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Think - Unit 1

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The authors w ould like to thank all those w h o have made Corpus
contributions to the developm ent, creation and production of Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge English
Think. Corpus (CEC). The CEC is a computer database of contemporary spoken
M any thanks to teachers in various countries for piloting the course and written English, which currently stands at over one billion words. It
and for their valuable feedback. Thanks too to their students, for includes British English, American English and other varieties of English. It
their enthusiasm and for putting up with manuscripts rather than the also includes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, developed in collaboration
attractive pages our designers have created in the meantime. with Cambridge English Language Assessment. Cambridge University

The members of our digital team, Helen Kenyon, Amarjeet Purewal and Press has built up the CEC to provide evidence about language use that

Brendan W ightm an for their expertise and creative thought. helps to produce better language teaching materials.

Thanks also to Chris Williams for his invaluable production support. English Profile
W e would like to thank the Cambridge English teams around the world This product is informed by the English Vocabulary Profile, built as part
for their continuous support. of English Profile, a collaborative programme designed to enhance
the learning, teaching and assessment of English worldwide. Its main
W e would like to thank very warmly our editorial team: Rebecca Raynes,
funding partners are Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English
Dena Daniel, Peter McFarlane, Delia Kidd and Kathryn Davies for all
Language Assessment and its aim is to create a 'profile' for English linked
the energy and care they have put into this project. Our special thanks
to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF).
go to Jo Burgess (Commissioning Editor), Katie La Storia and Claudia
English Profile outcomes, such as the English Vocabulary Profile, will
Fiocco (Publishers), Belinda Fenn (Publishing Manager) and James Dingle
provide detailed information about the language that learners can be
(Editorial Director) for their dedication to Think, the great spirit of
expected to demonstrate at each CEF level, offering a clear benchmark
collaboration and many excellent suggestions w e got from them.
for learners' proficiency. For more information, please visit w w w .
W e are indebted to the Cambridge University Press leadership: Frances
Lowndes (Global Publishing Director Schools), for being involved so
actively in the planning stages of the project despite her huge workload; Cambridge Dictionaries
John Tuttle and Neil Tomkins (Deputy Managing Directors); Michael Cambridge dictionaries are the world's most widely used dictionaries
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constructive dialogue over the years. at Copyright © Cambridge University Press,
Last but not least, w e would like to thank our partners Mares, Adriana reproduced with permission.
and Claudia. W itho u t their support this project would not have

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ISBN 978-1-107-50915-3 Student's Book Level 2

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ISBN 978-1-107-50917-7 W orkbook with Online Practice Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50918-4 Combo A with online W orkbook and Online Practice Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50921-4 Combo В with online W orkbook and Online Practice Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50922-1 Teacher's Book Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50923-8 Class Audio CDs Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50925-2 Video DVD Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50931-3 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50932-0 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM A Level 2
ISBN 978-1-107-50933-7 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM В Level 2

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ST U D EN T 'S B O O K 2 Ф
Herbert Puchtajeff Stranks 8c Peter Lewis-Jones


W e lco m e p 4 A Introducing yourself; Answering questions; The weather; Families В Meeting people; Irregular past participles; losing things; furniture
C Buying and talking about food; In a restaurant; Shops; Things you have to do D Plans and arrangements; Sports and sport verbs; Travel plans


U n it 1 Talking about things you have and Present perfect with just, already andyef Personality adjectives
haven't done Present perfect vs. past simple Collocations
Am azing p e o p le
Offering encouragement WordWise: Phrases with just
P 12
Role play: Good causes

U n it 2 Asking and giving / refusing permission Present perfect with for and since School subjects
Role play: Asking permission a, an, the or no article Verbs about thinking
The w ays w e learn
p 20

R eview Units 1 & 2 pages 28-29

U n it 3 Comparing things and actions Comparative and superlative adjectives (review) Types of films
Asking for and offering help (not)as ....a s comparatives Types of T V programmes
Making a comparison stronger or weaker WordWise: Expressions with
entertainm ent
Adverbs and comparative adverbs get

U n it 4 Giving advice Indefinite pronouns (everyone, no one, someone, etc.) IT terms

all / some / none / any of them Language for giving advice
Social netw orking
shouldn't), had better, ought to
p 38

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46-47

U n it 5 Asking about feelings Present perfect continuous Making music

Present perfect simple vs. present perfect Musical instruments
M y life in music Role play: Helpful suggestions
continuous WordWise: Phrasal verbs
with out

U n it 6 Expressing surprise and enthusiasm will (not), may (not), might (not) for prediction The environment
First conditional Verbs to talk about energy
M aking a
unless in first conditional sentences
p 56

R eview Units 5 & 6 pages 64-65

U n it 7 Checking information Future forms Future time expressions

Agreeing Question tags Arranging a party
Future fun
Nor/Neither /So WordWise: Phrases with
p 66
____ r--------------------- 1
U n it 8 Talking about past habits Past simple vs. past continuous (review) Direction and movement
Talking about imaginary situations used to Science
Science counts
Talking about scientific discoveries Second conditional
p 74 1wish

R eview Units 7 8c 8 pages 82-83

U n it 9 Accepting and refusing invitations The passive (present simple, past simple, present Jobs
Role play: Inviting friends to join you continuous, present perfect) work as / in /for
W h a t a jo b !
work vs.job
p 84
WordWise: Time expressions
with in

