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Math For Life 3

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Multiplying Numbers using Factors 5 through 9

Introduction/Preparatory Activities
1. Once pupils are seated, show the pupils a basket of fruits. Pose a problem for
the pupils to solve. There are 3 baskets on the table, each with 3 melons. How
many melons are there in all?
2. Call on some pupils. Have them answer the question. Encourage them to use
any strategy to solve the problem.
3. To determine the pupils knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Start the lesson with an activator. Divide the class into two groups. Use flash
cards involving basic multiplication facts in a contest. Explain to the class that as
flash a card, each member in each group will outdo each other in giving the
correct answer to the fact that you will flash. The member who can give the
correct answer sits down. The group with more members sitting wins.
2. Ask five kinesthetic learners to raise their two hands and call on an auditory
learner to give a multiplication sentence about the pupils and their raise hands.
Ask: How many hands do you see in all?’ Can you write a multiplication sentence
to show the number of hands? Ask a visual learner to write the answer on the
boards: 5x2=10. Repeat the activity by increasing the group by ones until these
sentences are completed: 5x2=10; 6x2=12; 7x2=14; 8x2=16
3. Draw a grid consisting of 6 rows and 7 columns on the board. Ask a kinesthetic
learner to count the rows and columns. Ask a visual learner: How many squares
are there in each row? How many rows are there in a grid? Lead them to
understand that the number of squares in the grid? Lead them to understand that
the number of squares in a grid may be described as 6 rows of 7 or 6x7=42 or 7
columns of 6or 7x6=42.
Explain how to multiply rows and columns of squares to get the total
number of squares inside a rectangle or square.
4. Discuss think and understand.
5. Reinforce the commutative skills in multiplication by asking the kinesthetic
learners to change the order of the factors in each exercise and then ask a visual
learner to illustrate or draw pictures to present the new sentence.

5 sets of 6 is 5x6=30; 6 sets of 5 is 6x5=30
5 columns by 8 rows is 5x8=40; 8 rows by 5 columns is 8x5=40
6. Ask the pupils to answer Check your understanding orally. Ask the kinesthetic
learners to change the order of the factors and use the board to illustrate two
multiplication sentences in B of Check Your Understanding. Example 1.3x9=27
and 9x3=27.

Day 2
1. Use multiplication flashcards for warm-up
2. Ask the pupils to watch a video song on the TEC-CD about multiplication.
3. Ask the pupils to work in teams of six. When you assign pupils to teams, balance
the team so that each team is composed of pupils whose performance levels
range from low to average to high. Tell the struggling learners to answer Keep
Practicing. Ask the average learners to answer items 1 to 6 of Practice and ask
the advanced learners to answer items 7 to 10 of Practice and try this Challenge.
Circulate around the classroom, clarifying questions, gauging pupils
understanding and addressing misconceptions. Ask the struggling learners if they
have encountered any difficulty in answering the exercise.
Day 3
1. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct
any misconception that may arise from the discussion.
2. Ask the auditory learners to recite the multiplication table for factors 5 to 9.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Multiplying Three One digit Numbers

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities:

1. Once pupils are seated. Pose a problem for the pupils to solve: There are 2 big
boxes. Each medium box has 4 small boxes. How many boxes are there in all?
2. Call on some pupils. Have them answer the question. Encourage them to use
any strategy to solve the problem.
3. To determine the pupils. Have them answer the question. Encourage them to use
any strategy to solve the problem.

Day 1
1. Start the lesson with an activator. Write this on the board: There were 3 palates
on the table. Each plate had 4 saucers. Each saucer had 2 siopao. How many
siopao were there in all? Ask an auditory learner to read problem.
2. Call a kinesthetic learner to write the related multiplication sentence on the
board: 3x (4x2).
Ask an average learner to multiply the numbers starting with the numbers
in the parentheses: 3x (4x2)=3x8+=24. Ask an advanced learner explain
the solution. Lead them to discover that the total number of siopao is
equal to 3x (4x2) or 24.
3. Discuss Think and Understand
4. Point out that to multiply three factors, multiply first the factors in the parentheses
and then multiply the resulting product by the third factor.
5. Call on volunteers. Have them answer Check Your Understanding. Allow them to
write their solutions on the board. Be ready to correct any error or misconception
in the discussion.

Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to do interactive practice on multiplying three one-digit factors on
the TEC-CD
2. Ask the pupils to work in groups of threes. Have them answer Practice and Keep
3. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on volunteers.
Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct any
misconception that may arise from the discussion.
Day 3
1. Call a volunteer to answer Try this challenge. Allow the pupil to write on the
board to explain the solution.
2. To end the lesson, ask the pupils to do a think pair share. Have them exchange
ideas about the concepts they learned in Goal 2.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Multiplying Two-digit by One-digit Numbers Without grouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Pupils will be asked to answer a quick quiz.
2. Below are some of items in the quiz:
 What is 1x9=?
 What is the missing number in 2x _=12
 What is 6’8?
 What is 5’10?
 What is the missing number in _x8=32?
3. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD.
Day 1
1. Write this on the board: There were 4 farmers who diligently planted 12 aguho
tree seedlings each on the slope of the denuded hill to prevent landslide. How
many aguho tree seedlings did they plant altogether?

Call on an auditory leaner to read the problem.

Call on kinesthetic learner to write on the board the expanded form of


Ask an average learner to multiply the expanded form:

4x (10+2)= (4x10)+(4x2)= 40+8=48

2. Discuss Think and Understand

3. Tell the class to remember place value concepts when multiplying two-digit by
one digit numbers.
4. Ask the pupils to answer individually Check your Understanding.
5. Tell the pupils to exchange papers to check each other’s work.

Day 2
1. Have the class form groups of four. Remind the pupils that this group is their
home team. Assign numbers 1 to 4 to the members of each home team.
2. Have the pupils work in expert groups. Ask all number 1 pupils to answer
Practice. Tell a number 2 pupils to answer A of Keep Practicing. Ask all number 3
pupils to answer B of Keep Practicing. Instruct all number 4 pupils to answer Try
this Challenge. Give the expert groups 20 minutes to answer the exercises. Have
them write the answers and solution on their notebook. Move around the
classroom and be ready to correct any misconception that may arise during the
3. Remind the pupils to study the solutions to answers. Tell them to prepare the
report to their home team.
Day 3
1. Ask the members of the expert groups to return to their home team. Have them
take returns to explain the answers and solutions to the exercises to the
members of their home team. Tell them to draw pictures, use base-10 blocks or
use place value chart to explain their answers.
2. To end the lesson, ask an auditory learner to summarize the important ideas
Goal 3.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.
4. Ask all pupils who did not do well on the test to attend after class tutorial
sessions or consultation periods. During these meetings, provide alternate
materials to consolidate their learning. Have them answer Ready-to-Print Activity
Sheets on the TEC-CD about multiplication without regrouping.

Multiplying Two-digit by One-digit with Regrouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities:

1. Once pupils are seated. Pose a problem for the pupils to solve: There are 2 big
boxes. Each medium box has 4 small boxes. How many boxes are there in all?
2. Call on some pupils. Have them answer the question. Encourage them to use
any strategy to solve the problem.
3. To determine the pupils. Have them answer the question. Encourage them to use
any strategy to solve the problem.

Day 1
1. Start the lesson with an activator. Write this on the board: There were 3 palates
on the table. Each plate had 4 saucers. Each saucer had 2 siopao. How many
siopao were there in all? Ask an auditory learner to read problem.
2. Call a kinesthetic learner to write the related multiplication sentence on the
board: 3x (4x2).

Ask an average learner to multiply the numbers starting with the numbers
in the parentheses: 3x (4x2)=3x8+=24. Ask an advanced learner explain
the solution. Lead them to discover that the total number of siopao is
equal to 3x (4x2) or 24.

3. Discuss Think and Understand

4. Point out that to multiply three factors, multiply first the factors in the parentheses
and then multiply the resulting product by the third factor.
5. Call on volunteers. Have them answer Check Your Understanding. Allow them to
write their solutions on the board. Be ready to correct any error or misconception
in the discussion.

Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to do interactive practice on multiplying three one-digit factors on
the TEC-CD
2. Ask the pupils to work in groups of threes. Have them answer Practice and Keep
3. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on volunteers.
Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct any
misconception that may arise from the discussion.
Day 3
1. Call a volunteer to answer Try this challenge. Allow the pupil to write on the
board to explain the solution.
2. To end the lesson, ask the pupils to do a think pair share. Have them exchange
ideas about the concepts they learned in Goal 2.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Multiplying Two-digit by One-digit Numbers Without grouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Start the lesson with an activator and pose this problem to the class: The grade 2
pupils donated 4 boxes of canned goods for the poor families in their barangay. If
each box contains 24 boxes of canned goods, how many canned goods did the
grade 2 pupils donate altogether?
2. Call on Volunteers. Have them explain the solution to the problem.
3. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/do the
resources on the TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Write this on the board: After a strong typhoon, 5 horses were used to carry 15
bags of assorted food altogether were brought to the community?
2. Ask an auditory learner to read the problem. Tell the pupil to write the given
information on the board.
3. Discuss the problem, and then show different ways to find the answer. Expand
and multiply horizontally or vertically. Find the partial products then add.

a.) 15=10+5; (10+5)x5=50+25=75

b.) Find the partial products then add. Thus, 15x5= (5x5)+(5x10)=25+50=75

4. Ask the pupils to answer Check Your Understanding orally. Allow the pupils to
use other ways of finding products aside from using the place value chart. Ask
the visual learners to use a place value chart to find the answer. Ask the
kinesthetic learners to use the base-10 blocks and then ask the auditory learners
to explain the solutions.

Example: number 1
38x6= (30+8) x6=180+48=228
38x6= (3 ten and 8 ones) x 6= 18 tens +48 ones

Day 2
1. Use flash cards involving the basic multiplication facts in a 5-minute contest
among the pupils.
2. Ask the pupils to watch a video the TEC-CD about multiplication with regrouping
3. Ask the pupils to work in teams of six. When you assign pupils to teams, balance
the team so that each team is composed of pupils of different learning styles. Tell
them to answer Practice, Keep Practicing and Try this challenge. Give them
three options for the representation of their output. Tell the visual learners to use
place value-charts to find the answer form and ask the auditory learners to
explain orally the solution to each problem.

Day 3
1. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them to explain the solution to the problem. Be ready to correct
any misconception that may arise from the discussion.
2. Ask a volunteer to summarize the different ways of finding the product of two-
digit and one digit factors with regrouping.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Multiplying Two-digit Numbers Without regrouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Start the lesson with an activator and pose this problem to the class: Mother
bought 11 packs of polvoron. Each pack has 12 pieces of polvoron. How many
polvoron did she buy altogether?
2. Call on some pupils. Have them answer the question. Encourage them to use
any strategy to solve the problem.
3. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/do the
resources on the TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Start the lesson with activator. Write this on the board: After a strong typhoon, 12
men volunteered to carry 14 boxes of assorted food each to a mountainous
community. How many boxes of assorted food altogether were brought to the
2. Ask an auditory learner to read the problem. Tell the pupil to write the given
information on the board.
3. Ask a visual learner to draw a mathematical model on the board.
N= Total number of boxes of assorted food
N= 12X34

Say: Here is a bar is drawn to represent the whole (total number of

boxes of assorted food). It is divided into 12 equal parts, each representing a
volunteer. From the model, you can see that the answer can be found by
multiplying the part (34) by the number of equal parts (12).
4. After discussing the given information in the problem, discuss the different ways
to find the answer. Expand and multiply horizontally or vertically. Find the partial
products then add.

a.) Expand: 12=10+2

Multiply horizontally:
12x34= (10=2) x34= 340+68=408
b.) Find the partial products then add. Thus,
12x 34= (10+2) x (30+4)
= (10x30) + (2x30) + (10x4) + (2x4)
= 300+60+40+8=408
c.) Use a place value chart to find the answer. Say since 5x 5 ones is 25 ones,
regrouped 25 ones into 2 tens and 5 ones. Write 5 in the ones place and 2 in
the tens place above 1 ten. Since 5 x 1 ten = 5 tens, add 5 tens + 2 tens = 7
tens. Write 7 in the tens place of the product.

12= 10+2
34= 30+4
2x4= 8
4x10= 40
30x2= 60
30x10= 300

5. Ask the pupils to answer orally A Check Your Understanding

6. Assign B of Check Your Understanding as homework.

Day 2
1. Discuss the answers to the assignment. Have pupils check their own work.
2. Ask the pupils to watch a video on the TEC-CD about multiplication of two-digit
numbers without regrouping.
3. Ask the pupils to work in teams of six. When you assign pupils to teams, balance
the team so that each team is composed of pupils whose performance levels
range from low to average to high.

