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Camouflage: Department DF The Army F Manual

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FM 5-20




MAY 1968
·'M 5-20

FM !S-20
WASH INGTON, D.C" M al/ t O 1988


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CIUPTM 7. AI RCRAF T 27"1 '9
SUPPLY POINTS ._ ___ 82-88 57
"""'''''''' REFE RJ:N CES __ __ _ 102

. ..... _ _ ... . . - PIll I-JI. II 1 _ PIll 1-11 . II ••_ _ , _ .... . . . - _ ,., 1-JOlI. II .........
'........... _1-._ .......



1. PI,I.P'O" gnd SCClpe sponaible for his own concealment. Hia respon-
a. This IIULnuai pr ovid"" a comprehensive sibility here is just as great .... hia responsibil _
refere nce and guide in all aspecto at camou_ ity lor hi. rifte, and he must know as much
nag<!. It de.crihes In detail the pr inciple.. In_ about camoonage .... he d08ll about his weapon.
volved in coneeaiing Or disguising troops. vehi- Just u trainilli" in ma rkllmanahip tea.ehea the
ciell, weapons, and field installations. The IllKt soldier to hit a target accurately. so does
cluIpter di.cu98l!111 the p1&n.ning l or and the knowledge 01 camouflage teach him how to ea-
operation at decoya and decoy InstallatlOllll. cape becoming a target himself.
For technical lnfonnation regarding th e b. Command. Overall unit camouflage is th e
natu ral and artificial mate rials and equipment responsibility of the comman der . He must in-
aVllilable lor both concealment and visual slIre the complete understanding by every man
deception, the reader la relerred to TM &-.-200. in hill command 01 the Importance, principle!! ,
b. InfortIUltion and data presented in this and techniques of eamounage. In addition to
his responsibiliti"" in the trnininll" and super_

t: nual ..... appllcable to both nuclear and non_

clear warfare. It must be remembered that
n the event at a nuclear bunt near a camou-
Raged position. the thermal radiation lIULy ig-
nite the eamouflage if It Ia 01 .. flammable sub-
vision of the Individual soldier's concealment
efl'orts, he must plan snd execute camouflage
measUreli lo r the operational, administrative,
and logistical areaa 01 his command. Finally.
stance. In addition. radiological decontamina- to insure the etrectiveneaa at all camoufl~
tion operations ma y be hlnderad by the measures, he is raponsible for th e strict en-
presence 01 elaborate eamouftBi"e conrlrndion. f orcement at camou8.&ge discipline.
Thfl8e are calculated riaka and must be taken
into consideration when planning camouflage 4. Impartano» of camouflage
meallu"",. Camoufl~ is one of the basic weapons of war.
Correctly used, it can spell the difference
2. Comment between a succeesl ul campaign and defeat; to
Users 01 this man ual are encouraged to submit the individual it can moon the difference be-
recommended chan&e8 Or eemmente to improve t ween lil e and death. R~rdless of the type 01
the manua!. Commento should be keyed to the warl~l out nuclear Or Inter nal delenae
speeitk: page, paragraph, and line 01 the text operations--umounage remains important.
in which the change is recommended. Reasons Small semi-independent unitll mullt l urn ish
should be provided for eILCh conunent to insure their own security, r econnai88l1nce, and sur-
understanding and eomplete evaluation. Com_ veilianee. They muat be able to exist l or long
menta should be forwarded directly to the Com- periods 01 time with s minimum of control
Il1llndant, U. S. Army EJ1i"ineer School. Fort and support from hi~ headquarten . AI. a
Belvoir, Va.• 22060. r esult, their success will depend to a larg e
extent upon their Ilblllty to remain concealed
3, r..pon.lbilltle. for Ccrmouflclge and lrom the enemy. This in t urn will depend upon
Deo»ptlon the knowl~ and proper execution at the
a. Individual. The Individual soldier is re- principlea of camouflal"e.



5. IntrodudicHI ~uJar ne<ldl; the photographe may be

.tOOled at length; It I'<lduees diatane<l of obser-
Before posalble to employ dedi.,. eamou-
vaOon by enlargement: and radar- will uaually
nage it is DeeeolSary to know aomethlnll' abou t
d<ltect a IIl< object behind a nonmetallie
observatiOD. Then are two broad eateror:lO!lll of
observatlon--dil'llCt and Indil'llCt. eereea, aucll all a conventional bl.lrlap-
garnlabed eamounap net. Ita dlsadvantaMw
are: The time required to develop photoi"raphl
6. DI..d Observation and dluem.inate the Infonnatlon; weather may
Direct obeervatloa refera to that prooeea interfere with llt!r1al photograph; the skill of
w~reby the observer __ the aubjeet php- the photointerpre\er may limit Infonnatloa 0b-
leally. that iA. with bbl ~ed or ullllided.. tained ; and there la a lack of the third dlm<lD- 1
Exampl O!lll of thbl type of observation lnelude . lon . excepton apeelallte reophotography.
an obeerver elttinll' on a hilltop wlth blnocuIan
or an aerial observer vlewllli' the landscape a. Aerial Ph ot ogra phll. I n modem warfare
aerial photography h.. Il6llUmed a place ~'
frtml an ai rc raft. Direct obeervatlon hae many
advante~: It offers immediate InfoMlUltion
extreme Importance• .IIld In reprd to ~ ,
on whieh action may be baeed; the picture bI nap deteetion and lDa~tion. photography ha..
seen In the true third dimension and la easily reached a .\;age where it ill indiBpenaabte.
Military photoi"raphe Ire divided Into three
evaluated by the brain; the eye la nonnal1y lUI
accura te a nd leIIJIiti ve receiver; and It allow. ca.tell'llrlea: vertical, hill'h oblique, .IIld low
obaervatlon of movement. It hae four major
dieadvantages: There Is no permanent record (1) Vmie"l. The vertical photorraph i.
for future direct comparieoD; weather and one taken directly ahove the . ubject. It show.
time of day may limit It; the oblerver's ex- practlealJy no detail In the third dlmenalon
perienee and mlsllion m&ylimlt the lnfonnation other than Ihadow Ind can be eompared with
obtained; and human error may result In 111_ a pJan view of bulldlllll'll on a blueprint. Whell
complete and Incorrect Infol'1lLation. taklDlf' a vertical photorraph, the line of Bip t
on the camera la perpendleular t.:> the Une of
7 . Indirect Observation f1lpt of the ain:raft (ng. 1) . In vertleal
In indil'l!<:t observation the observer ..... a photo Interpl'l:!taUon. th<l proeesa of stereo-
picture or an imap of the subject, and DOt the vieioll la used extensively. By taking two pho-
physle&l aubjeet itself. Photography. radar, t.orrapha of th<l BlIllIe subject and .tereoacople
infrared, and televlaloll are aaed in Indirect 0b- glaasea. the third dimensi on, depth. beeOIl1<lll
servati on. The adVaDtall'ea of Indll'llCt aberva_ apparent. Thil Is 01 rreat advantage In exam-
t10n are: Sueces&ive photol! of the &n\ll IniDlf' enemy or In inspectiDlf' our
may detect changes which have taken place; It OWD~.
reeulta In a pel1llll.Dent record; it lnc_ the (2 ) High. oblique. High oblique photo-
.pectrum for ob8ervation to th<l infrared /Uld rra.pha are thoae taken at an aDlf'le ral8ed floP1
other apectrulWll invisible to the human ey<l; it the vertical so th at th e apparent horizon aho~
ClIn be diatributed to an eclIelonl for thoir On th<l photo. It aleo mOW'll a partial thil I ~


dimen.ion by gi ving the s ide and top view of (b) Cowr film . Color film will detert
the "ubject ( fill' . 2) . camouflage which does no t match th e "01 0r8
(1I ) Lo w oblique. T he low oblique i8 . imi. in the background. However, th is film IUl-'l
lar to the high oblique except that it dOl.'fl not many oPt'rationll l difficult ies a nd ~i ves b"s t
show the horiwn. T his is accomplish ed by resultll O)nly u nder ideal conditiO)ns, CO)lors
taking the photoKrnph at an angle I"". than tend W blend together a t h i~h a ltitudes ,
SO " from the p"'rvendicular to the line of flight shadO)w density is not ll-'I accu rate on this fil m
(fig. S).
as on the black and wh ite f,lm, a nd atmospheric
(4 ) Filnu. There are fou r t ype" of fi lm
WIed In aerial photography , conditions must be ideal in order to obtai n l\
(<I) Bl.Mk and u·hit e. Black lind white clea r photo~rllph, F or t h....e fea.<;<JllS, th is f,lm
film recoro.. images in tone gradation between ill not w idely used (fig, 5 ).
white lind black. While not reproducing color, (c) I n f ra r ed film , Inf ra red waYe" or
It d<>ell provide a pennanent record of tonal
rays re fer to a portion of the elect l'Om s lO1 eti c
ditferencell. Select tllteMl are often used to im-
pro ve the photollTaph or to r ecord on ly the spectrum wh ich is invisihle to th e human eye ,
light that is known to give th e greatest tonal Most thinll" in nature, s ueh as livin ll', ll'reen
"ffereD. '" between natural b&ckground. a nd vesretation , reflect these infr a red ,,'aves rea dily
object bei n ll' s oug ht (fill. 4) . a nd in larg e quantities, :\10st artificial rna _

lIigh Oblique

teri ll1s normally do not ...1I..,t th ....e inf ra r<'<i cial camoull ~ that 11M I.>een t~ wiUl such
wa veII to the same e xtent. T blUl. infrared 111m pa in t a nd dye (flg . 6 ) .
wh ich ls notllinK more t han blll.C k a nd whi te ( d ) CamoujW.Qe detecti<m film. Thi.
film that is BeMitive to Iuf rar ed wav.... can film w.... delligned specifi cally to detect green
result in a picture showinK contr""liI l>clween colored a rtificial camouflage by r<:o::ordinll' it &8
natural illla and artillcial materials. The blue to blu&--I"ree n in con trast to a red r<:o::orn_
natu ral materials will ahow up u a Iill'ht to ne inll' or nat ural veg etati on. It combinf!8 th~
of In'1Iy while the artificial materials win ahow advantai"'" ot both int~ a nd colo r films.
up ILl a dark tone of lITay. Inf rared fil m hill! Th e st ructu re of the film is such \.hat high
a nothe r impo rtant use. It een be used !A> tAke infrared reaeeu ve objee~natural VegetatiOll
phoWgra!.ha a t lI i ~t if til"..., Is a SOU rce of -c-reccrd as red ; low infra red rellect ive objecb
infrared ra diati nn. To counte r the detecting record aa blue or lrfOOn .
abili ty of this film , camouft a ll'1l p&in lil a nd dyes
have been d""elop€'d that have a hlll'h lnf ranod b, Radar. Radar detecting dev ic.... emit radio
....fl ectance, aimila. to foHa~. All c>L!I1oufl" Il''' sigtla19, usually in the f orm of pulses of an
materi als lire now i."ued with thl. type of ultrah igh t r l.lqUency, wh ich are reflected from
colori nll !<O t h"t infrued fil m Mil no longer t he object bein g viewed an d r<:o::eived hack
detect di tl'e rences between I1Jlt u ....1 and arli tl- the point ot transmiuion. By analyzin/C th

Low Obliq u e

minute r ellected si/lTlal• • the characteristics of lin d ita s ur round inl(>l . I f t he ohjed a nd ju bl<Ck_
the ohject un der obsen-alion may 00 'I.... grou nd are of th e same rellectance and te xtur e,
tennine<!. Concealment from rada r dependll total concealme nt is a chie ved. Concea lment
upon th e r!'duction of thi s refled ion. Thi. ca n from passive inf rared ill dependent upon re-
be accomplished by diggi ng in ce by use of a dueing heat em;"";oo of olJj et"t!I wh ich are hot-
defilade. It is important to ""memlwr t hat ter than th eir . u rroun dinll'll. Therefore. hOme
foliage cover a lone "",,,not be relied upon com_ in. ul at ion or sh ield mu"t be " ",-'<1 , Defilade,
plet..1}· to deCeat detection by rada r. heavy bruah, or even tree COVer will a t le""t
r. I Nfra red . There a re two types of infrared a tk nuate t he hea t ra d ia t ion , To w ha t e xtent ,
de pend., upon the de M ity or L,ick n..... ,
detecl.£lTll: Adi ve (nea r) which req uires illu-
minati on of the target by ..,me light worce .
slIl'h a8 in!ra rm spot o r lloodllg hta or the S U D ; 8, f octoR of Recogni Tion
snd pa&&i"" (fa r ) which d eled .. the heat emit- Rega rdl""" of t he method or observat ion em_
ted by the ta rlr"t a nd convem the ai KJl"I to a ployed, there a re ce rtain factol'll wh ich must
visual picture lfTa ph or M UDd rt!<'ord . Concea l· ...1...a )." be p nt to h..ll' t he eye lind hrtl;n
ment f ro m active inCrarOO dependa on the reduc- identi fy a n obj t. Th....e a re k>rmed facto J'll of
n of ,. .11...,18""" cont ract between the ob ject reco&,ni tlon ( fi r . 8 ) .

a. PoRiti01l.. An abject is often identi fied by as fll.<:"tory chimneys, utilit y poles. vehicles,
it.. posit ion with relat ion to it>< surroundi n l/:s. bri dl/:es, a n d ten ts ha ,'e rlietlnctiv e shadow•.
A long object on a railroad tl'lU'k is .....umed to Sometimee it may be more im portant to brea k
be a tra in: aimihl.r objects on a river a n d pa r- up or d isruj>t th e shadow of a n obj ect than it
allel to its banks are lUIsumed to be \)oats o r is to conceal the object itself.
barg"". A llU"lf" structu re in a IO'oUp or frame d. Tc" fur .., Textu re r efer. to tl ,e abi lity of
buildin!C" might be a b" rn. Position is nothiIlJ(
a n object to retlect, absorb, and diffuse light.
more than t he , tive space rela t i<lnsh ip of one
It may be defined .... th e r elative smoothness or
object to another object or objects.
roughneaa of a surface (fig. 9) , A ro ugh sur·
b. SIw./w . Ex per ience Maeh es poople t o as - face, sue,h a.. a field <>f g fll.."", ,...flec\.S litth
sociat e an object with its sha pe or outl ine. At lil/ht a nd casts many shadow. on itself. Can.
"' distll nee . the outli ne of ob ject.' ca.n be s''<Iuent ly it a pl'<""'s very dark to the eye or oa
recognized IanI/: befo,... the details of makeup II photograph. A smooth surfa<:e, such a.. a~
can be det<.'rmined. Trucks, gU118, tIInks . a nd ai ""trip or the roof of a buildin g , ,...flecb
other com mon milita ry item~ of equipment all more llgh t on an aeri al photograph. Thus, all
have distinctive outl in.... that help to identi fy airstrip. even t h ough it might Ix· pa inted th t
them. same color .... the surround ing terrain, would
c. Shadow . Shadow may be even more reo show up lUI a li!!,hter ton.. on a photograph.
vealing th a n th e ohj ect itself . Th ill. i. particu- The almoet to tal absence of text ure rellulbl .
larly trn.. when viewed fmm the air. Such items shine, One of the most revealin g br each

ea"""" t1.III~ d ;""ipli ll~ ill ah ill~. 'IlIh1 . Ion<! r . 1I or co nfirminlll a tentati.... i....lltifieat ion. A
allnct . t.... l1l..... t.<>. ",,".tiOll u lld<>r ~"""')' ,.... _na ry ....l\IIidfonti".. iI t .... «.ne "r a t'<llo,r.
........Iion I"f'P.nI leM of th~ t)"l~. Shi n~ il lII~n_ Thil il u... mooi liratiull oC rolor i ll nryi nll"
~"'Iy """, ial<'<l ...ith Uw ,.."...·Ii,," "r ~"nlilllhl ......d..... 115uan.\· darker ,ha""" of a ~" en .."l"r
from wi nd ield". ,,·indo m..... k illl. a nd " 'ill be .... like l)' It> at1n1rl a ll obaen 'er's a t-
othrr ~u" h alm...t te "l u l ~u rla<' ..... E" rn I<'lItioll lh llll tI,.. lilllhler. mo,... h rilli "nt ,h ad.....
th.. lr ll...... " C fi..ld 11I1" ,,·h.. 11 u't"d ill d i,....·' f. ." ",-n",·"t. Th.. Ia..t Cado r oC ......oj(nitioll
,u nlilllhl . rR" " ·11....t " lJri l(1lt "hi".. "i mi"' r t.. is m"wn"'nt lin d a lth""jl"h th i. (ado r ,,'101 ,,11\
that "r K mirro r. (S" mt· "u!.J.tanee.•• """h ''" reveal" tJ,,· i,l"nti ty of a n ohj ,~- t hy It><,·lf. it i"
,·...-t,, 11I 1,1".•t i,·". "·"" rd l"., , "r th e d "jl"l"" "r ll". m", t iml . "t",,! ""l' f" r r"v,·"li"l( ,·.bu·",·,·.
textur... "t ill [l,..-,.. "t a 5lt i n~. ) Eve n t ho"KIt t h other fa rt" .. "f "''''''jl"n it ion
' . ( ·" /n,,. /'" I" r i, a ll a i,1 t" " " "b"en'~r wI"·,, have I....." '·""' I.I..le ly elin, in.. t.-.i, .. n " "f"IIIy " I..
til...... 1. r "" lra, t L>o.t....... n th .. rol" r or a ll obj..o:t .... I"\·.. r " '111 b.. aU rarlt>d. t.<> Ih.. a ...... ir .... w""
Ind it.< I",...kl(r""nd. Th~ lI:...... t..r the ",mlr""t ment i. ,."t r"n t rol led. II.. m,,~' ",-"" be ron_
in ,""lor. th .. mo.... ,·i. ibl.. th .. object al.I_ ..... r en tn>li lla: h i~ a lle ntlo n " II anme uth e r 10""
• "hi l.. ""'''r . Ion.. w ill W1 ually not identi ty . 11 hu t h.. ...ill not Ca il t.<> d..t...·l mo~ .....enl ill
,"'"I. it iI <of...." .11 aid in Ioc.tilli" the ubj«:t another atal thruua:h h is prriph.. nl v ilion .








9, ' riM.1n
S iti ng. di~lpll ne, and eOD5truction a re the
three princi pla employed. to elim.inat. the fac-
ton of ~ition, Good eamo<l ll&¥e is ob-
tainable onl,. thfOUl'h a thorou gh lindei'''
ItaD.ding of the fKto", of recognition and <:an-
ful nalu&tlon &lid IltiliiW.lon of theae prm.
cipla (If eor:K*.lmlmt.
... S itiA#. Slt mlf ia nothi... m,," thaD adtd-
mg the m.... advanta.-a pomtion in .. hith
to hide • mAn, . n object, or an &clint,' (ftp:.
10 th rwJh 14) . l'o matter wh.t kind of t.r..
rain It b , ...... a n a PJl&"'ntly f_tu .......
d......rt. the... la . l .... ys lIOIne d j".,.,rnible pat.
wm. natural o r manmade, .... hleh can be uaed
to «>nefti or . t Ie. st blur the tactically vital
. ign. of military activity. If th ese fu tu ....
U1! uti lized. eon~.lment " ,ill often be effectl ve 1 W~ ON G

with"ut em ployme nt of . rtiflc ial eamouft &ie

cond r uct ic.ll meu ures. Experience hll.8 shown
that a V IllIt m. J"rlty of . n concealment prob-
lem. can be solved by proper siting. The re are
ereee iOvem lnlf fado", for aite selecti on.
(1) M;, fflm . Thi. ;.. p .. ramounl A certain
IocatioD may be excellent f rom the conceal ment
.tandpoint, but If it m.. ke. it impoM ible to
ca rry oot the ml&o ion, it la pointless.
(2) DUpen;..... The req uirement for d i...
~nion dktat. the AWl of the aile. A. site la
......... if It ,,"II Dot permit enough d isp"nal
for d ectlft operation.
(S ) T....... i" pottl~ The fina l point to
borp ill IIlind la '"What, it . ny, disturballCe in
the terraill pattem ,,"II this parti""iar li te
lIectU1tate r The ana... er ahould be '"nona..
Thia ia 't'ital line" any cha nge in aD exi.atilll"
p&itenI wtll lmm ldiately mdicate the pneftlCf
fA. lOme kti't'ity. The foar I"enerali:r.ed tern in

po.tterm.-n1ral. urbalI. wooded, and t.~ ,....... 1... c........ ., -".....

F;'-.. 11. E n ",plo _, ~ '; Ii"l/ • ...c oi ' _I ,... .. iw.

