Astm E2033
Astm E2033
Astm E2033
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2033
by a detailed procedure (see Section 6 and Annex A1 and quirements, if any, for preserving a historical record of the
Annex A2). examination results. The listing may include examination
images along with written or electronically recorded alphanu-
5. Equipment meric or audio narrative information, or both, sufficient to
5.1 System Configuration—Different examination systems allow subsequent reevaluation or repetition of the examination.
configurations are possible, and it is important to understand 6.1.8 Qualifications—Nondestructive testing (NDT) per-
the advantages and limitations of each. It is important that the sonnel shall be qualified in accordance with a nationally
optimum system be selected for each examination requirement recognized NDT personnel qualification practice or a standard
through a careful analysis of the benefits and limitations of the such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, NAS-410, or a
available system components and the chosen system configu- similar document.
ration. The provider as well as the user of the examination
services should be fully aware of the capabilities and limita- 7. CR Examination System Performance Considerations
tions of the examination system that is proposed for examina- and Measurement
tion of the part. The provider and the user of examination 7.1 Factors Affecting System Performance—Total examina-
services shall agree upon the system configuration to be used tion system performance is determined by the combined
for each application under consideration and how its perfor- performance of the system components that includes the
mance is to be evaluated. radiation source, storage phosphor plate detector, plate reader,
5.1.1 The minimum system configuration will include an electronic image processing system, image display, and exami-
appropriate source of penetrating radiation, a phosphor plate nation record archiving system.
detector, a plate reader, and an electronic imaging system with 7.1.1 Radiation Sources—Examination systems may utilize
a CRT display. either radioisotope or X-ray sources. The energy spectrum of
5.1.2 A more complex system might include a microfocus the X-radiation contains a blend of contrast enhancing longer
X-ray system, a digital image processing evaluation system, wavelengths as well as the more penetrating, shorter wave-
and an image recording and printing system. lengths. X-radiation is adjustable in energy and intensity to
meet the CR examination requirements and has the added
6. General Procedure Considerations safety feature of discontinued radiation production when
6.1 The purchaser and supplier shall mutually agree upon a switched off. A radioisotope source has the advantages of small
written procedure using the applicable annex of supplemental physical size, portability, simplicity, and uniformity of output.
requirements and also consider the following general require- X-ray machines produce a more intense X-ray beam
ments. emanating from a smaller focal spot than do radioisotope
6.1.1 Equipment Qualifications—A listing of the system sources. X-ray focal spot sizes range from a few millimeters
features that must be qualified to ensure that the system is down to a few micrometers. Reducing the source size reduces
capable of performing the desired examination. geometric unsharpness, thereby enhancing detail sensitivity.
6.1.2 Source Parameter—A listing of all the radiation X-ray sources may offer multiple or variable focal spot sizes.
source-related variables that can affect the examination results Smaller focal spots produce higher resolution with reduced
for the selected system configuration such as: source energy, X-ray beam intensity, while larger focal spots can provide
intensity, focal spot size, range of source to object distances, higher X-ray intensity with lower resolution. Microfocus X-ray
range of object to image plane distances, and source to image tubes are available with focal spots that may be adjusted to as
plane distances. small as a few micrometers in diameter while still producing an
6.1.3 Image Processing Parameters—A listing of the image X-ray beam of sufficient intensity so as to be useful for the CR
processing variables, if any, necessary to enhance fine detail examination of finely detailed parts.
detectability in the part and to achieve the required image Conventional focal spots of 1.0 mm and larger are
quality. These would include, but are not limited to, techniques useful at low geometric magnification values close to 1x.
such as noise reduction, contrast enhancement, and spatial Fractional focal spots ranging from 0.4 mm up to 1.0 mm are
filtering. Great care should be exercised in the selection of useful at geometric magnifications up to approximately 2x.
directional image processing parameters such as spatial filter- Minifocus spots in the range from 0.1 mm up to 0.4 mm are
ing, which may emphasize features in certain orientations and useful at geometric magnifications up to about 6x. Greater
suppress them in others. The listing should indicate the means magnifications suggest the use of a microfocus spot size of less
for qualifying image processing parameters. than 0.1 mm to minimize the effects of geometric unsharpness.
