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Butiong vs. Plazo, 765 SCRA 227, August 05, 2015

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765 Phil. 761


[ G.R. No. 187524, August 05, 2015 ]





Before the-Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court seeking to reverse and set aside the Decision[1] and Resolution,[2] dated March
13, 2009 and April 23, 2009, respectively, of the Court Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No.
107347, which affirmed the Judgment[3] dated October 1, 2001 of the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) of Nasugbu, Batangas, Branch 14, in Civil Case No. 217.

The antecedent facts are as follows:

On November 16, 1989, Pedro L. Riñoza died intestate, leaving several heirs, including
his children with his first wife, respondents Ma. Gracia R. Plazo and Ma. Fe Alaras, as
well as several properties including a resort covered by Transfer Certificates of Title
(TCT) No. 51354 and No. 51355, each with an area of 351 square meters, and a family
home, the land on which it stands is covered by TCT Nos. 40807 and 40808, both
located in Nasugbu, Batangas.[4]

In their Amended Complaint for Judicial Partition with Annulment of Title and Recovery
of Possession[5] dated September 15, 1993, respondents alleged that sometime in
March 1991, they discovered that their co-heirs, Pedro's second wife, Benita Tenorio
and other children, had sold the subject properties to petitioners, spouses Francisco
Villafria and Maria Butiong, who are now deceased and substituted by their son, Dr.
Ruel B. Villafria, without their knowledge and consent. When confronted about the sale,
Benita acknowledged the same, showing respondents a document she believed
evidenced receipt of her share in the sale, which, however, did not refer to any sort of
sale but to a previous loan obtained by Pedro and Benita from a bank.[6] The document
actually evidenced receipt from Banco Silangan of the amount of P87,352.62 releasing
her and her late husband's indebtedness therefrom.[7] Upon inquiry, the Register of
Deeds of Nasugbu informed respondents that he has no record of any transaction
involving the subject properties, giving them certified true copies of the titles to the
same. When respondents went to the subject properties, they discovered that 4 out of
the 8 cottages in the resort had been demolished. They were not, however, able to
enter as the premises were padlocked. 1/20
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Subsequently, respondents learned that on July 18, 1991, a notice of an extra-judicial

settlement of estate of their late father was published in a tabloid called Balita. Because
of this, they caused the annotation of their adverse claims over the subject properties
before the Register of Deeds of Nasugbu and filed their complaint praying, among
others, for the annulment of all documents conveying the subject properties to the
petitioners and certificates of title issued pursuant thereto.[8]

In their Answer,[9] petitioners denied the allegations of the complaint on the ground of
lack of personal knowledge and good faith in acquiring the subject properties. In the
course of his testimony during trial, petitioner Francisco further contended that what
they purchased was only the resort.[10] He also presented an Extra-Judicial Settlement
with Renunciation, Repudiations and Waiver of Rights and Sale which provides, among
others, that respondents' co-heirs sold the family home to the spouses Rolando and
Ma. Cecilia Bondoc for P1 million as well as a Deed of Sale whereby Benita sold the
resort to petitioners for P650,000.00.[11]

On October 1, 2001, the trial court nullified the transfer of the subject properties to
petitioners and spouses Bondoc due to irregularities in the documents of conveyance
offered by well as the circumstances surrounding the execution of the
same. Specifically, the Extra-Judicial Settlement was notarized by a notary public who
was not duly commissioned as such on the date it was executed.[12] The Deed of Sale
was undated, the date of the acknowledgment therein was left blank, and the
typewritten name "Pedro Riñoza, Husband" on the left side of the document was not
signed.[13] The trial court also observed that both documents were never presented to
the Office of the Register of Deeds for registration and that the titles to the subject
properties were still in the names of Pedro and his second wife Benita. In addition, the
supposed notaries and buyers of the subject properties were not even presented as
witnesses who supposedly witnessed the signing and execution of the documents of
conveyance.[14] On the basis thereof, the trial court ruled in favor of respondents, in its
Judgment, the pertinent portions of its fallo provide:

WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered

as follows:


4. a) Declaring as a nullity the Extra-Judicial Settlement with Renunciation,

Repudiation and Waiver of Rights and Sale" (Exh. "1", Villafria) notarized on
December 23, 1991 by Notary Public Antonio G. Malonzo of Manila, Doc. No.
190, Page No. 20, Book No. IXII, Series of 1991.

b) Declaring as a nullity the Deed of Absolute Sale (Exh. "2", Villafria),

purportedly executed by Benita T. Riñoza in favor of spouses Francisco
Villafria and Maria Butiong, purportedly notarized by one Alfredo de
Guzman, marked Doc. No. 1136, Page No. 141, Book No. XXX, Series of 2/20
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c) Ordering the forfeiture of any and all improvements introduced by

defendants Francisco Villafria dnd Maria Butiong in the properties covered by
TCT No. 40807, 40808, 51354 and 51355 of the Register of Deeds for
Nasugbu, Batangas.

5. Ordering defendant Francisco Villafria and all persons, whose occupancy

within the premises of the four (4) parcels of land described in par. 4-c
above is derived from the rights and interest of defendant Villafria, to vacate
its premises and to deliver possession thereof, and all improvements
existing thereon to plaintiffs, for and in behalf of the estate of decedent
Pedro L. Riñoza.

