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System Analysis and Design

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1. Title: CISM 3137: System Analysis and Design

2. Submitting College: COST

3. Department(s) Generating the Proposal: Engineering Technology and Mathematics

4. Effective Date: Fall semester 2011

5. Brief Summary of Proposal:

This proposal is being submitted to add CISM 3137, System Analysis and Design as an elective
option in the Computer Science Technology major classes grid. CISM 3137, System Analysis and
Design is an existing class in the CISM program and is a 3 credit hour class.

6. Type of Proposal: Add existing CISM course to CSCI program.

7. Graduate School Endorsement Status: N/A

8. Impact in Library Holdings: none

9. Impact on Existing Programs: none

10. Additional Resources Required: none

11. Approvals:
This change was approved by: Date
_____ Department of Engineering Technology ________
_____ College of Science & Technology ______________
_____ Curriculum & New Programs Committee ______________
_____ SSU Faculty Senate ______________
A. Course Number: CISM 3137

B. Course Title: System Analysis and Design

C. Catalog Description:
An introduction to concept of the system development life cycle (SDLC). Systems development
techniques, methodologies, and CASE tools are introduced.

D. Rationale: Adding the course as an option in the major grid will give students more
opportunities to customize their senior level major classes and will reduce the bottle neck in class

E. Impact on Library Holdings:


F. Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours

G. Prerequisites: Senior standing

H. Syllabus: Copy attached

I. Similarity to, or Duplication of, Existing Courses: N/A

J. Textbook Selection (include title, author and ISBN)

K. Grading (letter grade, pass/fail, S/U etc.): A-F

L. Bibliography:
 Name: Dr. Hae-Yeon Choi
 Office: Jordan Business Building Room #125
 Office Telephone: (912) 358-3391
 COBA Fax: (912) 356-2803
 E-Mail:
 SSU eLearning Website:
 Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays (8:00 am – 8:30 am & 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm); Wednesdays
(10:00 am – 2:30 pm) and Others by Appointment

Text Book:
 Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, Valacich, George, and Hoffer by Prentice Hall
Publishing company
 ISBN: 978-0-13-608498-3

Useful Web Sites:

 Microsoft Project & Microsoft Visio
 Project Management Institute (PMI)
 Unified Modeling Language (UML) Tutorial
 Supplementary Resources of the Textbook

Case Tools & Database:

 Microsoft Visio 2007 – Modeling Tool
 Microsoft Project 2007 for Windows – Gantt/PERT/CPM Chart
 Access 2007
 SQL Server 2005

 One USB Flash Drive

Course Description:
 This course provides an introduction to systems analysis and design. Topics include analyzing the business
case, requirements modeling such as data, process, and object modeling, and development strategies.
Students also learn about input/output, and user interface design, database design, and implementation,
and systems operation, support and security. Technical topics include data dictionaries, entity-
relationship models (ERD), data flow diagram (DFD), use cases and other models used by the Unified
Modeling Language (UML).

Course Learning Objectives:

When students finish this course, they will:
 Discuss the modern approach to systems analysis and design that combines both process and data views
of systems
 Describe skills and activities of a project manager during project initiation, planning, execution and
 Learn how to draw Gantt Charts and Network Diagrams
 Describe various methods for accessing project feasibility
 Learn to planning an interview to determine system requirements
 Learn data-flow diagramming mechanics, definitions, and rules
 Learn Entity-Relationship (E-R), data flow, flowchart, and object diagram using Unified Modeling Language
 Learn the process of designing forms, reports, interfaces and dialogues for their creation

Course Learning Outcomes:

When students finish this course, they will be able to:
 Identify the role of systems analysis and design within the various information systems and database
systems developments lifecycles
 Distinguish both the roles and the activities of the systems analyst, system designer, and programmer and
know how to use up-to-date CASE tools, approaches, and methodologies to analyze, design, and
implement information systems or database systems
 Identify the distinctions among business requirements, user requirements, and software requirements in
the process of systems development
 Gain business world experiences by going through writing a database system proposal, designing a logical
database model, and completing a Website and a prototype of database implementation process

