

• The strategy within a Eurotherm PAC Instrument needs to have Recording

Groups defined. Additionally, the instrument needs to be configured to push .uhh
files (via FTP) to an FTP server where they will be subsequently processed by
Store and Forward.

• The AppEngine on the WinPlatform must have the Enable storage to Historian
option enabled and fully configured.

• The objects within Wonderware PAC for which the values are to be archived in
Historian, must have their History Extension enabled.

• A direct mapping between the Eurotherm PAC Instrument’s fields and the
Historian tags.

The Store and Forward tool can then examine .uhh files FTP’d from Eurotherm PAC
Instruments, and compare the contents of these files against the data held in
Historian. Where possible, Store and Forward then attempts to fill in the gaps if the
data is available in the .uhh files.

If configured, Store and Forward will also write recorded event and alarm messages
to the Wonderware Alarm Database.

Fundamental to this process is the mapping between the Eurotherm PAC

Instrument’s fields and the Historian tags. This mapping can be automatically
generated by using the Configure UStoreForward button on the Wonderware PAC’s
toolbar within the ArchestrA IDE. The process of using this tool is explained in "Using
the Configure UStoreForward tool" on page 86.

For a detailed explanation on how to use and configure Store and Forward, refer to
the Eurotherm PAC Store and Forward User’s Guide (HA030835).

85 HA030834
Using the Configure UStoreForward tool Wonderware PAC User Guide

Using the Configure UStoreForward tool

The Configure UStoreForward tool is accessed from the Wonderware PAC toolbar
button, or from the Eurotherm PAC menu within the ArchestrA IDE. The tool is run
from a single window, which is shown in the following figure.

The UStoreForwardConfig window is split into two main sections:

• The top section provides guideance on how to use the tool.

• The bottom section provides the configuration options prior to creating any .usf
files. Here, the user can:

◦ specify the path where the .usf files are created (USF file folder field). The
default location is the same path as configured in the main Store and
Forward utility.

◦ choose to create the mapping files for historian tags

◦ choose to create the mapping files for the Wonderware Alarm Database.
This maps an ArchestrA area to a Recording Group.

◦ Opt to search for all ArchestrA object fields that are bound to LIN block fields.
By default, only those blocks derived from the $PAC_Bind template will be
searched (this includes the PAC Application templates, $PAC_PID_2, for

Objects that are bound to LIN blocks but haven’t been derived from the
$PAC_Bind template will have been manually bound, as opposed to
automatically using the PAC Binding tool. To search for these, select the
Select to search all objects (not just $PAC_Bind derived) checkbox. The
searching of these objects can take a considerable time to run. Therefore, if it
is known that only $PAC_Bind derived objects have been bound, it is
advisable that this option is not selected in order to save time.

86 HA030834
Using the Configure UStoreForward tool Wonderware PAC User Guide

Preparing the tool to run

Before the Configure UStoreForward tool is run, it is necessary to first check the path
of where the mapping files will be created. This defaults to the same path as
configured in the Store and Forward tool, but can be changed by typing the path
manually or browsing to a location by clicking the ellipses button.

If the chosen path already contains .usf files (from a previous mapping using this tool,
or manually created), they are renamed to a suffix of .<Date>_USF. Only those files
that have a prefix of InSQL_ or WWAlmDb_ are renamed.

Next, determine whether the creation of .usf mapping files should be map Eurotherm
PAC Instrument fields to Historian and/or the Wonderware Alarm database. Tick
either of both of the check boxes appropriately.

Finally, click the Create button at the bottom of the window. The tool can take some
time to run, depending on the number and complexity of strategies within the Galaxy.
An indication of progress is shown in the bottom left of the window.

The .usf files created by the UStoreForwardConfig tool are named using the following
InSQL_<Historian Server>_<PAC instrument>.usf


<Historian Server> is the name of the Historian server

<PAC instrument> is the DIDevice representing the PAC instrument.

Analysing the results

Once the UStoreForwardConfig tool has completed the mapping process, the
window changes to show the result of the mapping. An example output is shown in
the following figure.

The window displays the results for either the Historian mapping, or the Wonderware
Alarm Database mapping, dependant upon the selected tab on the left-hand side.
For both set of mappings, the results are split into three separate tabs across the top.

The tabs are:

87 HA030834
Using the Configure UStoreForward tool Wonderware PAC User Guide

• Historian section:

◦ Mapped tab. The mappings shown in this tab show the successful mapping
between the LIN tags in the Eurotherm PAC strategy and the historized
attribute in ArchestrA. These items will be processed by Store and Forward.

◦ Not mapped - LIN recorded values tab. The mappings shown in this tab
have not been successfully mapped to Historian. Any Eurotherm PAC
strategy fields listed here are in a Recording Group, but have not been
flagged in ArchestrA as an object that should be Historized.

◦ Not mapped - Archestra historized attributes tab. The mappings shown in

this tab have not been successfully mapped to Historian. Any Historian tags
listed here have been flagged to be Historized, but the equivalent Eurotherm
PAC strategy field is not included in a Recording Group.

• Wonderware Alarm DB section:

◦ Mapped tab. The mappings shown in this tab show the successful mapping
between the PAC strategy Recording Group and the ArchestrA Area. Event
messages in the .uhh files for these recording groups are written to the
ArchestrA alarm Area.

◦ Not mapped - LIN Recording Groups tab. The mappings shown in this tab
have not been successfully mapped to the Wonderware Alarm Database.
Any Eurotherm PAC Recording Groups listed here have been configured in
the strategy, but an associated ArchestrA Area does not exist. Event
messages written to .uhh files for these recording groups are not written to
the Wonderware Alarm Database.

◦ Not mapped - Archestra historized attributes tab. The mappings shown in

this tab have not been successfully mapped to the Wonderware Alarm
Database. ArchestrA Areas exist but no Eurotherm PAC Recording Groups
have been configured with corresponding area names.

An example of the output for the Wonderware Alarm DB tab is shown below:

88 HA030834
Using the Configure UStoreForward tool Wonderware PAC User Guide

After checking any abnormalities in the various result tabs, launch the Store and
Forward User Interface to configure the Store and Forward process. Refer to the
Eurotherm PAC Store & Forward User’s Guide (HA030835) for further information.

89 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix D – Importing Existing LIN Strategies to

The Galaxy
This appendix provides information on how to import existing Eurotherm PAC
Instrument strategies or generic LIN devices into the Galaxy.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• Overview

• Importing Existing Strategies Into The Galaxy

If a strategy already exists for a Eurotherm PAC Instrument (T2750 or T2550) or a
generic LIN device — that were created before Wonderware PAC was installed, for
example — then the strategy can be imported into the Galaxy.

Important: The instrument configuration type (T2750, T2550, or a generic

LIN device) must match that of the device being imported into the Galaxy.

Note: The DIDeviceDiag diagnostic symbols require specific LIN blocks to be

included in a strategy in order to function, and the alarms enabled. Stategies
imported into the Galaxy using the technique described in this chapter (that is,
strategies not created from scratch using the T2550/T2750 object) therefore require
the alarms enabling and the standard diagnostic blocks placed in the strategy.

The LIN blocks required are: TACTICIAN, EIO_DIAG, DB_DIAG, IDENTITY,


The alarm field from certain function blocks must also be configured as enabled. For
a list of the alarm fields, refer to "Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field
references" on page 72.

Note: The use of the procedure outlined in this Appendix is outside the
recommended Wonderware PAC workflow.

90 HA030834
Importing Existing Strategies Into The Galaxy Wonderware PAC User Guide

The steps required to import an existing strategy outside of Wonderware PAC to the
Galaxy are summarised in the following figure.

Create an appropriate
configuration instance

Launch LINtools

Open a Windows
Explorer window from
within LINtools

Locate and copy

existing strategy files

Close LINtools and

check in the
instrument instance

Follow the procedure in this chapter to import an existing strategy.

Importing Existing Strategies Into The Galaxy

Use the following procedure to import an existing strategy into the Wonderware PAC

To import an existing strategy into the Galaxy:

1. In the Wonderware PAC IDE, create a new instrument configuration that matches
the type of instrument of the strategy being imported. For example:

◦ If the strategy being imported is for a T2750, create a new T2750 instrument

◦ If the strategy being imported is for a T2550, create a new T2550 instrument

◦ If the strategy being imported is for any other type of LIN device, create a
new genericLIN congifuration.

