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Cases. Chapter 2. The Land Registration and Its Registries of Deeds

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G.R. No.

171531               January 30, 2009 including the alleged sale of the disputed property to
spouses Rodolfo.
vs. Respondents likewise averred that on the following day
HEIRS OF MARIA P. VALDEZ, (EMILIA V. YUMUL and 14 February 1967, TCT No. T-824116 was issued in the
VICTORIA V. MOLINO), HEIRS OF SEVERINA P. name of Cipriano "without OCT No. 404 having been
TUGADE (ILUMINADA and LEONORA P. TUGADE, cancelled."17 However, TCT No. T-8241 was not signed
HEIRS OF ETANG P. GATMIN (LUDIVINA G. DELA by the Register of Deeds. On the same day, TCT No. T-
CRUZ (by and through ALFONSO G. DELA CRUZ), 8242 was issued in the name of the spouses Rodolfo
HILARIA G. COBERO and ALFREDO G. COBERO) and TCT No. T-8241 was thereby
and SIONY G. TEPOL (by and through ELENA T. cancelled.18 Subsequently, on 31 October 1969, the
RIVAS and ELESIO TEPOL, JR.), AS HEIRS OF spouses Rodolfo sold the disputed property to petitioner
DECEDENT PABLO PASCUA, Respondents. by virtue of a Deed of Sale with Mortgage.
Consequently, on 5 November 1969, TCT No. T-8242
DECISION was cancelled and TCT No. T-1086319 was issued in the
name of petitioner.20
Tinga, J.:
It was further averred in the complaint that Jorge
1 Pascua, Sr., son of Cipriano, filed on 24 January 1997 a
This is a petition for review  under Rule 45 of the Rules
petition before the RTC of Olongapo City, Branch 75, for
of Court of the Court of Appeals’ Decision dated 22
the issuance of a new owner’s duplicate of OCT No. 404,
March 20052 and Resolution dated 9 February 20063 in
docketed as Other Case No. 04-0-97.21 The RTC denied
CA-G.R. CV No. 67462. The Court of Appeals reversed
the petition.22 The trial court held that petitioner was
the 12 November 1999 Order of the Regional Trial Court
already the owner of the land, noting that the failure to
(RTC) of Olongapo City, Branch 734 which granted the
annotate the subsequent transfer of the property to it at
motion to dismiss filed by Guaranteed Homes, Inc.
the back of OCT No. 404 did not affect its title to the
(petitioner). The appellate court denied petitioner’s
motion for reconsideration.

Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss23 the complaint on the

The factual antecedents are as follows:
grounds that the action is barred by the Statute of
Limitations, more than 28 years having elapsed from the
Respondents, who are the descendants of Pablo Pascua issuance of TCT No. T-10863 up to the filing of the
(Pablo), filed a complaint seeking reconveyance of a complaint, and that the complaint states no cause of
parcel of land with an area of 23.7229 hectares situated action as it is an innocent purchaser for value, it having
in Cabitaugan, Subic, Zambales and covered by Original relied on the clean title of the spouses Rodolfo.
Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 404 in the name of
Pablo.5 In the alternative, the respondents prayed that
Impleaded as defendants, the heirs of Cipriano filed an
damages be awarded in their favor.6
answer to the complaint in which they denied knowledge
of the existence of the extrajudicial settlement allegedly
OCT No. 4047 was attached as one of the annexes of executed by Cipriano and averred that the latter, during
respondents’ complaint. It contained several annotations his lifetime, did not execute any document transferring
in the memorandum of encumbrances which showed ownership of the property.24
that the property had already been sold by Pablo during
his lifetime to Alejandria Marquinez and Restituto
The Register of Deeds and the National Treasurer filed,
Morales. Respondents also attached copies of the
through the Office of the Solicitor General, an answer
following documents as integral parts of their complaint:
averring that the six (6)-year period fixed in Section 102
Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-8241,8 TCT No.
of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1529 for the filing of an
T-8242,9 TCT No. T-10863,10 the Extrajudicial Settlement
action against the Assurance Fund had long prescribed
of a Sole Heir and Confirmation of Sales11 executed by
since the transfer of ownership over the property was
Cipriano Pascua, Sr. (Cipriano), and the Deed of Sale
registered through the issuance of TCT No. T-10863 in
with Mortgage12 between spouses Albino Rodolfo and
favor of petitioner as early as 1969. They also claimed
Fabia Rodolfo (spouses Rodolfo) and petitioner.
that respondents have no cause of action against the
Assurance Fund since they were not actually deprived of
In their complaint,13 respondents alleged that Pablo died ownership over the property, as they could have
intestate sometime in June 1945 and was survived by recovered the property had it not been for their inaction
his four children, one of whom was the deceased for over 28 years.25
Cipriano.14 On 13 February 1967, Cipriano executed a
document denominated as "Extrajudicial Settlement of a
The RTC granted petitioner’s motion to dismiss.26 Noting
Sole Heir and Confirmation of Sales,"15 wherein he
that respondents had never claimed nor established that
declared himself as the only heir of Pablo and confirmed
they have been in possession of the property and that
the sales made by the decedent during his lifetime,
they did not present any evidence to show that petitioner
has not been in possession of the property either, the Hence, the present petition for review.
RTC applied the doctrine that an action to quiet title
prescribes where the plaintiff is not in possession of the The sole issue before this Court revolves around the
property. propriety of the RTC’s granting of the motion to dismiss
and conversely the tenability of the Court of Appeals’
The trial court found that the complaint per its allegations reversal of the RTC’s ruling.
presented a case of implied or constructive trust on the
part of Cipriano who had inaccurately claimed to be the The petition is meritorious.
sole heir of Pablo in the deed of extrajudicial settlement
of estate which led to the issuance of TCT No. T- 8241 in It is well-settled that to sustain a dismissal on the ground
his favor. As the prescriptive period for reconveyance of that the complaint states no cause of action, the
a fraudulently registered real property is ten (10) years insufficiency of the cause of action must appear on the
reckoned from the date of the issuance of the title, the face of the complaint, and the test of the sufficiency of
trial court held that the action for reconveyance had the facts alleged in the complaint to constitute a cause of
already prescribed with the lapse of more than 28 years action is whether or not, admitting the facts alleged, the
from the issuance of TCT No. T-10863 on 5 November court could render a valid judgment upon the same in
1969 as of the filing of the complaint on 21 November accordance with the prayer of the complaint. For the
1997. purpose, the motion to dismiss must hypothetically admit
the truth of the facts alleged in the complaint.30 The
The RTC added that it is an enshrined rule that even a admission, however, is limited only to all material and
registered owner of property may be barred from relevant facts which are well pleaded in the complaint.31
recovering possession of property by virtue of laches.
The factual allegations in respondents’ complaint should
The RTC further held that petitioner had the right to rely be considered in tandem with the statements and
on TCT No. T- 8242 in the name of spouses Rodolfo. inscriptions on the documents attached to it as annexes
Petitioner is not obliged to go beyond the title or integral parts. In a number of cases, the Court held
considering that there were no circumstances that in addition to the complaint, other pleadings
surrounding the sale sufficient to put it into inquiry. submitted by the parties should be considered in
deciding whether or not the complaint should be
Concerning the Assurance Fund, the RTC held that the dismissed for lack of cause of action.32 Likewise, other
claim against it had long prescribed since Section 102 of facts not alleged in the complaint may be considered
P.D. No. 1529 provides for a six-year period within which where the motion to dismiss was heard with the
a plaintiff may file an action against the fund and in this submission of evidence, or if documentary evidence
case the period should be counted from the time of the admitted by stipulation discloses facts sufficient to defeat
issuance of the challenged TCT No. T-10863 on 5 the claim.33 For while the court must accept as true all
November 1969 and thus expired in 1975. well pleaded facts in the complaint, the motion does not
admit allegations of which the court will take judicial
Undaunted, respondents appealed to the Court of notice are not true, nor does the rule apply to legally
Appeals.27 impossible facts, nor to facts inadmissible in evidence,
nor to facts which appear by record or document
included in the pleadings to be unfounded.34
The Court of Appeals reversed the RTC’s order.28 In
ordering the reinstatement of the complaint, the
appellate court ruled that the averments in respondents’ In the case at bar, the trial court conducted a hearing on
complaint before the RTC make out a case for quieting the motion to dismiss. At the hearing, the parties
of title which has not prescribed. Respondents did not presented documentary evidence. Among the
have to prove possession over the property since documents marked and offered in evidence are the
petitioner as the movant in a motion to dismiss annexes of the complaint.35
hypothetically admitted the truth of the allegations in the
complaint. The appellate court found that possession Based on the standards set by this Court in relation to
over the property was sufficiently alleged in the the factual allegations and documentary annexes of the
complaint which stated that "neither petitioner nor the complaint as well as the exhibits offered at the hearing of
Rodolfo spouses ever had possession of the disputed the motion to dismiss, the inescapable conclusion is that
property" as "a number of the Pascua heirs either had respondents’ complaint does not state a cause of action
been (still are) in actual, continuous and adverse against petitioner.
possession thereof or had been enjoying (still are
enjoying) the use thereof."29 By the same token, laches Firstly, the complaint does not allege any defect with
had not set in, the Court of Appeals added. TCT No. T-8242 in the name of the spouses Rodolfo,
who were petitioner’s predecessors-in-interest, or any
The appellate court further held that the ruling of the circumstance from which it could reasonably be inferred
RTC that petitioner is an innocent purchaser for value is that petitioner had any actual knowledge of facts that
contrary to the allegations in respondents’ complaint. would impel it to make further inquiry into the title of the
spouses Rodolfo.36 It is basic that a person dealing with such instance is where the certificate of title was already
registered property need not go beyond, but only has to transferred from the name of the true owner to the
rely on, the title of his predecessor-in-interest. Since "the forger, and while it remained that way, the land was
act of registration is the operative act to convey or affect subsequently sold to an innocent purchaser. For then,
the land insofar as third persons are concerned," it the vendee had the right to rely upon what appeared in
follows that where there is nothing in the certificate of the certificate.40
title to indicate any cloud or vice in the ownership of the
property, or any encumbrance thereon, the purchaser is The Court cannot give credence to respondents’ claims
not required to explore farther than what the Torrens title that the Extrajudicial Settlement of a Sole Heir and
upon its face indicates in quest for any hidden defect or Confirmation of Sales was not registered and that OCT
inchoate right that may subsequently defeat his right No. 404 was not cancelled by the Register of Deeds.
thereto. If the rule were otherwise, the efficacy and The Register of Deeds of Zambales certified that the
conclusiveness of the certificate of title which the extrajudicial settlement was recorded on 14 February
Torrens system seeks to insure would entirely be futile 1967, per Entry No. 18590. This is in compliance with
and nugatory. The public shall then be denied of its Section 56 of Act No. 496,41 the applicable law at the
foremost motivation for respecting and observing the time of registration, which provides that:
Torrens system of registration. In the end, the business
community stands to be inconvenienced and prejudiced Sec. 56. Each register of deeds shall keep an entry book
immeasurably.37 in which he shall enter in the order of their reception all
deeds and other voluntary instruments, and all copies of
Contrary to the assertion of respondents, OCT No. 404 writs and other process filed with him relating to
was expressly cancelled by TCT No. T-8241. The registered land. He shall note in such book the year,
alleged non-signature by the Register of Deeds Soliman month, day, hour, and minute of reception of all
Achacoso, , does not affect the validity of TCT No. T- instruments, in the order in which they are
8241 since he signed TCT No. T- 8242 and issued both received. They shall be regarded as registered from
titles on the same day. There is a presumption of the time so noted, and the memorandum of each
regularity in the performance of official duty. The instrument when made on the certificate of title to which
presumption is further bolstered by the fact that TCT No. it refers shall bear the same date. [Emphasis supplied]
T-8241 was certified to be on file with the Registry of
Deeds and registered in the name of Cipriano. It is Registration in the public registry is notice to the whole
enough that petitioner had examined the latest certificate world. Every conveyance, mortgage, lease, lien,
of title which in this case was issued in the name of the attachment, order, judgment, instrument or entry
immediate transferor, the spouses Rodolfo. The affecting registered land shall be, if registered, filed or
purchaser is not bound by the original certificate but only entered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of the
by the certificate of title of the person from whom he had province or city where the land to which it relates lies, be
purchased the property.38 constructive notice to all persons from the time of such
registering, filing or entering.42
Secondly, while the Extrajudicial Settlement of a Sole
Heir and Confirmation of Sales executed by Cipriano Thirdly, respondents cannot make out a case for quieting
alone despite the existence of the other heirs of Pablo, is of title since OCT No. 404 had already been cancelled.
not binding on such other heirs, nevertheless, it has Respondents have no title to anchor their complaint
operative effect under Section 44 of the Property on.43 Title to real property refers to that upon which
Registration Decree, which provides that: ownership is based. It is the evidence of the right of the
owner or the extent of his interest, by which means he
SEC. 44. Statutory Liens Affecting Title. — Every can maintain control and, as a rule, assert right to
registered owner receiving a certificate of title in exclusive possession and enjoyment of the property.44
pursuance of a decree of registration, and every
subsequent purchaser of registered land taking a Moreover, there is nothing in the complaint which
certificate of title for value and in good faith, shall hold specified that the respondents were in possession of the
the same free from all encumbrances except those noted property. They merely alleged that the occupants or
on said certificate and any of the following possessors are "others not defendant Spouses
encumbrances which may be subsisting, namely: Rodolfo"45 who could be anybody, and that the property
is in actual possession of "a number of the Pascua
xxxx heirs"46 who could either be the respondents or the heirs
of Cipriano. The admission of the truth of material and
Even assuming arguendo that the extrajudicial relevant facts well pleaded does not extend to render a
settlement was a forgery, the Court still has to uphold the demurrer an admission of inferences or conclusions
title of petitioner. The case law is that although generally drawn therefrom, even if alleged in the pleading; nor
a forged or fraudulent deed is a nullity and conveys no mere inferences or conclusions from
title, there are instances when such a fraudulent
document may become the root of a valid title.39 And one
facts not stated; nor conclusions of law; nor matters of
evidence; nor

surplusage and irrelevant matters.47

The other heirs of Pablo should have filed an action for

reconveyance based on implied or constructive trust
within ten (10) years from the date of registration of the
deed or the date of the issuance of the certificate of title
over the property.48 The legal relationship between
Cipriano and the other heirs of Pablo is governed by
Article 1456 of the Civil Code which provides that if a
property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person
obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an
implied trust for the benefit of the person from whom the
property comes.

From the above discussion, there is no question that

petitioner is an innocent purchaser for value; hence, no
cause of action for cancellation of title will lie against
it.49 The RTC was correct in granting petitioner’s motion
to dismiss.

