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Kalantari, K., Shabanali, F. H., Asadi, A. & Mohamadi, H. M.

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American Journal of Environmental Sciences 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

ISSN 1553-345X
© 2007 Science Publications

Investigating Factors Affecting Environmental Behavior of Urban Residents:

A Case Study in Tehran City- Iran
Khalil Kalantari, 2Hossein Shabanali Fami, 3 Ali Asadi and 4H. Movahed Mohammadi
Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, Agricultural and Natural Resources Campus
University of Tehran, Karaj – Iran

Abstract: Environmental problems such as air and water pollution, urban garbage and climate changes
in urban areas are the results of human behavior. Only change in human behavior can reduce these
environmental problems. Thus studying attitude and behavior of people is a precondition to change this
situation. So the main objective of this study was to find out individual and social factors affecting
environmental behavior of urban citizens. To achieve this objective a conceptual framework derived
out from review of literature to examine relationships among personal factors, attitude towards
environment and environmental behavior. To examine this conceptual model, 1200 individuals of
Tehran residents were randomly chosen and interviewed about their environmental behaviors,
opinions, knowledge and sources of information on environment. The data were analyzed using
correlation analysis, student’s t test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and path analysis by SPSS
software. It is emerged from the present study that education and improving problem-based knowledge
of Tehran residents can change their environmental attitude and increase their feeling of stress towards
environment. These changes in turn improve their preparedness to act friendly with the environment,
particularly with the help of environmental legislation. Results of the study showed that environmental
behavior of people in urban areas directly and indirectly are under the influence of variables like age,
gender, income, education, problem-based knowledge, environmental legislation, environmental
attitude, feeling of stress and preparedness to act of the residents. All these together can influence and
change people’s behavior to preserve urban environment.

Key words: Attitude towards environment, environmental behavior, urban environment,

environmental problems

INTRODUCTION in Iran. Thus this study was the first attempt in this
Environmental problems and the accelerating The main objective of this study was to investigate
changes in living conditions have become a factors affecting attitudes and behavior of Tehran’s
fundamental part of the world in general and residents towards environment. On the basis of this
metropolises in particular. Earlier, environmental main goal, the following specific objectives were
problems have been considered as technical and investigated:
economic problems; while in the recent decades the 1. To find out some individual and social factors
social dimensions of environmental problems such as affecting environmental behavior.
public attention and people’s attitudes towards 2. To identify relationships among personal factors,
environment have became one of the areas of environmental attitudes and environmental
environmental sociology and environmental behavior.
psychology. In this respect, public environmental
attitudes and ecological behavior and their Conceptual framework: Environmental attitudes are
environmental consequences have been investigated in recognized as an indicator and component of
developing and developed countries during the last few environmental behavior. There are many theoretical and
decades. These issues are also increasingly taking more empirical approaches to investigate attitude towards
attention of policy into account in Iran in the recent environment in the respected literatures. Most of the
decades. Particularly, increasing population density in studies related to this issue have been conducted since
Tehran is putting pressure on the city's environment. 1970 onwards when conceptualization of environmental
Specifically, air pollution constitutes to the most serious attitudes as a scientific research concept gained closer
environmental problems and threatening public health. attention by researchers[1]. Dimensionality was one of
Therefore, investigating environmental behavior of the most critical factors of environmental attitude
Tehran residents is a major concern of this paper. There studies. Initial researches looked at environmental
is hardly any empirical study of environmental behavior attitudes as a uni-dimensional concept. Later, many
studies explored the multi-dimensionality of
Corresponding Author: Khalil Kalantari, Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Iran
Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