6.1.4 Image Display Parameters—A listing of the tech- Microfocus X-ray tubes are capable of focal spot sizes of less
niques and the intervals at which they are to be applied for than 10 µm (10–8 m) and are useful for geometric magnifica-
standardizing the video image display as to brightness, con- tions of more than 100x.
trast, focus, and linearity. 7.1.2 SPIP—The storage phosphor imaging plate is a key
6.1.5 Accept-Reject Criteria—A listing of the expected element. It has the function of converting the radiation input
kinds of part imperfections and the rejection level for each. signal containing part information into a corresponding optical
6.1.6 Performance Evaluation—A listing of the qualifica- signal while preserving the maximum amount of part informa-
tion tests and the intervals at which they are to be applied to tion. The SPIP is a two-dimensional area detector providing an
ensure the system is suitable for its intended purpose. area field of view.
6.1.7 Image Archiving Requirements—A listing of the re- 7.1.3 SPIP Reader—The SPIP reader has the function of
E 2033
optically scanning the imaging plate, collecting the emitted System performance monitoring by recording the
light, converting the light to an electronic signal, then convert- results of the prescribed examination system performance
ing this signal to a digital format. monitoring tests, as set forth in Section 5, at the beginning and
7.1.4 Electronic Imaging Processing System: end of a series of examinations. The function of the electronic imaging processing 7.2 Performance Measurement—System performance pa-
system is to take the output of the SPIP reader and present a rameters must be determined initially and monitored regularly
digital file for image display and operator interpretation. to ensure consistent results. The best measure of total CR The electronic imaging processing system includes examination system performance can be made with the system
all of the electronics and interfaces after the SPIP reader, in operation, utilizing a representative quality indicator (RQI)
including image enhancement and image display. similar to the part under actual operating conditions. This The digital image processing system warrants spe- indicates the use of an actual or simulated part containing
cial attention because it is the means by which examination actual or simulated features that must be reliably detected.
information will be interpreted. Great care must be exercised in Such an RQI will provide a reliable indication of the system’s
determining which image processing techniques are most capabilities. Conventional wire or plaque-type Image Quality
beneficial for the particular application. Directional spatial Indicators (IQIs) may be used in place of, or in addition to, the
filtering operations, for example, must be given special atten- RQI. Performance measurement methods are a matter of
tion as certain feature orientations are emphasized while others agreement between the provider and user.
are suppressed. 7.2.1 Performance Measurement Intervals—System perfor-
7.1.5 Image Display: mance measurement techniques should be standardized so that The function of the image display is to convey performance measurement tests may be readily duplicated at
information about the part to the system operator. The image specified intervals. System performance should be evaluated at
display size, spatial resolution, magnification, and ambient sufficiently frequent intervals, as agreed upon by the supplier
lighting are important system considerations. and user, to minimize the possibility of time-dependent perfor-
7.1.6 Examination Record Archiving System—Many appli- mance variations.
cations require an archival quality examination record of the 7.2.2 Measurement with IQIs—System performance mea-
examination. The archiving system may take many forms, a surement using IQIs shall be in accordance with accepted
few of which are listed in through Each industry standards describing the use of IQIs. The IQIs should
archiving system has its own peculiarities as to image quality, be placed on the part as close as possible to the area of interest.
archival storage properties, equipment, and media cost. The The use of wire-type IQIs should also take into account that the
examination record archiving system should be chosen on the system may exhibit asymmetrical sensitivity, in which case the
basis of these and other pertinent parameters, as agreed upon wire diameter axis shall be oriented along the system’s axis of
by the provider and user of services. The reproduction quality least sensitivity. Selection of IQI thickness should be consistent
of the archival method should be sufficient to demonstrate the with the thickness of the part along the radiation path length.
same image quality as was used to qualify the examination IQIs are described in Practices E 747 and E 1025.
system. 7.2.3 Measurement with RQIs—The RQI may be an actual Film or paper radiographs of the part made under the part with known features that are representative of the range of
same conditions as the examination image. features to be detected or may be fabricated to simulate the part Photograph of the actual image display. with a suitable range of representative features. Alternatively, CRT hard copy device used to create a paper copy the RQI may contain known imperfections that have been
image from the CRT signal. verified independently. RQIs containing known, natural defects Digital recording on magnetic disk or tape used to are useful on a single-task basis. Where standardization among
store the image of the part digitally. two or more CR systems is required, a duplicate RQI should be Digital recording on optical disk used to store the used. The RQIs should approximate the part as closely as is
image of the part digitally. practical, being made of the same material with similar
7.1.7 Examination Record Data—The examination record dimensions and features in the area of interest. Manufactured
should contain sufficient information to allow the examination RQIs should include features at least as small as those that
to be reevaluated or duplicated. Examination record data must be reliably detected in the actual parts in locations where
should be recorded contemporaneously with the CR examina- they are expected to occur in the actual part. Where features are
tion image. Examination record data should be in accordance internal to the part, it is permissible to produce the RQI in
with Guide E 1475 and may be in writing or a voice narrative, sections. RQI details are a matter of agreement between the
providing the following minimum data: user and supplier. RQIs are described in Practice E 1817. Examination system designation, examination date, Use of an RQI—The RQI should be placed into the
operator identification, operating turn or shift, and other system in the same position as the actual part.