Lastly, respondents’ claim against the Assurance Fund

also cannot prosper. Section 101 of P.D. No. 1529
clearly provides that the Assurance Fund shall not be
liable for any loss, damage or deprivation of any right or
interest in land which may have been caused by a
breach of trust, whether express, implied or constructive.
Even assuming arguendo that they are entitled to claim
against the Assurance Fund, the respondents’ claim has
already prescribed since any action for compensation
against the Assurance Fund must be brought within a
period of six (6) years from the time the right to bring
such action first occurred, which in this case was in

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision

of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 67462
is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The 12 November 1999
Order of the Regional Trial Court of Olongapo City,
Branch 73 in Civil Case No. 432-097 is REINSTATED.

which the plaintiff is responsible, are unnecessarily
delaying the determination of the case to the prejudice of
the defendant. Victoriano v. Rovira, supra; The Municipal
Council of Parañaque v. Court of First Instance of Rizal,

G.R. No. 81163. September 26, 1988. 3. CIVIL LAW; LAND REGISTRATION; P.D. NO. 1529;
and ATTY. HECTOR P. TEODOSIO, Respondents. abused his discretion in sustaining the respondent Acting
Register of Deeds’ stand that the notice of lis pendens in
Eduardo S. Baranda, for Petitioners. the certificates of titles of the petitioners over Lot No.
4571, Barbara Cadastre cannot be cancelled on the
Rico & Associates for Private Respondents. ground of pendency of Civil Case No. 15871 with the
Court of Appeals. In upholding the position of the Acting
Register of Deeds based on Section 77 of Presidential
SYLLABUS Decree No. 1529, he conveniently forgot the first
paragraph thereof which provides: "Cancellation of lis
pendens. — Before final judgment, a notice of lis
1. REMEDIAL LAW; CIVIL PROCEDURE; ACTIONS; pendens may be cancelled upon Order of the Court after
NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS; PURPOSE. — "Lis proper showing that the notice is for the purpose of
pendens has been conceived to protect the real rights of molesting the adverse party, or that it is not necessary to
the party causing the registration thereof. With the lis protect the rights of the party who caused it to be
pendens duly recorded, he could rest secure that he registered. It may also be cancelled by the Register of
would not lose the property or any part of it. For, notice Deeds upon verified petition of the party who caused the
of lis pendens serves as a warning to a prospective registration thereof."cralaw virtua1aw library
purchaser or incumbrancer that the particular property is
in litigation; and that he should keep his hands off the 4. ID.; ID.; ID.; DUTY OF REGISTER OF DEEDS IS
same, unless of course he intends to gamble on the MINISTERIAL. — Under Sections 10 and 117 of
results of the litigation. (Section 24, Rule 14, Rules of Presidential Decree No. 1529, the function of a Register
Court; Jamora v. Duran, Et Al., 69 Phil. 3, 11; I Martin, of Deeds with reference to the registration of deeds
Rules of Court, p. 415, footnote 3, citing cases.)" encumbrance, instruments and the like is ministerial in
(Nataño v. Esteban, 18 SCRA 481, 485-485). nature.