For information on creating a new instrument configuration, refer to "Stage 1:

Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration" on page 28.

2. Double-click the created instrument configuration, and in the Instrument Editor,

click the Launch LINtools button. LINtools loads with the empty strategy
configuration file loaded.

91 HA030834
Importing Existing Strategies Into The Galaxy Wonderware PAC User Guide

3. In LINtools, right-click on the root of the folder tree in the Contents window, and
select Explore. The following figure shows this step, for a GenericLIN device.

Right-click on the root of the folder tree...

..and select
from the

Windows Explorer™ opens, showing the list of files in the checkedout


4. In another Explorer window, locate the existing strategy configuration files, and
copy these to the checkedout directory, overwriting the files as necessary.

Important: The instrument configuration type (T2750, T2550, or a generic

LIN device) must match that of the device being imported into the Galaxy.

5. Set the default database to match the name of the database just imported. To do
this, select Instrument Folder Properties from the File menu (or right-click on
the top-level folder in the Contents window and select Properties). In the
Instrument Folder Properties window, select the default database in the
Default DB field. Once complete, click the OK button to close the window.

6. Close both Explorer windows and close LINtools. Check the instrument
configuration back into the Galaxy.

The strategy configuration files are now stored in the Galaxy. Remember to edit this
copy of the files (within Wonderware PAC) if any changes are to be made to the
instrument configuration.

92 HA030834
Troubleshooting Procedures Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix E – Troubleshooting Communication

This appendix provides information on troubleshooting communication errors
between ArchestrA and a PAC Instrument. Troubleshooting procedures and a
summary of each troubleshooting tool is provided, to aid the diagnosis and resolution
of a problem.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• Troubleshooting Procedures

• Troubleshooting Tools

• Namespace Updates

Troubleshooting Procedures
Depending at which stage a communications problem is encountered, the method to
troubleshoot changes accordingly. Refer to the following list to determine which
flowchart to follow to help diagnose the communication problem.

• For communication problems with LIN instruments at the time of downloading a

strategy (using LINtools or the Instrument Options editor), refer to
"Troubleshooting at Strategy Download Time" on page 94.

• For communication problems when confirming a deployment of a DIDevice using

the Object Viewer, refer to "Troubleshooting Deployed Devices" on page 94.

• For communication problems associated with the inability to write to a LIN

instrument (but reading from a instrument works), refer to "Troubleshooting Write
Failures" on page 96.

• For communication problems that occur when using InTouch, refer to

"Troubleshooting InTouch Data Communications" on page 97.

93 HA030834
Troubleshooting Procedures Wonderware PAC User Guide

Troubleshooting at Strategy Download Time

If an instrument strategy cannot be downloaded to an instrument, the steps outlined
in the following flowchart may aid the troubleshooting process. The bold text shows
which tool to use in order to perform the troubleshooting. Refer to the appropriate
section in this chapter for details on using the tool. An introduction to the
troubleshooting tools is given in the section, "Troubleshooting Tools" on page 97.

Check LIN
connectivity to
Network Explorer

Check cross
Network UNH
subnet settings

Check physical
connection to

Check general
Successful networking setup Windows Networking
ping? (eg, IP address, Configuration
subnet mask, etc)

Yes Check instrument

network settings*

Check for error log Windows * Refer to documentation

entries Event Viewer supplied with instrument
for instructions.

Troubleshooting Deployed Devices

Once a DIDevice has been deployed, it is recommended to ensure the deployed
instrument is communicating successfully across the network. The System
Management Console (SMC) can also be used to check for deployment errors.

The Object Viewer tool can be used to confirm successful communication with a
DIDevice, and is therefore also a good tool for troubleshooting purposes.

94 HA030834
Troubleshooting Procedures Wonderware PAC User Guide

Using the Object Viewer, confirm whether the objects are retrieving real data from the
LIN instrument. If not, follow the steps shown in the following flowchart. Start with the
steps in the left flowchart at the Engineering Workstation computer, and if the
problem is not solved, use the right flowchart at the DAServer node. The bold text
shows which tool to use in order to perform the troubleshooting. Refer to the
appropriate section in this chapter for details on using the tool. An introduction to the
troubleshooting tools is given in the section, "Troubleshooting Tools" on page 97.

Engineering Workstation computer DAServer node

Open a watch
window template Part 2
Object Viewer
(showing DI

The following steps

should be performed on
Check the
Network Explorer the DA Server node (not
or the IDE)
database is
Check DAServer System
System Management Manager for Management
Console (DA running status of Console (DA
Server Manager) Use the SMC to DAServer Server Manager)
DI objects
No investigate non-

Check any
Yes installed firewall is Windows /
not blocking 3rd party firewall
LINOPC comms
Check the DI
object is linked to
IDE Object Configurator
the correct
strategy config. Check SMC log Wonderware
for “failure to add” Logger (via the
entries SMC)

Check DINetwork
settings, including
IDE Object Configurator
cross subnet
settings Check the
Windows Event
Event Viewer

Part 2

Follow the procedure to

troubleshoot at Strategy
Download time

If the problem is not resolved by the last step, refer to "Troubleshooting at Strategy
Download Time" on page 94 for additional help.

95 HA030834
Troubleshooting Procedures Wonderware PAC User Guide

Troubleshooting Write Failures

If the Object Viewer demonstrates that data can be read from the LIN device, but
cannot be written, there are a number of areas to check, as shown in the following
flowchart. The bold text shows which tool to use in order to perform the
troubleshooting. Refer to the appropriate section in this chapter for details on using
the tool. An introduction to the troubleshooting tools is given in the section,
"Troubleshooting Tools" on page 97.

Check ArchestrA ArchestrA Security

security settings Editor

Check the
Windows Regional
Windows Regional
Settings Control Panel

Check for SMC Wonderware logger (via

log entries the SMC)

Check the
Windows Event Windows Event Viewer

Follow the procedure to

troubleshoot Deployed

If the problem is not resolved by the last step, refer to "Troubleshooting Deployed
Devices" on page 94 for additional help.

96 HA030834
Troubleshooting Tools Wonderware PAC User Guide

Troubleshooting InTouch Data Communications

If communications problems occur whilst viewing an installation using InTouch
(missing data or instrument alarms active), perform the steps shown in the following
flowchart. The bold text shows which tool to use in order to perform the
troubleshooting. Refer to the appropriate section in this chapter for details on using
the tool. An introduction to the troubleshooting tools is given in the section,
"Troubleshooting Tools" on page 97.

Use diagnostics
symbols to help to Eurotherm PAC
determine area of diagnostic symbol

Check for SMC ArchestrA System

log entries Management Console

Check the
Windows Event Windows Event Viewer

Follow the procedure to

troubleshoot Deployed

Troubleshooting Tools
A number of tools are available to aid the process of identifying and fixing PAC
DAServer operation issues. To be able to diagnose some issues, access to the
platform onto which the DA Sever is installed is necessary. This can be either
physical access, or remote using a form of Remote Desktop / Terminal Services /
VNC-type of tool.

A fundamental software component for communication between ArchestrA and a LIN

device is the LINOPC server. This is a software communications server with an OPC
interface that enables the communication between LIN devices and other
applications running on the computer. LINOPC is installed on any node that acts as a
DAServer, and also on the local Engineering Workstation. Many of the
troubleshooting tools interact with LINOPC, and also provide diagnostic information.

The tools that can be used to help diagnose and resolve communication issues are
summarised in the following table.

97 HA030834
Troubleshooting Tools Wonderware PAC User Guide

Tool Purpose Overview

Network Explorer(page Check LIN connectivity Provides local browsing of LIN–based

99) to instruments / network networks and allows the starting and
stopping of instruments connected to the
network. Information on connected
instruments is also shown, including the
instrument type, database name, run state
and synchronisation state.

Network UNH(page Check cross subnet Provides the ability to configure the
100) settings network UNH file, and define the subnet
configuration on the instrument.

Ping (page 100) Check physical network A standard networking tool that tests
connection to whether a particular host is reachable
instrument across the IP network.

Windows Networking Check general Microsoft Windows built-in configuration

Configuration (page 100) networking setup control panels to configure the networking
capabilities of a PC.

Windows Event Viewer Check for error log Significant events relating to LINOPC
(page 105) entries deployment and PAC DAServer operation
are logged to the standard Windows Event

Object Viewer (page View diagnostic Provides the ability to show an object’s data
101) information within an value, data quality and the communication
object status of the object.