environmental attitudes. Albrecht et al.[2] used factor variables, women, people with higher levels of
analysis and found three dimensions; “balance of education, younger individuals and those with a liberal
nature” “limits to growth” and “man over nature”. political orientation support the principles of
Cluck et al.[3] took United States nation-wide data and sustainable resource management[11]. A separate
conceptualized environmental attitudes as a three literature links indicators of environmentalism to socio-
dimensional concept, including “environmental psychological factors including attitudes, believes,
worldview”, “environmental concern” and values and worldviews, identifying a wide range of
“environmental commitment”. Environmental correlates[1]. Education, political ideology and place of
worldview represents basic and general form of residence also are consistently related to environmental
environmentalism of the respondents. This form of concern[9]. Links to other social structural variables,
environmentalism indicates respondents’ general such as social class and occupation are weak, seldom
perceptions about the environment, relationships statistically significant and show no consistent pattern
between the environment, economic growth and across studies.
industrialization and effects of sciences and technology Several studies have shown that a cognitive
on the environment. Environmental concern represents hierarchical framework consisting of basic values,
values of respondents about the relationship between general believes, specific attitudes and behavior provide
the environment and society and relationship between a suitable basis for understanding environmentalism.
individual and the environment and perceptions of General believes in turn, influence specific attitudes and
respondents about specific environmental problems. actions or behaviors[10,12]. Although the effect of
Environmental commitment represents values of knowledge is not conclusive, there have been several
respondents about commitment issues for better studies suggesting that knowledge plays an important
environmental quality. The environmental commitment role in enhancing the environmental attitude and
issues might have willingness to pay higher taxes or behavior relationship by providing individuals with the
costs for better environmental protection and be willing ability to better formulate alternative views and present
to reduce living standards to achieve a higher arguments to support their believes and behaviors[11].
environmental quality. On the basis of available empirical studies and
Thus literatures available on the issue indicate that several major theories and models on environmental
most approaches identify environmental attitude and attitude and behavior, coherent model in respect to
behavior as multi-dimensional phenomena[4]. These environmental attitudes and behavior in urban areas
studies reveal some factors that are consistently related was developed. The attitudinal model, presented in
to environmental behavior over time and across studies. Fig. 1, is developed as a causal representation based on
According to Buttel and Taylor[[5]] the strongest and the multi-component paradigm for attitudes. This leads
most consistent predictor of environmental behavior is to a view of environmental behavior in terms of a
age. The relationship between gender and framework of cause and effect that is dependent of the
environmental concern also has been more carefully attitudinal components and on selected variables
theorized than other structural variations in derived from the social status and background of the
environmental concern[6]. Women are generally more individuals. The model forms the basis of this study and
concerned than men and the literature explores several the environmental behavior. The components of
possible mediating factors. One is gender differences in environmental behavior include “environmental
the experience and effects of parenthood. For men, attitudes”, behavioral tendencies to act or “preparedness
parenthood leads to less environmental concern while, to act”, the cognitive components including attitudinal
for women to greater concern[7]. Some other scholars elements derived from “problem-based knowledge” and
such as Tarrant and Cordel[8], Stern et al.[7] and the emotional component of “feeling of stress”. The
Arcury[9] also discussed gender effects of “environmental legislation” is also an important factor,
environmental attitudes. Their findings have been which can affect environmental behavior.
contradictory to each other. Arcury[9] found that female Conceptualization and investigation of environmental
respondents were less environmentally concerned than behavior on the basis of various individual and
male respondents and Tarrant and Cordel[8] and Stern et psychological factors also provides an important
al.[7] reported that female had higher levels of contribution to our understanding of environmental
environmentalism than male. Overall findings have attitudes and behavior in metropolis of Tehran. The
indicated no clear gender difference on environmental literature indicated that age, education, gender,
attitudes. Because different researchers used different occupation, place of residence and income is the most
samples each research arrived to different result. Some explanatory variables related to environmental
studies also suggest a weak positive relationship with attitudes[13-17]. All reviewed literature indicated that
some measures of religious participation[10]. Antecedent education is a key variable on environmental attitudes.
factors such as social structural variables have been An understanding of modern environmental issues
associated with value orientation, attitudes and requires high level of environmental knowledge and
environmental behaviors. Out of social structural
Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007



Environmental 0.02




0.16** Environmental Environmental

Education 0.19** 0.11**
0.09* Attitudes Behavior
To act

0.12** -0.03
0.25** 0.08*

Feeling of stress

Problem – based

Fig. 1: The path coefficients are linear and standardized. The significance is: * 0.05 ≥ p > 0.01 and **0.01 ≥ p >
0.001. Data source: Responses from 1200 Tehran residents

likelihood of high environmental knowledge is Table 1: Reliability analysis (Alpha)

correlated to high level of education[9]. To examine Scale Name No. of items Alpha
relationship between individual characteristics, in the scale Value
environmental attitude components and environmental Environmental attitude 10 0.6335
behavior, a conceptual framework (Fig. 1) was derived Preparedness to act 6 0.6931
Environmental legislation 4 0.6720
from reviewed literature and the questionnaire was Feeling of stress 7 0.8067
developed on the basis of this model. Environmental behavior 11 0.6097