pertinent and customer data; Examination Techniques—Radiation beam energy, Specific examination data as to part number, batch, intensity, focal spot size, enlargement, digital image processing
serial number, and so forth (as applicable); parameters, and other system variables utilized for examination Part orientation and examination site information by of the RQI shall be identical to those used for the actual
reference to unique part features within the field of view; and examination.
E 2033
7.2.4 Use of Calibrated Line Pair Test Pattern and Step 7.2.5 Importance of Proper Environmental Conditions—
Wedge: Environmental conditions conducive to human comfort and A calibrated line pair test pattern and step wedge concentration will promote examination efficiency and reliabil-
may be used, if so desired, to determine and track performance ity. A proper examination environment will take into account
in terms of spatial resolution and contrast sensitivity. The line temperature, humidity, dust, lighting, access, and noise level
pair test pattern is used without an additional absorber to factors. Proper reduced lighting intensity is extremely impor-
evaluate system spatial resolution. The step wedge is used to tant to provide for high-contrast glare-free viewing of images.
evaluate system contrast sensitivity.
8. Examination Interpretation and Acceptance Criteria The step wedge must be made of the same material
as the part with steps representing 100, 99, 98, and 97 % of 8.1 Interpretation—Interpretation is performed by an opera-
both the thickest and the thinnest material sections to be tor in a typical CR environment.
examined. The thinner steps shall be contiguous to their 8.2 Personnel Qualification—The supplier and user should
respective 100 % section thicknesses to facilitate discerning reach an agreement as to operator qualifications, including duty
the minimum visible thickness step. Other thickness steps are and rest periods.
permissible upon agreement between the user and the supplier. 8.3 Accept/Reject Criteria—Accept/reject criteria is a mat- The line pair test pattern and the step wedge tests ter of contractual agreement between the user and the supplier.
shall be conducted in a manner similar to the performance 9. Records, Reports, and Identification of Accepted
measurements for the IQI or RQI set forth in 7.2.2 and 7.2.3. Material
It is permissible to adjust the X-ray energy and intensity to
9.1 Records and reports are a matter of agreement between
obtain a usable line pair test pattern image brightness. In the
the user and the supplier. If an examination record archiving
case of a radioisotope or X-ray generating system where the
requirement exists, refer to 7.1.7, which outlines the necessary
energy or intensity may not be adjusted, additional filtration
information that should be a part of an archival examination
may be added at the radiation source to reduce the contrast to
a useful level. Contrast sensitivity shall be evaluated at the
9.2 Example records and reports in digital format can be
same energy and intensity levels as are used for the CR
found in Guide E 1475.
technique. A system that exhibits a spatial resolution of 3 line 10. Safety Conditions
pairs/mm, a thin-section contrast sensitivity of 3 %, and a 10.1 Examination procedures shall be carried out under
thick-section contrast sensitivity of 2 % is considered to have protective conditions so that personnel will not receive radia-
an equivalent performance level of 3 - 2 % - 3 lp/mm. tion dose levels exceeding that permitted by company, city, The line pair test pattern and the step wedge may be state, or national regulations. The recommendations of the
used to make more frequent periodic system performance National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement
checks than required in accordance with 7.2.1. Resolution and (NCRP) Standard should be the guide to radiation safety.
contrast sensitivity checks must be correlated with IQI or RQI
performance measurements. This may be done by first evalu- 11. Keywords
ating system measurement in accordance with 7.2.2 or 7.2.3 11.1 analog; computed radiology; detector; digital; display;
and immediately thereafter determining the equivalent spatial examination; image; processor; source; storage phosphor im-
resolution and contrast sensitivity values. aging plate
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Scope the requirements in this annex conflict with any other require-
A1.1.1 Purpose—This annex is to be used in conjunction ments of Practice E 2033, then this annex takes precedence.
with Practice E 2033. It permits the use of, and gives guidance The requirements of this annex are intended to control the
on, the implementation of CR examination for materials, quality of the examination and not to specify the accept/reject
components, and assemblies, when specified in the contract criteria. Accept/reject criteria are provided in other contract
documents. The requirements described herein allow the use of documents.