6. Declaring the plaintiffs and the defendants-heirs in the Amended

Complaint to be the legitimate heirs of decedent Pedro L. RifSoza, each in
the capacity and degree established, as well as their direct successors-in-
interest, and ordering the defendant Registrar of Deeds to issue the
corresponding titles in their names in the proportion established by law, pro
indiviso, in TCT Nos. 40807, 40808, 51354, 51355 and 40353 (after
restoration) within ten (10) days from finality of this Decision, upon
payment of lawful fees, except TCT No. 40353, which shall be exempt from
all expenses for its restoration.

With no costs.


On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court's Judgment in its Decision[16] dated October
31, 2006 in the following wise:

The person before whom the resort deed was acknowledged, Alfredo
de Guzman, was not commissioned as a notary public from 1989 to
July 3, 1991, the date the certification was issued. Such being the
case, the resort deed is not a public document and the presumption
of- regularity accorded to public documents will not apply to the
same. As laid down in Tigno, el al. v. Aquino, et al.:

The validity of a notarial certification necessarily derives from the

authority of the notarial officer. If the notary public does net
have the capacity to notarize a document, but does so
anyway, then the document should be treated as
unnotarized. The rule may strike as rather harsh, and perhaps
may prove to be prejudicial to parties in good faith relying on the
proferred authority of the notary public or the person pretending
to be one. Still, to admit otherwise would render merely officious 3/20
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the elaborate process devised by this Court in order that a lawyer

may receive a notarial commission. Without such a rule, the
notarization of a document by a duly-appointed notary
public will have the same legal effect as one accomplished
by a non-lawyer engaged in pretense.

The notarization of a document carries considerable legal effect.

Notarization of a private document converts such
document into a public one, and renders it admissible in
court without further proof of its authenticity. Thus,
notarization is not an empty routine; to the contrary, it engages
public interest in a substantial degree and the protection of that
interest requires preventing those who are not qualified or
authorized to act as notaries public from imposing upon the
public and the courts and administrative offices generally.

Parenthetically, the settlement/family home deed cannot be

considered a public document. This is because the following cast
doubt on the document's authenticity, to wit:

1.) The date of its execution was not indicated;

2.) The amount of consideration was superimposed;
3.) It was not presented to the Registry of Deeds of Nasugbu,
Batangas for annotation; and
4.) Not even the supposed notary public," Alfredo de Guzman, or the
purported buyer, the Spouses Rolando and Ma. Cecilia Bondoc, were
presented as witnesses.

Concededly, the absence of notarization in the resort deed and/or the

lacking details in the settlement/family home deed did not necessarily
invalidate the transactions evidenced by the said documents. However,
since the said deeds are private documents, perforce, their due
execution and authenticity becomes subject to the requirement of
proof under the Rules on Evidence, Section 20, Rule 132 of which

Sec. 20. Proof of private document. - Before any private

document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its due
execution aijd .authenticity must be proved either:

(a) By anyone who saw the document executed or written; or

(b) By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or
handwriting of the maker.

The Complaining Heirs insist that the settlement/family home and the resort
deed are void as their signatures thereon are forgeries as opposed to the
Villafrias who profess the deeds' enforceability. After the Complaining
Heirs presented proofs in support of their claim that their signatures
were forged, the burden then fell upon the Villafrias to disprove the 4/20
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same, or conversely, to prove the authenticity and due execution of

the said deeds. The Villafrias failed in this regard.

As aforestated, the Villafrias did not present as witnesses (a) the

notary public who purportedly notarized the questioned instrument,
(b) the witnesses who appeared] in the instruments as
eyewitnesses to the signing, or (c) an expert to prove the
authenticity and genuineness of all the signatures appearing o,n the
said instruments. Verily, the rule that, proper foundation must be
laid for the admission of documentary evidence; that is, the identity
and authenticity of the document must be reasonably established as
a prerequisite to its admission, was prudently observed by the lower
court when it refused to admit the settlement/family home and the
resort deeds as their veracity are doubtful.[17]

Aggrieved, petitioners, substituted by their son Ruel Villafria, filed a Motion for
Reconsideration dated November 24, 2006 raising the trial court's lack of jurisdiction. It
was alleged that when the Complaint for Judicial Partition with Annulment of Title and
Recovery of Possession was filed, there was yet no settlement of Pedro's estate,
determination as to the nature thereof, nor was there an identification of the number of
legitimate heirs. As such, the trial court ruled on the settlement of the intestate estate
of Pedro in its ordinary jurisdiction when the action filed was for Judicial Partition.
Considering that the instant action is really one for settlement of intestate estate, the
trial court, sitting merely in its probate jurisdiction, exceeded its jurisdiction when it
ruled upon the issues of forgery and ownership. Thus, petitioner argued that said ruling
is void and has no effect for having been rendered without jurisdiction. The Motion for
Reconsideration was, however, denied by the appellate court on February 26, 2007.