Hypothesis: The main hypotheses derived from the residence Viz; North, South and central part of Tehran.
conceptual framework are: Then, based on gender (Male & Female) proportionate
1. Age, income, occupation, education level and samples were drawn from each strata unit. In total,
environmental knowledge have a significant impact 1200 questionnaires including 400 from the north, 400
on the environmental attitude and behavior. from the center and 400 from the south of Tehran were
completed. In total 1403 persons were stopped for the
2. There is a significant difference between behavior interview but only 1200 persons were interviewed.
of male and female with respect to environmental Thus the non-response rate was 17%.
attitude. This is true in the case of education, A questionnaire was used for data collection and
occupation, income level and place of residence. the survey worked out through face-to-face interview at
3. The people’s attitudes towards environment, their local parks. To examine the reliability of the
feeling of stress, their preparedness to act and questionnaire a pilot study was conducted on 40
residents in Tehran and Coronbach’s Alpha for the
environmental legislation have a significant impact items of Likert type scales were calculated. The results
on environmental behavior of urban residents. show that an appropriate internal consistency was
among the items of each scale (Table 1).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Apart from descriptive methods, several inferential
The present study was based on a field survey. The techniques such as coefficient of correlation, student’s t
research population of the study was all the Tehran’s test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan test and
residents aging over 16 years old. To derive a path analysis were used to analyze the data. The
calculations were carried out using the "Statistical
representative sample, the research population was Package for the Social Sciences" (SPSS11).
divided into three strata units according to the place of

Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

Table 2: Respondents by education level

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Education Frequency Percent
Illiterate 11 0.9
Profile of the respondents: In the present study 1200 Functional 24 2.0
people were interviewed in Tehran, out of whom Primary school 52 4.4
33.39% lived in the north, 33.47% in the center and Secondary school 138 11.6
33.14% in the southern part of Tehran. Out of them, High school 136 11.4
Diploma 517 43.4
48.8% were female and 51.2% were male. In terms of Bachelor 275 23.1
age structure, about 19.1% of them were under 20, MSc & Ph.D 37 3.1
43.5% were in their 20s, 20.4% in their 30s, 9.7% in Religious education 2 0.2
their 40s, 5% in their 50s, 1.9% in their 60s and 0.3% in Total 1192 100
their 70s. Table 2 represents the profile of the
respondents based on their level of education. About Table 3: Respondents by occupation
23% of them had received secondary and high school Occupation Frequency Percent
certificate, 43.4% of them had diploma and 26.2% had House wives 252 21.1
received higher education certificates, including Jobless 113 9.5
bachelor, MSc and Ph.D, while only 0.9% of them were Industrial worker 46 3.8
illiterate. Student 248 20.8
Table 3 shows the status of respondent’s Public employee 188 15.7
Private employee 219 18.3
occupation. As we will note later, occupation is one of Specialist 55 4.6