U n it 10 Talking about your health Past perfect simple Time linkers

Past perfect continuous Illness: collocations
K ee p healthy
Past perfect simple vs. past perfect continuous
p 92

R eview Units 9 & 10 pages 100-101

U n it 11 Reporting what someone has said Reported statements Fun

Expressing feelings: anger Verb patterns: object + infinitive More verbs with object +
M aking th e news
p 102
WordWise: Expressions with

U n it 12 Talking about permission be allowed to / let Discipline

Following and giving simple instructions Third conditional Talking about consequences
Playing b y the
and reasons
p 110

R eview Units 11 & 12 pages 118-119

Pronunciation pages 120-121 G et it right! pages 122-126 Speaking activities pages 127-128

----- j
Intonation and sentence stress Values: Human qualities Reading Online survey responses: W h o do you admire most?
Self-esteem: Personal qualities T V programme preview: Britain's Smartest Kids
Photostory: The new cafe
Writing A short passage about someone you admire
Listening Playing a guessing game
W ord stress Values: Learning for life Reading Article: An education like no other
Train to Think: Learning about texts Article: Learning is brain change
Culture: A day in the life o f ...
Writing An email describing your school routine
Listening Conversation about a book

Words ending in /э/ Values: Spending wisely Reading Article: Big movies on a small budget
Self-esteem: The film of my life T V listings: different types of programmes
Photostory: Extras
Writing A paragraph about your T V habits
Listening Interview with a teenage filmmaker
„ _ _____________
The short /л/ vowel sound Values: Responsible online behaviour Reading Article: Think before you act online
Train to Think: Logical sequencing Short texts: Different types of messages
Culture: Communication through history
Writing A web page giving advice
Listening Conversation about installing a computer game

Been: strong /Ы:п/ and weak /bin/ Values: Following your dreams Reading Online forum: Singer songwriter: Any advice?
Self-esteem: Music and me Article: John Otway - Rock’s greatest failure
Photostory: Pop in the park
Writing The story of your favourite band
Listening Interviews about music
/f/, /v/ and /Ы consonant sounds Values: Caring for the world Reading Article: Hot topic: The environment
Train to Think: Different perspectives Leaflet: Small changes, BIG consequences
Culture: Stop! Before it’s too late
Writing An article for the school magazine
Listening Interviews about a town project
.............................. ....... .......... .

Intonation of question tags Values: Believe in a better future Reading Newspaper articles: The world today
Self-esteem: Personal goals W e b chat: arranging a party
Photostory: Weekend plans
Writing An invitation
Listening Interviews with two newsmakers
The/ju:/ sound Values: How science helps people Reading Blog article: W h y aren't people more interested
Train to Think: Using criteria in science?
W e b forum: W hat should science do next?
Culture: Great scientists
Writing A blog entry
Listening The things kids believe!

/tj/ and /63/ consonant sounds Values: What's important in a job? Reading Article: Dream jobs
Self-esteem: I'd rather b e ... Article: Obsolete jobs
Photostory: For a good cause
Writing A short essay about jobs that will soon be obsolete
Listening People with disabilities and their jobs

/tj/ and /// consonant sounds Values: Never give up Reading Article: 8,000 birds to see before you die
Train to Think: About health Article: Miracle operations
Culture: Keeping healthy - stories from around the world
Writing A story about a sports event
Listening A presentation on the benefits of exercise

Intonation: rude or polite? Values: Being able to laugh at yourself Reading Article: April Fool’s Day
Self-esteem: Giving an award Article: A tale of two Guys
Photostory: The journalist
Writing A news report
Listening Profile on an extreme weather journalist
--------------------------------------------------------- -— " - .. .........
- --■ ■ ■— -
Silent consonants Values: The importance of rules Reading Article: Hard times to be a kid
Train to Think: Play rock, paper, scissors Website contest: The best 50-word stories
Culture: Strange laws around the world
Writing A set of rules
Listening The game rock, paper, scissors

Introducing yourself
1 Read the letter quickly. W rite the names
under the photos.

HI Paulo,
Мц name’s Nicola and I’d like, to be your pen pal. I got
uour name from my teacher, Moss Edw ards. She lured in
Brazil for three y ears, and sh e’s a. good friend o f your
So what would you like to know about me? I’m 15 years old.
I live in a small house In Manchester with my mum and
my two little brothers. They’re OK, but they can be annoying
But what about you? I hope you’d want to write to me.
sometimes. I go to Bluecoat High School. I quite like school,
There are lots o f questions I want to ask you. Thinqs
but my teachers always give us too much homework. I
Uke: w hat’s life like In Brazil? Do you like your school?
usually do it when I get home from school, but I m not
W h ats it like? W hat’s the weather like in Rio? Have
doing th a t today - th at’s because I’m writing to you.
you got a big family? All th a t sort o f s t u f f , to help me
I like listening to music, and playing games on th e get to know you. Miss Edwards says you like surfing,
computer. I also like playing th e guitar. I play m a but t h a t s a ll I know about you.
band with some o f my frien d s. I like sport, too. I play
So please write. I’d love to have a Brazilian friend .
volleyball and tennis. I’m in th e school tennis team
B est
We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. T h a ts
a bit o f a problem because I don’t really like getting up Nicola
early a t th e weekend.

2 Read the letter and complete the form about W o rk in pairs. Ask and answer the
Nicola. questions in Exercise 3. Give answers that are
Name N ico la Hometown
true for you.