LINTools (page 101) Check the right Provides the ability to create and edit
database, and blocks are instrument strategies. In an Online mode,
in the instrument the instrument can be interrogated to
confirm runtime operation and correct
database download.

System Management Check for deployment Provides the ability to obtain additional
Console (page 102) information / Check diagnostic information for the PAC
DAServer Manager for DAServer, including data on client groups,
running status of statistics, messages, and device groups.

IDE Object Configurator Check the DI object is Allows an object’s attributes and properties
(page 106) linked to the correct to be defined within the Archestra IDE.
strategy configuration /
Check DINetworking
settings, including cross
subnet settings

Windows / Third–Party Check firewall is not Controls whether communication between

Firewall (page 106) blocking LINOPC computer networks or hosts is permitted or
communications blocked.

ArchestrA Security Check for security issues Defines the security policy used within the
Editor (page 108) that may be blocking ArchestrA framework, specifying the scope
commununication that users may interact with objects,
perform maintenance tasks, and control and
respond to run-time operations.

Windows Regional Check that the regional Defines various regional settings on a
Settings (page 108) settings format numbers Windows workstation or server, including
correctly. how numbers, currency, time and dates are

98 HA030834
Troubleshooting Tools Wonderware PAC User Guide

Tool Purpose Overview

Wonderware Logger Check SMC log for Significant events relating to deployment
(page 105) “failure to add” entries, and PAC DAServer operation are logged to
or other errors this logger, accessed through the SMC.

Eurotherm PAC Use diagnostic symbols Provides diagnostic information for a

Diagnostic Symbol (page to help determine area specific DIDevice object. The symbol
108) of problem replicates the important diagnostic blocks in
the Wonderware PAC device, and provides
both a summary window for the complete
instrument, and a detail window for full
analysis of alarms and communication

Shutdown LINOPC Ensure the LINOPC Provides the ability to forcibly shutdown
Utility (page 102) server hasn’t hung any running instances of the LINOPC

LIN Ports Editor Manually check The LIN Ports Editor control panel defines
Control Panel (page 107) LINOPC configuration, the port and node details for the LIN
including IP address network, and also configures the IP address.
allocation Use the tool to check the settings are as

Namespace Updates Force namespace update By checking the date and time the
(page 109) and distribution namespace was last updated, namespace
propagation issues can be detected.

Network Explorer
The Network Explorer tool allows the user to browse the locally connected LIN-based
network/s and view a status summary for each device. In doing so, LIN connectivity
to the instruments can be confirmed. Information presented for discovered
instruments includes the instrument type, current database, run state and
synchronisation state. The status area at the bottom of the window can also provide
diagnostic information.

The Network Explorer tool can be launched from the IDE workstation, by selecting
Network Explorer from the Eurotherm PAC Utilities subgroup on the Start menu.
The following figure shows an example of the Network Explorer.


Additional help concerning the use of the Network Explorer is available using the
online help (by clicking the Help button).

99 HA030834
Troubleshooting Tools Wonderware PAC User Guide

If the status area reports the error, “Fail : 0xA7C5 - Unable to determine which
interface to use”, then multiple network adapters are installed in the Engineering
Workstation and the IP address for the LINOPC connection has not been specified.
Consequently, LINOPC is unable to determine which IP address to assign to the
LINOPC connection. Refer to the section, "LIN Ports Editor Control Panel" on
page 107 for details on typical settings to define in the Edit IP Info window of the LIN
Ports Editor control panel.

Note: The Network Explorer tool is not installed on a DAServer node. Use the local
LIN connection from the engineering workstation to establish communication with the
LIN instrument.

Network UNH
The network UNH file is stored within LIN instruments, and is used to configure the
instrument’s Ethernet communication, including the cross-subnet configuration.

To edit the network UNH, open the instrument configuration editor for a strategy
within the IDE, and click the Instrument Options button. The Ethernet settings are
configured within the Network Settings tab.

Ping is a standard network diagnostic tool used to test whether a particular host is
reachable across the IP network. This allows a check of the physical network
connection to a LIN instrument. The ping command is available through a Windows
command prompt. There are many ways to display a Windows command prompt, but
the method shown below should operate on all versions of Windows.

• Display the Run window by clicking on the Start Menu and choose Run (or press
the Windows key and R). The Run window displays.

• Enter cmd in the window and press the Enter key. A command prompt appears.

• In the command prompt, enter ping <instrument IP Address>, where the

<instrument IP Address> is the IP address of the instrument to which
communication has failed.

• If communication with the remote host fails, the ping tool displays Request timed
out. Otherwise, the size of the reply, time taken, and time to live (TTL) values are
displayed, indicating a successful response from the instrument.

• To close the command prompt, type exit and press the Enter key. The
command prompt window closes.

Windows Networking Configuration

There are two areas in which the network configuration should be checked. First is
confirm the Windows network configuration, and the second is to confirm LINOPC is
assigned the correct network settings.

To confirm the Windows network configuration, launch the Networking Connections

control panel, and locate each of the network adapters installed in the Engineering
Workstation. By default, these are called Local Area Connection, but they may be
renamed depending on your particular setup and policies. For each network adapter,
confirm the TCP/IP settings are defined as per the IT guidelines for the site.

100 HA030834
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To confirm the LINOPC network settings, launch the LIN Ports Editor control panel.
Refer to the section, "LIN Ports Editor Control Panel" on page 107 for details on how
to launch the control panel. In a typical configuration, the LINOPC IP address is the
same as the network card’s IP address, enabling it to communicate with LIN
instruments on the LIN network.

Object Viewer
The Object Viewer utility offers the ability to show an object’s data value, data quality
and the communication status of the object. In addition, the tool can be used to show
performance and diagnostic information about ApplicationObjects. The use of Object
Viewer is strongly recommended when deploying a DIDevice as it provides a
convenient way to test that the LIN data that the DIDevice exposes is readable within
the Wonderware PAC framework.

Using the Object Viewer, it is possible to:

• View the data type, data quality, data value, timestamp, and communication
status of ApplicationObject attributes

• Perform diagnostic testing on ApplicationObjects

• Modify selected ApplicationObject attributes.

The Object Viewer is started from within the IDE by right-clicking on a deployed
DIDevice object, and clicking View in Object Viewer. The Object Viewer can also be
access from within the System Management Console.

To check deployment of a DINetwork object, add an Attribute Reference for the OPC
watchdog timer. For example, for a deployed DINetwork called PAC_DINetwork_001,
add the following Attribute Reference to a Watch Window:

For further information concerning the operation of Object Viewer, see the Object
Viewer User’s Guide.

The LINTools application is the primary tool for the creation and maintenance of LIN
instrument strategies.

In a trouble-shooting context, LINTools can provide information about the live status
of an instrument by using the Online Connect facility. This allows the user the view
the current state of the LIN function blocks within the instrument, and confirm that the
correct database has been downloaded. If the instrument isn’t running in a live
environment, the database can be re-downloaded, if desired.

Caution: Downloading a strategy to an instrument running in a live

environment will temporarily disrupt control.

For information on using LINTools in a Wonderware PAC context, refer to

"Wonderware PAC Basics" on page 27. For detailed information on using LINTools,
refer to the LINtools Engineering Studio User Guide.

101 HA030834
Troubleshooting Tools Wonderware PAC User Guide

Shutdown LINOPC Utility

The LINOPC server is a software communications server with an OPC interface that
enables the communication between LIN devices and other applications running on
the computer. The LINOPC server automatically launches when a request for LIN
data is made, and after a period of no activity, closes.

The LINOPC server is used both at deployed DAServer instances, and locally on the
Engineering Workstation (where it is used to enable strategy downloads to LIN

Should the LINOPC server not shutdown, it can be forcibly terminated by running the
Shutdown LINOPC utility. Some changes to the DINetwork object, including a change
of port name or node address, require the LINOPC server to restart to apply the
changes. This restart should be automatic but if it fails, the Shutdown LINOPC utility
may be used.

The Shutdown LINOPC utility can be found from the start menu in the Eurotherm
PAC Utilities subgroup.

The utility does not require any user input, and takes between one to ten seconds to
complete, after which the utility closes.

