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A Study On The Customer Behavior of The Customers Towards Maruti Suzuki

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 119 No. 12 2018, 4253-4269

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


C.S.Gowtham Chakravarthy1, Ankit Kumar2
Assistant Professor1, Student2, , Department of Management Studies1,2
BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai

CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUR is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy
a product. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It
attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It
studies characteristics of individual customers such as demographics and behavioral variables in
an attempt to understand people's wants[44]. It also tries to assess influences on the customer
from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general.
Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing the
three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset for
customer behavior analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of
marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer. A greater
importance is also placed on customer retention, customer relationship management,
personalization, customization and one-to-one marketing. Social functions can be categorized
into social choice and welfare function[1-6].
Customer Behavior is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually
internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer nature and behavior or customer
relationship in an organized way. For example, an enterprise might build a database about its
customer that described behavior in sufficient detail so that management , salespeople ,people
providing services, and perhaps the customer directly could access information, match customer
needs with product plans and offerings. Reminds customer of service requirements, know what
other products a customer had purchased, and so forth[9-10].
CB methodologies enable the organization to understand the customer’s needs and behavior
better. It introduces reliable process and procedures for interacting with customer and develops

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

stronger relationship with them. The process helps organization in assimilating information about
customer, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness, and market trends. Then this
information is used to give insight into behavior of customers and value of retaining those
customers. The whole process is designed to reduce cost and increase profitability by holding on
to the customer’s loyalty[7-11].
BELCH AND BELCH define CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR as, ’the process and activities people
engage in when searching for , selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of
products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires’ .
Environmental forces
Culture, sub-culture, social class, income, education,
Reference group, situational factors, family, social value,
Norms, Roles of marketing mix variables.

Motives perception learning

Attitude personality
Problem information evaluation purchase post-purchase
Recog. Search & altern. Decision behavior
According to Ugala (2001), two types of customer behavior exist, i. e cognitive and experience
oriented consumer behavior. Customer with cognitive behavior are logical and rational
customers while experience oriented customers have more emotional reasons to purchase a
Dalqvist and linde(2002) characterized customer behavior into four i.e. rational, learned,
unconscious, and social behavior and they are represented by these three steps.
(Knowledge ---- Attitude---- Action).

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Customers with rational behavior first get some knowledge about the product and what it may
offer. By assessing this information , they get an attitude toward the product and finally act;
whether or not to buy the product. This type of behavior is most common when customers are
purchasing expensive products, for eg. Cars
Customers with unconscious behavior begins with an attitude towards the product, this attitude
may either come from emotions or feelings. This attitude will lead the customers to find out
more information about the product and get knowledge about it and finally act their choice[17-
This type of behavior stems from habits. These customers do not plan their choice of product ,
they do it by habit. For eg. Buying a newspaper.
Customers with social behavior choose their products as a result of the social environment which
they live in. Their status, lifestyle, and influence from others determine the product they will
Culture has been seen to have one of the greatest influence on customer behavior . According to
kotler (1999), apart from cultural factors other factors such as social, personal, and psychological
factors have influenced on customers behavior.
•Quick service
•Billing clarity
•Good value for money
•Service quality
•knowledgeable employees

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

•friendly employees
•competitive pricing
•Accuracy and timeliness of billing

Customer Behavior and satisfaction is considered to be the most important
factor as it involves Retention of the customer and creates brand loyalty. typical
elements that constitute customer Behavior are; customer nature, attitude,
society, living……etc. This study attempts to find the customer behavior
regarding MARUTI SUZUKI products and services[23-25].
The need of the study are:
• CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUR is must to understand the likes and dislikes of the
customer regarding MARUTI product and services.
• To evaluate understand the channels and how they are working.
• To know whether customer receive the product and services on time.
• this would plan for better channel and improve CRM activitie

The scope of the study are:

The Study helps to understand customer behavior.
• To find various factors that causes the dissatisfaction to the customer and overcome
those by better strategy.
• To channel the distribution which will enable to reach the customer and
• This study extends its emphasis on studying various economic, social,
geographical, and Political aspects of trade relation between India and the gulf

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

he objectives of the study are:

•To find out the customer behavior of Maruti Suzuki in Bihar.
•To know the importance of four wheeler i. e MARUTI SUZUKI in our daily life.
•T o analyze the factor influencing to use and buy MARUTI SUZUKI.
•To identify the difficulties in Maruti Suzuki product and services.
Limitations of the study are:
• For the lack of time I could not meet the observation of different workings and
papers regarding the organization.
• Most of the company is reluctant to disclose their confidential data regarding their
sales promotion activities as well as upcoming Add campaigns.
• The products highly advance technology itself become a constrain in sales promotion
when the customer cannot understand the technical terms and terms and their
• Sometimes, the investigator has to face with obstinate persons who only harp their
own tune.
• Unskilled drivers or users mishandle the cars and for any type of fault or
dissatisfaction they not only vilify organization but also mislead the
Upcoming customers.
Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in technical sense.
According to Clifford woody research company defining and redefine problem , formulating
hypothesis or suggested solution , organizing and evaluating data ; making deduction and
reaching conclusion ; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit
the formulating hypothesis[26-29].
The main purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of
scientific procedures. The main aim of the research is to find out the truth which is hidden and
which has not been discovered as yet.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

A research methodology define, the purpose of research, how it proceed, how to Measure
progress and what constitute success with respect to the objective determined for carrying out
research study. The appropriate research design formulate is detailed below:
• Exploratory research : This kind of research has a primary objective of development Insights
into the problem. It studies the main areas where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate
some appropriate course of action[30-32].