~oI r ~ .g . lo lod t.mIiw. 1M ).

an hllve dlsti nctlve eha rac"' I'i.UCll. which a ce rigid routine "f l ueh d i.scipli"e, both vi"ua l a nd
nee......,.,. to preoerve. audio. i.o not followed by only one man, tile
( II) R.""ll t............. Th i. terni " i.o 1"e<' ''II'' entire ra moullllll'e ~ffon will fa il. Careleuneu
Jilied from the ai r b,. vi rtue "f Ita peculiar alld l""n... . m undoubtedly m eal the poa\.
dlec . ertxo.rd pattern. Thia III • "",ult of the ti on to the Tracb. apoil. and debria
illere"t tn>- of crope. . Dd veptation found are the ......t common aigna of military .etivity
molltf.,.m... . hirh indi<'ate t'OlI'CNled obj""lll. Th.more.
(II ) U""'" If"ITa..... A picture f rom the
_ t..clta ahoold f olio_ exlatl ~ patha, I't*da,
Ur of ~ llrb&ll terrail>ll ;" clLll rac teri.... by fe_ . o r ruotural lin~ in the terrain patUrn.
fDnn or _ urtifo rm rn.... of l>ou&inr. inter- E1poMd mula do not end at a pollitH>n, but
W'O¥ftl with llt f'ft'tA• • nd punrtnatfod by r . .....
a re ut.ndecl to another tennination. If
fnDylncated tr- ....d IhrubL practicable. n Jl'lMd tnckt are camoufta~ by
bruminll' out or coveri " g. Spoil and debris
(c) W ""","" I""",,,. The pictu re that are covered or placed to blend with the &ur_
thil terni" p.--nta to the aerial ot-rver ;"
rn und inp ( lip. 15 t hrouKh 17). A camou na~
a natural, Irtej'\lla.r work of na ture. u"l ib the
SOP ll.ti nll rul"" like the un"" mentioned
almo»t e-netric pattei'll of the manmade rural
will hell>• g rea t deal in ~nf<>...i"g camOU na ll'e
u d urban \.errain.
diacipllne, It ahould ....ill"ll to certai n In-
(d) B lIrrnt Urrui.... U ke the ..ooded dividual. the ,....I"'n~ibility of ~" f<> rci njl: thi.,.,.i", b.,.ren terrain pre!!ent th e a..rial 01>. diaclpU"". It should list ru les for conduct of
""rver with an uneve... lrregulllr work of na_ i nd i vid ua l~, units , veh icle d ri ve"" etc.. in
ture. without the abru pt patt...rna "t t he run l comba.t. In blvou""". or In any other Ilt uatl on
and urban .re.... which rna,. b<! apprnpriate to th e unit.
b, C,,_}faI1~ DWriplilU. (2) No 1eoI important II the atriet ob-
t tl The ....,.,Dd bulc co..dlt lon fo r the ... rv~ of bl,a., . ""t rules. At nig ht, ..indo. ...
llrb~tmt of auccE'fIS in a..,. cam ou na p elTon hatth... entnMea, and otMr openlnp th~
is the . t rid mai ntenaDce of camoul\ d Ja.. . hieh llKht U n &h ine muat be covel'ed with
cipli lle, by both the unit .. a . hole and the shutlen, ac........... curtai ..... and other aped al
iIodividual ..\dier. Thill IDeS...... oI.u- of any opaque ma teria1a to P""~t tmem,. V'OO nd and
actirity that clLlln ps the ' PPHran« tit an air ot.en'era f rom not irinlf the interior illll-
or ,,"",Ia tile PreM'DCOl of military equip. miruoti on. Fltt!ll ca n b<! Ht'ht.d lJIll,. in apecially
...L It II • continuous. muDd-tIl_l""k necea- deaignated and equipped anu. Smoklnr la
tr u d . ppli_ to evfl)' individ ual. If the forbidden the enemy... i' the d iapla,. of


... •
~--" -
.... ,; ~

• ~

movers, a nd t racto r engines alo ng a broa d
front; or by t he opel"at i" " of sou nd pr ojection
. tations which can imitate variou " battle
soun d,.
c. Cam o"f!ag~ Cons truot ion . The th ird and
lInal princi ple on wh ich !loud eamouflajl:e is
based is camoufla ge const ruction . When the
terrain an d n atural veJ(etahon a re s ucb th at
n at unol conceal ment is not possible, artificia l
cam ou Aa l((' i. ad ded . Ar tificial or natural
materials ar~ used to h~lp bl~nd the object or
in dividu al with the s urround ing t errain .
Camoo fl age const ruction sho uld be resorted to
un/y whe n s iting a nd disc ipline cannot prod u"e
the desi r ed coneealmen\' :"at u ral matR ria!s are
p referred over artificial m ateria ls, s ince the
former r ea"",ble the s urroundin!,: vejl:etation.
If a rtificia l ma terials are us ed. they must l.oe
110 arranged as t o blen d with t he surronndinlJ'"
to the lD""ate.t ]IOBsible d ellTee. They mu st be
of sturdy con,truction to wi tl,atand va ryi ng
weather cond itions a nd be constantly check ed
and m aintained. The con st ruction work mu.t
be hi d den~ wi th the "'ork partie. observing the
str idest d iseiplin e. If ]>o"s ihle. all e nJ(ineerinl!:
work s hould he carried out at ni!,:ht, with all
trac~s of the n il(ht's activit ies r.amoufla l!:ed be-
f ore morning. Th ere should l.oe no dis rup tion
!'iouro 13, I n "'Ou{,,, urN," '.""iu, mu"""11 obj«t. of t he terrain Jl'lt te rn ; no rle.tnlction of plant s
," u ot b, ,i,.d I"".U,' t o ,,00 cw" '. Ii" ... or trampled llT""ses; n or should there be any
new m a ,L. or ope n d itc h"" vb ible. T hi.' is d iffi_
lir hts of any type~. Combat a nd t ransport cult to do, b ut unl ess strict discipline is main_
vehicle. can he a llowed w travel on ly with tainer! durinl( s lIeh r onstrud ion. t here i8 lit tl e
their lights turned off or obllcu red. Aeria l point to the ca moul1 a l(e effort.
photographs taken at night by the liJ;ht of
lIares or by the use of imllKe intensification 10, Camauflage Methods
equipment ca n pick up breaches in "amouflaJl,"e T he re are three funda men tal w ays of conceal_
discipline, wh ich a r e more likely to occu r at
ing i"aud latiu lla and actid ti es, H id ing , hlend -
night than in the da ylight ho u,"". Coru;equently ,
the 8am e 8tandard of camouflage di8ciplin e
ing, a n d di sguising.
m""t /", ndh cred t o by night as by WIV. u. llidino. lJi rling is th e com plete c"nceal-
( 8 ) Troops must lJay special attent ion to
ment of an object by som e fonn of ph ys
,ound eamou flal(e durinl( night movement a nd s('reen. Sod ov er t he m inea in a m inefield h id""
app ly a ll t he pr inciples of !lCoutiIlK and patrol_ the miMS; the ove rhead canopy of trees hi d""
ling. During nighttime r iver eros_ings. the tlte obj ects beneat h it f r<>m aeri al obs ervation;
noise from the paddles sh ould be muffled. Re- a defilade hid es object.. from g rOllnd observa-
veaHnJ( sounds from tank and truck movement tion; a n et hides obj.., ta beneath it; a road
from engineering work can be m uflled by screen h ide'S the obstacle behi nd it. In wme
stro nl(er "'>u nds . e .g .. s o "alled s oun d .cree n, . r.a.' ea, the screen it.. elf n"l,V L.... invi sible to the
• eated by the fir ing of m achineKUIlII and a r_ enemy. In other inatanc"" , while viaihle to the
. Iery p ieee. : til<' r unning of tanks, prime en"",y, a screen con"eal s the amount 'Ind type
-----= - W I LL

~ ~~~:::~ TH IS

TM !

' OC',',T~O
~--. :.
A I N "'-')
U"'A ,
I N D EfI N I T H Y ,

-- . .------
---- -- -
a pplk.ation of eamoutlal'(e ma terial. on, ovcl.~·
and around the object 80 that it ap pears to II'
part of the background . F or exam ple, the in:
dividual soldier can apply stic k f ace paint to
the ex posed areas of the skin ; add " urla",
paint, ll11d live vegetati on to his helmet IlJld
d othing so that he ",..i ll closely r esemble or
blend into the background. The same things
can be done to equipment a nd structur es to
ma ke them inconspicuous. Blending dimnctive
ma nm ade objects into a natural termin pat-
tern Is necesllflry to maintain a normal a.nd
J'ipu,.. 16 . H i. " b ~ "",", M", lo . ..... th o ,,,, (romt<! natural "attern (figs. 19 a nd 20) .
ub..,.,·.,., that '''M a<ti ,~t~ .. takmg pfa<. at both c. DisouiBing. Disguising is the third method .
(£) .. ..4 ® aM b..... _t<~ ;"V'
It involves the simulation of an objed o r
activity of military sign ificance. Clever dis-
of activity lwhind it . F igu re 18 illustrates two KIl i_ will mislead the enemy ll. to ident it y,
examples (Of hid ing. strength, lind intention, and will draw his fin
b, Bk ndino. Blending is the arrangement or f rom the real target.

" -
- -
- -~-
_uldbod _ •
• ~"" to . un thl. _ dbl • •k ...ltlw
F,-" 11. E~4""'lu 01 :::~.t otopplnll" to """"nnoIOo, .
T hl. 1<","" h14... f",m ..",un4 o!>M.... .tlon tho omount ond typo or tum. u,i,,~ !hi .
Impor tant mol n .oppl, rou'" In Ko.......
F;,. .. lI--(A>nU.. ....t.



11 . Introduction emphuize, T o keep the appearance o{ the

background t ree of lism which point to the
a. Individual carnou flali"~ is the ccncearment prwence of military porsonnel a nd acti vities,
a I<lldler \lUll In combat to surprise, decelv~, ~ moat foil.... hidden l'Outee, and c.o""'eaJ.
and outwit hla ene my. He muat bo... how to
. poil. traeb, .cjulpment, a nd llIItallationa.
YM the JrlUUnd. fu, m U3t adapt hi. d.... to
bIeDd with h.. bacl<P'O'I od. He mUit eantou,. 12. DiI""l,I", the He"-t
aeI«t hil routel beh,",n ~til)fLl to pill aucll 'nM OUUi H or the beIIne\ .. ODe of the striu.,
~ma.t u .. .-sib" wh.iko he 11 in characterial.lea or a aoIdien eq ui pmml,. and ita
motion. The li mple prind pl_ In th ll chapter curved familiar . hape can be -...ill' Idmtlra..l
have been battlft tested. It the IOldler · by the enemy. One of the IIl'1t ~pa for in-
.nd practk~o them continuou oly in tnJ nlng he dividual eamoutla~ II the dilruplion, both of
...m know what to do in actual battle. th e f onn of the helmet and the atr<>nll' It ral llht-
1>, Individull ca moutla~ acl ivltiu Ire de- llned lhado.... It eaata. There an eeveral ....ys
. Iptd. to deceive two kind. of nelll)' obM... ers of dolllg th b ( fig. 211 . l mprovh,ed h''';i'!
-tTOUnd and a ir . V ....... from the '1'O\lnd a ", (Oftr'I ean \It made f rom ein:ular p1..cs
fami liar, but vWon from the alr .... \lIU&Ib' ", u bolll, burlap•. or othu cloth , 20 lllChes I.
quite ..nfamiliar. In n...... warfare the .......,. dlaJnetn. A l .lad> hero .. M'1I"III around the
pllta much rellanee OIl aerial photllgrapha for M ..... a draW'ltrinr ia pulle<l th .....[fh It , and
Infonnation .. 1.0 our .....tivili. and intftlUons. the -...hole _er ia poW tlahtly onto the hel-
1t I. important to become fam tliar ,.-ith the met. D10carded .... d hap, beca\IHC of their
" bird 'l-f!ye-view" of the te rl' all well ... the appropriate abe make " cellent Improv loed
rround view In order to learn how to roard covera. The oaek la t ucked UP the helmet
a(&lnst both ki nd. of observation. end the lin.r then replaced to hold It t1nnly in
e. Eff ective conculment of lbe Individual plal:e. The cove.... I"l'If&rd..... of what they a n
~ pri ma rily on the choke of bAckrround mad&, ahnuld be pa.l.nted to breal< up the IOIid

"""Del in.. a ~ _II

and Ita prope r \IlIC. 8ack....,und II t~ sur_
from t~ Ilf'O\I nd a nd the
alr. It ....,. be uythin,-_ portloa of the
eok>r. Two-hw:h allta art art III the _ r to
allo.... rot' the I_rtion of f~~ or bo_ N.
~ ....hat killd of helmet _ t l are I. uMd.
jUIlJle. an a"", in a "-nen roc-k)' d<!IIert. a it II incomplete if the ahado"w beneath the
fal'1ll yard, or a city street. It ia the cont rolling helmet ia not broken up by arranli nlr a bit of
element in individual CllJn(>u tla.« and flOvernll folia~ or ral'll!shing loll that pie>celll of It hanl
every concnlment measure, The clothes that over the ri m of the helmet. Small lr re«ular
arlO worn mult blend with the predominant placea of eloth, . lmllarly arranred, ,.-ill aceam-
color of the bad [rround. Sk ill and light colored 1I11.h the _ thing.
equipment a re to lled do_ for the pur-
poM. The Individual IOldier mlllt pl'lll:tiea 13. Canvea fquipnwnl
blandi.... with the ~kfT'O'lnd by hidin.. ill Are and ~I.old wuhlnlP will fade C&llvai
aAadoonI u d avoidi nr oontrasl betr",n ' hi. equ ipment. When th i!. 0ttU1'I it mud. be
lin-.ette and the batk~,nd. Il l' muat a_ id d.arl\ened ....ith pai nt. mud, ...". rcoal. .... an.

movement . hleh the ilT,mobIle bAcl<.rn>und will th in, el8e thal will reduce the tonal contraat. ..
111 ~

,. ........ .

,..4 ',, '

4. _
. • •4

21 I II" I. ~• •I• • • 11 . .. 1. ....1. . . ! . ..... 1 .. . ... '.1. m 1 ,,1•• ~ . I .... co ••• " "" 0 • • •• •• 4 •• ~ k ••
..114 .. I., ~ .I . , 1 " . 1• ••• 1 4,

(Jl ~ 4" 4 ~ ,. 4 1; 4 1' 1 • 4 , " tto ..

•••••• ....104 n 41 1 4• • • •
• ,.u, k_ "-•.

"Woo'" 01. 1'....... _ ....... , _ .._ ........ "'" .......

14. Slo in toninl' tMm down in a" ...."'" colo r (til'. 221 .
Fwt:o. n...... a nd hands ahouJd be toM<! dOWD WM n llIl nl' d illl1l pti"" pain ti nl' the ""lter1lS
""intin, th..m in a dioru pti"e pattern o r by ahou ld eut ac n- the n""", Ii ...... eh...... bon...

eye sockets, and chin lines . Bu rnt cor k and mud 16. Shiny Objeds
can be used , or in the absence C>f natural rna.
ReOection t rom brightly .hin ing ouject.'! i8 t
terials, the t"" .. paint sti ck may he u.. ...J. A
com mon urell('h at c"mauOalf\' discipline, A~
mesh mosqu ito nettin ll'. pro[m rly to ned down,
sh iny obj ect.'! must be concealed. This incl udes
i. an effecti ve way ot break ing up the outlines
ot the face, such item s as watches , rings, belt buckl...,
and mesa k it item• . A common breach of m..-
15. Weapon Tonedown cipline is the wearin g of goggles on the helmet.
This is a v iolation wh ich sh ould he avoided.
One ot the aimplest way. to diatort the gi v~
awa y (mtline ot a weapon i. by wra pping it
with burlap garni.hing or st rip. ot clot h dyed 17. Camo uflag e Clothing
to makh the uackground , Pattern paintin g ti,e Indiv idual concealment requi res a little
weapo n i. an oth er excellen t method of distort_ plann ing and thought and ingeniou s use of
ing the weapon outl ine. The sh iny parts can materi al. at hand . Th is applies to ti'e carnou-
be covered. by cloth, pai nt, or m ud , Care must !lage of clothing aJro. In the absence of iss ued
be taken wh en camoollaging II w....pon not \<, camou!lage unitortn s, th e llOldier can make hill.
CIlUse interfere nce in the sight in g and firing ot own carnoullage sutt, adaptin g it.'! color a n d
it (lilr. 23 ). pa ttern to the terrain l>ackll'l'Ound. Any color_




;nll' mat<.>rhll ~ ~an 1><> " ,<.'<1, sU"h lIS dye.<, ~ r .." k· lind natural t old" in the ground. It mu.. ,
~lISP oil, or ewn II mi xtu re of mud lind 1l''''''II.<e, remember ed th at ~lImo u flage d otb inll' .J
The imporUlnt th ing is to make the dothinll' cllmouflal(erl equi pment a lone won't conceal,
look leoss like a u nifonn an d more like the The to n<.'<lown, the N•.mouftlll(<.'<I helmet . tho
t<.>rrain in "'hiah it ia to be wo n , ( til(, 24 ) . For I",in ted auit, the covered shi ny ob jecbl a rt
u"'" in SIIOW cover<.'<l terrain ili e re is a vailable j u.t th e bejrinni ngll of the Concealment job,
II whit.. Il'I'mumt d~.. ilrlle<l to blend with II Too often, men have r elied with com plete fllith
white o r mo ttl<.'<l white lind blac k l>ar kll' roulI,l. on 1\ climouftllll'<.'<I helmet lind a climouftlll(ed
T he ano"'su it d<>l"!l nnt oonc{'al t he aman auit, th inki llll' them.w lves mir",," 10u.qly in-
patch "" of shlldow thllt sur ro und a human iiI(. viaible, and com pletely disrell'llrrlillll' an tho
ure, b ut this is nnt """ ""-<lIry si n~e IInow balli c elemenlil of camouft aj1;e. Thill invariably
country is seldom a ll whi te-it does contain 1",,01. to di AAlltrous rCAulto. ThCfle me""u .....
nu merous d u k 8po\a and ~h lld"wlI. If ~ertai n ma ke it r to conC<'lll, but on ly when taken
anow a~ a re lin white with l\lJsolutely no in oonju nction with the p n ncipl.... or scouti ng
"had"w8, use is m"de of defil"" . anow drifts, ....d plitrollilllC (FM 21- 75 ) ,

-~ ;"'"
F",." . U. S.l/......d. ""' ....fl~' • ... ilo ~I• • d tAto ""lr<>l ...... • A. ,...........


18. SitIng creating a silhouette sgainst the sky or against

a background of contrasting colC)r. To avoid air
(;. After the demands of the military ~itua­ observation, the emphwement should be located
tion and the mission have been met, siting
under t rees , bWlhEll! , or in dark are&ll of the
with proper background 10 the /\rat considera_
tion given to the concealment of a fortitlcatiC)n .
From the standpoint C)f ground obl!ervation, b. It is equal!}' important that the conceal_
the emplacement should be oited to avoid in&" cover chosen 10 not isolated , since II lone

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22. Morlan grounei observ ation ill fllir ly _~y. I'roPl"r

» ol'ta rs sllOuld alwa ys be sited in deFIlade. siti ng in shad ow a nd bro ken " round .>attern
Since " m"rta r cove ring a d,,,,ig na t e<l tarll"el RI/I ki nl/ .....rta in t here ill the Ill":'''' :'''')" o" e"head
Ill'Wl h"" 1\ wider choice of poIlition t ha" the d oora nce tor flrinl/, tOll"elhe" with int<:lIi jl"ent
other "maile r welll'"n ', lIud l eietillleie ea n alm""t use of natul'IIl "nei II lti 'lcifl l mater ial. " lfer the
Ilways be fou n d lind eollCoolment from direct required mortar concea lment fr om the ai r .



23. 1__ ling Foctoos either a rtl/kial or n.tural materia.. OD ab ort
A badly concea ~d nhid e clln lead to much . t n1ch.., expoMd t rac kll mal' be erased by
mor e t han just II. lost vehide ; it may mean brushinll' leav"" and debr la over them. All eon-
dis""very of a unit, di!IClMure of an important cealed routes should be ma r ked in adva nce of
WIe and Il""&rdt posted to inaure mi" imum dU-
tactical " ...... or romplete cIestrurlIon of lIll III-
rtalllltion. Camouflage o! ..-<!hld e. l5e'pendl DOt t url>aDu in the area.
only on concull~ the vehiclea tbemael.vea. (2 ) If poouible, before a Wlit OttIlpl• •
their shi ne, shadow. and
but equally 00 position. a quartering party should flnt mUe
prevent inlr and concealinll" their al l.revNllnr a reeonnalManee a nd lay out a cnneealed In<:k_
tr..cks. (It Ihould not be forll"o\tl!n th at enemy plan. No vehicle should enter the new a....
pou n ~ and ae r ial observlltl on Is drawn quick. until then. Thla plan should be laid <MIt to fit
eo.t by anythin. that mova, and that Ilothln. Into th. ter rai.. pattern ... incolUlpic:1loualy ...
n be done to ooncee.l -hiel'" movinll" throa.Il"b poouible by tal<lnll" . etvantap of I'O&da,
Jndervowth or aloog "'t-<I rn ut<es. ) _ riIead cover, and . ha do.. can..... Ua__
Many f acton mu.t be ron. iden d ill _ h a
... T.....,h . Track. are "peeially t""·M lln. to
the aerial obse rver. They indicate type, lcca- plan: d uration of occupation; time allo..M\ for
u cs , strength, .nd even Int.!nt iollS of a uni t. ent.!rin lr lind leavlnll"; aize, cha r acter , and tIlls-
The gradual tu rns of wheeled v....icl.. . re di... alon of oceupylnl!" unit; d iat.a_ f rom the
t1IlKUiAhable f rom the skiddi!ll" turns of • tnck ",emy; and .....ther e1'recl on viribilllJr. A
atandard trvk pla:ll ia Impoouibl indi _
laying vehicle. and o~n • aillll"le tnck acrou
an . ...... of low veget&tion Is d Yiaihlot. The vidual kllution is requ i~ for h iIlIltaila-
li on. In add ition to lll.yi nll" <MIt • plan On the
lu t ia "' recially t rue In t he Ntly morning
hour s when there is a heavy dew. Tr ack. g round IW If. a plan should te Iketched on
should follow cloooely and. be parallel to hedj-... either a ma p overlay or lI. sketch of the &.rea..
f"""",, cultiva ud ftekk, and DUll'!' u tural
Parking a......,. ahould be ind icated ... ",ell u
th... portio... of routo!a to be patrolled by
teJTain lin.. ill or .wr to nma.ill iboCOOUlpicuo,,"
t ratlic ~d ....
f .... m the a ir. Alao. tnclq allould alway" COIl-
ti nue put the poeilion to a logical terminal ion. (') Si""" a uoit may have to ",,",u p)' •
( I ) Complet ely concealed roads r arely position wIthout l' rio r !llConna i....nce, unit
u ist. E ven th e comparat ively Imall am ount of eamout\l' "e tra ining must Inlu te that aU
t imber whieh must be cut down to el. r a peoraonne1 are t ra.i ned to follow patterua
.....d"·.)· th ro urll • wooded . ...... loee,·. ...1IIt III a nd utili... all o"emead eover. ...hen pmaible.
the o,·em . d eover that are clearly __ fram Partic ular . ttention muat be dir«ted to traIn-
the air. Partia lly oonouled rna"" do ex ist 1Iow_
ever , a nd they are bettA! r than ex posed on...
inll" of vehtele d ri ven . kl that they will follow"
th_ ru lea automa tically, even i n the abaence
R""onnaiMll nce I,. rties ahould l"""te them. of NCO'a lind ofl!cer ". The officer. and NCO'.
Any g. p' in over head eover on such a l'OII.d call mU l t inatruct all pe rso nne l th at when the first
be eoncealed by erectinll" overhead ""..',,,'. or vehicle enters a n a rea. "",rds mUlt be . ta-
t ioned at critical pointA to di rl'Ct t r al'llt. Thl. facilitate ldenti lirati on. I n .nowy ' reM with
prev.. nl ~ unn"".......I')· v.... icl.. ."·n. ~l"l" little o r no eaver, vehid ea ca n be parked. fad
,in... M jammiq on . road". y. d ireo::t1r inLo the IUn 100 nodlin' tM •
(4 ) In _ COVt'I'N Urrai n. ro....... hnMlt which u n tht'll ),., fu rther red uced and brolIn
01 .......11. in • ma jM problt'm. EW'n in Iirht u p br large _balk o r d~ ho'" dg,. in the
. 1lO'II", t.ra..b m.aJ«, .Wong shadow lineo vi~ibl .. I~. Snow th rown on t he _h~ helps ta
f l'Ol'l\ ~.t d i irtan~. Sharp turns . h<>llld be diarupt tltia tell.tale ...
. YO\ded beo:& ...... tM .....ultln.. . now ridgn cut
.....ell hMvier I-haoo..1l. Th.. u~ l'Ii nriplet 24. Co_ fla.. M.a ....
at.-...l th......pout t hn d iacuu.ion
InlOW' «>WrM teninn . with . bit more emphaala
.ppl,. to .. S ili d ~. A. is alwaY" the
.,.". in nomouftal'f. the ai m of rood ...... ide
an following Daw r . l shedow ca.sti ng terrain aiti ng is to occu py the w l'I1lin ..ithout alterinl
Une•. It i. abo important that all ,·ehlel... it.s a ppea.ranc... TlI do th ill, '·eh id... should be
keep to th e same tn.ckl. Vehiel.... leavinll" the parked. under natur al COVer wh enever evan,
track or road may achieve ahort perl oda of a ble. When cover is inadequa te, they should be
tn.c k eoneea lment by dri vinll" directly Into or parked. ItO that the sha pe of the v....ic1e will
.....y from the aun, ....hado1l'1l by th...... disappear Into th.. .ur""",ndin,.. Before a
tnc'b willllOt .... . ,parfllt until tM . un . t rl b" driver ea.1l al tt hia Vt'h iclf to takf advalltap
them from an . nlrle. Short lenCha of tracka of the collCalment ~bmti.... 01 his au...
ma.r to. ob liUra ~ If they . ... not too dwp, by rooudiap, he must know hc>w the difterent
t ram p/in.. t hem with .no....' - . tenaina \o<lk from thO' ai r . hl combat 10.-
• • 51..... Siting and t nlCk diociplilM! do midi this knowledp la aa imp::>rtant &II kIlowilll how
.to con<ftl a v.... ic~. but .hIDe ea.n nullib thO' to drive the 'f'fhldea.
bett alle a nd finest tnck d iol'ipline. Shi llt' ill • • UN 01 N. t. rtd M.'~. Wbile «wd ail--
alw.Y" IlftI'Mt _t- there • liPt in u'e 10k,.. in.. and d iapenion . re _ two -...un-
HnUPt. moonlight. or tha Ii«ht of t1a...... It ia they .... not ..nough. Gn.\.er concealmfDt ea.n
CAuoed by windlh ield. headlirht . cab ..indow. be had by au pplementi ng th..... m",,,ureI wi
wet vehlele body. and even by the ligh t natural materiaL. to br eak up t he , ltaPf an
of th e In. ignia . Th...... d..nger spot. mu st be , h..dow. of the vehic1l!ll . Thi. mat erial Is . 1-
conce.led by any mea lUl. The betray inll" nat ur.. m08t a lway• • va ilabie nea r a pa rk ing site and
of I hln. M ould nev..r be unde......tim at<'<!. E v..n ca n be erede<l alld removed. quiekly. When Cllt
unlkr .... co\.... ...hiny obj.., ta m.y
be rev_led through the lma ll~t of,
folia j(e ia used. it ah(,uld be rept&c«l &II 110OII
aa It . tarts to ... ith.... (ti..... 1I2 I nti 33 ). Alter -
e. 54a4<nD. There t wo kind.. of lhadowa ing the color of vt'h icletl o r addi llll" tu t ure to
to canaider in <:amou lla One i. the evncuUn.. them are other ....Y'!' to au pplement slti q and
ahadow eut by object. on th.. Irf'Xlnd. F rom diapenion. Color may be cb&nKed. by a pplrilll
the alr . these aPPMr 10 dark that a vftIide mud to the bod,. aDd tarpaulill. folloorilla:: Uw
partied. wi thin tillm hu a cood dian« of re- ~t!.t'rn.i nlr prinei""" ,;Vftl ~. . Texbl~
maininl: undetecled (IiI:. SO). III the norlherll may be . dded all or in pa ttenl aha"", by
hemio.phere, the north aid. lIf a n obj ec1 hllther attac:binl If,o\'M, b ..,. ........ 01 coline IaDd
than th~ vehide ift the beat ftide on which to to the aurf"",e with an adh""ive.
park; the east and ......~ , ides . re da np roua c. Pat"'" Painting. Pau..m painti ng of a
for hal f . day. The lither kind of . ha dow ~o vehicle i~ not a t ureal1. It i., ho....ever, •
consider I. that c....t 1>y Ihe vehid e i1llell. Th b able l upplmlent to othe r cAmou/lall"f meullr....
rev tinll . hadow moat he hidden by pArkinl!" Addf<l to F.>Od siti ng. di~peraion , dlseipllne,
eith in t he ~hadow o r II larvr obi",t h. f'lt. a nd the """ of neta, it inc. . - th .. ben efit to
plained. above, or by pIIrklnll" on the . unny side be der ived. f rom auch m..&IIu rn. Vehicle pa].
of the object (fig.lI l) . In add ition . th .. ImlIllfr terns An df6icned. to d iarupt the Cllbe &hape of
&hadow . reas eontained. within the vt'hlele vehic l... from al l angIee of vie..... to dil rupt
itaelf aueh &II the I hadow lin", lIf the truck body I h.adowa. a nd to tie ill with the . ha dow at tM
ia and around the CAb. beneath th.. fendt'ra. rear of • vehicle wht'll it it faced. into the
withill the w' -I&. a nd in tM lIpen bad< lIf the alln. &II wfll .. thO' large dark Ihadow a reta of 4

carp a~ must be /;IIo('ked. out fllr tht'r toll wiDdo_ "'~ ......... and Ullder-.,
__ . ._.c~ ~ _

( ""..0 Ii'"
-.J '-
~ ~ .

