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Simulation Based Analysis of Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri Nets Model of The Restaurant Food Serving Process

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ISSN 2278-3091

Volume 11, No.6, November - December 2022

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at

Simulation Based Analysis of Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri

Nets Model of the Restaurant Food Serving Process
Latifat Adeola Odeniyi 1*, Monsurat Omolara Balogun2, Rafiu Adesina Ganiyu3, Adebukola Mutiat
Ogunrinde4, Elijah Olusola Omidiora5 and Olatunde Stephen Olabiyisi6
(Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, KolaDaisi University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria),
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria),
(Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Fountain University, Osogbo, Osun state, Nigeria),
(Department of Computer Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria),,
6(Department of Computer Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria),

Corresponding author: Latifat Adeola Odeniyi (

Received Date: October 19, 2022 Accepted Date: November 26, 2022 Published Date: December 06, 2022

ABSTRACT andCustomers' Average Queue Length (CAQL) required in

serving 567, 1100, 1103, 770 and 829 customers from
The major goal of establishing a restaurant is improved Monday to Friday, respectively. The model was validated
earnings making which can be jeopardized by customers' by carrying out a statistical analysis t-Test between the
withdrawals due to lengthy ready lines. The above scenario simulated and the actual customers' flow time andservers'
was studied in this paper using simulation-based analysis utilization rate at a 5% significant level. The validation
of a Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets (HTCPN) results showed no significant differences between the
model, which abstracted the serving operation of a simulated and the actual customers' average flow time
renowned restaurant in the Ibadan metropolis. The andservers' utilization rate at a 5% significance level.
restaurant was characterized by two or more servers that Hence, the model can represent the restaurant under
serially served each Customer from the multiple available consideration.
servers at the four serving points. One hundred simulation
runs were carried out on the HTCPN model using CPN Keywords: Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets,
Tools to determine the four (4) parameters,Customers' Restaurant Processes, Simulation-Based Analysis,
Average Flow Time (CAFT),Customers' Average Waiting Queuing Problem
Time (CAWT),Servers' Average Utilization Rate (SAUR)

1. INTRODUCTION [2]. The success of every business organization, especially

a restaurant, can be traced to good service quality and
It is of great pertinence for the management of the Customer’s satisfaction [3]
restaurant industry to take customer satisfaction Customer dissatisfaction can result from long
profoundly to avoid the withdrawal of Customer, which waiting line / queue, a general phenomenon that occurs in
can consequently lead to the closure of the such business every area of life. It can also be referred to as a waiting line,
(es). Customer satisfaction contributes immensely to the which can be encountered on a daily basis at petrol stations,
success of every business organization, majorly restaurant banks, supermarkets, restaurants, telecommunications,
industries [1]. The restaurant is a food serving outlet that transportation (especially roads), and so on [4],{5]. Queue
provides food and drinks to Customer in exchange for occurred when customers have to wait for service, which
money and therefore needs to pay cognizance attention to could make them move to competitors’ doors. For instance,
problems that could hinder customer satisfaction and when there is a higher demand with fewer attendants, the
changes the motive for starting such business Agnes et al. waiting line will be prolonged, and Customer may be

