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G.R. No.

L-27234 May 30, 1969

LEONORA T. ROXAS, plaintiff-appellee,

FRANCISCA MOJICA and VICTORIA DINGLASAN, intervenors-appellants.

Oscar F. Reyes for plaintiff-appellee.

Sabas M. Capili for intervenors-appellants.


Appeal by intervenors Francisco Mojica and Victoria Dinglasan from the judgment of the Court of
First Instance of Batangas in Civil Case No. 1272 ordering foreclosure of the mortgage constituted
on a piece of land by defendant Pedro Dinglasan who, by falsifying a public document, had secured
a transfer certificate of title in his name to the land previously sold to intervenors by its registered
owner, Felisa Kalaw.

Felisa Kalaw was the registered owner with Certificate of Title No. 9125 of Lot No. 15679 with an
area of 26,530 square meters, situated at Lipa City. On June 11, 1959, she sold to Francisca Mojica
by means of a public instrument an undivided portion of 11,530 square meters of the lot for the price
of P938.50. In the same month and year, she sold to Victoria Dinglasan by means of a private
instrument the remaining portion of 15,000 square meters for the price of P5,851.40. Long before
and at the time of the sales, Francisca Mojica and Victoria Dinglasan were in possession of the Lot.
The vendor's Certificate of Title No. 9125 was not delivered to the vendees because it was in the
possession of another person to whom the lot had been mortgaged by Felisa Kalaw.

Prior to December 29, 1961, Pedro Dinglasan, by falsifying a public document of conveyance,
succeeded in having Certificate of Title No. 9125 in the name of Felisa Kalaw canceled and a new
transfer Certificate of Title No. T-10392 issued in his name. The record does not show when and
how he had obtained possession of the owner's duplicate certificate of title..

On December 29, 1961, Pedro Dinglasan mortgaged the lot to Leonora T. Roxas as security for a
loan of P7,000.00 with interest of 6% per annum, payable within a period of ninety (90) days. The
mortgagor's title having been delivered to the mortgagee, she caused the instrument to be registered
on the back of the said transfer certificate of title. On April 3, 1962, the mortgagee, Leonora T.
Roxas, instituted the instant foreclosure suit against the mortgagor, Pedro Dinglasan, the latter
having failed or refused to pay the obligation on its due date. Said defendant was declared in default.
On April 18, 1962, Francisca Mojica and Victoria Dinglasan moved to intervene and that their
complaint in intervention annexed to the motion be admitted. The complaint alleged that they were
the owners of the lot, having purchased the same from Felisa Kalaw, in June 1959; the title to said
land was fraudulently transferred by Pedro Dinglasan in his name; that Pedro Dinglasan mortgaged
the land in favor of plaintiff Leonora T. Roxas; that said mortgagor has been convicted of
"Falsification of Public Document by a Private Individual," and the document used by him in
transferring title in his name was the subject of the said felony. The intervenors prayed that they be
declared the true and absolute owners of the parcel of land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
No. T-10392; that whatever document executed by Pedro Dinglasan in transferring the ownership of
the land in his name be declared null and void; and that Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-10392 be
ordered canceled and another title issued in the intervenors' names.

After trial, the lower court rendered its decision finding that the mortgage was validly constituted and
its foreclosure was in order, that "this is not the time and place for them (intervenors) to raise their
claim of ownership over the property," and that the intervenors were not entitled to any relief.
Judgment was rendered ordering foreclosure of the mortgage. From this judgment the intervenors
appealed to the Court of Appeals. Said court, however, certified the appeal of this Court on the
ground that it involves only questions of law.

The appellants contend that the lower court erred in not considering the complaint in intervention as
timely and appropriate. The contention is tenable. The question of whether the complaint in
intervention was seasonably filed is now beside the point, considering that the lower court had
previously granted the motion for leave to file the said complaint, and its order allowing the motion
has not been questioned. In fact, although the defendant had been declared in default, the court,
after the plaintiff had rested her case, allowed the intervenors to present their evidence. The
complaint in intervention was appropriate, because the intervenors, as alleged owners of the land
sought to be foreclosed by the plaintiff, have an interest in the matter in litigation of such direct and
immediate character that they stand to gain or lose by the direct legal operation and effect of the
judgment (Garcia, etc., et al. vs. David, et al., 67 Phil. 279).

