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September 2021 Trumpet

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The Trumpet September 2021 Volume 38 Issue 9

Firelands Presbyterian Church

2626 East Harbor Road

Port Clinton, Ohio 43452


Fax 419-734-5411

Rev. David Aber, Pastor

Musical Art Series
Dave Moore, Clerk of Session
Susan Larcey and Kay McIntosh, Musicians
folk music of Eastern and
Vicki Wheatly, Treasurer Central Europe
Janine Dress, September 11 at 3:30 PM
Administrative Assistant
Venue: Steele Memorial Band Stand,
Table of Contents
Sponsored by: The Frederick Insurance
Pastor’s Column, Thank You &
Agency and Arby's Restaurant
committee information........................... 2
Session Highlights ................................. 3 You can buy tickets at the venue or go to to order single
Committee information ....................... 3-4 tickets ($15) pick 5 ($65) or Season tickets
Special Event for Bob Reynolds ............... 4 ($100).
Sunday Ministers................................... 5
Bistro 163 ......................................... 5-7 Annual Meeting and Potluck
September Celebrations & September 19
Monthly Prayer list ................................ 8 Our annual meeting of the congregation will be following
September Lectionary ............................ 9 Worship. Annual reports will be available Sunday
September 12 for you to read to be prepared for the
Calendar ............................................ 10
meeting. A potluck meal will follow the meeting. A sign-
Musical Arts Schedule .......................... 11 up sheet is on the gathering table.

Widow’s Luncheon Change of

September 16
The Widow’s Luncheon will now be on the third Thursday
of the month meeting at Bistro 163 at 11:30 AM. RSVP
by September 12 to Jo Coon by either texting or
email. 419-350-8349 or
September 2021 Page 2

Stein Hospice Healing Hearts Change of Address

This grief support group meets on the Third Wednesday Grace Uhle has moved I have her new address and
11 am to noon here. This group is open to those who phone number. If you are interested, please see me.
are in the midst of grieving.

Pastor’s Column Christian Education and

With the arrival of Labor Day weekend, the summer is Spiritual Formation
winding down. Even in this unusual time of CO-VID, the
The past year has been a developmental year for
usual events still happen. Boats appear as flecks of color
Christian Education and Spiritual Formation.
on a lake increasingly grey. Family and friends visits are
less frequent. Classes resume in one form or another. The 10:30 Wednesday morning Bible study now meets
The time of our worship service reverts to 10:30am on at the Church and has been revived as “Reflections on
Sunday, September 12th. Also, a few of the vocal Sermons”. Lead by Pastor Aber, it is a fascinating
responses that have been absent will return to the order perspective on the style and content of last Sunday or
of worship. Gwen and I will be away from worship on next Sunday’s sermons. Sometimes Rev. Aber goes
the 12th as we visit with family and friends, and the deeper into the meaning of passages from the Bible,
beach, for a few days. Janeane Hopkins, former pastor sometimes he discusses the style of the sermon.
of McComb Presbyterian Church and a past Moderator of
This prompts participants to carry on a free-wheeling
Maumee Valley Presbytery will fill the pulpit in my
enlivened discussion.
The Reservoir Book based study of the Holy Spirit is a
The additions to the order of worship resulted from
15-month 5 day a week, in depth, study that looks at
meeting with Kay McIntosh and Susan Larcey to review
every aspect of the Holy Spirit as it is presented in the
the service and plan for the future. A hymn sing late in
Bible. The fundamental concept is that, like a Reservoir,
September and a celebration of the Reformation late in
the Holy Spirit is a never-ending source of power to
October await Session approval. Advent and Christmas
allow us to achieve more than is possible without its
Eve have a momentum all their own, and I look forward
power. Participants meet monthly to discuss what
to the energy and excitement of the holiday season.
they’ve learned from the program

Ed and Shirley Carlson presented a program using the

See you in church, book The Love Required of Us discussing Racial
Understanding and Reconciliation.

Ernie McCullough is preparing to re-start his Sunday

Pastor David
School classes at 9:15AM before the Church Service on
the Sunday after Labor Day. This class focuses on the
Thank You Lectionary topic for the week.

