Full Tax
Full Tax
Full Tax
S 60: T O I W T O A
T :
• T
• T .
• T ,
I ,
E -M.
,M . , .I
M . M.
S 61: C
S 62: E
• I
• I 1/4/1961
S 63: D T R T
• A -
• T , , ,
S 64(1): C &
) I :
. S , , , . /
. W ( )
) R /
, &
) W &
, . ,
S 64(1): C &
• I
A / :
) I ( ),
) A ,
S .
S 64(1A): C
1. A /
2. N / :
)M ,
)A , &
)I / 80U
3. I ,
4. I ,
5. I ,
O :-
1. I house propert
, . S 27 .
2. T
R . 1,500 . S 10(32)
3. E
4. C .I
) ,
Capital Gains
No mall , onl e en e ecei a e a ed.
Ca i al
A e
Land / Unli ed Li ed ec i ie /
B ilding / O he Uni of UTI / O he
Bo h Sha e EOF / ZCB
• -----------------------*------------------------------*
Ad ance
amo n
fo fei ed
Befo e On o af e
01/04/2014 01/04/2014
See hando
R bmi o he follo ing info ma ion:
Particulars Date of Cost Market Date of Sale value
acquisition (Rs.) value on transfer (Rs.)
U ban 05/06/1990 90,000 1,80,000 16/08/2019 28,00,000
ag ic l al
land (AL)
R al AL 05/05/1995 1,80,000 1,26,000 17/10/2019 21,60,000
Sha e 06/08/2018 1,08,000 36,000 05/07/2019 1,44,000
Gold 07/09/2006 90,000 81,000 06/03/2020 12,00,000
Re iden ial 09/07/1986 54,000 10,80,000 01/03/2020 35,00,000
R cha ed ano he ag ic l al land d ing he ea fo R .
15,00,000 and al o in e ed in a ne ho e o e R . 10,00,000.
Com e a able ca i al gain fo ele an a e men ea .
Particulars Urban Rural Shares Gold House
land land propert
FVC 28,00,000 No a 1,44,000 12,00,000 35,00,000
(-) an fe e . Nil Ca i al Nil Nil Nil
(-) ICOA / COA 5,20,200 a e 1,08,000 2,13,197 31,21,200
180000*289 90000*289 1080000*289
100 122 100
(-) ICOI / COI Nil Nil Nil Nil
LTCG / (LTCL) 22,79,800 9,86,803 3,78,800
STCG 36,000
(-) E em
/ 54B 15,00,000 1000000*986803
/ 54F - 8,22,336
Ta able LTCG 7,79,800 NA - 1,64,467 3,78,800
Ta able LTCG 13,23,067 Ta able STCG 36,000
S cha ed a lo fo R . 300,000 in 1989-90 and i a old on
10.12.2019 fo R . 30,00,000. He aid R . 40,000 a b oke age
cha ge . He in e ed R . 4,00,000 in bond of NHAI (no ified /
54EC) on 28.5.2020 & R . 15,00,000 in he cha e of one
e iden ial ho e on 15.6.2019. Com e C.G. a ming he doe no
o n an e iden ial ho e on he da e of an fe of lo .
FVC 30,00,000
(-) e en e in ela ion o an fe 40,000
Ne Con ide a ion 29,60,000
(-) ICOA 300000*289/100 8,67,000
LTCG 20,93,000
(-) e em ion / 54EC 4,00,000
(-) e em ion / 54F 10,60,642 14,60,642
Ta able LTCG 6,32,358
Ta on short term listed equit shares & units Sec 111A
STCG a i ing f om
a) An e i ha e in a com an , o
b) Uni of an e i o ien ed f nd, o O he a e
c) A ni of a b ine
An a e
Ta ed a 20%
1. Whe e he an fe ed LTCA i in he na e of li ed ec i ie
(o he han a ni ) o a e o co on bond, he gain a i ing f om he
an fe of ch ec i ie hall be liable o a @ 10% on ch
LTCG com ed i ho he benefi of inde a ion o @ 20% on
ch LTCG com ed a ailing he benefi of inde a ion,
hiche e i mo e beneficial o he a e e.
2. LTCG a i ing f om an fe of bond / deben e (o he han
Ca i al Inde ed bond i ed b he Go e nmen & So e eign
Gold Bond i ed b he RBI) a e no eligible fo inde a ion
benefi .
Ta on LTCG Sec 112
3. Fo he o e of com a ion of long e m ca i al gain / 48,
hich i incl dible in he G o To al Income, he amo n of
Ca i al Gain com ed b a l ing inde a ion hall be con ide ed.
4. The o ibili of a l ing 10% / 20% a a e hall a i e onl in a
ca e he e he li ed ha e a e no aded h o gh a ecogni ed
ock e change and no cha geable o ec i ie an ac ion a .
O he i e, he an fe of li ed ha e i deal / 112A.
5. Sec 112 i bjec o o i ion of ec. 112A. Im l ing ha he e
ec. 112A i a licable, ec. 112 hall no a l .
• In case of resident individual & HUF, basic e emption limit (BEL) should be
first utilised for income other than LTCG & balance, if an , can be used
against LTCG (benefit of availing BEL is not applicable to non residents).
• Deductions under Chapter VIA cannot be claimed b an assessee.
Ta on long term listed equit shares & units
Sec 112A
The o i ion of hi ec ion a e a licable if he o al income of an
a e e incl de ca i al gain a i ing f om an fe of a long- e m
ca i al a e in he na e of:
1. An e i ha e in a com an , o
2. A ni of an e i -o ien ed f nd, o
3. A ni of a b ine
and a e bjec o a men of ec i ie an ac ion a (STT) a
belo :
a) Equit shares of a compan : STT o be aid on i ac i i ion
and an fe
b) Units of an equit oriented fund / business trust: STT o be aid
on i an fe
To al income
1. What t pe of LTCA covers? A lie o an fe of all Long A lie o an fe of onl follo ing Long
Te m Ca i al A e defined a e Te m Ca i al A e :-
ec ion 2(29A) of he Ac . Equit share in a compan
Unit of Equit Oriented Fund
Unit of a business trust
2. Condition of pa ment of STT A lie on an fe of LTCA A lie onl hen follo ing condi ion a e
he he STT i aid o no . a i fied:-
On Acquisi On Trans
tion fer
E i ha e in a Ye Ye
com an
Uni of E i No Ye
O ien ed F nd
Uni of a b ine No Ye
Computation of tax liability
The BEL should be first exhausted against Salary of Rs then Capital Gain Lottery
winnings are taxed at flat rate
Ded ctions nder section 80C to 80U are allo ed from gross total income to comp te total income.
