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Issue 93

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Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #93

Handling Large Groups Part I: Keeping Players Busy



From: Johnn Four,

--> A Brief Word From Johnn

--> This Week's Tips Summarized:

1. Reacquaint Players & Characters At The Beginning
Of Each Session
2. Keep Players Busy By Pre-Planning Rewards
3. Create Major & Minor Encounters For Each PC
4. Appoint A Team Leader Or Player "Champion"
5. Allow For Multiple Solutions To Challenges
6. Turn It Into A Learning Process
7. Keep All Conversation In-Character

--> Readers' Tips Of The Week:

1. "Player's Pocket" EXP Awards
2. Easy Recipe For Firearms Props
3. Juicing Up Gaming When Players Lose Interest
4. How To Make Encounters Challenging For High
Level PCs



New Article Available: Handheld GM

It's been awhile since I updated the Articles section of the
web site. It's one of those "projects" I've had on my To Do
list for some time. However, the database conversion is
complete, and I'm happy to announce a great first update:

The Handheld GM
Tips, advice, and links for GMs who want to know more about
using handheld computers at the game table.

Thanks For The Large Group Tips!

I've got enough tips from everyone to fill additional issues
on this topic in the future. Thanks! I'll probably do a
Handling Large Groups issue once a month or so, as I feel
many of the tips will be helpful to GMs of smaller groups as
Have a great week.


Johnn Four



New This Week:

* Will PDFs Rule RPG Publishing?



One of the biggest problems with managing a large group of

players is keeping everyone entertained. More people are
asking for clarifications of your descriptions. More are
jostling for attention. More are crowding in the way of the
bad guy. And each player gets a lower fraction of "screen

Players in this situation can grow bored or become

frustrated. They start building scale models of Mt. Everest
using ten-siders. So, the core principle of large games is
this: keep the players busy at all times. All the following
tips proceed from this one.

1. Reacquaint Players & Characters At The Beginning Of

Each Session
With so many players, and so many PCs, it can be tough
keeping track. To help everyone remember who their comrades
are, go around the table and have the players describe their
character and relate any interesting relevant tid bits about
the last adventure. The description should be current (i.e.
health and condition, current clothes worn, etc.) and
attentive players will note the changes. This helps get
people into character and recall the last game so you can
jump right into the current session's adventure.

2. Keep Players Busy By Pre-Planning Rewards

A busy player is a happy player. :) While it's not possible
to keep the limelight focused on every PC all the time, you
can do some brief pre-session planning to ensure that each
PC can get involved in a special way in your story, dungeon,
or adventure each session.
I've recently found a fast way to do this by starting
backwards, with rewards:

1) Divide a page into five columns:

a) PC Name
b) Player Name
c) Notes On What's Important To PC
d) Notes On What's Important To Player
e) Reward

2) Fill out columns a-d.

Column c represents what is special and important about the

character to the player. Basically, why does the player
enjoy playing that PC?
* Skills
* Special abilities
* Race or class features
* Background or character story line
* Personality, etc.

In column d write brief notes on why the player shows up to

each of your sessions and has fun:
* Combat, action
* Adventure
* Roleplaying, social interaction
* Wonder, high-fantasy, imagination
* Building a character, etc.

Be as specific as possible (i.e. skill: climbing, being an

elf in human lands, exploring ancient ruins, etc.).

See Issues #50 & #51 for more tips on rewards:

3) Use your analysis of each player and her PC to create 2-5

meaningful reward ideas and note them in column e.

4) Now work backwards by taking a reward idea for each

player and integrating it into your upcoming session plans.

* Add a special gadget or magic item to an existing

encounter (possibly by putting it in the hands of a foe).

* Create a new encounter focused on the reward that also

helps you move the story along.

* Introduce a new NPC who could train the PC and who also
knows important information about the whole party's current

Multi-stage (i.e. over a period of several encounters)

reward threads are even better, if you can think of any, as
they'll keep players interested throughout the session.
However, it's important to reward every PC in some way each
session, so keep your threads short enough to fit within a
typical session.

It's great if you can turn reward ideas and threads into
multi-tasking situations as well:
* Advance the story
* Benefit multiple PCs
* Entertain multiple players

Once you've made this list, it's easy to update between

sessions. Also, by thinking about each PC and some potential
rewards for them, you'll find more ways to keep players busy
during sessions on-the-fly.

And, most importantly, by starting backwards with rewards,

you're sure to entertain every player in a significant way
each session.

3. Create Major & Minor Encounters For Each PC

Another way to manage player activity is to run both
important and trivial encounters for each PC each session.
For example, if a PC is going to have a spotlight encounter
at the end of the session where their skills, abilities, or
relationships become important and carry the story onward to
the cheers of the other players, then find some trivial job
for them to do at the beginning of the session.

4. Appoint A Team Leader Or Player "Champion"

This tip will be covered more in a follow-up issue, but for
now we'll mention that you should appoint one player to be
your eyes and ears at the game table so they can let you
know if any players are being ignored or are getting bored.

You decide how much power you want to give this person (i.e.
party decision-maker, co-GM, rules referee, etc.), but at
the very least they can help you keep everyone involved and
busy by nudging your elbow or passing you a note when they
spot a bored or frustrated person.