On appeal, this Court denied on June 20, 2007, petitioner's Petition for Review on
Certiorari for submitting a verification of the petition, a certificate of non-forum
shopping and an affidavit of service that failed to comply with the 2004 Rules on
Notarial Practice regarding competent evidence of affiant's identities.[18] In its
Resolution[19] dated September 26, 2007, this Court also denied petitioner's Motion for
Reconsideration in the absence of any compelling reason to warrant a modification of
the previous denial. Thus, the June 20, 2007 Resolution became final and executory on
October 31, 2007 as certified by the Entry of Judgment issued by the Court.[20]

On January 16, 2008, the Court further denied petitioner's motion for leave to admit a
second motion for reconsideration of its September 26, 2007 Resolution, considering
that the same is a prohibited pleading under Section 2, Rule 52, in relation to Section
4, Rule 56 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended. Furthermore, petitioner's
letter dated December 18, 2007 pleading the Court to take a second, look at his
petition for review on certiorari and that a decision thereon be rendered based purely
on its merits was noted without action.[21]

Unsatisfied, petitioner wrote a letter dated March 24, 2008 addressed to then Chief
Justice Reynato S. Puno praying that a decision on the case be rendered based on the 5/20
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.merits and not on formal requirements "as he stands to lose everything his parents
had left him just because the verification against non-forum shopping is formally
defective." However, in view of the Entry of Judgment having been made on October
31, 2007, the Court likewise noted said letter without action.[22]

On November 27, 2008, the RTC issued an Order, issuing a Partial Writ of Execution of
its October 1, 2001 Decision with respect to the portions disposing of petitioner's claims
as affirmed by the CA.

The foregoing notwithstanding, petitioner filed, on February 11, 2009, a Petition for
Annulment of Judgment and Order before the CA assailing the October 1, 2001
Decision as well as the November 27, 2008 Order of the RTC on the grounds of
extrinsic fraud and lack of jurisdiction. In its Decision dated March 13, 2009, however,
the CA dismissed the petition and affirmed the rulings of the trial court in the following

Although the assailed Decision of the Court a quo has already become final
and executory and in fact entry of judgment was issued on 31 October
2007, supra, nevertheless, to put the issues to rest, We deem it apropos to
tackle the same.

The Petitioner argues that the assailed Decision and Order of the Court a
quo, supra, should be annulled and set aside on the grounds of extrinsic
fraud and lack of jurisdiction.

We are not persuaded,


Section 2 of the Rules as stated above provides that the annulment of a

judgment may "be based only on grounds of extrinsic fraud and lack of
jurisdiction." In RP v. The Heirs of Sancho Magdato, the High Tribunal
stressed that:

There is extrinsic fraud when "the unsuccessful party had

been prevented from exhibiting fully his case, by fraud or
deception practiced on him by his opponent, as by keeping
him away from court, ... or where the defendant never had
knowledge of the suit, being kept in ignorance by the acts
of the plaintiff; ..."

Otherwise put, extrinsic or collateral fraud pertains to such fraud which

prevents the aggrieved party from having a trial or presenting his case to
the court, or is used to procure the judgment without fair submission of the
controversy. This refers to acts intended to keep the unsuccessful party
away from the courts as when there is a false promise of compromise or
when one is kept in ignorance of the suit. 6/20
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The pivotal issues before Us are: (1) whether there was a time
during the proceedings below that the Petitioners ever prevented
from exhibiting fully their case, by fraud or deception, practiced on
them by Respondents, and (2) whether the Petitioners were kept
away from the court or kept in ignorance by the acts of the

We find nothing of that sort. Instead, what We deduced as We

carefully delved into the evidentiary facts surrounding the instant
case as well as the proceedings below as shown in the 36-page
Decision of the Court a quo, is that the Petitioners were given ample
time to rebut the allegations of the Respondents and had in fact
addressed every detail of Respondent's cause of action against
them. Thus, Petitioners' allegation of the Court a quo's lack of
jurisdiction is misplaced.

Our pronouncement on the matter finds support in the explicit ruling of the
Supreme Court in Sps. Santos, et al. v. Sps. Lumbao, thus:

It is elementary that the active participation of a party in a

case pending against him before a court is tantamount to
recognition of that court's jurisdiction and willingness to
abide by the resolution of the case which will bar said
party from later on impugning the court's jurisdiction.

In fine, under the circumstances obtaining in this case the Petitioners are
stopped from assailing the Court a quo's lack of jurisdiction.

Too, We do not find merit in the Petitioners' second issue, supra.

As mentioned earlier, entry of judgment had already been made on the

assailed Decision and Order as early as 31 October 2007.


It maybe that the doctrine of finality of judgments permits certain

equitable remedies such as a petition for annulment. But the rules
are clear. The annulment by the Court of Appeals of judgments or
final orders and resolutions in civil actions of the Regional Trial
Courts is resorted to only where the ordinary remedies of new trial,
appeal, petition for relief or other appropriate remedies are no
longer available through no fault of the petitioner, supra.