1 As per section 112 & 112A, s ch ded ctions are not allo ed from long term capital gains.
2 As per section 58(4), s ch ded ctions are not allo ed from cas al income.
3 As per section 111A, s ch ded ctions are not allo ed from short term capital gains on the sale of short
term eq it shares or short term nits of eq it oriented m t al f nds pro ided sec rities transaction ta
has been paid.
Section 80C:
Ded ction nder section 80C shall be allo ed onl to
(i) an indi id al, or
(ii) Hind Undi ided Famil (HUF)
(Ded ction nder section 80C is not allo ed to an partnership firm or a compan etc.)
Ded ction shall be allo ed to the e tent of the follo ing in estments b t s bject to a ma im m of 1,50,000
(Incl ding ded ction nder section 80C, section 80CCC and section 80CCD).
Eligible Investments
1) S bscription to National Sa ings Certificates iss ed nder Go ernment Sa ings Certificates Act 1959.
(accr ed interest shall also q alif for ded ction nder section 80C). Amo nt can be in ested in the name of
self, spo se or minor children and HUF can in est the amo nt in the name of an of its members.
2) Deposit in P blic Pro ident F nd acco nt and the acco nt can be opened in the name of self, spo se or
3) In estment in fi ed deposit for a period of 5 ears or more ith sched led banks,
4) Pa ment of Ins rance Premi m in connection ith Ins rance on the Life of self, spo se and children and
Hind Undi ided Famil can take the polic in the name of an of its members.
a) Ho e er, the premi m paid cannot e ceed 10% (20% if polic iss ed on or before 31/3/2012) of the
capital s m ass red, other ise ded ction shall be allo ed onl for 10% (20%).
b) Children ma be dependant or independent or ma be married or nmarried or step or adopted.
c) As per section 10(10D), an pa ment recei ed on mat rit of ins rance polic shall be e empt from
income ta i.e. e en the amo nt of bon s recei ed shall be e empt from income ta .
d) Pa ment of premi m hich is in e cess of 10 per cent (if polic is iss ed on or after 1-4-2013, 15% in
case of ins rance on life of person ith disabilit referred to in section 80U or s ffering from disease or
ailment specified in section 80DDB/r le 11DD) of act al capital s m ass red shall not be incl ded in
gross q alif ing amo nt.
5) Pa ment of t ition fees to School, College, Uni ersit or an other Ed cational Instit tion in India pro ided
the fees has been paid in connection ith the children of the assessee and f rther for ma im m t o children
and it sho ld be hole time ed cation. Children shall incl de e en adopted and step children also.
6) Repa ment of the amo nt borro ed b the assessee for the p rposes of P rchase or Constr ction of a
residential ho se propert ( Principal repa ment of HP), the income from hich is chargeable to ta nder
the head income from ho se propert and the amo nt as borro ed from the Central Go ernment, an
Bank, Life Ins rance Corporation or National Ho sing Bank and Other Notified persons.
It ill not incl de an pa ment to ards Interest or pa ment to ards loan taken for Addition, Alteration, or
Repairs etc of the ho se propert .
7) Emplo ees contrib tion to SPF/ RPF/ appro ed s perann ation f nd. (It sho ld not be a repa ment of loan)
8) In estment in Unit Linked Ins rance Plan 1971 of UTI (ULIP) amo nt can be in ested in the name of self,
spo se or children.
9) In estment in Unit Linked Ins rance Plan of LIC M t al F nd (i.e. Dhanraksha scheme of LIC M t al
F nd) amo nt can be in ested in the name of self, spo se or children.
10) As s bscription to an Units of M t al F nd Notified nder section 10(23D) or the Units of UTI.
11) Contrib tion to Notified Pension F nd set p b M t al F nd or UTI and amo nt can be in ested onl b an
indi id al.
12) S bscription to Notified Deposit Schemes of National Ho sing Bank (NHB) e.g. s bscription to Home Loan
Acco nt Scheme of NHB. E en accr ed interest shall q alif for ded ction nder section 80C.
13) Amo nt can also be in ested in an notified Pension f nd set p b the National Ho sing Bank.
14) Fi e Year Post Office Time Deposit Acco nt. Pa ment of interest shall be gi en on ann al basis and interest
recei ed is ta able.
15) Senior Citi ens Sa ings Scheme.
16) An s m deposited d ring the ear in S kan a Samriddhi Acco nt b an indi id al
17) An other in estment notified nder section 80C
1. Ded ction shall be allo ed onl to an indi id al or Hind Undi ided Famil .
2. Ded ction shall be allo ed if the assessee has made pa ment to ards
(i) Medical ins rance premi m & pre enti e health check- p, or
(ii) Central Go ernment Health Scheme or
(iii) Medical e pendit re (senior citi en)
3. Indi id al can make pa ment for spo se or dependent children and ded ction shall be allo ed eq al to the
amo nt paid b t s bject to a ma im m of Rs. 25,000 b t in case of senior citi en ded ction shall be allo ed
p to Rs. 50,000.
4. If the indi id al has taken polic in the name of parents (dependent or independent), additional ded ction
shall be allo ed to the e tent of the premi m paid b t ma im m Rs. 25,000, ho e er, if the polic has been
taken in the name of senior citi en, ded ction shall be allo ed to the e tent of Rs. 50,000.
5. Ded ction for Pre enti e Health Check p shall be ma im m Rs. 5,000 in aggregate for self, spo se,
dependent children and parents. (allowed in cash)
6. Hind Undi ided Famil can take the polic in the name of an of its members and ded ction shall be
allo ed in the similar manner.
7. Pa ment sho ld be made other ise than in cash b t pa ment for pre enti e health check- p can be made in
an manner.
8. The follo ing amo nt inc rred on medical e pendit re (senior citi en) can be claimed as ded ction:
a) An amo nt inc rred p to Rs. 50,000 on acco nt of medical e pendit re on the health of the assessee or
an member of his famil
b) An amo nt inc rred p to Rs. 50,000 on acco nt of medical e pendit re on the health of an parent of
the assessee.
Note: For claiming the above deduction with respect to medical expenditure, (given in point 8) such assessee
or member of family (or) parent of the assessee should be a senior citizen and no amount has been paid
towards insurance on the health of such person.
