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ISO2715 - Vol - Measurement by Turbine MTR - Aug81

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The document discusses international standards for measuring liquid hydrocarbons using turbine flow meters. It covers topics such as system design, installation, meter performance, operation and maintenance.

The document is about international standards for measuring volumetric flow of liquid hydrocarbons using turbine flow meters. It provides guidelines on system design, meter selection, installation, performance evaluation, operation and maintenance of these metering systems.

Meter performance can be affected by factors like flow conditioning, piping installation, electrical installation, meter calibration, operating conditions, and degradation over time. Variations in meter calibration can impact calculation of petroleum volumes.

International Standard


Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by

turbine meter systems
Hydrocarbures liquides - Mesurage volumétrique au mo yen de compteurs à turbine

First edition - 1981-08-15

-E UDC 665.7:681.121.4 Ref. No. I S 0 2715-1981 (E)


Descriptors : petroleum products, hydrocarbons, liquids, volumetric measurement, measuring instruments, electrical installation, equipment
1 0
I E International Organization for Standardization
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter-
national Standards is carried out through I S 0 technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the I S 0 Council.

International Standard I S 0 2715 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28,

Petroleum products and lubricants, and was circulated to the member bodies in
February 1977.

It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :

Australia Hungary Poland

Austria India Romania
Belgium Iran South Africa, Rep. of
Brazil Israel Spain
Bulgaria Italy Sweden
Canada Japan Turkey
Czechoslovakia Korea, Rep. of United Kingdom
France Mexico USA
Ghana Netherlands USSR

No member body expressed disapproval of the document.

0 International Organization for Standardization, 1981 O

Printed in Switzerland
COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Introduction .................................................................................... 1

Scope and field of application .............................................................. 1

References ...................................................................................... 1

System design and selection of meters and ancillary equipment .................... 1

3.1 Design considerations ................................................................. 1

3.2 Selection of turbine meter and ancillary equipment ............................. 2

3.3 Selection of read-out devices ........................................................ 2

Installation ...................................................................................... 3

4.1 General.................................................................................... 3

4.2 Flow conditioning ...................................................................... 3

4.3 Piping installation....................................................................... 3

4.4 Electrical installation ................................................................... 5

Meter performance ............................................................................ 6

5.1 General.................................................................................... 6

5.2 Meter factor .............................................................................. 6

5.3 Causes of variation in meter factor value and their impact on

calculation of petroleum volumes .......................................................... 6

Operation and maintenance of metering systems ...................................... 7

6.1 General.................................................................................... 7

6.2 Conditions affecting operation ...................................................... 7

6.3 Meter maintenance ..................................................................... 8

6.4 Meter factor control charts ........................................................... 8

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2735-83 I 4853903 0033733 0 1

Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by

turbine meter systems

O Introduction different hydrocarbon liquids, to the use of turbine meters from

any manufacturer, and to the various applications en-
Turbine meters consist essentially of a rotor which senses the countered. It does not necessarily apply to two-phase fluids.
mean velocity of a flowing stream. The moving liquid imparts a
rotational or tangential velocity to the rotor which is propor-
tional to the rate of flow. The movement of the rotor is
detected by mechanical, optical, magnetic or electrical means 2 References
and is recorded on a read-out device. The volume so registered
must be compared with a known volume by proving. I S 0 4124, Petroleum metering systems - Measurement con-
trol charts and statistical methods1 ).
This International Standard has been prepared as a guide for
those concerned with the design, installation, operation and I C 0 6551, Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security
maintenance of turbine metering assemblies for liquid of dynamic measurement - Electric and/or electronic pulsed
hydrocarbons. Annex A gives details of the parts and data cabled transmission11.
characteristics of turbine meters, and annex B provides a
trouble-shooting guide.
3 System design and selection of meters and
Information on displacement meters appears in I S 0 2714,
ancillary equipment
Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by displace-
ment meter systems other than dispensing pumps. Future In-
ternational Standards will deal with other types of meters, ac- 3.1 Design considerations
cessory equipment, provers and proving, the calculation of
petroleum quantities, and specialized applications of metering All types of metering installations shall meet the following re-
systems containing turbine meters. quirements :

a) They shall be suitable for the maximum and minimum

1 Scope and field of application flow rates, the maximum permissible operating pressure,
the temperature range and the type of liquid t o be
measured. If necessary, protective devices shall be included
1.1 Scope to limit or to control the operation within the design con-
ditions of the metering installation.
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of tur-
bine meters and gives rules for systematically applying con- b) National or state regulations for electrical equipment in
sideration to the nature of the liquids to be measured, to the in- hazardous areas shall be complied with if there is a possi-
stallation of a metering system, and to the selection, perfor- bility of a hazardous atmosphere being present at the in-
mance, operation and maintenance of the same. stallation site.

1.2 Field of application c) All construction materials in contact with the hydrocar-
bon liquid shall neither affect nor be affected by the liquid.
The field of application is any division of the petroleum industry
in which measurement is required. The content of this Interna- d) There shall be provisions for proving the meter for the
tional Standard is general. It can be applied to the metering of entire range of normal operating conditions.


1) At present at the stage of draft.