--- -
- - -- -~ -~ -_ . _ ~- -

,~ H. U ... ., _ _ ~....

earria~. Th. patteI'M m t boP bold '""""'~ to .....".,....... Dra"," IM.'t5 e"". ll'i \'" ........ 1"1ft. COlt-
be .1'1".... li.... a t a dista Wh it.. or lip t .... r ....Iment ap iMt d inocl ",,-"a l ion. but , _
paint i. a l'l'!iO'd. to u.. undor-nurl_ o f u.. with ..-I; a rtifirial ("llmoul'la!r" maw riBl.. ("II.
v .... k~ to ca u,,", 0....... to n-ftfct liJrht. thua f""'<lllfll tly br drt«ted by ph"totmol oh ie 0
lilfht..n i.... the darll ahado wa of the u ndoor· ....n ·.tion I« a u... Ihey or"'n fIo il In 1>1
ca r rialCt'. T hia is U>nn'" ""ou nt..",hadi ng." A. properly w ith the ......·kjl"rOu nd. In "" e ry ,.
" reviou.I ·. tated . patw rn 1,,.intin l1 IOlone ,..ill however, properly .u"pendP<l lind . u PI'0rti'<l ,
not "m"" 1 It which.., To I... ~ffe<:ti\"e, it mu.t dr a )""" do r"nr~lll the ;d,·n tit~· uf II wh icle,
b<' .umhi n~d ,,~th l' n ,pe r haekjl"round a nd even (hough t h.. drllpe net il.<elf may 1.., d...
ai ti njl". Ile<-au ... today'a m,..t.. rn mechan ized a nd lected. :>Ina a.... n.-.t ..,.."m nl<'nd..t in s now
hiKhly m....ile unib have the ca pability of aN!a&. They ""'<lu i.... e~~i ~.. mai nt .
t ..vel i.... Il"nfIt di.tan<:ft ove r n ried t..rra in cannot aupport • ano... looad. and Ilt'COIlle rt.
a nd Il"l"<>wth. patte rn painlinll" el'l"edi\'e one day frozen, blilky . and hard to hantlle.
Imoy be totally'« 1A e the .......t day. In
e. Di,l,l;",l I . , In a deoe rt" or a ny 0,,",
fact. the patwrn Imoy f\..... prove to be a de-
t..rnon te-rrain, the ],ower an ,.., j«! ;.. to u..
tri nt b)' rencleri the "ehieloe C"OIlBp...........
VOUnd, the omaller is ita ..,.,... and the
In 'here is a daily problem, , -HIid e
easier it is 10 ro~l from rial ,"_no'ation.
cono:"flllme nt is Imode m h .... itot if the \'eh irle
Wh en the .ituation pennitll. ,,'·et)· e il'o rt m _
ia painwd ... ith the "n pattern allO"'"11 in liIl"-
u.... 3-1 Th.. nlltional .~"Tllbol. lin', ' -n Mt be mad.. to d ill: in important ' ·.... id"". :>lot on ly
. .... th ..)· mort' eL. ily ron,..... If'd LuI u" .~....... al...
oil' the " ..hkle in t he fol1" ...injl" i!1u . l ....t ion. in
prut..rt..d from f raJl"ffienb . An n ell""tion iI
o rder to .h"... th e I"'tt~ rn mote d'·lItly.
nUllle , wit h a . Ia nt ill/I: IIp1'r h ,.nd th~ wh iclo
Whethe r or ..ot to d im inate Ihe m and oll'er
i.. ]IIIrked in the l,iL San,I l(lf ",... u....J to form
com mon v.·hieula r mll rk ir:~ m Ullt br d.....
a ....'· plm.... 1 fu r I'roteeti"n a ..d t h whole thi n,
l<'nnined by hill"he r lIuthori ty.
ia co,·.. red with .. net. The net i•• I"I'M Ken UT
d. ....~ 'a. The pri""il",l . r1itlc ial material- out to the tid. a ..d alaked d n . F ina lly . tho
~ to cooc....l veh iclft a re d l1lpe neu. Tho:)" "Miele t ....,kB to the p<lI!iti on a hnl~hed 001
are .....y to use. q uick ly .NCted, and qu ickly o r cove red.
FVo<... n . ,....,. .......... "'- "h".~ . f ...... ..4 ........
f.l• .. ....." ..,. ito "" . wI • __

_n._ _ "_. ._004. . . ._ .._-

e..-,._ 01_ .... ......,..

I .
a li.. dfO b and .... ' 10 rN b1""d with reddish deu . 1 bad ll"ounds . O,h.. li';'l
col".s wulu! in du el" are sand "nd earth yellow . p"""",, break u p "ngul'"
lines ,

III Wh" . on, . 1... ,hob f ~ b,,, ' ,,, ,,,,,, ,, 0' ond "... Ao " "" II, . H",;"
"b~ . ; , blool onJ whd •. I, , " ow , "." ,.., ,; , , ;, 00' "'co..",


2.5. R. _a llnt fackl .. mtllt ~ tlke n to deceive Ihe all to tIk.
""'allon of the iu tailatiolL
AI 18 the t ue ...ith all other imped.lm..ta of
....rfare. aklilful ~o"" ...lm"" t of artilluy b. Sitioo#. T h.. eIacl ...-ition for the elemmta
"''''''PO''' a n add iJnlMasu..bly to the eIemel:lt of a battery. ...ithin the uaigned ....,... mt1lt
of sv rprIM all '" thmu to the defNt of the po , """"ral qualifieationa:
mom,.. EMm,. obaerven .re tnilled to -reb 01 'nil requi~ field of fire .
for certain "'el'miw lIigM whleh indicate the IZ) Room f or disp"..ioa of ..._ po.... ve-
presenee of artillel'J'-imperfeo:tly t&moulU.aed hie. . alld other equiPmeDt onranle to the bat-
"'Npo1l poAitiOlll,. blut a.... Ih tar. I'Atha OJ'
...hee' t rvka, ....... in the eu.e of • mlulle aiW. ...".(a) Opportunity to establish oommuniea.- I
the e~~i ve u rtJ" rom lll" .,an III the t.erraiD tiou without e..... ti"lr attenllon ptti.... ~od
pa ttern n _itated. by a level ftritllr pad aDd ecan and patha.
fv"'inr entn~ and exlta, etc. E ven thourb HI Opportunity f or a<:<:+Q and l upply
the WN polIa them.oelves . re hidden, auth limo routell. It 11 desirable to have ro ulM auilable
are dead RiveawaY" of the p.......nce of artillery, to the front, llanka. lind rear. Thl l 11 lmporta.nt
These l ir n. may not of themtelvea IndIcate In l ituatlona whe re it may be nec""",,ry to
the e~li.Ct nat ure of th e po.ltlun. but they make l udde n cha nges in position, When per_
do at tract enemy a.t tent ion and Invite more IOnnel, ammunition. equipment . and other
t llretulobaervBtinn . aupplies' a", moved into poIIltll>n, they moo
follow .. prepa red traflle plan ( pa ra 2SlI (2 )).
26. Camouflage M.cnVrM e. Nf t.. Wherever natn n l ooncealmeot is
... COl''''''''''" F'ad on. Camoullage Il1eUUJ"8!l lmpoaibla or difficult., lIuitably p milhed hoi...
va ry with the . ituation ....d are a lf«ted by the neta a nd t hicken wire are qu ick and e1'I"edi
followin~: nwana of co...,.bnent. Care mu.t be takHl
(I ) There wi.II be litUe opportunity to fl>l.lo... the oolT'e<'t methoda in theit nM! (
camOQ llal!'! poaitiona extenllively ... Ilea their s-tOOl . Wire nettillll". althoull"h heavier Uld
bull<i..... hc*il ita f orm better. ia more durable,
oceupa nQ" will be of M ort d u...ti on, If it lhould
and I. Invalua ble for poIINona of a relatinl,.
dev""'p that the "'",pona mn st remalll Ionl!'!r . permanent uture. The t wine neta. belli&'
their Iocat!..... un then be improved by better Iipter a nd eaai..r to hand le a re better ada pted
l iti hjl' and hidiq:. to mobil....ituatl onl and tem porary """iti ona.
(2) Wh,," the b&«eri.,. a re deployed for Both kinds an be ll"amillhed wilb doth I m lll
a c:oonl lnlte<l attN:k, the lou\l on l>f each bat- and natunl materiall ( fill'll . s.G and 361.
tery and uf ea.cll pie<:" ahl>uld be t lretully <to Patt ,,", Pai"ti..". P attern pa inting or
....lect..d artillery plecel a n be an etl'ective aid to ece-
( 8) In a defenlive lIetll>" . extensive eealment alld ill designed f or use in
cllmoull,,1l'll II devel oped, Utmost pr ecautl on t.errain. ( till", 87) .

Hq....1 J"~ ".;..ilo """"". 10<1 by _ 01 ft" ural ",..loon . l,

F ;""... 65. T_ ..... p 01 ...._H... "'_ . ..

Not .. pplo...... t1 ...........rsl ria.. f o ' _ I..... " _ J ..... ",i. .l...

"' U _C_li.. -t.

F .... n . IV" _ ..".,....,..., _ ...,.......... - - . l • _
h .... _.~_.

"._._ ..... . ... ..
-_._-- ~

_. ........
---_ .. -
_ I. . . . . .. ~ ....... -

.....- ....._.. , ...
_ _

,.. - ...

... _.-.
• 1 .. - . .


,.' : :.-: ".". , .:



27. Introduction operlitional requirement wit h which camou_

The measures for concealing aircraft on the flage must not interf~ te. Aircraft parked in
rround follow the same principles of camou_ line are extremely vulnerable. Pa nicu ler ca re
fiage as those for the conceal ment of any ve- should be take n to select parking sites in which
the aircraft may he blended with the natural
hicle or it em of eq"ipment. However, the
Can10uftage of fixed and rotary wing aircraft vegetation, wh ile at t he ""me t ime obs" rving
poses some un ique prob lema which. must be prop"r disper.ion (fig. 38). Good sit ing in it-
consi dered. These are the effects of propeller self does not eliminate possible detection.
and roto r wash ; the size and ohape of the air- Wher e nat ural overhead cover is non"xi.tent,
croft; the difficult g round handling character_ improviSllt ionocan he "fI'eetive ( fig. 39 ).
istics; and t he delicat e nature of cont rol aur _
29, ShiM ond Inoi9nio

l&cell, an tennaa, and aircraft skin.

Light reflections from the m"tal and plexiglass

surfaces may be observed shining t hroug h ,wen
rcraft must be situated in an area with easy the best of overhead concea lrrlent---natural or
cess to taxiways and r unways. Thi. io an artificial. The moment lin a ircr aft is plirked

Prope, dl'p" roion m",n. "'0'" tIl.n jut .p.ciTlll" porked 01' 0-..1•
• t • di.tonco f rom one .not~ er •• ohown . I>ovo

Fig~TO 3~ . Air.....' . p.rking ,

)ll iI;,*", obj«&a .._ bo In a .......... ""' I....... to
_ cIunoop f ",.. ~ _ ..tad

a nd r amouflal/e beg un , a ll II'la.., plutlc, an d lfn>u nd, under the c ra ft , will b re ak a n d diator
ahiny m etal auri""e" must be r.,\'ered , E xtre me the ouUine of th e llh!<d ow, even it t he cra ft ~
ca re must be used when coverfng a lrcrd t in t he open (fllt:, 40 ). Wh en aur,h mate r ia ls an'
su rlllr ea, All coven m ust l"., " "' Ul'ed a.ud it i. used , t hey must be tightl y sceu re d to wen
recom mend,>d. thllt ""me means fo r ma.r king anchored .tak"" or other s ui\lib le atUirh m. nll
each coVe r be u...-d to pr e,'ent attempUd a k a- Oth e rwise, (I.mou fla lle ma te rial. m ay I... d r• ..,
off w h ile aur h coven a nd clUt\oufla~ mater ialt! int o th" rotor blad or proJM'lI...,. " f ai r ve~
a... a ttachoed. d ...... Add itionally, ell m ust be u e rd sed 'hoI
e~n ll' or placin g a rtillci..l m.. 1.o'rialJl, .
30. Su~_ti"9 e-~l ....nt wittt to p " ...,t <brna~ to th" a il't"raft a nd not iI
Artitida l """'''rial, terr ,Ith oP'l'rations a nd maintena..... ...
In man,. c__ it "'ill be n..........ry to n&o"
to ill.ll' p "" a M post-llip t in.op«tion ..
the uM of a rtilXial camoufl.altt materiaIJI to
""ppleme nt inadeq uat e ""t ural temi n feaw.... 1>, H ~Ica, A twine or ... ire Jl<'t ha.m1llOll

andv~t1on, hunll _ n t.....". I/i'..... additional o\'f'th

... Slti>do.., ,'{ eta. Shadow neta " laced on the prot«-t ion in ll)lll.rael)· ......ooed ,, ",U , T ....
_ ..
- ~

._ ..

_. _
..... .....
-_.. _ ..-...... _--
. _ ~

--_,-..._. . .._,

-_ - .... . . .
....-- ~--'"
....._. _"".... .-
-_ --
, - ~
_ "'_ . "~

_ - ""-
- - - ~-, -
- ~_ .~

-- -

,,, , --

, -

, -

10· Border of dark 60% Black pnithinc;l

Oflen Oarnishinljl 40% OCi ve drab
(1. '4*Qf' zone)

Hoi.. in net
to distort
5hod.....,,. a •• ,...,... Aa ge ..a ta va m i..... d to OP l>" ' CI . lI"""P 01 ,,,-.gula r 6ar ~ pille"" • .
If rt.. .." i, not . "",I,bl• . dark c1 eth with ~ oI n 'om in i l ~ .. boo used sucuufu lly. or
d,'" pote ht. eOtl bt p'o6Jcitd by bumini tCl p . br...... or ."'.. N bri. Ie produce aslln ...
..... by pourin g c:ro..kC1lH ..,."."p <WI t"- gr_d . lol a" end cloth do ,,",U tI.t od'UM ....
in , th.y <;<Ill ... ......... If "" ,cop'-" .... 10 l....d ond lah olf u ..ets or d .....
co , be 10k.. to -"or "'"' he.... l, •.,..i,,11 the wind c ..1 by ",,.,OfOt ble d .

. rv-... u. s. - .....
III II .....~ ...I eo _ .oood_ _ ,
ftopo <5 ~_ . ~ I _ _ ..... . 0
..........., "" .0 _.,., be ~ ,,_ _ _ ._

"..".... i f. H_ ..- . . . . . , .. 00 .
can be ll"arnl~hed with either artificial or nat- to l u~pend ;, l eri es of overhead tram
ural rnaterlal.o, or • combination of Ix>th (/\g. umbrellaa f rom wires Itrung bet.... n "
41) . (1Ill'. 42 ) . Davi. "" of this t )·pe a ~ oUltable fe
~. V",btvll<>. Stffnu. Another techn ique II &ma ll alrc ~t only.

... -- - -~ ~--- - ..
0- - - - -

1i",,'i1 o' • ..,in'il M igllb ~bow ..... oi,..""". I~" ~",Do .l l o. ..... 1....... . topS T bo,
al low 8*10• • , ... d ,....,icin'il_ Gco ", i.~in'il _ , ...... i . t oI louolol>, . ,..1. 001, gl,..
libe" chi 1....1-., .. h ..h foli, ge ("" I, ,,.. _ • • be 1II0i~ lOinod ... d f9Sta<<<I II
i• • hi l-

D ro l"., To conceal compld ely againlt ar M. and partl&lIy snow covered th e
't enemy oUaervd ion, draPM mUlt be 10- color recommend ed is oli~'e dra b. Tn pr'fdom_
ted near t reea or bmhell. or on Jrround brok.... ina ntl}· Inow COVerN terrain, a"" h ... the arctic
by low lIC ru b /fro"o"th. If the terrain II ba~ of and IUl tarctie . ..... the crafl ahould be com_
trat1&lion. l it ina: should be- in the ahadow lide pletely wh ile .. ithout a disro pti~ pattern. In
fI folds In the vound or within mottled .......... d d_rt ten-alna. b«aw.e of th.. varlalJons. Do
pstterns, . uch as are f ormed by rock outerop- u nci" color ia recoonmendf'd. ool, deoert
piap. In Iucb, drape nN win llide the ....nd, euth yellow. earlh red. or m ixtu.ree of
llntity of aircraft bli.t ..-:ill not COftce&l them theM l\C)!Iln.,
-.pletely fro m enemy aerial photo interpnta- /.I. DiInopt"" P tltl#'IU. Although th e buic
... ~ oolor p l"OYid<!ll a h igh ~ of camoutlaJre. in
lOme eaAeI. d ilru p!;i ve patt.el'1lll add a m..1Ti...1
n. ' 0""" 'ol~n9 iD.<:1'tiH. The ptl nci p l... of pattO'rn palnlJ llK
Proper l>ainti nr he lps an aiRran blend with di3euued in pa raea ph 24~ ar.. th e aame for
its surroundi ngs by di!torti1ll' r.h...acteristic ain:raft-irrep lar. JaJve. and bold, and of a min imlli n&" eolor cont rut. a nd r ... c"lor U> blend with t h.. terrain pa tte rn. (Color
ducin&" .hine. This i, all it will do, Whll. these fond bri&"htn_ contl'll"ts not pr ..... "1 In the
elements of recognition au the r avealln&" ones. bfoc\<&"ro und become ccnsptc uoue a nd Ihould
~ i. more often that the aircraft'l , h &pe. alway, be avoIded.) Black i l recommended for
lhadow , li.nd a ccom pa nying evidenc e of acti vity the disrupUv, pa.ttern color In tem perate ZllIlell .
&I'll the pri m.ry c.u,e.. of enemy detection. j u nillell . u d deserts. except area. ot the dllert
The value of pattern paintin&" mU8t, th erefou. havi n&" Ii&"ht sha do... in ...· hir.h c.... ollve drab
be rewarded u an &.<let only. wbml I.IMd lu II more ell'.ctlve. I n partially In"", caverN
~;uuctioa with camou.tlap prineiplel and terrain apill oUv.. dra b is r«onunended. III
r;;;;,;~~od~.:.:'~;.t .. I"OOd ,mIlK. diapenioa. track-
nt, d iaclpline. and the InWln~ot .....
the &rctk alld u ta rrlic th.. craft Ihould be
romple"ely white without a ny dia nJpti ¥. pat.-
a nd n atural ma teriUt. It l ol»wl tern. Wben t« eonsidll"lltiOll8 make it
J>altern ~intw.. 01 aircraft k of limited practicable. rotor bladell cn heIJeopte n esn be
when eoruidoeri n&" a:round tD air ot-........ pai nW--the upper anrf..... oIi" e d rab and
of 10.. all d medium _level. aiRraft. nnder aurf_ black. In arctic Llld lWltarrlX:
areal the uppel' lurface IhoIlld be white. Fij'-
.. B~ C~. The paint I hOllld boI l....
IIld of the pnodominaht color fo und in the
ure -is iUuatratea _ill'" plttem&. Th_ a~
l imply I Unesti on.-no c De set rn ahould
tw'al terrain patl.ema in .. hieb the a lr< be follo",.-1 ...Iiciously aince YltI ",y ia a1 "'ar-
be aited. In tem pe... le &0_ a ad j un&"1e deeirable in eny eam ou llage ........." .....



n. Introduction ....moutlaj{<' mu ~t be ..t its l- t (11K. It ) . The

unit mll-. t not only co"...,.1 i......lf Quio:kl)· and
_~ ill. bi,''''''''' ill ..rticalarly vullM'nW le to> ..m..ientl).. but Ill t . ... oid the da nren of
_ y ......i .. 1 ~n'at ioo. .. nd ..ttack """-liM bl'1/Ja("h... in arnotlll di""ipli n...
ill ..Itm..,b .. re CO!lI'IPnt raW<:! in a smal ler a rna
than usual; and. uupt for th.. ,,",urily ..Ie-
_ nta. th.. m"n ...... rest iDJl:' and 1""", .....rt than 33. SID, " of o......lopment of 0 l i...o _
OIl th .. field (or haUl... It ill at such a li me th..t The.... .. .... four . tl&ges in th.. of ..