9. Medical ins rance shall be in accordance ith a scheme framed in this behalf b the General Ins rance
Corporation of India or b an other ins rer as appro ed b the Ins rance Reg lator and De elopment
A thorit (IRDA).
1. Ded ction is allo ed onl to a resident indi id al and a resident Hind Undi ided Famil .
2. Ded ction is allo ed if the assessee has inc rred an e pendit re for the medical treatment, training and
rehabilitation etc. of a dependant disabled person, or has deposited an amo nt ith LIC or an other
ins rer for the benefit of s ch dependant.
3. Dependant in the case of an indi id al, means the spo se, children, parents, brothers and sisters ho are
dependant on the indi id al and in the case of Hind Undi ided Famil means an member of the Hind
Undi ided Famil ho is dependant on s ch Hind Undi ided Famil and has not claimed an ded ction
nder section 80U.
4. Ded ction allo ed shall be Rs. 75,000 irrespecti e of the e pendit re inc rred b the assessee and in case
of se ere disabilit , ded ction allo ed shall be Rs. 1,25,000.
5. The ded ction shall be allo ed onl if deposit scheme of the ins rance compan pro ides for pa ment of
ann it or l mp s m amo nt for the benefit of a dependant, being a person ith disabilit , in the e ent of
the death of the indi id al or the member of the Hind Undi ided Famil in hose name s bscription to
the scheme has been made and the assessee nominates either the dependant, being a person ith disabilit ,
or an other person or a tr st to recei e the pa ment on his behalf, for the benefit of the dependant, being a
person ith disabilit .
6. i. Where disabilit is 40% or more b t less than 80%(i.e 79%) fi ed ded ction of Rs 75,000.
7. ii. Where there is se ere disabilit (disabilit is 80% or more) fi ed ded ction of Rs 1,25,000.
(1) In comp ting the total income of an individual, being a resident, ho, at an time d ring the pre io s ear, is
certified b the medical a thorit to be a person ith disabilit , there shall be allo ed a ded ction of a s m of
Provided that here s ch indi id al is a person ith severe disability, the pro isions of this s b-section shall
ha e effect as if for the ords Rs. 75,000 , the ords Rs. 1,25,000 had been s bstit ted.
(2) E er indi id al claiming a ded ction nder this section shall f rnish a cop of the certificate iss ed b the
medical a thorit in the form and manner, as ma be prescribed, along ith the ret rn of income nder section
139, in respect of the assessment ear for hich the ded ction is claimed.
Section 80E: Deduction for payment of interest on loan taken for higher education
Note: Higher studies pursued abroad is also eligible for deduction u/s 80E.
Section 80GG: Deduction in case of payment of rent
Adjusted Total Income = Gross Total Income Long term capital gains /s 112 & 112A Short term capital
gains /s 111A income from lotteries, cross ord p les, card games /s 115BB All Ded ction nder
Chapter VI-A e cept section 80GG
Ded ction from gross total income of an indi id al or HUF, pto a ma im m of Rs. 10,000/- in respect of interest
on deposits in sa ings acco nt (not time deposits) ith a bank, co-operati e societ or post office, is allo able
.e.f. 01.04.2012
Section 80EEA -Deduction in respect of interest payable on loan taken for acquisition of residential house
(i) E b e a e ee: A i di id a h ha ake a a f ac i i i f e ide ia h e
e f a fi a cia i i i . I e e a ab e ch a d a if f
ded c i de hi ec i .
(ii) C d : The c di i be a i fied f a ai i g hi ded c i a e a f
(i) Quantum of deduction: The ma im m ded ction allo able is ` 1,50,000. The
ded ction of pto ` 1,50,000 nder section 80EEA is o er and abo e the ded ction a ailable
nder section 24(b) in respect of interest pa able on loan borro ed for acq isition of
a residential ho se propert . In respect of self-occ pied ho se propert , interest
ded ction nder section 24(b) is restricted to ` 2,00,000. In case of let o t or deemed to be let
o t propert , e en tho gh there is no limit nder section 24(b), section 71(3A) restricts the
amo nt of loss from ho se propert to be set-off against an other head of income to `
2,00,000. Accordingl , if interest pa able in respect of acq isition of eligible ho se propert
is more than ` 2,00,000, the e cess can be claimed as ded ction nder section 80EEA, s bject
to f lfilment of conditions.
Deduction in respect of interest payable on loan taken for purchase of electric vehicle
[Section 80EEB]
(i) Eligible Assessee: An indi id al ho has taken a loan for p rchase of an electric ehicle
from an financial instit tion. Interest pa able on s ch loan o ld q alif for ded ction
nder this section.
` 35 lakhs
(iii) Period of benefit: The benefit of ded ction nder this section o ld be a ailable till the
repa ment of loan contin es.
(iv) Q ant m of ded ction: The ma im m ded ction allo able is ` 50,000. The ded ction of pto
` 50,000 nder section 80EE is o er and abo e the ded ction of pto ` 2,00,000 a ailable
nder section 24 for interest paid in respect of loan borro ed for acq isition of a self-
occ pied propert .
De ecia ion
Block of a e
a e
a e
a e
( ) Ne commercial ehicle hich is acquired
Felt-filter s stems,
c clonic scrubbers( )
s stems,
sludge s stems,
s stems,
s stems 40
s stems
Haemodial sors,
Colour Doppler,
Gamma knife,
resectoscope/audit resectoscope,
Peritoneoscopes, Arthoscope,
(7) Machiner and plant, acquired and installed
furnaces, 40
factor meters,
E haust gases anal ser( ) Fuel oil pump test
pressure boilers, 40
s stems,
Tariff (ABT)
controllers, 40
Turbo charges/super-charges,
Returnable packages,
solar collectors,
Solar cookers,
conditioning s stems,
energ ,
abo e
(2) Vessels ordinaril operating on inland
aters, not co ered b sub-item (3) belo
Sec Eligible Nat re of asset transferred Nat re of asset acq ired Time limit for acq iring ne Q ant m of
assesse asset e emption
54 Individual, Transfer of a residential house One* Residential house situated in India Within: Cost of ne
HUF (building or land appurtenant is: a) 1 ear before or 2 ears residential house
thereto) hich is a LTCA & income a) Purchased after the date of transfer OR
from such asset is chargeable under OR OR Capital gains
IHP b) Constructed b) 3 ears after the date of hichever is lo er
54B Individual, Urban agricultural land hich as Another agricultural land is acquired Within 2 ears from the date of Cost of ne
HUF used in 2 ears immediatel (rural or urban) transfer agricultural land
preceding the date of transfer b OR
assesse / parents or HUF for Capital gains
agricultural purposes hichever is lo er
54D An Land / building / an right in land or Land / building / an right in land or Within 3 ears from the date of Cost of ne asset
assesse building forming part of an building is purchased / constructed for transfer OR
industrial undertaking is transferred shifting / re-establishing the e isting Capital gains
under compulsor acquisition. It industrial undertaking or setting up hichever is lo er
should have been used in 2 ears another industrial undertaking
immediatel preceding the date of
transfer b assesse for business
54 An A LTCA being land / building / both The amount of capital gains should have Within 6 months from the date Amount invested in
