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Activity Booklet Year1

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Year 1 Autumn

English Activity Booklet

Read the poem and answer the following questions.
Autumn Time
Leaves are falling, down and down,
Red and yellow, orange and brown.
We pick the berries and apples too,
Then take them home to bake and stew.
The days are shorter, the wind blows fast,
Autumn time is here at last!
1. Which season is the poem about? Tick one box.
spring summer

autumn winter
2. Can you find two pairs of words in the poem that rhyme?
3. Write down three things that the poem tells us happen in this season:

4. What do you think they are going to do with the berries and apples?

5. Why do you think the author of the poem has chosen to use an
exclamation mark (!) at the end of the poem? Tick one box.
They are excited.
They are angry
They are shouting.
They are asking a question.

1 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet

Seasonal Suffixes
Can you choose from the suffixes (word endings) below to add the correct
suffix into each sentence?

-ing -ed -est


1. Autumn is often cold than summer.

2. The wind is blow .

3. Molly’s conker is the hard .

4. I jump in the pile of leaves.

5. The farmer harvest the wheat.

6. I keep wish it would be Halloween.

7. In autumn, it gets dark earlier.

8. Sahad looked for the brown leaf for his collage.

9. The trees are chang colour.

10. Last night, the bonfire burn brightly.

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Plenty of Plurals
Can you add either –es or –s to the words under the pictures to change them
from singular (one) to plural (more than one)?

one umbrella three

one pinecone four

one bush some

one hedgehog a pair of

one rake a few

one pumpkin patch two

3 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet

Bonfire Night Safety
Bonfire Night can be a lot of fun. But it can be dangerous too. Read through
the Bonfire Night Safety rules below and answer the questions.

Never throw fireworks

Keep pets indoors

Always wear gloves with sparklers

Keep fireworks in a closed box

Stand well back

Never go back to a lit firework

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1. What must you wear with sparklers?

hats gloves

coats glasses

2. What do you think the phrase ‘well back’ means?

3. Why do you think you must keep pets inside?

4. Can you think of another Bonfire Night safety rule?

5. Can you add a full stop (.) or an exclamation mark (!) to

the end of each sentence of the Bonfire Safety Rules?

5 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet

Squirrel Search
Can you help the squirrel collect acorns and get home? This squirrel only eats
acorns with real words on, not fake words. Draw a line from the squirrel to
his home, stopping to collect real words on the way. Then write a sentence
using the real words you have collected. One has been done for you. How
many different sentences can you write?

bread phabe worm shray Home

rain blort long played flurst

night breeze garden krull happy

I played in the rain all night long.

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Autumn Picture

1. What is the boy under the tree doing? How do you think he is feeling?

2. What do you think the girl is saying to the boy?

3. What game do you think the boy and girl are

playing? Who do you think will win?

4. Have you ever been to the woods before? Write what it

was like, or what you imagine it would be like.

7 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet

Autumn Sentence Dice
Cut out and stick together your two autumn dice. Roll both of the dice and
write a sentence about the word and picture on one of the dice, using the
punctuation or word on the other dice.
For example, if you roll the tree and and, you could create the sentence:

The ‘tree’ has orange ‘and’ brown leaves.

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9 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet


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Autumn Tree Word Search
Can you find the autumn words in the word search? Fill in the missing
digraphs or trigraphs in the words to find the words you are looking for. The
digraphs and trigraphs you need are on the leaves below.

ee i_e are

er ch

ie oi ar

x l h s r e x p f q a o o t w
h vest
x l a d q q r e i e d c e o n
s ds r g r e h d g i q n t g r i t
t f v e m w q f f o e c s a p
sc crow
c h e s t n u t b n e c e f g
Octob l g s e i r r e b r o h o f v

eat k l t k a s r e a u w b m n s
f t p q b q x c s o i l b z e
m w x i a w s n c z f b x o v
pine c n f t h u z t y k v i u g g i g
v e z l c y e m m o d l e x f
berr s
d k m z s h g n s t w a j q z
bonf r q b h w m e g k b b a d u f o
s w z m l h e y i e c l b m y
s l
d o o d g l p f t b q t j n h

11 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet

Autumn Acrostics
Can you be the teacher? These children have written some great autumn
acrostic poems but they have all made spelling and punctuation mistakes!
Can you put a circle around the mistakes and write the correct punctuation
or spelling next to the poem? The first one has been done for you.

A wonderful time of yeer. 1. year


U nder mi feet, leaves crunch. 3.


T he summer comes to an end 5.

U nderground animals goto sleep.


M ushrooms grow.
N ow it’s time to carve a pumpkin?

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A l the leaves are brown 1.

U sually, it is cold 3.

T ime to rap up warm. 4.


U p in da sky, geese fly south. 6.

M um and i rake the garden.

N its get longer.

13 Year 1 Autumn English Activity Booklet

Autumn Acrostic Poem
Now it’s your turn! Can you write your own autumn acrostic poem?
Each sentence must begin with the letters of the word, ‘autumn’.


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