CR for new applications as well as to replace radiology when
inspection coverage, greater throughput, or improved inspec- A1.2 Referenced Documents
tion economics can be obtained, provided a satisfactory level A1.2.1 In addition to those documents referenced in Prac-
of image quality can be demonstrated. tice E 2033, the following standards are applicable to the extent
A1.1.2 Application—This annex provides guidelines for a specified herein.
written procedure as required in 6.1 of Practice E 2033. Should A1.2.1.1 ASTM Standards:
E 2033
E 1742 Practice for Radiographic Examination3 ence in CR examination.
A1.2.1.2 Government Standards—Unless otherwise stated, A1.4.2 Safety—The performance of the examination shall
the issues of these documents are those listed in the Defense present no hazards to the safety of personnel or property.
Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS), and supple- Applicable federal, state, and local radiation safety codes shall
ment thereto, cited in the contract document. be adhered to. All procedures shall be performed so that
A1.2.2 Order of Precedence—In the event of conflict be- personnel shall receive the minimum dosage and shall in no
tween the text of this annex and the references listed in A1.2.1, case exceed federal, state, and local limits.
this annex shall take precedence. However, nothing in this A1.4.3 Archival Recording of Mandatory Examination—
annex shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a When required by contractual agreement, the CR examination
specific exemption has been obtained from the cognizant record shall contain the results of mandatory examinations.
authorities. The examination record shall be suitably archived for a period
of time not less than five years from the examination date or as
A1.3. Terminology
may otherwise be required in the contract documents. Efficient
A1.3.1 representative quality indicator (RQI)—an actual or examination record recall shall be available at any time over
simulated part containing actual or simulated features that must the record retention period. The examination record shall be
be reliably detected. traceable to the part (by serial number or other means) or to the
A1.3.2 component—the part or parts described, assembled, batch or lot number, if tested in groups. Mandatory examina-
or processed to the extent specified by the drawing. tions shall be specified in the contract documents.
A1.3.3 contracting agency—a prime contractor, subcontrac- A1.4.3.1 Examination Record—The recorded examination
tor, or government agency that procures CR examination record for mandatory examinations shall include the written
services. results of the examination and the CR image, if an image is
A1.3.4 contract documents—the procuring contract and all utilized in the accept/reject decision-making process. The
drawings, specifications, standards, and other information in- recorded image shall be provided with such additional infor-
cluded with or referred to by the procuring contract. mation as may be required to allow the subsequent off-line
A1.3.5 mandatory examination requirements—those CR review of the examination results and, if necessary, the
examinations that are a part of the required radiologic exami- repeating of the examination.
nations specified in the contract documents.
A1.4.3.2 Image Recording Media—The CR image shall be
A1.3.6 NDT facility—the organization that is responsible
recorded on a medium that is appropriate to the examination
for the providing of nondestructive examination services.
requirement. The recorded image shall reference the examina-
A1.3.7 optional examination—those examinations that are
tion zones in such a way that the reviewer can confirm that all
conducted for process verification or information only and are
zones have been covered. The recorded image shall provide an
not a part of the required radiologic examination specified in
image quality at least equal to that for which the system is
the contract documents.
qualified. The recording media shall be capable of maintaining
A1.3.8 part—the material, component, or assembly that is
the required image quality for the required record storage
the subject of the examination.
period or not less than five years from the recording date. The
A1.3.9 prime contractor—a contractor having responsibil-
image record shall be maintained in an operable condition for
ity for the design control and delivery to the Department of
the duration of the record storage period, measured from the
Defense for system/equipment, such as aircraft, engines, ships,
date when the last image was recorded.
tanks, vehicles, guns and missiles, ground communications and
electronic systems, ground support, and test equipment. A1.4.3.3 Recording Media Storage Conditions—Media
A1.3.10 written procedure—a series of steps that are to be storage and handling shall be in accordance with Guides
followed in a regular definite order. The system operator shall E 1453 and E 1475.