System Management Console

The System Management Console (SMC) is a management application built around
the Microsoft™ Management Console architecture. The SMC provides a central
location for the administration of various servers and applications that form part of the
ArchestrA framework.

The SMC has the ability to manipulate configuration settings for the PAC DAServer,
and to provide diagnostic information regarding the server, including data on client
groups, statistics, messages and device groups. Only the diagnostic information
should be used to help diagnose PAC DAServer issues, as the configuration of a
PAC DAServer should always be performed from within the IDE, and not the SMC.

Log files recorded on remote nodes (such as the DAServer) are accessible in the
SMC on the engineering workstation (refer to "Wonderware Logger" on page 105).
However, the Diagnostic folder tree within the SMC can only be viewed locally.
Therefore, for DAServer nodes, either physical access to the node, or remote viewing
(remote desktop, VLC, etc) is required to view the diagnostic information.

Important: Do not alter any configuration for a PAC DAServer using the
SMC. Unpredictable results and server failure may occur. Only configure a PAC
DAServer from within the ArchestrA IDE.

102 HA030834
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To obtain diagnostic information for a PAC DAServer using the

1. Launch the SMC from the start menu on the node for which diagnostic
information is required. The SMC is located in the Program Files > Wonderware
subgroup. The SMC opens.

2. Expand the DAServer Manager folder on the left by clicking the small plus (+)
symbol. A list of the Galaxies known to the server are displayed.

3. Expand the appropriate Galaxy folder and then the WinPlatform object folder.
One or more PAC DAServers are shown.

103 HA030834
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4. Expand the appropriate DAServer (PACDAServer.1 in the example) to reveal the

Configuration and Diagnostics folders.

5. Expand the Diagnostics folder to see a list of diagnostic categories that can be

Important: Do not make any changes to the settings within the

Configuration folder. Unpredictable results may occur. Only make configuration
changes to the PAC DAServer using the IDE.

6. From here, the examination of the diagnostic information within the Diagnostic
folder may help reveal the cause of any PAC DAServer issues.

The Client Groups folder is particularly useful for diagnostics purposes. It shows a
summary of all items per DIDevice, and provides information on the number of items,
active items, errors, state, quality and state. The information presented updates in

For further information on the Diagnostics component, refer to the online help in the
SMC. Specifically, help is available on the Diagnostics component by navigating the
online help to DAServer Manager Online Help > Using Online Help > DAServer
Manager > Diagnostics Component.

The SMC also provides access to the log viewer, and specifically the WinPlatform
onto which the DAServer is installed can reveal important diagnostic information.
Refer to "Wonderware Logger" on page 105 for more information.

104 HA030834
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Wonderware Logger
The Wonderware Logger can provide information on Wonderware PAC issues, and in
particular concerning license issues for the DAServer. The Wonderware Log is
viewable using the SMC, and has it’s own top-level folder structure.

Launch the SMC in the usual manner, and expand the Log Viewer folder tree. The
following figure shows where the log viewer is located in the SMC.

For further information on the Log viewer component within the SMC, refer to the
online help in the SMC.

If the log shows a Failure to Add error, then use the Error Lookup tool to obtain more
information on the error. The Error Lookup tool can be found under Start >
Eurotherm PAC Utilities > Error lookup. Enter the error code into the tool and click
Lookup. A brief description of the error is displayed.

Note: The Error Lookup tool is only available on the Engineering Workstation; it is
not available on a deployed DAServer node.

Windows Event Viewer

The Windows™ Event Logger records events of any significant occurrence in the
system or in a program that requires users to be notified. The log records application,
security, and system events. To view the log, use the Windows Event Viewer. The
Windows Event Viewer can be used to view, amonst other information, LINOPC–
related issues.

There are multiple methods to launch the Event Viewer in Windows, including:

• From a command prompt, type: eventvwr

• Click start, and then click Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance
(if viewing Control Panels grouped in categories), and then double-click
Administrative Tools. Finally, double-click Event Viewer.

• Right-click My Computer and select Manage. From the resulting Computer

Management dialogue box, expand the Event Viewer folder under System

105 HA030834
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Any of the methods launches the Event Viewer application.

By default, the Event Viewer records three logs:

• Application log — contains events logged by programs. Wonderware PAC and

the PAC DAServer (including support software such as LINOPC) write entries to
this log.

• Security log — contains events such as valid and invalid logon attempts, and well
as events related to resource use, such as the creating, opening, or deleting of

• System log — contains events logged by Windows system components. For

example, if a driver fails to load during startup, the event is written to the system
log. DCOM errors may be written to this log.

IDE Object Configurator

The IDE Object Configurator is part of core ArchestrA functionality, allowing the
attributes and properties for an object to be edited. Double click on an instance of an
object to view the object in the Object Configurator.

In a troubleshooting context, use the IDE Object Configurator to check:

• the correct instrument strategy has been assigned to a DIDevice object

• the correct LIN Port Name, and Node Address (in hex) has been assigned to a
DINetwork object

• if cross-subnet communication is required, confirm the Enable cross-subnet

communication checkbox for the DINetwork object is ticked, and relevant IP
addresses listed.

Windows / Third–Party Firewall

The firewall requirements for Wonderware PAC are the same as for a standard
ArchestrA installation.

However, in addition, Engineering Workstations need to communicate with LIN

instruments in order to download a configuration strategy, and test the
communications. They should therefore be configured to ensure that all UDP ports
between 1024 and 65535 are unblocked, as LINOPC uses these ports to
communicate with the instruments.

106 HA030834
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LIN Ports Editor Control Panel

The LIN Ports Editor control panel provides access to the local configuration for the
LINOPC server. The basic settings that this control panel provides can be controlled
using the LIN Connection Setup tool within the IDE. Refer to "Using the LIN
Connection Setup Tool" on page 36 for further information.

At the point of deploying a DINetwork object, LINOPC is automatically installed and

configured to match the settings defined within the Galaxy.

Note: The LIN Ports Editor control panel should only be used to troubleshoot DA
Sever issues. Deploying a DINetwork will override some settings manually adjusted
using this tool.

However, there may be circumstances whereby the configuration of LINOPC does

not exactly match the desired settings, or only partly configured. As part of
troubleshooting a PAC DAServer, the LIN Ports Editor control panel should be
checked that the settings are as expected.

The LIN Ports Editor control panel is a standard Windows control panel, and can be
found in the standard control panel location. There are multiple methods to access
control panels in Windows, including:

• From the start menu, select control panel

• From My Computer select control panel

• From a command prompt, type: control

After opening the list of control panels, locate and double-click on the LIN Ports Editor
control panel to open it. The LIN Ports Editor control panel opens displaying the
configured LIN ports.

Locate the ELIN (Ethernet LIN) ports on the left. There may be one or multiple ELIN
ports defined. Click the appropriate ELIN port to view the configuration for that port.

Check that the port Name exists and is of type “ELIN” (Protocol field). Then check
that the LIN Node Address and IP Address Range fields match that as expected
from configuration of the PAC_DINetwork object within the Galaxy. By default, the
Protocol Name will have been set to “NET”, but can be modified in the LIN Ports
Editor if required. The new value will be left unaltered when the PAC_DINetwork
object is then deployed.

107 HA030834
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Online help is available within the the LIN Ports Editor, and helpful messages are
displayed near the bottom of the window for each selected field.

Close the LIN Ports Editor control panel window by clicking on the Apply button. If
any changes were made to the configuration, the LINOPC server may need to restart
to apply the changes. A dialogue box is displayed to confirm this operation if it is

Click Yes to allow the LINOPC server to restart with the new configuration.

ArchestrA Security Editor

The security infrastructure for Wonderware PAC uses the standard ArchestrA
security model. This model allows the management of access to:

• the IDE for configuring and managing objects

• the SMC for maintenance and system administration functions

• any run-time operations.

Verify the security settings, especially if write failures occur.

For information on using the Security Editor, see the Working with Security chapter in
the Wonderware Application Server User’s Guide.

Windows Regional Settings

Microsoft Windows allows users to adjust the formatting of numbers and dates
according to their geographic location, reflecting the regional normals for
representing this information. However, in order for ArchestrA, Eurotherm PAC, and
LIN instruments to communicate successfully, the regional settings needs to be
standardised. Therefore, within the Windows Regional Settings control panel,

• the number format is set to English (UK or US) standard.