EC assesse been invested in the specified bonds of transfer specified bonds OR
issued b : (redeemable after 5 ears capital gains
issued on or after 1/4/2018) hichever is lo er
1. Rural Electrification Corporation The ma imum
Limited, or amount of investment
2. National High a s Authorit of shall not e ceed Rs.
India, or 50 lakhs during the
3. Po er Finance Corporation FY in hich transfer
Limited, or is made & in the
4. Indian Rail a Finance subsequent FY
Corporation Limited, or
5. An other bond notified b Central
54 An assesse A Long term capital asset The amount of capital gains should have been Within 6 months from the date of Amount invested in
EE invested in a long term specified asset (i.e. transfer specified asset OR
units of specified fund, as notified b Central capital gains hichever
Government, and issued before 1st April 2019) is lo er
The ma imum amount
of investment shall not
Note: This objective of the section is to create a Fund of Funds to incentivise the start-up ecos stem in India e ceed Rs. 50 lakhs
during the FY in hich
transfer is made & in
the subsequent FY
54F Individual, An long term capital asset other than a Residential house situated in India is: Within: Cost of ne HP < Net
HUF residential house propert a) Purchased a) 1 ear before or 2 ears consideration
OR after the date of transfer E emption = cost of
b) Constructed OR ne HP / Net
b) 3 ears after the date of consideration LTCG
transfer Cost of ne HP Net
consideration than
entire LTCG is e empt
Additional conditions to a ail the abo e e emption /s 54F:
1. The assesse does not o n more than 1 residential house on the date of transfer, other than the ne asset, and
2. Other than the ne asset, the assesse does not ithin a period of 2 ears after the date of transfer, purchase / ithin 3 ears construct an additional residential house
54G An assesse Machiner / plant / building / land or Purchased machiner , plant, building, land or Within 1 ear before or 3 ears Cost of ne asset +
an rights in building or land used for constructed building & completed shifting of after the date of transfer e penses for shifting
business of an industrial undertaking original assets to the ne area and incurred capital gains (CG)
situated in urban area is transferred, due e penses on shifting E emption = CG
to shifting to an area other than an Other ise CG to the
urban area e tent of the cost of the
ne asset & balance is
ta able
* In case if the amount of the capital gain does not e ceed Rs. 2 crores, the assessee (individual / HUF) ma , at his option, purchase t o residential houses in India ithin 1
ear before or 2 ears after the date of transfer or construct t o residential houses in India ithin 3 ears after the date of transfer.
Where such option has been e ercised during an assessment ear, he shall not be subsequentl entitled to e ercise the option for the same or an other assessment ear.
Other option for all of the abo e sections: Until acquisition of ne asset amount of capital gain / net consideration, as the case ma be, should be deposited in Capital Gain
Account Scheme (CGAS) in a bank before filing the return of income or ithin the due date for furnishing the return of income u/s 139(1) hichever is earlier.
Income f om Ho e p ope Sec 22-27
According o Sec ion 22 of he ac , income from ho se proper means
ann al al e of proper , consis ing of an b ilding or lands connec ed
here o, of hich he assessee is he o ner.
Condi ion :
• Proper m s be as specified nder he ac and assessee m s be
o ner of he proper .
• Proper m s no be occ pied b he o ner for he p rpose of an
b siness or profession as he same o ld be a able nder he head
Profi s and Gains of b siness or Profession.
If *Actual Rent > FFR / RLV If *Actual Rent < FFR / RLV
Si a ion 1
Where Composi e Ren incl de ren of b ilding
and charges for s pplemen ar ser ices .
E.g. Gas, elec rici , a er, lif ser ices, e c.
C i e Re
Si a ion 2
Where Composi e Ren incl de ren of b ilding
and o her asse s.
E.g. F rni re , Eq ipmen , e c.
C i e Re
• Si a ion 3
Where Composi e Ren incl de ren of
b ilding and o her asse s.
E.g. F rni re , Eq ipmen , e c.
A S 10(1)
Section 10(1) pro ides that agric lt ral income is not to be incl ded in the total income of the
assessee. The reason for total e emption of agric lt ral income from the scope of central
income-ta is that nder the Constit tion, the Central Go ernment has no po er to le a ta on
agric lt ral income.
Definition of agric lt ral income [Section 2(1A)]
This definition is er ide and co ers the income of not onl the c lti ators b t also the land
holders ho might ha e rented o t the lands. Agric lt ral income ma be recei ed in cash or in
Agric lt ral income ma arise in an one of the follo ing three a s:-
(1) It ma be rent or re en e deri ed from land sit ated in India and sed for agric lt ral
p rposes.
(2) It ma be income deri ed from s ch land b
(a) agric lt re or
(b) the performance of a process ordinaril emplo ed b a c lti ator or recei er of rent in
kind to render the prod ce fit to be taken to the market or
(c) the sale of s ch agric lt ral prod ce in the market.
(3) Lastl , agric lt ral income ma be deri ed from an farm b ilding req ired for
agric lt ral operations.
A I : R les 7,
7A, 7B & 8 of Income-ta R les, 1962 pro ide the basis of apportionment of income bet een
agric lt ral income and b siness income.
E.g. :- Mr. Shah is an agric lt rist. He is ha ing agric lt ral land in Nilgiri here he
gro s and man fact res tea. D ring the financial ear 2019-20, he prod ced tea
amo nting to Rs. 12 crores. Ho m ch ill be the ta able t rno er for F.Y. 2019-20?
Ans. :- Income-ta Act has pro ided that 60% shall be e empt from ta o t of total
man fact ring of tea in India. Hence, o t of Rs. 12 crores, agric lt ral portion is Rs. 7.20
crores. And ta able t rno er of Mr. Shah is Rs. 4.80 crores nder B siness and
Profession for financial ear 2019-20.