The appellants also contend that the lower court erred "in not declaring the contract of mortgage
between the plaintiff and defendant as null and void and consequently in not dismissing forthwith
plaintiff's action for foreclosure of mortgage." The contention is unmeritorious in view of the following

1. The complaint in intervention was to vindicate ownership of the land in the intervenors. The deeds
of sale involving the parcel of land covered by Certificate of Title No. 9125 in the name of the vendor,
Felisa Kalaw, not having been registered, the said intervenors did not acquire ownership of the land.
It is well settled that in case of sale of a piece of land titled under the Torrens System, it is the act of
registration, and not tradition, that transfers the ownership of the land sold. (Agbulos vs. Alberto,
G.R. No. L-17483, July 31, l962, citing Sec. 50, Act 496; Tuason vs. Raymundo, 28 Phil. 635;
Sikatuna vs. Guevarra, 43 Phil. 371; Worcester vs. Ocampo, 34 Phil. 646.)

The vendees-intervenors not having acquired the ownership of the land, their action to vindicate
ownership must fail because such action can prosper only upon proof by plaintiff that he is the
owner. As pointed out, the intervenors did not acquire ownership of the land because their deeds of
sale were not registered.

2. The next question before us is whether the mortgage was valid. Article 2085 of the New Civil
Code requires that the mortgagor be the owner of the property mortgaged. Although Pedro
Dinglasan was not the owner of the property mortgaged because he had secured title thereto thru
fraud or falsification of a public document (C.N. Hodges vs. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc., et. al., G.R. No. L-
16096, October 30, 1962), the mortgage was valid because Leonora T. Roxas was an innocent
mortgagee for value, having relied upon the mortgagor's transfer certificate of title which according to
the Register of Deeds was genuine and free from any objection. In the case of De Lara, et al. vs.
Ayrosa, G.R. No. L-16122, May 31, 1954, this Court held that where the certificate of title
was already in the name of the forger when the land was sold to an innocent purchaser, the vendee
had the right to rely on what appeared in the certificate and, in the absence of anything to excite
suspicion, was under no obligation to look beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the
vendor appearing on the face of said certificate. In the recent case of Morales Development
Company, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. L-26572, March 28, 1969, this Court, speaking
thru Mr. Chief Justice Concepcion, said:

Morales argues that it was not enough for the Deseos to have gone to the office of the
Register of Deeds and found therein that there were no flaws in the title of the Abellas ...
[T]he Deseos were not bound to check the deeds of conveyance by Reyes to the Abellas,
and by Montinola to Reyes. Having found that the owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. 21037,
in the name of the Abellas, was a genuine copy of the original on file with the office of the
Register of Deeds, the Deseos were fully justified in relying upon said TCT No. 21037, and
had no legal obligation to make further investigation.

The principles enunciated in these cases are, in our opinion, applicable to a mortgagee in good faith
and for value.

Moreover, the intervenors were negligent. As the vendor did not deliver to them her duplicate
certificate of title, they should have consulted a good lawyer who could have advised them to protect
their rights by filing with the Office of the Register of Deeds an adverse claim under Section 110 of
Act No. 496, as amended. Had they filed an adverse claim, Pedro Dinglasan would not have been
able to obtain cancellation of Felisa Kalaw's certificate of title and the issuance of a new transfer
certificate of title in his name. They were, thus, negligent, and their negligence was the proximate
cause of their loss.

PREMISES CONSIDERED, the judgment appealed from is affirmed without prejudice to allowing the
intervenors-appellants to make the deposit mentioned in the appealed judgment within ninety (90)
days from date of finality of the judgment of this Court, and without prejudice to the vendees,
Francisca Mojica and Victoria Dinglasan, bringing an action against the vendor, Felisa Kalaw, for the
enforcement of said vendor's warranty against eviction. No special pronouncement as to costs.

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