Grading Policies:
 140: Assignments
 100: Quizzes
 400: Exams: Exam 1 (100), Exam 2 (100), Exam 3 (100), and Final Exam (100)
 300: Project Proposal (80), Logical Data Model (80), Website & Database Implementation (80), and
Project Presentation (60)
 60: Class Participations & Attendance

Grading Scale:
 900-1000=A, 800-890=B, 700-79=C, 600-690=D, and 0-590=F

Teaching Method:
 This class will be taught through an integration of lectures, hands-on, student discussions, and projects.
Class participation is encouraged and your grade will reflect the quality of your contributions to the
overall classroom learning process.
 As CIS major students, you are expected to have read assigned materials and to have
completed assignments prior to each class.

Attendance policy:
 Savannah State University endeavors to provide optimum conditions for the intellectual growth and
development of its students. With the exception of University approved activities, it is expected that
students should attend and be punctual to their classes, laboratories, and officially scheduled class
requirements. Students who are absent because of participation in approved University activities will be
permitted to make up work missed during their absences, provided that no more than 15% of class hours
per course per term are missed and that work is assigned for completion prior to the University
sanctioned activity.

 Thus, attendance is required for each class. If your absences are equal to two (2) consecutively in the
beginning of the semester, you may result in an automatic drop from the course. Your attendances will be
reflected for your participations and attendance points. For example, in case of equal to or in excess of
four (4) absences, you will have no points for your participations. If you are tardy, each tardy will count as
one-half (½) of an absence (i.e., twice tardy = 1 absence).
 A student may not drop a course without receiving a “WF” after the deadline listed in the “Academic
Calendar.” This date for Spring Semester 2011 is February 1. The only grade that can be assigned after
this date is a “WF” regardless of the quality of the student’s work.

 There are four exams. Each exam may consist of multiple choices, short answer type questions, and
hands-on questions using computer.

Makeup Exam:
 All exams missed without prior permission of the instructor will receive a grade of 0 unless other
arrangements are made with the instructor.

 Short, unannounced quizzes may be administered by the instructor at appropriate time during the course.
These quizzes may contain objective questions or may be essay type.
 Quiz will be given only to the students who attend class on time unless other arrangements are made
with the instructor.

Academic Dishonesty:
 If academic dishonesty (as defined in the Code of Student Conduct) is established, then the minimum
penalty for the offending student will be a grade of ZERO for the assignment (as per university policy).
 However, students should be apprised that the instructor may well assign a penalty grade of F for the
semester and request that the student be expelled from the university.
 In all cases, students are apprised that all incidents of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office
of the Dean of the COBA, the COBA Student Services Office (for inclusion in the student’s academic
record) and to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Computer Lab:

 You have the privilege to utilize the computer lab as is needed for your schoolwork. All users of the
computer lab are expected to care for the equipment as if it were your own. Anyone who does not treat
the equipment properly may find that his/her privilege is revoked.

 All assignments must be submitted prior to the beginning of class on the due date using the Assignments
Tools of eLearning. Assignments submitted after that time will be considered late.
 You may turn in 7 of 9 assignments given. However Assignment 1 is mandatory one to turn in.
 Each answer to a question should be at least two or three paragraphs in length.
 When I receive your assignments, I will respond to it. If not so, make sure you notify to me about it.
 All late assignments must be turned in within four (4) working days of the assigned due date. A 25% per
day deduction will be applied on late assignments.
 It must use a word processor, an appropriate case tool, proper grammar and spelling on all written
 Make sure your name, and exercise number appear as header, right aligned in the top. If an exercise has
multiple sheets, then staple them together in orderly manner. Do not staple different assignments
together. Disorganized assignments (pages out of order, mislabeled, unreadable, etc.) will receive a grade
of zero.
Hat Policy:
 While you are in class, take off your hat.
Electronic Devices:
 Cellular phones, pagers, CD players, radios, and calculators, and computers are prohibited during class,
examinations and quizzes, unless specified.
 All Electronic Devices must be turned off during the class period. That is, receiving a call in class is
 No electronic devices are to be seen or heard during regularly scheduled class time, quizzes, tests, or
examinations – (note that this includes earpieces and ear buds). If any are observed or heard during class,
the student will be excused from class; and should such devices be observed or heard during assessment
periods, there will be the presumption of academic dishonesty. Those found to be in violation of this
policy will be subject to the consequences for academic dishonesty under the College of Business
Administration Policy on Academic Dishonesty.