the factors that influence respondent's environmental Top manager 8 0.7
behavior and affects their environmental attitudes as Other 66 5.5
well as their preparedness to act in the environment. Total 1195 100
According to this Table more than one-fifth of the
respondents were house wives and 20.8% were student. Table 4: Respondents by income
About 18.3% of them were private employee and Monthly Income level (Rls.) Frequency Percent
15.7% engaged in public sector. Only 9.5% of the Without income 516 43.7
respondents were jobless. Less than or equal to 1000,000 178 15.1
Income is also a crucial factor in explaining 1000,001 - 2000,000 270 22.9
environmental behavior. The income level of the 2000,001 - 3000,000 143 12.1
respondents is shown in Table 4. As it is depicted from 3000,001 - 4000,000 46 3.9
4000,001 and more 27 2.3
the Table, 43.7% of the respondents do not earn any Total 1180 100
income because they are jobless, house wives or
student. About 15.1% of them had income level of less Table 5: Independent student’s t- test for examining difference
than 1000,000 Rls. Where as, only 2.3% had more than between men and women attitudes towards environment
4000,001 Rls. of monthly income. Items t- value Sig. level
Environmental attitudes 0.559 0.576
Modeling of the data: To measure the sophisticated Preparedness to act 1.762 0.078
concepts, five Likert-type scales for evaluating Feeling of stress 1.304 0.193
environmental attitude, opinions about environmental Environmental legislation 3.064 0.002**
legislation, preparedness to act, feeling of stress and Environmental behavior 4.584 0.000**
environmental behavior containing 10, 4, 6, 7 and 10 ** Significant at 0.01 level
items respectively, were used to measure these
concepts. Thus by transforming the categorical passed by the government to protect the environment.
responses into interval data, it was possible to use For the other aspects, like environmental attitudes,
several parametric tests to examine hypotheses and preparedness to act and feeling of stress, there were no
significant differences between men and women.
elaborate the conceptual model. Another importance hypothesis was that to
One of the hypotheses of the present study was to examine significant difference between the attitudes of
examine significant difference between men and the residents of north, center and south of Tehran
women attitudes towards environment. To test this towards environment. Same hypotheses were examined
hypothesis, student’s t test was used. The results of this in the cases of education, occupation and income level.
test are presented in Table 5. ANOVA along with Duncan test were used to examine
Table 5 shows that, there is a significant difference these hypotheses (Table 6).
between men and women attitudes regarding Table 7 depicts that there is significant difference
between people residing in the north, center and south
environmental legislation and their behavior towards of Tehran in terms of preparedness to act,
environment. Most of the women believe that current environmental legislation and feeling of stress.
environment legislation is sufficient for the protection Environmental behavior is also significantly different
of environment; whereas most of the male respondents between people with different occupation and income.
emphasizes that more environmental laws have to be Duncan's test shows that preparedness to act (with
Duncan value of 24.41 and feeling of stress with
Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