E S 10(16)
The al e of scholarship granted to meet the cost of ed cation o ld be e empt from ta in the
hands of the recipient irrespecti e of the amo nt or so rce of scholarship.
A , G
S 10(17A)
An a ard instit ted in the p blic interest b the Central/State Go ernment or b an other bod
appro ed b the Central Go ernment and a re ard b Central/State Go ernment for s ch
p rposes as ma be appro ed b the Central Go ernment in p blic interest, ill enjo e emption
nder this cla se.
P S 10(18)
(i) An income b a of pension recei ed b an indi id al is e empt from income-ta if
(a) s ch indi id al as an emplo ee of Central or State Go ernment and
(b) has been a arded Param Vir Chakra or Maha Vir Chakra or Vir Chakra or s ch
other gallantr a ard notified b the Central Go ernment in this behalf.
(ii) In case of the death of s ch indi id al, an income b a of famil pension recei ed b
an member of the famil of s ch indi id al shall also be e empt nder this cla se.
(iii) Famil , in relation to an indi id al, means
- The spo se and children of the indi id al; and
- The parents, brothers and sisters of the indi id als or an of them, holl or mainl
dependent on the indi id al.
(ii) an amo nt eq al to 1% of the ann al a erage of the monthl a erages of the opening and
closing balances of the al e of in estment, income from hich does not form part of total
Ho e er, the amo nt referred to in cla se (i) and cla se (ii) shall not e ceed the total
e pendit re claimed b the assessee.
National Pension Scheme (NPS): National Pension Scheme is pension scheme la nched b the
go ernment of India to pro ide the old age sec rit to citi ens of India. It brings an attracti e
long-term sa ing a en e to effecti el plan o r retirement thro gh safe and reg lated market-
based ret rn.
Under NPS scheme all citi ens can in est, hether he is central go ernment emplo ee, state
go ernment emplo ee or a normal citi en.
Section 80CCD(1) pro ide the ded ction for in estment in NPS (National Pension Scheme).
Ma im m ded ction of 1,50,000 a ailable considering other eligible in estments nder section
80C and Section 80CCC. It is important to note that, in case of salar , onl emplo ee
contrib tion is considered nder 80CCD(1).
a. in case of an emplo ee, ten percent of his salar in the pre io s ear;
b. in an other case, ten percent of his gross total income in the pre io s ear.
II Deduction under section CCD B
In addition to ded ction nder section 80CCD(1) an additional ded ction is allo ed p-to
No ded ction nder section 80CCD(1B) shall be allo ed in respect of the amo nt on hich
ded ction has been claimed nder section 80CCD(1).
It is an extra deduction allowed over and above the , , . This benefit is only for salaried
employees. Deduction is available on the contribution made by central government or any other
employer to the employee s NPS account. However, amount of contribution should not exceed ten
percent of his salary in previous year.
The limit of has been e tended to in case of central government emplo ee onl There are
no amendment pertaining to State Government emplo ees and non government emplo ees
0 0- 0 1
Pa a hd a a f NPS* E e
A ece ed b a e ee c e fh 60% e e
acc h g f he NPS. [ ec
A ece ed b a ee he c e f N a ab e
acc g f he NPS af e dea h f he
e ee [P ec 80CCD(3)]
Pe ece ed f NPS Ta ab e
A ece ed c e, g a d e N a ab e
f NPS a d a e ed f cha ga
a he a e e ea . [Sec 80CCD(5)]
Pe ece ed fa a cha ed Ta ab e
A Fine i a Ta fo doing ome hing
G . I a a
- a a a , .
a a a a a a .
I a . a a
a ,G . a
. a a .
T , a a a a a b .a a
G . a a (D a a I a )
Constitution of India
Indirect taxes
• An indirect tax is that tax which is initially paid by one
individual, but the burden of which is passed over to
some other individual who ultimately bears it. It is
levied on the expenditure of a person. Goods and
Service tax, custom duties etc are examples of indirect
Indirect Tax Scenario in India after
Source to Read Income Ta
Decision Of
Annual Income Ta
Income Ta High Court &
Finance Act Rules 1962
Act 1961 Supreme
Circulars &
(Finance Act tells
(Income ta act (Rules are made
about the rates of
co ers basic to carr out basic (Decisions of
ta in ad ance
pro isions of pro isions of (Circulars are High
i.e. rates of ta
income ta , income ta issued for court/Supreme
for the ear in
Assessment effecti el and internal Court are final
hich assessee
procedures, efficientl . department decisions i.e.
ould earn the
Penalties & Ho e er in an orkings i.e. neither the
income. For
prosecutions i.e. case rules cannot circulars cannot assessee nor the
e.g..Finance act
computation of o erride the basic bind assessee and department can
2014 tells about
income, pro isions to notifications are challenge the
the rates of ta
computation of income ta i.e. issued for general decision of
for assessment
ta liabilit etc.) rules are sub- public.) Supreme Court.
ear 2015-16 i.e.
ordinate to the Note- High court
for the pre ious
act.) decision can be
ear 2014-15
challenged in
Supreme Court.)
Ministr of Finance
Department of Re enue
Assessing Officers
JCIT (Join CIT) ITO (Income Ta Officer) Additional or Deput CIT
Charging section / Super summary of
Income Tax [section ]
Every person, who is an assessee and
whose total income exceeds the
maximum exemption limit, shall be
chargeable to the income tax at the
rate or rates prescribed in the finance
act. Such income tax shall be paid on
the total income of the previous year
in the relevant assessment year.
• Person – section ( )
• Assessee – section ( )
• Assessment – section ( )
• Assessment year – section ( )
• Previous year – section
• Income - section ( )
• Rates of Tax
PERSON [sec ( )]
i) Individual
ii) Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
iii) Firm
iv) Company
v) Association of Persons (AOP) or Body of
Individuals (BOI) , whether incorporated or not
vi) Local Authority
vii) Every other Artificial Juridical Person
• According to sec. ( ) assessee means &
• A person by whom any tax or any other sum
(penalty/interest) is payable.
• A person in respect of whom any proceeding
under the Act is taken.
Every person :
• who is assessable in respect of income or loss of
another person, or
• who is deemed to be an assessee, or
• who is deemed to be assessee in default.