• numbers use a decimal point to represent any number to greater accuracy than a
whole number (for example 10.5 meaning ten and a half). In some regions, it is
common to use a comma (,) as the decimal point symbol.

• all computers connected to the Supervisory network are set to the same

Eurotherm PAC Diagnostic Symbol

In order to troubleshoot a Eurotherm PAC Instrument, a diagnostic symbol can be
attached to a DIDevice object. The symbol replicates the important diagnostic blocks
in the Eurotherm PAC device, and provides both a summary window for the complete
instrument, and a detail window for full analysis of alarms and communication issues.

Refer to "Instrument Diagnostics" on page 61 for further details.

108 HA030834
Namespace Updates Wonderware PAC User Guide

Namespace Updates
The Wonderware PAC namespace is a complete representation of the data that
exists in a set of instrument configurations. It is a fundamental lookup table for the
operation of Wonderware PAC.

When changes to the configuration are made in the Galaxy, a PAC DAServer needs
to know about any namespace changes. This is especially applicable if new objects
have been added. The distribution of the namespace information to the node(s)
where the DAServer is running is automatic when instrument configurations are
checked into the Galaxy. The configuration-time namespace is updated when a
database is saved from LINtools.

The LIN Data Browser tab within the Galaxy Browser tool does not use the
distributed/runtime namespace. Instead, it uses the offline configuration-time
namespace. If the expected namespace information is presented in the Galaxy
Browser, this does not imply that the runtime namespace is 100% complete.

The runtime namespace is a distributed copy of the offline configuration-time

namespace. It is only available when a platform from the relevant Galaxy is currently
deployed to a node. The offline namespace is always available, regardless of which
objects are currently deployed, and this is why configuration interfaces (like the
Galaxy Browser) do not use the run-time namespace.

If namespace update issues are suspected, then the respective namespaces can be
forced to be updated for a particular object.

To force an update for the runtime namespace:

1. Check out the suspected object from the Galaxy.

2. Make a change to the configuration (for example, re-enter the node address to
what it already is).

3. Check the object back into the Galaxy.

The runtime namespace will update with the information contained within the object.
An instance where this procedure may be particularly useful might be when importing
an object into a different Galaxy.

To force an update for the offline configuration-time namespace:

1. Check out a suspected instrument configuration from the Galaxy.

2. Launch LINtools to edit the strategy.

3. Reposition a block in the strategy (GRF).

4. Close LINtools and save the database.

5. Check the instrument configuration object back into the Galaxy.

109 HA030834
Overview Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix F – Using LINtools in a Wonderware PAC

This appendix provides information on using LINtools in an Wonderware PAC
context, highlighting the small changes that an existing LINtools user may notice.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• Overview

• Disabled Commands

• Wonderware PAC User–Interface Changes

• General User–Interface Changes

• Workflow Changes

Users familiar with LINtools may notice some changes to the user interface within
LINtools when working in the context of Wonderware PAC. The changes are minor,
but necessary because some of the commands and menu options are not applicable
in the Wonderware PAC context. The following sections show the differences.

Disabled Commands
The following menu commands have been disabled within LINtools:

Menu Command Description

File > New Instrument New instruments are created from within
Folder the ArchestrA IDE, and the concept of
instrument folders does not exist within the
Wonderware PAC framework. The New
Instrument Folder command is therefore not
available. Use the IDE environment to
create new instrument configurations
instead. Refer to "Stage 1: Creating A PAC
Instrument Configuration" on page 28 to
create new instrument configurations.

File > Get Me Started New instruments and folders are created
from within the ArchestrA IDE, and the
starting point for any instrument
configuration should be made from
Wonderware PAC. Refer to Chapter 2,
"Wonderware PAC Basics," for information
on the workflow for Eurotherm PAC
Instruments (and generic LIN devices).

Wonderware PAC User–Interface Changes

There are small changes to the user interface in LINtools when running within the
Wonderware PAC framework. This section describes those changes.

110 HA030834
General User–Interface Changes Wonderware PAC User Guide

Instrument Name
Outside the Wonderware PAC context, LINtools displays the folder name in the
Contents window under “Instrument”. As folders have no significance within
Wonderware PAC, the name displayed is the name of the instrument as defined
within the IDE.

Read-only Configurations
In Wonderware PAC, a second user may check out a read-only copy of an object if
another user currently has the same object checked out. Similarly, a user may decide
to check out an instrument configuration in an read-only state. When LINtools is
launched, and the configuration object is in a read-only state, the words read only
are appended to the LINtools title bar. In this mode, LINtools opens the configuration
as read–only, so no modifications can be saved. It is possible, however, to download
the strategy or go online to the instrument.

Note: Changes made to a read-only version of a configuration object strategy will

not be saved in the Galaxy when closing LINtools.

General User–Interface Changes

To support the Wonderware PAC framework, two small modifications have been
made to LINtools which apply to the application whether running in the Wonderware
PAC context, or totally independently.

Instrument Properties
Right-clicking on the top-level folder in the Contents window and selecting Properties
now displays the Instrument Folder Properties window instead of a standard
Windows™ Explorer window. This is beneficial to the user because unnecessary
information is not shown. The same window can also be displayed by selecting
Instrument Folder Properties from the File menu within LINtools.

The Instrument Folder Properties window allows the type of instrument and the
version to be changed, as shown in the following figure. Outside of the Wonderware
PAC context, the window also allows the modification of the node address.

Editable fields by
using the drop-down

Node address is
specified from within
the Wonderware PAC
instrument options
screen, so not
available to be
changed here

111 HA030834
Workflow Changes Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: The instrument type cannot be changed if the ArchestrA instrument

configuration template is a T2550 or a T2750. In the Wonderware PAC context, the
instrument type can only be changed if the instrument configuration template is of the
genericLIN type. This restriction does not apply when operating LINtools outside of
the Wonderware PAC context.

Instrument Options
To change instrument options and network settings for a device, the Instrument
Options window can be opened by right-clicking on the top-level folder in the
Contents window and selecting Instrument Options.

The same window can be displayed in the Wonderware PAC IDE by selecting
Instrument Options from within the instrument configuration screen.

Workflow Changes
In some cases, the way a user performs an operation is different within the
Wonderware PAC context. This section shows the changes.

Changing the Instrument Version or Type

By default, new $T2750 and $T2550 configuration objects have the most recent
major version of the default database defined. There may be circumstances when the
user may want an older instrument version (for example, when working with a legacy

To change the instrument version or type, display the Instrument Folder Properties
window and make the changes here. Refer to "Instrument Properties" on page 111
for information on displaying the window. Full information on this functionality can be
found in the section, "Changing the Instrument Version" on page 33.

112 HA030834
Appendix G – Enabling Cross-Subnet
This appendix provides information on enabling cross-subnet communication. It
contains the following sections:

• Overview

• Configuration

Cross-subnet communication is an advanced feature only required if instruments are
on a separate subnet from the Engineering Workstations, DINetworks, or InTouch
application servers. An example scenario of such an architecture is shown in the
following figure.

Subnet A Subnet B

IDE Engineering Workstation

LIN instrument

LIN “Control”
Ethernet Network


DINetwork (DAServer)

Supervisory Ethernet

Configuring a system to work across subnets involves several steps, as follows:

• Any instruments that are attached to the network in a different subnet must be
configured so that they are aware of the workstations and nodes in the subnet.
Refer to "Instrument Configuration" on page 114.

• The Engineering Workstation needs to be configured to allow cross-subnet

communication. Refer to "Engineering Workstation Configuration" on page 115.

• Any deployed DINetworks must have the option to communicate across subnets
selected. Refer to "Deployed DINetwork Configuration" on page 116.

113 HA030834
Instrument Configuration
Refer to the example figure shown in the Overview section. When first configuring a
LIN instrument to communicate on the network, any instruments located in subnet B
must be configured to communicate with workstations and nodes in subnet A. This
requires the modification of the network.unh file on the flash card within each
instrument, using a card reader and the Instrument Options Editor.

To edit the instrument’s network.unh file

1. Insert the flash card from the instrument into a flash card reader connected to the
Engineering Workstation (or any system with Wonderware PAC installed).

2. Within the file system for the flash card, locate and open the E folder.

3. Locate and open the network.unh file. The Instrument Options Editor will launch.

4. Under the LIN category, ensure All subnet is set to on, as shown in the following

114 HA030834
5. Under the PR category, enter the IP address of each workstation and node in
Subnet A, with which the instrument in Subnet B needs to communicate. An
example is shown in the following figure.

