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Assessment of Learning 1

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NVCFI envisions to be the center of excellence and leading educational institution in Mindanao.

NVCFI is committed to bring quality education closer to people through innovative instruction, quality research, and meaningful service.

1. To produce globally competent, committed and service - oriented graduates in their chosen fields/programs/profession.
2. To enhance students’ critical thinking skills for development and assessment of research and investigatory project.
3. Provide opportunities for the development of personal, emotional, social and technical skills of its stakeholders.

Core Values:
N – Nurturing V – VersatilityC – Commitment F – Friendliness I – Innovation

NVCFI nurtures versatile, committed, friendly and innovative individuals.


The College of Radiologic Technology of North Valley College Foundation Inc. envisions producing locally oriented and globally competent radiologic
technologist whose knowledge, skills and attitude are at par with the local and global standards of the profession.

The College of Radiologic Technology of North Valley College Foundation Inc. is dedicated to the integration of clinical, didactic and laboratory
objectives to successfully develop student’s cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains necessary for the quality and safety patient care in the
radiation and imaging services. The radiologic technology program strives to enhance its tole as principal community source by providing program of
continuing and in-service education to both individual and collective needs.
1. To design a well develop program of technical knowledge in radiological services and practice that is responsive to the diverse and challenging
needs of both local and international communities.
2. To develop relevant programs with programs appropriate radiological learning experiences.
3. To implement health programs that is geared toward policy formulation inherent to productive clinical experiences and useful services.

SYLLABUS IN RT 100 – Introduction to Radiologic Technology with Health Care

Course Code: ProfEd

Course Title: Assessment of Learning 1

Credit Units: 3 Units

Type of Course: Lecture & Discussions

Course Placement: Second Year, 1st Semester

Course Description: This is a course that focuses on the principles, development and utilization of conventional assessment tools to improve the
teaching-learning process. It emphasizes on the use of assessment of, as, and for, in measuring knowledge, comprehension,
and other thinking skills in the cognitive, psychomotor or affective domains. It allows students to go through the standard
steps in test construction and development and the application in grading system.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students should be able to:

 Explain the nature and roles of a good assessment, and its relevance of learners, teachers, parents, and stakeholders.
 Critique teacher-made tests using the principles of high-quality assessment.
 Construct sample valid classroom assessment tests for measuring target learning outcomes.
 Interpret a given set of assessment data for reporting purposes.
Grading System: To pass this course, the student must accumulate 75% of all the course requirements discussed above.

 Prelim Grade: Raw Grade

 Midterm Grade: 40% Prelim Grade + 60% Midterm Grade = Total Midterm Grade
 Pre final Grade: 40% Midterm Grade + 60% Pre Final Grade = Total Pre Final Grade
 Final Grade: 40% Pre Final Grade + 60% Final Grade = Total Final Grade

Grade Computation: Score/Total # of items x 60 + 40 = Equivalent Score

Learning Plan:

Week Learning Outcomes Topics and Readings Learning Strategies Assessment

At the end of the chapter, the “NATURE AND ROLES OF  Lecture and  20 item formative
learners must: ASSESSMENT” PowerPoint exam (Paper and
 Explain the nature and roles of a Concepts And Relevance Of Presentation Pencil Test)
good assessment, and its relevance Assessment  Oral Participation  Recitation
to learners, teachers, parents and  Measurement, testing,  Think – Pair – Share  Assessment and
stakeholders. assessment and evaluation  Concept Clarification Evaluation
 Explain the various roles of Roles Of Assessment Activity Scenario Analysis
assessment to learners, teachers,  Roles of Assessment
parents and stakeholders.