Day 3
1. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct
any misconception that may arise from the discussion.
2. To end the lesson, ask a student volunteer to summarize the different ways of
multiplying two-digit numbers.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.
Multiplying Three-digit by One- digit numbers with regrouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Pupils will answer a quick quiz to determine what they know and what about
multiplication involving one-digit and two –digit factors. They will be asked to
check the items they do not know.
2. Below are some items in the quiz:
 What is 3x11?
 What is 2x24?
 What is 3’13?
 What is 14x7?
 What is 28x6?
3. To determine the pupils prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD

Day 1
1. Write this on the board: Each of the barangays in our town was able to donate
125 bags of rice to other barangays that were badly hit by a strong typhoon. How
many bags of rice were donated altogether?
2. Ask an auditory learner to read the problem. Ask a visual learner to draw a
mathematical model on the board.

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

N= Number of bags of rice

N= 9X125
3. Discuss the problem and call on volunteers to present different ways of finding
the answer to 125 x9
a.) Expand 125 and then add the partial products.
125 x 9= (100+20+5) x 9
= 900+180+45 or 1 125
b.) Find the partial products and add them in this form:
125 x 9 = (9x5) + (9x20) + (9x100)
= 45+180+900 or 1 125
Say: Using a or b, you can choose which way to start. You can start with the
ones or the hundreds.
c.) Use the place value chart. Write the digits in a place value chart. Explain the

Since 9x 5 ones, regroup 45 ones into 4 tens and 5 ones.

Write 5 in the ones place of the product. Regroup 4 in the tens place above 2.
Since 9 x 2 tens = 18 tens, add 18 tens + 4 tens = 22 tens as a 2 hundreds
and 2 tens. Write 2 tens in the tens place of the product. Write two hundreds
place above 1.

Since 9x 1 hundred = 9 hundreds 529

Hundreds +2 hundreds= 11 hundreds regroup as 1 thousand and 1 hundred.
Write 1 hundred in the hundreds place of the product and I thousands place
of the product.

4. Ask the pupils to answer A of check Your Understanding orally. Tell them to
defend their answers using any of the three ways to multiply within hundreds with
5. Assign B of Check your Understanding as homework.
Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them discuss the answers to the homework. Be ready to correct
any error or misconception during the discussion.
2. Ask the pupils to watch a video on the TEC-CD about multiplication of two-digit
numbers without regrouping.
3. Ask the pupils to work in teams of six. When you assign pupils to teams, balance
the team so that each team is composed of pupils whose performance levels
range from low to average to high. Tell the struggling learners to answer
Practice. Ask the average learners to Keep Practicing and ask the advanced
learners to answer Try this challenge.
Day 3
1. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct
any misconception that may arise from the discussion.
2. To end the lesson, ask a student volunteer to summarize the different ways of
multiplying three-digit by one-digit numbers with regrouping.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.
4. Ask all pupils who did not do well on the test to attend after class tutorial
sessions or consultation periods. During these meetings, provide alternate
materials to consolidate their learning. Have them answer Ready- to- Print
Sheets on the TEC-CD about multiplication with regrouping.

Multiplying Two-digit Factors with Regrouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Pupils will be asked to answer a quick quiz to determine what they know and
don’t know about multiplication involving two digit and one digit factors without
regrouping. They will be asked to find the missing addend or sum in a given
addition sentence.
2. Below are some of items in the quiz:
 What is 3x 21?
 What is 2x 42?
 What is 3’33?
 What is 3x 14?
 What is 24x 2?
3. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Write this on the board: Each of the 15 towns that were badly hit by a strong
typhoon. How many boxes of food packs were donated altogether?
2. Ask an auditory learner to read the problem. Ask a visual learner to draw a
mathematical model on the board.