If Petitioners lost their chance to avail themselves of the

appropriate remedies or appeal before the Supreme Court, that is
their own look out. The High Tribunal has emphatically pointed out in
Mercado, et al. v. Security Bank Corporation, thus: 7/20
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A principle almost repeated to satiety is that "an action for

annulment of judgment cannot and is not a substitute for the lost
remedy of-appeal." A party must have first availed of appeal,
a motion for new trial or a petition for relief before an
action for annulment can prosper. Its obvious rationale is
to prevent the party from benefiting from his inaction or
negligence. Also, the action for annulment of judgment
must be based either on (a) extrinsic fraud or (b) lack of
jurisdiction or denial of due process. Having failed to avail
of the remedies and there being a clear showing that
neither of the grounds was present, the petition must be
dismissed. Only a disgruntled litigant would find such legal
disposition unacceptable.[23]

When the appellate court denied Petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration in its Resolution
dated April 23, 2009, petitioner filed the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari on
June 10, 2009, invoking the following ground:




Petitioner asserts that while the complaint filed by respondents was captioned as
"Judicial Partition with Annulment of Title and Recovery of Possession," the allegations
therein show that the cause of action is actually one for settlement of estate of
decedent Pedro. Considering that settlement of estate is a special proceeding
cognizable by a probate court of limited jurisdiction while judicial partition with
annulment of title and recovery of possession are ordinary civil actions cognizable by a
court of general jurisdiction, the trial court exceeded its jurisdiction in entertaining the
latter while it was sitting merely in its probate jurisdiction. This is in view of the
prohibition found in the Rules on the joinder of special civil actions and ordinary civil
actions.[25] Thus, petitioner argued that the ruling of the trial court is void and has no
effect for having been rendered in without jurisdiction.

Petitioner also reiterates the arguments raised before the appellate court that since the
finding of forgery relates only to the signature of respondents and not to their co-heirs
who assented to the conveyance, the transaction should be considered valid as to
them. Petitioner also denies the findings of the courts below that his parents are
builders in bad faith for they only took possession of the subject properties after the
execution of the transfer documents and after they paid the consideration on the sale.

The petition is bereft of merit. 8/20
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Petitioner maintains that since respondents' complaint alleged the following causes of
action, the same is actually one for settlement of estate and not of judicial partition:


1. That Pedro L. Riñoza, Filipino and resident of Nasugbu, Batangas at the

time of his death, died intestate on November 16, 1989. Copy of his death
certificate is hereto attached as Annex "A";

2. That Plaintiffs together with the Defendants enumerated from

paragraph 2-A to 2-J are the only known heirs of the above-mentioned
decedent. The plaintiffs and the Defendants Rolando, Rafael, Antonio,
Angelito, Lorna all surnamed Riñoza, and Myrna R. Limon or Myrna R.
Rogador, Epifanio Belo and Ma. Theresa R. Demafelix are the decedent's
legitimate children with his first wife, while Benita Tenorio Rifioza, is the
decedent's widow and Bernadette Riñoza, the decedent's daughter with said
widow. As such, said parties are co-owners by virtue of an intestate
inheritance from the decedent, of the properties enumerated in the
succeeding paragraph;

3. That the decedent left the following real properties all located in
Nasugbu, Batangas:


16. That the estate of decedent Pedro L. Riñoza has no known legal

17. That said estate remains undivided up to this date and it will be to
the best interest of all heirs that same be partitioned judicially.[26]

Petitioner is mistaken. It is true that some of respondents' causes of action pertaining

to the properties left behind by the decedent Pedro, his known heirs, and the nature
and extent of their interests thereon, may fall under an action for settlement of estate.
However, a complete reading of the complaint would readily show that, based on the
nature of the suit, the allegations therein, and the reliefs prayed for, the action is
clearly one for judicial partition with annulment of title and recovery of possession.

Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court provides:

Summary Settlement of Estate

Section 1. Extrajudicial settlement by agreement between heirs. — If the

decedent left no will and no debts and the heirs are all of age, or the 9/20
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minors are represented by their judicial or legal representatives duly

authorized for the purpose, the parties may without securing letters of
administration, divide the estate among themselves as they see fit by
means of a public instrument filed in the office of the register of deeds, and
should they disagree, they may do so in an ordinary action of partition.
If there is only one heir, he may adjudicate to himself the entire estate by
means of an affidavit filled in the office of the register of deeds. The parties
to an extrajudicial settlement, whether by public instrument or by stipulation
in a pending action for partition, or the sole heir who adjudicates the entire
estate to himself by means of an affidavit shall file, simultaneously with and
as a condition precedent to the filing of the public instrument, or stipulation
in the action for partition, or of the affidavit in the office of the register of
deeds, a bond with the said register of deeds, in an amount equivalent to
the value of the personal property involved as certified to under oath by the
parties concerned and conditioned upon the payment of any just claim that
may be filed under section 4 of this rule. It shall be presumed that the
decedent left no debts if no creditor files a petition for letters of
administration within two (2) years after the death of the decedent.