follow the written procedure to consistently obtain the desired A1.4.4 Image Quality Indicators—Image quality indicators
results and image quality level when performing the examina- must be chosen with care to demonstrate the CR system’s
tion. The development of a technique should usually precede ability to detect discontinuities or other features that are of
the preparation of a written procedure. interest. Practices E 1025 plaque-type, E 747 wire-type IQIs,
A1.3.11 Other definitions not given herein shall be as and E 1817 RQIs with real or simulated defects, to match the
specified in Terminology E 1316. application, are all acceptable unless a particular IQI or RQI is
specified in the contract documents. The selected IQI or RQI
A1.4 General Requirements shall be detailed in the written procedure. An IQI or RQI may
A1.4.1 Personnel Qualification—Personnel shall be quali- not be required for the following CR examinations:
fied and certified in accordance with the general requirements A1.4.4.1 When performing CR to identify adequate defect
of SNT-TC-1A, until specific requirements are included. Sys- removal or grind-out, the final acceptance examination shall
tem qualification, the development of examination techniques, include an IQI or RQI,
scan plans, and the overall implementation of the examination A1.4.4.2 Examinations to show material details or contrast
in accordance with this annex shall be under the control and between two or more dissimilar materials, in component parts,
supervision of a qualified SNT-TC-1A Level III, or equivalent, or in assemblies, including honeycomb areas for the detection
with additional CR training and experience or in conjunction of fabrication irregularities or the presence or absence of
with an individual having the necessary training and experi- material,
E 2033
A1.4.4.3 Examinations of electronic components for con- for mandatory image storage.
tamination, loose or missing elements, solder balls, broken or A1.5.3 Part Examination—The number of parts to be ex-
misplaced wires or connectors, and potted assemblies for amined and the coverage required for each part shall be
broken internal components or missing potting compound, specified in the contract documents. If not specified, all parts
A1.4.4.4 Other CR examinations, and shall receive 100 % coverage as detailed in the written proce-
A1.4.4.5 Where the use of an IQI is impractical or ineffec- dure.
tive, an alternate method such as an RQI may be used, subject A1.5.4 Image Quality, is as specified in the contract docu-
to the approval of the contracting agency. ments. Image quality assessment shall be performed using the
A1.4.5 Classification of Part Zones for CR—The classifi- same system parameters as in the inspection and as docu-
cation of parts into zones for various accept/reject criteria shall mented in the written procedure.
be determined from the contract documents. A1.5.4.1 The IQI may be placed on the part or on a
A1.5 Detailed Requirements mounting block, at or near the part location, following the
requirements of Practice E 1742. In the case of small fields of
A1.5.1 Application Qualification: view or other situations where it is not practical to place the IQI
A1.5.1.1 New Applications—CR may be used when appro- in the field of view with the part and maintain it normal to the
priate for new examination requirements, provided the required X-ray beam, the IQI may be imaged immediately before and
performance, including image quality, can be met. after the part examination. Batch quantities of similar parts
A1.5.1.2 Replacement of Existing Radiologic need not have IQI images made between each part, at the
Applications—When agreed to by the contracting officer, CR discretion of the Level III. The examination results shall be
may be used to replace or augment existing radiologic appli- invalid if the before and after IQI images fail to demonstrate
cations, provided that the part features of interest are shown. the required sensitivity. The before and after IQI images shall
A1.5.2 Written Procedure—It shall be the responsibility of be considered a part of interpretation and archiving purposes.
the NDT facility to develop a written examination procedure to
A1.5.4.2 With written permission from the contracting
ensure the effective and repeatable examination of the part.
agency, other IQIs or an RQI with natural or artificial flaws
Those portions of the contract document that specify and detail
may be used instead of the specified IQI.
the examination shall become an appendix to the written
procedure. The written procedure must be approved by the A1.5.5 Examination Image Control—The system shall be
Level III of the NDT facility. Where required, the written checked for performance before each day’s production usage,
procedure shall be approved by the contracting agency prior to using the method and devices that were initially used to qualify
use. The written procedure shall include as a minimum the the written procedure. A log shall be maintained to document
following information: any changes in system performance requiring changes in
A1.5.2.1 A drawing, sketch, or photograph of the compo- operating parameters and listing all equipment maintenance.
nent that shows the radiation beam axis, position(s) of the System requalification shall be required whenever image
detector, and applicable IQI or RQI for each and all variations quality requirements can no longer be met.
of the part orientation and beam energy, A1.5.6 Repair of System—Repair or replacement of key
A1.5.2.2 A physical description of the part, including size, system components, including, but not limited to, the radiation
thickness, weight, and composition, source, image forming, image transmission, image processing,
A1.5.2.3 Classification of the part into zones, and image display subsystems shall be cause for system
A1.5.2.4 Part masking, if used, for each required view, requalification. In no case shall the interval between qualifica-
A1.5.2.5 Added radiation source collimation, expressed in tion tests exceed one year. The qualification statement shall be
terms of the radiation field dimensions on the source side of the posted on the system. The results of the qualification tests shall
part, for each required view, be maintained in the system equipment file until the completion
A1.5.2.6 Detector field of view for each required view, of the next qualification procedure or the expiration of the
A1.5.2.7 Detector diaphragm settings, expressed in terms of archival image retention period, whichever is longer.
field of view at the detector, for each required view, A1.5.7 Image Interpretation—System qualification in ac-
A1.5.2.8 The allowable range of radiation energy and beam cordance with Section 7 of Practice E 2033 applies.
current or source isotopic identification and intensity and the A1.5.8 Feature Size Determination—Where feature mea-
focal spot or source size for each required view, surement from the image is required, the written procedure
A1.5.2.9 Added beam filtration, if used, for each required shall include methodology for determining and maintaining the
view, accuracy of the selected measurement method.