FOR CANCELLATION. — A notice of lis pendens of Civil WHAT IT DAYS; P.D. NO. 1529 IS CLEAR. — The
Case No. 15871 was annotated on petitioner’s elementary rule in statutory construction is that when the
Certificate of Title No. 106098 covering Lot No. 4517, words and phrases of the statute are clear and
Sta. Barbara Cadastre. It appears, however, that private unequivocal, their meaning must be determined from the
respondents in filing said case were trying to delay the language employed and the statute must be taken to
full implementation of the final decisions in G.R. No. mean exactly what it says. (Aparri v. Court of Appeals,
62042 as well as G.R. No. 64432 wherein this Court 127 SCRA 231; Insular Bank of Asia and America
ordered the immediate implementation of the writs of Employees’ Union [IBAAEU] v. Inciong, 132 SCRA 663)
possession and demolition in the reconstitution The statute concerning the function of the Register of
proceedings involving said lot. The foregoing facts Deeds to register instruments in a torrens certificate of
necessitate the application of the rule enunciated in the title is clear and leaves no room for construction.
cases of Victoriano v. Rovira (55 Phil. 1000), Municipal
Council of Parañaque v. Court of First Instance of Rizal 6. ID.; ID.; MEANING OF WORD "SHALL." — According
(70 Phil. 363) and Sarmiento v. Ortiz (10 SCRA 158), to to Webster’s Third International Dictionary of the English
the effect that: "We have once held that while ordinarily a Language — the word shall means "ought to, must, . . .
notice of pendency which has been filed in a proper obligation - used to express a command or exhortation,
case, cannot be cancelled while the action is pending used in laws, regulations or directives to express what is
and undetermined, the proper court has the discretionary mandatory."cralaw virtua1aw library
power to cancel it under peculiar circumstances, as for
instance, where the evidence so far presented by the 7. CRIMINAL LAW; AND REGISTRATION; P.D. NO.
plaintiff does not bear out the main allegations of his 1529; A REGISTER OF DEEDS HAS NO LEGAL
complaint, and where the continuances of the trial, for STANDING TO FILE A MOTION FOR COMMISSIONER
MUST BE SOUGHT IN CASE OF DOUBT. — The Susana Silao refused to honor on the ground that they
respondent Acting Register of Deeds did not have any also have TCT No. 25772 over the same Lot No. 4517.
legal standing to file a motion for reconsideration of the The Court, after considering the private respondents’
respondent Judge’s Order directing him to cancel the opposition and finding TCT No. 25772 fraudulently
notice of lis pendens annotated in the certificates of titles acquired, ordered that the writ of possession be carried
of the petitioners over the subject parcel of land. In case out. A motion for reconsideration having been denied, a
of doubt as to the proper step to be taken in pursuance writ of demolition was issued on March 29, 1982. Perez
of any deed . . . or other instrument presented to him, he and Gotera filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition
should have asked the opinion of the Commissioner of with the Court of Appeals. On August 6, 1982, the Court
Land Registration now, the Administrator of the National of Appeals deemed the petition. Perez and Gotera filed
Land Title and Deeds Registration Administration in the petition for review on certiorari denominated as G.R.
accordance with Section 117 of Presidential Decree No. No. 62042 before the Supreme Court. As earlier stated
1529. the petition was denied in a resolution dated January 7,
1983. The motion for reconsideration was denied in
8. REMEDIAL LAW; JUDGMENT; EXECUTION; DELAY another resolution dated March 25, 1983, which also
IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COURT’S FINAL stated that the denial is final. This decision in G.R. No.
RESOLUTION; RESPONSIBILITY FALLS ON THE 62042, in accordance with the entry of judgment,
RESPONDENT JUDGE. — In the ultimate analysis, became final on March 25, 1983. The petitioners in the
however, the responsibility for the delays in the full instant case — G.R. No. 64432 — contend that the writs
implementation of this Court’s already final resolutions in of possession and demolition issued in the respondent
G.R. No. 62042 and G.R. No. 64432 which includes the court should now be implemented; that Civil Case No.
cancellation of the notice of lis pendens annotated in the 00827 before the Intermediate Appellate Court was filed
certificates of titles of the petitioners over Lot No. 4517 of only to delay the implementation of the writ; that counsel
the Sta. Barbara Cadastre falls on the respondent for the respondent should be held in contempt of court
Judge. He should never have allowed himself to become for engaging in a concerted but futile effort to delay the
part of dilatory tactics, giving as excuse the wrong execution of the writs of possession and demolition and
impression that Civil Case No. 15871 filed by the private that petitioners are entitled to damages because of
respondents involves another set of parties claiming Lot prejudice caused by the filing of this petition before the
No. 4517 under their own Torrens Certificate of Title. Intermediate Appellate Court. On September 26, 1983,
this Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order to
maintain the status quo, both in the Intermediate
Appellate Court and in the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo.
DECISION Considering that — (1) there is merit in the instant
petition for indeed the issues discussed in G.R. No.
64432 as raised in Civil Case No. 00827 before the
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: respondent court have already been passed upon in
G.R. No. 62042; and (2) the Temporary Restraining
Order issued by the Intermediate Appellate Court was
Eduardo S. Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia were the only intended not to render the petition moot and
petitioners in G.R. No. 64432 and the private academic pending the Court’s consideration of the
respondents in G.R. No. 62042. The subject matter of issues, the Court RESOLVED to DIRECT the
these two (2) cases and the instant case is the same — respondent Intermediate Appellate Court not to take
a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 4517 of the cognizance of issues already resolved by this Court and
Cadastral Survey of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo covered by accordingly DISMISS the petition in Civil Case No.
Original Certificate of Title No. 6406. 00827. Immediate implementation of the writs of
possession and demolition is likewise ordered." (pp. 107-
The present petition arose from the same facts and 108, Rollo — G.R. No. 64432)
events which triggered the filing of the earlier petitions.
These facts and events are cited in our resolution dated On May 9, 1984, the Court issued a resolution denying
December 29, 1983 in G.R. No. 64432, as with finality a motion for reconsideration of the December 29, 1983 resolution in G.R. No. 64432. On this same
date, another resolution was issued, this time in G.R. No.
". . . This case has its origins in a petition for 62042, referring to the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo the
reconstitution of title filed with the Court of First Instance ex-parte motion of the private respondents (Baranda and
of Iloilo involving a parcel of land known as Lot No. 4517 Hitalia) for execution of the judgment in the resolutions
of the Sta. Barbara Cadastre covered by Original dated January 7, 1983 and March 9, 1983. In the
Certificate of Title No. 6406 in the name of Romana meantime, the then Intermediate Appellate Court issued
Hitalia. Eventually, Original Certificate of Title No. 6406 a resolution dated February 10, 1984, dismissing Civil
was cancelled and Transfer Certificate of Title No. Case No. 00827 which covered the same subject matter
106098 was issued in the names of Alfonso Hitalia and as the Resolutions abovecited pursuant to our
Eduardo S. Baranda. The Court issued a writ of Resolution dated December 29, 1983. The resolution
possession which Gregorio Perez, Maria P. Gotera and dated December 29, 1983 in G.R. No. 64432 became
final on May 20, 1984.
Plus other relief and remedies equitable under the
Upon motions of the petitioners, the Regional Trial Court premises." (p. 473, 64432 Rollo)
of Iloilo, Branch 23 presided by Judge Tito G. Gustilo
issued the following Acting on these motions, we issued on September 17,
1986 a Resolution in G.R. No. 62042 and G.R. No.
"Submitted are the following motions filed by movants 64432 granting the motions as prayed for. Acting on
Eduardo S. Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia through counsel another motion of the same nature filed by the
dated August 28, petitioners, we issued another Resolution dated October
8, 1986 referring the same to the Court Administrator for
"(a) Reiterating Motion for Execution of Judgment of implementation by the judge below.
Resolutions dated January 7, 1983 and March 9, 1983
Promulgated by Honorable Supreme Court (First In compliance with our resolutions, the Regional Trial
Division) in G.R. No. 62042; Court of Iloilo, Branch 23 presided by Judge Tito G.
Gustilo issued two (2) orders dated November 6, 1986
"(b) Motion for Execution of Judgment of Resolution and January 6, 1987 respectively, to
dated December 29, 1983 Promulgated by Honorable
Supreme Court (First Division) in G.R. No. 64432;
"O R D E R
"(c) The Duties of the Register of Deeds are purely
ministerial under Act 496, therefore she must register all "This is an Ex-parte Motion and Manifestation submitted
orders, judgment, resolutions of this Court and that of by the movants through counsel on October 20, 1986;
Honorable Supreme Court. the Manifestation of Atty. Helen Sornito, Register of
Deeds of the City of Iloilo, and formerly acting register of
"Finding the said motions meritorious and there being no deeds for the Province of Iloilo dated October 23, 1986
opposition thereto, the same is hereby GRANTED. and the Manifestation of Atty. Avito S. Saclauso, Acting
Register of Deeds, Province of Iloilo dated November 5,
"WHEREFORE, Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-25772 1986.
is hereby declared null and void and Transfer Certificate
of Title No. T-106098 is hereby declared valid and "Considering that the motion of movants Atty. Eduardo
subsisting title concerning the ownership of Eduardo S. S. Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia dated August 12, 1986
Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia, all of Sta. Barbara seeking the full implementation of the writ of possession
Cadastre. was granted by the Honorable Supreme Court, Second
Division per its Resolution dated September 17, 1986,
"The Acting Register of Deeds of Iloilo is further ordered the present motion is hereby GRANTED.
to register the Subdivision Agreement of Eduardo S.
Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia as prayed for." (p. 466, "WHEREFORE, the Acting Register of Deeds, Province
Rollo - G.R. No. 64432). of Iloilo, is hereby ordered to register the Order of this
Court dated September 5, 1984 as prayed for.
The above order was set aside on October 8, 1984 upon
a motion for reconsideration and manifestation filed by x           x          x
the Acting Register of Deeds of Iloilo, Atty. Helen P.
Sornito on the ground that there was a pending case
before this Court, an Action for Mandamus, Prohibition, "O R D E R
Injunction under G.R. No. 67661 filed by Atty. Eduardo
Baranda, against the former which remained unresolved. "This is a Manifestation and Urgent Petition for the
Surrender of Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-25772
In view of this development, the petitioners filed in G.R. submitted by the petitioners Atty. Eduardo S. Baranda
No. 62042 and G.R. No. 64432 ex-parte motions for and Alfonso Hitalia on December 2, 1986 in compliance
issuance of an order directing the Regional Trial Court with the order of this Court dated November 25, 1986, a
and Acting Register of Deeds to execute and implement Motion for Extension of Time to File Opposition filed by
the judgments of this Court. They prayed that an order Maria Provido Gotera through counsel on December 4,
be 1986 which was granted by the Court pursuant to its
Order dated December 15, 1986. Considering that no
"1. Ordering both the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo Opposition was filed within the thirty (30) days period
Branch XXIII, under Hon. Judge Tito G. Gustilo and the granted by the Court finding the petition tenable, the
acting Register of Deeds Helen P. Sornito to register the same is hereby GRANTED.
Order dated September 5, 1984 of the lower court;
"WHEREFORE, Maria Provido Gotera is hereby ordered
"2. To cancel No. T-25772. Likewise to cancel No. T- to surrender Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-25772 to
106098 and once cancelled to issue new certificates of this Court within ten (10) days from the date of this order,
title to each of Eduardo S. Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia; after which period, Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-
25772 is hereby declared annulled and the Register of setting aside its earlier order dated February 12, 1987
Deeds of Iloilo is ordered to issue a new Certificate of ordering the cancellation of lis pendens.
Title in lieu thereof in the name of petitioners Atty.
Eduardo S. Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia, which This prompted the petitioners to file another motion in
certificate shall contain a memorandum of the annulment G.R. No. 62042 and G.R. No. 64432 to order the trial
of the outstanding duplicate." (pp. 286-287, Rollo 64432) court to reinstate its order dated February 12, 1987
directing the Acting Register of Deeds to cancel the
On February 9, 1987, Atty. Hector Teodosio, the counsel notice of lis pendens in the new certificates of titles.
of Gregorio Perez, private respondent in G.R. No. 64432
and petitioner in G.R. No. 62042, filed a motion for In a resolution dated August 17, 1987, we resolved to
explanation in relation to the resolution dated September refer the said motion to the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo
17, 1986 and manifestation asking for clarification on the City, Branch 23 for appropriate action.
Since respondent Judge Tito Gustilo of the Regional
"a. As to the prayer of Atty. Eduardo Baranda for the Trial Court of Iloilo, Branch 23 denied the petitioners’
cancellation of TCT T-25772, should the same be motion to reinstate the February 12, 1987 order in
referred to the Court of Appeals (as mentioned in the another order dated September 17, 1987, the petitioners
Resolution of November 27, 1985) or is it already filed this petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus
deemed granted by implication (by virtue of the with preliminary injunction to compel the respondent
Resolution dated September 17, 1986)? judge to reinstate his order dated February 12, 1987
directing the Acting Register of Deeds to cancel the
"b. Does the Resolution dated September 17, 1986 notice of lis pendens annotated in the new certificates of
include not only the implementation of the writ of titles issued in the name of the petitioners.
possession but also the cancellation of TCT T-25772
and the subdivision of Lot 4517?" (p. 536, Rollo — The records show that after the Acting Register of Deeds
64432). annotated a notice of lis pendens on the new certificates
of titles issued in the name of the petitioners, the
Acting on this motion and the other motions filed by the petitioners filed in the reconstitution case an urgent ex-
parties, we issued a resolution dated May 25, 1987 parte motion to immediately cancel notice of lis pendens
noting all these motions and stating therein:chanrob1es annotated thereon.
virtual 1aw library
In his order dated February 12, 1987, respondent Judge
x           x          x Gustilo granted the motion and directed the Acting
Register of Deeds of Iloilo to cancel the lis pendens
found on Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. T-106098; T-
"Since entry of judgment in G.R. No. 62042 was made 111560; T-111561 and T-111562.
on January 7, 1983 and in G.R. No. 64432 on May 30,
1984, and all that remains is the implementation of our Respondent Acting Register of Deeds Avito Saclauso
resolutions, this COURT RESOLVED to refer the matters filed a motion for reconsideration of the February 12,
concerning the execution of the decisions to the 1987 order stating
Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City for appropriate action
and to apply disciplinary sanctions upon whoever "That the undersigned hereby asks for a reconsideration
attempts to trifle with the implementation of the of the said order based on the second paragraph of
resolutions of this Court. No further motions in these Section 77 of P.D. 1529, to
cases will be entertained by this Court." (p. 615, Rollo -
64432) "‘At any time after final judgment in favor of the
defendant or other disposition of the action such as to
In the meantime, in compliance with the Regional Trial terminate finally all rights of the plaintiff in and to the land
Court’s orders dated November 6, 1986 and January 6, and/or buildings involved, in any case in which a
1987, Acting Register of Deeds Avito Saclauso memorandum or notice of Lis Pendens has been
annotated the order declaring Transfer Certificate of Title registered as provided in the preceding section, the
No. T-25772 as null and void, cancelled the same and notice of Lis Pendens shall be deemed cancelled upon
issued new certificates of titles numbers T-111560, T- the registration of a certificate of the clerk of court in
111561 and T-111562 in the name of petitioners which the action or proceeding was pending stating the
Eduardo S. Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia in lieu of manner of disposal thereof.’
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-106098.
"That the lis pendens under Entry No. 427183 was
However, a notice of lis pendens "on account of or by annotated on T-106098, T-111560, T-111561 and T-
reason of a separate case (Civil Case No. 15871) still 111562 by virtue of a case docketed as Civil Case No.
pending in the Court of Appeals" was carried out and 15871, now pending with the Intermediate Court of
annotated in the new certificates of titles issued to the Appeals, entitled, ‘Calixta Provido, Ricardo Provido, Sr.,
petitioners. This was upheld by the trial court after Maxima Provido and Perfecto Provido, Plaintiffs, versus
Eduardo Baranda and Alfonso Hitalia, Respondents.’ owners in Lot No. 4517, Sta. Barbara Cadastre as
shown by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-25772
"That under the above-quoted provisions of P.D. 152, issued in her name and the names of the plaintiffs in
the cancellation of subject Notice of Lis Pendens can Civil Case No. 15871, among others. (Annex "E," G.R.
only be made or deemed cancelled upon the registration No. 62042, p. 51, Rollo) In fact, one of the issues raised
of the certificate of the Clerk of Court in which the action by petitioners Maria Provido Gotera and Gregoria Perez
or proceeding was pending, stating the manner of in G.R. No. 62042 was as follows:chanrob1es virtual
disposal thereof. 1aw library