The fact of the extrajudicial settlement or administration shall be published

in a newspaper of general circulation in the manner provided in the next
succeeding section; but no extrajudicial settlement shall be binding upon
any person who has not participated therein or had no notice thereof.[27]

In this relation, Section 1, Rule 69 of the Rules of Court provides:

Section 1. Complaint in action for partition of real estate. — A person having

the right to compel the partition of real estate may do so as provided in this
Rule, setting forth in his complaint the nature and extent of his title
and an adequate description of the real estate of which partition is
demanded and joining as defendants all other persons interested in
the property.[28]

As can be gleaned from the foregoing provisions, the allegations of respondents in their
complaint are but customary, in fact, mandatory, to a complaint for partition of real
estate. Particularly, the complaint alleged: (1) that Pedro died intestate; (2) that
respondents, together with their co-heirs, are all of legal age, with the exception of one
who is represented by a judicial representative duly authorized for the purpose; (3)
that the heirs enumerated are the only known heirs of Pedro; (4) that there is an
account and description of all real properties left by Pedro; (5) that Pedro's estate has
no known indebtedness; and (6) that respondents, as rightful heirs to the decedent's
estate, pray for the partition of the same in accordance with the laws of intestacy. It is
clear, therefore, that based on the allegations of the complaint, the case is one for
judicial partition. That the complaint alleged causes of action identifying the heirs of the
decedent, properties of the estate, and their rights thereto, does not perforce make it
an action for settlement of estate. 10/20
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It must be recalled that the general rule is that when a person dies intestate, or, if
testate, failed to name an executor in his will or the executor so named is incompetent,
or refuses the trust, or. fails to furnish the bond required by the Rules of Court, then
the decedent's estate shall be judicially administered and the competent court shall
appoint a qualified administrator in the order established in Section 6 of Rule 78 of the
Rules of Court.[29] An exception to this rule, however, is found in the aforequoted
Section 1 of Rule 74 wherein the heirs of a decedent, who left no will and no debts due
from his estate, may divide the estate either extrajudicially or in an ordinary action for
partition without submitting the same for judicial administration nor applying for the
appointment of an administrator by the court.[30] The reason is that where the
deceased dies without pending obligations, there is no necessity for the appointment of
an administrator to administer the estate for them and to deprive the real owners of
their possession to which they are immediately entitled.[31]

In this case, it was expressly alleged in the complaint, and was not disputed, that Pedro
died without a will, leaving his estate without any pending obligations. Thus, contrary
to petitioner'.s contention, respondents were under no legal obligation to submit me
subject properties of the estate to a special proceeding for settlement of intestate
estate, and are, in fact, encouraged to have the same partitioned, judicially or
extrajudicially, by Pereira v. Court of Appeals:[32]

Section 1, Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court, however, does not preclude
the heirs from instituting administration proceedings, even if the estate has
no" debts or obligations, if they do not desire to resort for good reasons to
an ordinary action for partition. While Section 1 allows the heirs to divide the
estate among themselves as they may see fit, or to resort to an ordinary
action for partition, the said provision does not compel them to do so if they
have good reasons to take a different course of action. It should be noted
that recourse to an administration proceeding even if the estate has no
debts is sanctioned only if the heirs have good reasons for not resorting to
an action for partition. Where' partition is possible, either in or out of
court, the estate should not be burdened with an administration
proceeding without good and compelling reasons.

Thus, it has been repeatedly held that when a person dies without
leaving pending obligations to be paid, his heirs, whether of age or
not, are not bound to submit the property to a judicial
administration, which is always long and costly, or to apply for the
appointment of an administrator by the Court. It has been uniformly
held that in such case the judicial administration and the
appointment of an administrator are superfluous and unnecessary

Thus, respondents committed no error in filing an action for judicial partition instead of
a special proceeding for the settlement of estate as the same is expressly permitted by 11/20
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law. That the complaint contained allegations inherent in an action for settlement of
estate does not mean that there was a prohibited joinder of causes of action for
questions as to the estate's properties as well as a determination of the heirs, their
status as such, and the nature and extent of their titles to the estate, may also be
properly ventilated in partition proceedings alone.[34] In fact, a complete inventory of
the estate may likewise be done during the partition proceedings, especially since the
estate has no debts.[35] Indeed, where the more expeditious remedy of partition is
available to the heirs, then they may not be compelled to submit to administration
proceedings, dispensing of the risks of delay and of the properties being dissipated.[36]

Moreover, the fact that respondents' complaint al$o prayed for the annulment of title
and recovery of possession does not strip the trial court off of its jurisdiction to hear
and decide the case. Asking for the annulment of certain transfers of property could
very well be achieved in an action for partition,[37] as can be seen in cases where
courts determine the parties' rights arising from complaints asking not only for the
partition of estates but also for the annulment of titles and recovery of ownership and
possession of property.[38] In fact, in Bagayas v. Bagayas,[39] wherein a complaint for
annulment of sale and partition was dismissed by the trial court due to the impropriety
of an action for annulment as it constituted a collateral attack on the certificates of title
of the respondents therein, this Court found the dismissal to be improper in the
following manner:

In Lacbayan v. Samoy, Jr. (Lacbayan) which is an action for partition

premised on the existence or non-existence of co-ownership
between the parties, the Court categorically pronounced that a
resolution on the issue of ownership does not subject the Torrens
title issued over the disputed realties to a collateral attack. It must
be borne in mind that what cannot be collaterally attacked is the
certificate of title and not the title itself. As pronounced in Lacbayan:

There is no dispute that a Torrens certificate of title cannot be

collaterally attacked, but that rule is not material to the case at
bar. What cannot be collaterally attacked is the certificate
of title and not the title itself. The certificate referred to is
that document issued by the Register of Deeds known as
the TCT. In contrast, the title referred to by law means
ownership which is, more often than not, represented by
that document. Petitioner apparently confuses title with the
certificate of title. Title as a concept of ownership should not be
confused with the certificate of title as evidence of such
ownership although both are interchangeably used. (Emphases

Thus, the RTC erroneously dismissed petitioner's petition for

annulment of sale on the ground that it constituted a collateral 12/20
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attack since she was actually assailing Rogelio and Orlando's title to
the subject lands and not any Torrens certificate of title over the

Indeed, an action for partition does not preclude the settlement of the issue of
ownership. In fact, the determination as to the existence of the same is necessary in
the resolution of an action for partition, as held in Municipality of Biñan v. Garcia:[40]

The first phase of a partition and/or accounting suit is taken up with the
determination of whether or not a co-ownership in fact exists, and a partition
is proper (i.e., not otherwise legally proscribed) and may be made by voluntary
agreement of all the parties interested in the property. This phase may end with a
declaration that plaintiff is not entitled to have a partition either because a co-
ownership does not exist, or partition is legally prohibited. It may end, on ¦ the other
hand, with an adjudgment that a co-ownership does in truth exist, partition is proper in
the premises and an accounting of rents and profits received by the defendant from the
real estate in question is in order, x x x

The second phase commences when it appears that "the parties are unable to agree
upon the partition" directed by the court. In that event[,] partition shall be done for the
parties by the [c]ourt with the assistance of not more than three (3) commissioners.
This second stage may well also deal with the rendition of the accounting itself and its
approval by the [cjourt after the- parties have been accorded opportunity to be heard
thereon, and an award for the recovery by the party or parties thereto entitled of their
just share in the rents and profits of the real estate in question, x x x.[41]

An action for partition, therefore, is premised on the existence or non-existence of co-

ownership between the parties.[42] Unless and until the issue of co-ownership is
definitively resolved, it would be premature to effect a partition of an estate.[43]

In view of the foregoing, petitioner's argument that the trial court acted without
jurisdiction in entertaining -the action of settlement of estate and annulment of title in
a single proceeding is clearly erroneous for the instant complaint is precisely one for
judicial partition with annulment of title and recovery of possession, filed within the
confines of applicable law and jurisprudence. Under Section 1[44] of Republic Act No.
7691 (RA 7691),[45] amending Batas Pambansa Big. 129, the RTC shall exercise
exclusive original jurisdiction over all civil actions in which the subject of the litigation is
incapable of pecuniary estimation. Since the action herein was not merely for partition
and recovery of ownership but also for annulment of title and documents, the action is
incapable of pecuniary estimation and thus cognizable by the RTC. Hence, considering
that the trial court clearly had jurisdiction in rendering its decision, the instant petition
for annulment Sf judgment must necessarily fail.

Note that even if the instant action was one for annulment of title alone, without the
prayer for judicial partition, the requirement of instituting a separate special proceeding
for the determination of the status and rights of the respondents as putative heirs may
be dispensed with, in light of the fact that the parties had voluntarily submitted the 13/20
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issue to the trial court and had already presented evidence regarding the issue of
heirship.[46] In Portugal v. Portugal-Beltran,[47] the Court explained:

In the case at bar, respondent, believing rightly or wrongly that she

was the sole heir to Portugal's estate, executed on February 15,
1988 the questioned Affidavit of Adjudication under the second
sentence of Rule 74, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of Court. Said
rule is an exception to the general rule that when a person dies
leaving a property, it should be judicially administered and the
competent court should appoint a qualified administrator, in the order
established in Sec. 6, Rule 78 in case the deceased left no will, or in case he
did, he failed to name an executor therein.


It appearing, however, that in the present case the only property of

the intestate estate of Portugal is the Caloocan parcel of land, to still
subject it, under the circumstances of the case, to a special
proceeding which could be long, hence, not expeditious, just to
establish the status of petitioners as heirs is not only impractical; it
is burdensome to the estate with the costs and expenses of an
administration proceeding. And it is superfluous in light of the fact
that the parties to the civil case - subject of the present case, could
and had already in fact presented evidence before the trial court
which assumed jurisdiction over the case upon the issues it defined
during pre-trial.

In fine, under the circumstances of the present case, there being no

compelling reason to still subject Portugal's estate to administration
proceedings since a determination of petitioners' status as heirs
could be achieved in the civil case filed by petitioners, the trial court
should proceed to evaluate the evidence presented by the parties
during the trial and render a decision thereon upon the issues it defined
during pre-trial, x x x.[48]

Thus, in view of the clarity of respondents' complaint and the causes of action alleged
therein, as well as the fact that the trial court, in arriving at its decision, gave petitioner
more than ample opportunity to advance his claims, petitioner cannot now be permitted
to allege lack of jurisdiction just because the judgment rendered was adverse to them.
To repeat, the action filed herein is one for judicial partition and not for settlement of
intestate estate. Consequently, that respondents also prayed for the annulment of title
and recovery of possession in the same proceeding does not strip the court off of its
jurisdiction for asking for the annulment of certain transfers of property could very well
be achieved in an action for partition.