bivoul&C- plann inp;, ""'Cupation, ma int.<onance, camauflaa-e &tandpoint, th e mal ntr"anc"""
and eVlCllation. Since it ia often pollaible and relativ. ly .im ple. Succ..... rul matnten B~"')
pl'<lloable thal units mUllt mo"e with oot oppor - voivee f Nlq_ t 11Ilpecti<ln of in,.tallaliQn•• IIC-
t un ity fo r r tannina:, t hi" "tloa:e may be lacking. tive patrol measures for dixipline. and ...hl!ll
In thia caM,. the five poinb: liated ~k>w in _ rble, aerial obroervatiol\ . nd phol.olf1"llpha
pa ,.,.,.raph .. must be satisfwd in the . 1'ftI on CritkaI aetivitiN of a uBit i n bivouac an
. nd alt er nrival. thoae that caU for the <:<lIIll'J"f'P.ti on of tJ"or>P',
•. Pllllu i ~" .
f'ftquent biv~ .,.. d!&lac- of whkh meain. la the beat U lIo/llp le. It iI
teri.atie of modem mobile .... rf. n. Th ere ia h.... that the tracl< plan must be ri~ d17 .....
oeldom time or fllciliti"" for daboraw colllltrue- f orced. Ottell It ma,. be ""'_ ry to p""" idl
t ion; in..teM. bivou&cll ..... quickly enten:<l .nd artiftc:lai O"er Mad cover, ....,h u lldtopo; /If
qu.ickly evac ua ted. No lD/lttar how . 'll'in u... d rape nets. ~, ""heft uBed, mm be c. ..
operatlon or how limited .... Urn, . nd faclJ... fuU,. mal ntaiMd. Ga~ d lapoo<al pits m ll9l
iti.... the eornm. nd"r of • unit mud "b n for be ~ed. with special c. re Iflven to tbl
concealment in bivou"". The gener. l .rea at spoil Maintena nce ef nili'M d i&ci pli.... iI
the bivOlIl( la determ ined by 1M! tl.ctieal pl.n. a nother dllllculty. Men t end to re lu at nip;ht
Before ROl nl{ Into thi" area. th e qua rter ing The &lIJn' sta ndard of C&D\ou~ all"e dhw: ipliM
pa rty ahou ld become familiar with t he terrain muat be cbeerved by night ILa by dIIy, sinc.
pattern th ro ull'h a careful "tudy of mapa and nilfht a~rla\ photog raph y will ot1ffl reveal I
aerial photoa-rllph9, and be tully IlCqllainted unit th" t ha. become lax in thl. reapect. 'V ir"':
with the taot k al plan ..nd th e camouflage and taped pathe must be followed. Bla.ckout
Nlquil"fml'flu . There . re live cr it ical pointa fo r wnt r ol mllllt be enforced.
the party to keep in mind : 4. E~ Camoudaa:e meuu l'ftl tak~
(I) Mia ionof the uniL at . blvouae do not end ..heD the unit pn!pa ....
(2 ) A ttelIlI routes.. to move alit. An evac:uated .ru can be ~ ' '
auch a .~te of dil!&rRJ" that . erial
(a ) E lI;i.I;tina: oonee&Iment in thearea. win 1"t'V e&l the rtrmgth alld In- of the •
(. ) SiR of t ho area. itt Iquipon.n, aDd even itt drstinatir>n . II il U
importazlt ~rt of r:amoullap to the UIlII
U J Concealml!l1t af all . !'<lun d defense Jookin. UIUl.!.turbed.
elenlent of the poo<ition.
II. O«upatiorl. A carefully eoatroll..t t~ M .thn nil In larren T_ift
pl.n (~ 2301( 2» mu t be rll(id ly adheftd Es.perjenc. on the defiert hu taulChl m
to while th" units move into poo itlrm. Guld... . bout eol'l«lllmmt in alWla .,..h~ h0l'J"e.
poated . t route juDcl:ion". fully awar. of the ve nien t O\'e rh.,.d cover i. ..\dem found. ~
camou fl&£"e plan, enfo,,"e C&D\aU flalfe dlecipline. a,..,.., eomparable to the dl'Ae rt u far
Tum_i na mllat be ma rked to pre vent widening eam.oulla p Ia concerned, an un plowed liel
of comer. by vehicle3. F oot troop. mU&t foHow rocky areal , gr .....lallds, and othe r wide op
marked pa t h" th ro ugh t h. area. Thil< b a apac el. The delert has taught that eoncealme
crit ical period and had cam ouflage db clpline In such anu is not impauible ( i'tp;. ( 5)
can neglte any f urther effort at coDC....lmenl Cwtain killdll of predomina nUy flllt terra
There mull be no oonge&ti on of vehlel"" or ha ve l hadowa cu t by f olds In the ~u
IICtivit iet . nd d ispenlioo lIhould ~ alltomati e. ial'ee el'lOU a-h to allo.... lOme col'ICealment
,5t,ldorn ...· ill vehic..... be Jey than SO meters eittill,f . 1_. J udie inua ..... of drape
. part in ordinary terrain or Iesa than 100 C&Il n.o.der objerta IncoDJIpir:uo.... E ven in
meu,.. in d _ rt terrain. The three main COD_ _ ti ally baf"ftn teTrain exee1Jent COD'~"~
lI'""ted arua-kitchen, maintenance. and the iR poaable when the eonl'tgu ratiOll of
comm&D<t peal mlll<1: be dir.peraed. .rrnund Is Il'ftgU lar enoup to produce a ;,,~
Ihadow patWrIl..
c. JI~it\tr'lo.<l.lO('". Ke rl to the occupatloa ltaee ,
tl'le .....inle ua nce stalfe la the moot en t ial. If 35. li¥auoa In Snow e-..... h rr ..

the occupat ion h.u been &uc:r:eafful f n>m • Althourh conceaiilllf. blvoUAl' in Rna eo
!ermin follows eXllctly the Slime principles as st ri ck<! from the oP<'n a reall. Bivouac.. which
other clIJnoufla~, it presents several unique have been we ll concealed in sn ow terrain for
problems. A blankd of .now or~n eliminates some length of ti me ca n be .,." .i ly identified
much of the g ro und pat~rn, makinl{ blemd inl{ when the snow melta, unle.. procautions lire
difficu lt. Differenc~", in ~><ture lind color dis_ taken. Compacted snow on much used paths
' p!"'a r or Loecom e le:lll marked. Snow cove red melts more slowly than the uncompacted
lerrain, however, is rarely completely wh ite, snow, l,.,.ving clear ly visible wh ite lim's on a
and by taking advantage of dark fe.~tu re. in <!.a rk background. When t his ",,-cu rs, the '!I"W
the lands,'a!,e. comm unicatiOOl lines, st ream_ must he br "ken up lind s pn .,.d out to qui cken
beds, evergreen tr""s. bush"", shlldows of sn ow melti nl{. The beat way w minimize conspicu_
drifts , fo lds in the grou nd, and the blllck ousne.. of t racks when mnving "r in bivouac
,hadows of h illsides, a un it on the move or in is to follow comm un icat ion lin es " r other lines
bivouac may often blend iL.elf suc-ce.-fu lly which a re a natu ral Pllrt of the terrain. Tracks
into the terrain. Good route selection is usually coincid inK with .uch lines lire hllrd to identify.
more important t han ,my other cllmouflage A turn-olf f rom such lines must be concealed
measur es. Because of the ex posed tracks, skis a nd the t tllcb themselves continued beyond the
and snowshoos must not be ulled nellr the IIrea point Windswept drift lim's cast shadows and
'nee their marh are more sha r ply defined should he followed " . m uch a. possible.
n foot trach. To avoid track ing up lin area, StralKht tracks to an imp"rtan t ins le. llation
sonnet. veh icles, and material should be r e- mus t he avoided.

advantall"e of e][iat in« .oa lb a nd tele phone ~
36. Command Potts
c. Th e ~mmand post ~ . imply c .pedallzed
telo-rr;;.ph wi...", ...... f'a.~ieot to ~_l ain<:f'
ronununntio,," nHd. not lot c""'ted and the
kind of bivouac. with a f _ ad(lltional prob- te. l" can . etI'Ulin unch.nlCf'd. Wh... l>eW" rom-
lema of w ncealment p""ullar to it.. The eom· munication mean. mu_,t be c",/lt.!'d . nat ural
mllnd poIIt i. the nerve cpnt er of II milita ry cover and terra in linp" llre u . eel (fi&", . 46
unIt and lJeeause of thi~ ia I/. much aoug ht t l/. r· throuSl'h lit ) .
~ by the eneroy. Command posts han , f unc·
ue...... re<l ui"""en'" ..hieh ........It in ~ e"'- d . After the aite haa t -n ""l...,ted and atlf'.
tioll of cJluad;erlrtle aignll, by ..hieh th ey ma r carnou~al[t baa ~ eno:l.f'd to aupl'lemtnt
be ftAdily iMntilied. Some of th_ aA; _ hatev e. natural eonrea lmf'nt i5 available at
( 1 1 Con~rlti ng ~mm un ielltion lin_ the l ite, eont in ued conceal_ nt depe nda on
wire and r oad. d il d pline. Track8 a . alwa,. must be cont rolled,
( 2 ) Concent nl.t1on of vehi d e•. veh id"" Ihould, if l- ., Ible be park..c aeve. , l
(S) H N VY t l'llffic whlch al U_ widen~ h und red mMe,.,. from the command poaL Secur-
t llm-iDs. ity weapona and ..mplll<'ement8 mUlt be ron-
(4 ) Nn- acceea rou tft to a poIoitiooll ...hlch cealed; tncb to them. mu lt be inronapicuOUL
eoul d bo!.I... .. CP o AU apoil must be cea ee..led. P rotlPctin wire
(5 ) Protective wire and other ba r rinl an d communica t ion ... i .... must follow terrain
l urroundin g the inltalla.ti on. lin.... and be ~ well concealed as poMil.ole.
( 6) Deten. lve wea pon. emplsc ementlJ Night blackout d loeipline mu.t be r igidly
a round th. iMtallati o... ellfo~. Rout... to pa rkins a rea.a for v\alton.
mun be ma intained in a«or dane e with the
The umou ~ .. ll'" lOiutio1:l to th_ problema u
t rack plan.
m""h the ... that for , bivouacs. The
pr illUU'y facton an intellllf"Ilt use of the e. I n open ter ...ln where natunl concea.lm~
te rrain and ba cksrround, and . trlct e..force- il affor ded only by small IlC t ub !l"rowt h
ment of cam oufl all"e discipline. rock., ev..r hMd cov'" can be r>llLa lned b)' usl
b. The aite re<luinmen ta of a Iarp <:ommll nd d... pe neb or fl..ttops. E v.... in detoert te. ... ill,
poat are _ Ilt ially the aame IU fo r a aood broken c round and IIc: ru b V"ll"'tation form
bivouac: pre]imina17 rectln..u..s.nct and lay. i. retrU1ar patt..rna " 'it b whic h artitlci..l ma te-
out, qUllrte r illll" pa rties, rapid eone lment of ri al. may be blended. DilltJli nlt in T1i'd uc...
elem entA, e..moufl"Sl'e d ilOCipline, d Il well M adow and ailhoucttes . " ..d siml,h fies dnpinr
policed t rack ptan to prevent vi.l tor. from of em phlrements or tentlo . In open terrain
viola.ting it. There la " ne important addit lon&l d isi",•• ion i. pa rtio ula . ly importanL Rout ...
ro""idenlioon. A luge h~uarten ill likely bet ween element>. must be ronce..led 0. madt
to remain In an a' " for .. ,.-.ter 1eD.Jrth of by ind inct c<>Ur--.l'f" ...r in atnigbt Ii.......
ti me tha.. a bivouadted uniL It la for th ia I . H1"adquarten in ex i.t inlt civilian atrue-
rtlUOII that the aite mU&t be capa ble of be ing tu re. p........nls the problem or hid ina: mo,'..ment
conti nlJOul ly occupied while olferl nK a mi ni- b)' da y and cone... ling th e evidence of activit,'
mUm cha nce of being disclOlled by chanSl'el in at niKhl , wh en hlae1ol<>ut cond it io"" u.ually
the terra in pattem . It is unwise to \ocate a prev ai l. )liIil.ary mm'ement In .. villa$:e 0. I
hMdquarten in ~ o nly Iar l" bu ilding within /lTOUP of farm bui ldin,", is not ......ily diJ,.
an extoo....ive a.- of military ope ...tio..... It ill CO" ered if kept to a minimum_ Al.tmIpta to
too obviO\l5 .. pl~ for auch • poIot whether th a ppeal"lUlCe or bundin,", by dl~n1 p­
aigna ind ic.. te it I. be ing used 1.1 a head- uve pa int ing i. ~idenM' " f t>Ccupat ion ond
quarter. or not , and i. likely t o draw enemy "imply reveuls a milita ry Installation. E rec:ltoD
fire. If the comma nd poot Ia located in a buil d- <:>f II sma ll "t rue lnre . imulating • new ganil
Ing. the"' mWlt he ..nooKh other buiklinp in o r oth1"r auxil iary civilian build ing ill unliUb
th.. area to p",,·tnt pinpointinl" th.. taryet.. to an>UI<I l uspielon. bl.l t a n)" ma jor . ha n,..
c. Communicati ona ...... the l ife blood of a ...iIl be c10Mly """n ned by " DI'mJ" ai r ob<.1"n·e
~mmand poet . Comma nd poetl ,ited to take Wh en bulldinga are pa rti llll)" detlt royed I
• 1',. ..... U. ''''1'' "' 0.' ...........>WI ,... ,.
fig . ... 11. 1"To,... I g, .. ! of "no"""'", ..i ....
d"bri~-litW rro . i"stalla,i"". ..,IlY I... cI<.., ou- " alj' In .i.... f rom la r l/." t' rom·...,l ra l i<>n" of JIll.
fl ail"" with d"bris 10 bie n" with the r<>uj{h a n d leri alo In T61<r areas U. "m,dl pile.< or all!' pli"
jll"". ri Ii""" of Ihe sllrrollnri i" j(• . A f"w in Ute forward 'ire,,,. F r"m a ,'amOU!la~
hroken t iml... ra. pier•• o f lath . pl".I. r, Ilnd v iew l,."int , the la l'Jl'e conoen tr "tl<,,, "r m..teri
. c;oU" ....'<l ru ll'" will Ilcoompliah ' lu k k lind effec_ io t h" m" in prob lem. U UIft' " m" un tll " r "'l"i
t ive ""n'...... I..,e .. l . othe r debrt. ullua ny a vai l- ment Dr "n kinds a re broul(h l " I' 'I" ic kly, mUll
a ble incluri.... ru bble, ""np meta l, w"""ked Loe Ilnl""df>d a..d roncea led q uit-kly, lind ) -.1
ve hid.", a nri f urn itu re_ m"'l lit> eui ly lUXeS.~ible f<:>r I'f<t ial r ibut.i
F laltol'" n e ffecti ve "olu tion if the au
37 . s.. ~y Points po in t. not too lallE". if t ime a ..d .....te .
. re . va ila ble. a nd if t h"y can t... made to
" . The probleln5 in cam<Ml ll• • i" r . upply
....ith tlw ~rn.i ll . F or au ppl y poi n tll tha t tall
l.,inu inrlud. a ll t he difl\(,u ltiell o r both
b ivOWl< . 1Id "'''''mand t-t concea l",,.,,t. pi,,, be ~ Ied, ~ ..y poin\.<. w ill ofWII dR
th" ,f).....
nl a n """-""y att,..,k .
• numl.. .. of pa rt;.,ul>t.r ly lroubleooln" facl.o'"
(lC<"uliar to .apply poi nts a l" ..". Su p" l)' po ints 1>. Su pply pointll make u"'" " f nlliural en

C-"'.... iCCl i... .. i•., c' ~ ,," liM by nmn ing ., I... g I~"'l i n I~e tu.n to deslin ch .... x o., ..ode
b, bur,in g cobin o, e c"",,, I.d b, loll.,.. ing •.,.,d'l ed9'" Ill ". _, be I!r Llllg fr_ 11.. I" I . u ,
lIf, .. """ pol., .... ne ce n .,." Ihey ,h"" ld be pl" c"", o long e. iJl ,ng .e. roin li nes . Mo in' enonce
cre.., es pec iolly mus l be• .,•• 01 ",., ~ i ng trod, .. hi d . c... ~ • •go 10""'" c",","'ond posl
Fit/aro 10. ~ /a , .f ,;" , .

ond eonr.."lmen t wh enever I'... ."ihl... StArk . of pli.., elln I", laid out "I""il r " lIi" "ti" " line.
, upplie" lire d i",,,,,.,,ed to mi n im i .~ dllmnlle a n d k .t" t~d with .trip-p;lI rni.•h...1 t wine neta
lrom II oi" lIle IIUnok . New IIeee "a r"n,lll lire 1<, re , ,.,,,lIl,, 1I1-11",1i" l1 ,tllhble. Fi ll"re r,2 iIl",,-
panned 1<, u"" exiatinll" o,'c rhclld cover. In tra!.<'11 l", w 1111'I,li,'" ";i" loe "t a"kPd ror d""ep_
II\{)re pe1"mll"e nt iMtaliation~ . t r"" k. ru nni np; t iM . The I' lowed f<cld " , ,,a lly "111,11" t roll!'I,' to
thm Ulfh shu rt upe n II ","" rll n be ' nt><....le<l hy "ttemptll lit t·.. m"uflnl(c, b" t ' '' PI.Ii.... <art be
.....rIIead n..ta alunr t w ~ n t rt'<'S. T .. tt;" con_ ..ta<kl'd ... ra llel 10 the r.....,"'.... lid <"" <'red
with ...rth <o lort"d bu rla p_ From Ihe a it . th i~
trot i ..... lurI... measu to "tlneN I ..ct i'·ity and
is ..ffect ive CUllCi'a ln.ent_ A"".....~ rou l"'" ...
lIIO'"em.. nl I t. ttl , and from the in. tallal ion.
mad.. . Iunlt th.. f urro", s and "" u nna t ural lin....
Enoa when nalu..1 cove r iOl . , or non_ a p pea r on t he JIllIt.>r n_
flimo nt, nato..1 ter IN l u an IIU'd to e, C&mO<l nllK\' dhl<iphn.. lTtl'W'u a l ~u ...
l4vanlalle. Thfon a ... few k indo o r te r ..i" ply pointa inc:ludt' t rad < plan s lhat ull in a
rilich . ilI nut ha,'" to be u oed to .tore "UI'S~"'" m in im um of ..h anr=s in thP a IOi_ ra ....e of
d th e.... an I....· k inds. of terni" for whj"h 1<'Tn'.;n• ...,nl rol d dt'l,r ;.. "" t hat il dc_ ""I
re " no lOluLion. In "" h i\-atN lWlda. Ml P. llttU mutate a nd a ltra.:t enern)- .. u.-n1.ion. ron-

' ". ... ~ • . IIr .... _"', a lO ' Ptlr rHJ (UI,..,j -... .,. _ it"""
1'..... .:0. SMAll,.. ......... ...... ,.,. ...;...... Qrn..
_,....u _,... F'ip .. 01. r~ _ I ' " _ ,-...r....,.u -t.

.i_ __,.
~-' ~I_ ~

';__ 1 . ...!", Io<>p is ..... .<4. Tb o . " l r ;" _ .." .., . V _ _ .. ~ .... _~ 19 nVI...... ,........ _..-.. EI,.,.
__roo .".,.. _....., .._ _ /' .too . , . . - ""~,.. ..r•• •• ,- .,...r ...... __
_ _ _.. e«-t•• f in. ,..... ,._01•• _ .... iIdolt . - . , I.
..... . - . _iffl f. ,.,.." ...:f;"''l' ~ . ..
--..I. of • ,w , ,.. f.- ,4< CPo r~ ior r. l"ft""'l _.... • .- _ ..
•d ................"" .
ealment u d rontr<>! of trw:b ....flin' w "'....'" d....inajrP W pfe\'ent "\.llnd in« pool. of Wau.f

I\JPpliell. . nd Jnllintenanu "f ca""",II"£f

31,. e -floge of Waler Points

wilicll rel\ect mud> lighl
/l, Fol~~ not auffid ently thick tor perle<1
COIll'elI.1ment ill aupp1emented by Datural lIlA-
teriala. llattt> or dn.pes. Co ncealmeat ia re-
.... Faeton which a id in the con<'e&lme" t of quil't!d tor ter point equipmeat ; the obi""
...u.r pointa a re: of wasee in the tanks; and amall open areas
(1 ) Ad!< con<'e1\led r oad net at t hat muat he c.roMed by vl'h kl e. or Pl'l'8Oll.I1el
poi nt. in operaUn/t t he poi nt. Shi ne on wate r CIOn be
(2) Suffldenl nat ural conce"l m~" l to hide eonc....led by COven; or fo1!~ IOnd the
"",itinJ{ vehlclea. charac teristi c "hal'" of \.anh ca n be di,,\I,rted
( 3 ) Ad"'Quate concealment-ali:ift<'ial or by foliage of a rtificial mater ial! .
""t ural fOf Op" r&tin J{ personnel, etorall"e \anu, e. CllllIoul'la«e d i..:ip line " t 1\ ....ter point
Illd pumpl nll" an d puri ficati"n "'I" ;I,m...,t, f "'luin. • wa ter supply ..chedole lo r W1i nr
(4) Strict enron ement of camou ll"ll"e d i&- unitll . I_ k of a ..chedule. or ... io.>h..ti on 01 a
d ptiDe. ""hedDle, lMually produces a con<;ent.... tlon of
(Ii) Colltl"ol of apilled wate r. ad"'Quate "''''iti nlr veh iel<os ...hich cannot be e<>n«oaled .