• Secondary data has been used which is collected through article, reports, journals,
Magazines, newspapers, report presented by scholars, universities and internet[42-

• SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data that is already available and published. It

could be internal or external source of data.
• INTERNAL SOURSE: Which originate from the specific field or area where
research Is carried out. Eg-public broacher, official report ,,,,etc.

• Analyze of data has been done with the help of various statistical tools like the tables
and graphs.
• Tools used for the analysis of data is percentage analysis.

FORMULA: Formula to calculate percentage analysis-

Percentage analysis =no. of respondent *100

Total no. of respondent


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

A Sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to a
technique or procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting item for the sample.
Generally sample design is of two types
•Probability Research Design
•Non Probability Research Design

Selecting and surveying respondents from the population
•Simple random sample— anyone
•Stratified sample—different age group
•cluster sample—different areas ( cities)

• Sample unit—3 different districts of Bihar (Patna, Hajipur, Muzzaffarpur).

• Type of sample—Simple Random Sampling

• The Researcher has chosen

40 samples from Patna
30 samples from Hajipur
40 samples from Muzzaffarpur
• The Researcher had prepared Questionnaire to elicit responses for the following

≠ location
≠ age
≠ occupation
≠ Monthly income
≠ car user
≠ car service usages
≠ Media habit
Research used -- Exploratory research

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Type of data -- Primary & secondary data

Sample design -- Simple random sample

No. of sample -- 110

Charts used -- Pie , bar, line……………

2. Why did you go for Maruti Suzuki? Why no other vehicle?

TITLE- Table showing respondents reason for buying Maruti Suzuki.
Style and Look 67
Unique 15
Comfortable 7
Power staring 2
Mileage 2
No idea 7
Total 100
From the above table it’s clear that maximum maruti Suzuki customer prefer it due to its style
and look. Maruti Suzuki has more than ten colors and most importantly it gives a unique look to
the rider. Maruti should give importance to develop its other feature in order to attract new

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3.Why was the need for vehicle felt ?

TITLE- Table showing respondents need for vehicle.
Need for vehicle Percentage %
Emotional need 11
Actual need 89
Total 100
Purchase of Maruti Suzuki is actual need for maximum people.
It’s around 89 % and some of the people have also motivated with their emotional need.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

4. Who is the participant in your decision making?

Table showing respondents influencing factors.
Participant in decision making Percentage %

Family members 62

Friends & colleagues 29

Reference group 5

Society 4

Total 100

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

1. Four wheeler is not very popular in younger generation.
2. Business class people for their business activity prefer cars(Maruti Suzuki).
3. Safety mode & technology is essential in four wheeler.
4. Maruti Suzuki has been launched for passed 10-12 years in the town and currently
it is at no. 1 position.
5. The accessibility of service centre is easy.
6. Majority of customers are satisfied with action of service provider.
7. High percentage of customers is satisfied with accessories given with the product.
8. It has been found that most of the customers of Maruti Suzuki have television as
their prime media habit and most of them came to know about Maruti from
9. From market survey, it is observed that maximum Maruti Suzuki customers are
motivated with their actual need of four wheeler.
10. From the questionnaire, it is clear that 68% are not interested to buy the same
11. The brand name, ”MARUTI” has a greater impact on the customers mind. They go
for Suzuki when they see Maruti.
12. From the questionnaire, it is observed that most of the decision making process of
customers is influenced by family members.
13. The respondents have given their opinion to make more sport cars, reduce price,
give more and better accessories.
14. A good majority of respondents prefer Maruti(48%) whereas Mahindra is least with
15. A majority of respondents feel Maruti as , “Some what better (37%)”, while least is
,’’ some what worse (7%)’’
16. Once the parts of vehicle is damaged , it does come in original vehicle color. It comes
in black color and then painted accordingly, which cost customers extra.
17. It has been found that most of the customers buy the product on the basis of style
and look

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The marketing unit Karlo Automobiles & Pvt. Ltd. And Maruti Udyog ltd. Itself required a more
rational approach than they have got present[33-36]. Thus, the suggestion in my opinion for the
company are as follows:
1. Company should increase manpower.
2. Company should maintain its deliveries to the customer on time.
3. Firm should increase the number of cars in it’s stock.A/C to different colors and models.
4. Firm should open district wise enquiry cum display branch offices.
5. Firm should take care of employee’s satisfaction.
6. Motivation should also be provided to the sales executives and complaints after sale.
7. Company should take proper care of customer appreciation and complaints after sale.
8. The company should give addition gift schemes to customers other than general schemes.

The above schemes have been reached after studying and examining the entire concerns,
various functional departments and on the basis of interviews with company execut
In recent times, the production of passenger cars in India registered a massive growth of 118
percentage during 1990’s.the de-licensing of auto industry in 1993, however, opened the gates to
international automakers into the country with an idea to tap the large population base in India.
During the next 10 years, the production achieved an all-time high record, and managed to cross
the 500,000 mark in 1999. That was ‘stage 1 of auto India inc’, as some players in automotive
industry have called it. It was the decade of establishing operations, brands, dealers, service
network and field teams.
Year 2001 was fine tuning for new models, for expansion, signaling the beginning of ‘stage ll of
auto India inc.’ It saw a spate of new vehicle launches as well as controversies, financial
troubles, mergers and shutdowns, both in India and worldwide. The mid size car market has,
however, seen a growth rate of 42 percent, according to society of Indian automobile
Today it seems that India has finally arrived in the big league of Asian car markets. Steady and
impressive annual growth rate , presence of international automakers, relaxation of foreign

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

exchange and equity regulations, reduction of tariffs on imports and few other are the
components of it’s booming auto market.
The country has now come to be recognized as a potential emerging market. The perception of
foreign investors has changed, everybody wanting to be here.

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