"Considering that Civil Case No. 1587, upon which the x           x          x
Notice of Lis Pendens was based is still pending with the
Intermediate Court of Appeals, only the Intermediate
Court of Appeals and not this Honorable Court in a mere "2. Whether or not, in the same reconstitution
cadastral proceedings can order the cancellation of the proceedings, respondent Judge Midpantao L. Adil had
Notice of Lis Pendens." (pp. 68-69, Rollo) the authority to declare as null and void the transfer
certificate of title in the name of petitioner Maria Provido
Adopting these arguments and on the ground that some Gotera and her other co-owners." (p. 3, Rollo; Emphasis
if not all of the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 15871 were not supplied)
privies to the case affected by the Supreme Court
resolutions, respondent Judge Tito Gustilo set aside his It thus appears that the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 15871
February 12, 1987 order and granted the Acting Register were privies to G.R. No. 62042 contrary to the trial
of Deeds’ motion for reconsideration. court’s findings that they were not.

The issue hinges on whether or not the pendency of the G.R. No. 62042 affirmed the order of the then Court of
appeal in Civil Case No. 15871 with the Court of Appeals First Instance of Iloilo in the reconstitution proceedings
prevents the court from cancelling the notice of lis declaring TCT No. 25772 in the name of Providos over
pendens in the certificates of titles of the petitioners Lot No. 4517, Sta. Barbara Cadastre null and void for
which were earlier declared valid and subsisting by this being fraudulently obtained and declaring TCT No.
Court in G.R. No. 62042 and G.R. No. 64432. A corollary 106098 over the same parcel Lot No. 4517, Sta. Barbara
issue is on the nature of the duty of a Register of Deeds Cadastre in the name of petitioners Eduardo Baranda
to annotate or annul a notice of lis pendens in a torrens and Alfonso Hitalia valid and subsisting.
certificate of title.
The decision in G.R. No. 62042 became final and
Civil Case No. 15871 was a complaint to seek recovery executory on March 25, 1983 long before Civil Case No.
of Lot No. 4517 of Sta. Barbara Cadastre Iloilo, (the 15871 was filed.
same subject matter of G.R. No 62042 and G.R. No.
64432) from petitioners Baranda and Hitalia filed by Under these circumstances, it is crystal clear that the
Calixta Provido, Ricardo Provido, Maxima Provido and Providos, private respondents herein, in filing Civil Case
Perfecta Provido before the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo, No. 15871 were trying to delay the full implementation of
Branch 23. At the instance of Atty. Hector P. Teodosio, the final decisions in G.R. No. 62042 as well as G.R. No.
the Providos’ counsel, a notice of lis pendens was 64432 wherein this Court ordered immediate
annotated on petitioners’ Certificate of Title No. T- implementation of the writs of possession and demolition
106098 covering Lot No. 4517, Sta. Barbara Cadastre. in the reconstitution proceedings involving Lot No. 4517,
Sta. Barbara Cadastre.
Acting on a motion to dismiss filed by the petitioners, the
court issued an order dated October 24, 1984 dismissing The purpose of a notice of lis pendens is defined in the
Civil Case No. 15871. following