Table 6: Analysis of variance for place of residence, education, occupation and income
Items Place of residence Education Occupation Income
--------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------
F –Value Sig. F –Value Sig. F –Value Sig. F –Value Sig.
Environmental attitude 1.46 0.233 1.89 0.05* 3.51 0.001** 1.86 0.05*
Preparedness to act 7.04 0.001** 1.09 0.36 1.43 0.18 0.42 0.84
Environmental legislation 5.47 0.004** 1.35 0.21 2.89 0.003** 0.22 0.95
Feeling of stress 16.42 0.000** 2.32 0.01** 2.05 0.04* 0.96 0.44
Environmental behavior 0.64 0.527 1.71 0.08 3.62 0.00** 8.59 0.00**
** Significant at 0.01 level. * Significant at 0.05 level.

Table 7: Correlation among different variables Table 9: Direct and indirect impacts of the independent variables
Variables Correlation Environmental Environmental on environmental attitudes
type Attitude behavior Variables Direct Indirect Total
Environmental legislation Pearson 0.353** 0.081** Impact impact impact
Feeling of stress Pearson 0.120** 0.014 Education 0.09 0.013 0.103
Preparedness to act Pearson 0.291** 0.123** Feeling of stress 0.12 - 0.12
Age Pearson 0.043 0.003 Problem-based knowledge - 0.013 0.013
Education Spearman 0.079** 0.026
income Spearman - 0.033 0.179** Table 10: Direct and indirect impacts of the independent variables
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level on preparedness to act towards environmental
Table 8: Direct and indirect impacts of the independent variables Variables Direct Indirect Total
on Environmental behavior Impact impact impact
Variables Direct Indirect Total Education 0.06 0.062 0.122
impact Impacts Environmental legislation 0.20 - 0.200
impacts Environmental attitudes 0.19 - 0.19
Education - 0.055 0.055 Feeling of stress 0.25 0.023 0.273
Age 0.07 0.006 0.076 Problem-based knowledge 0.08 0.031 0.111
Income 0.20 - 0.200
Environmental legislation - 0.022 0.022 Table 11: Direct and indirect impacts of the independent variables
Environmental attitudes 0.09 0.021 0.111 on feeling of stress environmental problems
Feeling of stress - 0.044 0.044 Variables Direct Indirect Total
Problem-based knowledge - 0.011 0.011 Impact impact impact
Preparedness to act 0.11 - 0.110
Education 0.09 0.02 0.110
Age 0.10 0.015 0.115
Duncan value of 30.07) in the north of Tehran is much Problem-based knowledge 0.11 - 0.11
higher than the center (with Duncan value of 23.64 in
respect of preparedness to act and 23.34 regarding regressions. The path coefficients show that the direct
feeling of stress) and south (with Duncan value of 23.64 effects of some variables on the others were not
and 23.48) respectively. But there is no difference significant at the 0.05 level. Thus, in the final model
between people residing in the center and south of these paths were discarded. Figure 2 shows the most
Tehran in respect of preparedness to act and feeling of acceptable model derived from the data obtained i.e. the
stress. most efficient representation of the cause/effect
To analyze the relationship between the variables, structure. All the significant path coefficients at 0.05
correlation analysis was applied. Table 7 clearly levels were indicated in the model. This model was
demonstrates that there was a significant correlation finalized in a two-stage process. In the first stage the
between environmental attitude with environmental model was appropriately adjusted, in the second stage
legislation, feeling of stress, preparedness to act and all statistically non-significant and non-relevant paths
education, while environmental behavior had were eliminated. The direct effect of one variable on
significant correlation with environmental legislation, another can be seen from the weighting given by the
preparedness to act and income. path coefficient; its value lies in the range between -1 to
Path analysis: A model for environmental attitudes and +1 and indicates the relative change in the dependent
behavior, (Fig. 1), was used as a cause/effect chain to variable for any change in the independent variable.
work out path analysis. As the qualitative variables of Any additional, indirect influences were determined by
this model were measured through various items in the multiplying the path coefficients of indirect paths. The
form of Likert type scale; thus by adding up these direct and indirect effects of each independent variable
items, a quantitative set of data for each of the variables on the dependent variable of environmental behavior
was obtained and the path analysis was calculated. The were calculated as indicated in Table 8.
cause/effect coefficients of the variables derived from An important hypothesis in the discourse on
the various steps of the regression calculation. Figure 1 environmental attitude and behavior was that concern
depicts all the path coefficients obtained from multiple about the environment increase with the level of formal
education. This hypothesis was not confirmed by the

Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

0 .0 7 *
0 .2 0 * *
E n v iro n m e n ta l
L e g i s la t i o n
0 .2 0 * *
In co m e
0 .0 9 *

0 .1 6 * *
E n v iro n m e n ta l P repa redn ess 0 .1 1 * * E n v iro n m e n ta l
E d u c a t io n 0 .0 9 * 0 .1 9 * *
A ttitu d e s To act B e h a v io r

0 .0 6 *
0 .1 2 * *
0 .2 5 * * 0 .0 8 *
0 .1 0 * *
F e e li n g o f
0 .0 9 * s tr e s s
0 .1 1 * *
0 .1 4 * *
P r o b le m – b a s e d
K n o w le d g e
0 .1 8 * *

Fig. 2: Path diagram of the final model. The path coefficients are linear and standardized. The significance is: *
0.05 ≥ p > 0.01 and **0.01 ≥ p > 0.001. The non-significant paths were discarded. Data source: Responses
from 1200 Tehran residents

