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Assignment English For Workplace

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MAY / 2018




A analysis report about mobile phone can also be the cause of sosial or medical problem.

Prepared for


Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Jalan Tanjung Laboh

83000 Batu Pahat.



Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Jalan Tanjung Laboh

83000 Batu Pahat.

22 July 2018



Date : 22 July 2018


Subjek : A analysis report about mobile phone can also be the cause of sosial or

medical problem.


The manager of institution of Occupational Safety and Health, I had a tour to the institution the
past few days. While I was manage the department, I discovered that the students at there are
influence by mobile phones. It will affect the health and social well being of the students there.
The quick development and widespread use of mobile phone exposure. The overall purpose of
this study is to examine whether there is a connection between the use of social mobile phone
and health problem among students.

Nowadays, mobile phone has become more sophisticated and the technology is getting better and
they too introducing potential hazards. Because students need to handle demand for increased
productivity, large unrecognized or neglected, giving rise to their growing influence in their

Anxiety raised by the institution is attributed to two sources, namely increasing the use of mobile
phones and hazard related to the way the mobile phone are used. Thus, students face various
types of social problems or health hazards as a result of increased mobile phones use in everyday
life. I write this report to you with the purpose is to suggest whether the form to be taken as well
as the advantages of the mobile phone exceeds the weakness of the mobile phones.


2.1 Present Situation.

1. Mobile phone support affect students way of life, how student communicate
and do business.

2. Students use mobiles phones to do a negative things.

3. Their health can be effected by addicted to mobile phones.

4. Too much social media use can affect self-esteem.


2.2 Problem.

1. Students are wasting lot of their time and money by playing games and chat
with their friend and unknown persons. Besides that, research by Columbia
University has found that they are more likely to forget about the easy
information we find. When we ask questions, they more like to think about how
they can find the answers on mobile phone, rather than use their brain to think
about solutions to question.

2. Students communicate each other through their mobile phones and do negative
kind of activities and immoral activities. This is very dangerous and major
negative impact of mobile phone on our society. Our new generation is totally
destroyed by this negative of mobile phones. Besides that, mobile phones
becoming a major communication for terrorism and other kind of negative
activities. It is also social networks and posts are not from cyber bullying.

3. Mobile phones especially lo-quality mobile phones have huge negative impacts
on student’s health. Radiation comes from this mobile phones that causes a lot of
serious health problems. According to the research the new mobile phone that
contained with various types of micro organisms especially bacteria that cause a
lot of carriers. Besides that, it will repels their eyes. When they spend more than a
couple of hours in row staring at their mobile phones, they will endanger dry eyes
from less blinking. Other than that, there is no reason to memorize what they
know. They can easily find like a phone number.

4. Nine out of ten young people participating in the survey say social media is
important to them, but a quarter of women also say that their self-esteem is getting
worse by using them. One third said they spent at least three hours a day using
social media, while 14 percent used it for more than six hours each day.
More than half (56 percent) of girls and more than one third (38 percent) of men
say they are given to assume that others have a more enjoyable and enjoyable life
than they are. Almost half of all participating students say they are not satisfied
with their body compared to others in social media.

2.3 Solutions.

2.3.1 Use Mobile Phones In A Good Ways.

Some examples where we use cell phones from just taking pictures and videos to
share in a classroom or home-based recording, to create podcasts or animations.
The content is the student's own choice, promotes independent learning and
allows students to choose the appropriate approach to them. We have found that
the use of favorable handsets has enabled this student to access resources we can
not afford. For example, students access the internet for research (such as our
internet or blog / Facebook support page).

On field work, students can record images, videos, sounds, notes, use GPS
technology and mapping software to capture important information for their work.
At the institution, they have used mobile phones to record work, for example
students using lime around the school to leave messages or symbols about social
space and messages and then use mobile phones to take pictures or record video
or voice interviews they discuss their work that can then be shared in the
classroom. The focus is on learning, discussions about what they get from
activities not on the cellphone itself.

2.3.2 Try To Avoid Students From Doing Negative Thing With Mobile
Parents and teachers should consider the media content available on the mobile
phone and the context in which they are using it. Cyber bullying can occur if an
online user tries to scare, exempt, or insult others online via abusive text or
abusive emails, messages, images or videos, or online gossip and chat. Let the
student know not to reply or reply, and talk to only trusted adults. It aims to block
the bully and report the behavior to the right social media platform. Create a
students media plan to help manage social media use with options to create
different guidelines for each them.

2.3.3 Promoting Healthy Technology Use for Children

According to a 2015 national survey by Common Sense Media, 53 percent of

children 8 to 12 have their own tablet, and 24 percent have their own smartphone.
Among teenagers, 67 percent have their own smartphone. Parents and teachers,
they have an important role to play in helping their children develop safe, healthy
habits for technology use such as mobile phone. Try to not to use technology for
around 1 hour before bedtime. Consider using mobile phones in the living spaces
in the house rather than in the bedroom when it is time to go to sleep. Try to not
watch mobile phones near to your eyes and do not play with the mobile phone in
the dark place. Many people are concerned about the use of mobile phones, do
you want to take this risk with your health? Choosing to be cautious and take
steps to reduce your exposure to radio frequency (RF) clearance from your mobile
phone is a good preventive health measure in which you have control.  Increases
your exposure to the radiated signals from your mobile phones, even a two minute
call has been shown to alter your brain's natural electrical activity for up to an
hour afterward.

2.3.4 How To Overcome Your Self-Esteem.

It's hard to avoid comparing ourselves with others who are better, especially when
we are surrounded by celebrity pictures and people in social media. But try to
remember that what they choose to share about their lives is not a complete
picture and compare ourselves to nothing at all. It's easy to feel that they are not
ok, if they spend time with people who think they are bad or do not value them.
Therefore, they should take the initiative to spend more time with those who love
them and take care of them as they expect to be treated. This can help them feel
their kindness and challenge their negative thoughts. Talking to loved ones about
their feelings can help them reassess how they see themselves. Ask people what
people like about themselves. Perhaps the person looks at them in a different way
by the way they see themselves.


3.1 Evaluate Of The Changes.

3.1.1 An institution depends on its own student to perform a task. With strict
procedures in the institution will enjoy a good reputation for the student's

3.1.2 With the Safety Standards in using mobile phones that have improved,
students will learn under a safe environment. They will not be depressed
throughout the school day.

3.2 Recommendation.

3.2.1 The institute will implement a system of control in the use of mobile phones
in the student's ability to monitor and validate internal controls in the institution.

3.2.2 Administrative management should set up a website to facilitate students in

finding reference materials. This is so that students do not use cell phones in the
other direction.



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