39. I~rod uctiotl 4 1. IlHtrictive Fad'on

T1>e princl ple. &rid methoda of eamou.~ F acton wh ich may limit camOllfta" l-..ibil~
st.-ed throupout this rnan ua1 are aPJlliu~ ties a~:
to the camout\~ of find and f'P! ~r_
man"",t In.tallationa. Any d il'f~nce is merely G. P rom lnHlt landmarb which o.en·e u
one of dlPKl'H of detailed planrdna Uld extnt ref.........,. poInu for _ y pilob. P ncliWity
of eamoo l'laJrf construction proj«ta. Giv", the of obaeuri n. th _ landmarks M ould be COII_
ti me, matf,rIal, and labor, tMore b abnost DO sldered .
limit to the eonee&Iment that U n be &oeom_ b. Normal operational d.......nda of ilUltalb.·
I'li.hed, If the importan...e of the 1I1.lItaUation tlon.
jU. l.i nH loch expenditures. If ita importance
d~ not ~an for all-out camo...n" !l"e, ita visibil_
e. Area Involved and ti me allowed.
ity can .till be r educed materi ally by t he simple d. Expected lVlef ul life of in.tR llRl ion.
method of tt>nl'do.... n. Thi s cha puor presents Innuen~H deci.<lon on short or lonle 1'/1
' UggeotloM for analyzing camou l'l a~ prob- "",",oulla~ proJ(ram .
lema, prf'l'il r inll" d...ilrfl s, a nd .ul>enoiaiull"
proj""u . T M 5-200 roveD the COl\lltructlon e. A~ of auitable a~ for a decoy.
maleria b and camouftllJl"e teehniq....... .... hich ca.n /. Availa billty a nd lnoes o t eam " ... ftllllt
be modit\1Pd to Ml it va ri ati ona In " fl"'<'i'" i n~, labor, and eqnipment.
!<ta11. UOlUI. fl . SeNonal change< and ""'I'".-ted ma la-
40. OMi,," QIXI lity of Como llflo e- ten.o.noe. determi ned from d ud,. of 'l eAr r0un4
....\her ronditi o.... (rainfall.>eratun
The kind and ~ of n.rnouftaln' dosired i.o
doU"" inlPd by the l olk>wing l ac toN.:
....nJ(S, lJIIowload. and "';nd ) . . I
AI . Proboo.ble enemy II'" of ae n.l jWw\.op .I>III
• . Important<! of in5bI.llation (how d illkult
it .....uld be to "'1'1_>.
of ...... I
i s...,lIr ily requ irem....ta. indud inll" """ recy
b. Vulnf'l'a blHty of installation ( diapNllion
a nd au....."ti Lilit y to ~) .
d uriTlJ[ oonatnlctlon. I
i. S . t uu of adjllC.... t in.tallllti " "". eal"""ially
e. P ro/.>a.ble ....l'IIIy Irnowled ll"" and evaluation with NIIlpect to exillting or planned eamOllft are. 1
of in. tallatl"n. Th i. Is important .... hen . ilUltallllt lon. aI'S
d. Exttont and effJciency of alr. warn ing under oontrol of another IIU!1lOri t y.
fadliti"" lind deleree or ai r sUl ,,,riori ty. 1<. Dell"ree of cOftl'erat ion to be ex p"<"te<l fl'Olll
unit. .... h....e activiti es will "If""t . ... cce... of
e. ProLable heights, dlrecticns of approach,
final ca. mou nall"e &Cherne.
and t iml'" of enemy <lb.""rvati on ft. 11.11110k.
j . P robable .....1... of enemy obooern t lon. 4 2. Pr'OC.cIII"S
g. Ave.... 1l"f' visibility ( rain, fOll". and other Beto... form ulati ng II fi nal pla n tor a p roj
almo5pMr1c conditional . a decision mun be made as to the l>eIIt
udl on pr""edu re t o follow. 'The f"llowinlf
c. Djfr~ re .. t t yl..... of work do ""t n, ,,lli<l hy
t SUlfj{elItf, M>me of the poMibilit i.... 'Thlt lIna l
oonj( ca rried 0" . 1 th.. ""m.. t imlO In lhe "IUlle
choia! de pends on th.. situati on u..( ..·m exisl
a rea.
d the site at \.he ti mlO the work Is Initiated.
d.. One type of work can be- 8uu.l il uW for
Comp lt'te carnoufla~ a pplied . tep by atep
another In the c....e of unfo.......... <lela)'...
durin.. eoMtruc t ioll or d urioj{ a halt ill the
o~t1onal activiti....
45 . layo ut Grid Control
b. Complete eamoulla~ applilPd to .~ive
oeetiODS of the inet&llatioll durlnj{ operati onsl
o . A ,,10.11 of the area to ~ camoulla.pd
".llOuld ~ d,....·n at a ....,,1.. of not t- than 16
acti" itia. f....t to th.. inch, a..d ~hou ld ~ gridded al .s-
c. Complet. amoufla~ APplieod lin t only r.....t, usinJ( th.. m"d ula r .y. t.em. Th..
to vita.! parte of a lar~ illlltallation. .t-foot i.. te-rva.I. or modul... i8 a llnit ...f m o re-
d. n u ty temporary camoullell't me... ll..... to ment for N'l('U lalinj{ prol'Ortion•. Ita woe the
be I'e1JIACed or alllP11ente.:! by mo re wtnprehen. bU la fo r a plall will re<iuc.. bUlldin j( c,,",to, offer
,i ~e and more venn,,"nent wol1<.
the d",,;gner a simplifi ed mo>th"d of dimen"ion_
inJ( d ra ,,~ nj(., eliminal<! the n.-::....lty fo r murh
, . Slm ultAne<ms development of complete ly ..xp..n"ive detalli nli(, and offer II "}'"wn, of re_
camnuflal("d Installation and decoy. petitiv e module, 4 f ....t in dlm enaion, on wh ich
repetitl~e ""l'eda "f the ranloufl"l(e ('an he oon·
/. Gon. trudlon of a day or night d..,oy while
rea l Installat ion ia gi~en toneodown t ......tnw nt. . t ructed by an /WleOlbl)' line type of prod oe-
lion. The 4·foot interllll "'"lfCl iM "," th" aising
o r d itrenont matu i al" on a common bAai. so
4.3, h qnflal l .f.,Mee Data and Aich that wh..n ......,.,bled th ey can "," MLdily IItIed
e materiabo _hieh ahoald be ll'athmod prior together to fonn A complete stnJctol'e. 'fh.e

t the plan and whlcll m ovld be u-t .. m_

~ and a idA io c reatilll': the plan a re :

.. MlPd iultl ..,<1. ~ ~ph ic mapa

better the componenta f rom dill"e,..,nl ma nllrac-
lure", can be fttte<l toJ(oether, the I.... _ ill be
the r vtti nlf and adj ll<;tm~ta n'q llired on the
of the immtd lilte a .. d adjacent &"""'. j ob. Plannlnlf for the 1I..... of modular prodllda
d""" nflIl h am per d~ilnl"'" in e......ti nj( r&mOll_
b. Aeronautical cbubo. 1l.a,rP COTUI1.nIrtion to m<'l't any ......d. It .impl,.
~_ A controllPd moaaic, at a _ I.. not mean. that d ilnlc" . prod'lffra of buil d inll
..... ~r than 1:26,000 or th.. project a"",; and prod OJCta. ooil<l and cra1b<m.... aU work 10-
a cootrolleod or """, icontrol led moAaic at A J(l'th..r on a ""mmon basi" ""i nj( " eoordina ted
IIaIle not lIJnlIller than 1:50,000 of th e "llr _ . )'Stern <>1 d lm......ioninj(.
roundi ng a rea .
h. Preparation of workinj( draw inll" on a
d. Aeri al ~erti,,"1 photogTa pha of the proj ect modular halo i. (flg. 53) i. not e... .."tially
area with II. mininm m o~erlap of fiO pe rc.. nt nnd different trom that CUglomalily t olluwed in
oblique photograph. _ taken from cardinal archit ectu ral practice. However, a new faet or
direction. or mOllt likely approach Ilngl"". hAA been ..dded-the disci pline of th~ g rid.
c. Town p1.ns and counby ma ps.
(1 ) TILe ",od1(la,. flrid. Coordi nat ion of
44. Sch.-lule of Op&nlfioM bu ildinll prod OJCta in II stnJcture ill bued u pon
a ....inch cube represented a 4. inch llrid on
" oclIedu le of 0pen.ti0lla should be p~ plans_eIevallon. , and aedio 1 d ...... inp. In a eamou llage ~tion pro jed..
Thill lIChedulu houJd be planned 110 that: (2 ) SIIWIll ntJh d ratriftga. At ....... of
Iaa than. 1 Inch to th.. foot, it til not p,...,ticLI
.. The projt'Ct d.,.." not intnfere at an,. ti me to Mo'" If ri d linft, An a""hit«ta ata1e pennita
wi th the functio nin&" O)f the inatallation. dnwingr. to be laid. oot in multi pl... of . incha.
:r.t . t.riAls CA.II be o rde red and deliv..ri.... PlAns and ~J ....ationa for umoull~ con~truc_
uled to .~oid a problem. tion are to be laid oot URing a 4 ioch Irid.
r t<E CUM

, <, !"'-'
. • . . ' .. • • .
~ Y--fI •
n« G~IO


O I " [ ~S' ~ SV"' OOL.S


(S) MOOMla r d Pla.i&. A 4 inc h lITid ;" u......t not va ry mo.... than I foot from the deoIiJr1l to
in d....ina: typieaI d<!Uils at a _Ie of 3 i....,... main tain the ~ of the d.... ign. V.riati DIII
Or I I,Ij inth" ~Ii nlf 1 f ool. TM vid i. the in _ I.. mak.. it di ffic1.llt to ma trh patt<1nlJ, at
bull of «IOrdination and not M e , nly . . id.. ....11. alld roor. and "'"""'"_ ~. U -
d i_nsion of md e ri all.. Ma tfria lA a n' shown rAll ~ ma rkO!<i On the ~nd w.inlf a tftI,nit
all arlual lize a nd "ith locaW on , o r relaW court m&rker. chalk lin. , or any otheT mark-
to, • !(rid line by • "'f 1K'<! d imet'L'lion. Di· ing device. With the lI'rid Ii..... u 1l\Iid.... til,
mm.iom on r;rId linea &r1' . ho...· n b y &lTOWIi ; pattem OIltJinefl . .... the n drawn .
t ho. .. not on Ifri.t lin"" by dots,
47. Discip lina
46. Marking Ih Area
Camoufl a"e di"dpline l. vllal durinlj' all COlI·
Attn the lAyout plan is determi ned, .. gTid of . tro<1ion pkuM , t any site to be um""l1~
16-foot "'10' " 14 modol....) Is l ra""fe r ..... to E IJed.ive d;.",;pli.... ""lu i_ COMtaot ... ~

the JrI"OU od. Li nee rnuUd OQ the lrf'Ound must visi on when eonsbuction ia deo.irn«\ for
I'(e a rea. C learin~ fo r building " "houl d 00 8ta n tly d, .... ked for suitabili ty, quali ty, rolor,
'. ited to the a rea to be occupied by the bu ild· a nd proper app lieation . The pai nts 81w ulrl be
ing . Bu il,ling locations ea n be .hifted . Iij(h tly ehecked for color a nd t ype; cotton net.. anrl
to a void cuttin g do","!! tr..... that will make .ub- wire nett inl( "h ould be insp';,d .ed h.-forc U ' l"
""Juent ca moufl age """,ier . Sc ra p lu moor, pack_ w ith particula r attention given to t he I'(arni.h,
ing box,,", empty p>lint caM, and other forms T he overall eonstruetion plan sh oul d be che:-ked
of reru>;e nnd debris, as well as the spoil f rom freq uent ly on the ground and al80 by "erial
excavations should be di sposed of or camoo- rh oto J'( TIlphs for in rl irect analysi s. F re·q uent
flal'(M as soon"" po.sible. P a rk ing a"" a re n iJ'( ht inspection s are v"luab le w di ' cover an y
best disper.ed lind c oncealed and w a itinl': \~olati on of the pr inei ples of l;oo<l ea m oufl a ge.
poinla lind turnarounds . hou ld be marked.
Equipm ent not in use and stock pi1€'8 of s upp lies 49. Ca mo uflag e of Buildi ngs
must be con r~'I\I ..d or removM f rom th e s ite.
Work iIlll" eq uipm.e nt m ust be llCreened for "ecu- The b"sie m ethod s of eoncealme nt-blend inll',
rity. Ttl prevent ""a lTing the earth "roun d h id inll', 'Inri ,lecei vi nll'__ ean he applierl eit her
•mall eoner ete s lr uct u res. 8uch lUI pilllJOx es, to existing huildin~ or to n ew construdion .
raJ.Nt platform" Can be u"'-'.l f or eoncret<.> m ix" Con cealmen t is much easier, ho w'-"\·er. when the
inl'(, suppii"", and spoil, AU personnel m u"t be cam ou ftltj(e ""h em e is in corpora te d in t h,- dt'--
fa milia r w ith the pla n"" it concerns thei r own s igns for new eomtrnction .
individu"l a ct iv it i,,,, ( fi ~. 54 lind 55 ). a. DiBrupting Shape and SIw.dow. The s ha pe
48, lnspe<;tion an d, to a limited degree, th e sha dow of build-
During eonst rudion , materials s houl d be con- ings eRn be d i. rupt ed by pattern paint inl; th e

Yii'''' H , Carol... and wid..p,<a<i .a,'~ ocarn~u I. cau ..d b~ loilu.. 10 •• Iobh, h a ''''/fie plun , iod..m m_
i. .,. .... 01 ","'h"''''''''Q ' 9"'P"I'"'' a"d ' ao ","e~ <a" «"" ,,'d h 1....,. II" u oad oI""';"Q ' 0 fo <ililot< """. tn.<-
"'". A " , " f" .c.d ''''/fi< p14" , ,,' "p d.. "';~u tho plao~;"U ,,' OQ' " 'auld ,llml~a l . ..... , h af ' h. ' '''oali'Q ..,a "
n Ihi> pic,.....

F ...... u. W.w.. . "' __ ., , .. ~ .. ....._ J

..,.. tA. """" ••_ . , ... , ..
u.. ,

....... do.. po".......... , ~ "'~ , I U • • • • /lI .. ,.......- _0 1 ..... .... __ t, ... nd t..6.0,

"' 11.118, o.e roof, aM the ~u rround ; n.ll: groum\. r,..'l u{·. ti", h..,lt"ht a nd 1n tu m ti1 .. . hlld" ", (fIt"!'
''''Tll''' lrr<'11ul" r pattern . of t wo or th ...... N,1 "... r;~l) . Buildi ngs of metal or 0"..., h " u"lnll" m.·\( ,
airnulati nl!' the ] ()(,1l1 terrain patt..rn elln I.... mllwri.. l. ma y he ..on...... I,'<I f " ,m " u ll,r a n"
a ppli•• 1 in " Llr ~ " way"" to Im'ak t h" atr,Lilo[ht i " frllr"l dt'teo:'t ors by pili nll" dirt in " Il"nuhml
ed ll"" . fi"",,",,' th e J"<)<,r 1"'11 ",,\.'1 more lil'(ht tl", n . 1" 1/1' u p to the eav'-"I ",,,l pilld nll" ,q ,pr" , i.
a ny othPr »Rrt of th,. buil dinl':. the l,,,tt prn nULwly 3 inr h'll of soil on the root. ITh e n",:"-
. hould he clJ,rker lind the roof should he tex- l u re ... "nw " t of the "" il UM'" in t hi. ma"" "r
t u l'<'<l h.·f" .... 1"'; 111/ l' a inl>'<l. Th e da rk l'" tt.-rna mu., t l.oe kel,t a t a pp roxim ately th 01.. "" thlll
" n \Jl.. roof " " carriO'<\ down onto til. wa ll or th.. lI u rround inll:" !!Oi18. or II ·uo ...·.. <l ilf.., ·
. urla.... to b"",k t he line of t he structure I fip.. " OU'e ", ill I"" c """W to n<'ll:"att> the ..o"'·....ln'
Sf; a nd l,7) . Th.. It' rou nd ('a n "" . p rnJ'<.'d .... ith nlu...)
bhu:k b itu m ;n" u. ....uL< i,m to ....,ak th"
ahadow; e... ~ tll1t ul'l'd m. ria'" BUTh a>; cill_ c. SeNNI'''". Bui ldi ngs eIlO I"" conc""kd by
........,.. or p m i...."'" n<.'ttinlf'l ( fill>'. ( .0 Ih ruurb
d.. rn. ,Ial(, o r .....1 ...""he r ....t u""" """ (,.. . 1' <1 62 ). \\1Ine cnn«al rneot rrom c"- ot~.liOD.
matllke a ro und . bu ilding in an iTn'lnlLar t- ;.. .....Iuind the nettinll" . hou ld 101"'" lI:"m.
tl'm to oboo:u"" th e .hadow; or thx,k .h nlbt ry ually to the r;round. Di8rupti l" UcI'1\ll Ilt&J"
Or tftftI a.n t. I'lan t.ed. if I'l'lIICtieabI... e~ to I... 1 1...; ov.r netti nll:". ro<.r ral"'"-'"l111
th .id of • bu ildinlf. Ri~d oilhouetuoo. . ddO'<! F or ot:nlctu~ .nth roo" . tc.prr th.u
to 1M v... or t he buildinp will distort tMit :vi ' , the TH"Uinll:" mu st _ v"r tM buildin...
oha pe (fiJI'. rJl ).
d. ~um.f1. The naWI"I' .. nd oi or builoJ.
b. D i,Ul ;"g. Ir til. tfon'ain I _ ita, • nt'W inp ca n t". dioi!U iHod in man" ....) l fip _ gs
I'\nlctUI"l' can t". parti.11y d Ull:" in . in ord. r to Ih roult"h 70 ) .


F ig ..... .,. A "",h. , ..<th.d .f hnaJ<iMg id e><tilvift g . /tad . ..,. ;., '" .., ,,,.h
.ilho""",, 01 P1M"",<>d ., . ,h... rig id """ .,.,.,1. 1.
' h. "" ~ • •.

Fig ..... 5>, H .... .. a q".M.. t ht hl. ..dod "' t. tho " ,..,. iM ' M .. o.,nbi"" Ii.,.
of diggiKg i", 'u,,,";"g, a" d <••• ";"g ",ith .. ft.,.

, . •-;r - -.
If'••• . . . ""..

- , ..
r ig.... 86. flo. j~ .pl, ~. I.... a ' ,od. d br ~ "",.,. ... ~ ." • • '~
h iLliop , ..... a_I .."....... ,;.. .
pI. W~ ",._ 1• • • •"'... ,.....

J';'." . , . .\'<1..-.. ...,.,.

-.l ....
oIU '_.........,.. •., ....
!~~ ~ NO $11)(

#"ill. ... or. ()" ......11 6";w,,,,,

. ... "" lAr t."";,,,.•
0 ' of ,A. ..... OM
,,,. ot..".. 0/ _ _ I .. ~
, _... , ~,
<I.,..•• _ 1_'" _,tioo"
/•• _I
I.... tA o •• -"k'."
t• .... . l 'I.
,.,..0001 1M. _/ ,I . h OW , ""'... - . " , ,t. ., <lo r - . ..... _ _ I~

' '''' ' or. , , .. 01

,~ . h ;I</,. , _

I .. _
...., • • ,...,.. , . T Ao ,... OW" of tit. _.f.
Iilo• • ..-.l - U h ;ld;" , r . Slsdoo<o ..."
I./t ..._of
,r_ " _
•• r ,.ano,,,, ..
_...... _ •• •/ .r""
1./,.., "'Ii ,.. ~_ ••. All ..... _
r-l ..... _
.ONI ,..t" _ <I_ I, Ie _do <ool ............ .." .....
~';g. ,. u . II."" ....." .a••••. IX''''''' .a••••. d.d " ",iI., IM /I' " 'M" . ", ,. M,ba . M' " ' f'''' ... ~. It
. _, g_" ., 11.., • • iid"'g. " . '0<1"';. , / Ib 1__1• . It_ I Ii ...., .. i' ~ - . .
, .- ...., /A h rl.l" .., ~ 011 ,,;, "i., I• •,,,,.1.,. oI"1ri., ' i" _,•. II ,... ...
,. ,
011_ _. " ;.-u.
1 • • "'

~" /..-. .II _ i.....

... IA, .. 4
_iNli., ._ •
'Y. , _

H_ '''' .u
_I ,...-4 ;0'.
_1 1.1•• • ~ .... . , 01.., -..I ... ,
'...... ,...J• • ....1/
~ .;u 4 ;'..,.. tAo
la.l.- _
/... • ...1 • •• .., , .. jHf" " ... . N 4..,._ • ••-u " """" ' .
" ••ro 6,'. 81,.","",,, CO " •• "",d. l<> _/0"'" 10 ,~ • • ",~iloch<n """,_ t<> ... , 10"'''• • 0 ..... critl. ' . p" .
",...".", .f Ii.~' Ii", ..,. 0>0<1 , .,.".. ,~_ ""'~ •• , lop, pl."..., .,. .,~.,. "", ..rial. H..., a q" "" " 1 hi ..
b.",• • It,red 10 ..."".1. ,~ , "<fi". ""'i.., ~o ".., ."". ot vari . u, p<l int.'l around tho 1<0' oon.." .] . If,,,tiv,ly f""m ... i ~ l vi ew.
l "_." 6ri, S"v",'ol ", .I~.d., . q«liv. r",dis."i... " tId 0""" "1"" ,,, of Uti".
A, fr."", ""y. ... d w i'" I••",,, Olorni , hod ... i... to , im" tat.. • tr. . .... <...d no" t n' - ..."t.
I';V"," II_ Cnnt in""".

= 1'"-:-
I• ...--01 _-
MON • • _to _ <Or I • I-lDclo 1umbo. oU' Jl'd"io<! fh ... ....... ut with t.Joo " ' - ploeM .. II><\ ~ u i ru liWo ",ob tononea.
""'t b7
I. r TOmOUp po r ~,F.o_ Iowa. '" Lu<otlo n <>t t.IN t<'OOO

Ft,..... "-ContinU«!.
f'i guro "" U' o" " d "W'" of 0 ",moufl"g,rl m, ..Aa ll of" m u.ition, faoto , ~ in IJ ri..b.",. Au. ',"ii. (19;.'1. TA.
fal .. """I ' "u 'iu"" ou ov.~ ' Ao buUdi.g a"d lu m ina'" 10g;""II~ at ~ ",~t. ;"",,1",", T h,. it 0" oxe<U".1
. x o m pl. 0./ "o muuf!"yi"y 0 p " rn u ", ~ 1 i", ' oIlal"''',

F;yu", S . . Th, .. " ro "

<o~, 0 , A"",. Ih , 'N Pic,JI oNm . !";"u' b~,.,.."t o. 0. ~ut~ , UI.. ~) I ~ , prop" d;"p. ,,"'"
0./ bon .,to, ;n wood,,! " ro~ o . ,'"" bin,d ..~t~ ' on,dolt". I <x",ri~p of "",f• . and pdtt< ,.,. pain lmg .. ,how>..


SO. l ood. Dnd Parking A . th...... i• • cboicc , thc s ite s hou ld providc "'.
muoh natu ral ovcrn...d MV" r ... p.....",I.. for
R.-b can be romplEUly ( ollC lfd for Mm_
spu r trw b , buck ""rbI. _ra~ RrNa, wan-
paratiVi'ly _ha rL . tn-khlOl only . H ow"""", inter_ boIl_ . a nd .......... rout.... Th.. rai lhnrl iw
MdiollS, tnom. c; ..,18. short ..,~ road• • a nd ahou kl he- at -... ;nu,l1TI<'d ial<! IM';nl. nol
~in .. . rNa, ..h.n th..,. ..... IaDdma rb, can thc f"Ild of th c rail linc . (Fa " .. tradul lfoa<Iinlf
be madto inco....I.;.,UOUlI bJ.' ton~. teduri"«. to a dftooy ... ilh... d ia pro<.hlr til.. bNt ooIut;'-'"
""......., inlt. tn.noplantint 11'HII. n'I, ,,,atinll'
roads. Dr by makiOll' deeoy .-dA. Tonf'do"" o
for """ fllSina- u... .........
~. ~n- a';"" anti ...,.
tarl. ) Th,. j unction with th,. """i nli ah".. loI
I*i nti .... nod~ the d istil fmm .. lIkh • bIO inc...... I.;.,UOUS lU. ~i"I ... S i!ir t .... h·
road ra n ........." . How .,Il«ti, thio mf'thoct i. nlq u a. -
d<'[><'TIdlo on haw ,,"'-1,- the lfoxtu an d color
usN ma\.c h. tbo8e of ad~.....t It i. dim. ~. Add inll CItra balb... t to c,w... Ii"".
cu lt to (~,tIli n t h., prope r ton.. v•.1u" by 1",,;"1- b. Ma kin j{ ou(.(>r ffl!t"e11 of ball.....t ifr11(U hu .
inll' R ~ ," ~. \ ... tu . ;n j!" t he _u,(,.,." ",-ill .."I,. (fi lt.
r . I'I""i 1111 fllW IICr"" n .,~·n ,u,<I on 'i ,l"'"
7 1) .
of rail•.
51. Ra ilhead . , Railways, a rM:! Rolling Stock d. ~: r"'·tj nll n..ttin!t" " Y" r , i<l ;"II". Iwt wf'<'n
h uil rlin!t" (,., conceal loadi nll: plntf" I1TI", "r "ver
An of the uvNl1inll' cha rncterl ><tica " f ti,,,
activ- ace..... rou\.<olo (,., . tornj{e a r..a•.
iti"" lind col\l<t ructinn """",i..W wilh. II rail_
I'U<Id . ", u tTfJll'\e1y diftk ult to camourlall'e. Th"
e. Enf in.. a t rack plan for \·.... kles will
k....p vi.i b a;lfJIa of unmal...l ....Ii" il i'" "I a
railwaY" th......lvell . .... ......"I{ll iuod l>y thei r
m in im um.
10.... l*rall elli n.... g radual co "" ligh t roIo......
b&l\aAt in th.. roadbMs. a nd th h in.. from , . ("'amoun.~ of . u ppli.... • U,"'" in v... "I ,,"n.
ma.inlilW t ...."b. The nlilh...ts lW'<l«IIiud fl . Di_ in.. f~ .-bt can. ""~ oti v ".-It;.
by th .i r aiM .nd th" aUrndanl. ti vil }", Cam· c ........ nd Pl>l;..... Thi. i• • n l I' ·.ul....
....,1'1 ..,. """"'0"", at ' - . an ...u.. thf' i.,<tal- .nd is _ uti&! .. ~ nUwr camotlll.lf" ... i ....
I&l.ion ,pPI'. r unprofttabl. to 0.. ",O'Il'ly . W hIM> l..-ibl<e.
1. E.te';Qr , jew 2. Inter;or .i.,w
Figu,. rt. T'o rkiwg 0",0 ........ ,,1 from 00 ."""';0....