Grade Point Deductions:

 5 points will be deducted from your Grade Points per violation when instructor observes any violations of
Hat and Electronic Devices policy.

Incomplete Grade:
 Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without valid reason and documented
evidence as described in the Student Handbook. In any case, for a student to receive an incomplete grade,
he or she must be passing and must have completed a significant portion of the course.

Student with Learning Disabilities Policy:

 If a student has a documented and declared disability, reasonable accommodations will be provided if
requested by the student according to the recommendations of the office of Counseling and Disability
Services (CDS). Contact number(s) are: (912) 356-2285 & (912) 303-1650. Please also notify the instructor
during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.

In Case You Are Late or Absent:

 It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and laboratory assignments if you miss class or
be late. In nearly every case, lecture notes will be available on the eLearning.

Appeals Policy:
 To appeal a grade, send an e-mail to your instructor's e-mail address within two weeks of the grade
having been posted on the PAW. Overdue appeals will not be considered.

 If you are having trouble with the course, please see me. I will be glad to discuss the materials and
expectations of the course with you, but don't wait until the last week of the semester to do so.

Instructor Help:
 Remember that your instructor is an advocate for your learning so doesn't hesitate to send an e-mail or
visit to the office whenever you need your instructor's help.

Time Table for Class Topics, Assignments, Exams, Individual Project and Project Presentation **
Tentative Schedule

1/6 &11 Introduction to Course in General

Chapter 1: The Systems Development Environment
 Assignment 1: Carefully read and understand the course syllabus and send your instructor an
e-mail to confirm that you have read and understand the contents of it.
 Assignment 2: Key Terms checkpoint, pp. 25-26.

1/13 Chapter 2: The Sources of Software

 Assignment 3: Problems and Exercises: 1 & 2, p. 45.

Chapter 3: Managing the Information Systems Project

1/18 Chapter 3 Continued

 Assignment 4: Problems and Exercises: 6 & 7, p. 80.

1/20 Exam 1: Chapters 1-3

Chapter 4: Systems Planning and Selection

 Assignment 5: Problems and Exercises 4, p. 126 & Discussion Questions 2, p. 127.

1/25 Chapter 5: Determining System Requirements

 Project Proposal Due

1/27 Chapter 6: Structuring System Requirements: Process Modeling

 Assignment 6: Problems and Exercises: 8-9, pp. 194-195.

2/1 Exam 2: Chapters 4-6

Chapter 7: Structuring System Requirements: Conceptual Data Modeling

 Assignment 7: Problems and Exercises: 1 & 5, pp. 238-239.

2/3 Chapter 7 Continued

2/8 Appendix A: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

2/10 Chapter 8: Designing the Human Interface

 Assignment 8: Problems and Exercises: 4 & 7, pp. 283-284.
 Logical Data Model Due

2/15 Exam 3: Chapter 7-8

2/17 Chapter 9: Designing Databases

 Assignment 9: Problems and Exercises: 2 & 5, p. 331.

2/22 Chapter 10: Systems Implementation and Operation

 Completed Project Due
 Final Exam Review

2/24 Project Presentations & Final Project Binder

3/1 Final Exam: Chapters 9-10 & Appendix A: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

** The timetable for class topics, assignments, and exams are subject to change when necessary.
** Any changes will be announced in advance.
Grade Points Accumulation and Calculation

Assignment, Exam,
Your Research, &
Category Number Possible Points
Points Presentation Due
1 20 1/11
2 20 1/13
3 20 1/18
Assignments 4 20 1/20
5 20 1/27
6 20 2/1
7 20 2/10
Exam1 100 1/20
Exam 2 100 2/1
Written Exams
Exam 3 100 2/15
Final 100 3/1
Project Proposal 80 1/25

Database Logical Model 80 2/10

Project Completed Project 80 2/22
Project Presentation 60 2/24
Participation & During the entire
Participation 60
Attendance semester
1 25
2 25
3 25
4 25
End of Spring
Total 1000

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