As for petitioner's contention that the sale must be considered valid as to the heirs who
assented to the conveyance as well as their allegation of good faith, this Court does not 14/20
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find any Compelling reason to deviate from the ruling of the appellate court. As
sufficiently found by both courts below, the authenticity and due execution of the
documents on which petitioner's claims are based were inadequately proven. They were
undated, forged, and acknowledged before a notary public who was not commissioned
as such on the date they were executed. They were never presented to the Register of
Deeds for registration. Neither were the supposed notaries and buyers of the subject
properties presented as witnesses.

While it may be argued that Benita, one of the co-heirs to the estate, actually
acknowledged the sale of the resort, the circumstances surrounding the same militate
against the fact of its occurrence. Not only was the Deed of Sale supposedly executed
by Benita undated and unsigned by Pedro, but the document she presented purportedly
evidencing her receipt of her share in the sale, did not refer to any sort of sale but to a
previous loan obtained by Pedro and Benita from a bank.

Moreover, credence must be given on the appellate court's observations as to

petitioners' actuations insofar as the transactions alleged herein are concerned. First,
they were seemingly uncertain as to the number and/or identity of the properties
bought by them.[49] In their Answer, they gave the impression that" they bought both
the resort and the family home and yet, during trial, Francisco Villafria claimed they
only bought the resort. In fact, it was only then that they presented the subject Extra-
Judicial Settlement and Deed of Sale.[50] Second, they never presented any other
document which would evidence their actual payment of consideration to the selling
heirs.[51] Third, in spite of the blatant legal infirmities of the subject documents of
conveyance, petitioners still took possession of the properties, demolished several
cottages, and introduced permanent improvements thereon.

In all, the Court agrees with the appellate court that petitioners failed to adequately
substantiate, with convincing, credible and independently verifiable proof, their claim
that they had, in fact, purchased the subject properties. The circumstances surrounding
the purported transfers cast doubt on whether they actually took place. In
substantiating their claim, petitioners relied solely on the Extra-Judicial Settlement and
Deed of Sale, who utterly failed to prove their authenticity and due execution. They
cannot, therefore, be permitted to claim absolute ownership of the subject lands based
on the same.

Neither can they be considered as innocent purchasers for value and builders in good
faith. Good faith consists in the belief of the builder that the land the latter is building
on is one's own without knowledge of any defect or flaw in one's title.[52] However, in
view of the manifest defects in the instruments conveying their titles, petitioners should
have been placed on guard. Yet, they still demolished several cottages and constructed
improvement on the properties. Thus, their claim of good faith cannot be given

Indeed, a judgment which has acquired finality becomes immutable and unalterable,
hence, may no longer be modified in any respect except to correct clerical errors or
mistakes, all the issues between the parties being deemed resolved and. laid to rest.
[53] It is a fundamental principle in our judicial system and essential to an effective and 15/20
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efficient administration of justice that, once a judgment has become final, the winning
party be, not through a mere subterfuge, deprived of the fruits of the verdict.[54]
Exceptions to the immutability of final judgment are allowed only under the most
extraordinary of circumstances.[55] Yet, when petitioner is given more than ample
opportunity to be heard, unbridled access to the appellate courts, as well as unbiased
judgments rendered after a consideration of evidence presented by the parties, as in
the case at hand, the Court shall refrain from reversing the rulings of the courts below
in the absence of any showing that the same were rendered with fraud or lack of

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is DENIED. The Decision and
Resolution, dated March 13, 2009 and April 23, 2009, respectively, of the Court Appeals
in CA-G.R. SP No. 107347, which affirmed the Judgment dated October 1, 2001 of the
Regional Trial Court of Nasugbu, Batangas, Branch 14, in Civil Case No. 217, insofar as
it concerns the resort covered by Transfer Certificates of Title No. 51354 and No.
51355, and family home covered by TCT No. 40807 and 40808, are AFFIRMED.


Velasco, Jr., (Chairperson), Perez,* Leonen,** and Jardeleza, JJ., concur.

August 27, 2015



Please take notice that on ___August 5, 2015___ a Decision, copy attached herewith,
was rendered by the Supreme Court in the above-entitled case, the original of which
was received by this Office on August 27, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.

Very truly yours,

Division Clerk of Court 16/20
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[*] Designated Acting Member in lieu of Associate Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes, per

Special Order No. 2112 dated July 16, 2015.

[*] Designated Acting Member in lieu of Associate Justice Martin S. Villarama, Jr., per

Raffle dated August 3, 2015.

[1] Penned by Associate Justice Myrna Dimaranan Vidal, with Associate Justices Martin

S. Villarama, Jr. (now Associate Justice of the Supreme Court), and Rosalina Asuncion-
Vicente concurring; rollo, pp. 38-48.

[2] Id. at 50.

[3] Penned by Judge Antonio A. De Sagun; id. at 83-118.

[4] Rollo, p 121.

[5] Id. at 51-75.

[6] Id. at 122.

[7] Id. at 62.