IN 1 Salar
2 Ho se Propert Income
4 Capital Gain
• / / ________________ / /
Assessing income of previous year and pay tax
in this year, hence A.Y is -
• Hence Finance Act will be applicable for
our syllabus i.e for FY -
INCOME TAX SLAB (For A.Y. 2020-21/
P.Y 2019-20)
Up to . Lakhs Up to Lakhs
, , to Lakhs , , to Lakhs
, , to , , to Lakhs
Above Lakhs Above Lakhs
(C) Ta S ab Ta (D) Ta S ab Ta
(I a) a + (F /L L ab a +
(80 a a ab . . 4% C 4% C
Pa /L a
V S C &
R )
A )
On the hole of total income 30%
Up to 5 Lakhs 0%
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , , , , ,
Summary of Tax Rates for AY 0 0- 1
Status of Slabs (INR)
individual Nil 0 0
Resident – Senior
,00,000 – 00,000 – 1,000,000 and
Citizen ( 0 to ,00,000
00,000 1,000,000 above
Resident – Very
00,000 – 1,000,000 and
Senior Citizen ( 0 00,000 -
1,000,000 above
years plus)
I a a I a
()P a a
( ) Ca a a
( )D
( )W .
( )A a a .
Generall , Income from transfer of the re enue generating asset (i.e. the right
hich generates income) ill be capital receipt and income from the product
arises out of that asset ill be re enue receipt.
for Eg.
1. I a b a .
2. I a a a b a .
3. I .
4. C a (E I a
a a ).
Online Resources
1. www.icai.org
. www.itatonline.org
. www.allindiataxes.com
. www.incometaxindia.gov.in
. www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in
Ma ginal Relief
M .I
Pa ic la Am n
I 51,00,000
A. 2020-21
S l i n:
I 13,42,500
H &E C
(10% ) 1,34,250
H &E C R . 50 13,12,500
(51,00,000-50,00,000) L 70,000
A :
I 13,42,500
+ 70,000 ( 70,000 1,34,250)
+H &E C 56,500
A ,
(*) (O 51 )
A : (@10%
- R . 13,42,500
( . .,
R . 50 (
A :I R . 50 1,00,000
Pa c a R .
( )
Ta ab 14,69,000
Pa ic la Am n
I 1,02,00,000
A. 202-21
S l i n:
I 28,72,500
H &E C (
(15% ) 4,30,875
Ta liabili af e S cha ge 33,03,375
+ @15% 102,00,000
+ @10% 100,00,000
I 2,09,625
I 2,00,000
Ma ginal Relief (9,625)
A :H & EC @ 4% 1,31,750
Ta Liabili 34,25,500
R .1 (
A : - @ 10% (
R .1 )
A :I R .1 2,00,000
N ( .e. ) R . 33,03,375
( ) R . 32,93,750
A (R .)
(*) 32,93,750
Add: H & @ 4% 1,31,750
Ta ab 34,25,500
S 2(13): "b i e " i cl de a ade, c e ce a fac e
a ad e e c ce i he a e f ade, c e ce
a fac e;
a. Recei a d Pa e
b. P fi a d L acc
)R P :
All able b i e i c e
Le : all able b i e e e e
Ne a able i c e YY
)P L :
Ne fi a e P&L acc
Add: e e e di all ed ( ela ed b i e )
Add: B i e I c e b ec ded
Le : N b i e i c e ( )
Le : B i e e e e b ec ded ( )
P &G B P
S : 30 R , , &
• A e e di e i a e f e , a e , a e , e ai a d i a ce i
ela i b ildi g ed b a a e ee f he e f hi b i e
fe i hall be all ed a ded c i hile c i g i c e de
he head fi & gai f b i e fe i
• The ded c i hall be all ed f he e e e he he he a e ee i
he e he e a ( h ha de ake bea ch e ai he
e ie)
• C f e ai hall i cl de c e e ai l , ca i al e ai hall
be all ed be ded c ed.
• Ded c i i al all ed f e e e b a f la d e e e,
ici al a e a d i a ce i e ec f he e i e ed f he
e f he b i e fe i .
• If e i e a e a l ed b i e & a l f he e, l a
i a e a f he e e e a ib able b i e hall be
all ed a ded c i .
S : 31 R & ,
• A e e di e i a e f e ai & i a ce f achi e , la &
f i e ed b a a e ee f he e f hi b i e fe i
hall be all ed a ded c i
• U e f he a e a be ac i e a i e (eg: a d-b achi e)
• Re ai i cl de e e al e ai b d e i cl de e lace e
ec ci f a a e , i.e. c f e ai hall i cl de c e
e ai l , ca i al e ai hall be all ed be ded c ed
• I a ce e i hall be all ed a a b i e e e di e if:
It is paid for the risk of damage/destruction of machiner , plant or furniture
The asset should be used for the purpose of business / profession during the ear
The premium should be actuall paid / pa able depending on the accounting s stem
• If a e a e a l ed b i e & a l f he e, l a
i ae a f he e e e a ib able b i e hall be
all ed a ded c i
S 32 D
C -
• A e ee h ld be he e f he a e a d h ld be ed f
b i e e
B - ea a g f a e falli g i hi he a e cla
f a e a d a e a e f de ecia i
• Ta gible A e : B ildi g, F i e & fi i g , Machi e & la ,
• I a gible a e
T e f de ecia i :
• N al de ecia i :
• Addi i al de ecia i : @20% f he ac al c hall be all ed
i e ec f e la a d achi e ac i ed a d i alled af e
31/3/2005 b a a e ee e gaged i he: (i) a fac e
d ci f a icle hi g (ii) b i e f ge e a i ,
a i i di ib i f e.
• U de ce ai i a i addi i al de ecia i @ 35% hall be all ed
a a e ee e i g a fac i g i i ified back a d a ea
f ecified a e .( efe e b k)
• E cl i : Addi i al De ecia i i all able i e ec f:
• Sec d Ha d Machi e , Machi e I alled i Office P e i e , R ad
a ehichle , a P&M h e e i e c i all ed a ded c i
he he i I dia O ide I dia.
• If a a e i e f le ha 180 da , he 50% f
he a licable a e f de ecia i ill be all ed.i.e 4h
Oc - F ll ea de
• De ecia i i all ed WDV ba i Bl ck f a e , b
elec ici c a ha he i f ll SLM (S aigh li e
e h d) f de ecia i .