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I S 0 2715-1981 (E) 271.5-81

3.2 Selection of turbine meter and ancillary difficulties arising from climate, system layout and electrical in-
equipment compatibilities. These include :

3.2.1 Consideration shall be given to, and the manufacturer a) Climate. Ascertain the need for electrical safety,
consulted regarding, the following when selecting a meter and weatherproofing, corrosion- or fungus-proofing devices.
its ancillary equipment : Evaluate the high and low temperature and humidity ex-
tremes, and protect accordingly.
a) space for the meter installation and, where applicable,
the proving facility; b) System layout. Provide easy access for maintenance
and obtain recommended spare parts for items, such as
b) class and type of end connections installed on meter; electronic digital read-outs and electromechanical registers,
that have a predictable failure rate. Alternative or back-up
c) the properties of the liquid on which the meter will be devices and stand-by power supplies are suggested where
required to operate, including viscosity, density ranges, continuous service is essential.
vapour pressure, corrosiveness and lubricating properties;
c) Electrical incompatibilities. All read-out devices shall be
dl the nature and quantity of abrasive and corrosive con- compatible with the turbine meter and the transmission
taminants that may be carried in the liquid stream, including system to which they are connected. In those instances
the size and distribution of solid matter; where a read-out device is a link in a data transmission
system, special care shall be taken to ensure that it has an
e) operating rates of flow, maximum and minimum, and output compatible with the data transmission system.
whether flow will be continuous, intermittent or fluctuating;
3.3.2 Read-out devices are available which perform a number
f) range of operating pressures and pressure losses across of different functions. They shall be selected to ensure read-out
the meter when run at the maximum expected flow rate; in the desired form. The limits of each individual read-out
device shall be noted so that it may perform optimally as part of
g) temperature range within which the meter will be re- the turbine meter system. Read-out devices may be either
quired to operate, and applicability of automatic analog or digital.
temperature compensation;

h) maintenance methods and cost; and spare parts re- 3.3.3 Optimum discrimination is obtained with a digital read-
quired; out device which counts the individual pulses produced by the
turbine meter to plus or minus one count, for a given interval.
j) type, method and frequency of proving; The basic pulse counter does not necessarily display flow or
volumetric units until after logic functions are performed with
k) the meter characteristics including linearity, maximum the appropriate factors to convert the accumulated pulses into
allowable pressure loss, and frequency and voltage output units of volume or flow rate.
ísee annex A, figure 2);
A variety of electronic digital read-out devices is available for
m) types of read-out devices or indicating systems to be use with turbine meters. The following outline indicates the
employed and signal preamplification ísee annex A, types and classes in general use and includes devices for special
figure 3); application.

n) compatibility of ancillary meter read-out equipment and 3.3.4 Pulse counters which indicate every pulse received from
flow rate indication; and the method of meter registration the turbine meter usually incorporate one or more illuminated
adjustment, if applicable; display units. Counters shall be compatible with meter output
voltage and frequency. These counters may be classified ‘as
p) power supply requirements for continuous or intermit- follows :
tent meter read-out;
a) Proving counters, in which a specialgating circuit in the
q) electrical code requirements; counter is triggered by switches in the proving system to
start and stop the counter. This type of proving counter
r) security of electrical transmission system. may be supplemented when the meter pulse rate is low by
multiple electronic timers utilized to provide acceptable
3.2.2 Automatic temperature compensators, if installed, shall discrimination in the proving results.
be chosen to respond to the temperature of the measured liquid
within the required measurement tolerances under all ambient b) Digital flow rate indicators, in which a gating circuit in
conditions. the counter starts and stops the counter over a preselected
time interval. A fixed preselected time base provides uncor-
rected flow rate indication; a variable preselected time inter-
3.3 Selection of read-out devices val can provide corrected digital flow rate indication, since
meter, temperature and pressure correction factors may be
3.3.1 Special consideration shall be given to the selection of incorporated in the time base in order to provide a corrected
read-out devices for a turbine meter system to prevent possible read-out.

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2735-83 4851903 0013735 cl- I S 0 2715-1981 (E)

3.3.5 Computing counters are those in which the read-out is 4.2.5 Proper design and construction of the straightening
in terms of the number of pulses or multiples of pulses received element is important to ensure that swirl will not be generated,
by the counter. The read-out display of these counters may be thus negating the function of the flow conditioner. It is recom-
by means which require that the incoming pulses be divided. mended therefore that :
These counters may be classified as follows :
a) the cross-section shall be as nearly uniform and sym-
a) Fixed ratio computing counters, in which the incoming metrical as possible;
pulses are normally divided by 10, 100, 1 O00 etc., so that
the display is 1/10, 1/100, 1/1 OOO, etc., of the total pulses b) the design and construction shall be sufficiently rugged
received. Some of these units are designed to divide by a to resist distortion or movement at high flow rates;
fixed number other than a multiple of 10.
c) the general internal construction shall be clean and free
b) Variable ratio computing counters, in which the incom- of welding protrusions and other obstructions.
ing pulses are divided (or multiplied and then divided) by a
variable divide circuit. The divide circuits are selected
manually by means of external knobs or patch boards based 4.2.6 In addition to the use of flow straightening sections,
on turbine meter pulses per unit volume under specific there shall be ample distance between the meter run and any
operating conditions. The selection is made on pulses per pumps, elbows, valves or other fittings which may induce swirl
volume or the reciprocal of pulses per volume depending on or a non-uniform velocity profile. Flanges and gaskets shall be
the counter design. Indicate is in practical units for the internally aligned, and gaskets shall not protrude into the liquid
specific operating condition. Such counters may incor- stream. Meter flanges shall be dowelled or match marked to en-
porate the meter temperature and pressure corrections into sure proper alignment of the Straightening sections and the
the variable ratio and read out the net volume corrected to meter after assembly.
the reference base. For each batch, if four or five digit
reading discrimination is required, at least 10 O00 pulses
4.2.7 Valves
must be registered. Valves in a meter installation that may affect measure-