study in respect of the environmental behavior, though it would affect the environmental behavior,
it influenced environmental behavior indirectly through significantly. However, problem-based knowledge did
the "environmental attitude”, "feeling of stress”, not influence environmental attitudes and
"problem-based knowledge" and preparedness to act environmental behavior, significantly, but it affects
(Fig. 1). Furthermore, "problem-based knowledge" also both the variables through feeling of stress and
did not have a direct influence on environmental preparedness to act. It was itself influenced by age and
behavior, but it also acts through "feeling of stress" and level of education. "Environmental attitude" as a main
"preparedness to act". variable influenced two important components of
Initial assumptions were also made regarding "preparedness to act" and "environmental behavior".
certain other significant exogenous variables, namely Whereas, this factor itself was affected by the variables
age, gender and income. It was assumed that age and of "education" and "feeling of stress" with path
gender would affect all attitudinal components (feeling coefficient of 0.09 and 0.12, respectively. This sense of
of stress, problem-based knowledge and preparedness environmental stress leads directly to greater interest in
to act) as well as environmental behavior. Indeed, it preparedness to act for friendly environmental
was explicitly postulated in respect of age that the elder behavior.
respondents would exhibit a more environmentally In the model, environmental behavior was the
conscious attitude than their youngest. This was variable at the end of the cause/effect chain, the one to
confirmed for environmental behavior at 0.05% level be explained. Within the framework of the original
and for problem-based knowledge and feeling of stress model (Fig. 1), a causal connection was postulated
at 0.01% probability level. Furthermore, significant between the components of attitude and behavior.
difference was confirmed on the basis of gender in Furthermore, each endogenous variable of the concept
respect of environmental attitude, feeling of stress, was also supposed to have an effect on environmental
preparedness to act and environmental behavior. In behavior.
respect of income, it was assumed that, it would The empirical results deriving from the data show
influence environmental attitude, preparedness to act that there are certain strong influences of the attitudinal
and environmental behavior. However the first two components on behavior, those represented by the two
variables did not appear to be influenced by income, but high - value path coefficients emanating from,
Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

Education Changing Environmental

Environmental Legislation

Improving preparedness to Changing

Increasing Act Friendly with the Environmental
Feeling of Stress Environment Behavior
Improving Problem -
Based Knowledge

Fig. 3: Conclusion framework

"preparedness to act" and "environmental attitude". in terms of environmental attitudes, preparedness to act
There was, however, no direct influence on and feeling of stress. But the opinions of women and
environmental behavior of three components of the men were different in respect of environmental
initial model, namely "feeling of stress", legislation. However women emphasized that current
"environmental legislation" and "problem-based environmental legislations are sufficient for
knowledge". However, age and income were the only environmental protection; and if the laws were
exogenous variables, which directly affected the completely enforced, environmental problems could be
environmental behavior. Direct and indirect impacts of solved. But most of the men believed that these
independent variables on environmental behavior are legislations were not adequate and government should
presented in Table 8. It shows that income has the pass more laws to make ordinary people and business to
highest direct impact on the environmental behavior protect the environment. The study also showed that
(0.20). Environmental attitude and preparedness to act there was significant difference between men and
with total impact value of 0.111 and 0.110 stand in the women in respect of environmental behavior. Women
second and the third positions, respectively. were generally more concerned than men. This
Table 9 clearly indicates that environmental conclusion is also confirmed by Caiazza and Barrett[6].
attitude is highly influenced by two important variables Feeling of stress among people in the north of
of feeling of stress (0.12) and education (0.103). While Tehran is higher than the center and south. Due to this
problem-based knowledge (0.013) is next to these feeling; preparedness to act for environmental
factors. Table 10 on the other hand, shows that conservation among people of the north of Tehran is
preparedness to act is under the influence of five factors also high. This conclusion is also true in the case of
of feeling of stress (0.273), environmental legislation specialists and top managers as compared with the
(0.20), environmental attitude (0.19), education (0.122) employees.
and problem-based knowledge (0.111). Deriving from the data set, the model presented in
It is also depicted from Table 11 that age (0.115), Fig. 2 demonstrates the direct and indirect cause/effect
education (0.110) and problem-based knowledge (0.11) relationships among environmental attitude and
influence feeling of stress in the society. It seems that behavior with some basic variables such as income,
by improving problem-based knowledge of people and age, education, problem-based knowledge, feeling of
providing education, feeling of stress towards stress and preparedness to act. The strongest direct
environment goes up which in turn it strongly affects paths to environmental behavior stem from income
preparedness of people to tack care of environment and (0.20), preparedness to act (0.11) and environmental
change the environmental behavior. attitude (0.09). Feeling of stress (0.25), environmental
legislation (0.20) and environmental attitude (0.19) also
CONCLUSION influence environmental behavior through preparedness
to act. An effect of age was confirmed by the path
The findings of the present study showed that there coefficient of 0.07. These relationships were proved by
was no significant difference between men and women a number of studies worked out by; Hines et al.[18],
Am. J. Environ. Sci., 3 (2): 67-74, 2007

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