The order was then appealed to the Court of Appeals. "Lis pendens has been conceived to protect the real
This appeal is the reason why respondent Judge Gustilo rights of the party causing the registration thereof. With
recalled the February 12, 1987 order directing the Acting the lis pendens duly recorded, he could rest secure that
Register of Deeds to cancel the notice of lis pendens he would not lose the property or any part of it. For,
annotated on the certificates of titles of the petitioners. notice of lis pendens serves as a warning to a
prospective purchaser or incumbrancer that the
This petition is impressed with merit. particular property is in litigation; and that he should
keep his hands off the same, unless of course he intends
Maria Provido Gotera was one of the petitioners in G.R. to gamble on the results of the litigation. (Section 24,
No. 62042. Although Calixta Provido, Ricardo Provido, Rule 14, Rules of Court; Jamora v. Duran, Et Al., 69 Phil.
Maxima Provido and Perfecta Provido, the plaintiffs in 3, 11; I Martin, Rules of Court, p. 415, footnote 3, citing
Civil Case No. 15871 were not impleaded as parties, it is cases.)" (Nataño v. Esteban, 18 SCRA 481, 485-486).
very clear in the petition that Maria Provido was acting
on behalf of the Providos who allegedly are her co- The private respondents are not entitled to this
protection. The facts obtaining in this case necessitate
the application of the rule enunciated in the cases of The next question to be determined is on the nature of
Victoriano v. Rovira (55 Phil. 1000), Municipal Council of the duty of the Register of Deeds to annotate and/or
Parañaque v. Court of First Instance of Rizal (70 Phil. cancel the notice of lis pendens in a torrens certificate of
363) and Sarmiento v. Ortiz (10 SCRA 158), to the effect title.
Section 10, Presidential Decree No. 1529 states that "It
"We have once held that while ordinarily a notice of shall be the duty of the Register of Deeds to immediately
pendency which has been filed in a proper case, cannot register an instrument presented for registration dealing
be cancelled while the action is pending and with real or personal property which complies with all the
undetermined, the proper court has the discretionary requests for registration . . . If the instrument is not
power to cancel it under peculiar circumstances, as for registrable, he shall forthwith deny registration thereof
instance, where the evidence so far presented by the and inform the presentor of such denial in writing, stating
plaintiff does not bear out the main allegations of his the ground or reasons therefore, and advising him of his
complaint, and where the continuances of the trial, for right to appeal by consulta in accordance with Section
which the plaintiff is responsible, are unnecessarily 117 of this Decree."cralaw virtua1aw library
delaying the determination of the case to the prejudice of
the defendant. Victoriano v. Rovira, supra; The Municipal Section 117 provides that "When the Register of Deeds
Council of Parañaque v. Court of First Instance of Rizal, is in doubt with regard to the proper step to be taken or
supra)" memoranda to be made in pursuance of any deed,
mortgage or other instrument presented to him for
The facts of this case in relation to the earlier cases registration or where any party in interest does not agree
brought all the way to the Supreme Court illustrate how with the action taken by the Register of Deeds with
the private respondents tried to block but unsuccessfully reference to any such instrument, the question shall be
the already final decisions in G.R. No. 62042 and G.R. submitted to the Commission of Land Registration by the
No. 64432. Register of Deeds, or by the party in interest thru the
Register of Deeds . . ."cralaw virtua1aw library
Parenthetically, respondent Judge Tito Gustilo abused
his discretion in sustaining the respondent Acting The elementary rule in statutory construction is that
Register of Deeds’ stand that the notice of lis pendens in when the words and phrases of the statute are clear and
the certificates of titles of the petitioners over Lot No. unequivocal, their meaning must be determined from the
4571, Barbara Cadastre cannot be cancelled on the language employed and the statute must be taken to
ground of pendency of Civil Case No. 15871 with the mean exactly what it says. (Aparri v. Court of Appeals,
Court of Appeals. In upholding the position of the Acting 127 SCRA 231; Insular Bank of Asia and America
Register of Deeds based on Section 77 of Presidential Employees’ Union [IBAAEU] v. Inciong, 132 SCRA 663)
Decree No. 1529, he conveniently forgot the first The statute concerning the function of the Register of
paragraph thereof which Deeds to register instruments in a torrens certificate of
title is clear and leaves no room for construction.
"Cancellation of lis pendens. — Before final judgment, a According to Webster’s Third International Dictionary of
notice of lis pendens may be cancelled upon Order of the English Language — the word shall means "ought to,
the Court after proper showing that the notice is for the must, . . . obligation - used to express a command or
purpose of molesting the adverse party, or that it is not exhortation, used in laws, regulations or directives to
necessary to protect the rights of the party who caused it express what is mandatory." Hence, the function of a
to be registered. It may also be cancelled by the Register Register of Deeds with reference to the registration of
of Deeds upon verified petition of the party who caused deeds encumbrances, instruments and the like is
the registration thereof."cralaw virtua1aw library ministerial in nature. The respondent Acting Register of
Deeds did not have any legal standing to file a motion for
This Court cannot understand how respondent Judge reconsideration of the respondent Judge’s Order
Gustilo could have been misled by the respondent Acting directing him to cancel the notice of lis pendens
Register of Deeds on this matter when in fact he was the annotated in the certificates of titles of the petitioners
same Judge who issued the order dismissing Civil Case over the subject parcel of land. In case of doubt as to the
No. 15871 prompting the private respondents to appeal proper step to be taken in pursuance of any deed . . . or
said order dated October 10, 1984 to the Court of other instrument presented to him, he should have asked
Appeals. The records of the main case are still with the the opinion of the Commissioner of Land Registration
court below but based on the order, it can be safely now, the Administrator of the National Land Title and
assumed that the various pleadings filed by the parties Deeds Registration Administration in accordance with
subsequent to the motion to dismiss filed by the Section 117 of Presidential Decree No. 1529.
petitioners (the defendants therein) touched on the issue
of the validity of TCT No. 25772 in the name of the In the ultimate analysis, however, the responsibility for
Providos over Lot Number 4571, Sta. Barbara Cadastre the delays in the full implementation of this Court’s
in the light of the final decisions in G.R. No. 62042 and already final resolutions in G.R. No. 62042 and G.R. No.
G.R. No. 64432. 64432 which includes the cancellation of the notice of lis
pendens annotated in the certificates of titles of the she introduced as her husband Paquito, signed,
petitioners over Lot No. 4517 of the Sta. Barbara executed, and delivered to BPI Family several
Cadastre falls on the respondent Judge. He should documents required for the loan. These documents were
never have allowed himself to become part of dilatory the Real Estate Mortgage, Loan Agreement, Promissory
tactics, giving as excuse the wrong impression that Civil Note, and Disclosure Statement, as well as the Owner's
Case No. 15871 filed by the private respondents Duplicate Copy of TCT No. 1035 in the name of Paquito.
involves another set of parties claiming Lot No. 4517
under their own Torrens Certificate of Title. On the same day, Reynold Cuasay, BPI Family's bank
personnel, brought the Real Estate Mortgage and the
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The other documents to the Office of the Register of Deeds
February 12, 1987 order of the Regional Trial Court of of San Juan City for annotation and registration of the
Iloilo, Branch 23 is REINSTATED. All subsequent orders mortgage.
issued by the trial court which annulled the February 12,
1987 order are SET ASIDE. Costs against the private Manalastas, as Examiner of said office, examined the
respondents. documents and assessed the corresponding fees. After
SO ORDERED Cuasay paid for the fees, Manalastas entered the
G.R. No. 208264, July 27, 2016 mortgage in the Registration Book under Entry No.
4435/T-1035 and affixed his initials on the Real Estate
OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN, Petitioner, v. RICO C. Mortgage. Thereafter, Manalastas endorsed the same
MANALASTAS, Respondent. document to Paras, as Acting Deputy Register of Deeds.
After examination, Paras affixed his initials on the Real
Estate Mortgage then endorsed it further to Dee, the
Register of Deeds. Finding the documents to have
passed through the natural course of registration, Dee
CARPIO, J.: also affixed her signature on the Real Estate Mortgage,
the Owner's Duplicate Copy of TCT No. 1035, and the
The Case Registry Copy of TCT No. 1035, which served as
collateral for the loan.
This is a petition for review on certiorari1 assailing the
Decision dated 25 September 20122 and Resolution Thereafter, BPI Family released the net proceeds of the
dated 1 July 20133 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- loan in the amount of P19,765,093.27 by crediting the
G.R. SP No. 114797. The CA reversed and set aside the Spouses Tiu's Joint Current Account/Savings Account
Decision dated 12 September 2006 of the Office of the No. 6835-0036-96 which was opened at BPI Family's
Ombudsman, which found Rico C. Manalastas Commonwealth branch.
(Manalastas) guilty of gross negligence and imposed on
him the penalty of one year suspension without pay. On 1 February 2001, the real Paquito Tiu, accompanied
by his lawyer, Atty. Deogracias C. Eufemio, went to BPI
The Facts Family's main office located in Makati City. Paquito
informed BPI Family's officers that the signatures of one
This case originated from a complaint for Grave Paquito Tiu appearing on the loan documents were not
Misconduct filed by Miriam Jane M. Jacinto (Jacinto), his since he was not the same Paquito Tiu who signed
Assistant Vice President of BPI Family Savings Bank, them. Paquito presented his Owner's Duplicate Copy of
Inc. (BPI Family), against Atty. Lorna S. Dee (Dee), TCT No. 1035 and submitted a Sworn Statement stating
Manalastas, and Gilberto M. Paras (Paras), in their that he never signed the loan documents applied for by
capacities as Register of Deeds, Examiner, and Acting Marian and that his signatures therein were forged.
Deputy Register of Deeds, respectively, of the Office of
the Register of Deeds of San Juan City, Metro Manila. BPI Family immediately made a verification with the
Office of the Register of Deeds of San Juan City. Upon
In the Complaint, Jacinto alleged that sometime in thorough examination, the Owner's Duplicate Copy of
September 2000, Dy Chiu Ha Tiu or Marian Dy Tiu TCT No. 1035 submitted by Marian, although on its face
(Marian) applied for a loan in the amount of P20,000,000 appeared to be real and authentic since the title was in a
with BPI Family. Marian requested that her husband's Land Registration Authority form, turned out to be fake
property located at 19 Lincoln St., West Greenhills, San and spurious.
Juan City be appraised for collateral purposes. The
property was registered in the name of Paquito Tiu After such discovery, Dee, as Register of Deeds, filed
(Paquito), Marian's husband, and covered by Transfer with the Office of the Prosecutor (Pasig City) a case
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 1035. BPI Family assessed against Marian for falsification of public documents.
the property at P3 6,072,900. Thereafter, BPI Family
approved the loan application of Marian secured by the Subsequently, BPI Family filed an administrative
residential property. complaint4 for Grave Misconduct with the Office of the
Ombudsman against Dee, Manalastas, and Paras. BPI
On 25 January 2001, Marian and a certain person whom Family asserted that due to their negligence and
dereliction of duties in failing to examine the backwages corresponding to the period of his illegal
genuineness and authenticity of TCT No. 1035, the bank suspension.
was allegedly defrauded in the amount of
P16,460,671.63, exclusive of interest and other charges. SO ORDERED.10