4 Installation
ment accuracy during metering or proving shall be capable of
rapid yet smooth opening and closing. They shall provide a
4.1 General leak-proof shut-off and shall be equipped with a double block
and bleed or a telltale bleed.
This clause includes details for the installation of metering
systems incorporating turbine meters. A schematic diagram for A bypass around a meter or battery of meters, if it is
turbine meter systems is presented in annex A, figure 4.
authorized by national regulations, shall be provided with a
blind or a positive shut-off device equipped with a valve with a
4.2 Flow conditioning double block and bleed or a tell-tale bleed.

4.2.1 Turbine meter performance is affected by liquid swirl Generally, all valves, and especially spring-loaded or
and non-uniform velocity profiles induced by upstream and self-closing valves, shall be of such design that they will not
downstream piping configurations, valves, pumps, joint open to admit air when subjected to hydraulic shock or to
misalignment, profruding gaskets, welding projections or other vacuum conditions.
obstructions. To overcome swirl and non-uniform velocity pro-
files, flow conditioning sections shall be installed. For intermittent flow control, valves should be of the
fast-acting, shock-free type to minimize the adverse effects of
4.2.2 Flow conditioning is an accepted practice. It is ac- starting and stopping liquid movement.
complished by the use of sufficient lengths of straight pipe or
by a combination of straight pipe and straightening elements,
inserted in the meter run upstream and downstream of the 4.3 Piping installation
turbine meter.
4.3.1 The schematic diagram (see annex A, figure 4) provides
4.2.3 When only straight pipe is employed, the liquid shear, a working basis for the design of a turbine meter assembly with
or internal friction between the liquid and the pipe wall, shall be its related equipment. Certain items may or may not be required
sufficient to accomplish the required flow conditioning. for a particular installation; others may be added if necessary.

4.2.4 When a straightening element is employed, it usually 4.3.2 Turbine meters are normally installed in a horizontal
consists of a cluster of tubes, vanes or equivalent devices in- position. The manufacturer shall be consulted if space limita-
serted longitudinally in a section of straight pipe (see annex A, tions dictate a different attitude.
figure 5). Such straightening elements effectively assist in flow
conditioning. Straightening elements may also consist of a
series of perforated plates or wire mesh screens, but these 4.3.3 Where the flow range is too great for any one meter or
forms normally cause a larger pressure drop than do tubes or for its proving, the installation of a bank of meters in parallel
vanes. may be used. Care should be taken so that each meter in a bank

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I S 0 2715-1981 (E) 2715-81

shall not operate outside its minimum and maximum flow rate. value of the back pressure may be reduced in accordance with
Means should be provided to balance flow through each meter. the recommendations of the meter manufacturer and as
mutually agreed between the interested parties.
4.3.4 Meters shall be installed in such a manner that they will
NOTE - The back pressure recommended above is a typical value.
not be subjected to undue stress or strain. Provision shall be Some manufacturers recommend substantially higher values of back
made to minimize meter distortion caused by piping expansion pressure with their equipment.
and contraction.

4.3.10 Every meter shall be installed in such a way as to pre-

4.3.5 Measurement systems shall be installed in a manner vent passage of air or vapour through it. If necessary,
which will result in maximum dependable operating life. In cer- air/vapour elimination equipment shall be installed upstream of
tain services, this requires that protective devices be installedto the meter. Such equipment should be installed as close to the
remove abrasive or other entrained particles from the liquid meter as is consistent with good practice - it must not be so
which could stop or cause premature wear of the metering close that it creates swirl or a distorted velocity profile at the
mechanism. If strainers, filters, sediment traps, settling tanks, entry to the meter. Any vapours shall be vented in a safe
water separators, a combination of these items, or other manner.
suitable devices are required, they shall be sized and installedto
prevent flash vaporization of the liquid prior to its passage
through the meter. These protective devices may be installed 4.3.11 Meters and piping shall be installed so that accidental
singly or in interchangeable battery form, depending on the im- drainage or vaporization of liquid is avoided. The piping shall
portance of continuous service. In services where the liquid is have no high points or pockets where air or vapour might ac-
clean or the installed meter does not require or warrant protec- cumulate and be carried through the meter by the added tur-
tion, omission of protective devices may be acceptable. bulence resulting from increased flow rate. The entire installa-
Pressure gauges shall be installed to determine when the pro- tion shall be such that air is not introduced into the system
tective device should be cleaned. through holes, leaky valves, piping, glands of pump shafts,
separators or connecting lines, etc.
4.3.6 Measurement systems shall be installed so that they
will perform satisfactorily within the viscosity, pressure, tem- 4.3.12 Lines from the meter to the prover shall be such that
perature and flow ranges that will be encountered. the possibility of trapping air or vapour is minimized. The
distance between a meter and its prover shall be kept short and
the diameter of the connecting lines shall be large enough to
4.3.7 Meters shall be adequately protected from pressure prevent a significant decrease in flow rate during proving.
pulsations and excessive surges as well as excessive pressure Throttling valves downstream of the meters may be installed in
caused by thermal expansion of the liquid. This may require the multi-meter stations to equalize flow resulting from pressure
installation of surge tanks, expansion chambers, pressure drop through the prover when each meter is being proved.
limiting valves and/or other protective devices. A means of Manual bleed valves should be installed a t high points to draw
detecting spillage from pressure limiting valves shall be provi- off air before proving.
ded when such valves are placed downstream of the meter.