N= Number of boxes of food packs

N= 15X78

3. Discuss the problem and call on volunteers to present different ways of finding
the answer to 15 x78
a.) Expand 125 and then add the partial products.
15 x 78= (10+5) x 78
= (10 x 78) + (5x 78)
= 780+390
= 1 170
b.) Find the partial products and add them in this form:
15 x 78 = 15 x (70+8)
= (15 x 70) + (15 x 8)
= 1 050 + 120 or 1170

Say: Using a or b, you can choose which way to start. You can start with the
ones or the hundreds.

c.) Use the place value chart. Write the digits in a place value chart. Explain the

First, multiply 15 and 8 ones. Since 8 x 5 ones, regroup 40 ones

into 4 tens and 0 ones.

Write 0 in the ones place of the product. Regroup 4 in the tens place above 1.

Since 8 x 1 = 8 tens, add: 8 tens + 4 tens = 12 tens. Regroup 12 tens as 1

hundred and 2 tens. Write 2 tens in the tens place of the product. Write 1
hundred in the hundreds place.

4. Ask the pupils to answer A of check Your Understanding orally. Tell them to
defend their answers using any of the three ways to multiply within hundreds with
5. Assign B of Check your Understanding as homework.

Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to watch a video on multiplying two-digit numbers by one digit
numbers without regrouping using the resources on the TEC-CD
2. Ask the pupils to work in teams of six. When you assign pupils to teams, balance
the team so that each team is composed of pupils whose performance levels
range from low to average to high. Tell the struggling learners to answer
Practice. Ask the average learners to Keep Practicing and ask the advanced
learners to answer Try this challenge.

Day 3
1. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct
any misconception that may arise from the discussion.
2. Ask the pupils to answer Ready to print activity sheets. Have them access the
resources on the TEC-CD.
3. Assign a volunteer to summarize the result in the discussion.
4. Ask the pupils to answer Test Yourself.

Solving Problems Involving Multiplication with Addition and Subtraction

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Start the lesson with an activator to check pupil’s current understanding related
to solving word problems.
2. Ask the pupils to do “Think-Pair-Share” activity. Tell them to answer the following
 What is a word problem? Can you give an example?
 How do you solve word problems?
3. Allow 3 minutes for pupils to think about the questions. Have pupils exchange
their thoughts and ideas with their partner for 3 minutes. Ask them to take down
and compare notes during the discussion.
4. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Write this on the board: Mang Donato harvested twice as many kilos of mangoes.
How many kilos of mangoes did they harvest in all?
2. Ask an auditory learner to read the problem. Tell the pupil to write the given
information on the board.
3. Explain the steps involved in solving the problem. Write these on the board.
(A) Understand
1) Know the question: How many kilos of mangoes did they harvest in all?
2) Know the facts: Mang Donato- 85 kg of Mangoes; Leon-twice as many
kilos of mangoes; N-total kilos of mangoes harvested together
3) Know the hidden question: How many kilos of mangoes did Leon harvest?
(B) Plan
1. Draw a mathematical on the board to guide the pupils how to make a plan
of solving the problem.

Mang Donato 85 kg
Leon ?

Say: Here, two bars of length 1 unit and 2 units are drawn to represent the
number of kilos of mangoes harvested by Mang Donato and Leon. The model
shows that Leon’s harvest is twice Mang Donato’s harvest. Given that 1 unit
is 85, the hidden problem can be solved by multiplication.
(C) Solve: Hidden Problem= 2x 85= 170 kg of mangoes harvested by Leon

Total Harvest = 85 + (2x 85)

= 85 + 170
= 255 kg of mangoes
(D) Check if the answer is correct.

4. For all exercises in Check Your Understanding, use diagram to emphasize how
to plan to solve a two-step problem. Stress that it is important to know the hidden
question and answer it first.
5. Assign the pupils to solve the problems in Check Your Understanding without
using a diagram. Call on volunteers. Have them write the answers on the board.
Ask the pupils to explain their work. Be ready to correct any error that may arise
from the discussion.
6. Assign Practice as homework.