Age __________ Family 5 Choose the next line for each of the mini­
Likes _________________________________________ dialogues in Exercise 3.
1 What's your teacher’s name?
2 Do you live in Rome?
Asking questions
3 W h at school do you go to?
3 Match the questions with the answers to make 4 W hen is your birthday?
5 Would you like to go out and do something with me?
1 W h at do you do? 6 M e too. Do you want to come over and play the
2 W h at are you doing? new Angry Birds game?
3 W h at do you like doing?
W o rk in pairs. Think of one more line
4 Do you liike studying English? for each dialogue. Then practise your dialogues.
W h e re are you from?
Are you '14?
□ lA/kat do you do? I'm a student.

a I'm watching TV. d I'm a student.

wkat sckool do you jo to?
b Yes, it's great, No, I'm 13.
c I'm from Italy. f I love playing tennis, St Mark’s High Sckool in York.

The weather
1 W hat kind of weather do you love, like or hate?
Draw a ©, © or a © next to each one.

□ sunny О □ wet О U cloudy О

□ warm О □ cold О □ wind/ О

□ humid О П - / О П * У О

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures.

freezing О U hot О U fo8gy О
Ask and answer questions.

2 SPEA KIN G Work in pairs. Tell your partner. lA/hat's the weather like in Miami?

I love rainy weather. It's windy and very wet.

2 Г Ш П Listen to the weather forecast for the
UK. Tick ( / ) the weather words in Exercise 1 that 1 Look at the family words. Complete the pairs.
you hear.
1 mother and 4 grandma and
4 It ¥>ЛвЯ Listen again. W hat is the weather going 2 brother and_________ 5 husband and________
to be like in Manchester, Birmingham and London? 3 aunt and_________ 6 cousin and__________

2 t- Listen to Nicola talking to Paulo on

Skype. How are these people related to Nicola?
1 Colin _________ 6 Mike __............
2 Luke _________ 7 Jamie _________
3 Sharon _____________ 8 K a i_
4 Becky __________ 9 Shay
5 Jodie 10 Joe

3 Е Ш З Ш Э Work in pairs. Ask each other about

your families.

Have you got any cousins?

Jf What's your uncles name?

В E X P E R IE N C E S Irregular past participles

Meeting people 1 W rite the past participles of these irregular verbs.

1 think __________ 7 eat __________

2 drink _________ _ 8 make __________
3 wear __________ 9 run _______
4 see __________ 10 win ______
5 lose __________ 11 read __________
6 hear __________ 12 ride __________

2 Complete the questions with eight of the past

participles in Exercise 1.

1 Who's the most famous person you've ever se e n ?

2 What's the strangest food you've ever__________?
3 W h at’s the best book you've ever__________?
4 What's the funniest joke you've ever ?
5 What's the most expensive thing you've ever
and never found again?
6 W h at’s the best prize you've ever__________?
7 W hat are the most embarrassing clothes you've
1 Put the parts of dialogue in order. W rite 1-10 in
ever _________ ?
the boxes.
8 W h at’s the longest phone call you've ever
3 A Really! W here? W hen?
A W hat book was it?
3 Answer the questions in Exercise 2 with your
A Did he give you one?
own information. Give details.
7 A Have you ever met a famous person?
The m o s t fa m o u s p er so n I've e v e r se e n is
A Did you say anything to him?
L ion el M essi.
В It was my English course book, believe it
or not. I had it with me to help me with my 4 W ork in groups of eight. Each person takes one
English. of the questions from Exercise 2 and thinks of
В Yes, he was really nice. I didn't have any two more questions to ask.
paper with me, so he signed a book that I was
W h o’s th e m o s t fa m o u s p erso n y o u 'v e e v e r se e n ?
W h ere d i d y o u s e e h i m / h e r ?
В It was last summer. W e were on holiday in LA.
b i d y o u sa y a n y th in g to h i m / h e r ?
W e were walking out of a restaurant when he
walked in. Ask the other students in your group
В Yes, I did. I asked him for an autograph. your questions.
В Yes, I have. Bradley Cooper.
6 S P E A K IN G Report back to the group.

2 I» й Ш 1 Listen and check. The most famous person Carla has seen is
Lionel Messi. She saw him outside a shop in
W ork with a partner. Practise the
conversation. Change names, places and other Barcelona. She didn’t say anything to him.

4 Underline examples of the following tenses in

Exercise 1.

1 A past simple positive statement.

2 A past simple negative statement.
3 A past simple question.
4 A past simple short answer.
5 A past continuous statement.
6 A present perfect question with ever.
7 A present perfect short answer.


Losing things 3 Write a short story about something

you lost. Use these questions to help you.
1 Read the story and find the answer to the
• W h en did it happen?
• W h a t was it?
W h a t was in the wrong container?
• W h e re did you lose it?
• W h a t did you do?
• H ow did you feel?

People often complain about airline • Did you find it? If so, when and where?

companies losing their suitcases when

they fly. It’s never happened to me, Furniture
but something a lot worse happened
1 Tick (/ ) the items mentioned in the story.
to my family recently.

About ten years ago my mum got a job teaching

at a university in Indonesia. A t first she only
went for six months, but she really liked it and
agreed to stay longer, so we all went to live
with her. W e had a great time, but last year my
parents decided that they wanted to return to
the U K. Because we’d been there so long we had
loads of things we wanted to take back with us -
all the furniture from our house in fact.