Dear Firelands Friends, As we welcome a new Pastor, the weekly classes may
change as we find out what her strengths are and how
I was truly amazed and surprised by the birthday party she focuses her ministry.
that you planned for me last Sunday! The cake, the ice
cream, the cards—all made me feel very special. I am If you have a gift for teaching or you would like to
grateful for your kindness over the years and your explore any aspect of our Christian walk, please contact
friendship on this special day. me with your ideas.

Harold Brown John McIntosh

September 2021 Page 3

Highlights of Stated Session Mission Committee

Meeting on 8/10/2021 Happy Labor Day! We are pleased to report that $410
➢ This evening Bill Sharp presented the third and has been contributed to our flower campaign for
final in-service to Session on the Firelands American Cancer Society.
Presbyterian Church budget process. He Thanks to one and all for helping make a difference.
reviewed our current Treasurer’s Report/Budget
Pastor David, Kay McIntosh, and I met with Rose
vs Actuals report and suggested ways our
Darling and her husband at Bistro 163 last week. Rose
standing committee chairs can use this
is the Community Coordinator for Flat Rock Homes. We
information to assist them in creating their own
shared a lovely lunch and conversation and learned
budgets for 2022.
more about campus homes, the care center, and
➢ Also, on behalf of the Finance Committee, Bill community services for intellectually/developmentally
responded to Session’s request for Finance’s impaired persons. FRH is gaining on their mission to
recommendation on “directed gifts” and a raise funding for their outdoor Therapeutic Center for
demand (from a member of our congregation) fitness. Please check out their newest newsletter and
that 10% of our church budget be directed to TRL Center posting on our bulletin board.
Mission. His committee recommended, and
Lindsey Kaufman (former PC teacher) will be visiting
session approved, a motion to this effect: that
with the Mission Team on September 24 while in the
such gifts be subject to session’s overall
USA. We have been supporting "Strength for the
responsibility to attend to all ministries of the
Journey" in the Dominican Republic the past few years
church. Session also concurred with Finance’s
(thanks to Chris Galvin), and Lindsey is eager to share
recommendation that we not set a fixed
with us what has transpired through that support.
percentage of our total operating budget toward
Educational equipment and early learning have been
Mission but that, in its annual report,
highlights for the Jamao al Norte children who had little
the Mission Committee provide an estimate as to
educational opportunities before SFTJ. More to report
the financial value of all mission projects and
on that next month.
activities to better illustrate the “mission
mindedness” of our congregation. Lay Me Down to Sleep was quiet this month with only
one bed/bedding/books given to a 16-year-old boy.
➢ John Rogers attended our meeting and
discussed options for improvements to be made A newsletter from the Horn of Africa has arrived from
to our church sign. It was decided that he will our Mission Co-worker, Sharon Kandel. We earnestly
make a presentation on the sign and our tried to send a retirement gift to Esther Wakeman, our
repair/replacement options, including how the former co-worker in Thailand; but she insisted that we
different repair/replacement options would be send that gift onto Sharon to help in her mission work!
financed, at the upcoming Congregational Again, see our bulletin board and check out Sharon's
meeting. letter titled "Vital Education." We are hopeful that
Sharon may return to her Ohio home at some time in
➢ The final draft of the Session Manual of
the future to visit and may be able to visit FPC at that
Operations revision, a 3 to 4 month-long (at
least) project led by Karen Salzgaber, was
approved by Session this evening. Be on the lookout for a Mission poster board with info on
Flat Rock Homes, Strength for the Journey, and The
➢ A taskforce was created to plan the 40th
Horn of Africa (areas of Sudan, South Sudan, and
anniversary of the founding of our church. Dick
Ethiopia). Plans are to assemble it sometime in
Dietz will chair the taskforce that also is
comprised of Marta Vielhaber, Ed Bettendorf,
Kay McIntosh, Susan Rogers, Sally and Dave
Wahlers, Karen Dietz, Shirley Carlson, Bob
Till next time,
Reynolds, Jim and Betty Layton, and Maxine and
Bob Wilson. Ginny McCook, Chair