Day 2
1. Allow the pupils to use the board to share their answers to the homework.
2. Let the pupils discuss the answers to the homework. Move around the room and
listen to the discussion and solutions given by the different groups. Call on visual
learners to write the answers on the board. Ask the auditory learners to explain
the solution. Observe how they find the answer to the hidden question.
3. Group the pupils to make their own two-step problems involving multiplication.
Allow them to use or modify the problems they answered.
4. Allow the pupils to share their work with their classmates using the board for

Day 3
1. Ask the pupils to work in teams of four. When you assign pupils to teams,
balance the team so that each team is composed of pupils whose performance
levels range from low to average to high. Tell them to answer Keep Practicing
and Try this challenge.
2. Ask the teams to exchange papers to check each other’s work.
3. Ask the struggling learners to draw a picture to show the problem on the board.
4. Ask the average learner to write and explain the team’s answer.
5. Ask the advanced learner to answer and explain Try this Challenge.
6. To end the lesson, ask a volunteer to summarize the result in the discussion.
7. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Mentally Multiply Tens and Ones with regrouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Start the lesson with an activator to check pupil’s current understanding related
to mentally multiplying numbers.
2. Prepare multiplication flashcards. Tell the pupils to do mental computation to find
products. Tell the class to answer the following without using paper and pencil:
 What is 4x7?
 What is 5x6?
 What is 7x4?
 What is 8x6?
 What is 9x10?
3. To determine the pupils prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD

Day 1
1. Have pupils practice mental computation on flashcards.
2. Tell the pupils that they use place value concepts and break apart two-digit
factors to mentally multiply numbers. Give an example to illustrate.
12 x 4 = (10+2) x4
= (10 x4) + (2 x4) = 40 + 8 =48

3. Discuss Think and Understanding.

4. Ask the pupils to answer orally check Your Understanding.

Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to watch a video on mental multiplication or mental tricks using the
resources on the TEC-CD.
2. Ask the pupils to answer orally Practice and Keep Practicing
3. Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Have them answer Try this challenge.
4. To end the lesson, ask the pupils to do a think pair share. Have them exchange
ideas about the multiplication shortcuts they learned in Goal 9.
5. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Multiplying by Multiples of 10

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Start the lesson with an activator to check pupil’s current understanding related
to Multiples 10.
2. Prepare multiplication flashcards. Tell the pupils to do mental computation to find
products. Tell the class to answer the following without using paper and pencil:

 What is the third multiple of 10?

 What is the fourth multiple of 100?
 What is 3x10?
 What is 10x5?
 What is 100x2?
 What is 4x 100?
3. To determine the pupils prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD

Day 1
1. Have pupils practice mental computation on flashcards.
2. Tell the pupils that they use place value concepts and break apart two-digit
factors to mentally multiply numbers. Give an example to illustrate.
a. 2 x 10 = 2 x 1 ten = 2 tens or 20
b. 3 x 100 = 3 x 1 hundred = 3 hundreds or 300
c. 5 x 1000 = 5 x 1 thousand
= 5 thousand = 5000
d. 20 x 40 = 20 x 4 tens = 80 tens
= 8 x (10 tens) = 8 x 100 = 800

3. Discuss Think and Understanding.

4. Ask the pupils to answer orally check Your Understanding.

Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to watch a video on mental multiplication or mental tricks using the
resources on the TEC-CD.
2. Ask the pupils to answer orally Practice and Keep Practicing
3. Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Have them answer Try this challenge.
4. To end the lesson, ask the pupils to do a think pair share. Have them exchange
ideas about the multiplication shortcuts they learned in Goal 9.
5. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Estimating Products within Thousands without Regrouping

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Pupils will answer a quiz to determine what they know and what they don’t know
about rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred. They will be asked to
check the items they know and cross the items they do not know.
2. Below are some of items in the quiz:

 Round 53 to the nearest ten

 Round 128 to the nearest ten
 Round 450 to the nearest hundred
 Round 235 to the nearest hundred

3. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Show a picture of volunteers distributing bags of foods in an evacuation center.
Write this problem on the board: There were 86 volunteers who distributed 62
bags of food each to the people in an evacuation center. About how many bags
of foods were distributed?
2. Explain that since the question is about how many, an estimate will be enough.
3. Ask the advanced learners to state the rules involved in rounding up and
rounding down two and three digit numbers. Be ready to correct any error or
state the missing steps.
4. Draw a number line on the board. Ask a kinesthetic to learner to mark 86 and 62
on the number line. Ask a visual learner to round the numbers to the nearest ten.
Lead them to discover that 86 rounds up to 90 and 62 rounds down to 60.
5. Call on the advanced learners. Have them use multiplying numbers by multiples
to answer the problem: 90 x 60 = 5400. Say: About 5 400 bags of food were
Show the pupils how to multiply to find the exact answer: 86 X 62 = 172 + 5160 =
5332, Say: The exact answer 5332 is close to the estimate, which is 5 400.
6. Discuss Think and Understand
7. Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Have them answer Check Your Understanding.
Remind them to exchange ideas to find a solution to the exercises.
8. Ask the pupils to exchange papers to check each other’s work. Draw a number
line on the board. Discuss the answers to the exercises. Ask the kinesthetic
learners to mark the numbers on the number line. Ask the visual learners to use
the number line to find the answer. Ask the auditory learners to explain the