4.3.13 Piping shall be designed so that the volume of liquid re-

4.3.8 A back-pressure and/or flow-limiting device or restric- tained in the piping from the meter to the point of delivery into
ting orifice should, wherever possible, be installed downstream the prover shall remain constant during provings.
from the meter run. An alarm should be installed for flow rates
below design minimum. If a pressure-reducing device is used
on the inlet side of the meter, it shall be installed as far 4.3.14 Special consideration shall be given to the location of
upstream from the meter run as possible within that location. It each meter, its ancillary equipment and piping manifold in order
shall be installed so that sufficient pressure will be maintained to minimize mixing of unlike liquids.
on the outlet side of the meter run to prevent any vaporization
of the metered liquid. 4.3.15 Most turbine meters will register flow in both direc-
tions, although seldom with identical meter factor. If flow has
4.3.9 Any condition which tends to contribute to the release to be restricted to a single direction because of meter design,
of vapour from the liquid stream shall be avoided by suitable flow reversal shall be prevented.
system design and by operating the meter within its flow range
as specified by the manufacturer. The release of vapour can be
4.3.16 A thermometer, or a thermometer well permitting the
minimized or eliminated by maintaining sufficient back-
use of a temperaturemeasuring device, shall be installed in or
pressure immediately (approximately four pipe diameters)
near the inlet or outlet of a meter run to permit determination of
downstream of the meter. For low vapour pressure liquids, the
metered stream temperatures. If temperature-compensators
numerical value of this back-pressure reading should be ap-
are used, a suitable means of checking the operation of the
proximately (2 Ap + 1,25pv), or more, where Ap is the compensators is required.
pressure drop across the meter at maximum rate of flow, and
p v is the absolute vapour pressure at maximum operating
temperature, both expressed in consistent units. This can be 4.3.17 A recording or indicating pressure gauge of suitable
achieved by installing the appropriate type of valve (back- range and accuracy shall be installed in or near the inlet or
pressure, throttling or reducing) downstream of the meter. In outlet of every meter run where determination of the meter
the case of liquids with high vapour pressure, the numerical case pressure is required.

4 International Organization for Standardization
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4.4 Electrical installation1) quency for flow rate indication. Signal strength may be of
relatively low power level, thus installation conditions shall be
suitable for low power level signals. The recommendations
4.4.1 A turbine meter system has a minimum of three com-
described herein are not applicable to all turbine meters but
ponents : the meter (pulse producer), the transmission line
relate to low power level signal systems.
(pulse carrier) and the read-out device (pulse counter and
display). It is essential that these three components be com-
patible and that each meet the recommended specifications of
the turbine meter manufacturer. 4.4.9 Pulse characteristics which influence proper system
operation are :

4.4.2 Electrical noise may be the most troublesome element in a) Amplitude. Any read-out device connected t o a pulse
turbine meter systems employing low-level signal outputs. producer (meter) shall have the sensitivity needed t o
Even in high-level output systems it is necessary to eliminate operate with the pulse amplitudes generated over the rated
noise and/or spurious electrical signals. Noise signals are flow range;
superimposed on meter signals from three distinct sources -
electromagnetic induction, electrostatic or capacitive coupling b) Frequency. The read-out device shall be able t o cope
and electrical conduction. with the maximum output frequency of the pulse producer
(meter) at its highest expected flow rate;
4.4.3 Great care shall be exercised in effectively isolating the
system from external electrical influences. To minimize un- c) Width. The duration, after shaping, of every pulse
wanted noise, earthing (grounding) shall be independent and generated by the pulse producer (meter), shall be long
shielding of meter and prover detector transmission cables enough to be detected and counted by the read-out device;
(where used) is essential. See also I S 0 6551.
d i Shape. A sine wave output shall not be used t o operate
a read-out device requiring a square wave input without
4.4.4 For estimating the maximum transmission line length
preamplification and shaping.
for any given turbine meter system, I S 0 6551 shall be con-
4.4.10 Great care shall be exercised in the electrical transmis-
4.4.5 Most turbine meters have the capability of producing an sion installation so that the signal amplitude from the turbine
electrical output which may be used to operate a wide variety of meter can be maintained at the highest level while reducing the
read-out devices. More than one pick-up may be required ac- magnitude of noise, whenever possible. Optimum signal level is
cording to mandatory national regulations or design criteria. maintained by :