So mum and dad went to a shipping company

and arranged to take everything back in one of
those big containers that you see on ships. The
company packed everything into it: the armchair
and sofas, the TV, wardrobes, desks, even all the
carpets and curtains. O u r whole house was inside
that big green metal box.

W e flew back to the U K and waited for the

container to arrive. About ten weeks later we
were having breakfast one morning when a big
lorry arrived outside our house. On the back was
a big green metal box. W e were so excited. The
men opened the container and started to take
out our things. But they weren’t our things. The
container was full of motorbikes. It was the wrong
one. My parents were so annoyed. But the story
has a happy ending. The men took the container
and motorbikes away, and about tw o months ago
our things finally arrived.

2 Read the story again and answer the questions. S P E A K IN G Name the other items. Which of these
Use the word in brackets in your answer. do you think Liam's parents probably didn't put
into the container?
1 W h e n did Liam's mum start her jo b in Indonesia?
(ago) They probably didn't p a t the
2 W h e n did the family move to Indonesia? (later) toilet into th e container.
3 H ow long did they stay there? (about)
4 W h e n did they decide to move back to the UK? 3 Discuss in small groups.
Your family is moving to the other side of the world.
5 H ow long after they were back in the U K did the They are packing the house things into a container, but
first container arrive? (about) there is only room for five items. W h a t five items of
6 W h e n did the correct container finally arrive? (ago) furniture from your house are you going to choose?

C E A T IN G A N D D R IN K IN G 2 Complete each sentence with some or any. Then

match the sentences with the pictures. Write the
Buying and talking about food numbers 1-8.
<Ф) 1.05 Listen and complete each space with
1 T h e re's___________ yo ghurt in the fridge.
one word.
2 There a r e ___________ mushrooms in the kitchen.
ASSISTAN T Morning, can I help you? 3 There aren’t ___________ mushrooms in the pizza.
CUSTO M ER Yes, please. Urn, I w a n t1__________ 4 I’d lik e ___________ o f those potatoes, please.
5 Sorry, th ere a re n 't___________ potatoes.
ASSISTAN T OK, how many?
6 I'd lik e ___________ coffee, please.
CUSTO M ER Two kilos. And can I have 2__________ 7 O h, there isn’t ___________ yoghurt.
mushrooms too, please? About half a kilo?
8 No, I do n 't w a n t ___________ coffee, thanks.
ASSISTAN T O K . A n yth in g 3__________ ?
CUSTO M ER Oh, yes - tomatoes. A kilo of tomatoes, SPEAKIN G Which of these things would you
please. And 4__________ olives. always / never / sometimes see on a pizza?
ASSISTAN T Sorry, we haven’t g o t 5__________ olives
today. Try the 6__________ across the
C USTO M ER O K , thanks.
ASSISTAN T Here are your tomatoes. So, are you
going to make pizza tonight with all this?
C USTO M ER No, I'm not. I'm making '7__________ a la
grecque'. It's a French dish. I had it on
holiday in France. I loved it!
ASSISTAN T W h a t about lemons? You don't
8__________ to put lemon juice in it, but
it's a 9__________ good idea!
CUSTO M ER Oh, right. No, it's O K, thanks. I’ve
10__________ got lemons at home. So how
11__________ is that?
ASSISTAN T Let's see. That's £4.35, please.
C USTO M ER Here you a r e - £5.
ASSISTAN T And 65p 12___________ Thanks. Enjoy
your dinner!

carrots | onions j p e p p ers | yoghurt | pears

p in eap p le | chicken j mushrooms | tom atoes
cheese olives

T here's a lw a y s c h e e s e ov\ a
p i z z a — b a t y o u n e v e r s e e . .. !

ROLE PLAY Work in pairs. Use your sentences

from Exercise 3 to do a role play.


In a restaurant Shops
1 ИЙ1ШИ Read the sentences. Mark them W 1 Look at the shops below. W h a t things can you
(waitress) or C (customer). Listen and check. buy in each place? Think of as many things as
you can.

newsagent's □ shoe shop □

I-- 1
post office □
bookshop supermarket
clothes shop sports shop П
2 Г Ш В Н Listen. Which shop is each person in?
W rite the number of the dialogue next to the
correct shop in Exercise 1. There are three shops
you won't need.

3 O I Listen again. In which shop do you

hear these words?

1 You don't have to wait in a queue.

2 You have to wear them two or three
1 Can we see the menu, please?
3 You don't have to buy a larger size than
2 Is everything OK?
you need.__________
3 There's too much salt in the soup!
4 You have to fill in this form.__________
4 The bill, please.
5 You don't have to pay for the third
5 A table for two? This way, please. one.__________
6 W e'd both like the fish, please. And the
soup to start. Things you have to do
7 It's very noisy here. There are too many
1 Read the sentences below. For each one, think
of possibilities for a) who said it and b) who to.
8 Are you ready to order?
1 You don't have to eat it.
2 Complete each phrase with much or many.

1 too ...............sugar 2 You have to give it to me tomorrow morning.

2 to o ...._ ... ...salt
3 I don’t have to listen to you!
3 t o o __________mushrooms
4 to o __________ money 4 / have to finish this tonight.
5 too _ ______people
6 to o __________things on the menu 5 You don't have to put mushrooms on it.

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with a phrase It's fantastic! I have to buy it!
from Exercise 2.

1 A This soup is horrible. W ork in pairs. Choose three of the

В I know! There’s __________in it. sentences in Exercise 1. Act out a mini-dialogue
for each sentence that you choose.
2 A U g h ! I can't d rin k this coffee.