The instrument must also have a valid default gateway configured in order to function
properly. This is set up under the IP section of the Instrument Options Editor. Select
either DHCP configuration or enter the IP address details manually. Configuration of
the basic network settings is part of the standard instrument configuration.

After updating the network.unh file of an instrument, the instrument must be

power-cycled in order for the changes to take effect.

Engineering Workstation Configuration

To enable an Engineering Workstation to communicate with instruments that have
already been configured to communicate across subnets, the LIN Connection Setup
tool is used. Tick the checkbox labelled Enable cross-subnet communication in
the LIN Connection Setup window. Refer to "Using the LIN Connection Setup Tool"
on page 36 for further information.

115 HA030834
Deployed DINetwork Configuration
To configure a DINetwork to communicate across subnets, open the PAC_DINetwork
for each node in subnet A that needs to communicate with instruments on subnet B,
and tick the Enable cross-subnet communication option. The extra field, PR IP
Addresses, which appears can be left blank.

Select to enable cross-subnet communication

116 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

Appendix H – Windows Firewall Configuration

This procedure configures the Microsoft Windows 7 Firewall to allow successful
EuroPRP communications.

To configure the Windows Firewall:

1. Open the Windows Control Panels by clicking the Start button and selecting
Control Panel.

Note: If the list of available Control Panels are grouped by category, click the View
by: drop-down at the top-right of the window, and select either Small icons or Large

Click Windows Firewall to open the Firewall Control Panel applet as shown in
the figure below.

Click Advanced settings from the context menu on the left of the window. The
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window opens.

2. Select Inbound Rules from the choices on the left and sort the resulting list by
name to locate all entries for EuroPRP, as shown in the following figure.

Each rule is either an Allow rule (shown with a green tick) or a Blocking rule
(shown with a red no-entry symbol).

117 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

3. For each EuroPRP Blocking rule, check the profile column. If the profile matches
your instrument network type, then delete the rule. Repeat for each EuroPRP
Blocking rule.

4. Click New Rule... in the Actions column on the right of the window. The New
Inbound Rule Wizard window opens as shown in the following figure.

5. Select Port as the rule type and click the Next button. The protocol and ports
configuration is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

6. Select the UDP and Specific local ports radio buttons. Enter 1264 as the port
number. Click the Next button.

118 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

7. The Action configuration is displayed as shown in the following figure.

Select Allow the connection, and click the Next button.

8. The Profile configuration is displayed as shown in the following figure.

You can either allow the connection on all network types, or allow it only on
your instrument network type. Select the appropriate tick boxes.

119 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

Note: To determine your instrument network type, open the Windows Control
Panels and open the Network and Sharing Centre. Your instrument will be listed
under the View your active networks section. The network type will be one of
"Public network", "Domain network", or "Private network".

9. Finally, name the new rule EuroPRP and click the Finish button.

The Windows Firewall is now configured to allow successful EuroPRP


120 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

application A collection of objects in a Galaxy Repository that performs an automation task.
Synonymous with Galaxy. There can be one or more applications within a Galaxy

Application Engine A scan-based engine that hosts and executes the run time logic contained within
(AppEngine) AutomationObjects.

ApplicationObject An AutomationObject that represents some element of your application. This can
include things like an automation process component. For example, a
thermocouple, pump, motor, valve, reactor, or tank or associated application
component. For example, function block, PID loop, Sequential Function Chart,
Ladder Logic program, batch phase, or SPC data sheet

Application view The Applications view shows the object-related contents of the Galaxy in three
different ways: Model view, Deployment view, and Derivation view. The Model
view appears when the IDE is opened for the first time.

ArchestrA The distributed architecture for supervisory control and manufacturing

information systems. It is an open and extensible technology based on a
distributed, object-based design.

ArchestrA Object Toolkit A programmer’s tool to create new ApplicationObjects and Device Integration
Object (DIObjects) templates, including their configuration and run time
implementations. Includes a tool to build Device Integration Object (DIObjects)
and create unique Domain Objects that interact with DI Objects in the ArchestrA

Area A logical grouping of AutomationObjects that represents an area or unit of a

plant. It is used to group related AutomationObjects for alarm, history, and
security purposes. It is represented by an Area AutomationObject.

Area Object The System object that represents an Area of your plant within a Galaxy. The
Area Object acts as an alarm concentrator, and places other Automation Objects
into proper context with respect to the actual physical automation layout.

assignment The designation of a host for an AutomationObject. For example, an AppEngine

AutomationObject is assigned to a WinPlatform AutomationObject.

attribute An externally accessible data item of an AutomationObject.

attribute reference string A text string that references an attribute of an AutomationObject.

AutomationObject An object type that represents permanent things in your plant, such as
ApplicationObject or Device Integration Object (DIObjects), with user-defined,
unique names within the Galaxy. It provides a standard way to create, name,
download, execute, and monitor the represented component.

AutomationObject Server A computer that hosts one or more application engines and associated
(AOS) automation objects. An Industrial Application Server Galaxy Namespace can
contain several AutomationObject Server (AOS), each which requires a Platform.

backup AppEngine The object created by the ArchestrA infrastructure when the Primary object is
enabled for redundancy. See redundancy for further details.

base template A root template at the top of a derived hierarchy. Unlike other templates, a base
template is not derived from another template but developed with the
ApplicationObject Toolkit and imported into a Galaxy. All templates names start
with a $.

binding tool See PAC bining tool.

block read group A DAGroup that is triggered by the user or another object. It reads a block of data
from the external data source and indicates the completion status.

121 HA030834
 Wonderware PAC User Guide

block write group A DAGroup that is triggered by the user or another object after all the required
data items are set. The block of data is sent to the external data device. When the
block write is complete, it indicates the completion status.

bootstrap The base ArchestrA service which is required on all ArchestrA computers. It
provides the base software environment to enable a platform and allows a
computer to be included in the Galaxy Namespace.

change log The revision history that tracks the life cycle activities of ArchestrA Objects, such
as object creation, check in/check out, deployment, and import/export.

change propagation The ability to create templates which allows each component template to support
changes such that a change in one of the elements can be automatically
propagated to all — or select, related — object instances.

check in IDE operation for making a configured object available for other users to check
out and use.

check out IDE operation for the purpose of editing an object. It makes the item unavailable
for other users to check out.

checkpoint The act of saving to disk the configuration, state, and all associated data
necessary to support automatic restart of a running AutomationObject. The
restarted object has the same configuration, state, and associated data as the last
checkpoint image on disk.

compound object An ApplicationObject that contains at least one other ApplicationObject.

contained name An alternate naming convention that, when combined with the tagname of the
root container object, results in the hierarchical name. For example, for a given
object, its Hierarchical Name = Line1.Tank1.InletValve and its Contained
Name= InletValve.

containment A hierarchical grouping that allows one or more AutomationObject to exist

within the name space of a parent AutomationObject and be treated like parts of
the parent. Allows for relative referencing to be defined at the template and
instance level.

DAGroup A data access group associated with Device Integration Object (DIObjects). It
defines how communications are achieved with external data sources. It can be a
scan group, block read group or block write group.

DAServer Manager (DAS The System Management Console (SMC) snap-in supplied by the Data Access
Manager) Server (DAServer) that provides the required interface for activation,
configuration, and diagnosis of the DAServer.

Data Access Server The server executable that handles all communications between field devices of a
(DAServer) certain type and client applications. Similar to I/O Servers but with more
advanced capabilities.

Data Access Server Toolkit A developer tool that can build a Data Access Server (DAServer).
(DAS Toolkit)

deployment The operation which instantiates an AutomationObject instance in the ArchestrA

run time. This action involves installing all the necessary software and
instantiating the object on the target platform with the object’s default attribute
data from Galaxy Repository.

Deployment view The part of the Application view in the IDE that shows how objects are physically
dispersed across Platforms, Areas and Engines. This is a view of how the
application is spread across computing resources.

derivation The creation of a new template based on an existing Template.

Derivation view The part of the Application view in the IDE that shows the parent-child
relationship between base templates, derived templates and derived instances. A
view into the genealogy of the application.

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derivedtemplate Any template with a parent template. Derived templates inherit the attributes of
the parent template. You can changes these attributes in the derived template.