4.4.6 Every turbine meter system must meet two general re- a) limiting the length of transmission line from the meter
quirements to operate properly. The read-out device shall be to the read-out devices:
sufficiently sensitive to respond to every pulse produced by the
turbine meter throughout its operating range. The signal-to- b ) ensuring the correct impedance;
noise ratio shall be sufficiently high to prevent spurious elec-
trical signals from influencing the read-out device. c) using the best available and technically compatible
signal transmission cable as recommended by the equip-
ment manufacturer;
4.4.7 The output signal of a turbine meter may be considered
to be a train of electrical pulses, with each pulse representing a
d) introducing a signal preamplifier into the transmission
discrete volume of liquid passing through the meter. Examples system at the turbine meter, if transmission distance or
of two approaches which have been taken to produce electrical manufacturer’s requirements so dictate;
pulses follow. The first directly translates the mechanical
motion of the rotor into electrical energy through magnetic in- e) ensuring that supply voltages to preamplifiers and con-
duction. The second requires that external electrical power be stant amplitude pulse generating systems are of proper
supplied to a proximity or photosensing device, which may be magnitude and do not exceed the maximum noise level or
externally shaft driven, but which does not actually generate ripple requirements as specified by the equipment manufac-
electrical energy by the rotational movement of the metering turer:
f ) ensuring that all pick-up coils are securely mounted and
In the first method, both pulse frequency and amplitude are properly located;
generally proportional to flow rate. In the second method, only
pulse frequency is proportional to flow rate since output
g) periodically inspecting and cleaning all terminals, con-
voltage is virtually of constant amplitude. nectors, connector pins and wiring junctions;

4.4.8 Most electronic read-out devices condition a wave form h i replacing components which, through deterioration,
for the counting of each pulse or measure the meter output fre- give a weakened signal.

1 ) Additional information, regarding electrical installation will appear in a future International Standard on ancillary equipment for meters.

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2735-81 4851703 0033738 T r

5 M e t e r performance 5.2.6 An assessment of meter performance can best be made

by keeping a meter factor control chart (see IS0 4124) which is
essentially a plot of successive meter factor values for a given
5.1 General
petroleum liquid over an extended period of time. It is thus a
record of the reproducibility of a particular meter’s meter factor
This clause deals with how well a metering system produces or
can be made to produce accurate measurements. Meter factors
shall be determined when commissioning a meter.
5.2.7 Variable conditions which may affect meter factor
values are :
5.2 M e t e r factor’)
a) liquid viscosity;
Two procedures for meter proving may be carried out depen-
ding upon the application intended.
b) the change in mechanical tolerances and blade angle or
length due to wear or damage;
5.2.1 In the first procedure, the meter calibrator mechanism is
adjusted until the change in meter reading during a proving c) line pressure and pressure drop across the meter;
equals, or very nearly equals, the volume measured in the
prover. d) cleanliness and lubricating properties of the liquid;

5.2.2 In the second procedure, the meter calibrator e) flow rate;

mechanism is not adjusted, but a meter factor is calculated.
The meter factor is a number obtained by dividing the actual f) liquid temperature;
volume of liquid passed through the meter during proving by
the volume registered by the meter. For subsequent metering g) condition of proving equipment;
operations, the actual throughput or gross measured volume is
determined by multiplying the volume as registered by the h) foreign material lodged in the meter or flow con-
meter, by the meter factor. ditioner;

j) changes in inlet fluid velocity profile or swirl.

5.2.3 Which procedure for proving is used depends upon the
application and the operating conditions.
5.3 Causes of variation in meter factor value and
5.2.4 Adjusted meters (see 5.2.1) are most frequently used at their impact on calculation of petroleum volumes
retail dispensing pumps, retail delivery trucks, and truck and rail
car loading racks where it is desirable to have direct reading There are many causes which change the performance of a tur-
meters without the need to apply mathematical corrections to bine meter. Some, such as the entrance of dirt, can only be
the meter reading. remedied by eliminating the cause of the problem. The normal
content of solids and water have the same effect on the meter
5.2.5 Where direct reading is not a consideration, there are when measuring crude oil as when measuring products but in
several reasons for preferring the use of a meter factor. It is dif- the former case they are regarded as normal constituents to be
ficult or impossible to adjust a meter calibrator mechanism to included in the measurement. Other causes depend on the pro-
give exact registration within 0,02 %, which is the usual resolu- perties of the liquid being measured, and shall be overcome by
tion with which a meter factor is determined. In addition, ad- proper design and operation of the meter system.
justment generally requires one or more reprovings to confirm
the accuracy of the adjustment. The most important reason, The independent variables which have the greatest effect on
however, is that for applications where the meter is to be used the metering system are temperature, pressure, viscosity, flow
with several different liquids, or at several different flow rates, a rate and lubricating properties. If a meter is proved and
different meter factor can be determined for each liquid or for operated on liquids with inherently identical properties, and
each flow rate, or for each combination of liquid and flow rate. under the same conditions as in service, the highest level of ac-
An adjusted or direct reading meter is correct for only the one curacy may be expected. If there are differences in one or more
liquid and the one flow rate for which it was adjusted. For most of the parameters between the proving and the operating
pipelines, terminals and ship loading and unloading facilities, it cycles, then a change in meter factor value could be expected
is preferred to adjust their meters to be approximately correct at between proving and operation.
average conditions and to seal the calibrator mechanism at that
setting. Meter factors can then be determined for each 5.3.1 Variations in flow rate
petroleum liquid and/or for each flow rate with which the meter
is used. This provides flexibility while maintaining maximum ac- At the low end of the flow rate range the meter factor curve
curacy. tends to become less linear than is the case in the medium and