В I know! There's__________in it. Chicken? Again? That's

3 A This pizza isn't so g o o d .

В I kn ow ! I like m ushroom s, b u t th e re are Well, you don't have to eat it.

.................. on it!

4 A This is h o rrib le. W e can't talk. Can I have something else?

В I know! There are__________here.
5 A I d o n 't k n o w w h a t to choose. No, we've only got chicken.
В I know! There are ___________
6 A Look! €30.00 for a pizza!! OK then - I'll eat the chicken.
В I know! It's__________

0 9 0

Hi Susana
I was really happy to get your email saying that you’re coming to visit us next
weekend. It’s great news, and you’re going to be here at just the right time!
Next weekend our town is having its special weekend gala. There is one every year.
W h at’s a gala? Well, it’s like a party but with sports and other events, too. There are
lots of different activities. W e ’re going to join in, so I hope you’re ready for some fun!
It all starts on Saturday. There’s an opening ceremony at lunchtime, and in the
afternoon, there are things for kids - races and games and things. And at six
o ’clock there’s a football match - our town team are playing against another town
near here. Then in the evening, a local band is playing in the town square.
On Sunday morning there’s a charity run - it’s about eight kilometres. It starts in the
park and goes past the railway station and through the main shopping area, then
finishes at the park again. And guess w hat? I’m running in the race! (Would you
like to run too? I think w e can get you in - let me know asap, O K ?) And on Sunday
afternoon, there’s a big street party with games and things. The weather forecast
says it’s going to be sunny, so I’m going to wear my new summer clothes.
So w e ’re looking forward to seeing you here. Oh, I almost forgot! On Sunday
evening w e ’re having a party at our place for my sister’s 18th birthday! W e ’re going
to make it a really special party. Please say you don’t have to leave on Sunday
Anyway, let me know more about your plans. W hen are you arriving on Friday?

Se e you soon,

Plans and arrangements
Underline other examples of present continuous
1 Read the email. Match the times and the events.
for arrangements in Belinda's email.
1 Saturday lunchtime
SPEAKIN G W ork in pairs. Ask and answer
2 Saturday afternoon
questions about plans you have for next
3 Saturday evening
4 Sunday morning
5 Sunday afternoon I/Vhat a r e y o u doing on S a tu rd a y m orn in g?

6 Sunday evening □ I'm goin g ru nn in g. / I'm not

a kids’ games and races
doing anything, l/vhy?
b party for Belinda's sister
c opening ceremony
Sports and sport verbs
d local band
e charity run 1 Complete the table with the sports in the list.

f street party running | football I tennis j gymnastics

athletics rock climbing karate | skiing
2 Read the sentences. W h at do the underlined
verbs express? W rite A (arrangement) or I play do g°

1 In the evening, a local band is playing in

the town square.
2 I’m running in the race.
3 W e ’re going to join in.
2 Work in pairs. Which sports do you do
4 I’m going to wear my new summer clothe'; often / sometimes / never? Talk to your partner.
5 W e ’re going to make it a really special party.
6 W e 're having a party at our place. I o ften go ru nn in g, b u t I n ev er do k a r a te.


Travel plans
c ftlKtl-l Put the parts of the dialogue in order. 4 Complete the sentences with be going to and
Then listen and check. the verbs in the list.
A Great idea. OK, see you soon. We're going visit [ take | not visit j get up | try | buy
to have a lot of fun this weekend! 1 W e don’t like flying so w e __________a train.
A Oh dear, 5.30 is difficult for me. Is it O K 2 I want to go to New York. I __________my ticket
if I don’t meet you at the station? online.
1 A Hey, Susana. W hat time are you arriving on 3 M y plane leaves at 6.00, so I __________very early
i Friday? tomorrow.
A Well, sometimes the train's late. If it's late, 4 W e ’ll only be in Paris for one day, so we
’ I'll meet you. __________any museums.
В OK. As soon as the train leaves London, 5 W hen we’re in London, w e _________ my cousins.
I’ll send you a text message.
6 W e love Spanish food, so w e __________all the
В 5.30- Г 'm going to catch the four o'clock best restaurants in Madrid!
train from London.
В I know. It’s going to be great! 5 Imagine you can take a holiday wherever you
В O f course. I can take a taxi. No problem. want, any time you want. Make notes about
your plans:
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
• where you’re going to go
of the verbs in brackets.
• where you’re going to stay
1 If I __________(miss) the train, l __________ (catch) • how long your holiday is going to be
the next one.
• what you're going to do
2 If the train_________ (arrive) late, I __________ (take)
• who you're going to go with
a taxi.
• what you're going to eat
3 If there__________(not be) any taxis, I __________
• what time of year you're going to go
(walk) to your place.
4 I’ll send you a text message when I __________(get) 6 Е С Ш Я Ш З W ork in pairs. Ask and answer about
to the station. the holiday you planned in Exercise 5.
5 As soon as I __________(get) to your place, we
__________(start) having a good time. Where are you joing to go on holiday?
6 If w e __________ (not have) a good time, I __________
(not visit) you again! New York. And I’m going to
stay in an expensive hotel.
3 Lola travelled a lot last year. Complete the sentences
with the past simple of the verbs in the list.
take | catch j drive | fly | miss j ride