Also, your GMing style might cause frustration in larger

groups (i.e. your attention is easily grabbed by the loudest
player, you provide too much detail and play is slow, etc.)
and a champion can be your feedback mechanism to help with
on-going improvement.

5. Allow For Multiple Solutions To Challenges

With so many PCs, it can be difficult to coordinate an
encounter so that a PC with the needed skills is in the
right place at the right time. While it can increase the
drama when players try to come up with alternate solutions
to make up for a missing PC's skill set, just make sure that
there are other solutions available.
This would be very frustrating: "I'm sorry, you are not a
BlueClaw Ninja. Though you just completed the trial of fire
and water, I cannot give you the artifact. I'm sorry. No
exceptions can be made. Find a BlueClaw Ninja, and I can
give you the artifact."

6. Turn It Into A Learning Process

Anytime a lull occurs and players grow bored and restless,
assess where it occurred and change focus quickly. For
example, perhaps you are allowing individual players to
monopolize your time. The solution would be to have them
stand by while you ask what everyone else is doing. However,
acknowledging and then diagnosing the problem is the first

Therefore, allow yourself to make mistakes without getting

mad at yourself, as GMing large groups is challenging, but
try to not make the same mistake twice. You can do this by
being perceptive and trying to learn all the time.

Another challenge is that different players focus on and are

entertained by different things. So, treat this as a
learning process as well. Remain perceptive and note what
your players react favourably and unfavourably to during
sessions. Try different things to see if you can get and
keep players' attentions and then remember what you did so
that you can do it again when they seem to be gazing off at

7. Keep All Conversation In-Character

This is a great way to keep players busy. Each part of the
group must know that they are going to be just a part of the
story. And much of the group's time is often spent
discussing their plans, their findings, and what it all
means. So, if you have them to do all this in-character, it
can lead to a lot of good roleplaying and create a more
compelling atmosphere around the table that will keep
players focused and engaged

Thanks To The Following People Whose Ideas & Words I Used In

This Week's Issue: Robert A, Scott F, Casey D, Andrew G,
Joe The Wombat, Ron C, Dwayne T, Rick K, Trentin B,
Matt L, Rebecca R, Simon T.



1. "Player's Pocket" EXP Awards

From: Andrew G.
About the tip from Andrew T about players rating each other
for XP, [ ] I
use a system called 'Player's Pocket' in which each PC has 1
experience point to give another player per session for any
reason they choose. They cannot give player's pocket points
to themselves, and everyone's point must be expended by the
end of the session. This lets the players give and receive
feedback and reward for good roleplaying during the session
("Hey, Vic, that was brilliant! Have an XP!")

2. Easy Recipe For Firearms Props

From: Don F.
For those who may be interested, here's how I create my prop
2D paper/plastic press firearms for Semi-LARP.

Go to: [ ]

I search for the firearm I want, note/copy stats, click on

image of the firearm for enlarged picture, download it,
produce a scaled print and horizontal flip print, glue each
to cardstock or plastic, cut out, then glue the two sides

The site is also useful for basic/detailed stats and images

for weapon catalogues.

3. Juicing Up Gaming When Players Lose Interest

From: Peter W.
My group periodically loses interest in playing D&D.

While campaigning in the summer, when interest in gaming is
lowest (and the lure of billiards at the bar is highest), I
generally award 3 or 4 times the normal amount of per-
session experience points. The characters level up
incredibly fast (every third session or so) and it keeps the
flow advancing quickly.

4. How To Make Encounters Challenging For High Level PCs

From: Paul D.
1. Play to the encounter's intelligence. Most opponents who
are the same level as the PCs didn't get there by stupidity
or chance.

For instance:

a) Have the opponents nullify the best asset of the

characters. Use an anti-magic area, device, or ability, or
use a dampening field that inhibits energy weapons, etc. The
characters will have to face the opponent without the tools
they rely upon.

I used this in my 3eDnD game to have the players run into a

white dragon 'resting' in his lair. They entered the lair,
the trap door fell on the exit (meaning no retreat!) and the
anti-magic zone was setup. The players had none of the handy
magical devices or protection from cold spells in place,

Another idea along these lines is that undead don't need to

breathe. An encounter could have the undead attacking the
PCs and the air being removed from the room at the same time
or have the room fill with water.

b) Give abilities and skills the players use to their

opponents, even to opponents that don't qualify to have
them; or make a new one just for them. I modified the spell
penetration feat for gaze weapons penetration (adding 2 to
the roll needed to overcome the effect) to make a lower
level creature more dangerous than the players thought.

2) Always have an escape route. The characters have this,

their opponents should too. More importantly, the opponent
should use it when it is obvious they will be killed or
defeated if they stick around.

3) If the ability to heal quickly is available, be it tech

or magic, make sure the NPC has these as well. Nothing is
more challenging than beating down a powerful opponent,
losing half your forces, just to have them heal themselves
back to full strength with the same method the PCs did a
little while back...

4) A treasure horde should contain treasure, not items. The

items should be used in the protection of the horde, either
by the owner or the owner's lackeys.

That's it for this week's issue.

Have more fun at every game!

Johnn Four



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