Syllabus 2021 Tierra Opemgt
Syllabus 2021 Tierra Opemgt
Syllabus 2021 Tierra Opemgt
A leading green institution in higher and continuing education committed to engage in quality instruction, development-oriented research,
MISSION OF THE INSTITUTION sustainable lucrative economic enterprise, and responsive extension and training services through relevant academic programs to empower a
human resource that responds effectively to challenge in life and acts as catalyst in holistic development of a humane society.
The college aims to perform the four mandated functions: instruction, research, extension and training, and production effectively, efficiently
and economically through:
a. Promoting and sustaining quality instruction;
b. Enhancing and sustaining green research and development activities;
c. Promoting educational, socio-cultural and economic advancement by developing collaboration, relationship and partnership with local
communities and the nearby provinces and regions;
d. Expanding and leveraging fiscal resource by pursuing sustainable, alternative resource/revenue development projects and activities; and
Promoting proper utilization of resources and strengthening commitment to excellence through employment satisfaction, recognition and
quality work management.
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1. Complete understanding of the concepts, principles and the theories of Financial Management;
2. Develop an understanding of the external environment which affects financial institutions and business organization;
3. Help the student seek employment and assume entry-level jobs or positions of responsibility as financial analyst, financial manager,
PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES executive, and teaching career or graduate studies in business.
(PEO) 4. Design business research through the utilization of financial tools;
5. Draw sound decision using analytical tools and perspectives in the analysis of financial reports; and
6. Adhere to the values of integrity, professionalism, teamwork, transparency, accountability and social responsibility in the practice of their
PROGRAM OUTCOMES (PO) PO1. Perform management functions operationally and competently.
1.1 formulate action plans to address business concerns
1.2 analyze various organizational structures and make suggestions for improvement
1.3 organize classroom-based lectures
PO2. Innovate business ideas based on emerging industries.
2.1 examine business opportunities for possible business development
2.2 propose product or service ideas to potential investors
PO3. Use appropriate tools to solve business problems.
3.1 identify workplace and organizational issues and problems
3.2 apply scenario planning, simulation, SWOT analysis, etc. in addressing issues and solving problems
3.3 analyze and compare which approaches or tools are appropriate to use given the situation
PO4. Demonstrate a sense of corporate citizenship and social responsibility when making individual and team decisions.
4.1 utilize individual and team groupings to identify the effects of business operations to the community
4.2 propose a plan of action to mitigate the ill-effects to the environment of business decisions
4.3 involve students in extension activities to afford them a sense of social responsibility
PO5. Apply ICT skills as required by the business environment.
5.1. use of computer software in financial analysis and decision-making
5.2 utilize multi-media in communicating to internal and external stakeholders
PO6. Exercise moral and ethical standards when making decisions.
6.1 apply laws, rules and regulations in making business decisions
6.2 propose activities, projects and programs that promote the welfare of the majority of the stakeholders
PO7. Communicate clearly in oral and written forms.
7.1 convey information through proper communication protocol
7.2 utilize different types of information technology as a medium to communicate one's ideas
7.3 apply basic concepts in business letter writing, reports and other forms of business communication
PO8. Practice gender sensitivity.
8.1 acknowledge individuals regardless of gender preference and orientation
8.2 act and communicate in gender-sensitive manner
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8.3 practice equal representation of women in leadership and community involvement
PO9. Show sense of patriotism in words and in deeds.
9.1 demonstrate love and compassion to others
9.2 conduct business operations that promote the welfare of the individual
PO10. Conduct business research.
10.1 apply scientific process in conducting business research
10.2 produce green researches related to product or service innovation, financial management and other business
related areas
10.3 utilize research results in making business decisions.
The course deals with the production and operations management.
Activities creating goods and services take place in all organizations. Production is the creation of goods and services and operations
management is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs. It becomes imperative that all
business leaders and manufacturers to be innovative in searching ways to attain efficiency in managing available resources and in transforming
inputs into desired outputs.
The course covers topics on the basic concepts and principles of production and operations management, the reason of studying
operations management, the major economic problems of production management and critical decisions of operations management, production
and operations management: past and present, basics of productivity, factors affecting productivity, effects of productivity improvements,
decisions theory, models and their classifications, production system, analytical methods and other relevant topics which are discussed in
Philippine context and supplemented by case method for in depth critical and analytical thinking. And the provision of creating fishery and other
possible products for actual application of concepts learned with consideration to available local raw materials can farther deepen students’
insights and future income generating opportunities.
(enumerate at least 6 outcomes that are aligned to the BTI/BGI
At the end of the course, the learners are expected to:
CO 1 Understand the meaning and nature of Production Management and discuss how it evolved as a science.
CO 2 Explain the crucial role of productive systems and the new trends in Operations Management in our modern society
CO 3 Learn and discuss the concept of productivity, factors/resources of production, the factors affecting productivity, and demonstrate acquired
COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) knowledge through related class projects/requirements.