Mission Committee
September 2021 Page 4

Worship and Music News

This September, the Sometimes Serendipty
Artist Retrospective
Singers will prepare to sing the anthem, River of Judea Robert E. Reynolds Jr.
on Sunday, September 19, 2021. We will practice on September 18, 2021,
Thursday, Sept.9, 2021 and on Friday, Sept. 17, 2021,
at 3:30 in the sanctuary.
11:00am—3:30 pm
The Firelands Folk were thankful for all who came out The Arts Garage
in the heat with potential storms brewing to join us 137 W. Perry Street
inside in the air-conditioned social hall for our summer
Port Clinton, OH 43452
vespers on Aug 29,2021. This group hopes to find a
September afternoon to share their music on the Join us at TAG for an opportunity to view a selection of
verandah of The Chalet at the Vineyard. Bob Reynolds watercolor paintings, prints and oil
paintings. In addition, there will be viewings of “The
Music and Musicians for Sundays in September
Maiden Voyage of the Onward”, a documentary of the
Sept.5, 2021 Brian Shifflet, piano and cello first vessel to make the 9,000-mile trip known as the
Great Loop at noon and 2 PM. Bob Reynolds is a true
Sept. 12, 2021, Susan Larcey
Renaissance Man with many talents and life
Sept. 18, 2021, Susan Larcey, Sometimes Serendipity experiences, and you will definitely not want to miss this
Singers opportunity!!!

Sept. 26, 2021, Susan Larcey, Kay McIntosh (Favorite

Hymn Sunday)

Special upcoming events to consider:

Sunday, October 31, 2021, will be Celtic Heritage

Sunday. This will be a great day to wear your kilts and
bring your tartans. We will also be celebrating All Saints’
Sunday that day. Contact Kay McIntosh or Pastor David
if you have any special ideas for this festival occasion.

The Ohio Governor’s

It only costs $25 to sponsor one child to receive a full
year of monthly book deliveries, an affordable way for
each of us to do our part in giving our youngest citizens
in Ottawa County a boost toward a bright future.
“These books are an incredible bargain, and with no
overhead, every dollar that you give is a book. Who
wouldn’t want to provide books for children”? asks Ohio
First Lady Fran DeWine.

Checks may also be sent to the United Way in Ottawa

County, 1854 E. Perry St, Suite 300, Port Clinton, OH
43452. Indicate “Designation to Imagination Library in
Ottawa County” on the memo line. Questions? Call 419-
734-6645 or
email: info@unitedwa
September 2021 Page 5

Those who are unable to fulfill their assigned date(s)will need to get a replacement & then
call the church office (419.734.6211) as soon as possible so that they may revise the bulletin
and Trumpet.
Communion Deacon Locking Host(s)
Steward Duty
9/5 Shirley Marta Susan Karen Betty Ed Marta & Ed
Carlson Vielhaber Shifflet Layton Bettendorf

9/12 Ed John Jim & Betty

Carlson McIntosh

9/19 Susan Debbie POTLUCK

Rogers Flora
9/26 Dick Mary TBD
Dietz Caracci

Bistro 163 News

What happens when you PayItForward or donate to Bistro 163? You
provide a meal or meals like this one for a neighbor who is food insecure.
At Bistro 163, we serve a FREE COMMUNITY DINNER on the second and
fourth Mondays of every month.

Rich and Pam Ryan volunteer to help Sharon and the rest of our staff
prepare more than 250 FREE COMMUNITY DINNERS twice each month.
Take-out diners arrive in their cars at the side door of Bistro 163. The cost of the more than 250
dinners every other week is supported by diners who PayItForward in the restaurant, and by
contributions to Bistro 163 by individuals and organizations.

An average of 100 meals are served "take-out

style" at our side door.
September 2021 Page 6

And, our amazing team of volunteer drivers deliver more than 150 FREE COMMUNITY
DINNERS to people's homes, all over Ottawa County. We celebrate and thank John
Schmitt, Snip and Sharon Snider,
Tom and Sue Hartman, and Dennis and Maureen Kennedy!

Since January of 2021, here is a summary of the FREE COMMUNITY DINNERS that have been
prepared, served and delivered in Ottawa County by the volunteers and staff of Bistro 163. Two
dinners have been offered every month, and a concerted effort has been made by our board, staff and
volunteers to increase the number of delivered meals to reach farther into Ottawa County. “Feeding
our community, one plate at a time.”