52. Bridge s appear tha t an alternate r iver croII"ing ette is

While .. br idge is d iflk ult t n hi,le , t he re are he inJ{ prepared . Ap pro"d,,,,, muat be well wo rn
• number of "a",nulla....-,> !.rick s w!li"h may on I~ >'lh banks. If there is a line of near_mw
deeeive th e enemy "," W its location lind, moat craters n,.i.e the bridJ{c, one or mol1' of them
imporumt, its con dition . Simu latPd ' Ta h ',., can "" " uld be filled. If a. bridll:e has be<.-n a.ctually
be pai nted on til,- d,,,,kinll: and NIWl'€d . After ,b"""Ift'<l, it mar be made to a pp<'>l r re pa in'd
an attack, they "an he eXl" ,,,-><I . Decoy t;, nk8 and w<llble by filling II. lI"'P with wi re fnun....
and othe r doco}' vehid "" can he plac ed to ,im o_ wor k covered with dc>th . Then it aJ(ain I...:omeg
late a trllllk c ti,LUP aft<>r th e "t t.;,,·k . Portions a IOlrieal cro..s inJ( a nd proud .. the actual cn:wc-
of th e &id e ra:ilinl( he removed. Fo r t h is inJ(. If a riv"rl>ed is 5uitable a nd til e water . low
pe of der"l,tio" to 1)(" "onvi nri nll". it m il'! and muddy, bridlrC8 may he constructed with

the deck .ubmerl"ed ju,t below the su rface. 5 5. Airfj aldl
The .hpe &nd oh&do... of a detltroyed b ri dge
a, The lin t . tep in the camoul'l"l«! of a n II
ma y be u!Oed 00 help cono:eal a ponton bridge
field o r Iandill&' lite. as in all eam<>U flll.f[ e opera-
eonstnJcl.ed alonpide. ]f a decoy i5
liD.... ia a thorough stuo!y of the terrain by air
bu ilt at a 10lfiea\ place, lIOIYIe dioL"U1u a way.
oleerYaUon a nd aerial Photoll'nplw. After tile
tM n ped.ient hu a r;re&ter chaDa! of eocaping ground formation. pred ominant colo"., . nd
det«'tion . I n a=rtain <:UelI it may be p"".ible patterna of t he a na are . nall"'ed. t he c. moo-
00 rubIMr lte a POlltoll brid~ wil.leh hu pneu- ll.,;e deme can be planned..
matic: llQ&to by ~ g ai r from the 1'I<>o.ts.
By th l• ...-..... the bridge call be hiddell durilll: b. D10pened parki ng rite. ohou ld be lon.ted
daylijrht houn and refloated for ..... a t ni"'L within dart< and b ....vily terlnJ"l'd paN of the
a,... avoid,nl' sites ....he~ the . ireraft would
S3 . Wi.. Li.,.. be In aha rp eoIltrast to their wrroundinp or
clOOle to an UIl\llltlW or iooiated ter rain fll'lll.tu re.
A well canlou l'l aged .tructure b of little v.lue UB!' . hould be made of overl>ead con«alment.
jf a conapieuoo. line of communic.tion wire clomps of buohes . 'lCnlb Il'l'Uwth. f(lld, in the
term inate- at the Installati on. It I. di"""trous gT<lund . Alld other . hadow-eaotl nll" lrl"'el'\lla r.
to ..Uow unconcealed cable un ee to end . br uptly Itie• .
a t what 10 mellnt to a ppear aa a n Innocent hill
b ut II II't ually e n Important comma nd post. A c,Cireul. ti nl' traffic should be confi ned. if
decoy muot continue put the Insto.Ualion to a poMible. 10 "'tilting road. a nd plIthl for mow ·
l(>J"ical t . nnl....tion or the real Ill'l mllal be ment withill the &reIII and for -«_ to """urity
camOIlI'l I&"'d. Imitation U..... can be made of outpoata. New route.. eh(lu ld be kept to a min-
ro pe. wire. cord. or other Ii milar materi als. Imum. Ad vanlaj'e Mould be take n of o""rhead
~IMnl and vehic.... shonld be . ited c.......
The p","Da! of a line can be cotlU*led to a
j[n!I.t eXUnt b y carefully Iocatl nl" it alo ng ter- kI and alona natllraJ terrain 11_
rain linea. lrngularly aiJ'ld IUPl'OrU nl" poIeo. d. The rreater t he tnlfic . t . n airlleld
with the 1..", left OIl, let at IrrefIl lar interYaia more dilllc\llt it ~ee to eamoutllll'e 1"\lII'
....d atane red to eonf'orm kI the lITOund pat- oral'S a nd taxi.....ys. Sod .irlle1d1 d<> Ilot ordi-
tern . are lesa eomopicuoul than Ii.... ft«1Ilarl y naril y preo.ellt too p-ee.t a prob~ unl _ he.vy
l paced and a1illed. Spoil taken f rom the pole u..e hall c,...W worn pathl a nd Itri ps. If th is
holm must be earned a way or hiddl!'l1. Care d""," happen it lilly be ~b1e to extend the
m\lllt be taken d urin&" rna inte....."" to a void path or a\ri p Into an alread y n fOUd or
mak inj( a n obviolla pat h alonJfthe line of pula t rail. thereby con«aling ito actual pUI'J'O'l". Ia
thi . .... pecl. oooperation on t he ,,,,rt
of the
504 , Pipel i.,.. pilota by reot ri cting their landing!!. takeoff's,
Pipeline. Ihould be laid along leCond..ry rot«Is and tU l'Tl&round. W delligna ted lire.... i. vitally
wh enever p"""ible. When cro"'-I:oont ry 11lyinll' n8CeM&l'}', Hurd run wa y" a nd taxiwaYI may
i , necaasary. terraill feato...... Mou ld be fllll y
be textured lind painted to blend with t he bacl<-
ground . nd road. can be l imulated I.CI'OlIIl
Util iled, To elimillate the . h. dow of the pi I\(!.
di rt or debria blended with the bac q rouoo t hem.
M ould be banked gently alo ng both lid"" o r the e. The <:UI!oul'lage of revl'tmellia ia diftkult
pi pe. A toned own color a pplied 10 the pipe I.«anoe of their canl&in N shadow. It they a re
hel~ blend it wi th the backVO\l ud. Tanu a nd partially d ul' into the sidee of hillll. the probll'lll
pumpin j( f!(Iwpment mould be f«e..ed in pil.3. i. Iimp/ifWd. T he mono i ~lar the , lu.I>" and
di l p"ned. and con~Jed by natura! cover or the more vadllll the . 10....... the e&lioo t the)' . ...
"",to. F alae pip"lin... a~ il)' . ;m uIaW b)' to eamoul'llll' e. E.o.rtJ....on. revl'trnellta .....y blI
the a . of ditdlinl" equ ip n t : &fter....,h day'. ......sed to I'i"" thlMIl tnto .... . nd color and to
wor k. "" 'eral po1el :U>ould be Jeh .t the e nd of ronual n.....· &poiL F llrthe r impron me nt ......

the d itch to . imula t e a .act of unlaid piP'". be m. .... by plantiDg sma ll ah nl '" o r " 'Mll •
. eak up the form a nd . hadow, If ti me ",ud fam iliar wit h t he land in" area t he aida are
. ,ilities permit, tree planting i. an effeetiV(' removed and di.~lllyed on ly for viaiti nl< ai r_
m ea.,\u rt'. craft. Field llghtinll' muat be concealed to pr....
, . The operational struct.ut'f!ll asaoei &ted with vent ground or oblique lU.'r ial oboervation.
airfields are lrea~ M any other buildi njt or Ught emitted f rom airfield lill'hti nlt' IIdu"",
can be conl...! ;..1ed by u.e of the roml>at hOXHl
position and a re cw ered in other parbI of the
a ttached to all lbtures fo r th is llul"J>O!'e. Fix_
teree ma y be blendEod into the terrain .'. tloom
g. Panels and other landing aida an! dis- by use of natu ral ma terial. or by pai nting and
played only when ~uiNd. When r,ilot.s are t.erlurinll' to makh the terra in color.


56. loca t io ns by the enemy may later be occupied as an

actual pos it ion.
Decoys must be located In logical positi ons,
far enough away from actual target.. to pr e- c. To be effective, the decoy installation must
ven t enemy tir e on the deooy from hitting the incl ude feat ures normally a AA<oc ia ted with t he
real illlltalla:tlollll. In all eases the loca t ion of real lI15tallati on and m un be properly main-
r ea.! installations must be u refully oonsidered. tained. For ins tance, decoy pla nes on an air_
The distance depends 00 the sl'e of the installa- field mu. t be moved f rom time to ti me; in the
tion, the type of enemy observation. and fire ea.e of decoy trucks, a few reo.l truch should
expected. Decoy br idsres, depot.., railheads, a nd be used to make track. ; in every ease. indi_
airfields ma y be 3 to 8 k ilometers f rom the real cation of norma! act ivity shou ld appear .
objael Decoy artillery batteriea may be leas d, Deeoys intended to divert attention f rom
than 1,500 meters from the act ual 1>"8i t ion or r eal object.s or illlltallations a re effettive only
separated f rom the position by m uch !,:relIter when the real objects a re completety carom
distances depending upo n the type battery ftaged .
being simulated, the t ype warfa re, a nd the
mi.sion of the un il To deceive the enemy, a
58. Signoturel
docoy sim ulati ng a la rg e rear area illlltal lati on
should have approximately the same r elation- <I. The chan<cteristic telltale signs of mili_
. hi p to nea rby landmarh as the target il qelf, tary activiti es are called si!,:na t url'S. Track,
since landmarh " ill be used ll.$ enemy refe r_ are th e most importa nt an n ol..,.ious si!,:naturE
enee points. of any military activity, with their d istinctive
f eatu r es easily differentiated from simila r d·
57. Theory of Decoy Deception vilian acti vities (fig. 72) .
a. Direct and indirect ""ria.! study must be b. The vari ous tYl'eIl of t l"8Cks ma y be . imu-
made of each installa t ion th at is w be . imu- la t ed in the followin!,: ways ;
lated. There i. no standard to fo lklw as every (1) FQot trtU'h , The deaired tracks should
installa ti on ha. its own peculiar siJ<Ilatures~ be made by actual f oot traffic . ~traw or ha~
even two of the liollJIle type will have in dividual may be scattered to Il'ive the effect of mon
and unique charact eristics. extens iv" use. Tracks in a llre,um ahl,v ".:-c upled
b. A decoy In.stalla.tion must be con_
80 po;sition must be constantly increased in w.....
structed that its di""l""u re a pp8lI n; to be the a nd "idth.
result of poor camoutlage. There are various (2) W lleeled t'ellitle trod,s. The best
methods of doing this, sUt h as exposed part.a method of providinJ( wheel t racks is to run
of a decoy, exposed tracks. incomplete oo"",elll-
several vehidea through the area to create the
ment of shadows of docuys, or the im p roper
m\lllion desired. Cha ins or 101(., m"y be dra,,1(ed
use of surface texture and oolor, If a decoy
to "reate .. J(reater flClIl'ring of the ground.
draw. attention f rom a real in.tallation for
but a moment, It serv es its purpose. A decoy (3 ) Tmrk~d 1,pJl i cl , tmr h . It is desira1l

position wh ich has been discovered to be such to use an actual t racked vehicle to make th. .

., ..t EEL EO

r. ' ~ ~ "" " 001

, ..
- . . ,.....1lO .......
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... _.lIt.IICn _ _ . suc. as .' C w,lt. 001 _""'"L'" ELD!
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~b. Ii...e they im...-i ble to duplieate

lOon a. Shelten. Judi ... dUgWb Dr 110*. Jhow
........teIy by any other _ No. Such l.rIcb do All dad J pob in a light . . - of 1n<b and
net -.d to boo fftle ..ed All fnqu _ Uy ... the .........plin• . Spoil ill .... p.--t. Airina- bIaA-
ether two tn-. kft:J and .iml la r items may aJ.... be vlaible.
Tentirljf or ahacluI a re <llIoIlil1 inlprovNil.
c. Spel l il UI..... ny eo""pKcuOUl n....r a ll d ug
pclitionl. If. ho.".l!'VeI'. the quality of the cam· ~. I....u; n"' lN! an lL>&X"ia ted r...lure of ellPl'}'
oul'I ll¥'" di!lC ip line of . uTround;nll' trool'" il ll'ood """,,up ied . it.e. Th~ y IN! u.uall y di."loIoNI by
and th ey di.po.e of their spoil, th b .ame prac- t rllcl<o IlOnverJrinll' and beooming mo re marked
tice mu .t lie {ullowed with the oimu laWd unite. "" ti me p. ........
On the oth er hand, i f the camoulla«e di""ipli n e I . Buried cable i . freq uently an .djund of
i.I n <Jt li,'ood and . poil a ppelill"ll a round the dug head'luartero and may a IM t.. """""
IID6itiono , It mu.t be ....producfld at tlle decoy d ated with rado.r in.~WlatiOM. It a ppeara All
pollitKm. The '-t .... y to produce tlle apr-r- a tnw: k. .....a ny st rai ght with . nlfllb r t urns.
"""'" of opoil ,. It> the ....rtll f rom a .....1
n co""tKm. althoup the "'leavalion nHd not
be All d~ nor th e l poil pi.... All h igh All in tlle
its viJIibi lity _.-.eo
a Dd lig ht in lone. W ith the \IUIlIP ..{ tlme
g. Barbed -.rI re i_ a feature of .m-t aD
_ ui pcaiUon. The In.mpling of ttle IlI'OO Dd
by rlrinr poorti... II","",. ~tion aDd in fant ry COInbat JXlfIiti...... The -.rIre lbelf ( aft-
ecm{lllCtl the IlI'OOnd AO ttlat the lfl'ft."u fl't frl not be _II on aerial pho t.ogn.plv., bIlt i t. p...
011 al l but bare ..,.k Dr oa.nd ill to make the en« 1nII)' be rev""liN! by t he tract. WId tnIIl-
nd .... TT'DIIDdIna' the snptaument a ~ plin. of the w iring party. After _raJ 40)'1 u.e
tel" hI toM than ita nzroundtn p. ""'_lion of t h "'; re IJ di.dDMd by a faint If'I)'
line under the wire wh ich lfe~ dark er and more r MI counter l'a rtll, A deplh of at le.A I f,~,1
pronounced u time PAMf\II ~&u<e of the ac_ u<ually . ufficient to provide enuujI'h "I"'il f
cum ulation (If Ullt:r&mpled ~tion. Ca ps In II I'l ra\>el: &round the em pl&<'f'rnent lind IA>
the ... i.... are ottom the mealUl of dillCl"" inI ita rl'8te the proper illUll ion of d"Pl h to the iii r-
p.........,., b!al.uae of tracb ...hich convef'P a nd II\IUl I nd .. u l ..1 photo inte rp, m r. A d ,.,n!«'.
diverre ....ithout appa ren t f.ot>ol(napltic re&lIOn. illualon of depth may ),. obt.ained by pa rtially
• . )fi nel'!elda. like wi,. n>ay a bo be loc.aW tilling tho- I h..11ow l'lII pla<'fln<'nt with '<1,nLw •
OIl aeli al photo,raph,. by an otherori"", un,",,_
h nl"h , ha )", or Thi3 b...ks up the ~llfoC_
p1a.inable coo.... l'I'oce.,f ~b. but they will t lon of lirht from the bottom of t he ern" , -
mono commonl,. be ide nti tled by 1M "'Plar ment and .PJM!&nL f rnm the ai r 1.<, 1... much
patterns of exea.....tiona .... ltich abow li P ... Ilpt ~ than it actu.. ll,. is (tI.o;a. 711 and 74 ) .

patch.. EVl'n minHWld.o ....hich are n<Jt laid b. Pi11l>tJu~. Pi llbo,u'" .. ~'d ..t the
to a gndant p&lUrn tend to abow n p OIl an moo<t lib l.,. I""",Ueoo of ~emy al'p,..,.,h. Th .
aerial phott>lTaPh. not .....,,_ one mine holoe . nemy b o.... thi.a ..nd <an I.('<' urate ly "._
ill riaible In itlO!lf but twra~ a n umber of thetr genenlloeati on. H.,...-p,·u . if .. pillbox io patch.. COfItO'Tltr&ted in .,.... l pot dra..... ....11 camnulliged . b\<'Rdf'd into j tr. !IU lTl:lllnd_
th e ~ to u..t. r-. Inp, or du srul.aed .... a rock. bul h. ho~. nt
oUler object wh ich will make it inronapicuom
59. Commo.. o.fech In Ita pa rtieu lar settit\l', the ..........y II r'""<'R ted
f rom a potti nlt: it accurately. To further <ll......t
FoDowiol 1& a n.t of the defeda that most
th. eMmy from th... resl piln><»: , d..::oy pilI.
fnlquenUy _ a dece ptloo to fai l. It will be
bo n .. ma y be oon.rtructe<i and in_u tflCi ently
noted that they are of C"!eral application and
ca.rooullall'OO 10 that the ~l'IIIy ('an II" ot them
that any one of th .... mal' .......der wurth l......
with little d ifficult y (til<. 75 ) .
th e oth ~ oe mOl!t perfect der oy.
o. Rell'llJari t y of t rack.. r. Alltimrr lulni!rd m,.t"cl",". Anli m...11
nlted nh-t...c1." are often h.,all'd on rev.r
b. Lack of 1Itm" aaaociated with military oc- .lo~, ArOun<l curves, and in or hel,;nd n..tura
cupati on, "cn-....n. to conceal t h<.'!l1 from IhO' fne mv li nd
e. Flato ee.s (no ~U!I'M!ICOpic relief) , to lDl; n l urpri . e. Decoy anti m" 'hllnizL'<'! <l iteh ea
lire ntten effecti ve in luri n,<r ...nem y t.,nh inlo
d. F ailure to hfu lly simulat e a \.artic ular
type of lnatall&tlon. reIll camoun.." ed ditches. Such" ditc h need be
only ahout 2 feet d...p to r ff'" le Ihe prnl'er
• . Abaence of motor tra n_porta-tion an<l I"" k llluslnn of det>th and i. COl18t ruc ted in the Mme
m movemml ma.Ilnoor ... "re trenrh ~ . • ·iJnlre 7(, IIh,.t "'"....
J. No daily cha nge In a ppearance. a d<lMpti <m lICheme u.' I'ml am:! decoy an_
fl. l ""Ornd taetkal po8itionlng. t imechllni..... ditch... an d pilll",....... wlI"riher.
0«0" d l1lgon"1 teeth a "" abo ..t!'rive In p id .
l. Unl"eNONble . pHd of bui ldup or ......0.... 1. in.. the enemy into .......u t ral" , They may bot
L ~ of rM.I ai r defl!'Mell. UAed in eonjunction with real I nd de<:oy an-
t- F ailure to . imutate a nK Iry compon<'Rt t imechani..... ditch"". Obstac..... lik.. dnLj[OQ'.
of . particular inatallatioa. teeth d101l1d nat be aimll!aW in 1.-. not
covet'ed by I ntimerha.nit ed l'iT'l' ( ti ... 17) ,
60. DKoy f"..Jcj fo,li lKat..... d. M"~~. A . imulated minefi.eld may \w
II, E "' pla.r....11lU '''Ld ' " t.......,,II>........ u . In aim_ ... d'ri"" UI oblo:t&C'\e r.~ a .......1 fiel rt 1"",..,""
Watinl" any dug-In ~ pe raonnel or weapofUl the t"!lf'I'Il)" must check ...:h . imula ti nn to bot
emp1aetmenb. auch .. fOIh oJes. t.....nd •.,.. &lid « nai n It i. nnt a rea.I on.... Surh .. minefield iI
mortar or maclUnt!I"\lD em ~ tt.... ..... el!ectl..a apirn;t aerial oW",abnn. Si mple
aatiAfa<:tory I lmull.lJons are made by actually wal'l to c..... t.e a decoy minefll"kl are: dim n..
dial"&" Into the ll'Ound. H<>we"oou. it is not up the g m und in a &ta.odard miM'fiel.d pa ~~

n-=-ry to d ig the daoys .... deep u their e~tin l a minefield ma rk ing f..nee: and crea"
1 _ I)IGGING COT "- I _ Tlmc;.. ~ m l> w" ..
SH"- LIOW '''N('' I Il\JS.. TO SIMlIU.n 01''''''

J _ V1!W SHOW ING ~"- ' UfT . _00'''-1'0' VIIW Of

"-"I> • • ~ HUEI> TItNOl OfCOV 11' ..eM

A ,i"oU ,,,",A a , it ... b . ;"g d~g "od a, ; , do ,._~ p ,'" " h. d o"d fill«l w itA ~ ,....A .
"••• Ii> . b,.".A jil/;"9 """'eo 'A, <ompl. ,«! '"'ft<A app . ar mu ,A dark" tila" tho ~ftjiU <d ...<~ ck.

,' ig ~ ," n An"'h" ","Aod 10 .'",. Ia', '" 'Tlft,A"".t ... W pia.. b.rlu p or <lot h ;n Ii> , ""tim, d".;,..d a M
,A... fi ll ;. Ih • • im~lul,d ."""v,",d por';,," wi'k ...... ' . aU, ,."i,,', or .<ra p.. uf Ita,k "", .. ""I, NM. 'Au'
' h,
,imulat.d I'a,up.' " lor""o bU .. lIiw~ ~"d,r !A. «Ig.. of a lorg. p;u , al burla p oml c-r<oH"U 'h . illlUw"
01 til, ,"ouwd 01 a I'm'o,,,, b~ piling .aN d ,,"a... 'A, b ~r l" p .au... T h. . ..."""u"d POT';"" 01 th• • lit 'Tlftck
io ri,"~ lu t.d in IA;, figu," b~ " '.,,. oil "",I d",k "" io"d ,Mvau, "'"p'.