1 Look at the photos. W hat is your first impression 4 Read the responses to an online survey quickly.
of these people? W hat adjectives could you use W rite the name of each person under the photos.
to describe them?
5 l- aillMJt Read and listen to the responses again.
caring frie n d ly b oring serious cheerful
Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct
funny intelligent cool co n fid e n t easy-going
the false information.
2 SPEA K IN G Discuss the photos in pairs. 1 Mrs Marconi has a dangerous job. ...
2 She isn't very popular with Bia's friends. ___
He seems She looks like a cheerful
3 Mr Donaldson has a problem controlling his
friendly. person because she's smiling. students.___
4 Jacob thinks Mr Donaldson will be famous
Use the adjectives in Exercise 1 and one day. ___
other adjectives to describe people you know. 5 Alex's grandmother is older than she looks. ___
Give reasons.
6 Gwen thinks it's important to enjoy life. ___

My brother is very easy-going. 7 Oliver's aunt had a car accident. ___

He doesn't get angry very often. 8 Oliver’s uncle changed after the accident. ___


V O C A BU LA R Y There are eight words in

bold in the texts. Match the words with
these meanings. W rite the words.

0 is alw ays d o in g things active

DO YOU ADMIRE MOST? 1 is usually h a p p y ____________

2 is v e r y e a s y - g o in g ____________

Ja c k ie , 14 Sofia Marconi, my friend B ia ’s mum, 3 has v e r y original id e a s ____________

is probably the most amazing person I know. S h e ’s also 4 loo ks fo r th e g o o d in all situations

extremely brave. S h e ’s a wildlife photographer and she

travels to some of the most dangerous places on Earth 5 is very good at doing something
to take photos of the world’s most endangered animals.
S h e ’s just com e back from Papua New Guinea. I haven’t 6 doesn’t get scared easily__________
seen her photos yet, but I bet they’re amazing. S h e ’s 7 is very easy to like__________
quite famous and she's already been on TV. Although
she spends quite a bit of time aw ay from home, she’s 7 Complete the sentences with the words
also a really cool mum. S h e ’s really charming and all from Exercise 6.
of B ia’s friends think sh e’s fab. B ia ’s really lucky to have 0 W h y are you so c h e e r fu.1 today?
such a great mum. Have you had some good news?
1 He stood up in the front of the whole
J a c o b , 16 One of my heroes is Mr Donaldson, our school and read out his poem. He was
music teacher. First of all, he’s a brilliant teacher. H e’s really__________ .
really laid-back but w e all respect him, and no one 2 She’s v e r y __________ and it’s easy to see
ever m esses about in his class. H e’s so creative and why she’s got so many friends.
finds different w ays to get us interested in his lessons. 3 H e’s s o __________ that some people think
H e’s also a really amazing guitar player - I mean he is he’s a bit lazy.
seriously talented. H e ’s in a band. They haven’t made 4 Have you seen him doing ballet? He really
any recordings yet, but they’ve already attracted lots of is a __________dancer.
interest and I’m sure they’re going to be famous one day. 5 If you want to work in advertising, you
I’ll be really happy for him, but I hope it doesn’t happen need to b e __________ and come up with
too soon. I don’t want to lose my teacher! really good ideas.
6 M y dad is really__________ around the
house. H e’s always cooking or fixing things
A le x , 15 The person I admire more than anyone is
or working in the garden.
my grandmother Gwen. S h e ’s 78 and looks just amazing.
M any people think sh e’s my mother when they see us 7 H e’s had a really difficult life but he’s really
together. But she doesn’t just lo o k young, she is young. about the future.

S h e ’s one of the most active people I know. Sh e spends

a lot of her time doing things for charity. For example, ■ THiNK VALUES
she’s just done a parachute jump to raise money for a
children’s charity in India. A parachute jump! At her age! Human qualities
S h e ’s such a positive person, always seeing the good in
1 Think about someone who is not
other people. ‘Life is for living,' she tells me. I hope I have
famous but who you think is special.
that much life in me when I’m her age.
a Think of three adjectives to describe
O liv e r, 17 The greatest person I know is my uncle
b Think about why you chose these
Ja c k . He and my aunt Alice had the perfect life: good adjectives. Make notes.
jobs, a lovely house and three young children. Then one
day their life changed forever. My aunt had a terrible car Tell your partner about the
accident. It left her in a wheelchair. From that day on, person you admire.
my uncle has devoted his time to looking after her and
the family. But I have never heard him complain. H e’s still I really admire my brother. He’s really
the sam e lovely person he always was. I know life is hard confident in difficult situations.
for him but he’s always so cheerful with a huge smile on
his face. H e ’s such a warm person - someone you want
to spend time with.


GRAM M AR 3 Look at Mike’s list of things to do for his party.

W rite sentences with already and yet.
Present perfect with just, already
and yet
Party list - tkilngs to do
Complete the example sentences with just,
already and yet. Then complete the rules with 1 make cake
the missing words. / Z send, out im itations
1 She's_________ come back from Papua New Guinea. 3 organise music
2 They haven't made any recordings_________ , but
they've_________ attracted a lot of interest.
/ 4 choose what to wear
5 decorate room
RULE: In the present perfect, we often use / G buy drinks
• 1___________ in negative sentences and questions to
talk about something that hasn't happened but that
w e expect to happen soon. It comes at the end of 7 He h a sn 't m a d e th e ca k e y et.
the sentence.
4 Use your imagination to answer the questions.
• 2___________ to emphasise that something happened
Use the present perfect and just in each one.
very recently. It goes before the past participle.