Month Take-out Delivery Total Meals

January 393

February 477

March 256 235 491

April 224 246 470

May 223 283 506

June 164 338 502

July 147 344 491

August 170 306 476

Because our volunteers are essential to our ability to serve nutritious, locally sourced
meals to our PayItForward customers, we celebrate a “Volunteer of the Month”, every
month. Here are Pat Cook (August), Kathy Venema (June), and Nate
Kaylor (July). Our volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless,
but because they are priceless!
September 2021 Page 7

Also in the lobby of Bistro 163 is Esther’s Table, “Free

Food donated by the community, for the community”.
On a given day, our local Kroger store might
contribute a whole table full of baked goods. Every
week, our friends at St. Thomas Episcopal Church
leave full meals of bagged groceries, enough to feed a
family of four. And our local growers drop off extra
fruit or vegetables. All free for the taking, to address

One of our longest serving volunteers at Bistro 163 is Ginny McCook,

who is also responsible for the lovely fresh flowers on every table in the
restaurant. This time of the year, Ginny grows them in her own
garden, and takes personal pride in sharing them with our community
at Bistro 163. Bless you, Ginny!

And we cannot forget to recognize our library

volunteer, Lynne Kroeger, from Friends of the Ida
Rupp Library. Lynne gave the lobby at Bistro 163 a
book rack on wheels, and keeps it fully stocked with
books that are free for the taking.
September 2021 Page 8

September Celebrations

John and Ginny

Doris Rowbotham 9 Todd Jagucki 16 Sean Black 24 McCook 7

Jim and Heather

John Pugh 9 Evan Viery 22 Marilyn Cromer 24 Stouffer 7

Barb Kroll 13 Ed Bettendorf 23 Dave Moore 30 Dave and Sally Wahlers 21

Shirley Stary and Bill

Is your birthday or anniversary missing or incorrect? Contact the office Rodwancy 29
so we can make the changes to the list!
Mary and Dave Caracci 29

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

For those receiving medical treatment or therapy, or undergoing medical tests:

Alan, Debbie Ballinger, Jenatha Boose, Harold, Kim Hudson, Diane Jordan, Joseph Kakareka, Craig Kaiser,
Stephen Kessler, Angjuli Lele, John McLaughlin, Janet Miller, Christopher Longaker, Simon Mercurio, Michael,
Eric Pott, John Prestbo, Sarah, Sue, Jack Schmidt, Jeff Thompson, Justin Waugh, Ann Wagnitz.

For those facing the infirmities of age:

Jane Kaiser, Jamie Petty, Betty Rodwancy, and Irene Wilson

For those seeking freedom, security, and hope:

Bobby, Justin, Sara, Val, and CASA Families

For those in the service of our country:

SMGT Jeff Bundy, Steven Coffin, FBI; Brant Crandall, USA; Cole Daniel, USCG; Matthew Devries, USAF;
Stu Gliwa, USMC; Aaron Haynes, USA; Andrew Hogue, USA, Ken Lewis USA Army Chaplain, Ted Livingstine,
USMC; Sanju Shinde, USMC.

For those in mission for our Lord:

The National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, Berea Presbytery.

Sharon Kandel PC(USA) Mission Co-Worker in Ethiopia/Sudan

To add or delete someone from this list, please contact Janine Dress in the church office.
September 2021 Page 9

September Lectionary

First reading and Alternate* First Second reading Gospel

Psalm reading and

September 5, 2021 Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, Isaiah 35:4-7a James 2:1-10, (11- Mark 7:24-37
Proper 18 (23) 22-23 13), 14-17
Fifteenth Sunday after Psalm 146
Pentecost Psalm 125

September 12, 2021 Proverbs 1:20-33 Isaiah 50:4-9a James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38
Proper 19 (24)
Sixteenth Sunday after Psalm 19 Psalm 116:1-9
Pentecost or
Wisdom of
Solomon 7:26 -

September 14, 2021 Numbers 21:4b-9 1 Corinthians 1:18- John 3:13-17

Holy Cross 24
Psalm 98:1-5
Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38