Device Integration Object An AutomationObject that represents the communication with external devices
(DIObjects) or software. DI Objects run on an Application Engine (AppEngine), and include
DINetwork Objects and DIDevice Objects.

DIDevice Object An object that represents the actual external device (for example, a PLC or PAC)
that is associated with a DINetwork Object. It can diagnose and browse data
registers of the DAGroups for that device.

DINetwork Object An object that represents the network interface port to the device through the
Data Access Server (DAServer) or the object that represents the communications
path to another software application. It provides diagnostics and configuration
for that specific network card.

ELIN Ethernet LIN (ELIN) is the encapsulation of the LIN communication protocol
transported over Ethernet. It allowss peer-to-peer communication between LIN-
based instruments and the wider network via a standard Ethernet

Engine object An ArchestrA system-enabled object that contains Local Message Exchange and
provides a host for ApplicationObjects, Device Integration Object (DIObjects) and
Area Objects.

event record The data that is transferred about the system and logged when a defined event
changes state. For example, an analog crosses its high level limit, an
acknowledgement is made, or an operator logs in to the system.

export The act of generating a package file (.aaPKG) extension from persisted data in
the Galaxy database. You can import the resulting .aaPKG file into another

FactorySuite Gateway FactorySuite Gateway is a Microsoft Windows application program that acts as a
communications protocol converter. Built with the ArchestrA DAS Toolkit, FS
Gateway links clients and data sources that communicate using different data
access protocols.

Galaxy The entire application. The complete ArchestrA system consisting of a single
logical name space (defined by the Galaxy database) and a collection of Platform
objects, Engine objects and other objects. One or more networked PCs that
constitute an automation system. This is referred to as the Galaxy Namespace.

Galaxy database The relational database containing all persistent configuration information like
templates, instances, security, and so on in a Galaxy Repository.

Galaxy Database Manager The Galaxy Database Manager is a utility to manage your Galaxy. It can back up
and restore Galaxies if they become corrupt or to reproduce a Galaxy on another
computer. The Galaxy Database Manager is part of the System Management
Console (SMC).

GalaxyObject The object that represents a Galaxy.

Galaxy Repository The software sub-system consisting of one or more Galaxy databases.

Generic LIN A LIN–based device that is supported by Wonderware PAC, but which during
instantiation, the instrument configuration object does not contain information
about the specific type of device, or software version. This information is added
by the user from within LINtools after instantiation.

hierarchical name The name of the object in the context of its container object. For example,
Tank1.OutletValve, where an object called Tank1 contains the OutletValve

Historian The time series data storage system that compresses and stores high volumes of
time series data for later retrieval. For the Industrial Application Server, the
standard Historian is IndustrialSQL Server.

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host The parent of a child instance in the deployment view. Example: a Platform
instance is a Host for an Application Engine (AppEngine) instance.

import The act of reading a package file (.aaPKG) and using it to create
AutomationObject instances and templates in the Galaxy Repository.

Industrial Application Industrial Application Server uses existing Wonderware products such as
Server InTouch for visualization, IndustrialSQL Server as its historian, and the device
Integration product line like a Data Access Server (DAServer) for device
communications. Industrial Application Server uses InTouch or InTouch View for
visualization with the addition of Platforms to the visualization node.
The Industrial Application Server is sized by:
• the number of Workstation / Server Platforms,

• by real I/O in the system

• the number of Terminal Services sessions.

The Application Server license is per Galaxy. An Application Server can be
distributed across multiple computers as part of a single Galaxy namespace.

instance An object, which is a unique representation of a template that exists in run time.

instantiation The creation of a new instance based on a corresponding template.

Integrated Development The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the interface for the
Environment (IDE) configuration side of Industrial Application Server. In the IDE, you manage
templates, create instances, deploy and un-deploy objects, and other functions
associated with the development and maintenance of the system.

InTouch View InTouch View Clients are InTouch run time clients that solely use of the
Industrial Application Server for its data source. In addition, standard InTouch
run times can leverage the Industrial Application Server with the addition of a
Platform license.

I/O count Number of I/O points being accessed into the Galaxy. I/O points are real I/O and
are not equivalent to InTouch tags. I/O count is based on the number of I/O points
that are configured through an OPC Server, I/O Server, Data Access Server
(DAServer) or InTouch Proxy Object, over the whole Application Server
namespace, regardless of how many PCs are in the system.

life cycle cost The cost of a Supervisory Control System attributed to initial development,
application changes and on-going maintenance. The Industrial Application
Server reduces these costs by using a component object-based development
environment and automated change propagation capabilities.

LIN A Local Instrument Network (LIN) is a series of connected instruments or devices that
communicate using the LIN communications protocol.

Log Viewer A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides a user interface
for viewing messages reported to the LogViewer.

Message Exchange The object to object communications protocol used by ArchestrA and the
Industrial Application Server.

Model view The area in the Application view in the IDE that shows how objects are arranged
to describe the physical layout of the plant and supervisory process being

object Any template or instance in a Galaxy database. A common characteristic of all

objects is they are stored as separate components in the Galaxy Repository.

object extensions The capability to add additional functions to an AutomationObject while not
changing the object’s original behavior. Can be added to derived templates and
object instances. They include Scripts, User Defined Attributes (UDAs) and
Attribute Extensions.

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Object Viewer A utility in which you can view the attribute values of the selected object in run
time. This utility is only available when an object is deployed. Object Viewer
shows you diagnostic information on ApplicationObjects so you can see
performance parameters, resource consumption and reliability measurements. In
addition to viewing an object’s data value, data quality and the communication
status of the object, you can also modify some of its attributes for diagnostic
testing. Modifications can include adjusting timing parameters and setting
objects in an execution or idle mode.

offscan The state of an object that indicates it is idle and not ready to execute its normal
run time processing.

onscan The state of an object in which it is performing its normal run time processing
based on a configured schedule.

PAC A Prgrammable Automation Controller (PAC) is a standalone or networked

device capable of controlling industrial equipment autonymously. Decisions as to
which device or machinery to control, and when, is based on a configuration
strategy stored within the controller. Usually a variety of analogue and digital
input and output cards provide feedback to the controller so command decisions
can be made.

PAC Binding Tool The PAC Binding Tool provides an efficient method of mapping LIN function
blocks to Wonderware PAC object instances, by automatically associating the
correct fields and attributes for a given LIN function block to an Wonderware
PAC object. The PAC Binding Tool also provides support for exporting and
importing binding configurations, which permits mass binding operations.

PAC instrument An instrument whose configuration template can be created with the necessary
standard LIN function blocks and header blocks automatically, and is fully
supported by Wonderware PAC. Non-PAC instruments are supported within
Wonderware PAC, but are classified as Generic LIN devices.

package definition file The standard description file that contains the configuration data and
(.aaPDF) implementation code for a base template. File extension is .aaPDF.

package file (.aaPKG) The standard description file that contains the configuration data and
implementation code for one or more objects or templates. File extension is

Platform count Number of PCs in the Galaxy. Each Workstation and/or Server communicating
directly with the Application Server requires a platform to be part of the Galaxy
Namespace. This includes each InTouch and InTouch View client. Each InTouch
Terminal Services Session needs a Industrial Application Server Terminal
Services Session License.
A Platform License includes a per seat FSCAL2000 with Microsoft 2000 SQL
Server CAL. Stand-alone computers only hosting InSQL Servers or a remote
Data Access Server (DAServer) do not need a platform license.

Platform Manager Provides Galaxy application diagnostics by allowing you to view the run time
status of some system objects and to perform actions upon those objects. Actions
include setting platforms and engines in an executable or idle mode and starting
and stopping platforms and engines. This utility is an extension snap-in to the
ArchestrA System Management Console (SMC).

Platform object An object that represents a single computer in a Galaxy, consisting of a system
wide message exchange component and a set of basic services. This object hosts
all Application Engines.

PLC Programmable logic controller.

primary AppEngine The object created by the ArchestrA infrastructure when the Backup object is
created through redundancy. See redundancy for further details.

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properties Data common to all attributes of objects, such as name, value, quality, and data

proxy object An AutomationObject that represents an actual product for the purpose of device
integration with the Industrial Application Server or InTouch® HMI. For
example, a Proxy object enables the Industrial Application Server to access an
OPC server.

redundancy During configuration

• Primary object: The object that is the main or central provider of the functionality
in the run time. For AppEngines, it is the object you enable for redundancy. For
data acquisition, it is the DIObject you use first as your data source in the run

• Backup object: The object providing the functionality of the Primary object when it
fails. For AppEngines, it is the object created by the ArchestrA infrastructure
when the Primary object is enabled for redundancy. For data acquisition, it is the
Device Integration Object (DIObjects) you do not intend to use first as your data
source in the run time.