A1.5.2.10 The inspection geometry and coverage for each A1.5.8.1 Feature Measurement by Comparison—This
required view, method involves comparing the part feature with a known,
A1.5.2.11 Type of IQI or RQI used and the required quality observable dimension, which must be wholly within the field
level, of view. Many digital image processors facilitate this type of
A1.5.2.12 All hardware and software settings that can be measurement by counting pixels over the feature length. The
changed by the operator to affect the outcome of the examina- pixel number is often converted to engineering units by
tion. Such settings include, but are not limited to, image comparison with a known length. However, the orientation and
processor variables, and position along the X-ray beam (magnification) of both the
A1.5.2.13 The recording media and storage image format feature and the calibrating reference length affect the accuracy
E 2033
of such measurements. execution or equipment malfunction, the part shall be reexam-
A1.5.9 Gray-Scale Range—The gray-scale range required ined using the correct procedure. If the problem is not resolved
to meet initial qualification contrast sensitivity requirements by reexamination, the procedure shall be reviewed by the Level
for image quality shall be recorded and monitored. For systems III of the NDT facility and adjusted, if necessary. Reference
using human image assessment, it is particularly important that exposures may be made using conventional film radiography, if
the gray-scale range and the number of gray-scale steps be possible. If the reexamination was caused by equipment
closely matched to the response of the human eye. The written malfunction, the equipment may not be returned to service
procedure shall include a means for monitoring the required until the malfunction is repaired and the equipment is requali-
gray-scale range, using a contrast sensitivity gage, step wedge, fied to the current qualification requirements in accordance
or similar device made of the part or IQI material. with Section 7 of Practice E 2033.
A1.5.10 Timing of Examination—The examination shall be A1.5.19 Part Marking—The marking of parts shall be as
performed at the time of manufacturing, assembly, or rework as specified in Practice E 1742.
required by the contract documents.
A1.5.11 Identification—A means shall be provided for the A1.6 Notes
positive identification of the part to the archival inspection A1.6.1 This section contains information of a general or
record. Archived images shall be annotated to agree with the explanatory nature and is not mandatory.
part identification.
A1.6.1.1 Caution—Active electronic components and
A1.5.12 Locating the Examination Areas—Whenever more
some materials, such as tetrafluoroethylene, are subject to
than one image is required for a weldment or other part,
radiation damage if exposed to large doses of radiation. While
location markers shall be placed on the part so that the
normal examinations should cause no problem, extended
orientation of the part and the location of part features relative
periods of radiation exposure should be avoided.
to the field of view may be established. This requirement does
not apply to the examination of simple or small shapes where A1.6.1.2 Human Factors—The success of examinations
the part orientation and coverage is not in question. that involve human image interpretation are, like other radio-
A1.5.13 Surface Preparation—Parts may be inspected logical techniques, subject to human factors. Careful attention
without surface preparation, except when required to remove should be given to the human environment where image
surface conditions that may interfere with proper interpretation interpretation takes place, to make it as conducive to correct,
of the image. consistent image interpretation as possible. Measures should
A1.5.14 Detailed Data—The supplier of examination ser- also be implemented to ensure that fatigue does not interfere
vices shall keep the written procedure, qualification documen- with correct and consistent image interpretation.
tation, and the signed inspection reports or tabulated results, or A1.6.1.3 Use of IQI(s)—As with conventional film radiog-
both, for five years from the examination date, unless otherwise raphy, the achievement of the required IQI sensitivity does not
specified in the contract documents. guarantee the ability to find all discontinuities down to the
A1.5.15 Reexamination of Repairs—When a repair has minimum defect size. Many discontinuities, especially those of
been performed, the repaired areas shall be reexamined using a planar nature, are very orientation sensitive. For this reason,
the same technique to evaluate the effectiveness of the repair. the use of RQIs with real or simulated discontinuities may
Each repaired area shall be identified with R1, R2, R3, and so more accurately characterize the ability of the system to detect
forth, to indicate the number of times repair was performed. orientation-sensitive discontinuities.