September 19, 2021 Proverbs 31:10-31 Wisdom of James 3:13 - 4:3, 7- Mark 9:30-37
Proper 20 (25) Solomon 1:16-2:1, 8a
Seventeenth Sunday after Psalm 1 12-22
Pentecost or
Jeremiah 11:18-20

Psalm 54

September 26, 2021 Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; Numbers 11:4-6, James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50
Proper 21 (26) 9:20-22 10-16, 24-29
Eighteenth Sunday after
Pentecost Psalm 124 Psalm 19:7-14
September 2021 Page 10

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Sermon Study Cancelled 9-8 10:30-1:30 Office 10:30-1:30
JANINE ON VACATION 9-29 THRU 10-3 Open Office Open
10:30 Sermon
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9:30 followed by 3-5 Dulcimer 1:00 – 3:30 Office 3:30 9:30-12:30
fellowship Group Open Choir Office Open
NO SERMON Practice

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:15 Sunday 9:30 – 12:30 9 Quilting @ 9:30-12:30 Office 11:30 9:30-12:30 3:00
School Office Open Wilsons Open Widow Office Open Rosemarie
2 Reconciliation 10:30 Sermon Lunch @ Shinde
10:30 Worship 3-5 Dulcimer 3:30 Choir
Study Study
Bistro 163 Practice Memorial
followed by 4-6 Bistro 163 Group 11-12 Healing
fellowship Community Hearts w/ Stein
7 Session
9-2 PC Sunday Meal- Hospice
Famer’s Market 7-9 Knitwits

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
9:15 Sunday 9:30 – 12:30 3-5 Dulcimer 9:30-12:30 Office 10:30-1:30
School Office Open Group Open Office Open
2 Reconciliation 10:30 Sermon
10:30 Worship Study 1-3 Reservoir Study
followed by Group
7-9 Knitwits

26 27 28 29 30
9:30 Worship OFFICE 9:30-2:30 OFFICE
followed by CLOSED Office CLOSED
4-6 Bistro 163 Open
Community 9 Quilting @
9-2 PC Sunday Meal- Wilsons
Famer’s 7-9 Knitwits
3-5 Dulcimer
September 2021 Page 11

The Musical Art Series / Port Clinton, OH

2021-2022 Season Now in our 19th Year


September 11, 2021 Venue: Steele Memorial Band Stand,
Sponsored by: The Frederick Insurance Agency and Arby's Restaurant
Music of Beethoven and Schumann
October 3, 2021
Venue: Port Clinton High School Performing Arts Center (PCHSPAC)
3:30 PM Sponsored by: Dr. Jay M. Mann
7:30 PM Venue: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
4th and Jefferson Streets, Port Clinton
Sponsored by: 1812 Food & Spirits and Rosie's Bar & Grill
3:00 & 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY"
Venue: Port Clinton HS Performing Arts Center,
Free will donations will be accepted.
Free ticket reservations will be available by mail request beginning November 1,
2021. The seating capacity of each concert will be determined by the current
health department order at that time. We will do our best to seat everyone who
shows up, but seating is not guaranteed without a ticket.
Sponsored by The Stensen Foundation and Crown Battery.
March 6, 2022
3:30 P.M. Sponsored by: Shumaker, Loop and Kendrick, LLP, and Jack Hilbert, Roth
and Bacon, LLP, in Memory of Joy Roth”
April 3, 2022
3:30 P.M.
Sponsored by: Bassett's Market, and Miller Ferries
May 8, 2022
3:30 PM.
Sponsored by: Dubbert's Outdrive and Neidecker, Crosser & Priesman
Funeral Home
Students at any level of study always admitted free to all concerts.
All others, $15 per person per concert.
Port Clinton High School Performing Arts Center = PCHSPAC
September 2021 Page 12

By-Laws of the Congregation Update – Karen Salzgeber, Chair

The FPC By-Laws of the Congregation was updated and approved by Session on July 13, 2021. These changes and
the originals, to follow here, will be voted upon at the September 19, 2021 Annual Meeting of the FPC Congregation.

Updates/changes are in bold-face italic script, previous document in [ ].