In a Decision dated 12 September 2006, the Office of the BPI Family filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was
Ombudsman found Dee, Manalastas, and Paras guilty of denied by the CA in a Resolution11 dated 1 July 2013.
gross negligence and imposed on them the penalty of
one year suspension without pay. The Office of the Hence, the instant petition filed by the Office of the
Ombudsman declared that the government officials were Ombudsman.
grossly negligent in the performance of their official
functions when they failed to distinguish the
The Issue
discrepancies between the owner's duplicate copy of title
presented for registration and the original copy of the title
The issue for our resolution is whether the CA erred in
on file with their office. The dispositive portion of the
exonerating Manalastas for negligence in failing to
Decision states:
determine the genuineness of the owner's duplicate copy
of the title attached to the real estate mortgage sought to
be annotated with the Office of the Register of Deeds of
WHEREFORE, herein public respondents Rico S.
San Juan City.
Manalastas, Gilberto M. Paras, and Atty. Lorna
Salangsang Dee, are hereby meted the penalty of ONE
The Court's Ruling
with number (2), Section 25, Republic Act No. 67705 in
The petition lacks merit.
relation to Section 10(b) of Administrative Order 07,
Rules of Procedure, Office of the Ombudsman.
Petitioner contends that Manalastas fell short of his
duties and responsibilities as Examiner of the Office of
x x x x
the Register of Deeds for failing to determine the
genuineness of the owner's duplicate copy of TCT No.
SO ORDERED.6chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
1035 when referred to him for examination in the
annotation and registration of the real estate mortgage.
Since Paras retired from government service in October Petitioner maintains that there is substantial evidence to
2003, his penalty of suspension was rendered moot and hold Manalastas administratively liable for negligence
academic. Dee and Manalastas filed their separate since it is expected of Manalastas to exercise utmost
motions for reconsideration which were denied by the caution in the examination of documents related to
Office of the Ombudsman in an undated registration. Here, the owner's duplicate copy of TCT No.
Order.7chanrobleslaw 1035 sought to be annotated and registered is an
"authenticated copy." Petitioner insists that the loanable
Manalastas then filed an appeal8 with the CA. In a amount with BPI Family involved P20,000,000; thus,
Decision9 dated 25 September 2012, the CA reversed Manalastas should have been more circumspect in
the ruling of the Office of the Ombudsman. The CA ruled examining the genuineness of the said document.
that Manalastas enjoys in his favor the presumption of
regularity in the performance of his official duty Manalastas, on the other hand, contends that the
and BPI Family failed to discharge the burden of proving owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. 1035 attached to the
otherwise. The CA added that no liability could attach to real estate mortgage presented to him purported and
Manalastas in a registration procured through fraud appeared to be authentic and there was no patent defect
unless he is a party to such fraud. If the real Paquito Tiu or irregularity on its face. Manalastas asserts that the
did not appear to contest the loan and the mortgage then falsification of the title, which was an almost exact replica
the forgery would not have been discovered, bolstering of the original, must have been professionally done that
Manalastas's claim that he had acted in good faith in his reasonable care would not have immediately detected
dealings with the documents presented before him for such misrepresentation. Manalastas maintains that
registration. Moreover, the CA declared that the registration was effected because there was no defect or
proximate cause of BPI Family's loss was its failure to irregularity on the face of the document which would
discover the forgeries in the documents as well as the cause a person in his position to deny such registration.
real identity of the impostor husband. The dispositive
portion of the Decision states: In the present case, Manalastas was found guilty of
gross negligence for failing to discover the falsity of the
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary owner's duplicate copy of title attached to the real estate
WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED. The Decision mortgage submitted by BPI Family to the Office of the
dated September 12, 2006 of the Office of the Register of Deeds. The Office of the Ombudsman ruled
Ombudsman in OMB-C-A-03- 0386-J is REVERSED and that BPI Family had adequately established
SET ASIDE. Accordingly, petitioner Rico C. Manalastas Manalastas's negligence by substantial evidence. The
is EXONERATED. Thus, he should be paid his relevant portions of the Ombudsman's Decision dated 12
September 2006 state: see to it that said instrument bears the proper
documentary and science stamps and that the same are
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary properly canceled. If the instrument is not registrable, he
Considering that the Owner's Duplicate Copy of Title No. shall forthwith deny registration thereof and inform the
1035 attached to the Real Estate Mortgage being sought presentor of such denial in writing, stating the ground or
to be annotated, is in an authenticated form only, that reason therefor, and advising him of his right to appeal
fact should have put the respondents on guard and by consulta  in accordance with Section 117 of this
therefore, each respondent should have been more Decree.
vigilant by exerting effort in comparing and verifying its
authenticity by looking into its minute details vis-a-vis the Registration is a mere ministerial act by which a deed,
original copy on file with them. contract, or instrument is sought to be inscribed in the
records of the Office of the Register of Deeds and
xxx [I]t is noted that, the BANK has no means of knowing annotated at the back of the certificate of title covering
whether or not a title is genuine except upon verification the land subject of the deed, contract, or instrument.
from the Office of the Registry of Deeds as custodian of Being a ministerial act, it must be performed in any case.
the original copies of the transfer certificates of title. The public officer having this ministerial duty has no
Lamentably, it is in this wise that respondents were choice but to perform the specific action which is the
grossly negligent in the performance of their official particular duty imposed by law. The purpose of
functions when they failed to distinguish the registration is to give notice to all persons. It operates as
discrepancies between the owner's duplicate copy of title a notice of the deed, contract, or instrument to others,
being presented for registration and the original copy of but neither adds to its validity nor converts an invalid
the title on file with their office.12 instrument into a valid one between the
However, the CA, in reversing the decision of the
Ombudsman, held that the primary reason why BPI Since registration of documents is a ministerial act and
Family went to the Office of the Register of Deeds was to merely creates a constructive notice of its contents
have the real estate mortgage registered and annotated against all third persons,16 the Register of Deeds is not
and not to verify the authenticity of the owner's duplicate authorized to determine whether or not fraud was
copy of title. Prior to such registration, BPI Family committed in the document sought to be
already approved the loan. The relevant portions of the registered.17chanrobleslaw
Decision dated 25 September 2012 state:
Here, the falsification of the owner's duplicate copy of
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary title was professionally done, that even someone
It must be noted that the main purpose of BPI when it exercising reasonable prudence and care would not
brought the Real Estate Mortgage together with the instantly detect. On its face, the title was not apparently
purported owner's duplicate copy of title to the Office of discernible as fake or spurious and could pass as a
the Register of Deeds was to have the said genuine and bona fide  document. The title was in
mortgage inscribed in the records of said office authentic form issued by the Land Registration Authority
and annotated at the back of the certificate of title and an exact reproduction of the original copy with the
covering the land subject of the instrument and not  to same serial numbers, impressions, texts, and signatures.
verify the authenticity of the owner's duplicate copy of When a document is in "authentic form," this means that
title. In fact, BPI verified the authenticity of the forged title at the time the document was inspected and verified,
only after the real Paquito Tiu showed up and informed there was nothing extraordinary that would have placed
its head office about the forgery.13 even a reasonable person to suspect of any wrongdoing.