• 3___________ to show that something has been done 1 W hy is Mum so angry?

or finished sooner than expected. It usually goes b e c a u s e toad's j u s t c r a s h e d h e r car.
before the past participle. 2 W h y is Colin so sad?
3 W hy is your face so dirty?

2 Match the pictures and the sentences. Write 1-3 4 W hat’s Liam so scared about?
in the boxes. 5 W hy is Dana so excited?
6 W hy are you smiling?
1 He's just finished his painting.
2 He's already sold the painting. 5 Tick ( / ) the things you have already done.
3 He hasn't finished his painting yet.

Bight things 1
before you’re
■ start a blog
|| meet a famous person
Щ travel abroad
write a song

Iщ act
а й н on
Ш1 stage . t
\* »
>■ learn a musical instrument
enter a competition
H climb a mountain

6 SPEA K IN G Work in pairs. Ask each other


Hare yea started a blog yet?

Yes, I’ve already done that. Have you?

No, I haven't done that yet.

L IS T E N IN G 3 ii Wirtni W ork in pairs. Answer the questions.

Then listen again and check.
1 1L biilftl Listen to some people playing a game
called Mystery Guest. How many people are 1 W ho is W ill’s mystery guest?
playing? 2 What adjectives does Will use to describe him?
3 W ho is Kiki's mystery guest?
2 Ol'H'M Listen again. For each question there are
4 What adjectives does Kiki use to describe her?
three pictures. Choose the correct picture and
put a tick ( / ) in the box below it. Е5ВЗЗЕИ Work in pairs. Play Mystery Guest.
1 What does Will's mystery guest do?
Ladies and gentlemen, my guest is ...

He/She has won / played /

recorded / helped ...

Personal qualities
A I__ В c 1 A cinquain is a short, five-line poem. Read the
cinquain and complete the rules with the words
2 Where is Will's mystery guest from? in the list.

Л Charming, creative
tj/A Sings
О - laughs
О - loves

3 W ho does Will think Kiki's mystery guest is?

adjectives | three ) verbs

A someone's name I adjective

4 What does Kiki’s mystery guest do? On the first line write 1_________ .
On the second line write two 2_________ to describe
the person.
On the third line write three 3_________ to show what
the person likes doing.
On the fourth line write another4_________ .
On the fifth line write a description of the person in
just5_________ words.

2 W RITING Write a cinquain about:

a your partner or best friend
A b your hero

R E A D IN G 3 Read the T V programme preview quickly.

Which of the children is a genius at these things?
W ork in pairs. At what age did you
W rite the names.
learn to do these things?
1 a r t_____________________
• read • play a musical instrument
2 music__________________
• draw • speak a foreign language
3 creative writing _________________
4 languages_____________________
I le a r n e d to r e a d w hen I w a s ...

4 Read the programme preview again and answer

I've n ev er le a r n e d t o ...
the questions.
1 W h a t writers did Mark enjoy when he was three?
W h at other things have you learned

in your life and when did you start to do them? 2 W h a t languages does he know?
3 How much will Daniel get for writing each book?
W hen I w a s seven I le a r n e d 4 How many instruments does Samantha play?
h o w to cook, an om elette. 5 How many weeks is the show on for?
6 W h o will the show have interviews with?

Don't miss this week: Britain's Smartest Kids

his first book when he was just five
and who has just signed a £60,000
contract with a publishing house
to write three novels. Then there is
12-year-old Samantha Price, who
started piano lessons when she
was three. Along with the piano,
she now also plays the cello,
clarinet and classical guitar. She
has already played with three top
European orchestras. And how
about ten-year-old Jordan Welsh? Over the next six weeks we will see
She first picked up a paint brush what it is that makes these children
before she could walk. She has so special. We will find out how and
already had an exhibition of her when their parents knew they were
paintings in one of London's top art different and about the changes
galleries and has just won a major it made to their family life. We will
prize for one of her paintings. hear from the children about their

hile other children were just hopes and plans for the future.
starting their ABCs, three- There are also interviews with
year-old Mark Swallow was already former child geniuses, some who
reading Shakespeare and Charles have gone on to great things and
Dickens. By the age of seven he others who decided they wanted to
was speaking fluent French and return to a more normal life.
German and studying both Latin
and Greek. Now, at the age of 12,
Mark has just started a university
degree in English literature.
Mark and other child geniuses
will be the subject of a new
documentary series which takes
a look into the lives of these
remarkable children and their
families. In the programmes we will
meet children like eight-year-
old Daniel Manning, who wrote


Present perfect vs. past simple Collocations
1 Look back at the review on page 16. Which 1 C ircle all the correct answers.
questions can you answer with a specific point
1 Which of these can you sign?
in time? Then complete the rules with present
a a contract b an autograph c a lesson
perfect or past simple.
2 Which of these things can you write?
1 W hen did Daniel write his first book?
a a novel b a party c a song
2 W hen did he sign a £60,000 contract?
3 Which of these things can you do?
3 W hen did Samantha start piano lessons?
a a good time b a degree c something
4 W hen did she play with orchestras?
4 Which of these things can you win?
a a prize b a competition c an exhibition
R U LE : W h en we talk about a specific point in 5 Which of these can you make?
time in the past, we use th e __________.
a friends b a cake c homework
W hen we don't refer to a specific point in time,
6 Which of these can you miss?
we often use th e __________.
a a future b your family c the bus