A1.5.16 Retention of Examination Records—Mandatory ex- A1.6.1.4 Use of Image-Processing Techniques—Care
amination records and associated images shall be stored in a should be exercised in applying digital image-processing
proper repository at the contractor’s plant for five years from techniques to evaluate the overall effect upon image quality.
the date from which they were made. Special instructions, such For example, contrast enhancement techniques may emphasize
as storage for other periods of time, making backup copies, contrast in one brightness range while decreasing contrast in
copying the records to other media, or having the records other brightness ranges. Some spatial filters have directional
destroyed, shall be specified in the contract documents. aspects whereby features in one direction are emphasized while
A1.5.17 Rejection of Parts—Parts containing defects speci- those in the orthogonal direction are deemphasized. Such
fied in the contract documents shall be separated from accept- cautions are intended to cause the careful evaluation of digital
able material, appropriately identified as discrepant, and sub- image-processing techniques and not to discourage their use.
mitted for material review when required by the contract A1.6.1.5 Feature Size Determination—As with conven-
documents. tional film radiography, great care must be exercised in trying
A1.5.18 Reexamination—When there is a reasonable doubt to assess part feature dimensions from a two-dimensional
as to the ability to interpret the results because of improper projected view.
E 2033
E 2033
recording requirements, other recording methods and media A2.4.2.7 Detector diaphragm settings, expressed in terms of
may be used. field of view at the detector for each required view.
A2.3.4 Image Quality Indicators (IQI)—An IQI must be A2.4.2.8 The allowable range of radiation energy and beam
chosen with care to demonstrate the CR system’s ability to current or source isotopic identification and intensity and the
detect discontinuities or other features of interest. Practices focal spot or source size for each required view.
E 1025 plaque-type, E 747 wire-type IQIs, and E 1817 RQIs A2.4.2.9 Added beam filtration, if used, for each required
with real or simulated discontinuities that match the application view.
are all acceptable unless a specific IQI is specified in the A2.4.2.10 The inspection geometry and coverage for each
contract documents. The selected IQI or RQI shall be detailed required view.
in the written procedure but may not be required for the A2.4.2.11 Type of IQI or RQI used and the required quality
following examinations: level.
A2.3.4.1 Examining assemblies for debris or foreign ob- A2.4.2.12 All hardware and software settings that can be
jects. changed by the operator to affect the outcome of the examina-
A2.3.4.2 For adequate defect removal or grind-out. How- tion. Such settings include, but are not limited to, image
ever, the final acceptance examination shall include an IQI or processor variables.
RQI. A2.4.2.13 The recording media and stored image format for
A2.3.4.3 Optional examinations. mandatory image storage.
A2.3.4.4 Where the use of a specified IQI is impractical or A2.4.3 Part Examination—The number of parts to be ex-
ineffective, an alternate method such as an RQI may be used, amined and the coverage required for each part shall be
subject to the approval of the contracting agency. specified in the contract documents. If not specified, all parts
A2.3.5 Classification of Part Zones—The classification of shall receive 100 % coverage as detailed in the written proce-
parts into zones for various accept/reject criteria shall be dure.
determined from the contract documents. In cases in which no
A2.4.4 Image Quality—As specified in the contract docu-
accept/reject criteria is specified, the Level III of the NDT
ments. Image quality assessment shall be made in the same
facility shall document those anomalies considered critical and
mode as that used for the inspection.
indicate in writing that no formal accept/reject criteria was
provided. A2.4.4.1 The IQI may be placed on the part or on a
mounting block at or near the part location. In the case of small
A2.4 Detailed Requirements fields of view or other situations where it is not practical to
A2.4.1 Application Qualification—CR may be used when place the IQI in the field of view with the part and maintain it
appropriate for new as well as existing radiologic examination normal to the X-ray beam, the IQI may be imaged immediately
requirements, provided that the required performance, includ- before and after the part examination or batch of parts if they
ing image quality, can be met. When CR is used to replace or are similar. The CR examination results shall be invalid if the
augment existing radiologic applications, the part features of before and after IQI images fail to demonstrate the required
interest will be shown. image quality. Both before and after IQI images constitute the
A2.4.2 Written Procedure—It shall be the responsibility of part image for CR image interpretation and archiving purposes.