1) The details of calculating meter factors and bills of lading when using meter readings to which meter factors have to be applied, as well as the cor-
rection factors required to adjust any volume at a given temperature t and a given pressure p , to standard conditions, will be covered by future Inter-
national Standards.

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2715-81 4851903 IS0 2715-1981 (E)

higher flow rate ranges (see annex A, figure 2, and applica- used, but potential error increases-asthe magnitude of the dif-
tions A and BI. If a reliable plot of meter factor versus flow rate ference between the proving and operating conditions in-
has been developed it is safe to select the meter factor value creases. For highest accuracy, the meter should be proved in
from that curve, although if a proving system is permanently in- the range of operating conditions.
stalled it is still preferableto reprove the meter and to apply the
value so computed. If changes in flow rate exceed the lower or
5.3.5 Correction to a base or reference temperature
upper limit of the acceptable linearity (see annex A, figure 2)
then the meter should be proved at the operating rate.
Considerable meter error may be introduced into the measure-
ment of a hydrocarbon liquid, unless the volume metered is
5.3.2 Variations in viscosity reduced to a standard condition of base or reference
temperature and base or reference pressure. It is recommended
For an individual turbine meter, it may be possible to develop a that appropriate corrections be made to minimize this error
single empirical equation or plot of meter factor as a function of whenever the measurement circumstance warrants such ad-
viscosity, However this cannot be done for turbine meters as a justment. 1)

Since turbine meters are viscosity sensitive, and since viscosity 6 Operation and maintenance of metering
changes with the temperature of hydrocarbon liquids, par- systems
ticularly those liquids of higher relative density, the response of
a turbine meter to a change in temperature cannot be assigned
solely to thermal variations of the liquid. 6.1 General

On the other hand, for liquids of lower relative density such as This clause covers recommended operating and maintenance
gasoline whose viscosity remains essentially unchanged with practices for turbine meter installations. All operating data per-
changes in temperature, meter factor valves likewise remain vir- taining to measurement, including the meter factor control
tually unchanged. A mathematicallybased adjustment to meter charts, should be accessible to interested parties.
factors for hydrocarbons as a class, or for turbine meters in
more viscous hydrocarbons and all crude oils, is not recorn: 6.2 Conditions affecting operation
mended. Mathematical corrections shall be applied only to in-
dividual meters when they are being operated within the range
of conditions for which they have been proved. It is advisable 6.2.1 The accuracy of measurement by a turbine meter
to prove the meter under conditions which closely approximate depends on the conditions of the meter, the proving system,
those in operation. the frequency of meter proving and the variations, if any, be-
tween operating and proving conditions. All equipment shall be
selected, operated and maintained in such a manner as to
5.3.3 Variations in temperature achieve the desired accuracy which may be established by
policy, mutual consent of the parties or, in certain countries,
In addition to the effects of change in viscosity (see 5.3.2) the appropriate regulations.
caused by changes in temperature of the liquid, significant
variations in temperature can also affect meter performance by
causing changes in the physical dimensions of the meter and in 6.2.2 Turbine meters shall be operated within the specified
the apparent volume measured by the meter because of ther- flow range and the operating conditions which produce the
mal expansion or contraction of the liquid. The extent of liquid desired accuracy (see annex BI. They shall be operated with
expansion or contraction may be calculated using approved the necessary ancillary equipment. It must also be recognized
tables or formulae. Accepted corrections may be applied for that turbine meters should not be used to make deliveries less
changes in physical dimensions of the meter, but other possible than a minimal quantity below which random errors may defeat
effects such as changes in the mechanical tolerance and blade required accuracy.
angle, could depend on the individual meter, and may not be
capable of correction for turbine meters as a class. For highest 6.2.3 If a turbine meter is used to measure reversible flow,
accuracy the meter should be proved in the range of operating meter factors shall be obtained for each direction of flow.
conditions. Usually protective devices must be located on both sides of the
5.3.4 Variations in pressure
6.2.4 Definite procedures both for operating metering
A variation in the pressure of the liquid being metered from that systems and for calculating measured quantities shall be fur-
which existed at the time of proving will result in a change in nished to meter station personnel. These should include :
the relative volume of the liquid due to its compressibility. A
change in the physical dimensions of the meter, arising from a) standard procedure for meter proving;
expansion or contraction of its housing under pressure will also
occur. Accepted correction tables for both effects may be b) operation of stand-by or spare meters;

1) The correction factors will be specified in a future International Standard.

