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Publishing Free Sample Content Review Only Copied or Sold.: Our World

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8.2 In unit 1 you will:

OUR WORLD introduce yourself and others.

❚ give information about yourself.
❚ ask simple questions.
❚ write a personal profile.

1.1 Listening and vocabulary

a b
SARAH’S VLOG: Family and friends

pi ew nte g
co vi o in

ed o n
e re e c ish

or ly
t b er pl bl

no ch m Pu d

  Discuss the questions.


1 How are you feeling today?

2 What’s your best friend’s name? How is
he/she today? e
m r ee o

3 What are your hobbies?

d fo fr m

Flipped Learning
an is is ich

1   Listen and match the conversations with the

letters in the picture.
1 2
Th R

John:  Hey! How’s the Lauren:  I can’t find my mum and dad!

basketball? Policeman:  What’s your name?

ay te

Toby:  It’s great! Hurry up, Lauren:  It’s Lauren.

you’re late! Policeman:  OK, Lauren. What’s your
John:  I know! What’s the mum’s phone number?
address? Lauren:  It’s 684 537 912.
Toby:  It’s 27 Stadium Street. Policeman:  Right. How old are you?
John:  OK. See you soon. Lauren:  I’m 8 years old.

3 4
Emily:  Hello! I’m Emily, from BTC News, Dana:  Wow! Player number 7 is great!
and this is Thomas Austen. Dad:  Yup. He’s called Bob Tibballs.
Thomas:  Hello, Emily. Nice to meet you. Dana:  His surname is Tibballs?
Emily: Nice to meet you, too. Dad:  Yes! T-I-B-B-A-L-L-S.

2   Listen and answer the questions.
Do all exercises in your notebook

Mum:  We can’t find our daughter!

1 What’s the coach’s name?
Receptionist:  What is your daughter’s name?
2 How do you spell the coach’s surname?
Dad:  Lauren Wigan.
3 How old is the coach?
Receptionist:  How do you spell Lauren?
4 What’s Tina’s mum’s phone number?
Dad:  L-A-U-R-E-N.
5 What’s Tina’s address?
Receptionist:  May I have everyone’s
attention, please…
FAST FINISHERS  Write a conversation between
two people meeting for the first time.

10 Greetings and introductions

Listening and vocabulary 8.2

3   Listen and order the conversation. LISTENING TOOLS

When you listen, try to imagine the people who
are speaking. This will help you understand.

5   Listen and read. Say if the sentences are formal

pi ew nte g
or informal.

co vi o in
Introducing yourself

ed o n
1 Hey! I’m Roger.

e re e c ish

2 Nice to meet you. My name is Ross White.

or ly
Introducing other people

t b er pl bl

1 Lucy, this is my friend David. David, this is Lucy.
no ch m Pu 2 Mr Evans, I’d like to introduce Miss Woodson.

a How old are you? Greeting


1 A: Good morning, Mr Smith. How are you

b It’s 54 Cobbler Street. today?
B: I’m very well, thank you, Sophie. And you?
m r ee o

c It’s 327 178 065. 2 A: Hi, Billy. How are you doing?
d fo fr m

What’s your address? B: Not too bad. How’s it going?

an is is ich

d I’m 12 years old. And you? Saying goodbye

1 See you later!    2  It was nice to see you.
Hello! I’m Jack Collins.
Th R


What’s your name?

ay te

f Hi, my name is Marie Thompson.

g That’s near my house!

h What’s your phone number?

i I’m 11.

j It’s T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N.

k How do you spell your surname?

6   NOW YOU!   Introduce yourself and other
4   In pairs, have a similar conversation. people in your class, formally or informally.
Do all exercises in your notebook


❚ Get into teams of three and discuss how to introduce yourself and others, and greet and say goodbye
when doing a survey.
❚ Write four questions to find out general information about the people in your class.
Practise by asking the people in your team. ➔ Workbook page 20

Workbook pages 4 and 5 11

1.2 Vocabulary and listening

1   Listen and repeat. Point to the names of the countries when you hear them. 1

 Argentina     Australia     Belgium     Brazil     Canada   

 Colombia     France     Germany     India     Ireland   

 Japan     Peru     Spain     Switzerland     Turkey 

2   Copy and complete the table. Listen and check.

pi ew nte g
co vi o in
Country Nationality

ed o n

e re e c ish

Ends in …

or ly

… Mexican d

t b er pl bl

China … c
Ends in
no ch m Pu

… Portuguese b e
… Argentinian

Ends in Brazil …

m r ee o

… a
d fo fr m

Ends in … Irish
an is is ich

Spain …
New Zealand …
Th R

Irregular Greece …

… Dutch
ay te

3   Copy the table. Listen and

complete. In pairs, match the people to
the countries on the map.

Do all exercises in your notebook

Name Country Nationality Age Phone num
… … … 11 Santos St
1 … Mexico
16 … …
2 … … Dutch
… 106512079 …
… China …
3 …
… Portuguese 12 …
4 …
… 694034857 … FAST FINISHERS  Add your
… …
5 Aleka Karras own information to the table
… … … … 48 Waterloo St
6 Trish Henry from exercise 3.

