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Primary Health Care

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Health Service Reforms - organizing health

An Approach To Community Health services around people’s need
3. Public Policy Reforms – integrating health into
BRIEF HISTORY all sectors
 International Conference for Primary Health 4. Leadership Reforms – pursuing collaborative
Care (WHO and UN Children’s Fund) models of policy dialogue
 Sept. 6 – 12, 1978 in Alma Ata, USSR 5. Increasing stakeholders participation

“Alma Ata Declaration on PHC”

 Health is a basic fundamental right.
 There exists global burden of health inequalities
among population.
 Economic and social development is a basic
importance for the full attainment of HFA.
 Government have a responsibility for the health
of their people.

 PHC was established through Letter of
Instruction (LOI) 949 signed on Oct. 19, 1979
by then President Marcos one year after the
First International Conference.
 Theme: “Health in the Hands of the People by KEY PRINCIPLES OF PHC
1. 4 A’s Of Health Services
DECLARATION)  refers to the individual or family’s capacity
 PHC is essential health care based on practical, to pay for basic health services.
scientifically sound and socially acceptable  also involves the capacity of the
methods and technology made universally government or the community can afford
accessible to individuals and families in the the basic health services
community through full participation and at a  (WHO) also considers the out-of-the-pocket
cost that the community and country can afford expenses for health care.
to maintain at every stage of their development
in the spirit of self-reliance and self-  Accessibility
determination.  refers to the physical distance of a health
facility or the travel time required for
GOAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE people to get the needed or desired health
 "Health for All (HFA) by the year 2000" services.
 (WHO) health care facilities should be
within 30 minutes from the community
 Promotion of healthy lifestyles  means the health care offered is in
 Prevention of diseases consonance with the prevailing culture and
 Therapy for existing conditions traditions of the population.

 Availability
5 KEY ELEMENTS IN ACHIEVING HFA  is a question of whether the basic health
1. Universal Coverage - reducing exclusion and services required by the people are offered
social disparities in the health care facilities or is provided on
a regular and organized manner.
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 Indigenous/ resident volunteer workers
2. Support Mechanism must be tapped as health care providers
 Health programs and projects have better  Use of traditional medicine must be used
outputs when there is collaboration together with essential drugs
 A multi-sectoral approach is needed for an
efficient utilization of resources. 2. Partnership Between The Community & Health
3. Multi-Sectoral Approach  Establishment of an effective health referral
 Health and diseases are outcomes of inter- system
related factors, PHC requires 3C’s within  Information, education and communication
and among various sectors support using multi media
 3C's:  Collaboration between gov’t and NGO
 Communication 3. Community Participation
 Cooperation  Small group meetings
 Collaboration  Community building & community
 Requires intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral organizing
linkages  Formation of health committees

4. Community Participation 4. Self-Reliance

 An educational and empowering process in  community gives support ( cash, kind or
which people identify the problems, their labor) to the health program)
needs and assume responsibilities to  use of local resources ( human, financial or
assess, plan, manage, and control actions material)
that are proven to be necessary.  training of the community in leadership and
 Clients are not recipient of care but active management skill
5. Recognition Of Inter-Relationship Between
5. Equitable Distribution Of Health Resources Health & Development
 PHC advocates for care that is community-  integration of the PHC into national
based and preventive in orientation regional, provincial, municipal & barangay
 There should be an inventory of health development plans
resources, facilities and manpower  coordination of activities with economic
planning, education, agriculture, industry,
6. Appropriate Technology housing, public works, communication &
 Refers to the technology that is suitable to social services
the community that will use it and includes
tools drugs, methods, procedures and 6. Social Mobilization
techniques  Establishment of an effective health referral
 Criteria: system
 Safety  Information, education and communication
 Effectiveness support using multi media
 Affordability
 Simplicity  Collaboration between gov’t and NGO
 Acceptability
 Feasibility and Reliability 7. Decentralization
 Ecological effects
 Potential to contribute to individual and community  Re-allocation of budgetary resources
development  Re-orientation of health professionals on
 Advocacy for political will & support, from
1. Utilization Of The 4As Of Health Services the national leadership down to the
 Health services must be delivered where barangay level
the people are

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