Astm Se-273
Astm Se-273
Astm Se-273
1.1 This practice describes general ultrasonic examination procedures for the detection of discontinuities in the
weld and adjacent heat affected zones of welded pipe and
tubing by scanning with relative motion between the search
unit and pipe or tube. When contact or unfocused immersion search units are employed, this practice is intended
for tubular products having specified outside diameters
2 in. (50 mm) and specified wall thicknesses of 18 in.
to 1116 in. (3 mm to 27 mm). When properly focused
immersion search units are employed, this practice may
also be applied to material of smaller diameter and thinner wall.
Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1 Definitions For definitions of terms used in this
practice, see Terminology E 1316.
1.2 All surfaces of material to be examined in accordance with this practice shall be clean from scale, dirt,
burrs, slag, spatter or other conditions that would interfere
with the examination results. The configuration of the weld
must be such that interfering signals are not generated by
reflections from it. Treatment of the inner surface and outer
surface weld beads such as trimming (scarfing) or rolling
is often required to remove protuberances that could result
in spurious reflections.
Summary of Practices
4.1 A pulsed ultrasonic angle beam shall be propagated
in the wall of the pipe or tube by either the surface contact
or immersion method. Figure 1 illustrates the characteristic
oblique sound entry into the pipe wall for both contact and
immersion examination from one search unit.
5.1 The instruments and accessory equipment shall be
capable of producing, receiving, amplifying, and displaying electrical pulses at frequencies and pulse rates
deemed necessary by the using parties. They shall be capable of distinguishing the reference reflectors described in
Section 7 to the extent required in the standardization procedure outlined in Section 9.
Basis of Application
6.1 The following are items that require decision for
use of this practice:
6.1.1 Acceptance criteria,
6.1.2 Type, dimension, and number of reference
reflectors to be placed in the reference standard,
6.1.3 Standardization of examination sensitivity
Personnel Qualification
7.1 Personnel performing the ultrasonic examination
shall be qualified and certified in accordance with ASNT
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A or an equivalent document, to establish their ability to conduct ultrasonic weld
Reference Standards
8.1 A reference standard, of sufficient length to allow
verification of system standardization, shall be prepared
from a length of pipe or tubing of the same nominal diameter and wall thickness, material, surface finish, and nominal
heat treatment as the material to be examined. The pipe
or tube selected for this purpose shall be free of discontinuities or other abnormal conditions that can cause interference with the detection of the reference reflectors. The
reference reflectors shall be selected to ensure uniform
2010 SECTION V Additional reflectors may be used to produce signals at reflection times that define weld-zone
extremities for the purpose of establishing alarm gate timing or other means of controlling the examination area.
Holes may be drilled radially 100% through the pipe wall
at the weld-zone edges.
8.1.2 Fusion-Welded Pipe The reference reflectors shall be placed in the weld. When longitudinal notches
are used as reference reflectors, they shall be placed in the
crown of the fusion-weld bead as shown in Fig. 2(a). In
fusion-welded pipe containing both inside and outside surface weld beads, a longitudinal notch reference reflector
Examination Procedure
10.1 Move the pipe or tubing past the search unit with
the weld in a fixed position with respect to the search unit.
Movement of the search unit with respect to a stationary
pipe is satisfactory. During examination, maintain distance
(d) and angle in Fig. 1 and the water path for immersion
examination as determined during adjustment of the examination sensitivity. Depending upon the degree of crookedness of the material to be examined, maintenance of
these parameters may require the use of followers or
other devices to enable a stable scan pattern to be maintained.
9.2 Instrument sensitivity and scanning system parameters, such as search unit positioning and scanning speed,
shall be adjusted to produce signal levels that are repeatable
from all reference indicators within the limits described
below. If a strip chart or similar recorder is used, the
amplitude stability of all target indications shall be within
10% of full scale height (FSH) for several successive scans
of the reference standard under conditions simulating those
that will be used for the actual material examination. Peak
noise signal amplitudes observed during scanning over
a length of the reference standard equal to at least twice
the distance between outer surface and inner surface
notches, shall not exceed 40% of the minimum amplitude
of the signals from the reference indicators. If only an
audible or other alarm device is used to indicate the presence of rejectable indications, such devices shall be actuated reliably by all reference indicators for several
successive scans of the reference standard under conditions
simulating those that will be used for the actual material
Interpretation of Results
12. Keywords
12.1 angle beam; longitudinal welded pipe; longitudinal welded tubing; nondestructive examination; ultrasonic