12 Countries and nationalities / Present simple be, wh- questions

2 Grammar and vocabulary 1.2

I am (‘m) from Poland.
3 He 12 years old.
She is (‘s) French.
It Monday today.
You 16 years old.
We are (‘re) from Japan.
They German.

pi ew nte g
Grammar reference page 107

co vi o in


ed o n
e re e c ish
Where is she from? She is (She’s) from Ecuador.

or ly
Where are they from?
They are (They’re) from Portugal.

t b er pl bl

What is your name? It is (It’s) Steven.
no ch m Pu Grammar reference page 107

4 Complete the conversation.

Sam: Hello, nice to meet you.

f Evan: Hi! What 1… your name?

Sam: My name’s Sam. What’s
your name?
m r ee o

Evan: 2… Evan.
d fo fr m

Sam: How old 3… you?

Evan: 4… 12. Where 5… you from?
an is is ich

Sam: I’m from 6…. I’m Irish.

Where are you from?
Evan: I’m from America. I’m 7….
Th R

Sam: Oh! Maria is American! 8… from

ay te

America, too!

6 To remember the pronunciation
of a word, connect it in your
mind to another word that
sounds the same. For example,
nice and ice cream.

Pronunciation: /aɪ/
5   Listen and repeat.
Do all exercises in your notebook

1 I 3 Nice to meet you.

2 I’m fine. 4 I’m from Ireland, I’m Irish.


❚ In your teams, write two more survey questions. Include a question about nationality.
❚ Design a form to collect answers. Write your questions on the left-hand side and
leave space on the right for your classmates’ answers. ➔ Workbook page 20

Workbook pages 6 and 7 13

1.3 Reading

1 Copy and complete the table.
action  ​ animated  ​ basketball  ​​ cherries  ​
classical  ​ comedy  ​ folk  ice cream  ​
jazz  ​ pizza  ​ R&B  ​ rollerblading  ​
sashimi  series​  ​ surfing  swimming 1 This is Liam Hemsworth. He’s Australian,
but he lives in California. He’s a film and
television actor and is the star of the action
film Independence Day: Resurgence. He
Sport Music Film and TV Food

pi ew nte g
also appeared in The Hunger Games.
… … …

co vi o in
action He is the younger brother of Luke and

… Chris Hemsworth. Liam says that the

ed o n
e re e c ish
brothers are competitive, but they are also

or ly
supportive. He likes surfing, his favourite

food is pizza and he’s a vegan.

t b er pl bl

no ch m Pu
Before reading a text, make sure you know what
kind of text it is and why you’re reading it. This
will help you to understand. Here, it’s a series of
celebrity profiles and you’re collecting information

for fact files.

m r ee o


  Copy the headings. Read and complete a fact

d fo fr m

file for each celebrity.

an is is ich

Name(s): …
Nationality: …
Th R

Profession(s): …

Famous for: …
ay te

Like(s): …

3 Decide if the sentences are true or false. Correct the

false sentences.
1 Lorde is from the UK.
False. She’s from New Zealand.
2 The Williams sisters are American.
3 Lorde is only a singer-songwriter.
4 Liam Hemsworth is an only child.
5 The Williams sisters aren’t friendly
with each other.
6 Lorde likes tuna sashimi.
Do all exercises in your notebook

7 Liam Hemsworth’s favourite food is chicken.

8 Serena and Venus Williams have got nine
Olympic gold medals between them.

14 Language in context / Hobbies and interests

Reading 1.3
4 Complete the sentences.
apart from  ​hit  ​rivals  ​supportive  ​vegan

1 A … only eats food that’s not from animals.

2 … are people who compete with each other.
3 If you’re …, you help people.
4 The Beatles have got more … songs than any
other band.
5 … singing, Lady Gaga is also an actress.

pi ew nte g
co vi o in
5   Work in pairs. Take turns to say a sentence and

guess which celebrity it is about.

ed o n
e re e c ish

or ly
This person is from Australia

and he likes surfing.

t b er pl bl

2 This is Lorde. She’s from Auckland,
no ch m Pu Is it Liam Hemsworth?
New Zealand. She’s a singer-songwriter
and record producer. She’s famous for the CORE VALUES  Diversity
hit song ‘Royals’, but she’s also known for

The Hunger Games, like Liam Hemsworth!

She recorded the soundtrack. She has 6 Copy the fact file headings onto a piece of
paper. Complete them for you.
m r ee o

two Grammy Awards, a Brit Award and ten

New Zealand Music Awards. She likes lots ❚ Favourite film

❚ Favourite sport
d fo fr m

of different kinds of music: jazz, folk, pop, ❚ Favourite music ❚ Favourite food
R&B and hip-hop. Her favourite food is
an is is ich

tuna sashimi. 7   Work in small groups and follow the

1 Swap fact files.
Th R


These are the Williams 2 Take it in turns to read the fact files aloud
and guess who the person is.
ay te

sisters, Venus and Serena.