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization 7

Licensed by Information Handling Services
I S 0 2715-1981 (E)

c) minimum and maximum meter flow rates and other often inadvisable to establish a definite schedule of meter
operating conditions such as pressure and temperature; maintenance for all installations. It is best to determine when t o
repair or inspect a meter by keeping a control chart for each
d) instructions for applying pressure and temperature cor- meter on each product or grade of crude oil. Slight changes in
rection factors; meter factor will naturally occur in normal operation, but if the
value of such a change in meter factor exceeds three times the
e) procedure for recording and reporting corrected meter standard deviation í f 301, as recorded on the control chart,
volumes and other observed data; the cause of the change shall be sought. The use of 30 limits as
acceptable normal variation in meter factor value strikes a
f) procedure for estimating the volume passed in the event balance between looking for trouble that does not exist and not
of meter failure or mismeasurement: looking for trouble that does exist. (See I S 0 4124.)

g) instructions in the use of control charts and the action 6.3.3 Totalizer components and temperature and pressure
to be taken when the meter factor exceeds the established
instruments and/or transmitter should be periodically checked.
acceptable limits;

h) instructions with respect to who may witness meter

6.4 M e t e r factor control charts
provings and repairs;

j) instructions covering reporting the breakage of any seals 6.4.1 A meter factor control chart is any suitable adaptation,
if fitted; to liquid metering problems, of the widely used statistical con-
trol chart method as explained and discussed in I S 0 4124.
k) instructions in the use of all forms and tables necessary
to record the data to support proving reports and meter 6.4.2 Meter factor control charts are essentially plots of suc-
tickets; cessive meter factor values along the abscissa at the ap-
propriate or-nate value and -between limiting abscissa
m) instructions for routine maintenance; representing X I la,X f 20, X + 30, where O is the stan-
dard deviation of the meter factor obtained from a set of prov-
n) instructions for taking samples; ing runs and x is the mean value of all these values. Such a
chart should be maintained for each product, or grade of crude
p) details of the general policy for frequency of meter oil over a range of rates, for each meter.
proving and re-proving when changes of flow rate or other
variables affect meter accuracy;
6.4.3 Meter factor control charts can be used as a warning
q) procedures for operations not included in the fore- signal for measurement trouble by showing when and to what
going, but which may be important for an individual installa- extent conditions have deviated from accepted norms. The
tion. charts can be used to detect trouble, but not the nature of the
trouble. When measurement trouble is encountered, a
systematic checking of the measurement system is recom-
6.2.5 A statistical analysis of meter proving results, and the mended. The following components of the measurement
use of control charts (see I S 0 4124)will aid judgement in deter- system should be considered, although not necessarily in the
mining : listed order :

a) the optimum time lapse between provings; a) all valves affecting meter proving;

b) the need for maintenance; b) strainers, filters, air and water separators;

c) the constancy and quantitative value of mean meter c) pulse counters, coil preamplifiers, signal transmission
factor. system, power supply, and all read-out devices;

6.3 M e t e r maintenance d) moving parts and bearing surfaces of the turbine meter;

e) other parts of the meter and meter run;

6.3.1 Meters shall be maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. A maintenance policy shall be f ) detector switches in a pipe prover, or ancillary equip-
established to provide adequate servicing of the meter and ment in a tank prover;
ancillary equipment. Meters stored for a long period shall be
kept under cover. Certain internal parts may be cleaned and
g) displacer in a pipe prover;
oiled, but tungsten carbide bearing surfaces should be cleaned
but not oiled. h) pressure, temperature, and density sensing devices.

6.3.2 Because of the many different sizes of meter, services, See annex B for three decision charts designed to aid in
liquids measured, flow rates and pressures it is difficult and diagnosing malfunction in turbine metering systems.

8 International Organization for Standardization
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex A

Turbine meters - Parts and characteristics

(Forms part of the standard)

This annex provides illustrative descriptions of turbine meter performance characteristics, accessory read-out instrumentation
possibilities, recommendedflow straightener assembly, meter accuracy curve, and names of turbine meter parts (see figures 1 to 6).

In addition to the pictorial information presented, these illustrations provide a recommendationfor standardized terminology and data
presentation. The intention of such a standardization is to simplify communication between designers, operators and manufacturers.

Flow Flow

I l

1 Upstream stator 7 Downstream stator

2 Upstream stator supports 8 Downstream stator supports
3 Bearings 9 Meter housing
4 Shaft 10 Pick-up
5 Rotorhub 11 End connections
6 Rotor blade

Figure 1 - Names of typical turbine meter parts

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization

Licensed by Information Handling Services
IS0 2715-1981 (E)
2735-81 --i
4651903 0033742

Location Density
Date viscosity
Manufacturer Temperature
Model - Size Pressure
Serial No. Operator
Liquid Report No.

Flow range a t designated linearity, application A I

r l

P Flow range a t designated linearity

application 6


Manufacturer's maximum

Flow rate
capacity rating
1 1
NOTE - The meter characteristic curves shown are to be considered as illustrative only and shall not be construed as representing the likely
performance o f any given model or size of turbine meter.