1'.. . .. 74. d. _ ,,;II" • ......1...... 001 . , ~ "'; I ~ • • 041>• • • • • • d .".... )'<d ,..; ,~
,..;. , ' "
~l 1• . S. od • ...f olio' _ . b
."..;.kl .,, ~ . ,~ ....,,..i.1 ,.
h . ,., p _
g;," it ............I,b ,u......
inll" the ch"l"ILcleri~tic zill"Ull" r ruo of Il"ap. be . potW if tl1 e WelillOn we ....' ",,'11 "am o u_
t h rou ll"h . min..tlel d. Raked.
e. Drocoy I_ itio". may boo rJmu lal<'d by d i.._
61. Arti l"ry gin.. in a oh.lln.... pi t of thr co .......-t d ialMter
G. n..-..,.. .rtillf.ry l~tioM. in atrOrda..... " nd , tor a ""rtieular . rtill....' · ..i ...... an
...ith ..... lJa,.k ••rinci..,w of . n milital')' A;m ula- pili" .. t AI"" I al'Ollnd it lilt • •oaral ",1 or
tion. mIlA tlD<I fonn to poIIilionin.. ""'Iui_ formin.. a pt'! of hay. stra.... empl,. ..ra
......nLo ot 1' ......1 n t<'...... rto.. &om<>ti...... old I... rrrb. o r d irt on thO' If ..... nd a ...... nd
th.. ramoufta o f th_ detoy """ition. is di!fi· thf' cI..n.oy. E ",·itho",t the " ... of Ai mulaW
rult. In "I"'n ....... ~ th.. ...... ot "ultahl,· p l'. !fUM or "'lui ..",,,,,I. a d...,..,. artillery f"'"Jti<>ll
nWlf'd n.u ;. hi~ly df'si r.bif'. It nf'to ..... not r",,, l-... . imuta W ,... rled ly by "",kin..
nailal~... ramoo fta lt.. is nbtai by "I'OJIf'r1y bI&lIt marks and ..",u.-rin.. drbria. Tn . no.
J'O"itinnin.. ..arh pi...... or "" u~ t 10 I>lf'nd t...-n in. b1a:ot marb apl...... blark••nd in r lorar
....ith ou r_l nd, n .. Il"I""U nd f ...l u"", For n - ~in th..y a ppear li.. ht 1<. dArk .. ray. ' " ' -
am,,,,,. in "rrha r"". l'lI<"h pif'o.. of "" ui, lmr"t a "ery M" .·i.....i " ... On .. or It... 1 1 .nd . im.
rna)' l>f' pl, K'f'd "" h .... Ii tr... hAA I...... n rrmovrd ; l' l t ......,.. ot .i mul.ti"ll" . n _ rtill y ......ilioD
in hooll"rrow ....u nt ry eq ui p""'n t TJ\IIy I,.. I'I""ffi i. to 1>1,.,.1' partia lly rarnonft"Kl'<'I . in, ul" W
in cl~l\ rO'<l "1"'1.0 ill Ihe hrdll"r . Wh ~ll prot...·ti nll" W""'llOn . in ,·"raW p<JlIition . r"nn,' rl~· "'"<'U '
a" in<luRtria ) "r~" or a l" rll"" In.tallat ioll which pilod h~' r enl w"","",",
F IIIRh .innll"" ... may
cann"t hI' "" "("~llI lod . oftI'll no "'l iR made II<' i"du 'lo..-l wiU' ""'h . im ula ti" " " ',,' ,,"""
to concral t hr llO. il ion. !hI' tJ,... ,ry I..;nll" th at w ith !hI' ... me l"t'lfUl ari ty a. the ....111 "'....1,..,"".
th...." .. my ,,·ill l... cautiouR in at lNkinll' II h..av_
il~' d.. r.." df'<\ tII t~-t. 62 . Bivo ......
10. " lac in.. I dun,n, ~' " , nd ............ n. Wh.... . imlll"t;"1{ I,;,·......... il m uoJ I .....
......n"'ry _ i p t in ~ n 1,. ,oart " r .........1"'"'<1 that ear.h arm or ..-n ·i.,.. 1$ ,.
lh.. j"h 01 .. roo:ti" ~ artillf'ry l-.i lion. diotinrti,·. . .,,,.... no...... ,",'hiorh 1 t "'1.....
Tnt.. mllAt I... rnadf' "round """ilion all i" d ........ tn makO' thO' d..-oy M."·j i".. to tht
. .....1<'ry rm~nt. 1 " ,_ il i. I.... .........y .ir ""-n·..... ",.. s i", ula t ion or h",'""""
t ka that moot ott.n di.. ~ ,,,,,,iIKon to i . of rtkulat im po rta ....e in .....1' a,...,.. h<-ft
th rial ""-......1'. With..." t I tu . a .......110" .......n · nd t...1 mo ,":nll" unlt>\ 1
poIIitinn IoMlta t. b : ""'1"00\"'1'. il orould rarrly ....." W. F:....... y .ir n'Con~ eee ;. Jl"rt

-- - •
a' cg80
:::J 0 aBo 8
~o • • g8~o
8 - " .., !>ITCH CJ

0..... /)IfCH CONCI" "D

0 tl", ","to. CONa",ro

• DKO't" . .,to.

"", " r< 11. II", ;. n ro", ..{ ,I. ", ~ d""v"n ', , .. ' h ""d " , '<c o ~ Onh,."ho o i..d "i/ck. A ,"," o "~" u ..1 rool dl' ck
.. ,," 'k, I"".o",,,od, "",,,,.d ~ ';' h >vi" "./t;OU, . 1"lk , ,,"d ."..-1.

Dlu ly ......fu l in s","uti n i. injl" . ....... h.... ind IhO' l'ro\.erlion from a ttMk in th .. vid nity of na t,..
front (or illditati oM of bu il<lul > o f troo"" or u ....l olostac l....; and wate r s u ppl>·.
"'luil'IT"'n t wh ich "'<>\l ld ind ira tf> ( UIU .... altMb. b. I'-rom thO' ai r, th.. rha"",,~ ,,'hich
Rat bi VOl.l.a<'ll gen..ral ly Ioratod in a ....... ....."" r-<li ly idfontify a bi voua<" a .... t"", 8 .
tllat p rovide Ul.. '--t c........m-.t for pon.mnO'l "Miclfto It)· a nd .h .... o r " 'h ich will idmti fy
"'luipmoont from ~rial an d ground .x-r_ thO' uni l ), I'llthS. trails, and \n.oh and liUn
on; d i' I""'n.ion ; communications f ...iliti....; r.aUlOt'd 1:». po"'r ca moullag<' di ..,ipli"". Hi\"OU&C$
ate more difficult t o conceal in snow.-eovered, vehicles in the area all well a, othe r sill'M ...
barren or desert a reas, than in other type, of activity. ..
terrain, because tracks a nd trails are almost
impos,ib le t o conceal or obliwrate. Decoy biv- 64. Troop Concentrations
ouacs in th is type of terrain can be realistically
sim ulated by making many additional t rac ks Variou ~ troop concen t r st ion points " re !(en-
which do not lead to a real ins tallati on, or by erally identi fied by a collection of bivouac
digging shallow trenches and emplaeements in areaa, moto r pools, su ppl,' poin ts, Qr entrench-
the an(lW or sand and filling them with grass , ments , with other associ"ted acti vit ies .
leaves, ele. Brush piles with paths radiatin g
fro m them resemble command p"'ts or supply 65. Motor Pg,lcs
or llItlmunition sto rage areM. A good way W Around a motor Qr heavy equ ip ment park there
ma ke a decoy bivouac ill to exa mine aerial a re innumerable scars , t nl("ks, slit trenches,
photos of a reptellentative I'$l installation and and a continual shift in ll' ()f equipment. I n ~im u ·
duplicate the track plan and some of the cam _ lati ns: these ins tallati ons , all such cha racwr_
<:>Ufi aged objects in a simulated fash Ion b ut in istics m ust be faithfully rep ro duced. other
~ somewh at more cOM pic uous ma nner.
items th at may be required fo r deceptive d is-
plays are ref use pil,,". mes~ ten t:., bivou ac"
63. Command POits latrines, and command posts. In desert Qr o\Jler
a. &>me of the signs which indicate to the barren terrain, motor parks or w hick con·
observer the poss ible pr esenee of a command cen t ra ti ons a re best prot ecwd fr om enemy at-
post a,-- tack by dispersion over a wide area , Here the
value 01 decoy, is mOllt appu rent bec.1u ,,, rea l
(1) Convetl!in g wire lines a n d ve hicle vehicles and equ ipment are extremely diffic'ult
t rackll. Also, there may be variOUll types of to conceal or camouflage. Decoy vehide co
a nten na a r rays for radio communicatione . centrations a re exceedingly valuable in d n
(2 ) Concentration of veh icles. in g the enemy's a ttack an d d i "per~in>( h i~
( S) Heavy traffic causing widened t urn_ fort.
66. Tonic Concent rations
(4 ) !'-'ew vehicle tracks w a position
wh ich could h ous e a command post, Decoys of armored par kll a nd bivouacs sho uld
( 5) Protec ti ve wi re, foxhQles, and other follow the sa me gen eral t echn ique, a, de""ri bw
barriers surround in g the installati on. in paragraphs 62 an d 65. Distine,bve t rack,
made by tanks and other t racked vehieles both
(6 ) Defe nsive weapons emplacements locate a nd ident ify the un it.
around the installation•

b. When it is impossible W conceal r-om the 67. AIrfield.
air the fact that a COIIlIIllUld ])06t is in a certain
area, then a d"""y command ])06t may be ro n_ The re a re two disti nct types ()f d...·oy airfield"
atru cted in the vicin ity. In this instance it is day fields and n ight field.<! . The day decoy field
obvious that the decoy must l()()k more like the consists of p repared runways, bu ildinj(l< , artl'"
real thing than its genuine counterpart , in road " h uts storage. and the a u xili!try features.
()rder to make wnstruction of any decoy worth- The nigh t dec()y field cm1.~ism enti rely of lil'hts,
while. Dillgui~e of th e ge nuine b look like a and should n<>t be visible during the da y. r\ 0l'
decoy may be feasibie. Certain characteristic mally t he day and nil'bt dt'<'.oy fl eld, a re ' ep-
signs of occupancy ,hould be made a t the decoy arate installati ons.
includin g CI'Olls.-eountry traeklI sim ulati ng those a, Offset Distance. The d i,tance I>ei-ween thl
made by a wire_laying detail , antenna arrays decoy airfield a n d its real counterpart .houl4
to sim ulate r adio comm unicati ons facilit ies , be from 6% to 121,'f! kilometers , b ut all;ail
smoke a n d occasional lights, a f ew poorly earn- depend . on the type of wa riare , However
ouflSKed tent.., new t racks from day to day, an d decoy situa ted more more than 12 k ilom
.,... th~ ~I airll~ld is li kely to ~ ~Ilrded ind icati on of air acti vity poaaibly thl'<lugh Ul"
• lin e nti ri!'lr Mpa nd e a i.-n.1d and caWle u.... of light pla n"" wh ich .,.,..1<1 ...,..rate from
enm1)' a ir attac kers or oIl<wrvera to _ n:h " rou, h . t.r1p.
f urthu for the eamou Raged mU lIekI.
fl. Cooult'l<rlioa.. After the . il.c for the .....,.".
IJ. o",....,li..- P I'¥'....qMYiI • • • S" tftTaill air6eld Ie .... fded. eonstnIctiOli II euritd out
..,.;0. aMqual.e d rail\aK'O! m IlA ~ ~ red for 1M ill the followina: order:
d«or lirlo.ld. (1 ) R- . . . SlDce it b the' ru n.... )'&,
t. P....!i/>. ;. ,1 V ....,., ;.. Rrblt i"" to LA .~ taxiwaya, aIId hard.al4inds that ma ke the deeo,.
...rh . M far &I pouible. II. dl!'<'(l)' lirfteld look lib .n . irllel d, they recti lin t p ri ori ty
tJr...,\d be 10 aito>&W that ita relatioJl to im por_ in COft&tnoctloa. A pn>per\y .......,...1 layout
tant land........ a nd ~ n , ,... ... with eamul aUtlltl Oll. to sharp, eftr. alrsirht
lake., Ii....... raill"O"'s. hl ys, wooded
'"""""', and cult ivatf:d lIi!'lds i. <'J mllar to that of
Ii...... of the promi ...... t falll"", ia vahl&ble.
U_111. the laY<"'t can be c:oMtrvo:Wd aimw -
the I"NoI . imeld . In "me ea&eO It ma y be p raoe- taneoualy by bu lldozing and l'O\I. h g radin• . A
u C1I1 to .lm u l.~ lOIT1e of th_ n~ .........)' land- th in layer of e" ,. hed roc k, u nd o or IlT&vf'I ia
markll. in dummy fashion, a t the same time ~ma n "" rive aubsti w l.c for l rading.
.... the r onlltrlJt'ljo " of the d"""y airfteld ia pro- A well del\ned dik:h will *",,,,,tu"t.e the l'>Utl lnCll
" . .....inK. of taxl W. YI , ru nways, and h.r dau.ndl. For
dl:'Ceivin. thl d t obI"rver. thl moat important
d. R ela/ I,m of Drcoll to P robabk Rout~ of Item hi deooy airfield oollIItruction I. tJ,,, ..,_
K ll r ... ~ App rD<u !l, M II. rule II. d""""y &l rtleld eenluatlon of th_ prominent feat" . ... " nd "ny
should be wated I" the path of til. ..-t Ilk*, prominen t atnocturetl. rather th. n detailed
.pp......,h an HIeltly would follow to t.M "",I ,...,Ile... o r a11 1_tllretl of the' ...... ins ta llation.
llirid. The dee<ly will then be Hell. br .-D1 S o more dl!t4il I. neo:essafJ th/UI tha t req uired
olwonvf'n bdo~ th y ~h th.. I'MI fteld. It i. to produce the effect of " <:amoulland .ll"lIeld.
ti my ro-NbIe, 110........... . u..t in Ill"" CUM GI"Ilde variaUolUl may be pennitied; ""'" a:rad-
('O"..;.J.,ntion in lJ'OIIitioooi-.: ...., have to IlII' is . - roequi rM.
fo~. 1lw tuni.. « " ill t 1M ' of p l"Olft-
iMtlt Ia" dmarlc. , ma~' ind iea w II. mUoeh mono ( 2 ) A"ffa . "" ,",",ie~ ""'.t.. RO&Ib 1t&d.
d....irllhle lilo! In lOl'tIe od1er direcUoD trl'llll tM ilia: to the aJrlWld f rom m.a.ill hlgllw. ya, aM
.......-ic:. l"CI&dA """nfd,i nr the har~lAtands with
rNI fitold 01 p robable enemy ...,..
the bom b atonre area. PI' atoraP . . ... mai..
buildifllfl.. h.ave d OOle priority ... t'"
~. 5 iu 01 D....... AirM/d. A Ib.y d~y l'irid run..,... ",_ roads may be rormed in the
sh"..ld bll ahlIut the 1Aln" size ... the re&I tMld same man ner .. the run..... ya " nd tax iw"y_,
or Ihe ata nd.rd size of lIimila r kno"'n o pera-
ti on. 1 l\eld... Thi. I. importa.nt beau.... memy
(3) (1(" tut4 oollll> "ffll.
Th""" t wo f..,mties . re impor1,.oon t. Th" . .....
.."riMI l,hoto,: Mll'h interprelenl "". I~ il4i act u. l ollne ~toralrt ta nka m.,. be .i mul.ted by •
size tOI' coml", n soD with thei r know leda'e of lumber frame work covered with burl ap or by
the nul field ''' ' Iheir k nowl"d,n of our normal . u itable u .1va jtt mlllen ll!. Bomb SWIlll" pita
. ized Ilj .t\...ld~. Sub3tanti &i di veJ"lI'tnU In &lu mlly be lndiea.ted by aemielreular Pllra.peto of
may faU"" the field W be au~pectM and prob- ell.rth pu&hood UI' by II bulldowr In • lolric.l
ably idt'ntl ll..t , Ul'on further nconn&iaaanee. position. a lona: the Itrvice ,.,..;I.
as .. (Ilke, O~ the d""oy ia id"nWled . . .""h.
air . UKke" .... iII be briefed o n how to avoid (4) Cp lt'04 /olt'1'J' " ,, " h i/di" g. Control
to.... en aod other pt()Jllinenl lItnIctu ..... .-xl-
" I. Ain:.../ 1 Att.....I.,. If the _ y ill able to
atM ,.;th a il1\1'Ida ..... " "'a1ly , imulattd in
dUIlllllJ fo"" in the eonatr.rUoll 01 d~y ai r_
da lld 011" _ d iolalln' f rom Ule ..... ,'ftUd a ir . fOtldl in ..... r area.s. H~. in ~lIr
field . nd ot.erve it, a complete at-nee of &ir a decoy of a fo~ . irtleld. th""" lItfllCWl"fI
tr&fl\c " ollld ,."v~1 the dft,eption. If intelli- . re Iotldom _ted , lin"" lentil or tniltn onH-
re indicate. that aoeh • aiilLatioD II prob-
, -. ~ should be tak.... to Jive " ...iaimum
....n ly Itrve .. the operation ..... to>n . t for_
~n1 """
(5) C" ''''''' fI..q~. A deo:oy .irf\..ld 8hould anc<1 of ...ti vity. ~"'" t.....,b . .... n1 on . .
r«eiv~ th e ...1lW! ~.mou n&p all doea • .-I ground. mo.....m.. nt of ~k~ • • nd f. l.... JIII
fteld-simulated terra in patte rn J on " 'n.... Y*" pli..... r.. -..UaJ ehanooct..ri~t.k. for th decoy.
. nd dianl ptive pattern paintl ne on bull d inp.. If . t an poealble, it ia deoi rabl.. to rout.. IUld
Ilflol"ll doinr thia. it is adv iaabl.. t~ ""udy t he MTl ~",1 t hl'Ollp thO' d«oy a U t.rall\c lo or from
rNl aiJ1\o.ld b1 ...riaI obMt'vlItion and photo- th.. ""I point. If ............f. 1 detO'rti- Is _
lfTllPhs ift om..r to deUmli..... tn.. ..xtl1lt to "'""ti.l, th'- _ r e ",-ill ,;rNtly ..... ha ... th..
whid! thO' domy airliHd should be ~t1ared.. deeoy'a ~hante of au<:eeNI. In the illtemlt of
"reali~ • eonvind llr dL<play it m.y .Ia<> be
61 . Suppfy ,on. dellirablcll to k>e.ate incidental real illltaJ1atiofll,
lOCh .. . salvage ya rd. .d~t to ~ cl«oy.
• . Suppl,. poinb vary in Nw.Dd .p~ ....... I.. Ute IaUO'r <:aIIIe. tN .-ribilit;r of a UMk on
.........dinr Upoll. their partkular fllnclioa. Tbey the decoy should bf' """",d~ and appropria~
do. h_ er. ""a re tII~ rommon ~harac:teNtieI protecUn mea...u rea tak..... For nl/(ht d_1'-
of ertenIllve tra.eking. lIcl:lvltJ'. ud location tiM, certai n typea of Digllt liJlltin«, . uch u
adj annt \<) l ra naportatlon ar" tenll auell lU h&r- . imulated bu iklln « li /(hb. M o inr thrw..h
oon, rallroads. . ..d road neta. Vn lMl unllluaJ lent openInp,. nd deeoyli .... . 1'11 ry ~I'l"....tiv~.
m...",,1'e'\ . re talc ~n. they . re IIsually . Pll.....nt
to eve n l:&IIu.l ae rial observ.Uon. 69. 011 R..ft i•• clnd T(lnk Fc,"".
b. A decoy supply point ~hould be near
enough to appea r to be tile flllli in. taUa tion o. on relln..ri u.. so difficult t o ennce,,1tIIat
~p"ndit.u ..... for cam<>ufta j(e and d"""y ~on-
a nd far molIrh . ...a y to allo,," tor p008ih~
~rron In marbrnanahip of a ny a ttacker. strucUon .re not lr"'neraUy j tll\a~. ~ ipt

P rom i.... nt Jandma rb mm be notN a nd the deo:o:l)'B of th _ b.~tallation~ a re, er. quil.f'
practl ~.b"' . In poaitioniIIK oil ref\n..." """'ora,
decoy 10clatMI In thO' ....... ~attonahi p to th.....
tha t the 1 inatallation ........ Id be. In .o1lW! it i_ v..ry important to fOO,.... tilt ........ ~n..
. . - til 1Idmarlu may be si mulatM. 1-1«111"11 la)'O'llt ..... to pla.ce tMm i. au nou.d'np
78 allows thO' rei"';' aah ip of _raJ <Woy ilar to tll_ . t the real i....talla t w-
~ pply points to • .-Iw.pp)y poinL IJ. Tallk f. nna .re of\en i"..ludt<i in rrii....
e, Th.. domy mnot &pPMr to • ton- en.. but Jna7 bf' ....parate. If til")" ea.ll te
vincilllr .-ll nft of the sam.. pa" , m II thO'rMl e rrtetin ly eamou~ deo:o:l)'B . ... W'Orthwh i\e.
inatallau.... In addition, troopa must. be ..... Cono!.nllction of a doeMj- tank fann f'I'Clllires
tailf'd to th.. decoy site .. maintaift thO' appear_ • ,"",t dPaI of t'ft'o rt and in,.....ity if the_

. .....
.:; .\"";
u oo


II.... ~ 1fS ooo.os cO...•.. , K>

c:I lIt<D't _ aQ.<OS

CJ II.... IOoOoC

_ •I
• _uhj "'d to periodic oU""ITa tlon by the en emy. eMe a ny activity_ Fi gur e 79 d"l'icts a dt""y
. .I..... ,.""tion of a d<,<'o,\' " 1\d",. ,·" n,iru,"t ;on (>U- 1,.:","brm (A) on one s ide of a ri ve r ,md two
viou"ly rob, the decoy of it.< value. The camou _ deocoy l",,,lrnarh "'TO'" the r iver wh ich cor_
fl"!l"e of th e ft',,1 farm a nd erection of the decoy resp.mrl VI th",e a t tit" ft"d ;,,,talla li on a bout
may 1''',.0:-''''<1 s im ulta noously on ly if en em y ob- 3 k ilomete", a way.
....rvatinn j, im pr oba ble. If a"bjed to J",riod i,'
obscrvation, the docoy should not be rew a l",] 70. RClilh ead$
until i t i5 w mpl eted , ink rim camoufl.." e l><>in "
req u ired, an d the r oo] f arm ..h ould not he cun- SidiUI(>l ior unl oad !u" aU l'pHe" . Ii ro ad net . lind
"""led before the decoy is revealed. Redud; (>n ato ras;re apace a re e.,"entia l facmti.." for a rail ·
or visibility of the rt'al installation by dark head. ""he re poosil.>le , railheads are ....ta l.>li"h.d
paint ann ""n,,· ca mo ufla ge ma y of coune pr.... in a r eas a ffording the """t cuVe r an d con~eal·


/i';pro 79. v . "". 'ank farm aft<! land""" ko. Not", t haI ", a,,~
of Ih, d<co~ lo. k. 0"' ro",o~)lagod "",h
pa;K"d 'roof. and .;m"Ia<,d 'roado '" ",,~I. ,h, ~!""im< of 0 ho..,iwg d,v ,lop.., . t. Th, d,,,,~ ;, ",,,,,_ilog.d
i" th ,om. manK.,- "" ,.. " 01 mnk fo rm, bM' ,. "'0"' ob. iouo, '· o"""d~ . 0 ..a«loHght "'0.
",aT , ~ . , ~ ~..,h
OK tho oppo. ;t. "". 01 , ~ . "0" ffilm ,h. ,,«I (• • taUo ,jon. A ! t~, d,,,,~ ,d o' a ,im MI<tt.d <~~,< h (H) ha. b• •n
boil' aM. tho ..u"hli/lht ( I') ha. b.~" ,"o v,d f'om th, ",ul . it, to tho d,,,,,V ,it• .

ment and may be supplemented by camouflage, b. Faetpr3 of Ef!edivet1"s",
air defense facilities and other defensive meas- (1) Air defeme. Aircraft flying over
ures . Supplies are unloaded from ruilway cars strange terriwry at night are str<)ngly at-
onto trucks and ea.rried to a storage point. tracted by any light, an d perronnel are often
Since this is standard practice and known to willing to accept any r easona ble resemblance
the enemy, a decoy breakdown point is es- of the tar get as t he genuine one. Effectiveness
sential in diverti ng enemy attacks. It should of decoys is proportiona l to the pr essure under
be more exposed and obvious than the real one. which the attack is made. If the air defense is
unable to simulate speedy delivery, the cha nce
71. Towns of sueceesfu l deception is greatly diminiahed.
In flat, barren country or in country with (2) Enemv pirot. The determining f ll"tor
vridely dispersed llIllaU settlemenm, it may be in the design of a. night decoy is im appearance
desirable, at times, to construct a decoy of the to the enemy pilot. He must be able to reason-
more obvioua feat ures of an enttre settlement . ably identif y the target either b y vision or by
radar and he must be pernuaded that it is the
This might be nece&'!!ary in the construction of
target he is seeking.
a decoy of an important inatallation located
near such a settlement. Figure 80 shows a (3 ) Parent tat'lJe/ camou flage. A decoy of
decoy town. a real target will be successful only if the real
target Is succe8l!fully hidden. Since night de-
coys use light to attract the enemy they are
72 , Night Decoy InltollCltionl
succeasful only when the surrounding territory
a. Introduction. A U night decoys employ the is completely blacked out. All meas ures which
same basic equipment; lights, firea, and pyro- make the real target more difficult to locate
technics. All have the common purpose of con- than the decoy will incre&'le the effectiveness
fUlling the enemy and diverting him Crom vital of the deception. Fires started b y bombing
targets to areas oC little or no importanet. The the real target must be extinguished Ill! soo
effectiveness of night decoys is dependent upon as po!!sible. If 1I fire exists at the target as the
t he following factors: poaiti<)ning, weat her an d result of the attack, further deception opera_
visibility, pr oper construction, proper opera- ttcne are not worthwhile against successive
tion and control , maintenance, and C&lIWuflage. waves of attackers unless an equal <)r more
convincing fire at the decoy is started which
A decoy may consi.g.t of a 3ina-le or multiple
will have an equal or better chance of enti cing
installstion, vaI)'ing in size f rom a small .g.imu _
followup attackers.
la.ted st reet light to a complicated instalJa.tion
composed of hundreds of flremaking and light- c. Site S eleclion. The success of a decoy in-
ing devices which, when ignited, will sim ulate stallat ion will be largely influenced by the ade-
a burning supp ly depot , factor y, airfield, town , quacy of the site. In the selection of a site the
or city. There are three types of night decoy foll owing f""tursa should be considered :
installations. (1 ) The site must be a plall8ible one. The
(1) Type I civil decoy, are t hO<le repre-
installation mwrt be in an area where one
would expect the target to be l.-.cated.
sentative of brea<:hes in blackout discipline in
factorie<!, warehC>\lSea, dock areas , freight ( 2) The site .hould provide close similar
yards, toWIlS, and cities. r eference points , discernible at night , to those
surrounding the target. To the aerial observer,
(2) Tl/pe II air field M OO1/S are thoBe rep- heavy f <)ream, bodies of water, an d open coun-
r esentative of runways, marker lights, obstruc- try al'f! distinguishable fro m each other. Varia-
tion llghts, wind indicators , and ai rcraft on tioM in grad e up to R percent are not dist in-
the gro und. guishable .
(8) Tl/Pe III field force Mews are those (3) The sit e should pennit the decoy.-
representative of bla<:kout breaches of supply be ori ented in the same compass bearing as

points, convoys, quarters , and shelters. tar get.