• F ale f N - de eciable a e - Ca i al Gai f a (FVOC)
• F ale f De eciable a e - N al f a .(Bl ck f a e )
8. Pa e i ade a e l ee f he a e ee fa il
g a i , e e ch e c e ai i ila e i al be efi <
9. Pa e a e i ed be ade a da hich he ba k
e e cl ed
Ag ic a E e N ag ic a Ta ab e
Pa ic a fb i e
i i
Growing Manufacturing
of Tea
Growing Manufacturing
of R bbe
Growing Manufacturing
of C ffee
Growing Manufacturing
of c ffee g c ed
a ed and grounded
• E.g. :- M . Shah i a ag ic l i . He i ha i g ag ic l al la d i
Nilgi i he e he g a d a fac e ea. D i g he fi a cial ea
2019-20, he d ced ea a i g R . 12 c e . H ch ill be
he a able e f F.Y. 2019-20?
• A . :- I c e- a Ac ha ided ha 60% hall be e e f a
f al a fac i g f ea i I dia. He ce, f R . 12 c e ,
ag ic l al i i R . 7.20 c e . A d a able e fM.R i
R . 4.80 c e de B i e a d P fe i f fi a cial ea 2019-20.
Se ion Income f om o he o ce
This is the last head of Income.
It is a residuary head and covers those incomes which are not covered
under other heads.
Examples of such incomes are: Income from sub-letting, Dividend, Income
from machinery, plant, etc given on hire, Interest income, Paper setting
fees received by a lecturer, Director’s fees, for attending board meetings
or committee meetings, Royalty received by an author, Winnings from
lotteries, crossword, horse races, card games and betting.
1. Mr. XYZ (aged 35 years) submits the following particulars pertaining to the A.Y. 2020-
Pa a `
I c e aa (c ed) 4,00,000
L e - cc ed e (-) 70,000
L e- e (-) 1,50,000
B e (-)1,00,000
Compute the total income of Mr. XYZ for the A.Y. 2020-21.
S :
(`) (`)
Income from salary 4,00,000
Le : Loss from house property of ` 2,20,000 to be restricted
to ` 2 lakhs by virtue of section 71(3A) (-) 2,00,000 2,00,000
B ` 20,000
N :G T I 2,00,000
2,00,000 .T 20,000
B 1,00,000 80,000
20,000 .
Compute the gross total income of Mr. ABC for the A.Y. 2020-21 from the information given
below –
Pa a `
I c e e e (c ed) 1,25,000
I c e b e (be e d de ec a ) 1,35,000
S e ca a a ae ed a e 56,000
L e ca a ae e (b ad (90,000)
A.Y. 2019-20)
I c e ea b e 1,20,000
D de d I da c a e ca a c a ea 80,000
C e ea de ec a 26,000
B a db e ( c ed ea a ) (45,000)
S :
Income from house property (Computed) 1,25,000
Profits before depreciation 1,35,000
Le : Current year depreciation 26,000
Le : Brought forward business loss 45,000
Income from tea business (40% is business income) 48,000 1,12,000
Short term capital gains 56,000
G T I 2,93,000
(1) Dividend from Indian companies is exempt from tax under section 10(34) to the extent of
` 10 lakh.
(2) 60% of the income from tea business is treated as agricultural income and therefore,
exempt from tax;
(3) Long-term capital loss can be set-off only against long-term capital gains. Therefore,
long-term capital loss of ` 90,000 brought forward from A.Y. 2019-20 cannot be set-off in the
A.Y. 2020-21, since there is no long-term capital gains in that year. It has to be carried forward
for set-off against long-term capital gains, if any, during A.Y. 2021-22.
M .G a, a a, a /
a 31.3.2020:
(i) Sa a a a a a a ` 7,50,000. T a a a
(iii) L - a a a a a ` 5,00,000.
(i ) ` 51,000 a a .
( ) ` 55,000, a a a .
( i) B a a a 2018-19 ` 12,50,000.
C a M .G a A Y a 2020-21 a a a
a a a a a .
S :
Salary received as a partner from a partnership firm is taxable under the head 7,50,000
“Profits and gains of business and profession”
Le : Brought forward business loss of Assessment Year 2018-19 to be set-off
against business income 7,50,000
Cash gift received from friends - since the value of cash gift 51,000
exceeds ` 50,000, the entire sum is taxable
Dividend received from a domestic company is exempt under
section 10(34)
Nil 51,000
N :
1. B 2018-19
5,00,000 .
2. L - STT
- - -
(STT ) 112A. T ,
- - 70(3).
Mr. P, a resident individual, furnishes the following particulars of his income and other details
for the previous year 2020-21:
S.N . Pa a `
() I c e aa (c ed) 18,000
( ) Ne a a a e e e 70,000
( ) I c e b e 80,000
( ) I c e ec a eb e 12,000
( ) L e ca a a ae a d 15,800
( ) L a e a ce ace e 9,000
( ) L a b 8,000
D I - A , 1961, 8,000,
T (
A.Y. 2019-20) :
S. Pa a `
N .
() U a a 9,000
( ) L a 16,000
( ) S a a 7,800
C a M .P A a 2020-21, a a
a a a a a .
S :
() I 18,000
( ) I H P
Net Annual Value 70,000
Le : Deduction under section 24 (30% of 21,000 49,000
` 70,000)
( ) I
(a) Income from business 80,000
Le : Current year depreciation 8,000
Le : Unabsorbed depreciation 9,000 63,000
(b) Income from speculative business 12,000
Le : Brought forward loss from speculative business 12,000 Nil
L ( 73) 4,000
L ( 74A) 9,000
Loss from speculative business (to be carried forward as per section 73) 4,000
Loss on maintenance of race horses (to be carried forward as per section 74A) 9,000
N :
() L -
( )A 74A(3),
.S 4
( )S
A.Y. 2021-22. I
Residen ial s a s /s 6
R& A e ee
Re de &
O d a
Re de Re iden
e iden
Re de b
O d a
Indi id al
Re de
R b no
R & OR
BA IC 6(1) ADDI IONAL 6(6)
• C P = 2019-20, (
P ) .
• 2018-19 2011-12
• 2017-18 4 2010-11
• 2016-17 7 ea 2009-10
• 2015-16
• 2014-15
• 2013-14
• 2012-13
E 2 6(1)
In he case of an indi id al, ho is a ci i en of India & a member of
he cre of a foreign bo nd ship lea ing India, he period(s) of s a for
s ch o age in India shall no incl de he period beginning on he da e
en ered in o he Con in o s Discharge Cer ifica e (CDC) in respec of
joining he ship b he said indi id al for he eligible o age & shall
end on he da e en ered in o he CDC in respec of signing off b ha
indi id al from he ship in respec of s ch o age
* In he case of RNOR indi id als & HUFs, income accr ing or arising
o side India shall be a able in India if i is from a b siness con rolled in
India or a profession se p in India.