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

frustrated to leave. A long queue may also be connected to queue is an important activity of our daily routine,
slow service, especially when servers do not attend to especially during lunchtime at restaurant(s).
customers on time. In [6], they opined that waiting in line
To improve a system like a restaurant, one must understand Reference [13] developed a restaurant process model to
how it works. Each modeled system can be simulated analyze process alternatives. The model represented an
through experimentation to provide solutions to its future abstraction of a business process. The process alternatives
problems [7],[8]. Simulations, can be done under different with the application of the two best practices (specialist-
configurations, are essential for understanding multiple generalist trade-off and flexible assignment policy) for
scenarios of the modeled systems. Simulation of any improvement of the process were modeled and evaluated.
system first requires the development of a model that The simulation was used to measure performance
represents the key characteristics and behaviour of the indicators. This simulation model was represented as a
system. Then, the modeled system can be simulated by CPN. They found alternatives with the lowest average
experimenting with it to provide a solution to its imminent throughput time, which improved the initial process.
problems. Simulation is essential for understanding several
scenarios in modeled systems. It can also be used to [12] Examining the queuing system in Blue Meadows
examine the conduct of operation of a system, whether restaurant to determine its operating features and improve
existing or proposed system, which is usually done under customers’ satisfaction during waiting time with the
different configurations of interest and proposed periods of adoption of queuing theory. Data were collected from a
real-time. Various systems such as restaurant industries, fast-food restaurant at the University of Benin called Blue
transport companies, banking sectors, telecommunication Meadows, which has only two servers. The arrival rate (λ)
companies, health clinics, logistics, and airports can be at Blue Meadows restaurant was about 40 customers per
modeled and simulated [9]. Simulation surpasses all other hour, while the service rate was about twenty-two (22)
approaches for evaluating modeling scenarios and is customers per hour for each server. The average number of
thereby given more priority over others [5]. customers in the system in an hour window was forty (40),
However, to address the problem of Customer with a utilization rate of 0.909. It was discovered from the
long waiting times and queue lengths in restaurants, most model that most customers will have to wait in the queue
existing works are limited to the modelling of restaurant to be served. This resulted from the high value generated
Food Serving Processes (FSPs) where each Customer in a for utilization rate, that is, 0.909 which showed the
queue is singlehandedly and completely served by a server probability of the servers being busy at 90.9%.
from the multiple available servers. Thus, most existing
models could not be used to study and improve restaurant 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
FSP where each Customer in a queue is entirely served by In this paper, a novelty approach to serving Customer (s)
two or more servers (a scenario where the first server starts serially and consecutively was explored during the food
the service for a customer and the second server ends it for serving process in restaurants that considered four serving
the same Customer). To bridge the gap as mentioned points using Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets was
above, [10] developed a model for restaurant FSP where adopted.
each Customer in the queue is serially and ultimately
served by two or more servers using HTCPN. Simulation Analysis of the Developed HTCPN Model
for Restaurant Food Serving Process
Figure 1 displays the Simulation of the environment page
2. REVIEW OF RELATED WORKS OF (main page) of the developed HTCPN model [10] for the
LITERATURE Restaurant Food Serving Process (FSP) at a renowned
[11] developed a model for health center patient care flow Restaurant in the Ibadan Oyo State of Nigeria, while the
processes using Timed Coloured Petri Nets. The developed Simulation of the four sub-pages (modules) which consist
model was simulated using CPN tools, while its validation of Simulation of the four (4) serving points: serving point1,
was done by comparing the simulated and actual number serving point2, serving point3 and serving point 4 are
of patients of the health center under study. The results shown in Figures. 2, 3, 4, and 5. The main page
revealed that thirty-four (34) (seven inpatients and twenty- (Environment) of the model provides an overview of the
seven outpatients), fifty-three (53) (nine inpatients and entire restaurant food serving operation, including the four
forty-four outpatients), forty-two (42) (eight inpatients and sub-pages which model how customers arrive at each
thirty-four outpatients), and forty-five (45) (nine inpatients serving point in the restaurant. In this paper, the developed
and thirty-six outpatients) were regular visitors to the HTCPN model in [10] was implemented and simulated
health center. The average number of patients entering the within the CPN Tools environment.
health center during the first, second, third, and fourth
working days under consideration varies considerably.

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Figure 1: Simulation of the environment page

Figure 2: Simulation of serving point 1

Figure 3: Simulation of serving point 2

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Figure 4: Simulation of serving point 3

Figure 5: Simulation of serving point 4

4 SIMULATION RESULT OF THE DEVELOPED (Monday to Friday). Table 3 shows the simulated values at
HTCPNS MODEL the serving point 1 for the four (4) performance metrics in
Results generated during Simulation of the developed the consideration of the five scenarios 0%, 25%, 50%,
HTCPNs model are as shown in Tables 3 to 7, which 75%, and 100% increase in a number of customers to take
include the four (4) performance metrics: average flow care of possible future scenarios.
time, average waiting time, average utilization rate, and
average queue length at each serving points for a week

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Table 1: Simulation Result of Five (5) Scenarios for Serving Points 1 to 4 Serving Points 1 to 4

Table 1: Increase Flow Waiting Utilization Queue length Number Number

Monday in % of Time Time Rate (Customers) of of
Customer (Second) (Seconds) (%) Customers Servers
Serving Point 1 0% 46.78 29.30 65 17 135 2
25% 87.40 69.93 80 39 169 2
50% 46.07 128.47 89 56 203 2
75% 397.33 379.61 98 81 236 2
100% 650.19 632.61 99 155 270 2
0% 23.41 2.15 59 2 135 3

Serving Point 2 0% 50.35 32.78 64 17 140 2

25% 93.31 75.83 80 18 175 2
50% 206.52 188.97 93 31 210 2
75% 432.18 405.59 98 56 245 2
100% 703.54 686.00 99 109 280 2
0% 19.93 2.28 60 0 140 3

Serving Point 3 0% 50.27 33.10 66 25 146 2

25% 85.05 68.00 80 23 183 2
50% 212.62 195.37 93 31 219 2
75% 446.75 429.63 98 52 256 2
100% 740.91 723.53 99 140 292 2
0% 10.45 2.22 58 0 146 3

Serving Point 4 0.00% 59.25 41.32 69 23 146 2

25.00% 104.85 87.04 84 21 183 2
50.00% 244.98 227.31 94 31 219 2
75.00% 503.63 485.82 99 48 256 2
100.0% 798.61 780.72 99 143 292 2
0.00% 20.29 2.50 59 0 146 3