( 4 ) Where l""",ibl... it i_ d.... ral;l" to ( II ) If Il n illM "'''-01' on ly. th......... . hould

cll ",- II site J<x"aW<i /lkJllIl' the prolmble lin e provide ......y r OI><"..II]m .. nt du ri nj{ da yli, ht
of /lpproo~h .
(1'» The rol lA! muat ptv\; de .... a retl sum.
"'D.d . Sit, P rr pG ru fio... l n ......."' ri nj( t l>• • it. ('O r
ci<>nt f,.r Ih.. l", tt.-rn u n .. n ad"'lua~ ""a~. nill'ht d.....,)· installa ti on. it i. ftW'I'ltial that
A th......-qUlln--r "".1.. ,,'ill Ml If",.. if the f ull ind ica tioM o ( con~ rurtion a nd\'.... 'II the
ocal" ca nnot hoo u..... . &JIlIN"'''''' of the be k"1't to • min-
(6) ThO' ~; t.- shou ld I... with in .. .....,.. ,n _ imum. S ormal ..,ti v iti fll a""h as furn ;.... a nd
able d",tance of thO' ~"- ""augh to t... If'"llli n« Mould boo continued ..h P<*ible.
.....f u--\ with it. ""t not on c.... that t.he . ,... Th_ p ...... utio.... not only ...n -.. to'> 1' /11 l IMo
" poor 1I<>mbi ...,...rvy ov"",",p11 the ta tw<'t .......y from. Iotatin ll' and mappin« nill'lI t .s-.y
i or oth,.,. vilala __ oj """ duri n.. thfo day. but lI .... hoPlp to ~
(7 ) W~ I"-.i ble the .t-.y ~Id ",,"al .....,.....,.. Th.. COftWottion .iIl ,..d l.
~ b. to ado<luat.. ....... 5 a nd "",,·.,r h ...... itatftl if tM- fol lo";nll' I' ~ ", ill foil, ;

(1) F",t"bli..h locati on o( a ll devices, pay-
1II1( partirul"I' attention to servke ronds and
pl'ilvisions (or llervicing the equipment.
matic...lly on and off certain devices . ueh .
the open d",,1' light. thus introducinll "Ii,-
wit hout ... prohibit ive outlay in e...ble for sep-
( 2 )\'e tr<.'<'S or brush whi~ h may arate cireu itll.
constitute a ftre hazar<!, lakinl( care not to ,.;,ar (4) SlIInrla rd ization I...youts for construe-
the l" nd>;("lIl'e, tion of decn,V~ not Pl"MTlisaible because no
(3) Cut wred" to minimi.e the spread of two decoya sho uld contain any familiar pattern
the fire, estab!i..hing an 8_foot band o( bare or re/(ulari t y. Rather, the d.....i/(Tler ,,~Il have
earth, 20 to 30 reet in diameter, aro und ea.:h to employ whatever oornrtruction th e immed iate
tiremakin/( unit. problem requires. Night decoys should be
checked and rec hecked from the air by an
~. Mnt..r;" la, The type a nd amount o( equip- experi enced o:>!>se....-er. Visibility conditions
m... nt u~ in lIillht decoys wi ll depend upon the identi~al to th""", under wh i~h the enemy will
nature a nd sra le of the targ"t to be lloimulated, observf! the dewy sho:>utd be chosen. T he layout,
materiala avai lable, and the deslgnerl!l ingenu_ background, d ummy construction, and adjust-
ity. In all lnstanees the ch_pest, least critical, mentll of light intensiti es should be checked
anil most readily obtaillllble ma.terials that will unde r a n umbe r of· different Il.tm05pheric eon_
nerve the pUl"jlO8e should be used. dltlona and . t different aititud"" .
/. Opel'<ltWn. fl. Rill", to Empha!ize.
(1) I n the operation of nlilrt decoY'!, pro- (1) Do:> not t urn on the decoy liSl:ht!< while
vi!!oion mullt be made (o r territorial ~entral under enemy obBe rv ati on.
control and fol' local control. The central con-
(2 ) Be sure 1;0 switch olf primary tight..

trol, whi~h receives immediate informal ion
when the enemy a pproach ea.
(rom ... 11 00"""'" d nrin/( nn att.u:k on Ihe a rea.
determines whieh decoy aite should be fired and (3) Do not switch tightll 011 and nff
Kives the order to the loeai controller con - attract attenti on.
rern"", ".-ho pMSO!'S it on to the detachment!< (4) If enemy fails b.! bomb, do not swit<:
in charJl"e of the eites. In the event of a break- primary ll/(hts back on until the enemy is well
down in communicati o,,-" , the l<X'al controller out of ranI(".
munt have authori ty to ad on his own initia-
(5) Do not light large fires until . ure t hai
t ive.
the attae k is a rai d in force : do not set oil
(2) The n umber of men req uired to oper_ decoy fo:> r a u uiu nee raider .
ate a ni/(ht docoy varies with the size of the
(6) Do nnt liJl,"ht fires later than I ho:>ur
dl'Coy. The amaller aites req uire 3 men and the
larKer dial,la,Vs about 20 men. before dawn.
(~) Sucr"""ful operation of a niJl"ht doc,(l,V
(7) R«nove firing plugll duri nll the <lay_
will req uire on the part of the operator an ti me to prevent lil(htninJl," (rom stal1.inJl" the
undel"lltand;nJl" of the problem and con.iderable
inJl,"enuity. Variety and "life" fire essential. (8 ) If electricity faila use the stand-by
Th....., a re obtained by varyinj( the Jl,"enerator.
of the I&ll1 Jll1 uned, particularly in "bad black· h. Mainl""" ''',.-e, On tI niJl"ht decoy mainte-
out" effecta. "" thai as a h""tile ... ireraft ap- nance will consillt o:>f the following:
pl'OfICh"" closer to a aite. the lower powered
( I) Reb uilding an d reruelinK fire devices
lillhti nll co mi'!< within his range ur vision. ~'ur­
after s ra id. S ufficient material should always
u'ennore, screens may be erected to obaeure
be on hand to operate the dewy for three con-
obller..,...t ion from oertain directions, and .ky-
secutive nights.
lights may be tilted at variillla angl"" so \h&t
a.s an aircrnft drd ...... a sue the l'l<twrn of the (2) Repairing damage after ra ids and
decoy ill. alwaY'! ch&nging in a life-like manner. erad io:a.ti nll" bomb bla.~tmark.s.
Time switches may alao be used to switch auto- (3) Cleaning and check ing generator.
(4 ) Check lnJi" ...11 wire a nd contact.-. J~ri­ i~ we ll ad"l'l<ffi to river N"O~"inlf p r..p.. r" ti on,
• ca ll}'. h<o....h ..... " " It conc..n trAtion, lind fi5 . .. mloly
l r.) Lifti nJl,' a nd ~layinll" wtree if required "olntlO. Th.. ......... ",:onomy . a nd 'I~ with
by t h., u.... of thot Am. " 'h irh t hia Iype or v i~uar d""oy c. n I~ Imp;"
.......ted u. IIMqU&l1ed by otht't vi.U&l method..
i . C""'()fI.fldf/'. In d- r t or a rctie wrrain, FllrtM"""~' i f il ill !>"'I...rty .......t a nd ita
or in "P"11 ('OlInby ...h...... n ildll deeoys ins talllo· n ur ch.a.....trriati.... . ... ~ured. th'" IYI~
lion 1nIIJ' be d ;""em ible d,"iq the day, the of y is alrnnot.l imJ>O""i ..... to ....... t ity. 1'11..
ra.......lhon of t ...... dootor. tw-omes important IIlIO' n r lOHiou. limilaUon.. Si ron..
un'-' the ....,. is ....... day.......,.. In an, or ....pidl,. d umlrin.. wind.o ""'. .. III.. II '" of
"'""t. u..........,. lilf\lti"" and ti.... ~ _ ill
ha..... to beo ~... . Simp le do/YXel ilia,
........e d ift'lrlllt, in ~ "r the <>peBti... ......._
...n nel . MI 0....""", nl " f n.. <'<lui r"
c.,•.-fl'l"d 'rith ... lIa tlop .... d ~ Mt. ~ m~ meonl requ;nd. For ~ \a of """"'e ...noe<ti n..
dah<>ra~ ~ may bf. rowrftl ... ith dummy o.........UoM. _ n.r ~ .
buildinr;!' or the hutall&tioto may be INl<H into
... day aftd nill'h t ~ """Y. in wl\irh ...... ttrtai ll 74 , o-c.y Do Il'109"
lill'htinll" 8IuiJl"'en t may remain n P<>Nd. Sornoo
sim olat<>r ~ n iPt deooyl in open Wr'ain e. Simu1&ted danu. ~ i . lUI ....1'.".;allY valu.
...1"" h/I'"" th. Il< of ~ur n i!1ht time abl.. and "ractieal m""," of Mr"""" <>n for in•
~OII. I:>«A~ Mc Oy li re in ... fl at IU"Nl m ay stalJati ..... whkh . ... im J>1'1lI.1k. 1 to rollC'Ml.
prod u,,", ..nmllrh lilflll to N'\'H.1 th# 'MI" na ture Simulated da m8.6t' th"'- ."~",, ......1 may In.
of th.. Me. It the d«oy Lt !lOt ... dual pu~ d uce th.. e nemy to st<>" (>I" I_ n th.. nllmbe r
day ;I.Ild Ililril! dKG Y, it w ill boo neusMry to u d fon:.. or hb at:UIcko on wlLat hot i. led to
refill and corw:""l bomb en.ten or dama~ in bel i..... ill a cri p pled iIll'ltAllatio n. De<-oy dllma....
th e an'll of th O' nl lf\lt d« o)", Ind~ti "" of i ~_ ma,. be II - t effectively on t>il ~II"""' ...., n.l l-
"Cable attach up"n innocent COIInt,.,., evi dent I'OIld .ld inJlll, han ll"anl, l"'..'.. r "I. nlll . " rldll""l.

i j ill!' day n'C'Ml". will immedi ately

..ntify thO' . ite . 1 ... IIllTht decoy to the enemy
ob6<.'n,.,r .
w harvt!ll, .... reh<>U""'I, wa ter to......".. a nd oth...
larlfe inatana tion...
b, Damall"e from bombs lind Ii...... i" the WlUal
73. Smoh Operation. ty l''' lIim ula ted. S imula te<! <l"m" ll"" ill lH'''I", red
In a<lva ne..; ....lvaged material a nd d..brla ar..
Smoke h..... tim"" functioll8 in deception ope l"ll- n. .tJy lltac ked to ron rO.1m with exilltinll" pa.1-
li"ns : terno a nd a re ""aUen<! immed iately "ft". a n
II. Smoke mu~t be u..oo in ronjunclion ", ith e r>emy a tt..o.ek to .simulate bomb h ila on the
'Wn')'~ ,.jmu l~li nll' th"".. i" . tan..tions or .itua_ . t r ....t"Tft, Sha llo.. h "j.... mlly II(> dUIf or l,bI. vd
tions tha t would ....nnal ly » roduce lll'OOke• • urt. to si mu late bomb erate... and "l,rayed 'Wio.
u bctori ..... J>m'·.. r I,lan.... a nd dee<»" danuolt"e. ......... oil or bl..... pai nt 1.0 a ppea r d....I>; th _
b. Lilt"ht """,. e mllA' be . - I in w nj un<:tion . ~ e01't'Rd u nti l th e a ttuk i. in p~ or

with nil("ht dl'roY. wh the vi. ibility . nd lil("ht until after the attack. Dllrinll" th .. a u...r k. ""'"
ronditioruo .... aueh to n~ ~ decoy. In pared'1n!li . nd amoke pymtech n..... may be
this s ituation, ..... ite .moke mal' be u"'<l to ....... and t1...... ill'll ited. After a n a tta.<k, th..
P~l""red dama~ ill revuled . If dee.ptlon or
. imllla.te It"round hue or 1hi8t.
thili k inel ill to he .. If..... t".... . ~ ;11 _ ntial.
e. Smoke may I» UHd to -';: rH'!I the .ite of Penonnel Mould be tn.iJ><'<! a n d o rplliPl! to
all," act,.iYi ly, Smok. rnay .1100 be WIed to aim u- f otlnw a ..·..11 rHl.... ......cI d rill in 0... ...·..nt thai
!at. ..,ti\·it y . ithoat the aid of aimulated ron- the natu of the lIu ......... ftdin__ ""'" is _ h that
strudion. The nature of ~ dflroy_ ,uMd ac1ua1 bml b c",1en . ..'a)' f rom the i ....tai·
adivity may be d i...IOMd , apparently u nin_ Iation may com promi.<t' the dec-elotioll.. !".ome
tmt>onally, by ",,&tin.. it to ......... oI.her _tirny proriaioa may be l"e'qu ind to COIK'SI 0 - real
or d is play. This method of efferli" de.eepl,ioa cno,..... Clip. ~I .nd ll;.!) .
,..,..... ... v.-, _ _ . ... . - ...

1. Depa.I"..... of the A.rm'( .-.It.....

DA P..n 108-1

DA Pam 8 1O-Mrw.
ladn of Arm:r Motio: PletIlN&. FfIm StriPS. Slidfl'. T_ and Phono-

Jruln_ 1'vt&iD.lD.& to AdmiIliJtr&ti... TniDint'. Maintoma- , &lid

2.,h_1It of the A.rmy It-e' I, lion.

AR lI2O-6 DlctioualT of Ull.ited St.-toes Army Tel'mL
AR 82<1-60 Allth oriud Abb.....utiON.

...... .....,
3. fieW Mo_I•
ChemieaJ. BioioPW. and Radiological (CB R) Oper. tio....
.... .....
FM s-es
ED£i:eer ()per. tioDi and Or.-ni...tiONl.
Eqineoer Field D. ta.
Eqineer ~femlee and Lofiatleal Data.
FM 21...50 Military T rainlnll.
FM 21_16 P.trollinj".
FM SD-I 0 Terrain Inte1li~noe.

4. Technical Manual
TM 5--200 C.moufla ll"e Materi..1•.


... _~ .. ~.
, . . ....... -,,
Adi,... Infr. ...... ,IP,..ninR d• • i.... . . . _

Airfi. ld.,
{''''..... . I..... t
._ •••••••• _• • •_ Ch 7
A.rial I,hol"l't," phy •. ••.,• • •• • •• • • •• 10. 9 b / 21
Ai",r.n •• .
4, 15
F",,"'r.. or ""'OJ(fIi' ioo _. _...
Fa< ior....T<'<! ,lo-t..ninK d.....
Fiold rort iftc.lion• • • _._
I'ilo... .__
_.. . • • • •• •
.~I lo>," foe LI""k ..01 whi 'a film • • • •7o ( ~ )( 0 )

Simol.l ion • F ix«l In..... lI. lio.. ••• ••• • C/l9 M

Artille ry : Fool t.r&<ko . imo laol" n . _•••••• • • • _ 58h(l) M
('. .. ..... Im.n' _••• _• •• _• • • • • __• aa
Simolali,," •• _. _•• • _• •• • • ._ "
Foxhole ""....... • __ ••• ••• • • • _. .. 20
Ao<lio .am""R . p di ..,i pl,
Bar"", 1e,,"I. :
lI","moc" fo r Ai<t' oft "".....1.... "' •
11.1.-\ .am"""OV •.• _• • • • • • _••
IIid ln ~ _. __._ ••

• • • • • • • •• _• •• _. ,~
U ""
Bh 'ouao " ",oc a lm. ,,' ••••••••••
!'at t.",.
. __ ..•. __.. _... _. .. 9<> (3 ) (d)
H;"h ohI1G'" photovaph • • • • • • . • • __ 7a (2 ) "•
Ind ir ",t oboerv.tion __• • _••• _• • • _. . 7
B ;.ou ,c.' Individua l ,," m o u ~ alr" _. . . eh 4
C"".... lm. " t •••• •., _•• _• • _• • __
1'l ;mo lati on ._ ._ •• _•••••• _• • __._
62 ",
Individual • • moullo!r" fa eo pain' •••
In!.ooed d,t<.tinjf d"i...
Black and white ~ I .., •• • __•• __• __• • 1G(4 ) (4)
kou , ea m ou ~ a R ' di . <ipli •• • • • • _. 9b( 2}
Infrare d film _•• • • • • • • • _••• _•• 70 (1 )1<)
«) ,•
In./norod " lI,<lont '._ 1a(4 )
ding . _• • _• • •• • _••• _•• _• • __ l Ob In. taUa l ion " t...p ..01• • • • _.. Ch 9 M
01.,.. . _••• _•• •• • ~2
sa lnlrenohm.nt , imutot lon GOo
" uildinK' ._._+_•••• •__ . _.. 49 ""
'"• ",
Layout grid oontrol •• __ •••••• • •• • • • 15
c.",o. n.I<'" ,1...'Clio. ft lm _• • ••• _• •• 10 / 4 )( 011 Low ObliG pholog'oph• • • • •_• • _. . 10( 3)
C. m<lUn"Ka di.d pli . . _•• _... . . . . . n is llI_hln."" pl..,,,,,,,,,,,t ••••• __. _. 21
{'''' ,,,-., "'I.i l"'''-.'
CloIhlOJt ••
._.... .. . . .
. _• • ••• _ • • _.. ...... .
17 "as :\l"'bod. af <omou~ _. . . . . .
~li n m.l d . im" lotion •• _..... . . .. . . .
Cnlor. a r.... 'or or ...... ,"'.i.;.,n
C""". fil m
._. 74 (4j(bj
•s )lndol • • • y,,,,", ••••• • • • • ••• ••••••
:\lorta n . _•• • • • • • • • ••• •• • • •_. _
22 "eaaa
Cnmm• • d po" . : ~10t0 . I"' rk . ";mui. tian 6~
S imol. , io n
)1o""",, "t. a f. cto. of "",,~" ' ti o o • Sf

C<>mmand .....pon .iLilitlu (or cam · N.l ur..1 m. lo . I.I.
'"" U
ooR •••• • • •• • • _•• __ a N~... i.rr. .....1 <Io........ n. ~;..,o ..._
• ,.
Conculmen!. deIi.l t i..... _• • _• ••• •• _.
Con,troction , pd n<"ipl. or ""..... 1·
"" nt . _•• __• • _•• __• • _• • __._
Con"roct loll o! fi. ld !ortl n'. ' i"" , . _. .
" "sa
".to ,
Ai",rArt >'O. "". I" .nt ._ • •••••• _
Mtllt.ry ..n".,. b....."t • • _••• _• • •
V. hId , _ ..oJ "",nt • • _••• •• • _.
eov.•• foe fo.hol aa N i~ h l """",uflop di .. lptl .. _•• • • • • _ 90(2 1
_• • _• • __. _
'" ss
N iKht d.. o~ i" .tall_tlo"a • • • • _• • • _.
" "
Vamag< . imui. t ion ••• • • _•• _• •• _. . .
• • _•• _••• _• • __• __• • __ 10" e h 10 20,8fi Ohtiqu. p hoto:o;.aph, 7a( 2 ).
Dt<oy in,t. U. lion> •• _•• _•• _•• __.__ CillO (3)
In_ ion film • ••• • • _•• __• • _• • _• • • 7~(I)(d) OLo,,,,.\ioo ,
Digging in:
BuilJinR , on.lruotlon _• • _•• _•••
V.h..," ",no,. tm.nt
...". Di.... t __• __•• • • •• • • • __•• _•• •_.
Indi....,t ._ • • • • • • • • • _•• • • • _. __•
0 """",,1• • imo l.tion •• • • • • • • • __•• _.
llOe .••
Dinol oboo",a,ioo ._ •••••••••• _•••
Plaenn, nto,
• Oil ....ftnor ie••imulation . _• •• _. . . ...
P . n.hromot l, film • ••• • • •• •• • _• • _ . 1 . ( ~ ) l m l
C"'"~ftn g.

• • •• •• _••• _•• __• • •
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P ..... iv. I"f d.t«tl"" dovl..... •
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7. ,

P.,,~", p.ln llnt '
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. Silinl"'
Al..... rt
""illo., .._
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ArUlloorr •• •

Ilft_ . .•_ F l..-till........

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.. ".
~Ili on footon _.•• fIO'Iltlo,., • f. ctor of ....
op;u"n . • ._ __
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T.nk to"" . lm" l. li on
Tonk olmut. tion
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T... ral. 1'0110..... _•• • l'o( ~ .
RNpo...l'ollltlH for ....... 11. • Tni'll.., • 01 .........itiOll _
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DiotribuUon :
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