I 7
9(1)( ) A I
A I ;
9(1)( ) A , I
9(1)( ) A G I
9(1)( ) D I I
9(1)( ) I G , -
9(1)( ) R G , -
9(1)( ) F G , -
B i e c ec i is defined o incl de b siness ac i i carried o b a
non-residen in India hro gh an agen . The agen performs an of he hree
follo ing f nc ions:
3. He habi all sec res orders in India mainl or holl for he non-
residen or ario s non-residen s ho are s bjec o he same common
con rol
1 9(1)( )
In case of non-residen s, he follo ing shall no be considered as b siness
connec ion in India & herefore, no income shall be deemed o accr e or
arise in India:
1. Transac ions ha are confined o mere p rchase of goods in India for
2. Opera ions confined o & in India for
o of India b or on behalf of non-residen , ho is
engaged in he b siness of r nning ne s agenc or of p blishing
ne spaper or maga ine or jo rnals;
3. Opera ions confined o he film in India,
here s ch non-residen is:
a) An indi id al ho is no a ci i en of India; or
b) A firm no ha ing an par ner ho is a ci i en of India or ho is
residen in India; or
c) A compan no ha ing an shareholder ho is a ci i en of India
or ho is residen in India.
I ,R &F 9(1)( ),
9(1)( ) 9(1)( )
Go ernmen Residen Non-Residen
In eres on monies Deemed o Deemed o accr e or Deemed o accr e or arise
borro ed accr e or arise in arise in India e cep in India onl hen sed
India hen sed for a b siness for he p rposes of
or profession carried on b siness or profession
o side India or for an carried on in India.
so rce of income o side
Ro al in respec Same as abo e Same as abo e Deemed o accr e or arise
of an righ s or in India hen sed for he
proper or p rpose of b siness or
informa ion sed profession carried on in
or ser ices ilised India or for an so rce of
income in India.
Fees for echnical Same as abo e Same as abo e Same as abo e
ser ices
I ee , al & fee f ech ical e ice a e a able e e if he e i
b i e c ec i i I dia.
Ill s ra ion 1:
(R .)
Income from ho se proper in India 15000 T T T
Income from proper in Rome recei ed here 10,000 T - -
In eres from bank acco n in India 1,200 T T T
Income from b siness in Bangladesh, being 16,000 T T -
con rolled from India
In eres on Bank acco n in USA 11,000 T - -
Salar earned and recei ed in Tok o 12,000 T - -
Income earned and recei ed in London 13,000 T - -
Di idend from Bri ish compan recei ed in India 17,000 T T T
A I 2(1A)
Agric l ral income (a) XX
Non-agric l ral income (b) XX
Aggrega e of a & b ( o al income) (c) XX
Ta pa able on (c) (d) XX
Aggrega e of (a) & basic e emp ion limi (e) XX
Ta pa able on (e) (f) XX
Ne a pa able (d) (f) (g) XX
The o al non-agric l ral income of Mr. Vick , aged 55 ears is Rs. 4,00,000.
he agric l ral income earned is Rs. 70,000. De ermine he a pa able b Mr.
Vick for he ear
P A (R .)
Agric l ral income (a) 70,000
Non-agric l ral income (b) 4,00,000
Aggrega e of a & b ( o al income) (c) 4,70,000
Ta pa able on (c) (d) 11,000
Aggrega e of (a) & basic e emp ion limi (70k + 250K) 3,20,000
Ta pa able on (e) (f) 3500
Ne a pa able (d) (f) (g) 7500
Less: Reba e /s 87A 7500
Ta liabili 0
Add: Heal h and ed ca ion cess @ 4% 0
Ne a liabili 0
Table Showing Set Off And Carry Forward Of Losses
Whether Losses Time limit
Whether loss can can be carried for carry
Head of income under
be set off within forward and set forward
which Loss is incurred
the same year off in subsequent and set off
years. of losses
Under Under Under Under
the any the any
same other same other
head Head head Head
2. I H
Y Y Y N 8
P #
3. P
B P :
.N -
Y Y Y N 8
.S B Y N Y N 4
.U Y
.U I
D Y Y Y Y 8
Y ,
4. C L (S -T ) N Y N 8
Y ,
5. C L (L -T ) N Y N 8
6. I O
S :
.L ,C ,
P ,C G ,
G ,
Y N Y N 4Y
L f HP ca be e ff agai i c e de a head he e e fR
akh i he ea f The e ai i g ca be ca ied f a di he cceedi g ea
(AY: 2020-2021)
TDS rate for
Payment of Salaries by 192 Slab rate Slab rate Not applicable 30%
1 Employers
Premature payment by PF
Organization from EPF A/c 192A 50,000.00 10% Not applicable 20%
2 (i.e. before 5 Years).
Payment of Interest on
3 Securities by company. 193 10,000.00 10% 10% 20%
(Non Sr.Citizen)
Payment of Interest by
5 bank 194A (Sr. Citizen) 10% 10% 20%
Payment of Interest by
6 others 194A 5,000.00 10% 10% 20%
(Single bill) or
Payment to Contractors by 1 Lakh
9 any person. 194C aggregate 1% 2% 20%
during the year.
Payment to Transporter
Covered u/s. 44E and
submit declaration in
prescribed format. (i.e.
10 owning less than 10 194C - 0 0 20%
goods carriages)
(AY: 2020-2021)
Payment in respect of
maturity of Life Insurance
Policy by Life
13 Insurance Company. 194DA 1 Lakh 1% 1% 20%
Payment of Lottery
17 Commission 194G 15,000.00 5% 5% 20%
Payment of commission or
18 Brokerage 194H 15,000.00 5% 5% 20%
Rent payable by
individual not covered
u/s. 194I for land,
22 building, furniture and 194IB 50,000.00 PM 5% 5% 20%
Payment of Professional
Fees other than call
23 centers 194J 30,000.00 10% 10% 20%
Payment of Professional
24 Fees to call centers. 194J 30,000.00 2% 2% 20%
Compensation on transfer of
certain immoveable property
than Agriculture
25 194LA 250,000.00 10% 10% 20%