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HUM10 Chapter 1

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Liana Nicole T. Dela Cruz.

BEED- 1C Date: September 15, 2022

1.1 What is Art: Definition, Importance and Appreciation

II. Analysis: Let Us See What You Already Know

DIRECTION: Create your meaning and definition of art based on your own
understanding and insights. Use the space provided below.

For me, art is a communication of thoughts and expressions of feeling and

emotions through creativity, skills, imagination and passion.

1. Based on the activity above? How do you describe art?

Art can be described with one word. SATISFACTION. Expressing our

emotions in this way helps people to connect with their ‘authentic’ selves and
put their heart and soul into their work, resulting in feelings of fulfillment,
satisfaction, and gratification. This is because often people feel like they can
convey their true emotions skilfully and soulfully through their art, without
putting on a facade or mask.

IV. Application: How You Already Know

DIRECTION: Answer the following question.

1. When can you say that art is an expression of self- emotions and feeling?

Some of artist they cannot express their emotions verbally that’s why they
express their feelings through arts. I can say when the art is an expressions of
self- emotions and feeling by the artist, It always depends to the artist who
made it reason why there’s short description.

2. Explain the passage below

“For most people, art is only valuable if other people say it is; and artist are
only worthwhile if they are rich, famous, or dead.” - Wayne Gerard Trotman

The pedigree of an artwork, or the list of people it has belonged to, is a

significant determinant of its worth. For instance, a picture that was once held
by a famous person, a well-known collector, or possibly a reputable gallery will
undoubtedly draw higher offers when it is put up for sale. It is said here that an
art can only be important or have value if it is spread or proudly displayed or it
will become a historic, and that your art will only be important if you are dead or
rich and the death of any individual artist means that there will be no more art
produced by them the supply is now fixed. Once the supply is fixed the value of
each individual work increases because if that artist's work was not scarce
before it will be soon and if it was scarce before it will be even more so going
1.2 Classification of Arts

DIRECTION: Differentiate the pictures below and describe what art does it


The picture shows an example of

decorative art. It creates an
aesthetically pleasing object of high

Performance art is usually done with

an audience which conveys a
content-based meaning in a more
drama-related sense.

Plastic art are molded and not

necessarily plastic objects. It consists
of three dimensional works like clay,
plaster, stone. metals, wood and


1. Based on your answer, how do you define arts?

Art is quite interesting and classified that the artist can be used and
identify their artwork.

2. In what way can you classify them?

By the materials used in a piece of art.

IV. Application: How you Already Know

DIRECTION: Create a min map with the word art at the center; around it, write
the classification of arts by writing the key word associated with each. Use the
space provided below.

Fine Art Visual Art

Aesthetic value and -Modern but

beauty imprecise umbrella

Plastic Art
Decorative Art
Art -Molded
- Functional but
ornamental art forms

Applied Art Performance Art

- Artistic design - Live presentation

1.3 Guidelines in understanding a work of art

II. Analysis: Let Us Know What You Already Know

DIRECTION: Given the picture below, write your interpretation about it on the
space provided.

Based on my research, This portrait was

Sharon Tate an American actress and a
model murdered on August 9, 1969 by
Manson family in Los Angeles, California. For
me, this artwork was about her past incident,
The intensity of the eyes and the deep
contrast of the shading makes for very
haunting artwork - a mesmerizing tribute to a
tragic tale.


1. What general observation you gained in the picture? What does it improve?

Based on my understanding this black and white art is incredibly

effective at creating drama and mood. Images are punchier because there
aren’t colors to distract the eye, and the contrast the blacks, grays, whites
gives arts very strong feel.

2. How does the artwork presented?

By utilizing various color and tone values, artist may simulate light. A color
or hue’s value determine how light and dark it can be. The portrait is using a
charcoal pencil with a nice skin tone and good blending.
IV. Application: How You Already Know?

DIRECTION: Describe the picture below using the Guidelines on

understanding a work of art. Follow the format

Part 1: General Information

In Bischofswerda, Martin Klein

was born in 1979.Martin Klein
adapts the mighty lion
phenomenon in his acrylic
painting "Colourful Pop Art Lion"
and presents us with his abstract
take on the pop art movement of
the 1960s, which was strongly
influenced by artist Andy Warhol.

Part 2: Description of the Art

The artwork looks like a lion it is a representational of a modern adoption

of an animal portray challenges Klein to maintain the animistic charisma of the
lion while engaging in a certain degree of abstraction,

Part 3: Forms that is used

The lines used to form a lion face. The composition is asymmetrical and
we can only see the left side of his mane. The artist used vibrant color we can
see a primary and mixed color. The color in the painting gives positive emotion.
As we can see the painting is very detailed. The brush stroke are fine.

Part 4: Judgement

This artwork is inspired by the pop art movement of the 60s that was
decisively influenced by artist Andy Warhol, Martin Klein adapts the mighty
phenomenon of a lion in the acrylic painting “Colourful Pop Art Lion“ and offers
us his abstract variation.This painting is good. it so vibrant, powerful, evocative
and a very strange tension that exist before be within this painting. The artist
has a good color choice,
1.4: The Subject of the Art

II. Analysis: Let Us See What You Already Know

DIRECTION: Draw a something that represents your ideas and emotions.

Then, write a description about it on the box. Use another sheet of paper for
your drawing and attach it here.

This candle symbolize my life.


1. Based on the activity, what message does your image represents?

Candles come in varying shapes, dimensions and quality but each

when lit becomes a source of light. More the degree of darkness, the brighter
the flame of the candle appears to be. Darkness gives purpose and use to
candles. Similarly it is struggles which makes our lives meaningful. I was
burning and the wax was melting. I knew my time was running out. But would it
be life to just exist and catch dust? I rather enflame myself for my light to be
use to others and live a short but useful existence. .

2. What does the subject of it?

Representational art or objective art. I used candle as subject to represent my

IV. Application: How You Already Know?

DIRECTION: Compare and contrast the representational art and non-

representational art. Use the diagram below.

Representational Art and Non-Representational Art

Representational Art Non-Representational Art

They are those forms of art

They are the forms of art
that don't make any mention
that show
They of
(Represent) things that
are both something outside of itself
most people can readily
art and (without representation). It
identify. They
have is nonobjective since there
attempt to recreate
meaningful are no recognizable
something real, even if
description. objects. In that it doesn't
only objectively. It
have a concrete form, it is
is concerned with "what" is
to be depicted in the
depict actual things in our
artwork and uses "form."
reality. It utilizes
"content" and is concerned
with "how" the artwork is

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