At the end of the chapter, the “PRINCIPLES OF HIGH  Lecture and  Recitation
learners must: QUALITY ASSESSMENT” PowerPoint  Group Report
 Critique teacher-made tests using Appropriateness And Presentation
the principles of high quality Alignment Of Assessment  Oral Participation
assessment. Methods To Learning  Taxonomic
 Match learning outcomes with the Outcomes Classification
appropriate assessment method.  Taxonomy of Learning  Sequencing of
Domains hierarchy of
 Types of Assessment taxonomies
Methods  Matching of
assessment methods
to learning outcomes

At the end of the chapter, the Validity And Reliability  Lecture and  Recitation
learners must: Practicality and Efficiency PowerPoint  Group Report
 Cite Evidences of Validity and Presentation
Reliability in teacher-made tests.  Oral Participation
 Describe how testing can be made  Pro Con Grid Activity
more practical and efficient.  Lecture and

At the end of the chapter, the Ethics  Lecture and  Recitation
learners must:  Students’ Knowledge of PowerPoint  Group Report
 Recommend actins to be observe Learning Targets and Presentation  Group
ethical standards in testing. Assessment  Oral Participation Assignment/Survey
 Opportunity to Learn  Case Study  Quiz
 Prerequisite Knowledge  Group Discussion
and Skills
 Avoiding Stereotyping
 Avoiding Bias in
Assessment Tasks and
 Accommodating Special
 Relevance
 Ethical Issues


7 At the end of the chapter, the “DEVELOPMENT OF TOOLS  Lecture and  Recitation
learners must: FOR CLASSROOM-BASED PowerPoint  Preparing their
 Specify the purpose of the test ASSESSMENT” Presentation own Table of
from the very outset. Planning The Test  Oral Participation Specification
 Identify what essential learning  Overall Test Development
outcomes to be measured. Process
 Preparing a test blueprint that will
guide the construction of the
 Prepare a table of specifications
for a classroom test.

8-10 At the end of the chapter, the Selecting And Constructing  Lecture and  Recitation
learners must: Test Items And Tasks PowerPoint  Construction of
 Select and construct appropriate  Categorizing Test Types Presentation appropriate test
test items and tasks for  Relating Test Types with  Oral Participation items and tasks for
classroom assessment. Levels of Learning  Group Discussion classroom
Outcomes  Pair Work assessment
 Constructing Objective
Supply Type of Items
 Constructing Non-
Objective Supply Type
 Constructing Selected-
Response Types

11 At the end of the chapter, the  Lecture and  Recitation

learners must: Improving a Classroom-Based PowerPoint  Quiz
 Acquire procedures for improving Assessment Test Presentation
a classroom based assessment  Oral Participation
test.  Pair Work
12 MIDTERM EXAMINATION Paper and Pencil Test
13-14 At the end of the chapter, the “INTERPRETATION OF  Lecture and  Recitation
learners must: ASSESSMENT RESULTS” PowerPoint  Group Report
 Interpret a given set of Utilization of Assessment Presentation
assessment data for reporting Data  Oral Participation
purposes.  Types of Test Scores  Group Activity
 Provide meaning to test result  Types of Test Scores
using norm-referenced and Interpretations
15-17 At the end of the unit, the learners Grading and Reporting of  Lecture and  Recitation
must: Assessment Results PowerPoint  Group report
 Utilize assessment results to  Analysis of Assessment Presentation  Matrix Completion
monitor students’ learning Data  Oral Participation  Quiz
progress and achievements.  Interpretation and  Group Activity
Communication of
 Grading System
 Grading Issues
 Principles of Effective
Grading and Reporting
 Curriculum-based
Assessment (Progress
18 FINAL EXAMINATION Paper and Pencil Test

Textbooks, Presentation and handouts

A. Internet Principles

Assessment of Learning 1 by Rosita L. Navarro, Ph.D, Rosita G. Santos, Ph.D, Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D (Third Edition)
Assessment of Learning 1 by Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph.D., Joel L. Amados, M. Math Ed (2015 Edition)
Assessment of Learning 1 by Yonardo A. Gabuyo (2012 Edition)

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Instructor, Department Dean, RT Department VP for Academics

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