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Review On Controlling and Monitoring of Irrigation System in IOT Based Smart Agriculture

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ISSN 2278-3091

Sudhanshubala Parida, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(4), July – August 2021, 2810 – 2815
Volume 10, No.4, July - August 2021
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at

Review on Controlling and Monitoring of

Irrigation System in IOT based smart Agriculture
Sudhanshubala Parida
Computer science & Engineering, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur,458001, India

ABSTRACT moisture. Soil moisture can be measured by deploying

soil moisture sensor with Arduino Uno. The moisture
Internet of things is a unique worldwide network that measuring System measures the moisture level and
can sense and interact with the environment by means periodically stores the result. The contents of the
of the internet for the communication and interaction memory are accessed when ever required. The sensed
between user and other system. Agriculture plays an values are validated and sent to the WI-FI module and
important role in the growth of a country like India. As from WI-FI module the validated data are sent to the
population increases day by day, there is a demand of farmer’s mobile. The farmers are also notified by SMS.
more food. To get good production in fields, irrigation When moister level is low, it would be altered by the
is necessary for healthy crop. Irrigation is also system.
necessary for the soaking up of nutrients by plants
from the soil and improves food security. In our Key words: Arduino , ESP8266, Humidity &
country, India many farmers still use the traditional Temperature Sensor, Internet of Things, Smart
methods of farming. In India most of the irrigation Irrigation, Soil moisture sensor, Water pump.
systems are manually operated by farmers. Farmer
suffers from irrigation problem due to improper water 2.LITERATURE REVIEW
utilization, erosion and cutting of cannels. These
outdated techniques can be replaced with automated This paper focuses on monitoring agriculture by
techniques using IOT. In IOT based smart agriculture a accessing of temperature, soil moisture and relative
system is built for controlling and monitoring the crop humidity information by using DHT11 and transfers
fields with the help of sensors and automating the data to cloud server for remote access [1] .
irrigation system. Smart agriculture includes smart
irrigation based on accurate real time field data like This paper aims to collect fields data from relative
moisture in soil, environment temperature and water sensors and that data/information sends to the server
level. This system is used to avoid the direct human using Li-Fi technology and Raspberry pi [2].
intervention while implementing the low cost sensors
and Internet of things (IOT). This paper built a system that monitor crop-field using
sensors (Temperature, Humidity and Soil moisture)
1. INTRODUCTION and to automate the irrigation system. The data from
sensors are sent to the Thing speak cloud[3].
In India about 60-70% of population depends upon This paper includes sensors such as temperature,
farming and one third of the nation’s capital comes humidity, soil moisture and rain detector for collecting
from agriculture. But now people flew from rural to the field data with Arduino uno, ESP8266 (Wi-Fi
urban there is obstruction in agriculture. To overcome module)[4].
this problem we prefer smart agriculture techniques
using Internet Of Things (IOT). Smart agriculture uses This paper includes in the construction of smart grid
modern technology to increase the quality and quantity which is based on Internet of things and the design and
of agricultural product. IOT enables the objects to be implementation in some application links including
sensed and controlled remotely. Smart agriculture uses wind power prediction, condition monitoring of
modern technology to increase the quality and quantity overhead transmission lines, power monitoring, smart
of agricultural product. Recently skilled migrants all home and asset management are elaborated
over India and also from outside India had returned to emphatically[5].
their natives during Pandemic Covid-19 had chosen
farming as their profession. These skilled migrants This paper includes the water flow controller, pH
adopt smart agriculture as it take lesser time than sensor, water level monitoring sensor in the pond and
traditional farming. IOT in controlling and monitoring temperature and soil moisture sensors are used to get
system helps to know about water level, moisture in information through External Wi-Fi. Finally data has
soil, temperature etc....IOT based irrigation system been sent as a notification through mobile . Based on
help to the farmer that supply water to crop at right the acquired value the proposed system calculates pH
time and amount. This paper shows controlling and level , water level , temperature and Soil Moisture
monitoring of irrigation system by measuring soil required for irrigation[6].

Sudhanshubala Parida, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(4), July – August 2021, 2810 – 2815

This paper highlighting features of wireless network Algorithm

sensors to connect multiple sensors data and display
big-data through Thing speak channel software to Steps that system undergoes
perform tasks like weeding, spraying, moisture Step-1 First code will be uploaded in Arduino board.
sensing, bird and animal scaring, keeping vigilance,
temperature maintenance, humidity maintenance and Step-2 The soil moisture sensors and DHT11 sensor
weather reports. This development includes smart are deployed in respective places which continuously
irrigation with smart control and smart decision based send the activities or data to Arduino board.
on accurate real time field data[7]. Step-3 Submerge the motor in water container and
motor outlet will be connected with it. Then power
This paper highlights a system for measuring and will be supplied to it. It also connected with Relay
monitoring soil moisture by linking low-cost soil board . One should ensure that the water level should
moisture sensor with Node MCU. It also designed a be higher than the motor.
cloud based platform , so that any users can be able to
inspect soil moisture for their specific piece of land Step-4 The soil moisture sensor detects the moisture
through their Smartphone[8]. content in the soil. DHT11 sensor senses the
environment and calculates relative humidity.
This paper highlights the smart irrigation system that
implements microcomputer, internet driver, water Step-5 Water pump will receive the analyzed data from
pipes and C++ programming language used with Arduino. When moisture of soil or humidity of
Virtuino for the design of the user interface [9]. environment reaches to its peak and all the
requirements and data analyzed by Arduino are
This paper uses telegram app for communicating with satisfied then buzzer will be turned on and Arduino
the cultivators about various environmental factors micro controller switch on the water pump
continuously. This project is also consisting of solar automatically.
power generation and rainwater harvesting as
technology method is implemented along with crop Step-6 After watering en soil moisture sensor crossed
safety [10]. the threshold value; motor will be turned off
This paper[11] highlights a technology in which a
system can monitor the humidity, moisture level and BLOCK DIAGRAM
can even detect motions. According to the data
received from all the sensors the water pump, cutter
and sprayer get automatically activated or deactivated.
The methodology not only focuses on the farm but also
takes care of the warehouse where all cultivated crops
are being stored. The warehouse is embedded with
various sensors which help also detect humidity and
theft. Based on the humidity sensor reading heater or
cooling fan is automatically turned on. Similarly if the
motion sensor detects any theft then an alarm is turned
on to notify the farmer.