By-Laws of the Congregation #4: Public notice of the time, place and purpose of all meetings of the congregation
shall be publicly announced on the two successive Sunday [Sundays] worship services next preceding the day of
such meeting or shall be given at least two weeks prior to the appointed time by publication in any church bulletin,
newsletter, or other regular publication of the church mailed to the church membership. (G-1.0502)

Committee Schedule for Nominating pages 3-4, Nominating Procedure

I. Committee meets in first week of August [June].

A. Determine vacant offices

B. Evaluate incumbents eligible for re-election and develop preliminary list of
candidates. Recommendations from congregation.
C. Criteria for evaluation of call:
1. Worship attendance

2. Meeting attendance
3. Committee work
4. Community image
5. General demeanor
6. Overall support of the church
7. Spiritual health

II. Prior to August [July] Meeting:

A. Invite eligible incumbents to interview in person with the chair (or his/her designee) [at least two members] of the Nominations Committee to
determine re-nomination.
B. Prayer Covenant: Committee covenants to prayer for candidates daily during nomination process.
III. After the August (During Nominee Recruitment and Before Slate of Nominees Submission) Meeting: [Meeting First Week in July]
A. Review criteria for ordination:

1. Book of Order
2. Ordination Questions
B. Develop list of potential candidates based on the discernment of gifts and following criteria:
The Marks of the Spirit’s presence: wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of the Lord, delight in the fear of the Lord
(Isaiah 11:2)

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)
C. Consider criteria I, C, 4 - 7 and 3, if applicable.
D. Contact potential candidates for consent and give candidates preparation materials.
1. Book of order;
2. Book of Confession;
3. View Videos (if any); and, [View videos]

4. Gifts and Discernment Material.

September 2021 Page 13

E. Report list of nominees to Session. Scrapped entire remaining section. [(see next page)

III. Meeting Third Week in July

A. Nominations Committee meets with potential candidates to do discernment of call and gifts.
IV. Meeting Second Week of August
A. Discernment session
Candidates asked to

1. Make a statement of faith

2. Describe understanding of Eldership/ Deaconate
3. Names placed in nomination and approved
B. Spiritual preparation for ordination done with Pastor]



Janine Dress, Administrative Assistant [CHURCH GROWTH COMMITTEE] SUNDAY GREETERS

Thank you for accepting the task of Greeting. It is a significant part of what makes up the Firelands Presbyterian
character of friendliness and fellowship.

In order to make the job of Greeters more effective, it is suggested that:

It is best to set up the register podium some little distance away from the door, and the card table again some little
distance from the podium. This avoids crowding if several Visitors arrive at the same time.

One of the Greeters should assist Visitors in completing their name tags at the card table.

Additional name tags are located in the left drawer of the left cabinet just outside the sanctuary. If none are there, let
the secretary know.

Have copies of the “Welcome to Firelands” brochure depicting our Church activities on the card table for handing out
to first time Visitors.

Hand out a “Thank you for visiting Firelands” slip and ask them to complete and drop in offertory plate during the
worship hour.

One of the Greeters should oversee the registration podium to assist Visitors in signing in. PLEASE IDENTIFY ALL

Greeters assist ushers in receiving the offering.

When introducing the Visitors to the congregation:

Ensure that you have the correct pronunciation of the Visitors’ names.

Please walk in front of the communion table, facing the congregation, so that you will be clearly heard.

Ask the Visitors to raise their hand when called so that we might properly identify them.

Invite them to join us in fellowship following worship, for beverage and cookies, so that we might welcome them to

Again, thank you for accomplishing this ministry for your Church.

Please place this sheet back into the Registration Book in the last page of entries.