Figure 2 - Turbine meter characteristics

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization

r n by Information Handling Services
High frequency output
I------- -I------ 1----
Electronic Variable
temperature ratio computer
ratio pulse computing

- r-l
logging and
mechanical control
Combinator systems
or PIA
I i

I Register

-t counter
L r-L-7
Shielded cable
to each instrument,
grounded a t instrument
end only
-recorder controller‘ ‘D printer

I--- Register


1 I I I


Flow straightener Turbine meter

primary output,
Turbine meter
primary output, I systems I
electrical mechanical

Figure 3 - Available turbine meter instrumentation

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization

Licensed by Information Handling Services
I S 0 2715-1981 (E)

To vent

I . Meter run Back-pressure and/or
---I flow rate valve or
valves for positive


Upstream flow
Downstream Pressure gauc
conditioner @ / \\ Control vaive

Strainer 1
Flow Non-return valve
/* 1
A irlvapo ur
- / I
Thermometer u o n n e c t i o n s to proving system
Optional if applicable

Figure 4 - Turbine meter assembly, schematic diagram

NOTE - All sections of line which may be blocked between valves shall have provisions for pressure relief.

Pulses per
unit volume Manufacturer's stated I
maximum flow rate \

Back pressure
too low
Curve represents

-1 flow

Back pressure
/i I

Legend for upstream of the meter : Flow rate or volume per unit of time

L = overall length of conditioning assembly = 1O D minimum

A = length of upstream plenum = 2 D to 3 D NOTE - A l l curves for example only.
B = length of tube or vane type straightening element = 2 D to 3 D
C = length of downstream plenum = 5 D minimum Figure 6 - Effects of cavitation on rotor speed
û = nominal diameter of meter
n = number of individual tubes or vanes. n should be a t least 4
d = nominal diameter of individual tubes. Bhshould be a t least 10

NOTE - Downstream of the meter, use 5 D minimum of straight


Figure 5 - Examples of flow conditioning assemblies

with straightening elements
COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization
Licensed by Information Handling Services
2735-83 4853903 0033745 7

Annex B

Trouble-shoot ing guide

(Forms part of the standard)

This annex is included as an aid in diagnosing malfunctions in turbine metering systems. However, it is not intended to replace a
detailed and systematic checking of the measurement system.

Observe totalizer
i s totalizer power
off or fuse
defective ?

Adjust threshold control

Depress test switch. Yes I s turbine signai
no Will counter count > present a t totalizer
yes or other attenuating
device. Does counter
t e s t frequency ? input ?

v ,

Does power supply yes Is signal output Are there cold Replace
give proper output a t turbine meter solder joints or threshold
voltages ? shorted wires ? unit

Substitute new coil.
i s signal present now ?
V *
Are circuit boards yes
w loose in their base 7

Check local preamp. connectors 7


i s there proper input

voltage to preamp ?

Figure 7 - Case where totalizer does not count

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization

Licensed by Information Handling Services
- -
I S 0 2715-1981 (E)

Does totalizer count a t

no flow conditions ?

no for leakage
or leakage through the
meter ?

+ Check
- With oscilloscope are
noise signais present ?
< no meter vanes and
Y es
Are totalizer and pre- Is shielded cable I s coil grounded to coil
- amp. power supplies 3 grounded a t one
yes > case or shield to
regulated ? point only ? conduit ?
ves 4
Increase signallnoise no I s totalizer in vicinity
ratio. Does unit now < of heavy magnetic
count properly ? field ?
yes Is internal wiring
bare or shorted ? c- v
Is test switch bad ?
With oscillator a t
totalizer, does unit
count properly ?
Lay temporary line
meter to totalizer yes no

Recheck shield
and cable

ally until trouble is

Check meter. Are yes

- does
With oscillator a t meter - yes > blades bentor
unit count properly ? cracked ?

Figure 8 - Case where totalizer counts fast (overcounts1

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Substitute or add a
no ~ parallel totalizer. I s Yes
trouble corrected 7

Is shielding cable totalizer
grounded only a t
totalizer 7

Disconnect cable. Check for Check continuity of coil. Check proximity to
+ short circuit between shield
and conduit or conductors.
> Is coil shorted to coil
case 7
> heavy current carrying
Check continuity of shield

no G
Using oscilloscope, i s
noise present 7

Does oscilloscope show

even output pulse train
from meter 7
no J
Increase level of
Remove meter and no signal input.Still no Install or replace
- check for missing blades
or magnets
Is signal level
adequate ?
. getting random
counts 7

preamp., i f

yes r
if faulty
i f not faulty Introduce signal from Does totalizer
9 audio oscillator of > count evenly
same frequency as meter and correctly 7

Check circuit board no yes

Replace -+ and power supply <
if faulty

Substitute RepIace With oscillator located a t

totalizer signal trans- no meter and voltage equal to yes
mission meter output voltage, does
wiring proper counting occur 7

Figure 9 - Case where totalizer drops count (counts slowly, intermittently or irregularly)

COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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