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Islands 4 7 9

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7 Feelings

Play dominoes.

laughing blushing

shou ing yawning

frowning crying
Islands 4 Pho ocopiable © Pearson Educa ion L d. 2012

shaking smiling

7.1 vocabulary
7 Feelings
Find and wri e.

q w o r r i e d g
p e g g e y m f r n
a n h k l l f b p e i
y e c w x e a a x l l
p r o u d s l r l i b
z v b b s o r w e v
o d o n q r a u v w
k u r k h f a s j e z
s u r p r i s e d d
p w v a z m k e u h l
o r e l a x e d i o
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7.2 vocabulary
7 Feelings
3:08 Lis en and answer.

Wha makes you feel happy? Wha makes you feel scared?
Wha makes you feel happy? Wha makes you feel scared?

Sunny days and holidays Big s orms and green mons ers
Make me feel Make me feel

Wha makes you cry? Wha makes you laugh?

Wha makes you cry? Wha makes you laugh?

Sad films and long goodbyes My friends and naugh y monkeys

Make me Make me
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7.3 song
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Cu and order.
7 Feelings

s ory

7 Feelings
Read he sen ences. Circle he ge, dge sounds.
1 The large dog runs under 2 … and over he bridge.
he hedge.

3 Then i runs along he edge of 4 The gen leman wi h he badge

he lake. yells, “Gem! Come back!”

Ma ch he words o he sounds.

badge ge
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gen leman

hedge page dge

7.5 phonics
7 Feelings
Read. Then cu and s ick.

I ’s he end of he film.

They’re a he railway
s a ion. They’re friends
and hey’re saying goodbye.
They’re crying.
I makes me feel sad. I
makes me cry oo.

There are a lo of people.

They’re laughing. They’re
learning o dance. The
music is grea . I makes me
feel relaxed and happy.
I wan o sing and dance.

There are wo boys. They’re

having a lo of fun. They’re
funny. They make me laugh.

There’s a big, green

mons er. The mons er has
go big, sharp ee h.
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I makes me feel scared.

Tha ’s why I’m shaking.

7.6 CLIL
7 Feelings
Read. Then draw yourself and wri e.

Zhi’s blog
w Year
I’m Zhi. I’m from China. Lunar Ne
fun. I ’s
makes me feel happy because i ’s
led he
in January or February and i ’s cal
s and
Spring Fes ival. There are dragon
ses, hen
pre y lan erns. We clean our hou
we visi family and friends.

Zhi, 10, China

’s blog
… makes me
feel happy

I ’s in…
Islands 4 Pho ocopiable © Pearson Educa ion L d. 2012

There is/There

, , (name, age, place)

7.7 Wider World

7 Feelings
Cu and s ick. Then wri e abou wha makes you feel ….

worried nervous proud relieved

embarrassed relaxed surprised

Islands 4 Pho ocopiable © Pearson Educa ion L d. 2012

Wha makes you feel… ?

1 Crocodiles make me feel nervous.


7.8 vocabulary
8 Action!
Cu and play. Then mime and guess.

Islands 4 Pho ocopiable © Pearson Educa ion L d. 2012

8.1 vocabulary
8 Action!
Mime and guess. Then ma ch and s ick.

Le ’s go raf ing! Le ’s go snorkelling!

Le ’s go surfing! Le ’s go hang-gliding!
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Le ’s go horse riding!

8.2 vocabulary
8 Action!
3:30 Lis en. Then cu and s ick.

bored wi h fond of scared of

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8.3 song
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Cu and order.
8 Action!

s ory

8 Action!
Read he sen ences. Circle ph and wh.
1 Can a sheep whisper? 2 Can a whale sing he
alphabe song?

3 Can a dolphin alk on he 4 Can a whi e elephan juggle

phone? a wheel?

Ma ch he words o he sounds.

wheel ph
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phone whi e wh
8.5 phonics
8 Action!
Read. Then cu and s ick.

Coral reefs are made of small sea animals and their

. You can find coral reefs in the sea where
it’s hot and sunny. They are called the rainforests of
the sea because a lot of fish and sea animals live on
them. There are , sea snakes, ,
butterfly fish, parrotfish, and many more. There are
a lot of pretty colours in the reef. How does this
coral reef make you feel?
Now look at this coral reef. It’s white and
there are no fish or sea animals on it. The sea
is too hot because of and the
coral is . Fish don’t like dead coral. How
does this coral reef make you feel?

Please help us save the coral reefs.

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dead global warming skeletons seahorses starfish

8.6 CLIL
8 Action!
Draw. Then wri e.

There is a summer camp in …

You can … here. (ac ivi ies)

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8.7 Wider World

8 Action!
Read. Then cu and s ick.

bungee jumping




hang gliding


horse riding


raf ing
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rock climbing

8.8 vocabulary
Islands 4 Pho ocopiable © Pearson Educa ion L d. 2012

Cu and play.


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Film Studio Island

Well Done!

Place your
pho o here

My English Language portfolio

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Por folio cover

Dear Paren s:

Welcome o Islands! This year your child will learn English wi h Islands 4.
He/She will enjoy differen experiences wi h a new group of friends: Ruby,
Sam, John, Jenny, Cleopa ra and Madley Kool, and will become familiar wi h
differen opics, expressions and vocabulary in English.

Children will be ac ively involved in he learning process, hrough con ac

wi h he charac ers, who will become par of heir lives. The ma erial is
based around charac ers, s ories, songs, games, craf s, drawing and
immersion in ac ivi ies, in English. There is a Grammar Bookle and a
Reading and Wri ing Bookle for children o prac ice heir reading and
wri ing skills, and a Digi al Ac ivi y Book o lis en o songs and s ories and
prac ice wha hey’ve learn . Finally, wi h he Online World your child will
enjoy he experience of learning hrough play.

In his uni children will learn:

Have fun!

The eacher
Islands 4 Pho ocopiable © Pearson Educa ion L d. 2012

Le er o paren s

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