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Table 2: Tuesday Simulation Result of Five (5) Scenarios for

Increase Flow Time Waiting Utilization Queue Number of Number
in % of (Seconds) Time Rate (%) length Customers of
Customer (Seconds) (Customers) Servers
Serving Point 1 0.00% 52.28 37.81 70 21 184 2
25.00% 116.06 101.68 89 28 230 2
50.00% 288.58 274.26 97 57 276 2
75.00% 569.35 554.97 99 83 322 2
100.00% 871.86 857.56 99 159 368 2
0.00% 16.75 2.36 63 1 184 3

Serving Point 2 0.00% 44.39 30.90 68 22 280 2

25.00% 101.51 88.03 85 26 350 2
50.00% 390.30 295.81 96 31 420 2
75.00% 671.89 568.44 99 59 490 2
100.00% 1145.06 1130.58 100 83 560 2
0.00% 15.56 2.01 61 0 280 3

Serving Point 3 0.00% 47.49 34.22 66 29 310 2

25.00% 107.73 94.46 87 31 388 2
50.00% 339.79 321.19 97 40 456 2
75.00% 767.03 753.79 99 56 543 2
100.00% 1236.46 1223.16 100 102 620 2
0.00% 15.53 2.08 60 0 310 3

Serving Point 4 0.00% 44.02 32.73 65 30 326 2

25.00% 92.13 78.97 85 36 408 2
50.00% 303.50 290.30 97 51 489 2
75.00% 787.86 774.60 99 70 571 2
100.00% 1285.16 1271.96 100 119 652 2
0.00% 17.56 1.85 60 5 326 3

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Table 3: Wednesday Simulation Result of Five (5) Scenarios for Serving Points 1 to 4
Increase in Flow Waiting Utilizat Queue Number Number
% of Time Time ion length of Customers of
Customer (Seconds) (Seconds) Rate (Customers) Servers
Serving Point 1 0.00% 67.69 53.57 67 10 199 2
25.00% 182.56 170.28 94 12 249 2
50.00% 442.26 428.98 99 32 299 2
75.00% 732.61 719.80 100 54 348 2
100.0% 1110.21 1058.32 100 79 398 2
0.00% 16.02 2.94 62 0 199 3

Serving Point 2 0.00% 57.08 43.88 75 10 210 2

2500% 141.03 127.89 93 8 263 2
50.00% 391.21 377.95 99 28 315 2
75.00% 706.75 693.61 99 52 368 2
100.00% 1020.11 1007.01 100 76 420 2
0.00% 16.03 2.85 65 0 210 3

Serving Point 3 0.00% 130.41 114.45 87 20 300 2

25.00% 447.35 424.24 98 28 375 2
50.00% 927.72 913.07 99 60 450 2
75.00% 1467.10 1452.10 100 97 525 2
100.00% 2028.04 2012.92 100 132 600 2
0.00% 19.19 4.04 69 0 300 3

Serving Point 4 0.00% 39.38 26.93 68 20 394 2

25.00% 94.74 82.21 85 22 493 2
50.00% 314.33 301.88 97 23 591 2
75.00% 772.85 760.38 100 60 690 2
100.% 1368.80 1356.43 100 109 788 2
0.00% 14.31 1.81 58 0 394 3

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Table 4: Thursday Simulation Result of Five (5) Scenarios for Serving Points1 to 4
Increase Flow Time Waiting Utilization Queue length Number of Number
in % of (Seconds) Time Rate (Customers) Customers of Servers
Customer (Seconds) (%)

ServingPoint 1 0.00% 37.00 20.81 70 20 170 2

25.00% 58.14 41.91 71 23 213 2
50.00% 115.14 97.79 84 46 255 2
75.00% 244.83 228.39 95 60 298 2
100.00% 464.38 474.94 99 81 340 2
0.00% 17.86 1.62 56 0 170 3

ServingPoint 2 0.00% 37.73 21.54 67 18 180 2

25.00% 54.10 37.59 69 22 225 2
50.00% 91.14 74.93 82 35 270 2
75.00% 176.09 160.10 93 52 315 2
100.00% 437.64 421.53 98 67 360 2
0.00% 17.43 1.31 55 0 180 3

ServingPoint 3 0.00% 31.35 15.32 88 21 210 2

25.00% 40.48 29..37 60 28 263 2
50.00% 59.20 43.26 71 40 315 2
75.00% 99.44 83.47 83 55 368 2
100.00% 168.49 152.52 91 89 240 2
0.00% 17.04 1.13 48 0 210 3