2 W h at verbs can go before the six words you

2 Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the past didn't circle in Exercise 1? W rite at least one verb
simple and the present perfect of the verbs. for each word.
0 visit
Talk to other people in the class. Ask
a I h a v e v isited Greece more than 20 times.
and answer questions and complete the table.
b I first v is ite d Greece in 1998.
1 win Have you ever ... ? What happened?
a H e __________already__________ three gold
medals, and he hopes to win more. Who did you ask?
b He a gold medal in the 2012 What was the poem about?
Olympics. What did you win?
2 meet
a M y mum__________a lot of interesting people Find someone Who? Details
in her life. who has...
b M y mum__________Prince Harry ten years ago.
asked so m eon e for an
3 do autograph.
a Mum, I __________my homework. Can I go out?
b I __________all the things on my to-do list written a poem .
before lunch!
4 record had an interview.
a They_________ their last album two years ago.
b They_________ more than 20 albums so far. w o n a prize.
5 live
a W e __________in Samoa for three years when m ade a cake.
I was a teenager.
b W e're living in Austria now, but w e ___ missed a train o r a
in many different countries. bus.
6 sign
a S h e __________just__________a contract with
a new e-publishing company.
b S h e __________the contract for her first book
on her 16th birthday. W rite a short passage about someone you have
admired for some time. Include
B 9 B ^
• how long you have known them.
• what you admire about them.
P H O T O S T O R Y : episode 1
Look at the photos and answer the questions.

There is going to be a new cafe in the park.

W h o does Luke think should open it?
W h o does Ryan think should open it?

•Ф) 1.11 Now read and listen to the

photostory. Check your answers.

LUKE Have you read this? They’re opening a new

cafe in the park. Saturday afternoon.
OLIVIA That's fantastic. Who’s going to do the big LUKE Hey, I know. They should get Paul Norris.
opening ceremony? RYAN Yeah! He’s a great footballer! He plays for
RYAN The mayor probably. She always does shop United now, but he grew up round here.
openings and conferences, that sort of thing. OLIVIA But he doesn’t live round here any more.
MEGAN They should get somebody more He’s a big star now. Let’s face it, he won’t want to
important. open a little park cafe.
LUKE What? More important than the mayor? RYAN Yeah, you're probably right.

LUKE Come on, there has to be somebody!

OLIVIA Look, the mayor is going to open the
park cafe, and that’s that.
RYAN What about Paula Mayberry? RYAN I guess you’re right. No one special lives
OLIVIA The actress from the soap opera, what’s in our town.
it called ... Linden Street? MEGAN Are you sure?
RYAN Yes. LUKE What do you mean?
MEGAN But why her? Did she live here once? MEGAN Know what, guys? I’ve just thought
RYAN No, I don’t think so. I’d just like to meet her. of someone very special, and he’s just the
person for the job.



з Work in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the

story. W rite down your ideas.
W o r d W is e
W e th in k th e boys go a n d ta lk to P a u l N orris,
Phrases with just
th e footballer.
Look at the sentences from the unit. Choose
4 Щ Е П Watch to find out how the story the correct meaning of just in each one.
1 She’s just come back from
5 Complete the sentences with the words in
the list. 2
Papua New Guinea.
He wrote his first book when

Megan I the headmaster ] the girls | Mr Lane he was just five. □
Olivia | the boys | the girls

1 Megan doesn't tell her idea to ______________

3 She’s 78 and looks just amazing, □
a only
2 Megan shares her idea with___ b a short time ago
3 Olivia offers to help___________________ . c really
4 The girls go to see___________________ .
5 The boys follow___________________ . 2 W hat does just mean in these sentences?
6 The mayor thanks. 1 Don't be angry. It’sjust ajoke.
7 Olivia's special person is.__________________ 2 I've just seen a fantastic film.
3 It’s cold today. The weather is just awful.

PH RA SES FO R FLU EN C Y 4 No food, thanks-just a drink.

5 She’sjust had some bad news.
1 Find the expressions 1-6 in the story. W ho says
them? How do you say them in your language? Match the questions to the answers.
1 ... that sort of thing. Ryan 1 How many spoons of sugar
2 Let's face it,... would you like?
3 I don’t think so. 2 When didjane get here?
4 ... and that's that.
3 What do you think of Beyonce?
5 Are you sure?
a She's just arrived,
6 Know what?
b She's just great,
2 Complete the conversations with the expressions c Just one
in Exercise 1.
A That new girl, Sally-she likes you!
В N o ,1
A 2 ? 1have a feeling she likes you a lot. F U N C T IO N S
В No. She inever smiles at me. And she criticises Offering encouragement
me a lot, doesn't laugh at my jokes,2
1 Г Т У Т И Watch the video again. Listen for
A Oh, you got it wrong again!
sentences 1-5. W ho says them? W hy?
В 1know.4 , I'm no good at computer
games. 1 That is a great idea.
A 5 ? W e just need a rest. Let's go and 2 You should definitely do it.
watch some TV. 3 You've got to make this happen.
В OK, but 1don’t want to play this game again, 4 I'll help you if you want.
OK? I'm useless at it, 6 5 Let's go and speak to some people.

P ro n u n ciatio n Good causes

Intonation and sentence stress 2 ROLE PLAY Work in pairs. Student A: go to page

Go to page 120. 127. Student B: go to page 128. Use the sentences

J from Exercise 1 to do the role play.


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