4. Scrapped entire section.


September 2021 Page 14


Follow-up Home Visits With Sunday Visitors to Firelands

Please read and save this guide to review when your month comes up.
Thank you for agreeing to be "Sunday Callers" for Firelands. This is a very important ministry, especially as we continue to put increased effort into
attracting new members to our congregation.
The purpose of the Visitation Team is to encourage those who have attended worship at Firelands for the first time to return. The Team will, if
possible, call at the home of first attendees within 36 hours of the service attended. Church growth studies show that the greatest results are achieved
if the call is made within that time.
Please take responsibility to contact the greeters-of-the day before the service to remind them to insure that the visitors from our local community do
enter their street address in the registration book. The pastor can also help in determining if a visitor is a viable prospect for calling.
The Callers will carry with them materials about the life and work of Firelands to leave at the home of the first-time attendee: 1) Bread & Honey with
the "Meaning of Bread & Honey" sheet, 2) our “Welcome to Firelands” brochure, 3) the current Trumpet newsletter, (4) and one of our "Stop In and
Find Out" refrigerator magnets. Callers should also have with them the "Sorry We Missed You" cards and "Report of Home Visit" forms. See the
back page for more details.
The call should last no longer than fifteen minutes and should not be preceded by a telephone call. Telephone only if you cannot find the house. Try
again if they are not home. After two tries, leave the bread & honey, brochure, Trumpet and the "Sorry We Missed You" card and note.
As you approach to visit, pray for the people and for yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to use your call to open these persons to Christ's love and

When the person answers the door introduce yourself and identify yourself as being from Firelands. Indicate your pleasure that the person shared in
worship with us today. Firelands is a church that is intentional in its outreach to the community. We are always glad when people come to visit us.
["We hope you found our worship meaningful and our congregation cordial. We hope you will come back soon. We also wanted to leave a little
information about our Church with you. If you have any questions about Firelands, please feel free to call."] This could be the end of your visit. If
you are invited inside for further conversation, accept the invitation. You can talk about whom you are, who they are, or more about Firelands.
However, do not forget the fifteen-minute rule. Fifteen minutes is all you can expect from them. After the call, please complete the "Report of Home
Visit" form and leave on the pastor’s desk. (see next page)
After you have completed the report that is the end of your responsibility. It is now in the Holy Spirit's hands. Commit the folks you have visited to
Him and go on your way.
Many Sundays there will be no calls to make, but on many there will be. Try not to miss anyone. If you cannot call on a day assigned, please ask
another visitor team to take your place. Peace to you all and our deep thanks for your willingness to be a part of this important ministry.

Regarding the bread & honey: Bassett's IGA has a variety of whole loaf bread. The 16 oz. King's Hawaiian Bread is what we use for communion.
Please place the bread in a brown kraft bag or plastic bag, along with the "Meaning of Bread & Honey" sheet. Bassett's also has an attractively
packaged honey by W. Stoller. The smaller of the two sizes will do nicely. Simply charge at the check out to Firelands Presbyterian Church, account
#4197346211 (church phone number). Bring the cash register receipt to the church office, noting on it your name and what was purchased. Put
receipt in wire basket marked "Accounts Payable".

Visitation Team Schedule

“Welcome to Firelands” Brochure
"Meaning of Bread & Honey" sheet
"Sorry We Missed You" card
"Report of Home Visit" form

Also remember to take a recent copy of the Trumpet and the "Stop In & Find Out" refrigerator magnet.
Additional copies of the above are in a bright orange folder in the right hand drawer of the right hand cabinet in the narthex.
Revised October 2010
Established August 2002]

5. Scrapped entire section


September 2021 Page 15



Thank you for accepting the task of being a Shepherd to our new members,
This as a program we have established at Firelands Presbyterian Church. It began in 2002. The purpose is to help new members feel more at home in
our church, and with your help, make them aware of the life and work that our church has to offer, as well as cementing friendships between
members of the church.
Below we have listed a few suggestions to make your job easier:

Introduce yourself to the new member(s). Let them know that you will be their Shepherd for six months.
Give them your name and phone number in case they have any questions. Let them know they are free to contact you.
When you can, try to sit with them during Sunday worship service.
If you have something in common, use it. Maybe invite them over to watch a ball game, go shopping, enjoy a meal together, etc. If you have small
children, suggest a play day or a picnic.
Suggest that you attend a church function together, Bible Study, etc.

These are only a few suggestions. You will find that you will come up with your own ideas after meeting with the new members.
Let them know you are interested in seeing that their walk with God continues at Firelands Presbyterian Church and that we care about them.
Remember you will get more out of the relationship than you will give.
Shepherds should plan to attend the Session meeting with the new members when they are reviewed for membership.
Shepherds should plan to stand with the new members at Sunday worship service when they are received into membership.

Thank you for being a Shepherd and God bless you.

Revised October 2010

Established June 2002]

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