They’re from Florida, in the 3 Talk about each category and say which
USA. They’re professional answers are similar and which are different.
tennis players, and 4 Count how many different answers there
between them, they are for each category. Then count the total
have won over 100 differences.
titles and eight Olympic 5 Compare your total with the rest of the class.
gold medals. Like the Which group has the most diverse range?
Hemsworth brothers, the 8 In pairs, make a list of five advantages and
Williams sisters are rivals
disadvantages about having the same interests
and good friends.
as other people.
Serena’s favourite Advantages:
hobbies, apart from tennis, 1 You can do things together.
are reading, watching films Disadvantages:
and spending time with 1 You can’t learn new things from each other.
Do all exercises in your notebook

family and friends. Venus

likes fashion and listening
to music, and her favourite
food is cherry pie. FAST FINISHERS  Finish this sentence:
Diversity is important because…

Workbook pages 8 and 9 15

1.4 Writing

3 In pairs, say how Karen’s life is similar to or

A personal profile different from yours.
Focus on linking language
Did you notice?
1 Complete the sentences and say which celebrity
from pages 14–15 they are about.
4 Read the profile from exercise 2 again and write the
expressions Karen uses to…
also  ​
and  ​
apart from  ​
but  ​
like 1 introduce herself.
2 say her age.
1 She’s a singer … she writes her own songs.
3 say she likes something.

pi ew nte g
2 He’s Australian, … he lives in the USA.
4 talk about the climate in her country.

co vi o in
3 … a lot of sisters with similar interests,

they are good friends. 5 introduce a new idea.

ed o n
e re e c ish
4 … tennis, she likes fashion and music.

or ly
5 His brothers are … famous actors. NOW YOU! ➔ Workbook page 10

t b er pl bl
2 Read the profile and answer the questions. 5 PLAN   Decide what information you want to include

1 How old is Karen?
no ch m Pu in your personal profile and write a plan. Try to
2 Where does she live? include some unusual or surprising facts.
3 What languages does she speak?
4 List her three hobbies. Name: …

5 What is her favourite food? Age: …

Nationality: …
m r ee o

Favourite food: …
d fo fr m

Search Profile Friends Inbox Hobbies: …

an is is ich

Hello everybody, my name’s Karen. I’m 11 and

I’m from Montreal, in Canada. Montreal is a very WRITING TOOLS
bilingual city. Like many other people here, my
Th R

Using a model text can really help improve your

family speak both English and French.

writing. Try to copy the style and format of the

I’m a big fan of ice hockey – and some of the
ay te

model, and find and copy words and phrases to


best players in the world are Canadian! Apart use in your writing.
from playing ice hockey, I also like reading and
spending time with my friends. Canada is really
cold in the winter, but it’s a nice place to live. Oh, 6 WRITE   Use your plan and the model to write your
and my favourite food is ‘poutine’. It’s chips and profile. Copy expressions from the models where
cheese with a brown sauce on top. It’s perfect for appropriate.
cold Canadian winters!
7 CHECK   Read your profile and check that it includes
Send message everything in your plan. Check for spelling and
grammar mistakes.
Do all exercises in your notebook


❚ In your teams, write two more questions for your
survey. Include a question about hobbies.
Now practise! Interview your team and collect their

answers on the form you have designed. This will

help you to identify any design problems and make
➔ Workbook page 20

16 A profile / Linking language I

Culture and communication 1.5

Irish dancing Idioms and expressions

2 Match the expressions you heard with
their meanings.
1 reach for the stars
2 throw in the towel
3 practice makes perfect

a To do something many times, until you are very

pi ew nte g
good at it.

co vi o in
b To be ambitious and aim to do something

  Discuss the questions. difficult.

ed o n
e re e c ish
1 What are your hobbies? c To stop doing something because it’s too difficult.

or ly
2 What do you like most about them?
3 How often do you do or practise them?

t b er pl bl

4 Do you do them with other people?
no ch m Pu Listen to audios a few times while you read,
and say the words at the same time in your head.
Can you say the words in the same way?
1   Listen and complete the information.

1 Name: … 3   Read and choose the correct option. Listen and

Country: … check your answers.
m r ee o

Favourite part
of hobby: …
d fo fr m

My name’s Sarah.
I’m / She’s from
an is is ich

England. I like dancing

to hip-hop. 2 We’re /
It’s not easy to learn
Th R

the dance moves, but

ay te

practice makes 3 perfect /


good! Hip-hop’s main instruments are drum

2 machines and synthesisers. I like hip-hop lyrics
about politics and family.

My best friend is Lisa. She’s

from Ireland. 4 He’s / She’s 13
years old, like me! Lisa plays
the guitar really well. She likes
reggae. She practises every
Name: … day and she never 5 throws /
Nationality: … puts in the towel. She wants to
When he practises: … be famous. I believe she can
do it. Reach for the 6 stars /
3 sun, Lisa!
Name: …
Do all exercises in your notebook

Age: …
Who she plays with: … 4 NOW YOU!   Tell your partner about your
hobbies. Try to use the new expressions in exercise 2.

Student A: go to page 99 Unit 1 Review page 90
Student B: go to page 103 Wordlist pages 117–120

Idioms and expressions for determination Workbook page 11 17

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