The system in [12] proposed agriculture management

system for receiving data about agricultural
environment by using sensor network. The system
collected sensors data about climate and soil. This
system only monitor environment and soil parameters
but did not observe irrigation process.


In order to increase quality of crops, we must use

technologies that analyze soil moisture, temperature
and humidity content. The data is collected wirelessly
through various sensors. Due to weather condition
water level increases or decreases which is not good
for crops. This system can be used in both small
agricultural land and large farm also. The proposed
system has been designed to watering the fields
whenever necessary and also control unnecessary water
flow into the field or crops.

Sudhanshubala Parida, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(4), July – August 2021, 2810 – 2815


A. Temperature Identifier:
This is a water-resistant temperature
sensor .This sensor can dictate the temperature
and humidity of environment discharge digital
signal to data pin. As it is very small, it’s not very
effective in very large field. It can be used for
small farm or for small area. Fig-III Arduino Uno

D. Water Pump:
Micro dc 3v-6v submersible
pump which can be operated from a 2.5 ~ 6V
power supply. It can pick up 120 liters per hour
with very low current consumption.

Fig –I temperature & humidity sensor

B. Soil Moisture Measurement :

Water content of the soil can be measured

by the soil moisture sensor. Capacitance is used
by soil moisture sensor to measure the dielectric
conductivity of the surrounding. If the soil is wet Fig-IV Water pump
or moisture content is high motor will be turned
OFF or it will not start for watering otherwise the E. Relay Board:
motor will turn ON automatically. This is also known as Relay module.
The blue square component in the middle is
known as Relay. The number of relays on the
module indicates how many channels of a
particular module support. The relay module is
used to control the application by turn it ON or

Fig-II Soil Moisture sensor

C. Arduino Board: Fig-V Relay module

F. Buzzer:
Arduino Uno is a open source electronics A buzzer is used to give audio warning
component. Arduino contains microcontroller signal that motor is turn ON/OFF. It works on
which is a physical programmable circuit board physio electric concept of creating a sound. It is
and IDE (Integrated Development Environment) used for very secure application.
that runs on a computer used to upload computer
code to the Arduino board. We can send a set of
instruction to the microcontroller on the Arduino
board. Programming in C widely used for
Arduino board. The main advantage is
Programmer can write low number of codes.
Fig-VI Buzzer

Sudhanshubala Parida, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(4), July – August 2021, 2810 – 2815

intervention irrigation ran automatically at his crop

G. ESP8266:
ESP8266 module is standalone wireless
transceiver which can be used for IoT Before Watering
developments. It enables internet connectivity to Table-I Soil Moisture, humidity& Temperature
embedded IOT applications. Arduino reading
microcontroller needs to set off AT commands to Date Soil Humidity Temperature
communicate with the ESP8266 module. Moisture value value
value (o C)
ESP8266 has a set of GPIO pins (General
Purpose Input Output pins) that can be used to 16/6/2021 123 53.00 33.80
“control” external sensors.
17/6/2021 141 66.00 31.30

18/6/2021 151 73.00 28.90

19/6/2021 170 61.00 32.00

After watering:-
Table-II Soil Moisture, humidity& Temperature
Fig-VII ESP8266 Date Soil Humidity Temperature
Moisture value value
value (o C)
Connections Of Sensors with Arduino Board 19/6/2021 107 61.00 32.00

20/6/2021 140 54.00 33.10

Esp8266 | Arduino Buzzer Relay
----------------- ---------- --------- 21/6/2021 154 50.00 29.80
RX | RX Datapin | 12 Signal |13
TX | TX VCC | 5V
3V3 | 3V
EN | 3V
GPIO 0 | None
GPIO 2 | None

Humidity Sensor Soil Moisture

--------------------- -------------------
signal | 2 G|8
VCC | 5V Y | GND
-VE | GND B |3.3V


In this paper a Smart Irrigation system is implemented

using Arduino Uno to obtain high crops productivity
which reduces human efforts. Many sensors combined Fig-VIII Soil_Moisture data
with microcontroller of Arduino Board to collect the
information. Actual values detected by the system are
observed by the farmer and with his intervention
irrigation ran automatically at his crop field. Board to
collect the information. Actual values detected by the
system are observed by the farmer and with his
Sudhanshubala Parida, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(4), July – August 2021, 2810 – 2815

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