As a public officer, Manalastas enjoys the presumption

We agree with the CA.
of regularity in the performance of his official duties and
functions.18 Manalastas accepted the requirements
Section 10 of Presidential Decree No. 152914 lays down
presented by BPI Family for annotation and registration
the general functions of the Register of Deeds:
of the real estate mortgage in the ordinary course of
transaction. His examination of the owner's duplicate
copy of title and his recommendation to his superiors for
Section 10. General functions of Registers of Deeds.  -
the approval of the annotation and registration of the real
The office of the Register of Deeds constitutes a public
estate mortgage were made in good faith and not tainted
repository of records of instruments affecting registered
with gross negligence.
or unregistered lands and chattel mortgages in the
province or city wherein such office is situated.
Gross negligence implies a want or absence of or failure
to exercise slight care or diligence, or the entire absence
It shall be the duty of the Register of Deeds to
of care. It evinces a thoughtless disregard of
immediately register an Instrument presented for
consequences without exerting any effort to avoid
registration dealing with real or personal property which
them.19 It is characterized by want of even slight care,
complies with all the requisites for registration. He shall
acting or omitting to act in a situation where there is a
duty to act, not inadvertently but willfully and intentionally x x x [T]he BANK may have been negligent to protect its
with a conscious indifference to consequences insofar as interests when it approved the loan without first making
other persons may be affected.20chanrobleslaw the necessary investigation normally conducted by
banking and/or financial/lending institutions, that is, i) by
In administrative cases, the quantum of proof needed to ascertaining that all the documents presented are
adjudge a respondent guilty is substantial evidence. authentic and that the persons who introduce
In Miro v. Mendoza,21 we held that substantial evidence themselves as owners are indeed the owner[s] of the
is defined as such amount of relevant evidence which a property, and borrowers, if not the registered owner, are
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a equipped with the legal document to transact business
conclusion. and ii) by conducting actual character and background
investigation on Marian Dy Tiu as applicant and of
It is more than a mere scintilla of evidence. The standard Paquito Tiu being the registered owner of the property.23
of substantial evidence is satisfied when there is
reasonable ground to believe, based on the evidence Thus, as aptly held by the CA:
submitted, that the respondent is responsible for the
misconduct complained of. It need not be overwhelming chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
or preponderant, as is required in an ordinary civil case, It cannot be said that by reason of the failure of petitioner
or evidence beyond reasonable doubt, as is required in a to discover the forgery, BPI was defrauded in the amount
criminal case, but the evidence must be enough for a of P4,850,000.00 considering that prior to registration of
reasonable mind to support a conclusion. the mortgage, BPI already approved the loan applied for
by Marian upon the latter's submission of the requisite
In this case, the owner's duplicate copy of title attached documents with the presence of an impostor husband. In
to the real estate mortgage was written in an official other words, as between the failure of BPI to discover
paper of the Land Registration Authority and contained the forgeries in the documents as well as the real identity
all the markings of a genuine title. The Office of the of the impostor husband on one hand, and the failure of
Register of Deeds is not mandated to investigate further petitioner to discover the forged owner's duplicate [copy]
than necessary when documents presented before it of title on the other, the former should be considered as
appear authentic. We agree with the CA when it the proximate cause of BPI's loss. 24

chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary As Justice Tuason opined, in his concurring and

x x x [T]here is no basis to hold petitioner liable for gross dissenting opinions in the case of him v. Register of
negligence simply because he failed to discover the Deeds of Rizal,25cralawred Registers of Deeds are not
forgery in the owner's duplicate copy of title. It would be guardians entrusted with watching over the private
a grave injustice to punish him, when, in reality, he interests of contracting parties who are fully capable of
himself was a victim of the defraudation. looking after their own affairs. Thus, BPI Family has to
bear the burden of loss.
x x x x
In sum, in the absence of any substantial evidence that
xxx [N]o liability could attach to petitioner in all Manalastas did not properly perform his duty as
registration procured through fraud, as in this case, Examiner or that he intentionally performed an illegal act,
unless he is a party to such fraud. Indeed, were it not for then the presumption of regularity in the performance of
the appearance of the real Paquito Tiu, the forgery would duty should prevail. We do not find Manalastas
not have been discovered. This bolsters petitioner's administratively liable for gross negligence in carrying
claim that he had acted in good faith in his dealings with out his official functions which he had executed within
the documents presented before him for registration.22 reasonable bounds of diligence and care.

WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. We AFFIRM the

Also, BPI Family has the burden of proof to overcome Decision dated 25 September 2012 and Resolution
the presumption of regularity in the performance of dated 1 July 2013 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
official duty. BPI Family would want to pass the blame to No. 114797.
Manalastas by imputing gross negligence on his part
when it is BPI Family which is the proximate cause of the SO ORDERED.

As mentioned by the Office of the Ombudsman in its

Decision dated 12 September 2006, BPI Family had
been remiss in approving the loan without first making a
thorough investigation of the true identity of its clients
and the genuineness of the documents submitted to it.
The relevant portions of the Decision state:


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