Joint account May be held jointly in the names of two or more NRIs/ May be held jointly in
the names of two or
The resident relative can operate the account as a more NRIs.
Power of Attorney holder during the life time of the NRI/
PIO account holder. May be held jointly with
residents on ‘former or
survivor’ basis.
Currency Indian Rupees Any permitted currency Indian Rupees
i.e. a foreign currency
which is freely convertible
Type of Savings, Current, Term Deposit only Savings, Current,
Account Recurring, Fixed Deposit Recurring, Fixed
Period for From one to three years, For terms not less than 1 As applicable to
fixed deposits year and not more than 5 resident accounts.
Permissible Credits permitted to this account are inward remittance Inward remittances
Credits from outside India, interest accruing on the account, from outside India,
interest on investment, transfer from other NRE/ legitimate dues in India
FCNR(B) accounts, maturity proceeds of investments and transfers from
(if such investments were made from this account or other NRO accounts
through inward remittance). are permissible credits
to NRO account.
Care: Only those credits which have not lost repatriable
character Current income like
rent, dividend, pension,
interest etc. will be
construed as a
permissible credit
Funds can be
transferred to NRE
account within this USD
1 Million facility.
Repatriablity Repatriable Not repatriable except
for all current income.
Balances in an NRO
account of NRIs/ PIOs
are remittable up to
USD 1 (one) million per
financial year (April-
March) along with their
other eligible assets.
Taxabilty Income earned in the accounts is exempt from income Taxable
tax and balances exempt from wealth tax
Rate of As per guidelines issued by the Department of Banking Regulations
Change in NRE accounts should be On change in residential NRO accounts may be
residential designated as resident status, FCNR (B) deposits designated as resident
status from accounts or the funds held may be allowed to accounts on the return
Non-resident in these accounts may be continue till maturity at the of the account holder to
to resident transferred to the RFC contracted rate of interest, India for any purpose
accounts, at the option of if so desired by the indicating his intention
the account holder, account holder. to stay in India for an
immediately upon the uncertain period.
return of the account holder
to India for taking up Authorised dealers should Likewise, when a
employment or on change convert the FCNR(B) resident Indian
in the residential status. deposits on maturity into becomes a person
resident rupee deposit resident outside India,
accounts or RFC account his existing resident
(if the depositor is eligible account should be
to open RFC account), at designated as NRO
the option of the account account.
Answer: Some of the foreign currency accounts that can be opened by resident individuals with an
Authorised Dealer bank in India, along with their features are given below:
3) Customs duty