[8] Id. at 123.

[9] Id. at 80-82.

[10] Id. at 124.

[11] Id.

[12] Id. at 104.

[13] Id. at 112.

[14] Id. at 107.

[15] Id. at 116-118.

[16] Penned by Associate Justice Normandie B. Pizarro, with Associate Justices

Rosalinda Asuncion-Vicente, and Aurora Santiago-Lagman concurring; id. at 120-137.

[17] Id. at 127-129. (Emphasis ours)

[18] Rollo, p. 186. 17/20
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[19] Id. at 182.

[20] Id. at 186.

[21] Id. at 183.

[22] Id, at 185.

[23] Id. at 44-47. (Emphases ours)

[24] Id at 21.

Section 5, Rule 2 of the Rules of Court provides:

Section 5. Joinder of causes of action. — A party may in one pleading assert, in the
alternative or otherwise, as many causes of action as he may have against an opposing
party, subject to the following conditions:

(a) The party joining the causes of action shall comply with the rules on joinder of
(b) The joinder shall not include special civil actions or actions governed by special
(c) Where the causes of action are between the same parties but pertain to different
venues or jurisdictions, the joinder may be allowed in the Regional Trial Court provided
one of the causes of action falls within the jurisdiction of said court and the venue lies
therein; and
(d) Where the claims in all the causes action are principally for recovery of money, the
aggregate amount claimed shall be the test of jurisdiction.

[26] Rollo, pp. 22-23. (Emphases ours)

[27] Emphases ours.

[28] Emphases ours.

[29] Avelino v. Court of Appeals, et. al., 385 Phil. 1014, 1020 (2000), citing Utulo v.

Pasion Vda. de Garcia, 66 Phil. 302, 305 (1938).

[30] Id. at 1021; Torres v. Torres, 119 Phil. 444, 447 (1964).

[31] Guico, et. al. v. Bautista, et. al, 110 Phil. 584, 586 (1960), citing Bondad v.

Bondad, 34 Phil. 232 (1916); Fule v. Fule, 46 Phil. 317 (1924); Macalinao v. Valdez, et
al., 95 Phil. 318 (1954); 50 Off. Gaz., 3041; Intestate Estate of Rufina Mercado v.
Magtibay, et al., 96 Phil. 383 (1954).

[32] 255 Phil. 863 (1989). 18/20
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[33] Pereira v. Court of Appeals, supra, at 868. (Emphases ours; citations omitted)

[34] Id. at 869, citing Monserrat v. Ibanez, G.R No. L-3369, May 24,1950.

[35] Avelino v. Court of Appeals, et al, supra note 23, at 1022.

[36] Id.

[37] Pereira v. Court of Appeals, supra note 26, at 869, citing Intestate Estate of

Mercado v. Magtibay, 96 Phil. 383(1953).

[38] Genesis Investment, Inc. v. Heirs of Ceferino Ebarasabal, G.R. No. 181622,

November 20, 2013, 710 SCRA 399; Heirs of Juanita Padilla v. Magdua, 645 Phil. 140
(2010): and Reillo v. San Jose, 607 Phil 446 (2009).

[39] G.R. No. 187308 & 187517, September 18, 2013, 706 SCRA 73.

[40] G.R. No. 69260, December 22, 1989, 180 SCRA 576.

[41] Municipality of Biñan v. Garcia, supra, at 584-585. (Emphasis ours; citations


[42] Lacbayan v. Samoy, Jr., 661 Phil. 307, 316 (2011).

[43] Id.

[44] Section 1 of Republic Act No. 7691 provides:

Section 1. Section 19 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, otherwise known as the "Judiciary
Reorganization Act of 1980", is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 19. Jurisdiction in civil cases. - Regional Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive
original jurisdiction.

"(1) In all civil actions in which the subject of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary
"(2) In all civil actions which involve the title to, or possession of, real property, or any
interest therein, where the assessed value of the property involved exceeds Twenty
Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00) or, for civil actions in Metro Manila, where such value
exceeds Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) except actions for forcible entry into and
unlawful detainer of lands or buildings, original jurisdiction over which is conferred
upon the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial
Courts; x x x."

[45] An Act Expanding the Jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial 19/20
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Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, Amending for the Purpose Batas Pambansa
Blg. 129, Otherwise Known as the "Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980." Approved on
25 March 1994.

[46] Heirs of Gabatan v. Court of Appeals, 600 Phil. 112 (2005).

[47] 504 Phil. 456 (2005).

[48] Portugal v. Portugal-Beltran, supra, at 469-471. (Emphases ours)

[49] Rollo, p. 130.

[50] Id at 131.

[51] Id.

[52] Cua v. Vargas, 326 Phil. 1082, 1094 (2006), citing Ongsitco v. CA, 325 Phil. 1069,

1077 (1996), quoting Pleasantville Development Corporation v. CA, 323 Phil. 12, 22
(1996), and Floreza v. De Evangelista, 185 Phil. 85, 91 (1980).

[53] Ram's Studio and Photographic Equipment, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 400 Phil. 542,

550 (2000).

[54] Spouses Selga v. Brar, 673 Phil. 581, 597 (2011).

[55] Id.

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