ServingPoint 4 0.00% 31.21 15.15 89 19 210 2

25.00% 42.50 26.33 60 21 263 2
50.00% 60.26 44.16 71 42 315 2
75.00% 99.57 83.42 83 60 368 2
100.00% 199.51 183.48 92 78 420 2
0.00% 17.05 1.15 47 0 210 3

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

Table 5: Friday Simulation Result of Five (5) Scenarios for Serving Points1 to 4
Increase Flow Time Waiting Time Utilization Queue length Number of Number
in % of (Seconds) (Seconds) Rate (Customers) Customers of
Customer (%) Servers
Serving Point 1 0.00% 108.98 87.13 80 20 160 2
25.00% 288.20 268.12 94 42 200 2
50.00% 540.88 521.00 99 46 240 2
75.00% 975.20 955.15 100 70 280 2
100.00% 1307.03 1287.15 100 101 320 2
0.00% 24.47 4.51 70 1 160 3

Serving Point 2 0.00% 141.55 122.43 84 27 199 2

25.00% 356.99 337.82 97 28 249 2
50.00% 760.88 741.62 99 43 299 2
75.00% 1223.71 1204.62 100 63 348 2
100.00% 1665.20 1646.14 100 99 398 2
0.00% 23.68 4.51 65 0 199 3

0.00% 172.34 154.89 86 28 230 2

Serving Point 3 25.00% 421.07 401.75 97 31 288 2
50.00% 920.85 901.58 99 59 345 2
75.00% 1472.83 1453.48 100 86 403 2
100.00% 2016.93 1979.57 100 122 460 2
0.00% 24.15 4.72 60 0 230 3

Serving Point 4 0.00% 135.01 115.13 84 23 240 2

25.00% 364.08 342.23 96 27 300 2
50.00% 965.54 945.43 99 46 360 2
75.00% 1451.02 1431.11 100 87 420 2
100.00% 2042.74 2022.74 100 119 480 2
0.00% 24.85 4.88 67 0 240 3

From the simulation result, it was discovered that by an if servers are highly utilized, which will lead to low
increasing the number of servers from two to three, productivity and can be connected to queues experienced
customers’ average flow time and average waiting time on the days of the week, and this can also account for the
decreases, reducing servers’ utilization rate and customers’ long waiting time of customers in the system (average flow
average queue length drastically. Thus, customers’ time).
satisfaction with the restaurant food serving process can be From the simulation result, it was discovered that
improved if the management can increase the number of queue length increases based on the increase in servers’
servers at each serving point. It was also discovered from utilization rate, which is in support of [5] which states that
the result of Simulation on Friday that all the performance the higher the servers’ utilization rate, the higher the
measures considered were on the high side, which can be customers’ queue length.
explained from a business point of view by the type of food
served on Friday (Fried rice/ Jollof rice with chicken). 5. VALIDATION OF THE DEVELOPED HTCPNS
Customers’ patronage was also noticed to be on the high MODEL
side on Wednesday and Friday, which consequently Validation of the developed HTCPN model is to check the
increased servers’ workload (Servers’ utilization rate). It correctness and credibility of the model developed. Thus,
was discovered that as the utilization rate was less than the developed HTCPN model was validated to check
1(100%), the queue was reduced to the minimal, but as the whether it represents the system under consideration by
utilization rate tended towards 1(100%), the queue began comparing the output of the simulated Restaurant food
to increase. So, it can be deduced that queues can build up serving process (that is, increase in the number of customer

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272

arrival at each serving point and servers utilization rate) statistically, there were no significant differences between
with the absolute values of the actual system (from input the simulated and the real average values at 5%
data gotten from direct observation at the system) significance difference level. Figure 6 displays the
Simulated and the actual customers’ average flow validation result of the developed HTCPN model. Hence,
time and servers’ utilization rate were used for statistical the developed HTCPN model of the restaurant food serving
analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences process is valid and accurately represents the restaurant
software (SPSS) version 20.0. Table 8 shows that under consideration.

Table 8: Statistical Analysis summary of the Validation Results of the Developed Model

Variable t-value p-value Remark

Pair 1 -1.438 0.224 the p-value is discovered to be greater than 0.05, which implies
Simulation_flow_time - that there is no significant difference between the real data and
Real_flow_time simulated data (customers’ flow time) at a 5% significant level

Pair 2 -2.449 0.07 the p-value is greater than 0.05, which implies that there is no
Simulation_utilization_rate - significant difference between the real data and the simulated
Real_utilization_rate data (servers’ utilization rate) at a 5% significant level


Flow time (Seconds)



40 flow time(seconds)
utilization rate(%)

simul real simul real simul real simul real simul real
Monday,135 Tuesday,184 Wednesday,199 Thusday,170 Friday,160
Days with Number of served Customers

Figure 6: Validation Results of the Developed HTCPN Model

simul = Simulation value
real = Real value

Latifat Adeola Odeniyi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 262 - 272


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