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Erika A Amat - Journal Prompts in Gec07

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Journal Prompt #1: Expose

Yourself to Art!
I have been exposed to visual arts since I was a
child. My older brother is good at drawing and
since then I always saw how he draws random Journal Prompt #2: A Definition of Art
stuffs such as buildings, landscape and mostly
houses. When I started schooling, I’ve been totally Based on Module 1, Art is defined as mediums
exposed with arts whether I like or not because of artistic expression. Art is indeed a medium
some school activities require us to do something of artistic expression. It is undeniably human
about arts like drawing, painting and other stuffs. and intimately connected to culture. It elevates
When I was in 2nd grade, I’ve been asked to the normal to the exceptional. It raises issues
represent our school to compete in painting. I can such as who we are, what we value, what
still remember that I draw the landscape with a beauty means, and the human condition. It
pencil then I colored it with oil pastel, I won 3rd enables us to feel sublime joy, deep sorrow,
place in that competition so I can still remember it uncertainty, and clarity as an expressive
because it is the first and the last time, I competed medium. It puts our talents, weaknesses, and
in the art category. Back in high school, whenever determination to the test. It gave life to
we have school projects that involves art, I like to thoughts and emotions, links us to the past,
explore and challenge myself so that my art work mirrors the present, and foreshadows the
will be unique. I once tried drawing a rose using future. I define art as our inner thoughts that
dots. Based on the module it is called pointillism, we need or we want to convey. My own
and my audience is of course, my teacher and definition is subjective but if we will be based
classmates. it on what Module 1 says, it can also be

Journal Prompt #3: Investigating Art

Medium used: Digital Art
This Art is considered as realistic since it is inspired by
the real events happens to the artist, according to her.
This piece is a contemporary art as it is done during
February 2021. Based on picture provided, this art
depicts the artist’s inner thoughts. For me, she expresses
her worries and doubt through this art as she uses light
colors such as sky blue, yellow and some kind of pink.
This art falls under the category of 2D digital painting. I
think this art role will be Enhancing our World.

Journal Prompt #1: Who Makes Art?

Those people who makes art are called artist. For me there are artist born with such
talent, and there are artists that burning with passion that proves the quote, “Hard
work beats talent”. Artists have an innate ability to create art, but it takes training
and knowledge to become a professional artist. A genius may be a great artist but
there needs to be something to feed the capacity for greatness. Skill does not
appear out of nowhere.

Since artists' motivations and purposes to create

change over time, their artist’s roles change with
various cultural considerations. For example, the
Mona Lisa, it was created in the renaissance period.
The artist’s role is portrait that depicts a seated
woman set against an imaginary landscape.

While the Spoliarium, the paint,

shows how the Filipinos were treated
before when they were colonized by
Spaniards. ... He actually indicated
the purpose of Juan Luna for painting
Spoliarium which is painted to
awaken Filipinos from ignorance,
blindness, mental darkness and

Journal Prompt #2: I am creative!


Journal Prompt #1: Objective Description & Subjective Analysis


Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night was One of Auguste Rodin's most well-known
an oil-on-canvas painting. A night sky works is The Thinker, French Le Penseur, a
roiling with chromatic blue swirls, a sculpture of a pensive nude male. The
glowing yellow crescent moon, and stars medium use in this art is sculpture and it is
depicted as radiating orbs dominate the made up of bronze. The Thinker is a 6-foot
oil-on-canvas painting. One or two flame- (1.8-metre) bronze statue (commonly called
like cypress trees tower over the a monumental) cast in 1904 that sits in the
foreground to the left, their dark branches gardens of the Rodin Museum in Paris.
curling and swaying in response to the Also, this artwork is considered as a
movement of the sky that they partially realism. For me, this sculpture depicts a
obscure. A structured village sits in the man that has a creative mind and is curious.
distance on the lower right of the canvas
amid all of this animation. For me, this art
conveys hope since there are colors blue
which represents hope also those stars and
moon depicts a strong feeling of hope.

Journal Prompt #2: Making a work of art

The art was created using digital app called, Paint. The given figure was
transformed into a simple art by adding colors, shape, form, details and
texture. The elements use are colors such as blue, green, brown, sky blue, gray,
white, yellow, light yellow, dark gray and light blue. Since I use spray paint in
the application, the texture becomes thicker visually.

Journal Prompt #1: Repeat Pattern Repeat!

I made a simple coin purse through my mom’s sewing machine and I made it
with vertical pattern on the other side and diagonal on the other side. Also,
the pattern design is flowers and the color is pink.

Journal Prompt #2: Compare and Contrast

The Birth of Venus

Rava Avis 19

The Birth of Venus is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli, probably made in the
mid-1480s. It depicts the goddess Venus arriving at the shore after her birth, when she had
emerged from the sea fully-grown. While the Rava Avis, with a background in mathematics
and science, Jylian Gustlin imbues her paintings with a studied sense of composition. Both
painting is colorful and have the impression of a background such as land, sea and trees. These
two art work is more than 500 years apart. Botticelli's Venus is aloof and uninterested in her
surroundings, drawn in oils on canvas. Gustlin creates her paintings with acrylic and oil paints
on board, layering the effects to produce her distinct and complex results. Landscape figures
often represent a moody and brooding figure while often portraying a sense of the future.
day has
its end.

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