Day 2
1. Review estimating, rounding, multiplying and by multiples of 10 on flashcards.
2. Ask the pupils to work in teams of six. When you assign pupils to teams, balance
the team so that each team is composed of pupils whose performance levels
range from low to average to high. Tell the struggling learners to answer Keep
Practicing and ask the advanced learners to answer Try this Challenge.

Day 3
1. Have the teams exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct
any misconception that may arise from the discussion.
2. Ask an auditory learner to summarize the important ideas.
3. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Mentally Multiplying within Hundreds

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Start the lesson with an activator to check pupil’s current understanding related
to mentally multiplying numbers.
2. Prepare multiplication flashcards. Tell the pupils to do mental computation to find
products. Tell the class to answer the following without using paper and pencil:

 What is 4x7?
 What is 5x9?
 What is 7x6?
 What is 9x6?
 What is 8x10?

3. To determine the pupils prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD

Day 1
1. Have pupils practice mental computation on flashcards.
2. Tell the pupils that they use place value concepts and break apart two-digit
factors to mentally multiply numbers. Give an example to illustrate.

32 x 4 = (30 + 2) x 4
= (30 + 4) + (2 x 4)
= 120 + 8 = 128
3. Discuss Think and Understand. Emphasize the basic rules in mental
4. Ask the pupils to answer orally check Your Understanding.
Day 2
1. Ask the pupils to watch a video on mental multiplication or mental tricks using the
resources on the TEC-CD.
2. Ask the pupils to answer orally Practice and Keep Practicing
3. Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Have them answer Try this challenge.
4. To end the lesson, ask the pupils to do a think pair share. Have them exchange
ideas about the multiplication shortcuts they learned in Goal 9.
5. Have the pupils answer Test Yourself.

Multiples of Ones and Tens Numbers

Introduction/ Preparatory Activities

1. Pupils will answer a quiz to determine what they know and what they don’t know
about skip counting. They will be asked to check the items they know and cross
the items they do not know.
2. Below are some of items in the quiz:

 What is the missing number in 10, 20, 30, 40 _, 60, 70?

 What is the next term in 3, 6, 9, 12, _?
 What is the missing term in 5, 10, 15, _, 25

3. To determine the pupil’s prior knowledge and skills, have them access/ do the
resources on the TEC-CD.

Day 1
1. Draw a 100-grid chart on the board and write numbers 1 to 100. Ask the auditory
learners to count by twos to 100. Ask the kinesthetic learners to circle all
multiples of 2 on the 100-grid chart. Introduce multiples of a number. Point out
that any counting number is a multiple of itself. Ask a visual learner to write the
first ten multiples of 2 on the board: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.

Ask: “If we continue counting by 2s, can we name all multiples of 2?” Help the
pupils understand that a number has an endless list of multiples.
2. Discuss Think and Understand
3. Point out that the numbers we multiply are called multiples of its products.
4. Ask the pupils to answer Check Your Understanding orally. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to correct
any error in the discussion.

Day 2
1. Give a multiple and ask the class to give the first 10 multiples of that number.
Use multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10.
2. Show how to get the common multiples of a number using skip counting.
Example: Find the multiples of 2 and 4.
Multiples of 2 are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16
Multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, and 16
3. Assign as homework Practice and Keep Practicing
4. Assign as optional homework Try this challenge.

Day 3
1. Ask the pupils to practice counting multiples by using the resources on the TEC-
2. Ask the pupils to exchange papers to check each other’s work. Call on student
volunteers. Have them explain the answers to the exercises. Be ready to clarify
any error or misconception that may arise from the discussion
3. Assign a volunteer to summarize the results in the discussion.
4. Ask the pupils answer Test Yourself.

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