During run time

• Active object: The object currently executing desired functions. For AppEngines,
it is the object that is hosting and executing ApplicationObjects. For data
acquisition, it is the object that is providing field device data through the

• Standby object: The passive object waiting for a failure in the Active object’s
condition or for a force-failover. For AppEngines, it is the object that monitors the
status of the Active AppEngine. For data acquisition, it is the object that is not
providing field device data through the RedundantDIObject.

RedundantDIObject The RedundantDIObject monitors and controls the redundant Device Integration
Object (DIObjects) data sources. Unlike redundant AppEngines, individual
DIObject data sources do not have redundancy-related states. They function as
stand-alone objects.

Redundant Message The Redundant Message Channel (RMC) is a dedicated Ethernet connection
Channel which is required between the platforms hosting redundant engines. The RMC is
vital to keep both engines synchronized with alarms, history, and checkpoint
items from the engine that is in the Active Role. Each engine also uses this
Message Channel to provide its health and status information to the other.

reference A string that refers to an object or to data within one of its attributes.

relational reference A reference to an object’s attributes that uses a keyword in place of an object's
tagname. These keywords allow a reference to be made by an object's relationship
to the target attribute. Examples of these keywords are “Me”, “MyPlatform”, and

remote reference The ability to redirect ArchestrA object references or references to remote
InTouch tags. The new script function that redirects remote references at run
time is IOSetRemoteReferences.

scan group A DAGroup that requires only the update interval be defined. The data is
retrieved at the requested rate.

scan state The Scan State of an object in run time. This can be either offscan or onscan.

security Industrial Application Server security is applied to IDE, System Management

Console (SMC), and the run time data level. At the run time data level which
centralizes the definition of all permissions to the ApplicationObjects. These
ApplicationObjects can be accessed by a variety of clients but the security is

126 HA030834
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centrally defined, allowing ease of maintenance. Users that are allowed to modify
these ApplicationObjects at run time are mapped to the objects by user-defined
roles. These roles can be mapped directly to existing groups in a Microsoft
Domain or workgroup.

SmartSymbols SmartSymbols are objects that integrate object-oriented technology with InTouch
graphics to transform them into reusable templates. Changes made to the
templates automatically propagate throughout an application—even across
multiple networked PC nodes. They are created from a graphic in an InTouch
window that is grouped into a cell and converted into a SmartSymbol. Libraries
of SmartSymbols can be exported to other applications and plants, allowing
companies to standardize on graphics throughout the entire organization.

System Management The central run-time system administration/management product where you
Console (SMC) perform all required run time administration functions.

System object An object that represents an Area, Platform or Engine.

tagname The unique name given to an object. For example, for a given object, its TagName
= V1101 and its HierarchicalName = Line1.Tank1.InletValve.

template An object containing configuration information and software templates used to

create a derivedtemplate and/or instance.

Template Toolbox The part of the IDE Main Window that hosts template Toolsets, containing
templates. The Template Toolbox shows a tree view of template categories in the

Toolset A named collection of templates shown together in the IDE Template Toolbox.

User Defined Attributes Allow you to add new functionality to an object. An attribute is added to an object
(UDA) at configuration time.

UserDefined object An AutomationObject created from the $UserDefined template. This template
does not have any application-specific attributes or logic. You must define these
attributes and associated logic.

WinPlatform object An object that represents a single computer in a Galaxy, consisting of a

systemwide message exchange component, a set of basic services, the operating
system, and the physical hardware. This object hosts the Application Engine

Wonderware PAC A development environment built on the ArchestrA platform allowing the design
of distributed architecture for supervisory control for Programmable Automation

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Symbols enabling cross-subnet communication 113
engineering station 10
$PAC_DIDevice 16
Eurotherm PAC basics 27
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag 15, 16
Eurotherm PAC diagnostic symbol, using 108
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag alarm blocks 61
EurothermSuite Project Link 14, 21
$PAC_DINetwork 15
exporting binding configuration 79
Extract LIN Project 17, 18
acronyms 5 G
advanced binding tool operation 78
general user-interface changes in LINtools 111
Archestra security editor, using 108
glossary 121
basics - Eurotherm PAC 27
importing binding configuration 81
importing existing LIN strategies to the galaxy 90
manually binding objects 44
instrument diagnostics
using the LIN data browser 47
overview 61
PAC binding tool 51
instrument version, changing 33
advanced binding tool operation 78
introduction to instrument diagnostics 61
creating instances without the binding
operation 81 introduction to Wonderware PAC 8
exporting binding configuration 79
importing binding configuration 81 L
manipulating binding configuration 79 licensing 76
validation 82 LIN connection setup tool 36
binding LIN data to ArchestrA objects 44 LIN data browser 19
LIN network, creating 39
C LIN ports editor control panel, using 107
changes to LIN strategy download 38
galaxy browser 19 LINtools differences
menu and toolbar options 13 overview 110
template library 15 disabled commands 110
the IDE interface 13 general user-interface changes 111
view tabs 17 user-interface changes 110
changing the instrument version 33 workflow changes 112
creating a new PAC instrument configuration 28 LINtools in a Wonderware PAC context 110
creating LIN binds automatically 55
cross-subnet communication, enabling 113 M
managed applications 14, 21
D manipulating binding configuration 79
demo mode - licensing 76 manually binding objects 44
diagnostic examples
communications fault 65 N
faulty modules 64 network explorer, using 99
multiple instruments 66 network topology 10
no faults 64 network UNH, using 100
configuration 70 O
detailed display 67
operator interfaces 62 object viewer, using 101
overview display 62 objects specific to Wonderware PAC 11
DINetwork object 39 overview of Wonderware PAC 8
disabled commands in LINtools 110
document revision Information 5 P
documentation conventions 5 PAC binding tool
downloading strategies to a PAC instrument 38 overview 51
block binding tab 54
E field binding tab 58
PAC binding tool, overview 19
editing the strategy for a PAC instrument 32

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PAC binding tool, using the 51 V

PAC Strategies tab 17
validation of binding data 82
ping, using 100
process for working with Wonderware PAC 24
R walkthrough example
overview 27
redundancy, working with 44 stage 1 - creating a PAC instrument
reference documents 6 configuration 28
stage 2 - creating the DA server platform 38
S stage 3 - creating a DINetwork (LIN network
shutdown LINOPC utility, using 102 object) 39
SMC, using 102 stage 4 - adding instruments to the LIN
store & forward network 41
analysing the results 87 stage 5 - binding LIN data to ArchestrA objects 44
configuring store and forward 85 Windows event logger, using 105
filename syntax 87 Windows networking configuration, using 100
further reading 85, 89 Windows regional settings, using 108
overview 85 Wonderware logger, using 105
preparing the tool to run 87 Wonderware PAC process 24
using the Configure UStoreForward tool 86 Wonderware PAC, an introduction 8
strategy editing 32 Wonderware PAC-specific objects 11
subnets, enabling cross-subnet communication 113 workflow examples 27
supported devices 12 working with redundancy 44
system architecture 10
system management console, using 102

technical support, contacting 6
$PAC_DIDevice 12, 41, 61
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag 11, 17, 41, 42, 61
$PAC_DINetwork 11, 17, 39
$PAC_genericLIN 11, 16, 28
$PAC_T2550 11, 16, 28
$PAC_T2750 11, 16, 28
$RedundantDIObject 44
Wonderware PAC object templates 15
trouble shooting tools
overview 93
ArchestrA security editor 108
Eurotherm PAC diagnostic symbol 108
firewall 106
LIN ports editor control panel 107
LINtools 101
namespace update time, checking 109
network explorer 99
network UNH 100
object viewer 101
ping 100
shutdown LINOPC utility 102
system management console 102
Windows event logger 105
Windows firewall 106
Windows networking configuration 100
Windows regional settings 108
Wonderware logger 105
troubleshooting the PAC DA server 93

user-interface changes in LINtools 110
using LINtools in a Wonderware PAC context 110
using the LIN connection setup tool 36
using the LIN data browser to bind objects 47

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