CO 4 Discuss the effects of productivity improvement to workers, consumers, management, government, and country as a whole
CO 5 Understand the meaning of model, its classification and be able to give examples
CO 6 Explain the generalized production system and gain insights on the various production processes particularly on the popular products of the
province like sugar, starch, beer, coconut candies, and others.
CO 7 Learn the nature scope, and types of production processes, plant location, and the factors to consider and alternative choices in choosing
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PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
CO 1 Understand the meaning and nature of Production Management and
discuss how it evolved as a science. X X X X X
CO 2 Explain the crucial role of productive systems and the new trends in
Operations Management in our modern society X X X X X X X
CO 3 Learn and discuss the concept of productivity, factors/resources of
production, the factors affecting productivity, and demonstrate acquired knowledge X X X X X X X X X X
through related class projects/requirements.
CO 4 Discuss the effects of productivity improvement to workers, consumers,
management, government, and country as a whole X X X X X X X X X X
CO 5 Understand the meaning of model, its classification and be able to give
examples X X X X X X X
CO 6 Explain the generalized production system and gain insights on the various
production processes particularly on the popular products of the province like X X X X X X X X X
sugar, starch, beer, coconut candies, and others.
CO 7 Learn the nature scope, and types of production processes, plant location,
and the factors to consider and alternative choices in choosing location. X X X X X X X X
(Ref DM: Constructive Alignment
1. Attendance in all class activities
2. Active participation in class activities / deliberations
3. Pass all Quizzes / Unit Tests (Online and Face-to-Face Approach)
4. Passing the Mid-term and End-term examinations
5. Submission/Completion of Term Paper / Project
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Approved Grading System for Carousel Classes (S.Y. 2020-2021)
VPAA Memo.No.9, series of 2020 (August 18, 2020)
(General Education FINAL GRADE PASSING
/Professional Educ/Major EVALUATION GRADE
Formative Assessment
Quizzes, Tests 40% 40%
Project/Output/Laboratory 20% 20%
Class Participation 10% 10%
50% MTG + 50% 75 %
Summative Assessment ETG Passing
30% 30%
3. Cite teaching-
learning situations
attuned to the
ideals of Gender and
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can be able to: PRODUCTIVITY - Synchronous
A. Concept of online
1. Explain the consultation
concept of - Case study
productivity and - Research works
factors of production. B. Factors of
2. Identify the critical Production handouts-
- PowerPoint quiz
factors that affect - Labor
productivity. - Digital notes - Homework/
- Capital (flash drive) Assignment
- Land
- Raw Materials
- Energy
- Management
B-1. - Labor
- Capital Productivity
- Land Productivity
- Raw Materials
- Energy Productivity
- Management
Productivity and
Total Productivity
- Meanings
- Examples
C .Factors Affecting
After completing the Topic No. 5: 6 hrs. - Asynchronous Youtube
topic, the students lecture - Electronic -Short - Google Meet
can be able to: EFFECTS OF - Synchronous handouts Quiz/Chapter
PRODUCTIVITY online -PowerPoint quiz
- Obtain consultation - Digital notes Homework/Assi
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deeper IMPROVEMENT - Research works
knowledge - To Workers
of the - To Consumers
various - To Management
effects of - To Government
productivity - To Country as a
to workers, whole
Criteria in measuring (flashdrive) gnment
effectiveness - Reaction post
and country
in general
and criteria
in measuring
After completing the Topic No. 6: 4 hrs. - Asynchronous
topic, the students Models lecture
can be able to: A. What is a model? - Synchronous - Electronic
online handouts
B. Classification of consultation - PowerPoint
-define, classify
model and give Models & Examples - Research works - Digital notes -Short
examples. - Graphics Model (flashdrive) Quiz/Chapter Youtube
- Pictorial model quiz - Google Meet
- Schematic Model Homework/
- Physical Model Assignment
- Mathematical Model
- Simulation Model
C. Uses of Model
Page 9
System online handouts/
- Familiarize - Schematic Model consultation - PowerPoint
generalized - Research works - Digital notes quiz
- Production - Youtube
production (flashdrive) Homework/Assi
Processes - Google Meet
system and gnment
a. Starch
samples of b. Sugar
c. Beer
Others {Selective}
After completing the Topic No. 8: 2 hrs. Asynchronous - Electronic
topic, the students lecture handouts
can be able to: Scope of Production - Synchronous - PowerPoint
online - Digital notes -Short
- Processes
- explain the
- Nature of
consultation (flashdrive) Quiz/Chapter - Youtube
nature or - Research works quiz - Google Meet
processes. Processes -Homework/
- Types of Assignment
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1. Modern Production Management
by Elwood Buffa
2. Production and Operations Analysis (3rd Edition)
by Steven Nahmias
3. Production and Operations Management
by Stevenson
4. An Introduction to Operations Management (8th Edition)
by Jay Heizer and Barry Render
REFERENCES 5. Production and Operations Management
by Raymund Mayer
6. Management
by Stoner
7. Business Policy in an Asian Context
by Soriano and Nehrt
8. Linear Programming (5th Edition), C2013
by Saul I. Gass
9. Newspapers, magazines, manuals, internet, clipping, etc.
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