the NDT facility to develop a written examination procedure to A2.4.5 Examination Image Control—The system shall be
ensure the effective and repeatable examination of the part. checked for performance before each day’s production usage,
Those portions of the contract document that specify and detail using the method and devices that were initially used to qualify
CR examination shall become an appendix to the written the written procedure. A log shall be maintained to document
procedure. The written procedure must be written or approved any changes in system performance requiring changes in
by the Level III of the NDT facility. When required, the written operating parameters and listing all equipment maintenance.
procedure shall be approved by the contracting agency prior to System requalification shall be required whenever image
use. The written procedure shall include as a minimum the quality requirements can no longer be met.
following information: A2.4.6 Repair of System—Repair or replacement of key
A2.4.2.1 A drawing, sketch, or photograph of the compo- system components, including, but not limited to, the radiation
nent that shows the radiation beam axis, position(s) of the source, image forming, image transmission, image processing,
detector and applicable IQI for each and all variations of the and image display subsystems, shall be cause for system
part orientation, and beam energy. This requirement may be requalification. In no case shall the interval between qualifica-
expressed in coordinates for automated systems having cali- tion tests exceed one year. The qualification statement shall be
brated manipulation systems. posted on the CR system. The results of the qualification tests
A2.4.2.2 A physical description of the part, including size, shall be maintained in the system equipment file at least until
weight, and composition. completion of the next qualification procedure or the expiration
A2.4.2.3 Classification of part into zones. of the archival image retention period, whichever is longer.
A2.4.2.4 Part masking, if used, for each required view. A2.4.7 Image Interpretation—System qualification in ac-
A2.4.2.5 Added radiation source collimation, expressed in cordance with Section 7 of Practice E 2033 applies.
terms of the radiation field dimensions on the source side of the A2.4.8 Feature Size Determination—When feature mea-
part for each required view. surement from the image is required, the written procedure
A2.4.2.6 Detector field of view for each required view. shall include methodology for determining and maintaining the
E 2033
accuracy of the selected measurement method. where the part orientation is obvious and coverage is not in
A2.4.8.1 Feature Measurement by Comparison—This sec- question.
ond method involves comparing the part feature with a known, A2.4.13 Surface Preparation—Parts may be examined
observable dimension that must be wholly within the field of without surface preparation except as may be required to
view. Many digital image processors facilitate this type of remove surface conditions that may interfere with proper
measurement by counting pixels over the feature length. The interpretation of the image.
pixel number is often converted to engineering units by A2.4.14 Detailed Data—The provider of CR examination
comparison with a known length. However, the orientation and services shall keep the written procedure, the qualification
position along the X-ray beam (magnification) of both the documentation, and the signed examination reports or tabu-
feature and the calibrating reference length affect the accuracy lated results for five years from the examination date unless
of such measurements. otherwise specified in the contract documents.
A2.4.9 Gray-Scale Range—The gray-scale range required A2.4.15 Reexamination of Repairs—When repair has been
to meet initial qualification contrast sensitivity requirements performed, the repaired areas shall be reexamined using the
for image quality shall be recorded and monitored. For systems same CR technique to evaluate the effectiveness of the repair.
using human image assessment, it is particularly important that Each repaired area shall be identified with R1, R2, R3, and so
the gray-scale range and the number of gray-scale steps be forth, to indicate the number of times repair was performed.
closely matched to the response of the human eye. The written A2.4.16 Retention of Examination Record—Mandatory ex-
procedure shall include a means for monitoring the required amination records and associated CR images shall be stored in
gray-scale range using a contrast sensitivity gage, step wedge, a proper repository at the contractor’s plant for one year from
or similar device made of the part or IQI material. the date on which they were made. Special instructions, such as
A2.4.10 Timing of Examination—The examination shall be storage for other periods of time, making backup copies,
performed at the time of manufacturing, assembly, or rework as copying the records to other media, or having the records
required by the contract documents. destroyed shall be specified in the contract documents.
A2.4.11 Identification—A means shall be provided for the A2.4.17 Rejection of Parts—Parts containing defects speci-
positive identification of the part to the archival inspection fied in the contract documents shall be separated from accept-
record. Archived images shall be annotated to agree with the able material, appropriately identified as discrepant, and sub-
part identification. mitted for material review when required by the contract
A2.4.12 Locating the Examination Areas—Whenever more documents.
than one image is required for a weldment or other part, A2.4.18 Part Disposition—Parts that have undergone ex-
location markers shall be placed on the part so that the amination shall be marked or physically separated in such a
orientation of the part and the location of part features relative manner so as to minimize the possibility of rejected or
to the field of view may be established. Also, this requirement questionable parts being confused with acceptable ones.
does not apply to the examination of simple or small shapes
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